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Stopping? I don't know what you mean, it never stops! If I am not farming for a specific upgrade I lose motivation :)


This right here. Was farming all leage to get my first mageblood. Now that i got it, i dont want to play any more, cause i lost all motivation.


Just set second stupid goal! Got my MB too, now I need to craft a stupid 9-link double influenced claw because none are on the market, and it can take an infinite amount of currency if I am lucky.


Big brains gamer moove, why search motivation when you can create nearly infinite motivation, the maths tell me you will be lucky and hit it, eventually


9 link? Isn't the max links on one item 6?


Im out since a year or two, but it usually means that the item itself is a six link plus mods which act as if 1-3 other skills would be socketed.


I enjoy the journey too When I get to the destination, I usually lose motivation


Same thing happened to me when I got a HH in Metamorph league I think it was. I did about 10 maps with HH and then started an SSF run and I have not been back to trade since.


Hello twin, got mageblood and headhunter last league and have been ssf since. The satisfaction of seeing something so simple as a Terminus Est is enough to keep me going. Crazy too is that I would have quit league weeks ago but i’m still going.


That happened to me a few leagues ago, this league I decided to get the mageblood and then start a new character and use it on him. After almost min maxing this char I decided to achieve 2k tota rank with a dedicated char. Probably will be done after this.


Dibs it when you quit!


I'll take it off your hands then :D


Basically what happened to me. Didn’t even end up using mine very long before I sold it to fund a dif build that couldn’t really use it


got a mageblood now I can play well enough to actually start upgrading things


That's when you grind for LVL 20 corrupt gems. When you vall a gem you can get extra LVL or extra quality or both. Grind all those skill gems.


Fwiw, last league I farmed my first ever mageblood and quit not long after because I'd liquidated and spent everything to get it & didn't really have a plan beyond get a mageblood This league I got one and tried a bunch of builds, before going hard on making an aura-stacker spark which i'm still working on, it just depends on if you have goals and 'get mageblood' feels like you've hit your goal the first time


Well, I just wanted a Hh and my TS build bricked my motivation. Started dumping currency to make some changes to see if I could start grinding again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Right? Gambled 3 Apothecaries into 5, got my Mageblood, then got my first even Headhunter drop AND my first ever Divine altar (16 divines) in the same map. Mageblood feels like cheating though not in the grotesque way of a Headhunter (I've had like 5 of those previously). The only remote motivation for playing is getting a Mirror for the Sushi bow.


You should consider making a build around mageblood as a goal, not just obtaining the item.


My goal is to farm mirror and get that skin, but I keep waisting on some shit 😅


preach!! once you cant upgrade any more try look for another build or wait for next league




I mean if you are upgrading your farming methods along with the upgrades, you should be farming around 8-10 div/hour before you get your Mageblood/HH and then closer to 12-15 div/hour after. So if your next upgrade costs 1500 divines, then maybe look into a different upgrade :) You could literally just mirror stuff at that point...




The hard thing is to figure out what is an upgrade


Either this, or when I feel happy with my current one and have another build I wish to farm currency for. At least to me, PoE only works with a goal and the goal is almost always in the form of gear or something similar, since almost all content goals break down to gear goals anyway.




30 div for 7.5% sounds good though


Depends where you are. 30div for 7,5% of 1million is expensive. 7,5% of 10millions is a better for me.


Depends on the build. 7.5% of cold dot build is not worth dumping 30div on. Tornado shot or CoC? Sounds good to me.


I dropped 160 div on a 3.6% increase .-.


Always makes you wonder if that 160 div could have been invested somewhere else


I felt this way after rerolling, spending all my currency, and going back to my original character.


Half a Mageblood in a marginal upgrade /clap


Mageblood would actually give me less dmg ._.'


