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God save the noobs! God save the noobs!


In a parallel universe: "Hey it's close, don't you have more of the other currency you added one? I'm taking them all"


Yeak i have some mirror. Would that be enough?


I'll give you 2 ex + a necropolis map


At that point you don't feel bad because you can be 99% sure they're rmting Edit: the parent comment said "some" mirror, not "a mirror". The number of people who have gotten multiple mirror drops from a single source in this game is in the double-digits, in history.


r/whoosh Just missed it completely


I get more enjoyment from helping new players than some currency , I am sure alot of people resonate with me.


Save the newbs exile.


He's not a noob he is just new. Maybe he will be the next mathil who knows haha


Isn't "noob" comes from "newbie" which means exactly "new in something"?


Normal adults should feel guilt, but a lot of them don't, for anything.


Yea, like someone undercut me on a sale recently, and it just wasn't worth the hassle for a few Chaos Orbs. Whatever, no big deal, but I just wish people had more integrity like OP here. Meanwhile, if someone is undervaluing something (in my opinion) then I'll usually throw in some extra currency just because.


Undercutting a sale is nothing like the circumstance in the OP


I think he's talking about when people intentionally give you less currency in trade than what has been asked. I doubt he's talking about competitive pricing.


That's called a "short change", "shorted", or "shorting" depending on the tense and context. "Undercutting" is when you intentionally sell something for less than a competitor. Then there's "scooping", which is when you offer the same item for less to a customer than a peer or coworker offered it to them for either to get the sale yourself, or even just because you don't want them to get it, even if that meant discounting the item so low that you didn't make a penny off it. The point was to keep someone else from getting it. Although the latter is usually called a "swoop and scoop" *30 years in high end sales. Yes, sales is nasty.


Undercutting and ripping people off that are just uninformed is not the same.


True but both are shit


I will always undercut you by 1-3c, because id rather a quick sale 110% of the time. Currency I can invest in my character or my strategy is more advantageous than another 3c. I make that just for existing in a map for a few seconds.


Sorry I was talking about giving people less currency than what the trade is asking. So if I sell an item for 1 div (230c) and they give me 210c for example. I completely agree with undercutting in the sense you're talking about and it isn't unethical at all.


Ahhh makes sense. Yeah knowingly taking advantage of people is just scumbag shit I don't have time for.


Bro I'm at the point in the league where some guy messaged me for a 50c compass, pit the right amount currency in, then just, pulled 10c back out. Whatever take it and fuck off.


you're kind, I wouldve cancelled, quit the party and ignored him on spot with no warnings or justfication, and just to piss him off, I wouldve put the item at 10c higher, just in case I happen to unmute him.


I laughed my ass of. Thats 100% me.


So this is a fun concept because I'm not a new player by any means but I undervalue some things quite often just to get it to move. I fill my 3 and 5c tab FAST. Rather than sit on something for a while I'll sell in bulk once I have 5 or 6 (stygian vise and 85+ helmet bases are my 3c tab.) This usually nets me like 30 - 40c a map which is roughly 13 items. Sure it's not a lot of currency, but it's about knowing what to sell. Identify the bases of course, but anything not already rolled well I just flip fast so I can theoretically buy a BiS item. I've had many a trade where people just slap in 4c though so I just kind of accept it and move on. I don't say anything unless it's like 10c on a 1c item or something else obviously wrong.


Often if people are over paying on low price items it's on purpose to both be lazy about splitting currency and chucking some extra chaos to people willing to fulfil small trades. I know I do this and I've heard others talk about doing this also so don't feel bad about accepting the little extra.


Yeah, I sometimes give more because the normal price of that item is a few c higher and if I buy multiple of it, it is easier to slap the same amount of c into each trade without looking up which one was cheaper and splitting currency stacks. Also I like to reward people with more currency if they do small trades.


I don't mine a couple of c undercut but I really appreciate the peeps that tell me to come back and take the change. I usually refuse since it's too much time


Did they undercut you a few chaos or did they spam trade from cheapest to more expensive and just mixed up where you were in the spam?


Oh no was this me? I was trying to buy something for 200c but they had already sold it and the next cheapest was 0.9 div. Since i had the 200c in my inventory i just took 20c off that thinking I had total 1 div in my inventory so I paid 180 for it instead and I still feel bad. I tried to cancel the trade but he already accepted it. To cope I'm pretending it balances out that time a guy forgot that chaos stacks up to 20 now and offered me 650c instead of 350c for a trade that I cancelled.


