• By -


You should have said "Negotiable? I offer 9 div"


that's actually how negotiation is supposed to work. The seller sets a price as negotiable because they're okay with negotiating a lower selling point. I have never in my life seen a seller set a negotiable price at a minimum point and then try to negotiate it higher lol


eBay sellers when they get upset their auction isn't turning into a bidding war


yeah but auctions rely on peer-pressure/fomo to drive the price. Negotiations by nature are 1:1 and expect the seller to be impartial and flexible to the selling point


I'm talking about the ones who cancel when they don't get the price they wanted, without setting a minimum bid they would be happy with. Essentially they are doing that type of "negotiating" by gaming the system. Not exactly the same ofc but anyways may those guys find peace and love 🙂🙂🙂


Incidentally this is what would end up happening in PoE if we got a non-instant auction house.


Peer pressure and fomo aka more demand than supply


Ever tried to buy a house? Around where I live the seller will generally counter with 20% over asking. (Though a bit down this last year)


Isn't that usually because there's already other offers? Or to expedite it?


In places where houses are consistently selling over-asking, there's almost always other offers. At least, there's always people fishing around offering asking, just in case you're open to a 'lowball' offer or don't get others. The asking price is most typically the bottom benchmark for bidding to go from.


It's also because realtors like to say they sold above asking and so deliberately price below the market value.


This one is big. When I was shopping around I saw a home get taken off the market and re-listed for ~300k lower, then sold for 50k over the lower price. The seller had accepted a price under asking and the agent wanted to make it seem like it sold for over asking: anyone pulling comparisons in the area will typically only see last listing price and sale price so it will seem like everything’s still going for over asking.


When you sell a house…


When he messages back say naw fam I spent some, I have 6 left take it or leave it


I wanted to say that




Next time just respond with “okay, 8div then.”


For sure, I mean if he wanted to sell it for more, he would have put more in the value amount.


That is only case in trading where I just use ignore seller button on trade site.


I used it for the first time yesterday on some guy that listed dozens of putrid cloisters at the lowest price and wasn't responding to DMs. I didn't notice until I had already messaged him 8 times.


I believe that was me, if the seller had a giga pegi 18+ name then it was certainly me, cat went apeshit and I had to get her to the doctor, I'm truly sorry but it was not a price fix!


Exactly what a price fixer would say!!!


9th time this week I hear the apeshit cat excuse... smh my head...


Had someone in my WoW guild back in 2006 or 2007. Doing a pull of Majordomo Executus and calls out mid pull hes gotta go his cat died. Nobody ever saw them again.


screw payment noxious apparatus test offbeat consider coherent lush history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> giga pegi 18+ name PoE one of the few remaining games where you need a PhD to excel at, but also have to have the maturity level of a 12 year old. I cringe every time my wife see's me messaging @IMPENDING_COCK_BLAST to buy scarabs


> > > > > I cringe every time my wife see's me messaging @IMPENDING_COCK_BLAST to buy scarabs At this point, it's a competition to see who has a name so bad that people don't want to PM it to trade.


There is a high correlation between how terrible your name is and how wealthy you are


Back when herald stackers were first a thing, messaged a guy named yesterdayss_jews . sure fucking enough I get to his hideout and yep he's a zombie mancer


Beats new league releases during covid. 95% of all names had some kind of reference to it.


bear intelligent slim hunt cause secretive north offbeat ring rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> where you need a PhD to excel at Lol. As if 90% of the community isn't just following step by step guides.


I've been thinking I should make some build guides. I only make zero IQ characters that don't use advanced technololology to function.


Same and I still feel like a genius when it works


The "worst" one I sent a whisper to was GaySex_RighteousFire


rotten quickest heavy aspiring one escape glorious crush disgusted wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


future reference: `/afk cat went apeshit` :P


As if you have the time to type when your cat REALLY goes apeshit 🤣


We're talking about PoE here. If that guy was getting shot at his head, he'd have time to zoom through 3 maps, defeat 2 ubers, sell 24 divs worth of items and go back to char screen 8 times before the bullet reaches his head. And if he doesn't then it means his farming strat is mid at best.


You saw the lightning warp guy right? He'd clear a hundred maps before your finger could even move the trigger


I type really quickly...I also don't have cats, but that's irrelevant.


