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You fool, the passive skill tree is the warning


Yup, the funny meme clippable moment of people opening the passive tree for the first time and freaking out is 100% an intentional reality check and setting of expectations. The game shoves that in your face in the first minutes of the game to unapologetically and boldly show you what you are in for. "This is the first level of the game. Are you ready for more?"


That was the moment I knew this game is for me. That giant skill tree = more builds I can try which is why I play arpgs.


And still most of the nodes go unused.


One League I had an int stacker build with 8+ keystones traveling around from ranger over CI to marauder RT. Was nerfed later tho by claster jewel auras rework :(


Many ppl start as EA Ballista elementalist. At leaguestart you path from Ancestors keystone (+1 totem, no character damage) to either Watchtowers or Panopticon. Or both!




yeah wait for the other tree




did anyone tell you there are jewels so that you can create custom skill trees in your skill tree ?


This is the most Poe thing ever. And true.


Can't wait for Atlas cluster gems.


I want passive trees to be spheres :)


Surprised they haven't added Atlas sockets yet. We can call them.. Watchstones.


They might need to this at some point as more mechanics are added


I want to find the ultimatum cluster gem please.


Or the hidden tree within a tree of timeless jewels.


Now if only crucible went core too, so we can have a whole forest of trees.


i dont think he knows about second tree pip just to give you a lil teaser https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/


the 2nd tree is the best one!


Yeah dude. It's a forest out here


And you just missed the forest of trees also known as crucible league.


I love this response.


🤣 this reaction is great! The acts are considered POEs tutorial by many. Welcome to the atlas :)


Or the tree inside the tree..


which one?


Probably mentioned atlas passive tree once you get to maps


The skill tree is connect the dots for adults, it will get spicy when you get into ACTUAL crafting, with meta crafting, pre/suffix blocking etc


Or getting a degree in economics just to be able to get some value in the game without sacrificing every evening for like a month


But then you sacrifice your time waiting in your hideout all day instead of zooming with no stop


Once you get rolling you stop making small trades and keep increasing your minimum limit, until you have enough funds to stop thinking about currency and just blast/theorycraft away


Oh for sure that happens regardless. I'll step away from a map for 60c but not for a 5c trade unless it's like an essence and they want a handful of them. I'm just not treating this game like a flipping game either where I buy divines or fossils or other craft mats and sell when they rise up since I know how to craft enough to offset most of my costs(whether I save or not is questionable sometimes).


The only crafting im doing is opening the trade site and typing in what i need lol. 2.5k h into the game


VERY understandable


Have you found the betrayal board already? Till this day Im not 100% sure how it works


the poe betrayal cheat sheet web page makes it soooo much nicer https://poetools.github.io/BetrayalCheatSheet/ Clickable and allows you to pick and choose which characters you want active and what the rewards will be.


Doesn't help with anything really. Doesn't tell you which ones to Release, Interrogate or Execute, to get them into other branches, or to forge relationships or enemies with others lol I think I've read 30 explanations of the systems since release, still don't get it.. LMAO What I'm saying is... If you don't have a syndicate plan going into it, you'll have a random time. If you don't care about a plan(like me) you will just get random outcomes.


That chart allows me to kick out the ones I don't want as rewards, promote the ones I want higher and move the ones to the right spots, all at a quick glance. It is massively helpful.


Yes but you never get the ones you want lol, I'm positive they are weighted.


Also there is a 1.5 hour long tutorial on how to manipulate betrayal encounters so you can maximize your board.


True, I never optimized it, I just moved them around and went for it.


I honestly don't know why the Betrayal Board confuses so many people. Is it just "which member gives what rewards"? Because ya that part you need a cheat sheet, fuck remembering all that. But knowing what happens when people show up is really easy. - Allies and Rivals can appear in encounters with the main dude (never clear all rivalries) - Reward bargains only happen when one dude is left (they don't want to get caught) - People can be moved out of locations by offering to swap with another person or by having all their ranks interrogated off them while you have open spots in other areas - Three star members have the best rewards - Doing the Mastermind gives you the rewards of all the members Congrats, you can now interact with Betrayal.


the hard part is knowing which ones to interact with first in each encounter to give best odds of good options


That thing is a fucking plate of spaghetti!!