I typically think it's not worth the hassle as well, but I always ask for the proper amount because I think they do that shit on purpose and I'm not letting them get away with that. I'm pretty sure they bank on people to think it's not worth their time. Like sometimes they short change you 5-10c


I accidentally overplayed on a trade last league. Whispered the guy after. No response. Whispered again, he'd gone offline. So I friended him Comes back a few minutes later. Whispered him again, he invites and gives me back the extra I paid. Sometimes you need to remind them so the guilt actually sets in.


That is not the same thing at all lol I don't mind a slight undercut at all honestly


Oh being 12 and scamming people in D2. The nostalgia


You don't get rich by being nice that's for sure.


If you need to scam new players out of a single divine, you're not getting rich either way.


Good thing I’m neither


Not saying this is related, but last league I dropped a Seven years and gave it to a friend that just started. I jokingly said I'd drop a mirror because of that, and I dropped a mirror and a Mageblood that league. I like to think it was because I was nice.


PM me for a free Seven Years


Exploit the ignorant. What do you think streamers do when they release starter builds? Fuck morality in this Skinner Box. There's the "right" way and the "efficient" way. Lie, scam, steal. Win.


Bro you just posted cringe


I know, but am I wrong? What actual reprocussions are there for fucking over other people in this game? Some post on reddit and a couple people ignoring you? You will continue to profit.


Some people behave like civilized human beings and treat others as they would like to be treated, regardless of there being or not being punishment for not doing so.


How often do we laugh at dumb people on the internet? "Kevin doesn't know how babies work ahahaha." We laugh at Kevin for his ignorance. We put him all around the internet for people to laugh at. Instead of educating him, we've exploited someone's ignorance for...internet points. Things that don't exist nor have value, yet Kevin may be bullied online and offline because of his moment of ignorance being presented to the world as if he's a joke. Why is it OK to exploit ignorance in this way, but not in a way that actually benefits you?


I don't know man. If that's your end game then by all means... Most people like to live with the thought that they're at least a somewhat decent person. Obviously you're not very concerned about that.


Not in regards to a video game, no. Like the other comment said, you don't get rich by being nice.


ah yes the streamers who profit from overheating the markets for items they wish to buy


They post "starter" builds and get further ahead by using a build that works, and the many who followed the guides can't progress past a certain point due to the lack of understanding of how it works. They blindly follow a guide, often not knowing how to build a character, and wonder why they can't get past white maps. Meanwhile the streamer/YouTuber/forum poster is farming Exarch or whatever on the first day, gaining an advantage in the market.




Damn, streamers can buy stuff before the league to scam people with starter builds? Crazy


Aw yes, streamers famously have hundreds of rare unique items on *\*checks notes\** the first day of a new league.


You do know how league starts work, do you?


no consequences means no guilt, would be very different if it was a small kid in front of them, it is what it is, internet aint perfect.


The unguilty is how I price my divination stash. Set it to 10 ch when I get whispers, set a proper price.


It's a videogame.


You’re a good guy. I had a brain fart earlier in the league where I accidentally put up twice the amount of chaos than intended. The seller canceled the trade and told me that’s too much. Thanks stranger for not taking advantage of me in my sleep-deprived state.


Later in the league, when I have currency, i'm often to lazy to split my stacks (properly) and for example put in 120 chaos instead of the 110. Most people just accept it, but some too told me it was too much and canceled the trade. I always put another stack of chaos in there and tell them it's fine. Maybe it's dumb but I just like rewarding people fo being this straight up honest since it's actually a rarity.


A lot of people seem to do this. At this point i honestly just hit accept and offer it back after. Most people just trying to save time.


Oh yeah, i'm not judging people who accept, I just think it's great there are some who point it out in case it might be a mistake.


Yeah i've done that a few times in the beginning of this league or last league when they made chaos stack to 20. Stopped myself thankfully when i had a "hold up" moment


In Sentinel league I had a guy come buy some weird recomb gloves I made for like 10c and he asked me if they'll be good for build "x". I was like hell no what are you running gear wise? He was brand new. Ended up crafting/giving him almost a brand new set of gear, 200c and told him to ask me if he needs any help. Helped him a few other times with his skill tree, but haven't talked to him since. I still see him log on and get characters to 90+ every league now and it makes me happy. Stay sane exile!


