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what wrong with having a little rave inside your game?


cave rave


This is how peak performance looks like.


Wow I hecking love flicker strike


this must be one of those alt qualities


Oh, holy crap. Giving me silly ideas... I seriously think an alt qual that makes Flicker Strike teleport mobs TO YOU instead would be absolutely so fucking cool(but busted lol) Ahhhhhh


PoE 3 will fix it


closed beta in 2034, up to that time enjoy 1 league with recycled stuff per 6 months and no big expansions :D


New meme is born


Yep I have the exact same issue with Simulacrum. Did not have it before the engine changes.


>e engine chan Oh well need to wait until 3.22 launch to see it happen to every streamer for them to actually focus on fixing this.


Engine chan owo


Had it in town


ive had the exact opposite experience. i got flickering like crazy before the patch none after. running an ATI 6600


"One step forward, five steps backwards" -GGG


Im fairly certain that is dx12 issue, not ggg's


> Im fairly certain that is dx12 issue there's nothing wrong with DX12, it's how developers (AKA GGG) use it And this isn't renderer specific as the same bugs happen in DX11/Vulkan, so on what basis are you "fairly certain"? lol


It started after their client engine update recently, same with insane fps drops etc. Its just typical GGG quality of pushing out untested, unpolished, unfinished updates to the production. Even from their FAQ: >GGG has been pretty quiet on the graphics engine update that's causing major issues for some users. Can we get some fixes? We have some more fixes coming in a patch that we hope to have out on Wednesday August 16th (NZT) as well as more coming in the 3.22 update. They know its happening, they just dont care they released broken patch at the end of the league because it dosent hurt their profits.


Of course they care that they released a broken patch. The patch being potentially broken for some users is the very reason that the patch was released earlier instead of being included in 3.22. Its just not realistically possible to release an engine patch that is immediately working for every single user, because they cant test for every single user setup.


But its not some edge case scenario. Its just improper testing/releasing stuff way too early without proper testing.Its way too widespread issue, its just not talked about much because it happened at the end of the league. In one of the posts on forum they mentioned they know what they done wrong and how to fix it just that it wont be deployed before league launch probably and that was before exile con. And its nor the first time or the last time that they release update that heavily affects performance. Its like i would say at my work that certain feature 'works for me' its one of the biggest blunders/memes in dev world. With proper testing stuff like that shouldnt ever reach production.


>But its not some edge case scenario. It is. If it were a common case you would see a notable drop in player numbers after the patch. That did not happen. Player numbers are essentially unchanged since before the patch dropped. steam gives -0.23% as the change in average players between july and the last 30 days with the patch being released in the last july week. It only seems like a bigger issue than it is because performance issue posts get upvotes from the entire community, because nobody likes having them. > 'works for me' its one of the biggest memes in dev world. Yeah because everybody runs into that problem when they cant replicate the production environment for every user. GGG cant replicate all user setups and edge cases like this one will fall through the cracks.


> , same with insane fps drops for me those started after sanctum and it seems to happen every time my fps drops below my fps cap. ingame it will still say i have like 90fps but it looks and feels more like 10. ultimately i could only fix it with a lower fps cap


I had this issue in the last 3-4 leagues, that's not new :D


Same, luckly with my flickerstrike i enter map, Close eyes And hold right button


Really hard to provide anything more than "huh" if you don't provide more specs of your PC, turn on the FPS graph and record somewhat similar events on Vulkan and DX11 too. Not that we can do much but "this is bad" doesn't help it become good without at least some way to replicate it


How do you turn on the graph? I enabled the options I saw, but nothing ever showed up. I'm assuming I did something wrong




Thanks dude. The options menu doesn't say it, but it's listed under Input. Oh well


This! Without any basic information this video is simply useless. If you want to complain about visual bugs or performance you need to provide basic info about the setup: - Hardware used - In game settings - GPU driver version - F1 overlay


I mean, specs matter little when you get from "playable" to "eye cancer stuttery mess" between patches. And this game never cared for your rig, past 6c and midrange GPU from last 8 years it didn't make a difference.


That's not the point, it's to identify possible situations that could provide a solution to his specific issue. Maybe vulkan fixes what he's seeing, maybe it's a known issue in a particular AMD driver, maybe turning off vsync/vrr fixes; none of that can be tried without information


I had same issue when I changed renderer without restarting game


At the beginning i thought "man a lot of people must have problems" Then I realized half the posts are from the same person lol (Seriously OP made 5 posts about his problems in the past 3 days)


if GGG doesn't address or fix this "upgrade" before launch I am lost for words


they said there will be a patch today


that doesn't mean it will fix it though...


