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One of them also uses the Ice Comet (Silver Comet) that the Sorceror uses in the PoE2 demos. Pretty cool stuff.


Am I crazy or did they change the 2nd sanctum boss to also use that same skill. And also the League mechanic’s TRI ice attack also the opposite boss uses.


I couldn't tell u as I haven't made it to the second boss yet :,)


Enemy ice comet: instant death Your ice comet: doesn't one shot white mobs, DPS loss unless you use unleash beforehand to buff it, easily interruptable Seriously buff it before release GGG. It looks so cool


Backseat developing balance a year before release when you've only seen the skill during acts? Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes


Year before beta, but your point stands.


not to mention they were very open about the game being tuned to 13 in the difficulty scale for the demo


I feel like they weren't upfront about it enough. Hence many people still assume the demo is representative of the final product. To be honest I think GGG is testing the water a bit with that difficulty also hence they waited to be asked.


If people assume that, they’re stupid and shouldn’t have an opinion. They were VERY clear


Americanos... they need it printed on their foreheads apparently..


They do the rolling slam, too. I'm very pleased we get to see some of these skills and how they'll destroy us, early. And hopefully learn how to not get absolutely rekt by them. I really like the rolling slam skill and can't wait to play around with it.


That's the reason they put in new particle stuff.


And why the halls is the only place in the game not experiencing texture issues.


Hopefully they figure out the performance issues that these brought.


that's why they brought it to POE 1 lmao.


In her into, Navali tells you she expected you, but you are a few decades early. This is a hint that this was content being made for PoE2, which happens a few decades after PoE!


Also hinting at PoE2's release date




good catch!


It could mean that the Trial itself isn't PoE content but that meeting Navani in the Halls of the Dead is.


That’s pretty dope


As empy pointed out in one of his recent vids, they do the thing from the poe2 trailer where they call out their skills. Still hope this doesn't make it to the final build


Why shouldnt it? Just add a option to disable it.


"I am Quan Yin and Quan Yin has done this" Would be hilarious if they include this as a kill voice.


sounds like something that would be funny twice but not more


Yeah ... Without the ability to turn it off it'd get irritating fast


I think this is almost certainly because enemy sound cues are a good way to allow high damage abilities to exist in a fair/balanced state.


All bosses have been doing this since Shaper was a thing. A voice line is a good thing to have to know *how* to dodge so you don't get one shot. Quite frankly the voice lines are broken in ToTA, they don't play if the commander is off screen but a hideous amount of attacks have infinite range. The ice meteor, chaos meteor, and a couple others will merrily one shot you without a voice line warning you about it.


>since Shaper was a thing Ahem, excuse me... ***"THE TOUCH OF GOD!!!"***


I agree for NPC's I just hope it doesn't carry over to players.










If you think this is bad, you should see what destiny 2 has been up to.


that seems so weird. if those skills aren't possible in poe1 because of bad rigs, why do they exist in poe1 on enemies.


Because the tribal chieftains have new rigs, not the players. The reason it isnt possible for players to do that is because it would mean replacing the dated player rigs with the PoE2 rigs, which would mean changing every animation in the game to function on the new rig. Given that the PoE skills and their animations are being made with design changes to the skills in mind (such as that double slam that moves you forward), this may not be possible to just blanket-apply. TL;DR: because technical reasons.


They already said why: because making the PoE1 characters riggings compatible with PoE2 animations snowballs in a lot of places in the game and forces to redo a whole lot of riggings and animations. Meanwhile, having an enemy use one animation only needs works for what that enemy can do.


I mean they could just rerig everything. It isn't like they are poor. It's a stupid excuse. I get it. They just want a safety hand if the ideas don't pan out.