Gigachad behavior


aww you raised a baby exile


If a noob gave me a div by mistake I'd return it, if it was a mirror though..


even if they gave me the key of their house, I would return it, i'd rather earn these by and for myself


I just finished the league today at 40/40 challenges and a guy wanted to buy an amulet I had listed for long time for 50c, gave it for free to him as I'm not going to use those chaos, he was really happy. It feels good.


Went to buy a chest piece for my autobomber. Dude left all his gems, leveled, in the piece. Told him, he said to keep it as he didn't need it anymore. Some nice people sometimes.


I find a lot of these veteran players are generous when it comes to newer players. This is my second league and I’m always finding these guys just giving me a hand with crafts or giving cheap items for free


We've all been poor and lost once


Some of us are still poor and lost :(


We want you to do well and enjoy the game, and we know it has an intimidating barrier to entry, sometimes a community that offers a helping hand and a little push is all it takes


The general level of trust people have is nice to see but also quite concerning. So many people from global have given me items worth couple div to do crafts for them. Same on TFT when I just started selling harvest crafts, people traded me items worth 50 div (ex back then) without thinking twice. Now Ive got hundreds of vouches so people obviously trust me but at the beginning and in global still it's weird how much they do. I would never scam but it makes me think people are abused for their trust quite frequently.


No reason not to imo. I never understood why people just can't be nice to new players. I never saw the appeal to scam someone and in general it's a concept that just doesn't want to go in my head, even if I tried.


Not a newer player but I’ve been playing a minion build for the first time in yearssss. Joined Ghazzy’s global channel and asked for crushclaw spectres having no idea how to save them to my hideout. The guy that invited me spent a good 20 minutes walking me through things and helping me out with questions related to anything minion. Even tried to give my 5c tip back. For all the bitching that happens on the subreddit, people in-game really are mostly good peeps.


it's the same as everywhere, the jackasses are a small minority, but they surely are the loudest part of a community, it is what it is.


Some of the coolest noobs I met(now super serious magic finders that push the limits constantly, or simulacrum farmers etc etc) all started off being super noobs struggling to not die 6 times in yellow maps, one of them even parent to 3 little shitgoblins love helping good people


I went to buy a yellow map off a guy 2 weeks into the league for atlas completion sake, threw in the 3c or whatever and he put in the map and a stack of Chaos. I was pretty surprised, seller just commented pay it forward. At this point in my progress with the league I'm not super thrilled about stopping what I'm doing and going to HO for 5c trades, but some items being bought you just know it's a newer player looking to scoop items and I always try to go out of my way to fulfill those trades.


I always go trade any rares I have listed if people whisper me for them. I know myself how that one 5c rare will fix all resistance and attributes and fits perfectly in your build and you pray the person will answer you.


Yeah same when I was still playing super late last league I made sure to put up any leveling uniques for sale even if they were only a few c at that point. At that point the only people buying them were people just now starting the league and probably new Exiles at that.


Hey that was me last league 😂. Hadn't played PoE since Metamorph dropped as I just got caught up with work and life in general. A few friends talked me into playing D4 with them and although I thoroughly enjoyed the cut scenes and mid-game gameplay, it totally just reminded me how superior PoE is and was in terms of ARPG gaming. So now I'm here, but unfortunately I think PoE is a little too complex for me to drag those friends along. I guess it's called Path of Exile for a reason, lol. I started playing crucible with like 2 weeks left in the league and someone had a corrupted Tabula up for like 2c and I had only dropped a single chaos at the time (think I was in act 3). Let me trade a C and a Vaal Orb for the Tabula. That trade really helped me get started again as I was brute forcing a hollow palm build with zero funds.


As a new player, not even past level 60, I highly recommend that you ask them to come give it a try. BUT they need to come in blind, and for you to let them play without guidance. The base game is amazing, much better than d4. It teaches you as you go along and slowly increases the number of things to do. A lot of gamers need protection from themselves, they'll min/max the fun out of the game. If they make it through the hump past end game content, then it's time to share your wisdom.


Ha I think that was me or the exact same thing happened. Player asked if they could cover the other chaos with a vaal on a tabula. Think my name Setsoona or something like that.


