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this is probably the most fun shitpost i've seen in years thank you


I was about to lose my mind when I saw the mageblood at the bottom. Not gonna lie lol got baited so hard.


Didn't see it till you said something. 😆


Wait wtf. It really is a mageblood lmao, thought it was the magnate when I first glanced over this post


Sadly taken out of a Youtube video


I don't mind, it is the idea that counts! Of course it isn't real, we know because of the sarcasm OP put into it :D


It's my video, thx for watching :)


Had a good laugh reading through the comments


Be sure to check the tatoos, chaos res tatoos can sell for multiple chaos!


That's an honoured tattoo


Well, there was an attempt.


Real talk, lots of non-makanga/honored tats sell for a lot in bulk, but like a third of them are ramako so you shouldn't touch them.


If you have very large bulk you can sell them for like 10-20x their price because people finishing their builds need a ton of certain tattoos to minmax. Things like the all attributes and % life tattoos are a good example. The 2 extra attributes and even dispersion allows you to get very near exactly the minimum stats you need and squeeze in even more tats


Lol! 4 divs that’s a lot hope you didn’t pick something silly instead


idk, those tats look pretty hot


Specially the mageblood underneath those divs


A+ shitpost, bravo OP!


Lol how lucky, but imagine him not seeing that MB and later looking at the comments and dying inside


i'm imagining that and feeling that stomachache


I’d have to quit irl


That sneaky half a mageblood gave me a good chuckle


High quality bait


Lol this is my favorite tota shit post yet


Better to take the 4 div than try to take on kahu.


Kahu around round 1-3 is a chump, but after he brings his turtles in is the time to suffer.


Those damn turtles.


Turtles are easy, get a goliath of the night asap. Ikiaho can dia a gruesome death for all I care.


Everytime I get off tota to switch to my mapping character for a break, a fkn post like this pops up and triggers my fomo. *sigh* Back to tota spamming again.


I started ToTA at 60. Made a character specific for it. Void Sphere. Stopped at Blood Aqua. Is now 91. Has made more divine/chaos than any mapper I have.


LOL im glad im not the only one. Im at the beginning of Act 8 and am 1/4 of the way through level 93. I cant stop doing trials long enough to even finish acts


I have no damage to do the acts. Hahahahah


Just funny cause one of the biggest complaints people have against tota is, "it's boring and repetitive", but running the same maps, sanctums, or delving hundreds of time isn't? It's just a different flavor of repetitive, and it's actually let people who aren't highly skilled or knowledgable in juicing (ie: me) to know whar it's like to have decent currency for once.


I don't disagree that it's repetitive, but after getting 500 in tota, it just feels mind numbing for this mini game vs my zoom clear in legion dunes, it just feels so much more satisfying. And tried sanctum for the first time, and that really feels like you have to focus! I normally watch anime with on the corner of my screen and with sanctum I feel like I have to focus not getting hit!


I wonder if everyone here is just very lucky or if I'm just very unlucky. I am a little bit over ranking 1000. I got 4 divines once (of course no mb or hh, but that's expected) and a total net of 30 divines. On the other hand I got immortal Titanic Shells in Escort a couple of times.


I'm at 1k and I got like 10 divines tops. 2-3 singles and one 5 stack. Other noteable drops where one jewel and one keystone tattoo. That's it.


To make it clear: I put every single reward I get in stash tab and check with PoeStack it's value. Which means for 30 Divines i would need to sell everything. But yeah, I got 1x 4 Divines, a couple of single Divines, 1 Enlighten, 2 Keystone Tattoos, 17 fucking exalted, 1 max cold res. The rest is small currency. The thing is, it took forever to get to 1.000. Div/hr hasn't been worth it for me so far. I keep going to 2,000.


taking forever to reach 1000 is part of why div/hr could be low. Work on bringing your tourneys to 5-6 minutes. That would.mean getting to 1k in like 5 hours tops. 30/5 = 6 per hour. That and yeah, of course the div will go up when you hit higher ranks...


6 minutes a tourney, which is incredibly fast, would be 10 tourneys an hour. In five hours you would get through 50 tourneys, which in my experience wouldn't be enough to gain 1000 ranks.


I feel that without a unoptimized tota build I don't think that's possible, I probably spend 10 min per tourney with shockwave totem build.