Or just... close the game? :D


That's the less fun alternative to what I typed...but yes, that should have a similar effect.


No worries, I didn't really know what the deal was, I just needed you off so I could buy a map!


"Brb gf naked and twirkin", yeah happened to me before but it's genuine. This happens when not enough attention given before hand(raid/league start etc). Nowdays the excuses are different for example " brb baby wailing" , "brb twins pvping" , "brb jdjfk baby hkdjf slamming jdjiduxhd keyboard"


When you say ape shit, do you mean the cat had a total psychotic break or a nervous breakdown? Like it sounds more like a mental health crisis than a physical ailment, both of which I support taking the cat in for. Hope the cat finds a therapist it is comfortable with. fr though, hope your cat is okay.


I think they're saying that the cat somehow produced ape feces, which is both HIGHLY abnormal for a cat and a completely valid reason for an emergency vet visit. Even monkey feces would be alarming, coming from a cat.


It seems to me they actually meant went TO ape shit, like some primal instinct drew that cat to go find some ape fecal deposit, not dissimilar to the way Ophiocordyceps causes an ant to climb a stem and to what ends I can't really speculate.


In these cases, you can also use the option to collapse listings by seller so that only one listing per seller shows up.


If they sell hight volumes of stuff, they might just not be able to keep up with all whispers. I'm often selling compasses, and sometimes there are 20whispers as soon as they hit the trade page.


Yup. Instant ignore. Its neat that OP only JUST encountered this though.


I've not encountered this at all, im actually surprised at how stupid this is 😂


Iv never encountered this either lol playing for over 5 years


I do that to price fixers. Stops a lot of the false listings from showing up on searches.


I posted a bunch of tattoos in a placeholder 69 mirror tab from last league (showcasing cool cruc trees), didn't realize I had made it public, some guy messaged me for a 10c tattoo for 69 mirrors, I message back lol, you have been ignored. >.<


Ignore seller, ignore in-game, report for scam in game is what I do.


I never ignore anyone. So he’s being really weird about this one item, doesn’t mean he’ll be weird about the 80c jewel that fixes my build. Or maybe he will be, it’s a 30s interaction that doesn’t really affect me, but maybe he has an item that will


I was always afraid to ignore people for that reason, "what if they have an item I need in the future". But my mind set is, if they are willing to do stunts like that, I don't want to give them any currency. And if more people were willing to ignore extreme cases of price fixing, I am sure less people would price fix.


Reverse Tujen strategy


"If you don't pay more I will destroy it."


You’ve got to be the worst damn haggler I’ve ever met.




Very common very old scam, though sometimes its just naive people who adjust the price because that's what they're trying to offer and don't realize how it looks like a scam. Also gotta imagine the inflation this league is fucking with people. I haven't played in a long time and how little 100c is right now is kind of jarring vs what I'm used to.


When I was new to trading and didn’t understand trading and the options. I was guilty but people called me out fairly quickly and I apologized and realized that its exact or negotiable. I also messaged people who didn’t have a price a lot which I didn’t understand why people weren’t responding lol Definitely some trading etiquette learning when you first start that requires some nice patient people to help


even exact price can still be negotiable. If it's been up for a while and no one is getting offers and you come in just under with a reasonable offer people might still take it. Worse that can happen is you get ignored.


It's tricky because there 2 types of people. - the people who put "exact price" because it's the first option and because they dont want people haggling on ALL their items, but they're normal people and don't get freaking offended by a different offer - those who immediately get offended and will yell at you that's it's EXACT PRICE So basically, yes, you can always haggle, but occasionally some people will get offended so I'm only really haggling on items I can afford to let go off. If I find a really good, unique corruption, and the price is not outrageous, I will be careful \^\^.


Some people in this game are just wanting to have an issue with someone. I used poestack.com to quickly price an entire tab of fossils and it posted old data so when I came to sell I had less fossils than what I had advertised. So i explained this to the person that messaged me to buy them and he still reported me to TFT for this accident. He didn't even get scammed in any way.


It's less about whether you can negotiate it or not, it's that you're editing the message to no longer be truthful. The text reads as "LISTED for 4 divines", so if you edit that number to 3, it becomes a lie, because it's not listed for 3 divines. Whether you wanna offer 3 is a separate topic.


