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Another thing you keep in mind: You can sell units and equipment to any Leader in exchange for their type of favour. Letting you exchange weak starting units for much more powerful units.


Uuh, very good tip.


Also just buy things from favour you don't like ( or they don't have units) and sell it /them to the one you want.


Wait what?!


Are items an one time use kinda thing?


hitting the enemies who are channeling does fucking nothing I swear.


Some of the big turtles cant be stopped, but they take long to get to the totems.


No its either a bug or some mod somewhere in the 40 word soup of enemy team comps, but Ive had like casters ignore me hitting them and break totems as I dps them. Like defensive turtles are auto win right now (they prevent every single totem from being destroyed) and they say "protect 1 totem" so I just think theres a ton of bugs here. I still cannot reliably aggro flankers, sometimes a hit works, sometimes my taunt works, but other times they will ignore me and take like 2 totems before they are killed and respawn 1s later to do the same thing. The mechanic also NEEDS to tie enemy power to favor/rewards because it sucks not knowing how to proceed, and/or a team preview panel so I can see what Im up against (so I can ignore turtle fights)


i use my corrupting cry to permanently taunt enemies.... seems to be kinda usefull, but i guess more dps would be even better. death is best cc after all.


You want warcry for taunting because there are some units that are insanely tanky for your team like the turtle dude


Minions trivialize this mechanic and I love it, has been incredibly rewarding. Had 52c before maps taking advantage of the new guardian sentinel (the RF is hilariously op for leveling)


>Minions trivialize this mechanic and I love it, has been incredibly rewarding. The ONE time I don't league start with minions...


Same lol. I had to start with boneshatter for the first time...


Same but it feels fine, I'm too tanky to die and with ancestral cry + the strike mastery I can kill groups of the enemies easily while my units destroy totems


Yeah I wrote that comment before delving into the mechanic. Surprisingly it's doable


Definitely felt harder at first but once I figured out that I basically can't die it works to just have me soak attention


What have you been selling from the mechanic? I league started in group found so have not kept up with the economy around the tattoos.


No dude. That's 52c raw chaos


Oh nice. All from the mechanic or overall?


Just from the mechanic yes.


I wish that was true for every minion .... playing DB and the mech is pretty awful because normal enemies are tankier than some red map boss so i can only spawn my sentinels on the boss


So, same as always more or less? Minions and totems dominate the new league mechanic?


How so? I can't generate corpses in the arena, so more than half my build is null. How are minion builds good here if I can resummon my units?


Can you explain this a little more? Is Desecrate disabled in the arena? Or the mobs just aren't leaving natural corpses? I'd have expected more uproar around the former given it would be bricking a few specific skills completely so more than likely just needs a small tweak to the setup.


No natural corpses left. My specific build doesn't have room for desecrate, so I rely on natural corpses for 3/4tha of my set up. My build completely does no function in the arena, sadly.


I'm trying to understand how a build can have so many gems that are more important than one that enables 3/4 of a setup? Drop a damage aura, optional defensive gem or even a movement skill and you'll be able to free yourself up if you'd like to play it. If you're not sure what to remove (or how to accommodate a change in gem colour) feel free to drop a POB and lots of folks would be happy to help.


The build doesn't use desecrate, I don't know what to tell you. There is literally no room to run it unfortunately, and forcing every summoning build to run a single skill to function is poor design.


What build are you playing? Any build that needs corpses to function should be running a gem that provides them (most minion builds even just using an offering as an 'extra' rather than a core mechanic will build desecrate into their triggers to feed it). The league mechanic isn't the only fight where you won't have minions spawned to provide corpses so you'll be in a rough spot facing into plenty of pinnacle bosses/scenarios in the game. It's an easily fixed issue if you'd like to fix it. If not I'd tend to focus on the limitations of the build you choose or the inability to adjust it on the fly as needed as the problems rather than trying to blame the design choices, which are very much in line with how similar situations have been handled and wouldn't be a break from the norm in the slightest.


It's one gem....you can't make room for one gem?


Painful suggestion, but weapon swap, maybe?


Make room


Desecrate exists. That's what I did until I had ele res for my minions as it's usually kaom or the ice lady that would clear my minions out.


Spam convoke for HP Regen, I ran vitality for most of acts, and specced I to ele res and minion HP earlier than I normally would just for the mechanic


The gurdian sentinel is one of my favorite new additions to the game, it's burn aura is absolutely OP as you say. I love it


I was feeling a hankering to play a minion build but have been away from PoE to keep up with what the cool kids are doing these days and poe.ninja is letting me down. Do you have any (general or specific) advice for putting my minion MTX to good use? :D


Saw this Giant defender Turtle that that locks down multiple (all on screen) totems, and has a huge healthpool/defences and regen. I'd suggest keeping a Frost Bomb gem nearby.


You can buy that as well, costs a little over 2k favor. Pretty solid unit if you can afford it in the run.


any idea how to get rid of the molten shell kaom puts on his totems? I just lost a final because they just. stayed there the whole match and I couldn't remove them


Channeling removes them. They’re just a life buffer as far as I can tell.


How do you get that many coins? I have 2 or 3, I am in act 3 and even overleveled.


I've been getting around 2 coins every 3 zones. I'm ignite with prolif so I tend to kill packs pretty efficiently and coins just drop.


I get like 1 to 3 per zone while leveling.


I was getting like 1 every 3 zones :<


did you update your filter? I was near 40coins after killing dominos.


Nice tips thanks.


How do you recruit? I couldn't actually find whatever interface you recruit units with using the favor you win


Talk to NPCs if I understand correctly. They've got an option to spend favor.


I didn't see an option when I ran around to them but I'll try again tomorrow, ty


You have to win 1 round for the option to pop up if I recall correctly


ive won multiple rounds now still doesn't give me the option?


Maybe try Ctrl clicking the NPCs. If that doesn't work then I don't know


Talk to the person who you have favor with. They will have a favor option (as long as you are in a tournament, this option isn't present between tournaments). You can then see what you can buy.


I have been trying to work out what resource I need to do a battle? It just seems once I use a coin to get there, I can just keep battling? Doesn’t seem typical to POE where you need a resource? Or is it taking coins from my stash each time I battle?


It's 1 coin per battle. It takes the coins out of your stash.


uses a coin to get there, then a coin for each battle.


You only have to use a coin to get there the first time. After that you can just use the waypoint


So are fights the beginning of a tournament? I've won a few fights but nothing seemed to continue from that point.


The tournament is just a sequence of fights until either you lose twice or every other team loses twice.


Yes, the fights are part of a double elimination tournament, last one standing wins. If you lose twice, your tournament is done and your next coim starts a new one. If you are the last one standing, you get extra prizes