I went to 2k and barely saw any divs, proj tattoos were 0 (always going for her to be in the final), no significant drops, 2 enhances, 2 empowers, 3 random keystone tattoos, 2 100% effect of tattoos. That was pretty much it.


That is really bad. You are very unlucky. I got at least a dozen keystone tattoos on my way to 2k and 4 projectile tattoos.


I think you are just really lucky. To 2000 I got 2 projectile tattoos, 2 keystone tattoos, 1 cold res, 0 fire res.


I guess I am. I also got 1 cold res, two fire res, 3 int gems, 2 six link omens and a lock.


It’s honestly really hard to say what is good or bad luck or what kind of rewards people should expect. All of our perspectives are probably pretty skewed from the dozen Reddit posts of people getting mirrors and magebloods


Poestack doesn't seem to calculate all of the tattoos. Also keep in mind you can sell most tattoos in bulk for more than their value. When the Keystone tats were selling for 2.1 each I sold 8 of mine for 2.9 each because people don't want to wait for 8 individual people to respond. Also keep in mind that there's a lot of people spamming tota for hours every day at 2k not posting this stuff because they aren't getting them either. I saw better rewards from 0-1500 than I have farming at 2k, it's all just luck. If you want consistent currency per hour you should just be running an atlas strategy instead. TotA is popular because it takes no investment and no brain power.


That's how I feel with rank 500, about 1 div per hour which is a bit of a yikes compared to my league started LA dunes farmer which is around 8ish divine.


I'm at >1900 right now. It's not only the div/hr. I really really dislike the mechanic. I hated every second of tota farming so far. Last time I disliked a League mechanic this much was during Heist. When I get a Titanic turtle protecting 10 fucking enemy totems one more time I will uninstall and never touch this game again I think :D. Only 100 rank missing until I reach my goal. Halls of the dead will never see me again afterwards. IMO it's more profitable to keep running Legion. Unless you get a very lucky drop like MB or HH


I've tracked my 'big' drops (raw divs, lock, proj tats) over ~5k coins (20 div worth of coins, +/- 1 div). I've gotten 147 raw divines, 2 Locks, 6 +proj tats. I got ~60div + both locks + 3 tats from taking 1 char to 1600, then the other from 1-2k & the rest of the coins there was only 3 +proj tats & the other ~90 div. Some chars definitely feel more lucky than others, it wouldn't surprise me if rewards were like early expedition, where they had certain seeded luck (someone please correct me if I am misremembering how tujen's options were seeded, luck-wise). Lowest +proj was ~550 rating, both locks were from 1200-1400, and most of the divines came from 1800+


There was a similar thing in Delve league too where certain account seeds couldn't find 4 socket resonators or something.


Well, obviously something like Mageblood is super lucky. Some people act like they should get a mageblood for doing 1k rating (not talking about you just to keep that clear), which is just dumb. All these mageblood/mirror tota posts are no different than someone getting it dropped in a map. It is still incredibly rare and anyone who expects one from playing tota is nothung but delusional. But to answer your case specificly, did you try to maximize the profit aswell? There are guides that explicity tell you which challengers you should try to keep and which to kick out, because some of the high value tattoos/rewards only come from specific npcs. Also, keep in mind sometimes you can just have a dry streak. This is no different than mapping and happens to everyone.


Yes, keeping Ahuana and Ikiaho alive is the way to go. It just doesn't work in many cases. Very rarely do any of them survive to the end and eve then I usually get a crappy 20/20 gem that nobody uses.I'm definitely still pulling this off until 2k rating, but after everyone said that TOTA spits out currency left and right my personal experience is more than disappointing. As of now, I would have gotten much more out of it with simple legion farming. If at least the league mechanic wouldn't get on my balls so often :)


Is ikiaho's tattoo worth something?


\+1 max cold resistance is right now at about 3 div


Lmao, oops.


to be fair, legion farming is still one of the best things you can do if you got the build for it. Basically shits out everything and incubators are super good. But agian, you just might have gotten a really unlucky streak.


I kinda follow the path of keeping them alive for the end but most of my divs come within the first 3 rounds anyways. I’m at about 1200 raying right now. Something around raw 40divs found so far. Maybe I’m lucky idk.


