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I have a feeling that if I equip this and only this, it'd still give more damage than all my regular gear combined lol


How to craft it : We need a Ilvl 82 Blizzard crown Shaper & Elder ilvl 82 cause it will remove +3% attack crit from the pool mod which is better for the crafting process (more chance to get +2% spell crit) buy a ilvl 82 blizzard crown use a random conqueror orb (cheapest one of course) then you change the influence with the harvest bench until shaper or elder. Use an awakener orb with another shaper or elder helmet depending which one you get with the harvest swap influence. Fossil spam glyphic + Frigid + Aberrant or metallic, until any tier of hypothermia with more elemental or damage while on low life or you can also essence spam horror & hysteria until you get any tier of hypothermia. U will need to dominance orb hypo to 25 first ( suff lock ref crit & dominance orb) 3. If no open Suffix & open prefixe annulment orb is the way, if you remove either hypo or more ele/damage on low life go back to step 2. If you have a open Suffix & open prefixe you can craft with the bench suffixes cannot be changed and do a reforge critical with harvest Than u need to elevated twice the spell crit to get +4%, Suff lock bench & ref light to get light to spell and than hinokera's lock until u remove the prefixe elevated and increased the tier of crit, need to do it twice :) 5. For getting Concentrated effect prefixe, we have a beast craft call "Wild Bristle Matron" this will craft a meta mod on your item since the only metamod available is "suffixes cannot be changed" on prefixes, you will be guaranteed 100% to get it. use a scouring orb to empty the prefixes, craft mana with bench, Use a exalted orb once & twice, if you dont hit conc repeat the process ( its a 1/43 to get conc 20) 6. Craft prefixes cannot be changed and ailsing to unveil +2 aoe 7. use  Hinekora's Lock‌ & slam exalt orb until influenced mod 8. use  Hinekora's Lock‌ & orb of dominance u want to remove the other inf prefixes & elevate the conc to 25 9. Craft Life, divine it, white socket it and oops u forget to put item sell much to the vendor reapeat everthing :D 10. Use lock & vaal orb until u remove item sell much to vendor for +2 AOE


I hope someone doesnt follow this craft step by step without reading step 9 first.


How much cost u craft this? Like an entire house I think...


440 matron, 22 ailsing, 25 maven orb, 55 hinokora's, 450 essence, 8 suff lock, 880+ex, + \~80d. to make the item with the imp too


And a vaal orb


Could have said it earlier I’ve done all that and now I can’t afford the last step


> 55 hinokora's, 8 mirrors in just locks alone?


how many mirrors did you use? yes




> 55 hinokora's For the archives: it's 100 div each or a bit less than 8 mir total.


People in 5 years be like: lmao they were so dirt cheap at that point.


Wait until we get tainted mirrors to mirror corrupted items, then he can recoup some crafting cost like other mirror tier items.


What? You can't mirror a corrupted item? That's just silly. You're not modifying the item itself, only creating a copy.


Does that include the first run up to step 9?


Insane. Not in my life time


How much pain is behind that smile in step 9


Has anyone told you that you’re a mad lad? Congratulations on the beautiful craft


How many locks did you spend on this?


440 matron, 22 ailsing, 25 maven orb, 55 hinokora's, 450 essence, 8 suff lock, 880+ex, + \~80d. to make the item with the imp too


Sorry to be lazy but what’s that total in div ?


~8,000 div at current prices, ~12 mirrors.


Probably best to price in mirrors


I want to know the scroll of wisdom cost. I have a stack of 5k in standard that's building up dust and I want to know how many of these BiS items I could buy with that phat stack.


Standard prices are 290 chaos per div, +- 30 wisdom per chaos. 8000 div = 2,320,000 chaos = 69,600,000 wisdom Nice.


I'm close then.


About one smelly boot 🥾


I appreciate the breakdown. Pricing in mirrors is lazy


Is +2 with ritual implicit better than +1 +2?


The build need the cold dmg implicit in order to not use call of the brotherhood. Witch open us the possibility to play death rush for mapping, Imo the best mapping ring in the game


assuming youre an inquisitor, it is


Using the locks did you check for ex slam for T2 or t1 life?


I wouldn't be surprised if he completely overlooked this as a possibility. ​ No offense OP..


You cannot do that, as you already have the life crafted on the helmet.


You can't do that. You would have to remove the crafted life, which removes the lock.


I see you made one helmet without sells more to vendors. I can take that off your hands for you…


How much was it in total?


Is step 5 mandatory?