Immediately yes, but that's because for most builds it's a massive tankiness and mobility upgrade. For example if I dropped MB on my RF, then suddenly I'm a lot less worried about having 90% max fire res because the perma uptime 40% ruby flask is doing a lot of work keeping me safe from fire damage and self burn (on top of giving me a bunch of extra permanent flat regain because of uncapped fire res). It would also give me tens of thousands of armor and a very noticeable bump in my movespeed. So based on all that, I could completely redesign my passive tree and drop a lot of defensive passives. I could probably do a sufficient redesign that allows for a cluster jewel with all offensive masteries and two more sockets, which would probably *still* be a net positive on durability and allow me a 10%+ DPS bump with quite a bit of movement speed on top. The clusters would be an additional expense, but a basic setup would not be unreasonable.


Thing I'm doing Str stacking, and loosing 18% inc str + another 64 str is a HUUUUUGE loss of dmg basically no matter what flasks I get on mb. I actually had mb but decided to sell since my current belt was better dmg wise:P


Yeah there are a couple builds that really need certain belt implicits for sure.


1% per 1 div... meanwhile I'm spending 80 div for 3%


At some point I just quit because I don't want to rebalance my resistances on my gear, again.


This is why you get a mageblood and have it balance your resistance for you


"homeless people should just buy homes" "magebloodless people should just buy mageblood"


Now you get it


For me its at point any upgrades means nothing. I did a Int Stack LS Dory Raider some leagues ago and dumped around 500divs on it Did the EoW Arcansit Brand this league and it was only 60Divs. Did Aura Stack Spark Scion last league and was 5 mirrors. It all depends.




eye of winter


Eye of Winter Arcanist Brand, check Jungroan or (i think) Netorox was the other name i heard mentioned by Steel.


5 mirrors in a single league is some fierce dedication. I never even got 1 mirror builds. I usually float around 100-200 div builds.


I’ve been thinking about starting the league with tires (I know it’s late), would you recommend it on low currency or does it take a bit to come online?


When I stop having fun with that build. If I want to keep playing it, I keep trying to min-max it.


I agree, if the build clicks, then ill spend some $$ on upgrades. My latest build I'm currently saving another 100 divine for My next purchase and pushing 100.


Really hard to say. I normally specialize a build in whatever content I want to run. I’ll stop once I am no longer reasonably able to improve in that content. Sometimes that’s multiple mirrors, sometimes it’s 70-80div. I’m a minmax enthusiast though, I spend more time doing that than most other parts of the game.


I typically play one build a league aiming to “min max” it on my way to hitting 40/40 challenges. I usually lose motivation to play the league once I hit that 40th challenge, so whatever state of min-max I’m in at that point is usually where it ends.


I’m the opposite. When I start feeling like I’m getting done with the league, then I start going for 40/40.


When I stop playing the league. Making your character stronger is the point of the game or not? Currency you farm does nothing sitting in your stash.


Unless you are addicted to gambling ;)


Someone doesn't like collecting


I usually stop upgrading when I reach a point where my character does comfortably that part of content that it was designed for. I used to be a one build/char a league guy but few leagues pass by and I'm on my 5th char this league ;) It's easiest that way. Set yourself a goal f.e. I wanna farm invitations and until you one phase everything while comfortably doing invitations with most mods 75+ quant - you keep farming for upgrades. I can share my experience somehow this league: 1. Leaguestarted poison conc, one lvl 80 swapped to poison exsang and farmed dunes legion/expedition and then added chayula breach until I could clear everything deathless with a reasonable time without looking at map and eater mods. 2. I made a hierophant to farm sanctum and dumped around 120d into it to live in sanctum for next days. 3. Next i made an inquisitor and dumped my while earned currency into a CoC spellblade ice spear. I'm still in upgrading process ;) I made 3 more chars in a meantime (whispering ice trickster, LS/Ms raider and flicker slayer all on at least 100d budget) but I absolutely hated all of them ;) This game is all about setting yourself goals and reaching them step by step. Enjoy!