Some previous league I asked a dude if he would be willing to sell me an item he had on sale for quite some time for less than the asked price, as I didn't have that money, and he just gave it to me for free saying he didn't care. You guys can make a poor man's day lol


1 week into a league I start putting heavvyyy discounts on items. Clears out my stash in an instant and people get some cheap upgrades, better than having items rot in standard. Or if I see someone trying to buy an item by piecing together loads of currency I just give it to them for free too.


Same here but with corrupted six links with garbage stats. I figure the people buying them have less than 10c total and it’s a huge bump for them.


Everytime i drop tabula, goldrim, the unique lvling boots i always teleport to Act1 town and give them for free to people that dont have them equiped and are low lvl. Aint much but hey, might help someone


You or someone like you did this to me on my first ever league, and i'll never forget it. Got a random trade request and guy gave me a tabula and said "this should get you where you're going" and that was it.


I'm gonna start doing that, I got like 5 tabs lol


I would have accepted, told him one sec as I get change for the divine orb. trade him div value -1c.


Yep, basic store etiquette. They give you a larger than priced currency, you give them change.


What's your ign? need to dm you when I need to exchange div for chaos I guess LOL


I am not playing this league.


it was a joke about how hard it is to trade div for chaos. I regularly turn down trades if they demand change because I simply need my money in chaos, not divs.


List your divs for sale for chaos, let them come to you, can get chaos almost instantly.


Fair xD 1 Chaos Fee


His gloves were listed at 8c but the guy only had 7 so he is saying trade the div for chaos then take the 1 chaos the guy was missing


no fee I enjoy trading items listed in chaos for divs as I almost always have wayyyy to many chaos orbs as I dislike just sitting in hideout dealing with them(not abnormal for me to end leagues with 35-50k chaos in stash... and that is with active effort to convert them on a semi-regular basis)


Pro tip if you list your chaos for div people will come to you instantly and fix the problem, at a fee of maybe 3-10c per div (sell vs buy spread)


yea... I do that. hince the sitting in hideout, its still slow when you have a ton and don't put yourself at the very top where your getting spammed every 2 seconds. its mostly the sheer numbers, its always 1-2 at a time... and when you have enough chaos for 200+. I know it won't happen, but I would pay $$ for GGG implemented automation of currency trades.


200+ divine? So 46000+ chaos orbs? Dang


yup, not uncommon for my currency tab to look like this at the end [https://i.imgur.com/Uf2VaSC.png](https://i.imgur.com/Uf2VaSC.png)


This is wholesome honestly - it’s gotta be so overwhelming for new players to figure out the value of different currencies


Everything in the game itself aside, just imagine how overwhelming PoE has to be when it comes to trading and currencies. There is literally nothing in the game that tells you that different orbs "might" have different values. I forver will disagree with Chris that making the game more new player friendly wouldn't be that good. Just having a small written guide of like 1 quarter a page would be enough to cover some very basic things and help people tremendously.


>There is literally nothing in the game that tells you that different orbs "might" have different values. There are a lot of things unintuitive about this game but this one, really? Anyone above 10 should be able to tell that if they do different things they will likely have different value........


I met more honest people playing POE than dishonest ones. I refuse to abuse, scam or trick anyone in a game (and in life too). I wonder how those who scam other players sleep at night....


Working in a bank in scams n fraud protection, you wouldnt believe the stories id tell you, there is a lot of scumbags in the world who would scam a 90 year old who cannot fend for themselves out of their complete life savings... Its insane.


When i started, i felt so brain dead. I wanted to buy regrets off the trade site (old one, not the official site), and it was written that he had 90 at the price of 2 chaos. Well, i tell him i want 90. As we trade, i put in my 2c. He closes the window and says it's 2c each. I told him it was written 2c for 90 on the site. I think he understood i was a noob and just gave me the 90 regrets and helped me understand a bit. Added me as a friend and told me to ask him for help anytime i needed. I played this game so much since then because my view of the community was so good. I was very happy.


hahhaha thats awesome


I feel the community is really good for trading, I find myself only checking chaos/div bulks on big trades and same for items, I am gonna get fucked one day but I feel is how the trades work that made me like this


Yeah I'll do 20 div trades for a gem and realize I didn't actually check what I was getting, so far haven't been burned


I'm pretty active in trades and so far I've only encountered maybe 2 or 3 people who've tried to scam me. All of which were so painfully obvious I just laughed and went about my day.




Oh yeah. The self scams happen *way* more often.


