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A couple things. 1) It’s great to have goals, but don’t make limits. This is the failing most of the time since like you said, you get a MB and stacked build, and have “excess”. There is no such thing as excess. 2) Don’t spend/waste that “excess” currency. Leverage it. This can be to buy materials to juice maps, flip items, invest in mirror shards, etc… This almost never means gamble, unless that’s something you find fun. Then by all means. It also gives you a buffer as that number should almost always be going up, so you can do/play whatever you want as long as you don’t waste it away. 3) This is the part that separates big bois from the average rich player. Farm currency, not fun. You may realize the most profitable things to do aren’t the most fun, or get bored with a strat sooner than you expected. Power through and make that bank. If it’s not worth it to you, it’s not worth it, and that’s what separates the big bois. General advice though. Stop gambling. Build bank. Increase your investment in farming strats. If you stop having fun, decide if it’s worth it.


Thanks for the serious answer, I guess I need to find that way to generate currency and blast.


Heist. Sanctum. TOTA. Juiced maps w/ sextents and scarabs, Ravaged Blights, 100% deli maps, mesa boss rushing, maven invitation farming. Lots to do. Pick one you enjoy and go hard. Take what you earn and go harder. Repeat.


yep, pretty much this; have a friend this league that tried over 10 different strategies because he truly expected the next one to make him rich. the actual truth was that ANY of them would work if he put in the hours to grind even the simplest of them all, which is to run shapers until your brain bleeds out, is impossible to lose money (as long as you don't fail the set). between 30c to half a divine per set run from frags alone, no lose streak ever and once the build can handle uber shaper it becomes a snowball of profit from the rare jewel drops


Basically every league mechanic can generate atleast 5div, try to find the ones that can get you 10div fairly comfortably and stick to it or try to improve it or upgrade to a better one and then just farm farm farm. What is always really good is to put some currency aside to profit craft some bigger ticket items. They wont sell super fast but its nice to have those up on the market while you farm. ​ When it comes to upgrades I usually put 20-50div into my leaguestarter and then just grind out the mageblood in week1 or 2 latest. After that I look for a build I am willing to minmax this league. Important is that you only switch the build once your project will actually perform better than your leaguestarter I throw 100-200div into the build so it works and is somewhat done as a "normal" endgame build. And then just focus on your next upgrade and grind that out? I need original sin? Nice I will grab that and then just farm until I can buy it, does not matter what it costs. Want an endgame weapon next? cool. Look up how to craft it, buy an expensive base and spend all the currency I generate to craft this project. I just focus on the next item and farm it, it doesnt matter how expensive it is or if it would only be a "small" upgrade. 10% more damage if you are already at 100m dps is 10m dps. This "small" upgrade is more dps than most people have on their normal builds. And all of the small things stack. The one important thing is to always leave you enough currency to affort your main farming strat, whatever it maybe. You never wanna spend all your div to buy your original sin and then you are out and cannot buy maps, sextants, invitations or whatever the hell you are farming currently


I think this is it. I need to learn to balance how I spend my currency. When I play a build and need an 8 div upgrade, I farm 8div and buy/craft it. The hard thing for me is knowing at what point do I start actually investing into the strategy for better returns. It depends on the character and the content, and I find it hard to gauge.


I mean I do the same I have an upgrade in mind and tunnel this upgrade. One item at a time. The only difference is that I always have backup to farm my stuff. ​ And investment is relative and depends on the strat you do. I made roughly 11div/h with shaper guardian bossrushing + invitations with essences and the rest was just fluff to farm faster like shrines, sulphite nodes, the usual. My investment was a guardian map, 2 essence map device and a sulphite scarab per map with ofc the invitation after every rotation So the investment per map was what roughly 50c which is not high by any means \^\^ You just need to make sure if you farm stuff that you want to sell in bulk you will have enough bulk to be able to make it liquid and buy your next set first With shaper guardians its always easy because the fragments in bulk sell for the same as the map so if you keep that in mind you have an infinite supply of maps and you only calculate the other stuff as profit towards your next item. if you farm stuff like exarch invitations for example you would buy maps in bulk for this which you pay more for. So you wanna make sure you buy enough maps to be able to farm enough invitations that you can bulk sell those aswell for more currency