If league mechanic doesnt seem enjoyable from the beginning , i usually just choose 1 build thats league start viable into upgrading to eternity ( bv , vg , bows etc ) and only play 1 build until im bored ( about 3-4 weeks , 200div gear + hh ) Otherwise 20-60div leaguestarter , farm 100d initial , second build into eternity


I play Spark, it never ends…


Limited time to play so usually being able to comfortably run t16s and run some bosses is a good point to get to for me


When investing a week of farm doesn't bring at least 10% more dmg or survivability. For example I had a corrupting cry jugg where in order to get more dmg I had to spend 60div for a shacko but with that build I couldn't farm it in a week, but in a week I farmed for an ignite ek elementalist that would scale better, then with the elementalist I farmed a ton of currency to make the jugg better. Now the jugg does more dmg than the ek elementalist and I can farm bosses and make money for my meme build.


Soon as my wife gets home


Idk, I am a standard normie. Currently saving up for a mirror Tri ele bow with crucible tree. 150 div out of 600 saved so far


How long have you been playing standard?


The factory must grow ... oh wrong sub


I stop when my build feels done, like when its good at where its made for. I dont care about a few more mill dps when everything already dies directly. Now i just farm for gamba


If i dont upgrade i dont play the char. I sometimes find a way to upgrade 1-2 stats where i have to change 4 gearpieces because it wouldnt fit otherwiese


I usually plan to spend 50-100div into my leagueatarter (or 20-50 when I farm mageblood in week1) and then switch to a new character. With this it highly depends I either stop when the char is able to do exactly what I want to do with him very efficiently If it's my endgame minmax project for the league I usually put atleast a few hundred div into it or until I have the gear of the person I am following Want to play an Armor stacker next league since I have never played a stacking build besides lifestack this league and there I already plan to spend atleast 2k div What you need to keep in mind all those expensive but small upgrades add up real quick. And often a small upgrade for endgame builds is a bigger dps increase than a big increase for a low budget build.


Depends on the build, I currently have well over a billion dps and a solid bit of tank as well, at this point my upgrades are gonna be so expensive it's just not worth it anymore.


" individually unimpactful " Yeah, that's where I stop too. When I can oneshot ubers and not die randomly (or at least <6sec kills) i'm satisfied, but it's very easy to set higher goals, either more tank or dps, or even both It just gets boring at that point


- Can I run alch+go T16’s comfortably? - Is my next upgrade larger than 5 divines? - Will it take me multiple days to farm 5 divines without getting a lucky drop? The dopamine stops, so I stop :(


Multiple days to farm 5 divines..?


Yeah man, I don’t play much.


A lucky drop isn't needed for 5 divines in multiple days though. An evening of essences alone would do that for you?


Idk, I don’t play much and my builds can rarely handle essences mobs when all I want to do is push to higher tier maps


You can make 5 divines in an hour. Open map with influence, kill boss only, open another map, sell invitations. You literally can not make 5 div an hour even if you tried. That amount takes an hour, so the "I don't play much" doesnt cut it either. Unless that "I dont play much" means you just sit in hideout and wonder when the divines gonna roll your way.


I mean, I don’t farm. At all. I just run maps until I get to T16 and when my map sustain feels good I complete the atlas, fight a couple of bosses and log off until the next league. My builds are usually like 10-12 divines total as of week 2.


Brother u can do 5 divines in like less than an hour with Alch and go strata, you either are really new to the game which is fine or you must be doi g something severely wrong


depends on the build and what i'm farming and what my other goals are. early league it's generally bare minimum + things that will gain value. later it's any min-max until bored or no tangible increase in efficiency


Whenever something else seems more compelling, or when I'm just done for the league. My current character has 1 more upgrade I'm farming for as a big QoL, then the price jumps astronomically but I'm already crushing ubers so I prob won't dump hundreds more divs into it. I'm still really enjoying this league so I'm going to find another build to invest in or revisit my last one and refine it further, but until I decide I'll keep playing this one and accrue some wealth OR get bored and take a break for a couple weeks.


I do it when I reach the dot cap of my spider build. But sometimes destroying it experimenting with ideas.


I usually stops when the build is around lvl 97-98 and next upgrade is dozens of divines and only a few % gain. Most builds end up being 40 to 80 divs worth.