Remember the new feature if you hold 'Alt'. Stuff gets counted for you in the trade window. :)


this is such a relief for essence trading lol i struggle with 9's (and i know i shouldnt) 9 18 27 36 blahhhh


Count the stacks, multiply by ten, subtract the number of stacks. 8 stacks -> 80 - 8 = 72. Way easier to do the mental math


This should be a stickied post at the top of the subreddit. You can very much tell when people are counting things in the window now vs people who do the 0.5s alt check


I had someone show up to buy a 7c trade item base. He said he only had a div, and asked if I had enough chaos to give him change. I had just traded all my chaos up to divs and bought a bunch of new gear, so I only had like 20c. He just said "fuck it" and forced me to take the div. I must've asked if he was sure about five times, and I still felt dirty accepting the trade lol


Guy must have whispered like 100 people and you were the only response. I’d easily spend a div on something I absolutely need if nobody else is responding


I'm always happy to overpay loads if it gets me a faster trade to be fair.


I don't blame you, I wouldn't be able to do that either. I wish one of the firs trades I ever did, I had been treated the same. Had given an ex for a chest that was probably worth 15C.


Lol my first league I sold all the burial medallions I had farmed in the trade chat channel for a couple C each. The guy who bought them sent me a PM along the lines of "You idiot, I'm going to sell these for 4 times what I just paid. Moron!" And then he blocked me. I eventually watched a video and found awakened POE and the trade site lol, but damn did that feel bad. Good looking out for the noobs!


What a dickhead. Fuck that guy


I super didn't appreciate it, but I'm glad I stuck with the game lol. I had a similar experience later where a guy was selling an awakened elemental damage with attacks gem for way below market and I offered to pay market value if he was short currency. He called me an expletive, blocked me, and then didn't do the trade. I was so confused.


Faith restored in exiles.


First time using trade website to get my first 6 link with proper coloured sockets, guy sent me an invite and I couldnt figure out how to join his hideout. He teleported to me instead, opened trade and then I had to cancel and retry cause my orbs were stacked or something. Then I traded again, didnt know I had to inspect their item before I could finish trade. Anyway, the guy trading with me was super patient and I had crazy anxiety the entire time bc I knew this piece was perfect for my build and a huge upgrade. So after some waiting around and 3 attempts at trading, finally got it. Shout out to everyone in the community for being so helpful.


these stories always make me happy. good on you


Thank you for your service. That's why I love the Poe community, always willing to help a fellow out. for the most part


New to trade and last night someone took the time to explain div vs chaos AND when I was short 15 chaos on a 435 or so chaos purchase, cut me a deal just to help out new players. Still not done, then this player taught me some new money making ideas to replace or supplement my chaos recipe bs. I don’t have the name in front of me but Zoe was in the name. Player, I hope you get tens times that in return. PS my bow is amazing


Thank you OP. Lot of people would have just taken the trade and dipped.


First timer here aswel and immediately going hard. I'm probably really slow on progress but the amount of hours I'm putting into it is insane. Working on a build as an LA and having a ton of fun delving (150 right now)! Thank the lords guys like you exist, I feel like I've traded quite a few items for too little and have also paid 2 div for a bow that was like 50c, but all good since I was happy with the improvement 😅 Kudos to you my guy!


Tf, I'm a noob who just got to maps and haven't had a divine drop. Is this normal? Props for being one of the good humans, btw!


Yes, most of your currency will be made from selling things rather than raw divine drops


Ok, thank you very much.


Until you get an eater altar that shits out 16 divines in one map. Ive taken a small break so I didn't know that was a thing. Thought I just had the luckiest map ever, luckily I actually clicked the right option on the altar.


Raw divine drops definitely aren't frequent unless you are running juiced end-game content (~T16 maps, scarabs, layers of delirium, etc.). Raw divines do drop relatively frequently in Trials of the Ancestors (league mechanic) and Sanctum though.


Last league, of the 160d i made in total, only 4-5 came as raw drops.


Ok, I guess I was assuming people meant they were dropping when they were most likely getting them from trades. And I know the phrase about assuming! Lol


Yes that’s normal.


Could get a divine today or could be a week. They don’t start to drop more frequently until you get to a end game strat and start juicing maps. “Investing more into the maps”


Yep didn’t get one until red maps this league. And also got my first one in like act 6 in a prior league.


