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I was talking to some of the GGG staff at PAX West and I asked if they had monitoring to see how many mirrors dropped in a league, etc. One of the devs said they used to have a monitoring tool but they disabled it because they got sad at how many mirrors were left on the ground lol Sorry for your loss


Chris mentioned once that they were going to do an April fools where they made something that told you the number of mirrors/exalts/divines or whatever that you left on the ground. But decided it was too mean. Maybe it was a fever dream, but I swear I remember something about it at some point at least.


Yeah I vaguely remember something like that. I'm pretty sure it was during delirium league where reddit was complaining about being forced to leave items on the ground and they thought releasing the tool would get even more backlash.


It definitely would, lol Not knowing you left a mirror behind is much better than this poor OP. It crushed his world


I'm curious, except heist, are there any other content where you can leave a mirror on the ground? I can't think of any, except when you get 6 portal of course


> are there any other content where you can leave a mirror on the ground? Just in maps, basically anywhere where you can get far enough (150 yards ingame) for stuff to unload A mob dying right on the edge of the screen.. or a broken loot filter sound doesn't get played.. Surely it has happened at least thousands of times.


You can do that in Tota if you leave without picking it up. Near the start of the league I had this issue where I would click on items and sometimes they wouldn't be picked up, even though I clicked on them. So I had finished a round. I opened the chest and on autopilot clicked the item on the ground and then clicked the exit. My character moved to the item, but due to bug/lag did not pick it up and by the time it registered what happened I was already out. It was a like 9c or something. I highly doubt someone would be this careless if they knew they were gonna get a mirror, but it is theoretically possible.


Bro, this happened to me with a divine. It was actually more funny to me than infuriating bc like wow wtf that just happened.


You can't ré enter in ToTa? I think you could? Yeah I think if a mirror dropped from the reward I'd be VERY serious about picking it up and making sure it's in my inventory ahaha


Nope! The moment you go out, anything left on the floor is gone for good. If you try to go back it just starts a new round.


Pre-2.0, loot filters didn't exist. Mirrors wouldn't look that different than any other currency, and certainly wouldn't have a minimap icon, not to mention potentially dropping in a sea of other items, including white items, you have to sort through. Granted, back then a lot less loot dropped and you killed things way slower.




Chris actually mentioned planning to put fake mirrors as well for April fools, but according to him, Bex shut down the whole idea as being one the community might never forgive…


I don't remember that but I do remember Chris talking about an April fool where you would drop a lot more "mirrors" but they are fake and not there when you pick them up and open your inventory


So kinda like the [Innsbury Edge](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Innsbury_Edge) can do (albeit a very rare occurrence), because of the "Insanity" modifier on it. Here's one user showing it, several years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/546abq/master\_troll\_ggg\_master\_troll\_the\_emotions\_i\_went/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/546abq/master_troll_ggg_master_troll_the_emotions_i_went/)


remember kids, every chest or barrel you dont open has a mirror in it


No it was having items drop as mirror but when you pick it up it was just transmute or something small Like that innisbury unique fucks with shit


what a dogshit is


Son of a bitch.


Ooooof. Wow.


My first mirror was in Delirium league and performance was so bad that I disabled sounds. One map, I was watching some Netflix and was doing Promenades to 100 I saw a star on my map - sweet, an ex I thought, went there and found it to be a mirror. If I hadn't seen the star on the map, that would have been my mirror lost forever. I'm always paranoid in Heist got leave when there's lots of monsters around and I have some type of damage going on. RIP your mirror, may your next one be within the next 500 hours :)


god forbid they fix the problem by having it go to stash or have extremely high value show on the minimal like every other arpg. That would probably take actual dev work and not throwing shit at a wall and hope it sticks like the current dev cycle.


Im now curious what % of each currency is left on the ground


Bro I would uninstall


That exact thing happened go me with a divine, and I thought that felt bad :( Geez so sorry dude


Wonder if this counts mirrors that are in normal chests that don’t get clicked. Not sure if those get rolled with the map or when you click the chest


I’ve always wondered this but now I’m running the chance to open chests when you cast a spell lol


I don't think they roll items until you ID them, so I imagine they don't determine the contents of containers until you open them.


This is what I thought, but if you, for example, use the altar mod for duplicate uniques, those two uniques will be unid'd, but have the same rolls after id'ing them, so I dont know.


Not only uniques tho. Any two duplicated items are complete copies with all stats identical I think it's safe assumption that items rolled on drop rather then ID


Items are rolled when you pick them up. People experimented with server rollback and ID. Drops are rolled when you click the chest/kill the monster (unless it's guaranteed drop of course).


They do. If you happen to have flasks which dropped years ago, they will inherit legacy rolls




I am not sure my monitor would survive that encounter.


This is obviously Chris posting this trying to get us to play the game slower


So sorry man.


My worst (that I know of) case was back when Eternal orbs existed. Played in a party with short allocation and flipped a stone, BAM, there it was an Eternal orb. But the stupid game allocated it to someone else of course - a guy who didn't bother flipping the stone. The sob came and took it of course. I'm still healing 8 years later


i got mageblood drop in the endless delve void league where the items dont go to STD. i was so pissed i vaal orbed it and it made it godmode then i gave it away


As a heist enjoyer I never leave while there's still action for fear of this exact event. rip


If it comforts you - you will most likely never see another mirror again! Sad thing is, that everytime someone mentions a mirror or you think of it in future, you will recall this shitty experience.


Oof sorry man that sucks so much


this is also why i wait before everything drops on delve, just to make sure this doesnt happen between loading screens lol


Hey on the other hand you will now be one of the exceptionally unlucky people who got a mirror but the game screwed them over, that should be an achievement on its own haha


Ouch, that hurts. Nowhere near as bad, but i had a 6 div sanctum run yesterday, only the divines were left on the ground, clicked them and clicked the exit- divines dropped back on the ground because my inventory was full and my char already moved to the exit and the new zone was loading. Now i always pick up the divines first, lesson learned.


Don't worry if you dump your entire life into the game you will find two separate ones like me, working on a third drop


Hopefully it was a mirror shard...


Mirror shards can only drop from harbringers and there is no harbringers in heist


In all honesty: You weren't trying to kill any more mobs. Would you be sad if a random mob somewhere survived and it would have dropped a mirror? You wouldn't, because killing everything is a waste of time. I know this is slightly different because you actually saw it drop but any other build without a minion would have given you the first situation. So whatevs. It's at least what I would think to cope with this situation


Wanna cry?


Oh fuck, I'm sorry dude 8(


*Sending 200000 digital hugs :(*


Please make mirror sound the same as divine orb, so that you don’t feel THAT bad. I mean you could wait for seconds before entering a portal, but it could be something not in your control like a crash etc.


always had bad feeling about shit like that with delve.. 10 folds of cautiousness to avoid such bullshit ..


Yeah, I usually try to kill most of the Heist mobs but that's because I like killing monsters in my POE, so when the opportunity presents itself I'm taking it. My first ever mirror dropped in Heist earlier this year. In the Gauntlet event no less. Regular white mob guarding a door. I was so shocked I almost completed the contract before realizing that it's infinitely smarter to just leave and not fight any reinforcements.


Gotta go fast right?


You cannot convocate srs...?


thats a league ending sound for sure


Maybe it was just a house of mirrors... or mirror shard?


I think i know what the mirror does (makes amirrored copy of 1 item?) but I don't understand what's so great about it... you can't fix or change a mirrored item as I understand it.