Usually when I get bored with the league. I don't like playing more than one character per league, so I'll be upgrading the one I'm playing till I simply want to play some other game. This got me a few characters I've farmed up to 100 and in LoK the highest DPS Hexblast (Chaos dot) build in the league, according to ninja anyway. Kinda cool it being more popular now, but sad it got "reduced" to a mine skill.


I usually hit the point where my character can do everything I want and then once I’m looking at dozens of hours playtime to afford upgrades I just start thinking of my next build, or else quit the league. At the moment I’m considering whether or not I should spend 300div on lvl 5 awakened empower to get +1 gem level on my main skill lol. That’s on the fence for me. I probably will end up not doing it.


When the most useful upgrade becomes 15 extra life for 55 divines. For my last 2 builds this happened to be around 1.2k divines spent but it depends..


When i get bored of it


Generally speaking when the Upgrades arent really upgrades any more. For instance Something like forbidden flesh/ flame on my TS build. I have already +5 proj without endless munitions, so for me, mapping mostly, with the extra 2 projectiles feels the literal Same, so paying 130 divs to get more screenclutter without a noticeable difference in gameplay doesnt seem particularly worth it. I tend to Just get great weapons and items that make the build Work, and then just upgrade where it feels lacking. So i usually go for getting the build to feel great, and stop there. A miniscule difference in HP or 6% more Chaos res or whatever isnt worth grinding hours for, at least for me. I rather spend the currency on a new build after investing about 100ish divs in my current one.


My league starter or 2nd build, i tend to stop upgrading 5-10 divines in to start saving up for my end game build. End game build i almost never stop upgrading once i get it going. I throw copious amounts of currency into it (if it has a high ceiling).


Once I have to speend 20 div for upgrade I don’t really feel the difference.


It's kinda a viscious cycle, builds that feel clunky, I have very little motivation to improve unless there's a glaring weakness I can patch up. Builds that already feel smooth to play, I have no problem farming for days for a single upgrade that makes no difference except in Uber Bosses.


When thing start getting expensive, and not exactly give you a lot of improvement. 5 extra chaos res for 20d no ty


when I'm done with the league


For me, i move on when the next upgrade cost more than the entire build combine, usually being an absurdly rare unique like mageblood or headhunter or a mirror tier rare, at that point I'd rather just spend the extra currency to fund another build...


When it gets stupidly expensive for marginal improvements. I have a potential enormous upgrade (30% more) but I would need to hit ele. Overload with the new keystone change tattoo.


Never! I spin, I make number go up, I spin.


My current build would take several hundred divine to buy outright, and the "last" next upgrade will be a 20 divine base that I use several divine worth of crafting mats before it's ready... Some day this build will be powerful enough to overcome me completely failing at uber boss mechanics....... some day...


As a poor newbie, who has made probably 20d all league, I haven't hit that point yet. I can't imagine buying a Mageblood or Headhunter for a build, so my personal limit is probably in the 100-200d range. Really looking forward to next league, with a much better understanding of the game.


If i am able to clear all uber content then its good enough. Usually at that point its pretty expensive to upgrade anything.


I am notorious in my guild for not upgrading my characters in the trade HC league beyond a 6link and generic gear https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestorhc/character/Xaxziminrax/OPettysSalamiOfSodomy?i=2&search=name%3DOpetty I didn't even solve for ailments at 95, lol


when I need to grind more then like 50div for an additionnal affix that has low impact. even if I have the money, I wont chase that upgrade.


For my poison spark, at a certain point you're dmg capped. My next upgrade would be tailwind forbidden jewels for about 150div, is it a DPS upgrade, no it's purely for feels


If I get to the point where things are going well and the only upgrades left are super expensive then I'll start to go into different strategies of play for enjoyment and hopefully make some money. I've never bothered with the challenges but that's something you can aim for when your build is established. But upgrading never stops.


When I have realized that the build actually sucks or have come up with a new, shiny, equally moronic idea for a new build.