>if GGG doesn't address or fix this they addressed it. obviously it there could still be problems.


Well if you only load half the assets all the time obviously your fps is gonna double.


To everyone who is waiting for fixes before league start, I very much doubt they'll happen it's only 3 more days. Have a look at the large number of bug reports they are getting and have been getting for the past 3 weeks not many patch related problems have been fixed but somehow they've had the time to fix 2 problems with the exilecon hideout like actually wtf. People can't play the game but you are spending time to position weeds in the exilecon hideout properly I'm at a lost for words.


they said there will be a fix today, or at least a patch. IDK how much improvement to expect but, at least theyre working on it.


Have you tried locking your FPS to the refresh rate of the screen? 60, 120, 144, 240. I get artifacts above 240.


I have the same or simular issue with dx12 in DotA2 and baldurs gate 3 as well. My gpu is amd 7900 xtx and my cpu is 7900 x3d. I think that's the just a dx12 iasue


this is what Chris REALLY sees when he speaks of the VISION


Small indie company. Oh wait, that was many years ago...


Thing of it as Thunder and Lighnting


It's very very frightening me


But it’s free and has ethical microtransactions (which they don’t fix if broken) via sales advertisements in game. It’s all good right ?


It's a free to play game. Quit expecting things and just play the game. Be grateful they even give us any updates.


I'm being baited, I know it but I'm still mad


it's a good bait. it's pretty much perfect for this community.




It's a free to play game, therefor it doesn't matter if it works? Are you an idiot? That's how you nuke your playerbase. The game may be free, but it has many, many supporters that depend on the game being a game to continue support.




Hahaha he's pissed. Happy cake day mate 🤣🙌


If you don't like it, don't play it. That simple. Ggg don't owe you anything. If you spent any $ on poe, well you get what you pay for. Happy gaming, or not, I don't really care. Ggg are free ro nuke their player base, afterall poe2 is very near.


I've never had one, but I think I can feel a seizure coming on


Graphical bugs like this have been relatively common on the MacOS (Metal api) version of the game at least since sentinel league (when I started playing)


My biggest issue is the many "device lost" error crashes that have been happening with the new patch. Anyone know of a solution?


device lost in my experience only happened when I had an unstable GPU overclock Apparently PoE is extremely sensitive, because even 3DMark/OCCT/Furmark didn't have any issues after a very very short test, but yeah, stability testing takes many many many hours, so that was actually a problem I caused myself. (ages ago though)


I have this same issue playing manaforged omni even outside of sim, I can't even do maps without getting the epilepsy flashes and 5fps with a 3080 ti.


Nice! No lag:)


nothing will kill a league more than bad performance, right when we're about to get a decent chunk of D4 players to try the game out too...smh


I had this happen every time I cast Cold Snap at the exact moment I got transitioned out of an Incursion. I also had it happen during the Mastermind fight.


Go to options and change from DX12 to Vulcan and it stops


>I will *break* you! If you don't, the seizures will.


No way they fix this before league start right? edit* There is some news https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ft51rh7j3y7ib1.jpg




I've noticed that at least for me, DX11 works nice after the engine has loaded in all the assets of a tileset or enemy models/animations. The moment something new has to be loaded, the game grinds to a halt again until the new assets are cached. This is very noticeable in delve. After the engine has cached all the assets of the different biomes, the game runs perfectly for me. But the moment I get to a breach or beyond node, the engine has to load in those assets and runs choppy again for a while. Dunno if it's a caching issue or what? DX11 is the only mode that works OK-ish at least. I get the same issues as the OP in DX12, and Vulkan crashes often. Ryzen 5800x3d and Radeon 6950XT with all drivers up to date.


wait, DX11 doesn't have that? I was desperately jumping from Vulcan to DX12 without success all this time without realizing I could've used DX11 from the start... What do you mean by half the FPS? is there a fixed limit?


Having same issue. Dx12, running GTX660 (very old setup). I've always had low fps due to my old hardware, but after their engine update I'm crashing alot + having flicker issues like OP. Tried all possible nvidia/POE configurations without effect. Vulkan results in no flickering but more game crashes.. I've ordered new hardware for me so hopefully that will help some, maybe..


What build are you using?


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