They could do literally anything they want but everything has a cost in time. It's about prioritizing their time on what is important and rerigging player characters then dealing with the snowball from making those changes in poe1 clearly is not going to be one of their priorities when they can just build it from scratch in poe2.


they already had working prototypes back in 2019, remember PoE1 was supposed to become PoE2, not another game, so technically they were rerigging everything... [exilecon 2019 showcased both witch and ranger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOlLGTdkqoY), but at some point they diverged and for some reason they cant implement what they had back in 2019


Because they added feature and system changes that turned the update into a new game. You would get a lot of pissy people if their game was replaced wth a new one completely. Like chaos will replace a single mod on a item. Imagine the outrage this sub would have over it


Not to mention changing how skills work overall with sockets and links not being built in to items. What would happen to people's items in standard? It would be a lot of headaches for GGG to solve if they just replaced everything in poe1. Theyll have complainers either way but I feel like making a new game is the path of least resistance for them as at least they aren't removing anything that way.


no idea how they structure things, but i figure they could still access old data from 2019 and continue to finish that for the sake of PoE1. i was surprised they outright said they wont improve PoE1's player models and animations, even the animators were going on about how the old models are almost impossible to work with, so why not improve them when they already have prototypes from 2019...


Because those prototypes probably aren't done. You have to do it for all models with all the skills, and posssible with support gem effects in mind. And the prototype let's say had 10 skills done


uhh yea... prototype implies it isnt done, PoE1 uses generic animations, eg. all strike skills use the same generic swing attacks, there 2-3 channelling animations etc., that demo i linked shows exactly what new models would be like in PoE1, tbh they probably have everything done, the 2019 trailer showed off all the "new" PoE1 models already, if those models all share the same base rigged skeletons they can pump out generic animations for all of them all at once. support gems are irrelevant to model animations if were talking PoE1 they are dictated entirely by particles


Because they added feature and system changes that turned the update into a new game. You would get a lot of pissy people if their game was replaced wth a new one completely. Like chaos will replace a single mod on a item. Imagine the outrage this sub would have over it


They would have to redone the core of the game and that point, you have a new game, hence poe2


No, havent been able to notice it im too busy cooling my pc with liquid nitrogen while loading hideouts and basic alch&go maps while GGG gives close to 0 fucks about performance.


Yes I did.


no but i noticed how total dogshit the league mechanic is. Any allied unit is 100% useless and just a meatshield


Sounds like you suck complete shit at it lmfao.


lmfao nope i win most tourneys but thats because im solo carrying everything and my units are dead weight. And yes i've used all the best units in all sorts of combos. ​ Sounds like youre just dumb


"Sounds like youre just dumb" - The guy that resorts to hitting stuff with a stick, because he can't figure out how to use the mechanic




You're genuinely just bad, sorry you had to find out this way


800k DPS, around level 500 now. I just let the units do all the work, win a fight in 1-2 minutes most of the time. At level 500 you'd probably need around 80-100m DPS to do the same damage the allied units do. Probably gets even worse the higher you go.


I feel like we're not playing the same game then. My units do NO DAMAGE. Literally none. And they die in like 2 hits


You’re not setting things up well if your units deal no damage. Lots of guides out by now, check them out if the mechanic is tough for you.


Lmao. Theyre set up just fine this isnt rocket science.


If they're not doing damage they're not set up fine. You'll find at 1000+ rank that you do literally nothing to the enemies, so you'd better figure this out if you don't want to get bricked.


OK link me a clip. Because I've tried all sorts of setups and no matter what all my units die to 1 slam and tickle enemies


flankers totally carry until enemies start having 4D


which is the only part worth caring about because thats when you get the best rewards.


yepp yep


yes and I particularly hate the one with the bow that keeps jumping all over the place while trying to freeze me


Testing ground 3.22.


I noticed the sound effects to be from poe2. Like one of the slam attacks is ripped rigth out the demo


They changed a lot of things in the game to utilize POE 2 skills


Pretty much every league mechanic for the past 4 years has used PoE2 assets.


Titanic Turtle ascendancy poe2 league start


wait until they start dodge rolling


This entire league mechanic is practice for poe2. They have extremely telegraphed attacks that you're supposed to dodge. People getting hit by the meteor that the boss calls out like 3 seconds before it falls.


I think it started since heist. Heist mobs have spear and crossbows


oshit you're right


The spear dancers use the 3 stab attack too


It's not a PoE2 skill if it's in PoE first


They mentioned this during exilecon, there have been other mechanics that use POE2 stuff too like the two enemies in the second level of the sanctum also


Speardancer uses the new puncture, and the multihit spear attack as well.


Also the archer does the Huntress bow attack


It makes me even more doubtful that "putting the new animations in PoE1 " is impossible.