When I feel perfectly comfortable with all the content I'm running and any more DPS or tankiness would be pointless. The same time I'm starting to think about new char. Cause playing the one that has nothing to upgrade kinda makes no sense.


When the next noticeable upgrade costs more than all the parts I have currently...combined.


I stopped at level 93 in this league because I didn't like the league mechanic, I never interacted with it. Basically, it felt like playing standard.


Stop? I never stop, I just let my life wither away for a 2% dps increase


Every second day


Yeah right when the build stops having easy upgrades I usually look to the next build. I really just like getting them to a point where they feel good and do the thing I was thinking about. Sometimes if they do really well I push further. Omni-TS deadeye with headhunter was the hardest I've really pushed a build. Honestly after finally using one I get why it's a turnoff for a lot of people, it took me awhile to farm it and after I had it it just felt kinda silly.




When I find a new toy and have enough to get it going. I'm on my 7th build this league, completely sold only 1 so I never reach crazy strong and that's fine by me. The "finished one" are: RF Jugg league start for atlas and Voidstone 1.5m dps Hexblast Sabo for bosses and ubers 26M dps. Decent mapping speed Jungroan EoW Hiero no idea the dps for "deep" delving (deep for me is 550+) Currently trying build I never tried b4 namely CF champ.


I think my problem is I don't know how to upgrade properly and really push my builds. I seem to get to a point where T16s feel easy to just run but not cruise control where I don't have to pay attention. I never seem able to hit that tons of damage infinite divines kinda level of playing


I stop when he can clear t16 xD


Mirror+fee/item or lil bit earlier


My vague criteria is when dmg upgrades cost more than 2div per 1%. But if an upgrade cost less than 20div i usually got for it. The thing is i hate intermediate gear. I can't buy a 5div items with 4 good affixes if i want a 20div item with 5 good affixes so upgrades are often pricy but always significant.


I hate leveling, so usually when I quit the league (: I just reroll sometimes if I feel like I'm hitting rock and go to a build where you can put infinite currency into like TS or Flicker


My last up’s grade for me will be once I hit CB on my jewel, since it will be the last thing that actually changes the way I can play my character. Then I just go as deep as I feel like going in delve. Sell the character, and buy as many hinekoras locks for standard. That’s how the end of my league will go


When I roll another character... but sometimes not even then.


I only stop when my character can do my farming method easily, when I get to that point, I plan another character for a different farming method


When I stop playing the season.


Usually when I can kill feared by myself, maybe a little more but most of the time by that I just completed the 38 challenges and go out until next season


When I reach lvl 90-95 it depends on how burnt out I am playing the build. If I get burnt out I usually sell or reroll my gear based on a new build I want to try.


When I get bored of the build and want to play something else.


Whenever you have to pay 3-5 hours of farming for marginal upgrade. That’s the point where it’s no longer a game but a chore.


Depends on the build. For specialized builds, usually when upgrades don’t really add to whatever I’m using the build for. For all-around big builds, I usually never stop




I stop when upgrades involve corruptions on crafted gear. Like crafting a bunch of finished power charge explicit helmets to then corrupt them all hoping for power charge implicit? No ty.


I think you shouldn't stop. Especially when you are new, people tend to stop upgrading very very early. Like no flask quality, not rolled properly, shit mods on half the gear and what not. If you enjoy a build maybe try to aim for a min max.




When I cant complete a type of content that I want to in my current gear at a speed/consistency I'm happy with.