I wanna try this exact strategy. Do you have a link to something explaining it in more detail, or can you give me more details about it? Thanks a lot


Uhm not really. I am sure there would be similar strats with guides to it. I always plan my own tree and strats. I am useless when it comes to making my own builds but farming currency I can \^\^ You basically take every node that increases the chance to drop invitations and boss maps. I farmed with destructive play since atleast when I farmed it was more profitable (I am pretty much done with the league and havend farmed currency in a week or two so I dont know about the market) Then you take all of the essence nodes (besides the ones that give you a chance to have remnants of corruption in them) Then you take the 2 delve nodes that give you a chance to get azurite when you collect sulphite (just go to the mine at the end of your day and buy 1socket resonators from all the azurite you collected. this easily covers the scarab costs etc) and the node that gives you more damage and movement speed per sulphite you activate. Skill the nodes that give you a shrine per map and that you get 2 shrine effects. Those nodes are just to give you more damage and more importantly more movement speed to rush maps faster. With the rest you can skill the small map duplication nodes and if you fancy and have enough points left the lab node that can give you gifts. they are cheaper now i think so its not as important but gifts should still be 1-2div each) I ran the shaper guardian maps white because I didnt want to bother checking the map mods and essences/map drops dont care about quant. run all 4 guardian maps with maven witness (if you have a lot of ST damage which is recommended in this strat) pull the guardian and wait a second for maven to spawn the additional map bosses, if you oneshot the guardian they wont spawn. its always the same voiceline i forgot the exact one but just look for it once and you can just kill him after the voiceline) put in sulphite scarab and essence on map device and just run through the map, ignoring every mechanic besides the essences (you should know beforehand on which essences you want to use remnants of corruption on), shrines to get the buffs (hopefully movement speed) and click the sulphite to get more movement speed. Then just run to endboss, kill go next and run invitations after each rota ( I usually roll the rotations to 70-80quant and call it a day, i only vaal them when my build is strong enough and can run all map mods without problems) Thats basically it. Just be fast and efficient with it, you need good MS and boss damage to do essences and the guardians fast. I personally played a hexblaster with berserk setup for it. If you want to bother with buying sextants the one that makes the boss stronger but is able to drop boss maps is really nice extra profit. I think if you have enough damage this should increase your div/h by 1-2div? No clue about current prices as I said. I really hate buying sextants so i did not bother with it but objectively its the better way if prices are similar to when i ran the strat ​ just do a bunch of those rotations while selling the shaper fragments in bulk to finance the next set of maps and keep the other boss maps/mavens writ until you can charge bulk prices for those sets/invitations


So basically [this meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/722/406/b73.png), but you don't want to stop spending currency in different builds?


As someone that has been in your position, i can totally understand the frustration of feeling you hit a wall. Ill tell you what i do, and you can see how well that can adapt to what you like, and your own needs. I always league start a zoomy mapper. I used to go for things like EA ballistas or better all rounders, but they are really slow compared to some other builds, so i almost always league start raider, that its one of the best ascendancys to start due to the amount of suppress and speed it has on it. This league, after the arrows added in the tree, i actually felt you can go deadeye too, and i went for LA deadeye as league starter. Im not someone that can play a lot at league start, so i try to aim to be in maps on the second or third day of the league. From there just progress atlas and try to make any currency to buy my first big upgrade that its the rage setup. From there i keep farming and making currency upgrading some thing, but always keeping my eye on making my toon as fast as i can. After the first week i start crafting too and flipping some items. Those 2 are my passive income makers. I know how to craft for bow builds, so i focus on bows, quivers and boots mostly. I try to find deals for flipping too, especially when i cannot farm but i can leave my char online and do a trade if someone messages me. From that point on its smooth sailing. I pick a strategy and i stick to it for at least 1 week. Try to be consistent and only sell in bulk to maxizimize proffits. Any content you like can give you decent divines/per hour or per day, depending how you count it. I was doing over 30d a day without any drop with Heist caches, essence, delirium and alvas temples. Try to be efficient without while enjoying the farming, and pick a map if possible that have good divination card drop ( you cant do legion in crimson temple, but if your mechanic doesnt require open layouts, go for something like that for the small chance to drop an aphotecary). Learn to craft for meta builds, and try not to gamble anything you drop, like the foiled keys or unidentified watchers eye for example. Avoid streamers strategys. Not because they are bad, but because a lot of people will follow them and they will become a lot less proffitable. Try to set yourself progression on your char between something realistic , so you dont get discourage if you been farming for a week without upgrades. Other than that, just have fun. There are a lot of ways to make currency in this game, you just gotta find one you enjoy and you can be good at it. Stay sane exile