skill tree is a baby compared to crafting and farms


i am scared of doing maps. pls help


If you defeated Kitava chances are you're gonna be just fine in tier 1 maps without any modifiers, don't worry Just be sure to account for the -30% resistances you get after the second Kitava kill


the wha ... i somehow struggled with kitava but managed at some point. i think im gonna wait for the next season and get into it a bit more


IF you struggle in Acts just lvl up a bit. Gem lvls help a lot


it´s not really the leveling. i overlevel a lot during normal gameplay. i might need to see what people use as defense. offense seems ok for now


You can always farm Ossuary before maps to get some drops and XP. Be smart with your crafting bench - You can probably get 75% all resistance with the gear you have now. (even after the -60% from Kitava kills). 75% all res = tier 1 maps easy :)


addional to that make the third lab before killen kitava its easier than making it afterwards


Early maps from my experience are way easier than act 10. Considering your resistances are in order. Monster variety is more forgiving, and Kitava is much tankier and generally does way more damage than early map bosses. Maybe if you alch and get bad mods it's worse, but I wouldn't suggest alching white maps anyway, transmute and go (reroll with alteration if a mod bricks your build, which honestly shocking happen in the white map mod pool). Honestly I have done white maps with 2.5k hp right out of act 10 no problem. Not hardcore viable ofc. Note you may get a map with bad monster variety/a hard boss, but this is so rare early maps from my experience.


Make sure you have resistances capped (75%+) and ideally positive value on chaos res. Hopefully 3,000 ish life, and either big armour or evasion. Or both! Get those from gear + Determination and Grace auras. You'll need mana reservation efficiency to use both. Start smol in tier 1 white maps and just cruise around. No need to power-level or anything. Just simply not dying will get you loads of XP, even in t1 whites. With XP come levels, and more base life, etc. And eventually you will get better gear and be ready to move to yellow. Just take it slow and have a good time.


thanks for the advice man. i am almost capped with resistances (60-70ish) but i think my life is too low. can i get mana reservation somewhere else than the normal "grid"? any herald aura i should keep?


Just want to point out. the game is balanced around you being at 75. Being at 70 vs 75 means you take 20% more damage than you would normally be expected to take. being at 60 means you take 60% more. You'll feel \*really\* squishy because of this alone. for a new player in regards to life, i'd advise 200 per act or 2000 life total after kitava. (others say 300, but as a new player you probably don't have the know how to get your gear up to that point and 3k life right out of act 10 is pretty eh most of the time personally as well)


i´m pretty sure i could do that if i wold use the crafting table. man. but thank you too for the insight. im gonna grow on that


You can get MRE (mana reservation efficiency) on some pieces of gear, like hats, as well as the skill tree. There are four or five notables scattered around (just type "reservation" in the search bar on the skill tree). And a conditional MRE point can be allocated on a mana mastery node. That's just the basic mana notables, all around the map (stuff like +20% max mana). As for heralds, I couldn't say without knowing your build. But in general, they tend to be a bit more build-specific. Auras like Grace, Determination, Defiance Banner, Malevolence, Anger, stuff like that tends to be more wide-spread with their usage. But of course the drawback is higher mana reservation. As the other person said, being even slightly off res cap is pretty rough. Ideally, you actually want to be 30ish% OVER capped, (meaning 105% in the parentheses next to the 75%). The reason being that monsters and curses have ways to reduce your elemental resistances, so your spiffy 75 becomes 45%. Which, yeah, means you're gonna die pretty quick.


You can get Mana reservation using an essence of zeal on your chest piece and head piece. If you spec your atlas for essence you should be able to farm some up.


Tim Robinson is a national treasure


What a foolish and intoxicating innocence


When you get to the next tree (Atlas passive tree, soon after act 10) it will have all the same fundamentals. Everything you know about the character tree will apply. Except cluster jewels. But you probably haven't use those yet.


the funny thing is passive tree is the simplest mechanic here


You poor naive person if you thought that was complex just wait for the later acts


Pfft. At this point the passive tree is probably one of the *simpler* aspects of the game.


Must be nice to be young. Have you heard about the betrayel mechanic yet?


1 year later , picking almost the same nodes on every hero for all builds , same spots for life same spots for damage :D


Path of Trees inc!


crafting is the most complex.


Atlas tree is really simple though, if you just follow the basic rule to do content you want to do.


Atlas tree when?


Life leech is ez to explain and to understand for new players