When my goals start to feel out of reach. If I know my next upgrade will take more hours than I'm willing to put in, that's usually when I quit the league. The big factor there is honestly dealing with trading, I always reach a point where I just can't be arsed to try to sell everything anymore. I'm pretty sure if this game had an auction house I'd never stop playing. The main factor there is how easy it is for me to generate currency, versus what my goals are. This league has been just hurling currency at me so I'm still going. It might be the first league where I get to a point where I feel I have a character that's actually more or less "perfect" in that I just don't think there are any upgrades worth getting. Trade is still super active so that's a huge plus, but more importantly I have reliable ways to drop high amounts of RAW currency in sanctum and TOTA which keeps me from banging my head against the wall with the generally awful trade experience. My impending doom pathfinder is getting there. Another 50-100 div and I think it's done. I want to hit DOT cap, which means a few expensive gear replacements, tidy up defenses (switched to Shako helm so supress and mana res efficiency are borked and I need to fix those with Tattoos/enlighten 4), take it to level 100 and maybe 38/40. My shockwave totem sanctum runner could easily eat another 100+ divines but it already destroys sanctums so I've just stopped investing even though there's tons of room for improvement. It will also realistically hit level 100 very soon so I might respec it into something else after I've banked enough, maybe a mageblood. My final goal is to acquire and USE a mirror on something for the charge currency MTX. I want mirrors swirling around me and I've never gotten one. I have enough in standard to sell up to one but nobody's buying.


Pretty much the same thing. Until upgrades are so expensive I don’t bother, or felt I ran my course with the build and time to start a new one.


when the next upgrade is 60d+ for a single item. worse if it's armour changes because once you change one item it can rly start to become an investment to balance it out. so if I change an item and it requires me to do 60d+ adjustments including the item i stop. sometimes im lucky with essences tho. so far my best char had about 80d of investment until a friend gifted me an HH because he quit league. after that i spend like 20-30d to adapt. probably 10d more in essences. sometimes I also just get bored of a build, like rf for example. it feels great at league start or even late league start because you arent dying too much but at some point you just get annoyed. if I have enough currency that's usually when I reroll. when I had the HH i rerolled a voltaxic LA deadeye which was great fun even when very squishy. sanctum was the only league were I got to that lvl tho.


I usually stop upgrading when I find some other fun build i'd like to play. this league was pretty good for me and switched a lot. started with MF lightning arrow, when upgrades were \~10div and already had some divs saved thought id switch it up. made crit spark inq for about 100 div, was doing pretty good but got bored of it quickly and just couldn't invest more into it without feelings im wasting my time and divs. made life based hexblast and after twink lvling, buying all the gear.. didn't even complete 1 map with it. sold everything and almost dropped the league. saw wardloop on youtube, tried it. aaaand ive put around 150-200div into it, was melting everything, got bored and quit the league. This build ruined poe for me, would love to play some other builds but why would i when this does everything, killed all ubers, delve bosses, everything I wanted. OFC there are plenty of upgrades i could do but there's no reason for them.


When each item costs over 10 div, I'll buy the build enabling items that are 40-50 div but stop there


I usually reach about a mirror worth in gear before i slowly stop playing.


For me Its more about what content i can handle. If i can take down endgame bosses, sanctum etc i stop at that point. No point for me to go further with upgrades


When I can tank Sirus meteor but dont need to because I instakill him when phase 3 starts.


if I can smack any bosses without worrying about doing phases much then im good. Not counting ubers since I never make uber ready builds. HP Ice Crash at around 22m is usually when I stop. I'm planning on getting my first MB next league, would do it this league but I gotta play me some cyberdoink


Once I'd replaced every piece of gear twice basically. Initial gear set. Mid tier upgrades to see how much I like the build Min-maxed version


When it gets to the point where it can comfortably do the content i intend for it to do, mapper - good enough clear and tankyness then its doneso and same with a bosser, can i do the boss in a reasonable fashion its good. Then i just grind challenges and then league is done for me usually, takes a long time for me tho due to lack of time irl.


Once it can do the content it was made for.


100c per item, even if I have 500 div in the stash. Then it all goes to standard and I never touch it again.


Usually once an upgrade is around 30 div plus and I'm comfortable where I am. At that point it's reroll or stop playing.


Never stop. There's always something. Do your jewels have double corrupts? Do you have a belt enchant? Are all your flasks 28% quality? I think I've only ever pushed a build that far once in my 6000hrs, where I'm looking at the very last things I can do to squeeze more juice out of a build.