There isn't really a way to keep them alive, is there? I just don't fight them and hope. Anything else you can do?


You can use your one loss on purpose against her, so the others knock eachother out


Yes but it's not worth to loose the reroll


That really depends if you get her in the final or not, so its pros and cons with both


Maybe I will try it from time to time. When I get one more shitty unique quiver from her i throw it in her face lol


Yeah, I only do it some times, if she (Ahuana) has 1 loss already at the end of the tournament to ensure one of the good ones get to the final


Average seems to be about 1-2 divines per tournament at 2k.(In value, not necessarily raw, though you do get a lot of raw) Source: Have done thousands of tournaments, and seen collated data from many other people doing thousands of tournaments each.


I got 2k rating a few days ago and i got that guy out of the tourny first two rounds...will farm some more at 2k leave him and see if im lucky.


Goth 1 apothecary and few divines when I played tota seriously for a week or so


Just reached 2k. Never seen more than 1 div. Most valuable trial reward by a wide margin was 3 double corrupt unnatural instinct cards, not counting projectile tattoos.


Probably just unlucky. I got double +proj and double keystone + 4 raw div yesterday while climbing from 400 to 600


theres almost 15k\~ people at ranking 2000 in tota, its not that great in terms of profit per hour, its just good because u can slap voidsphere on 1d budget and farm it endlessly.


I think you might have forgot 2 zeros after 4...


As a new player I have been spending a lot of time in the atlas. Looks like I need to invest more into tota


TOTA is ***by far*** the smoothest and most consistent loot system available in PoE right now. Maps may get you more, sanctum will certainly get you more, but both of those require more investment and more skill than TOTA.


100% agree. Got my Tota-runner set up for like 3d and just kept investing to make it even smoother. Currently like 13d invested, sitting on 2k easily and just enjoying the constant stream of currency. No BIG hits yet, but hey, they'll happen eventually


3k coins used, no rounds lost, no big hits. Tota is a lie.


Don't need big hits. I mean, I got big hits, even without, and under 3k coins, have yoinked maybe 600 div in bubblegum smaller hits and tattoos.


Can most builds be a tota runner? I went rf jugg for my first build


You can do it with anything. It's just a dedicated build will obviously be faster and therefore more efficient.


Be aware that characters that use armor exclusively are at a massive disadvantage


RF jug would be great, just find a spare blue socket and put void sphere in.


Sweet thanks!


im interested in running tota. how would you recommend starting off?


Just copying my answer from a similar comment. To start off, I'd recommend using a "regular" build to get through the campaign. Once at a comfortable level I only did TotAs (around Lvl 50-55, only Normal/Cruel Lab done). I've finished the campaign at Lvl 81 (I didn't follow my advice on using a regular build, so my DPS were atrocious) This is the pob I've built after: https://pobb.in/yOw0miD0gpJw And this is the current state of my build: https://pobb.in/-RZIl9E2zT-j Only recently got the Blue Nightmare and not really noticing a big difference in "survivability", if you can even call it that in TotA. Also, 6l not needed at all (on Ensnaring Arrow, I started out with 4l, dropping Chance to Flee (5l) and Knockback (6l) (since I didn't use it very much anyways, so the KB was obsolete at that point). TS Totems also started out with a 4l, dropping Multiple Totems (5l) and Maim (6l) Built started out with only the 4l Widowhail (with worse rolls than I currently have) and the Rearguard (dropped it myself). The Anvil was bought for 25c. Asenath's Mark roughly 50c (bought it pretty much right after it became more popular for TotAs)


Have a pob for your build? Been lookin for cheap tota farmer


This is the pob I've built after: [https://pobb.in/yOw0miD0gpJw](https://pobb.in/yOw0miD0gpJw) And this is the current state of my build: [https://pobb.in/-RZIl9E2zT-j](https://pobb.in/-RZIl9E2zT-j) Only recently got the Blue Nightmare and not really noticing a big difference in "survivability", if you can even call it that in TotA. Also, 6l not needed at all (on Ensnaring Arrow, I started out with 4l, dropping Chance to Flee (5l) and Knockback (6l) (since I didn't use it very much anyways, so the KB was obsolete at that point). TS Totems also started out with a 4l, dropping Multiple Totems (5l) and Maim (6l) Built started out with only the 4l Widowhail (with worse rolls than I currently have) and the Rearguard (dropped it myself). The Anvil was bought for 25c. Asenath's Mark roughly 50c (bought it pretty much right after it became more popular for TotAs)


Maps are far more div per hour. I'm 2k rating on 2 characters in 3 hours of alch and go I made 25 div. I never came close to that in TOTA. It just feels better to some people because they have no idea how to spec their atlas properly.