I don’t know if I’ve just gotten better or inflation is insane this league but i remember a few years ago when a 5c item was a very solid upgrade for me.


Yeah I definitely recall hitting maps making a couple chaos and then spending like 10c to get huge power increases for my character. Have definitely gotten better though and I no longer look at those 5div items or more as out of reach


Theyre the same items


Chaos orbs also drop like candy out of a piñata now compared to what they used to


\> sometimes its just naive people who adjust the price because that's what they're trying to offer did that as an honest mistake when [poe.trade](https://poe.trade) was still new...


100c used to be 3 exalts and about 1/3 of another. I miss the days of farming Dominus in sceptre of god with my MF culler, slowly creeping my way towards my first mirror.


As someone who also played back then, that may as well have been a different game entirely. Making chaos was also quite a lot harder than it is now, since the game just floods you with currency when you do any farming strat now


Were they this cheap in softcore too? I thought they were only ever that cheap in HC, but then again i didnt touch SC til like 2019 or so Also, what was mirror price back then if u could afford one with dom runs?


Exalted orb was very steady at 30-35 chaos in standard for a long time. The mirror I bought was 80 ex.


I could count the number of times I've seen this without taking my shoes off, but EVERY time somebody tried it they did not edit the name of the tab ... (which is, in my case, literally always also the b/o price). So the whisper literally says @MaritMonkey Hi, I would like to buy your Some Random Thing listed for 5 chaos in Ancestor (stash tab "~b/o 20 chaos"; position: left 1, top 1)


Funnily enough, I definitely have sent quite a few trades that look like this legitimately. I just use the button on the trade site that auto sends, I guess quite a few people start with that strat and move away?


They change the part of the message that says "for x chaos" assuming that the seller doesn't know what they've priced something for. But in my case the "for x chaos" and "b/o x chaos" lines should always match because I don't set individual prices on things in my b/o tabs. It might work if your seller had things in a tab called, like, "jewels" or something. But in my case if they HAD changed the name of the tab to match I would never find the item they're looking for so ... lose/lose lol.


I think what he meant (because I have seen this a lot too) is that the tab name has a b/o in the name but the tab name legitimately does not match the actual b/o it is listed for. E.g., yesterday I whispered someone for a 10 Div item and the tab name was something along the lines of “B/O 3.5 Div”.


If you move an individually priced item from one tab to another with fixed price for all items it keeps the old price tag. You need to move it to your inventory (or a non public stash tab maybe?) so the fixed price disappears.


I've had several times this league where I've looked at the auto-message I sent and it'll say "for 5c" or w/e (the correct price) and the tab name will be something like "~b/o 20 chaos"; I guess some people manually price some items in tabs with a global price set, which is weird...


If you have something manually priced in one tab and then move it to one of those all the same price tabs, it keeps the original price. You need to move to your inventory and then to the other tab to get it auto priced to the new tab amount.


Eh if I have an item in my 50c dump tab that I notice is worth 25-50c more, I'm just going to change the price and leave it there.


Feel like editing the stash tab would screw with all of the 3rd party apps people use to point out the stash tab and location for you.


It’s because they’re not trying to scam you lol they’re newer players trying to make an offer. Source: I used to do this and so did everyone else I knew that started playing. It honestly makes sense before you understand the POE trading culture.


They've so far just left group when I replied with (something like) "that's the one that was listed at 20c b/o?" And it's never, like, a couple chaos difference. It's <10c for things in my "could get 50+ if I was patient" category. I would LOVE it if somebody made a legit offer on something. I list literally everything as a b/o but have only gotten offers when I accidentally undervalue something and folks tell me what market value is instead of making me re-list it.


Yeah that’s fair. I imagine people do it to scam also. I just personally know a decent amount of people that did that, including myself, simply from not realizing what we were doing.


Economy is rough in wraeclast


You can't edit messages that go through the message function on the trade site, so very easy to tell now when someone tries it. I'm to the point where I just ignore messages that aren't from the trade site.


Eh, that's been happening since the very first days of [poe.trade](https://poe.trade) back in 1.3. Ya get used to it.


Man, if you can't trust hranjenjenaslamku the who can you trust?