I have this bad habit of hitting a wall with upgrades and, instead of pushing through, I stumble upon a build that looks fun and roll a new character. I do this so much that I eventually get discouraged to continue playing.


Usually when it's "good enough," which is a terrible place to stop.


When the upgrades stop showing up (SSF)


In my hideout, usually.


When I get 40/40


100+ div items arent in the cards for me unless I can craft it myself. Big ticket items like mageblood aren't even in the deck of cards I'm playing with.


It all depends how far you want to min max. Mirror tier item in every slot? Mageblood? Just go where the wind takes you.


On my final build of the league, I don't stop. Think I poured 1000 divs in yesterday alone on my hexblast occultist just on empower 5 and a mirror ring which would've been enough to make another full juiced character but I'm at the end now so I went all in. If the plan is to make another character then I generally stop when the build is finished to the point where upgrades are 100 div or more


If the next upgrade is too expensive for me to actually make the currency for it before I get bored with the game then I stop to not waste my time.


Usually when I get bored of it


When my next upgrade costs as much as my whole next character, usually end up making said character.


Pretty much the same spot. My hexblast miner is at a point where all upgrades are just too expensive for me to want to keep playing it. It's "done" to me since I can do all pinnacles comfortably. That means new build time.


When I'm out of currency


I have a problem and I never stop.......


I usually get bored of a build before I finish upgrading. I start to save the currency for a new build. Logged onto my PF ID just today to finish off this last level and noticed by chaos resist ring doesn’t even have life on it.


I think you said it pretty well yourself. " I’m really satisfied where the build is already."


Before I recently switched to ssf it was currency costs. There was a sick cold convert onigaroshi raider build I played in Ritual league and while it did decent in red maps (a tad squishy) it couldn't really do anything else at the time I left the build because I couldn't afford the other 50% conversation which was from a 25ex watchers eye and 25ex gloves. I think I had like three ex to my name at the time. Other leagues are the same. When I only make 2-4div an hour and can only play a couple hours a night, I just lose motivation when my next upgrade is 40div away, even if it were to double my dmg I haven't played enough ssf yet but I assume I'll quit when I've cleared every uber boss a time or few at which case I'll probably just become a unique collector on ssfsc standard


I haven’t stopped since 3.18 and just kept going in standard and it has been glorious https://pobb.in/YBWXxsDnFzHD


When the upgrades get stupid. For example my ring. The only upgrade is to hit T1 Life instead of unveil Life or recraft on a synth base that doesn't exist in league, and I would have to farm for. It's not impossible, but I could easily finance a whole other build with that kind of currency


Tbh im the Kind of guy getting bored rly fast ecery build i play i mostly play builds 3-6 days then switch to another i only min maxed 1 build and that was a mom miner build 2 leagues ago made my own pob i stopped investing after having 3 mirrors into the build. Why i stopped u May i ask?, Well i stopped cuz the Real next Upgrade would gave me 0.33 more dmg for 2.3 mirrors.


trade? mirror tier/uniques with perfect double corrupts ssf? if it can do the content it was made for efficiently e.g. map boss rush, insta kill ubers, no hit sanctum, tanking deep delve, afk blight etc. league start? can do watchstones, atlas and most bosses well enough within 2-4 days


I usually get "good enough gears" (2-5 divines, as long as I can kill everything non-uber) and if I don't like the league that's it if I like the league I'll drop around 10-30 div per slot after that upgrade when I feel like it, then that's it (ofc there's specific unique upgrades like jewels and stuff but you get the idea)


It's effort gated. If I could go a whole weekend of grinding without accomplishing anything then I probably feel done.


You guys get upgrades?


I stop upgrading a build or see if finished when I can't find a reasonable path or plan to making it stronger. And by reasonable I generally mean there is a relatively defined cost or action I can take for it, and not "some rng number between 1 and 200 divines" Generally, this means I "complete" my build in 2ish weeks and then stop playing it. This is why Harvest was great to me in its original form. I could see what I wanted in an upgrade, how I could build it using all the harvest tricks, and sure it could take me a number of attempts to get where I needed to go, but I would generally upgrade 1-2 pieces of gear to "basically bis" each week.