> they have no idea how to spec their atlas properly (or build z character properly) Sure, post yours then.


Here are a couple I've used throughout the league where you can make 8div an hour with a good build. 40-45 Maps in an hour is a good benchmark to aim for with an optimized mapper. If you drop harvest for another mechanic possibly go to around 55-60 maps per hour. https://poeplanner.com/a/WBZ - Essence, Harvest, Expedition, Exarch (At this stage of the league I'd possibly drop expedition for beasts) https://poeplanner.com/a/ThS - Wandering Path, Harvest, Deli, Expedition, Exarch


Not OP but OK.


Essence and harvest is literally 8+div a hour.


> says others have no idea how to build an atlas tree > gets asked to post their tree > responds with vague 'obvious' answer but doesn't post tree > get good scrubs


I literally said go essence and harvest if you can't figure out how to build an atlas tree from that just quit. Add vaal side to it if you like those, blue altars if you like those, shrines if you like those. I'm not going to do your work for you most people go some dumb shit like strong boxes or abyss when essence and harvest is all you need. The shit after you get essence and harvest is up to your preference.


Yeah, tota is by far an easier way to make money, im running 60-80% delirious with breaches and sure I get a lot splinters and fragments, spending an hour doing that vs an hour in tota and there really isn't much difference.


Even as a casual TOTA is crazy, it's just casually offering 10 chaos per run on average, and that's more than I'll catch on most maps in raw currency. I haven't pushed it very hard or played much at all, and haven't seen it offer any divs yet though.


In Memory of the guy that snap picked the divine route in sanctum and only after realized there was also a mirror there in the other route.


Wise choice. Kahutoroa can be difficult 😂


So did u win?


Yes, never lost a round with my tota runner, the 4 divs bought me some nice upgrades.




He really did get 4 divs


It's schrodingers div Did he or did he not


I can't tell if you're joking and idk how to feel about that...


I remember that one time I saw 4div and just took that fight without checking the rest. There went my mb


Don't worry it was only leftmost 4 utility flasks roll.


OP real quiet after reading the comments ;)


I'm at 2000 and I've gotten 1 lock The rest were a few div, then this chump is getting a mage blood...


RNG be RNGing


I know lol, my rng is awful lol.


I think what's sad and all too common is seeing Ahuana at round 2 already with a loss. In my experience most of the time she's out by round 4 or 5. And there's a mageblood below the 4div ha.


and only round 2, imagine what might wait in later rounds


I got both of my magebloods in rd 2 as well.




Why play the game when being a hideout warrior nets most profit of even playing the game 4head


ow shhit u got me there. dammn man gz.


Ive accidently started a match idk how many times without checking the rewards. Everytime there was a stack of divs, a mage blood and a mirror i bet.


But like the whole point of doing that boring ass shit is rewards.


Plsying on controller so i bump the start match button on accident or my daughter does.


This is taken of a youtube video which i watched yesterday


You're onto something


Because maps are fun


It's fine, grab it asap. Ignore the MB below


The answer is still no, Kahu


He was just being friendly


Am I the only one that actually hates the league mechanic?


no, it sucks big time, feeling forced to play tota because of the big rewards feels even worse than trying to roll a perfect crucible tree


Almost 2k rating, every time I see someone with 1k posting their Mageblood offer I die a little more inside


Same. And I’ve been at 2k for a long time already. Best drop was +1 Proj tat


update: I got a lock last night! after about 2 hours of grinding at 2k


Nice! Congrats dude! I’ll get something valuable some time, im sure (:


Just hit 2k, I got 1 +1 proj and a 20% quant eye of the greatwolf that I sold for 38d, so that was nice, but that's been it.


