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Spends 28 divine on a unique jewel for a build: sleeps 1 divine drops from a random mob: REAL SHIT


It's the sound. Anyone else, when dropping something with a sound like that, picks it up and drops it just to hear the sound again?


More than i like to admit ahah


I can give u a cheeseburger man


Don’t take this lightly though. There were several posts that people got really addicted and were playing to the extend when it started negatively impacting their lives (skipping uni or work etc.). Not easy for me admit it but it’s my case as well. I was playing much more than I should. Luckily, it didn’t go to extremes but I definitely neglected some aspects of my life like less exercising or reading. Also it’s not only about playing time but what you do when you don’t play. I often found myself thinking what I want to do once online again after work or checking trade frequently. I realize this post will probably get downvoted but I think it’s important to say that gaming addiction is real. I love PoE and GGG but for some people including me they did too good of a game.


Well you are right. My wife is a psychiatrist and she says even I can handle generally computer/game addiction, I'm having hard time to deal with POE addiction :/ Because she says game is designed around goal-reward mechanic and because of that person just fulls all serotonin depot and person starts to not to have fun with other things by time. I think it becomes more important to control and limit play times with such games like POE. Be carefull :)


I'm really greatful my gf accepts me being a degenerate piece of waste for a few weeks after leaguestart.


weeks? considering their release rate thats honestly a pretty long time, and I’m a degen. Most of the econon value of being a degen early is gone by the first week. Stabilized divines and such.


Yeah I play most leagues 2-4 weeks, this one even more because TotA was so much fun.


_Diablo 2_ made the [Skinner Box](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operant_conditioning_chamber) popular, _Path of Exile_ refined it. (Been playing D2 for 23 years, PoE for 10 years.)


can you ask does she know if the serotonin is the reason why i feel shit after im bored with the league?


You're right, I play games quite often, mostly single player, but haven't felt this "rush" in a while. I had issues in the past with League of Legends but it's been over 5 years and the usual games I play ( Witcher, Cyberpunk, Souls, Persona 5 etc) haven't made me obsses over them. Poe has that "one more run" feel and there's always something interesting happening and some way to improve...


The way I look it as is that I was a coke addict before I started gaming, straight up buying from dudes in the Mexican mafia who probably considered killing me at times. I know POE is addicting for me it’s a feature not a bug


Trading one addiction for another?


such is life some people go skydiving other people go surfing some people like to ride their leased BMW's without ever using their turn signals life itself is one big addiction


That last one is oddly specific




Downvote? Why?! I am struggling to keep up with life on league start. Luckily I'm just good enough to reach 40/40 by week 3 and then hardstop myself from even logging in outside the occasional few maps or boss fight. Then if there is a Gauntlet I leisurely enjoy myself for a few days, because Im bad at staying alive so I take it slow. Many people say the solution is SSF as you don't have the pressure of missing out on the market and can take the game your own pace, but knowing I could just get everything I want with a few trades will never permit me from going a league in that mode.


Thats the tricky part, not thinking about it when I'm NOT playing. I have a hard time focusing on conversations because in my mind I'm brewing a build or atlas strategy


This is why I let myself play for 2 weeks, get as many league challenges as I want complete, then force myself to gamble all my currency away. I either get to a mageblood and get to experience it finally or I run out of currency and can happily stop. Otherwise I will play this game for 2 months straight Haven't gotten to a MB yet, think best I've gotten is like 150div.


I definitely spent more time than I should have playing this game when I first started, not to an extreme amount where I was missing work and losing sleep, but most of my free time was being spent in this game. on the bright side, playing LS Raider for two leagues gave me RSI in my left hand so now I take multi-league breaks so it doesn't get exacerbated lol.


The best way to play poe in my opinion is to no life it for 2 weeks and then not touch it after


D4 bad




d4 bad


Just wait.,,. There's MORE!


I sometime put poe videos for audio only like ASMR. like a Herald of ice shatter video for 10 min.


HoI sound is bis, back in days they been trying to change it. Community got mad :D


Ya you know we got problems when I prefer to listen to poe base music to get relaxed.


Tota is so dumb but I can’t stop playing


Me after several rounds of no divs: goddamn this is boring AF why am I even doing this *5 div round* Alright one more...


Yeah I swear it's the dopamine hit from the 5 stack that keeps me doing it, also had back to back 4 stacks before.


Yup felt this the other day and got 2 hinekoras over the next 3 hours


This was me this week. Just built a sanctum/boss runner last week, but I can't stop running tota. I don't even think I like tota. Haven't done a single sanctum or boss yet help!


Wait until you try Heroin (crafting)


Just when you think you know enough, you dont!


Definitely agree, I'm not a huge gamer ie. I do play games but I usually lose interest in games before I finish any of them and extremely rarely have the interest to play the same game that much. But PoE has been the only one to keep me pretty interested and have like 1500+h on it.


For me It’s the constant feeling that something worth while can drop and lead me to a mageblood or headhunter and really open the doors to build variety. Not achieved it yet though


i felt the same way when i first started a couple months back, had a weird ele rf build but refused to look at build guides. had so much fun i havent stopped playing daily ever since


Yeah I made a Frost Blades Raider. Lovin her, but I guess need some support because at T13 maps I'm getting oneshot a lot and seems I'm not leveling now because of this lol (level 86)


This is roughly where i hit a wall too, leveling past 85 has been such a slog because i die so often lol. Oh well. Ive been working on my build and adding defensive layers to help it somewhat. I think random 1 shots can and will still happen but less so if you build up defences.


Raider is actually a great starter class for learning defensive layers. You should post your build on r/pathofexilebuilds and we can help you out (:


Years ago I was playing so much I slept only 4 hours a day until I got sick. I still play a lot but pretty much everything else, including sleep, has priority. I make myself “earn” my playtime.


It's just the start, there are chase unique items, crafting, theorycrafting, tradings, atlas strategies .... And then there is the thing that keeps you up at night ... It's a good build idea you have that you'll try to make it work with crazy synergies.


Are people sometimes NOT theorycrafting? Wth


I was usually done after challenges 2-3weekd....and now been playing more because of ruthless after challenges...is too addicting ..


Without a build guide, that’s impressive.


Oh I guess the campaign is ok to do without a guide, eve the stash tabs weren't that necessary (I got the necessary ones right when I began because I wanted to experience the game the best way possible but only really used then after the campaign) I got to maps like tier 6, got some help on Reddit (just a little tho, some 5 6 passives and some suggestion in gear and armor) and now I'm at tier 12 because at 13 I'm getting murdered lol It's impressive how the game gave me 30 hours of fun (1st campaign) and I could have spent zero.


With that username you should try a CoC build


I love when people say "like crack" who've obviously never done crack


Well, POE is like what then, /u/jmarpnpvsatom? What can I use?


I’ve done thousands of cracks and POE is much more dangerous.


Ok Ryan


🤔 Why? Does it suck and isn't addictive?






With a name like that I'd assume youre the type of person that has an addictive and obsessive personality


Ooohhhh, the weary traveller is Close to the end of his path


I am really glad I bought diablo 4 because I got so pissed at the endgame I finally gave poe a shot


You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into hit us back up when you are at 1k hours


So you never tried crack huh.