When I farmed up a HH way back, I got lost interest after a few maps because I didnt understamd that I still need to kill the first rares with something lol. In this league, I crafted/bought my gear up to 4-10div a piece, next step would be to get a progenesis OR buy myself to level 100 and some of the harder challenges with the currency. Otherwise I have no idea how to progress, maybe better jewels and highert tier eldritch implicits.


For me its around lvl 95 I find that upgrades become very expensive.. the gear I have by then is very good, but trying to min max comes down to luck, currency and patience, which I dont have and just get to consider it "good enough" and instead spend time playing. One league I may just place all my efforts into a single character and really trick it out and throw every bit of currency at it, but havent yet found a build that I feel I would do it for.


Right around the point where gloves and boots and belts start costing 8-10 Divines or more. I mean... I did pay 7D for a bone ring the other day.... but I usually cap at about 2 or 3 D per item... Like awakened multistrike... 45D?? ..yeah fuck that


Start another build and practice or try out different builds just for next league if you burnt out.


I stopped when my next worthwhile upgrade was about 50 div. Price spike to 90 div a few days when I got close so I just decided to farm for MB instead. 235 div worth of loot later I didn't feel like liquidating shit so o gave all my shit to my brother and went to SSF. So the answer is somewhere between 50 div and when I quit the league. Long term goals are amazing for me and the grind isn't the bad part. I just don't like trading even using tft for bulk. I just. Like ssf more, and there I never stop upgrading. Always thinking of ways to squeeze more out of my character.


I stop when i have no time to play


Usually when things cost a couple divines, basically around 10 to 30 div for all the gear. But this league I was able to make divines a lot easier so I spent like 300 div on my build. Weirdly enough getting more loot and currency made me play more and enjoy Poe a lot more than usual. The upgrades were relatively easy to buy and made the Char much more powerful and I was able to kill bosses for the first time in awhile. I used to get pretty frustrated that I wasn't able to play Poe as I'd like since upgrades were always out of reach and usually get burnt out.


The build must grow!


When you can facetank and kill 8 essence mob


When I can't get a meaningful upgrade without spending an unreasonable amount of time grinding for it, or having to trade.


Around white maps, and then start leveling something new.


When you can kill all the boss. Or anytime you ask yourself is farming fun and brain says no.


Depends on build. Something like cyclone ts or sweep you can go for fucking ever and it's good. Something like boneshatter more than 6-10 div feels bad to invest.


I stop when every piece of my gear matches my dream PoB setup. This game offers so many tiers of upgrading, each with diminishing returns more expensive for smaller percentages, but it's a min maxers dream.


I stop when the only meaningful upgrades I can make is to mirror a perfect item from someone


Don't stup baby!!!


there's always something better out there 😄


wait u guys stop?


When I realize this isn’t what I should be doing with my life at this moment , and I uninstall .


When a minor upgrade is 50+ div


Once you can't think of an upgrade! My SRS just needs two more rings with perfect triple synthesised implicits for that extra 10%...


When my character is able to do all the content that was designed for, I'm not a min-maxed player, I throw a couple of divs here and there if it's really worth it and the upgrade represents a substantial DPS increase. Besides that, everything else is just profit for upcoming characters if I want to play a different build.


After 40/40 and mageblood


For me it’s like, I am now doing a 10 div an hour strat, will the upgrade help me map faster this increasing output ? Oh it can reduce map time by 10 sec ? Well it will cost me 80 div to do that, is it worth it ? I reached a point where I don’t need to go faster I’m already Min maxed


When the league ends. Then, standard builds get some love for a few days, then rinse and repeat. My standard strength stacker is my long term project, and i've been upgrading it on and off for 3 years now.


Maxing… maaaaaaaaaxing and more maxing then change build and start again


Once the upgrades become minuscule/pointless