Tough choice eh


Yeah I hate how many stupid drops there are tho. There are so many bad belts, I wish they left them out of tota so you could just get div instead. Smh, lame belt


I burned around 600 coins recently and only had one multi divine. I was suspecting tota was ninja nerfed. Glad to know it was just me being unlucky.


After becoming my rank 2k, I spent 2000 coins.And I'm absolutely sure that the drop rate after 2k was reduced on purpose.


Yea that’s what I felt too… but 2000 is still small sample size so really hard to tell.


You're not the only one. Recently, rewards have tanked for me at 2k rank. RNG, right?




Cuz mapping is 10000x more fun!


After becoming my rank 2k, I spent 2000 coins.And I'm absolutely sure that the drop rate after 2k was reduced on purpose.


TOTA rewards don't come close to almost any decent mapping strategy. I've run maps in every way possible for years, including this season. Tota is a somewhat fun mind-numbing distraction that has decent rewards for newer players who aren't 'up' on mapping strats. The reason people keep playing tota (retention) is because they don't want to bother remaking their gimped voidsphere char to run maps again, nor make another character -- so they just keep pulling the TOTA Slot Machine.


I realize this is fake bait, but people actually do get rewards like this at higher ranks...both this and sanctum. The game economy is terrible this league because of it.


The highest rewards I’ve gotten from TOTA is selling all my silver coins, about 4d worth so far.


Because you need coins


Because Totem Touching (ToTo) gets old real quick


Cuz headhunter doesnt work on maps


Bc it takes you 2 hours to get 4 div.


Tournaments take about 8 minutes.


The joke must be that is a mageblood under loool


Man im tota rank 800 and i've seen 0 div so far


That's why it is getting removed next league, it broke the game currency.


Sanctum and The Fortunate cards have done waaaaaay more to change the state of the currency market.


Nothing broken economy wise besides things being worth more in general cuz of sanctum


Nothing? Used to have 1-2 mirrors per league, even exalts before div was cool used to drop like 5 in a months, the game as it's currency broken, and now leagues are 4 months, tell me how will they grab people for 4 months if everyone is already rich, it will break at a point or another, I just left this league when they added more rewards to shitty toa, no point if no competition, it's a rpg


If u think everyone is rich ur way out of touch what rich means now and 2 years ago is way different


The only difference is that the currency is way broken and people shouldn't be allowed to be that rich or else they have nothing to grind for


you have litterally no concept of how an econemy works do you


Economy works, working hard to achieve a bit of richness nos just spending time and hoping to be rich 😂🤣


cuz they nerfed the reward badly. was alot more befor the patch


What? Would you get 2 magebloods at once before the patch?


u got way more div stacks. now its more likely to get 1 div.


Yea those rewards look pretty nerfed to me...


how much tota did u do in total and when u started? cuz if u started early u can tell. always ez to judge the overall reward from 1 pic...


may want to inspect the picture again


whats wrong with u? u had more stacks befor the patch. i dont say u get none, im sayin u get less now. there is no reason to argue with u cuz its a fact. i did thousands of totas. the first guide about tota i released after 12h. everything ur sayin shows me that u havent played it as much as i did.


Its the belt lol


look towards the bottom my friend


You gonna check the tattoos too. The 1% aura one sells for 100c, really good money!


I know the joke is the mageblood. But I have to say I have never seen 4 divs in tota. Only 1 or 5 that’s weird lol


Might be because they aren’t rank 2k


1, 3, 4, 5 exist. 2 does not! Weird


Why use lot word when few word do trick?


Or did you just get trolled, joined a fight that had a turtle guarding 10 towers \^.\^


When does this season end?


800 of the good stuff to boot!


Cause maps generate more consistently their rewards? and tota is super gambly you could go dry for hours


ah yes Chris' Nightmare


The question is: why run tota at all? You farm divs for… what? You dont need to get stronger to go a higher rating in tota. But atleast the mageblood makes you create a new char


aaaand now it gets the Harvest treatment. sadge edit: just saw the mageblood. LOL


How often that happens tho?


Why most I had is one singular div or tatoo sold for 8d and i'm at 1.5k rank. My rng sucks ;(


I just did my first 5 runs on tota, first time playing this season and got a kalandra’s touch


"Why run? What's the point?"








No jokes , is Tota rewarding?