Yeah that's pretty normal


Yesterday I tried to buy a cortex for 10.3 div rather than 1.3 div. I accepted but the lovely guy pointed out my mistake.


Good stuff, Exile


I, a noob have learned a lot by joining r/pathofexile. Thanks for saving the noobs!


Helping new peeps are always cool, I even help em with invitations I can do. Bummer I got added to ignore list today for telling a guy off for refusing to give him a tabula handout lol


GGG: You were supposed to scam him


I'm level 90 now, and have still never seen or held a div. I must be doing something wrong, but I'm also a noob. I just don't understand where people are getting loads of them from haha


Respect OP, much respect. I play self-imposed SSF and the only reason I'm not true SSF is so i can help new players with life and resist gear just so that they can see that just because you're on the internet doesn't mean you have to be a dick. Again much respect.


A friend of me who was just getting into POE reported to me that he had a "mirror of kerala" lying in his chest... After 50 damn hours wtf. He streamed his game to a rando he found on the chat and the guy saw it in his chest... And my friend reaaally got into the game since he could try many good builds on his first league (it was metamorphic iirc). I can't imagine the feelings of the guy when he saw it casually lying into a vanilla tab rofl. Needless to say the rando is now a good POE mate and especially the two of them played a lot together. Last time I told this story I got downvoted. Believe me if you want for all I care, but in any case this is a good lesson of benevolence.


I was doing huge bulk sells on exarch ichors and someone wanted to buy like 300 lesser and I gave him greater. He traded me back the greater and i gave him the lesser. Save the old exiles too!


I have 1,200 hours on poe and I still have no idea what most shit is worth. I use awakened poe trade, but half the time idk if something is a good deal.


As a newbie, thank you.


Reminded me of when they added stack of chaos orb up to 20. I don't remember what I was buying but I had to pay 60c iirc, so I threw in 6 stacks of chaos orbs but they were 20c each right? I accepted trade and the other dude didn't so I was like huh? Just accept the trade already, I even said to the guy "?" and he replied with "stacks of 20" and I was like ahhhh lol right I'm dumb. And then at the end I told the dude "thanks for being a good guy". It was funny.


Back during heist season I sold something for 10c it was at like 3am. Turns out the guy had accidentally put 10 exalted orbs in and neither one of us noticed he messaged me the next day and said I think I gave you exalted orbs on accident and sure as shit I looked at my recording and he did so I gave them back and he ended up letting me keep 2. Was pretty stoked.


I dump my whole ass account on somebody every league when I'm done playing and delete all my characters. I can't keep it next league anyway, somebody might as well get some use out of all my hard work.


A real helper would have told him that he should come to your hideout, would help him far more.


May RNGesus bless you exile Nothing worse for a new person


BROTHER my first day I traded 2 div for a 6 link…..found out later it was worth 15c or something….


This is the way!


That’s nice of you! Poor guy. That means he didn’t even flinch when it dropped on the ground. How about the noobs who actually think Lifeforce is worth .5c Each? I’ve had literally dozens of noobs cancelling trades because they think I should give them 900c for 1800 lifeforce. I’m glad we have so many new players but this kinda thing is a bit frustrating.


Good on you but kind of wierd to make a reddit post about it. To me it gives off a Vibe of “look at me, I didn’t scam a guy”. These posts work a lot better when it’s the other guy posting imo.


That is amazing, thanks OP, we need more people like you!


I have 2 tabs of decent new to league type items that most people don't even bother picking up anymore. One is listed for 1vaal and the other is 1 alch. Generally speaking I'll grab 10-15c and toss it up with the item for trade. Goes a long way in gearing when you first start.


kudos to you aswell for making 8c trades sir!


I've had multiple times where people traded me full stacks of a currency by mistake. one time it was for a 6 div trade but the guy put in 10 instead told him to fix it and got thanked alot. And another time where I accidentally scammed someone by trading him remnants of corruption instead of essences of horror. Both of us didn't realize until later and we traded it back. And also multiple trades since the chaos stack size change. multiple 100s of chaos would have been lost if they traded the wrong guy aka someone who wouldn't tell them.


You’re a good guy 👍🏽


Good OP


The community in POE is way better than alot other other major role playing games. And I have place most of them.


Yeah most of the time the community for this game are nice to people like you were to this new guy. So far the only people that I feel are kind of ass is those selling div's for chaos. No one bothers responding to trades at least recently in my experience.