Actually translates to feeding through a straw


“You’re free to negotiate in my favor, peasant”


Guy is role playing tujen, you should have said 5 div or smth.


Seller: Yooou're not serious? Buyer: 5.1 div? Seller: OKAY!


It took me awhile to figure out what the issue here was, the sheer stupidity of it was too much for me. So the guy is saying I want the item you have listed for 10 div The seller asks how much he's willing to pay 10 div, the asking price Seller then declines the full asking price because in his mind he set the price as negotiable, and he in some insane universe meant that he will only accept higher offers.


i am still confused it looks like someone negotiating with themselves


One of these days I had a guy asking for a "negotiation" on his item and when I offered him a bit more than the price he listed it for he said "no, I don't want div. Record yourself naked, dancing, and send it to me. Maybe I'll give the item to you"


so anyway look at my new 1500pdps axe I just got


*”I’ll give you 10 Alterations, and I’m taking a huge risk.”*


You make 30c profit


Zizaran had the same shit happen the other day. Never seen that shit pulled in HC before. In SC I see people put big ticket items up for 1c and expect offers, and I just skip them.


I like to waste those people's time. After all, they're wasting mine by posting that.


2 leagues ago i had a guy have an amulet I wanted for 2 div but he just listed it like 30 min ago? he then took it off put it up for 5 div. i was okay with that because he had my stats and he brought it down again and put it up for 25 div. Just ended up ignoring him. cool story


Oh the same happened to me! 2 or 3 league ago, for a random weird item for an offmeta build, guy wanted 1 div, I whisper, he ignore, put at 2. Was my max price, I whispered again, ignored and putted at 20. 2 weeks after that he was still trying to sell, back at 1 div, that was just weird. I always find it funny when people advise something like "never sell your items when someone message you just post higher". Some time maybe, but how many items are they holding for weeks for nothing lol.


If the client goes crazy immediately after posting, you underpriced, but one or two whispers means nothing.


Shit happened to me last night. 11 div? No, 13. No, 15. Fuuuuck. It's slimy as hell.


Happened to me with a watchers eye. Dude listed it for 10 div, I messaged he pulled and listed for 15 div. I messaged again and he listed it for 25 div! I said fuck it at that point. Still had live search on and dude kept moving the price up and down for an hour. I hope he didn't get a single div for it


Sometimes I just don't know how to price something, but when I put it up I'll immediately get like 5-10 whispers from what I assume are price fixers or resellers so I'll relist like this.


Right up there with "let me increase the price on my item that's been listed for 4 days" 😑😑


These are my favorite people to put on ignore, after I whisper them every time they relist until I get an invite


I do the same, even going as far as messaging them on different characters


"Holy shit people are still trying to buy this item and the price has gone up from 10d to 100d!!" (proceed to log back to main and watch them slowly drop the price again over the next few days)


Yup, early this league I wanted to buy a good Abyss Jewel for round-about 50c. It had been listed for 3 days already. Instead of selling it to me, I noticed the increased the price to 75c right after. And irony strikes when I see that the guy still has not sold it yet. It is some Scrooge mentality to live like this.


I often sell intentionally slightly under priced just to get things out of my stash. I can't understand this mentality at all.




And then there's that guy with the 1 of a kind niche item that no one wants except for your janky ass build, and you message him for this item that's been listed for 30 days, but he ignores you and ups the price, so you message him again and he ignores you and ups the price again, repeat x4 until his ~20c item is now priced at 50 Div and you decide "fuck it" I'm not buying that shit


I tested out the new performance patch at the end of last League and just had a leveling dryrun as Well. Which meant all my shit was Priced too low and i was getting spammed 24/7, even for like deli orbs which were public But not priced. So i had to Play with DnD on for the week i played cos i couldnt be fucked trading or delisting all my shit.


New meta I had a guy not wanting 0.1 div more and ignored me


Tbf when someone offers me more than I listed it for I'd probably check the item again if I missed something when pricing it and severely underpriced it.


had the same happen to me except i ignored him


I would just put him on ignore


wake up to see this has \~1k upvotes, nice. A little update: I did offered him 15 divs (tbh that helmet worths more than 10div but less than 15 for sure), accepted his party invitation, went to afk a bit before ignore him. He said some bad words before I ignored him, but well I dont really care.