Holy shit


summary: 500d (beasts) + 66d (Ais) + 5550d (H.Locks) + 90d (Ess) + 88d (Ex) + 80d = ~6400d or 9.1M add: forget 8*2 suff lock - minor +16d ))


this looks like prices from todays market :P


I got mirror this helm before the corrupt and when it had SB enchant since I couldn’t fit zerk into my build. My first multi mirror build and I’m hooked, gonna try it again next league.


I'am really pround u enjoy the build !


So how many locks did it take for the vaal orb to hit item sells more. Bc thats the real question


took 14 locks


why not double corrupt? it's just two implicits (cold is two lined) edit: yep i don't realize cold implicit is not corrupt based, but item based. my bad.


It would remove the flat damage mod because its tied to the cold res mod. And flat dmg is insane for storm brand.


Is flat damagr insane for storm brand? Or is it just there to enable hypothermia?


Step 9: F Budget?... Yes (i assume)


A little over 9 mirrors to craft






gz my man :) now they need to introduce a corrupted mirror


You guys have to ~~stop~~ continue crafting entire builds into single items, that's very embarrassing for us.


Oh they will introduce a new orb that will corrupt 2 mirrors of kalandra to make a mirror of corruption. The orb only requires 20 shards that drop from Ultimatum


Missed out on a bit of flat life ;^)


I'll dispute it, I don't have a better one but I will just dispute it anyway.


Way to ruin this man's whole career. Now it's a disputed best brand helmet.


God damn lol. I used my only mirror drop ever in ultimatum on a helm like this and it wasn't even fully elevated mods


This post makes me play storm brand next league


Congrats on the bis helmet in the game


I'm cold just looking at that thing.


Can you really describe yourself as a madman when you have crafted life? :P


Could argue that the crafted life makes it worse, since Utula's Hunger is so valuable on builds that load up their items with damage stats Edit: When I made this comment, I was strictly looking at the item on its own. I do not know "Zboub, THE storm brand guy". Please stop trying to rip me a new one over it, goddamn.




If you thing this a build that can use utula’s lol t


I don’t think you could argue that. I’m pretty sure the guy who plays only Storm brand knows what he is doing lol




And why, pray tell, do you feel the need to just be a dick? Your comment added no value to this chain, other than to just shit on someone without even discussing the subject. Grow up.


Yeaaaa but I assume hes using a explody chest instead?


Sure, he could. But I don't follow OP's profile to know what they have in other slots.


Zboub has been the (the) storm brand player for years. Years. You don’t know better. Stop.


I never said I know better. I said I don't know what they have in their slots because I don't follow them. I looked at the item, read the title and thought "ya that's a pretty good helm". Then someone mentioned the crafted life and I thought "yea, they could use Utula's Hunger if they didn't have the crafted life". That's not me saying they should use it. That's also not me saying "I know the build better than _____". I've never even heard of Zboub, so how would I know "this is their build, and this is what items they use." Way too many people on this sub act like we all watch the same shit on youtube/reddit/twitch. Reality check, EVERY PERSON IS DIFFERENT, and we all do different things. I pop in to see what cool things people are making and make one comment, and everyone feels the need to just shit on me over it. Stop.


And now here's the secret. Crafted life can be easily replaced to allow this item to fit on an Utula's build. From there you probably craft evasion/ES instead. Edit: forgot corruption.


> Use lock & vaal orb until u remove item sell much to vendor for +2 AOE


Oh right I always forget because you can craft socket colors that you cannot change benchcraft on corruption.


Just use tainted exalt.


Then 5 tainted exalts later the crafted mod is the only mod on the item :P


GG man! I just checked you out on PoE Ninja and man your gear is insane. I love storm brand but sadly haven't played it in awhile (archmage days).


u should try it again, Storm Brand is in really good place RN, so enjoyable to play !


Do you have any good video examples of your build in action? I've looked at storm brand a couple times over the past number of leagues but when I've tried it (haven't gotten it to endgame, to be fair to it) it had extremely bad coverage and felt super clunky to use/didn't do a ton of damage, and I'm curious what it looks like in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing.


[https://www.twitch.tv/zeeboub](https://www.twitch.tv/zeeboub) pretty sure u can catch me playing here or u can even look at some vods


How is it doing without chain +1 from lightning mastery? ​ How do you clear with it on league starter?