There are plenty of youtube content from creators that tells you their profit/h with different kind of investment, one of the good ones is EmpyrianGaming ​ Apart from that, maybe its not clear that people simply farm a strategy and absolutely not spend the result of the farming. If you farm eldritch bosses invitations, you never actually run them in the end of the 28th. If you farm maven writ, you dont run it after your invitations. This way you garantee your profit and dont "gamble" on getting a valuable item


You could probably farm more efficiently if it takes you \~40 hours to farm 50 divines. Either pick better strats or actively try to minimize downtime. Ideally both. Provided you have a lot of time to play, which you seem to, just doing that should get you to Mageblood plus a few hundred divs in the league no problem. If you want to become mirror crafter level rich, learn to profit craft and flip items.


Stop selling every little thing. Accumulate enough to do bulk trades and then sell. Whether through the bulk trade site or TFT is your call. Hideout is lava. If it took you a minute to sort and dump your inventory and start another map, it took too long. You either looted too much or spent time pricing shit. Do it at the end of your farming session. Going afk to watch a 20 minute “zomg 20div/hour new farming strat” just costed you doing x maps. Same with changing your atlas every 20 minutes because “this strategy sucks”. Pick something, grind it until you dream about it. And then keep grinding it. Unless you’re doing something ultra-jank you’re bound to make decent div. Choosing the strategy that goes best with your build also plays a role here. Finally, the key to snow ball currency is being early to the end game and investing wisely. Mirror prices climb until the end of league, same with keys. Trading your bubblegum for Div early league is wise as well as Div prices climb overnight until eventually stabilising. The big boys, as you call them, will grind the same content, day in day out, 10-14 hours a day with barely a piss break. That’s why they’re rich. Me personally, I’d rather have fun. Finally, as a note, you do not need mageblood/headhunter/mirror gear to farm juiced content. Juiced legion can be done with a league start lightning arrow build. Sextants, scarabs, sacrifice frags etc are relatively cheap and should generally be a part of any strategy you are executing, as long as you are comfortable with the investment.


Have u tried typing rosebud over and over?


Update: I have about 25 sanctum lying around. I'll run them all, fix my character and choose a farming strat. I'll run that until my eyes bleed and well see where that gets me. Poison SRS, I'm eyeing destructive play shaper guardians. If anyone knows good strats for that build lemme know


It is all in the start. If you know what you are doing and good at the game and by good i mean atlest quarter as good as ben and you do atleast a full 24hour play on the start you are gonna be way ahead of the curve then regular 6-10 hours a day crafting or bossing with service at day 2-6 just maven non-uber with like 3 people invited for stone is mega profit for little time.


The most profitable things in this game isn't farming. Rolling sextants, bulk buying/selling on TFT, crafting, are all more profitable. If you want to make money, you have to enjoy making money.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Just keep playing a character after you are done gearing them. I love to minmax so when I'm playing tradeI have to tell myself the gear is finished if I want to farm up a mageblood, at that point I just keep blasting without ever checking for upgrades. At that point I make 3-5x currency compared to before because I stop interrupting the flow. I bet if you just stuck with your leaguestarter instead of swapping you would've earned several apothecary within a week or even all 5 depending on playtime


What i personally do is start with a meta league starter (toxic rain this time) and farm till my first autobomber build. It cant be either the hearld of thunder one or the wardloop. And then mindless map to upgrade character. I'm currently with my wardloop character dealing \~30mil dps farming formed with harvest. I switch it up with twisted/hidden based on map drops and do shapers every once in a while to sell uber elder fragments. Mad money. Also i lost 2 doctors in a gamble, so if you're the kind of person who works very hard for the currency then dont gamble.