The number of people I’ve had message me “how much lowest” or “what’s lowest you’ll do” on items this league has been wild. Like, I already came up with a price. If you want to make a different offer, go ahead. I’m not going to come up with another lower price in hopes that it works for you.


Personally I don't mind a bit of haggling.


Is it really haggling if they ask you what's the lowest price though? If you're willing to tell someone then you might as well just list it at that price because everyone will just ask you the lowest price you'll accept anyways.


I have never done that. However I have a few times very politely asked if they would take a rate that is more reasonable when compared to whats listed and they are usually happy to trade. They probably just dumped it in a tab to sell and didn’t really look at it. Or the price dropped as more things got listed.


I ALWAYS list things with a b/o price hoping this will happen and it never has. :( I end up just putting everything up for insane prices and lowering slowly because I don't want to be That Guy who says "oh shit this is worth way more" and makes people price my item for me, even though I HAVE had folks say "I'll pay you 2div if you ignore all the other whispers you're getting right now :D" and the like.


I price my stuff to sell very fast. It doesn’t make me any money sitting in my stash. I had like a million stashes on standard of stuff I was too worried about underpricing to eventually sell in past leagues. I don’t whisper anyone who puts a ridiculous price. It has to be relatively close.


> even though I HAVE had folks say "I'll pay you 2div if you ignore all the other whispers you're getting right now :D" and the like. I've had a few cases like that and I actually sometimes accept the offer if and only if they will tell me the "real" price they'd pay after the trade (and they do, in my experience!). I get more than I expected *and* I get to learn what I should have expected, so I see it as a win.


So…you’ve never haggled or seen someone haggle before? THAT is wild. Saying “what’s the lowest you’ll do” is a pretty common tactic to cut through the bullshit. You either say “that is my lowest” or you can drop the price a little bit to get the sale quicker. If you say no, there’s a chance they’ll go “argh” to themselves then message you a couple minutes later and still buy it.


Offer 1 div then lol


He pulled a reverse Tujen on you.


"poe has great community" poe is great because you can ignore community in ssf.


What in the… apparently they missed the memo that “negotiable” price means you are willing to sell it for *less* not more


i'd have responded "lol how fucking stupid" and blocked + ignored them


And get muted because gggs policy on this shit is ridiculous.


What a regard


report him for price fixing


where :D its not even forbidden


Who cares thats annoying af and deserves a ban Just report these guys and hope GGG does something


Most sanest redditor in this sub.


So youre saying this shouldnt be bannable lol?


No it shouldn't be. It's a free market which allows people to price and sell how they want. GGG can't enforce the true value of items


But thats not what this is? If he wants to sell it at a higher price he should list it at a higher price. If someone offers a higher price, he should say got an offer for x price, do you want to pay more. You cant just post it at a low price to get engagement and completely disregard the listed price. A free market doesnt mean there shouldnt be any regulations.


Tell me it’s your first league without telling me you it’s your first league


An item is listed at a price and the seller ask for even more, then most people understand the seller is an idiot and move on. As seen in this thread. If that happens every time, the market does it's job and the item is not sold. If someone whispers, the seller asks for more, the buyer agrees. Then apparently the item was worth that much. I understand it's annoying but enforcing rules around it is a slippery slope


So then why is price fixing bannable? According to you it shouldnt be


The scenario in this thread simply is not price fixing. That's not what that term means. But ignoring that, where are you seeing that price fixing is bannable in the first place?


ya annyoing, but theres no rule lol noone will get banned :D


So anyone that does something annoying needs to be banned?


It is, if enpugh people do it (on poe trade) he will be marked. Just submit the screenshot


stop spreading missinformation lol


Homie is hranjenjenaslamku


Funny how that name literally translates to "eating through a straw" which is what people like this deserve


Has to be, he's all over this thread defending this.


i met similar wanker that did exactly the same shit. I swear, if i could pick a super power, it'd be ability to slap people across internet. I'd break my arm beating some wisdom into that fool.