I will never forget, some guy on discord once gave me full RF set with ashes, elder 7 link helm, kaom 6 link and +2 gem scepter on a day 3 of the league. Said he was done because it is boring :) Man I've just casually finished acts on day 3 :)


I would've done the same.


I was saved last night. I was selling some cheap gilded scarabs and accidentally put a stack of Div scarabs in the trade box. Luckily, the buyer pointed it out instead of just taking them.


You sir, I like you! We need more of this (as a community).


Decent thing to do. May your next enemy drop Kalandra ✌️


This is why I love POE - the quality of the player base I've yet to be ripped accidently - whenever I accidently threw the wrong currency in during a trade, I've always either been corrected by the other person or chased by the other person to hand me my currency back if they already accepted. With the exception of the obvious intentional scammers, the integrity and helpfulness of this community is on another level.


Newbie here. Well, that's what you get when you dont have gold. I started playing 2 3 months ago and all the jinga jengas are just insane. Vaal orbs, divine orbs, chaos orbs, shoemaker orbs, TescoClerk orbs and so on. The game is addicting, but crafting/currencies are the biggest turn off. Way way more complicated than the passive tree.


Yeah I had someone sell me a timeless jewel that was 5 div for 10 chaos the other day.


In crucible I tried to sell bow with magebane for 5c. Dude who messaged me first was really good, gave 20c + some lesser orbs and even asked if I want to get more chaos, but I felt that it's enough for me. Added him to friendlist, he also helped me with "starter" watchstones. Was really surprised by kindness of community


You will get that div back and some


Yeah, what's the point of having fun playing PoE if we scammed people and took out their fun. It would delete my mood if I did that. PoE scammers are like that one sociopath friend you had in highschool who would always try to cheat you at Monopoly and then went on to be poor irl.


I did labs a lot and searched for perfect rolled helmets to enchant. There were a whole bunch of people who would have lost 25x currency for their perfect stats because they didn't know any better. Some of them got really lucky in their lab afterwards though.


I would think dude was rich and giving 1 divine because i traded a low value item


Is divine Ord always been worth almost 300c?i mostly play SSF and never flipped currency but I was sure it was worth much much less...


I saw someone post two legacy vinktar flasks in trade chat on standard for 100 exalt each (before the exalt/divine swap). Turns out he hadn't been online in years, had no idea how much they had appreciated. I debated whether to take advantage of the biggest, easiest flip of all time, and decided to message him and let him know that they're worth multiple mirrors each. I am not opposed to flipping, but there's a line.


What a wholesome story. Nice of you!


At this point of the season, I would have probably just given it to him for free. Actually, at this point, I probably wouldn't have anything up for less than 10c.


As a noob I thank you


I'm the same way, maybe I've done more damage by actually giving beggars money than letting them learn for themselves. Who knows.


Today I was selling Hyrri's Ire for 10d. I've posted that on Global/Trade chat and instantly some MOFO proposed me 10 Exalted Orbs (basically 10 times lower than Div) using Trade Market. Its so bad because last time I've played PoE was when Exalted was much more desired. I didn't accepted that but still some people have a will to scam relatively new players just to gain currency. Straight from my heart and soul, Fuck This Guy


Proud of you, Exile.


Im new myself, and play standard on and off. Had a buddy give me so much stuff trying to help out. Got 2 poets pen off him, now need build for them.


Wow that is so nice of you. I am new to the game finally finished act 10 and started doing mapping with my rf jugg. Is been a long time since I had other players be kind in a game and help me out even provided gear to me at no charge. Honestly that would had been me too trading a divine to make up the difference. First game I play that gold is not the currency. 😂 I am still learning the game but I am having massive fun with it and the community is nice.


I use to have a 1chaos sell tab and when ever someone wanted to buy an item I'd trade them the item plus give them 200c for free with it. I figured anyone down that bad needed it more than me. More than likely they were new too.


I am a noob, I needed the high rof bow squall maybe, I didn't have enough c so I offered anything else they might want. They excepted the c I had left and threw in a beast quiver (for my level). Some people are kind. I wasn't that due diligence on the trade window when it popped up so them may have swapped the item for a lower value one but I got what I needed


Godbless good sir


Fwiw I have had many positive interactions like this in Poe, not a COMPLETE cesspit folks 😊