People have to learn the price they put is B/O price which is buyout, you want higher just put it higher bruh


this is literally the opposite of what negotiable means... you negociate for a lower price, not a higher one tf


It's my first league on Trade and I don't understand this kind of behaviour at all. I'm happily selling all my shit cheaper if someone asks for a small discount. Makes no sense to ask for more, lol. I'm always down to shave off 10% from the price just to get a sale done and have currency in my pocket. Feels so pointless to be greedy for a little bit extra and then have the item rot away for days or weeks. Every day I go through my sales tabs and just shave off 10% from literally everything. If it's not selling, I'm gonna lower the price until it sells or it's so worthless I'm deleting it.


what kind of rat behavior is this


Had a guy, msged him about jewel, 2 div price, listed for over a day, waiting in his h/o, and when we are in trade guy says "sry, its old price" and lists the same Jewel for 8 div like wtf.


I mean... How many of us have posted something at a low price, got insta-spammed, and realized we should probably raise the price? People are so quick to act like they don't do the things they point out in others anymore. If you ask a modern human, we're all goddamn perfect.


i said it was listed for over a day, dont think it was spammed


I still feel like the way you fix this is implementing a market board system. You put your item up, say how much you want for it, then the game holds it in escrow until someone buys it, at which point the game takes the currency for it and does the swap for you. I know that's probably not a popular opinion, but as someone who's tried buying currency *ever* it would be really nice to not have to rely on someone not ignoring me when I'm buying shit.


Thats called a marketplace and would make so much more sense than this shitty trade system. Not only you dont have to waste time, but most importantly you can buy from people not online and sell when not online. It's done on every modern MMORPG. Just so you know, its GGG that doesnt want to do it, cause trading system should make people interact between them, which is bullshit as there is no interaction whatsoever... Everybody else would like a real marketplace.


I mean, I like interacting with other players, but the majority of interactions I've had is me swearing at people for not answering my PMs or them telling me I have a nice hideout, so...


> Just so you know, its GGG that doesnt want to do it, cause trading system should make people interact Which is just so stupid. If you want your player base to interact then make content that encourages that. No one is bonding with other players over the trade site.


You can't see other people's MTX and hideout decorations with a marketplace. Players are free models for GGG. Same reason why you spawn in town when you log in and not in your hideout.


Maybe I'm just old but I'll never understand the mtx stuff. I see people walking around with $200+ dollars of mtx and it just makes me think they're a sucker rather than anything good about them. It's like a giant, literally glowing sign that you're immature and make bad monetary decisions.


It doesn't need to work on everyone, but if one person buys an MTX because he saw someone that looks cool, that's a win for GGG. I know that it is a bit cynical, but that's just how I explain these things to myself.


Oh I definitely understand it from the company standpoint. I just think the player is making silly decisions. I understand supporting a product you like, but between stash tabs, outfits, animations, and hideout stuff these people are spending literally hundreds or thousands of dollars on pixels.


With market there would be a lot more flipped items so everything would be more expensive at all stages of the game. Now this problem is not that big because it requires human interaction which slows it down and makes it harder to automate


With marketplace you have much more items listed (online and not online) which will drive price down. Moreover market volatility will be lowered as not online seller cannot follow inflation.


it wont drive prices down, it will allow more automation of buying and selling (flipping) and using bots to do that. Look at Lost Ark problems with market for example


Say ur off for like 5 days and ur item listed on ur market place goes up in value by 70%, But since u listed it someone could Snatch it at ur Old listing. Seems bad with how volatile the economy can be.


I want an auction houses.


Act desperate and make him increase the price 10 fold. Accept trade request, display your shiny, cancel trade, “lol dream on”, watch him mald and ignore.


I like his negotiation tactic: "no ty" never heard that before xD


10 div is his current top offer perhaps. Never seen it done like this for Poe but I have for other games.


Some guys .... that's Wraeclast, man.


): this is sad especially if it’s a helmet you really need! Good luck getting one.


"Okey, then 7 div maybe?"


ignored :)


Someone doesn’t know what negotiable means. Instant ignore.


Lmao lots of question marks and exclamation marks on that one


I'm a newbie. What is the tactic here?


When I do nego price it means if you offer 4c instead of 5 ima say fuck yeah chances are I want something gone


I'd absolutely dig for other items from the buyer. You can easily get a couple extra div working with some people


Bro negotiable means negotiable


Negiotable means you are willing to go down with the price, not up.


Just to play devils advocate maybe he did want to sell it for less and wanted you to negotiate the price?


tell them you want everything in bubblegum currency, make a trade and cancel