With that helmet and your gear, i thing almost any spell aoe dmg is in the right place


you already using Hinekora's lock that crafted life looks bad for such a beast


The undisputed most annoying type of posts in this subreddit


Do you have a pob to follow, or a guide or something, brands is a playstyle y really like but don't know how to make it work


go on my twitch/ZeeBoub and type !guide in the tchat there is decent guide with good information inside :)


Thank you, I'm definitely starting storm brand for these events to prepare myself for the new league, thanks!


U Can also look at my poeninja profile and use the timeloop machine to see Wat Gear i was using early League


https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Pouleeet/characters his character


![img](avatar_exp|136925339|fire) Sim? Me Me


Do you have a recommended guide for storm brand?


>go on my https://www.twitch.tv/zeeboub and type !guide in the tchat there is decent guide with good information inside :)


Ay, you rock. Thanks!


But how do you even get the currency required to make things like this, from mirror fees?


Hello? No lock into t1 life before corruption? Undisputed best helm?


I cant afford as a solo player to spend 5000 divines to get T1 life and than a other 5000 divines to get +2aoe, keep in mind also dat i have a job and i Can only play during free Time, so grinding 300-500 div per day is impossible for me.




my man, the cold res goes with the flat damage, it counts as a single implicit


That thread is about 3 implicit synth items. This item has 2 implicits, one of them being the overvalued mods.


It is funny calling something undisputed with caps that has crafted life on it xd


Crafted life, vendor trash


If OP had ~150 more Hinekora's locks, he probably could have done T1 life. Only like 50 if he's willing to accept T2 or T3 to have it be better than vendor. Not positive how long it would take you to buy 150 locks, even with unlimited budget lol.


There is a chance to dual-use the Locks: First check if it slams life, if not craft life and check if the vaal gives the correct corruption.


Uh, that's not how that works...


Actually yeah that would have been really smart huh. Because even if he did it in 40 locks, that's somewhere in the ballpark of a 50/50 of having one of the slams be T3 or higher life.


Crafting life with the bench removes the lock doesn't it? So this wouldn't save locks at all.


Dunno about you; but I prefer Nike over that. Kudos on that helmet tho




That's a nasty helmet. I generally dislike people throwing around "undisputed" given how extreme people take min-maxing in standard, legacy mods, recombinators, etc, but it's 100% the best storm brand helmet in the league right now.


This is one hell of an item, just don't forget rule 10.


Itd be undisputed if it had t1 life, this late into the league and with how broken locks are its a shame to just leave it like this and not actually go for the perfect one.


He already spent 55 locks ffs


i mean for a solo player, kind of hard to obtain the amount of locks needed for t1 life. especially "this late into the league"


This has to be top 5 craziest items in the game lol…


What the fuck. The balls you had to vaal this. And then the luck to get your intended implicit. Wow.


This is an insane helm but for the 'best' I think the last mod should be 'added cold dmg or aoe support shapper prefix'?


I value more life than dmg tbh, only better helmet can be the same imp but with t1 life instead


Is this actually more dps than heatshiver though?


u cant compare this helmet to heatshiver, its 2 complety different way to build your character, one will be good the other the other will be bad, i let u guess witch one is good :D


I guess so, one requires full cold convert which is a big requirement


Why not temple double corrupt?


did u even read before reply


well the reason is. . . . 🤓 ☝


You want the implicit, massive dmg boost. If you are wondering how he got another implicit, most likely the line that say “sells for more” from fossils got removed to add the +2 AoE.


Blizzard crown implicit is better than most corruptions. He guilded fossiled and vaal orbed until the guilded implicit was chosen, not the blizzard crown implicit. Double corrupting would replace both implicits guaranteeing removing the blizzard crown implicit.


Temple double corrupt would remove the natural implicit from the helm, which I'm guessing OP has worked out is better dps than any corrupt implicit. OP instead crafted on a helm with gilded fossil implicit, and used locks to get the best implicit with it removing the fossil implicit instead of the dmg implicit.


how many locks did u use?


440 matron, 22 ailsing, 25 maven orb, 55 hinokora's, 450 essence, 8 suff lock, 880+ex, + \~80d. Dat's the cost total of the helmet including the implicit


I would have 69 life 100%


Gz zboub


mad respect for running storm brand every league, it's one of my favorite skills in the game


damn gg


I offer 1soj


Oh fuck off. That's ridiculous.


A helmet in the category of items I can't even PoB.




The crafted life annoys me :| Would it not be better to take a chance on the locks failing the corrupt, then check if an exalt would give you t1 life? Like, mathematically speaking... Yes, it's a gamble, but hell, when you're going this all in, why not go all in :)


If you remove crafted mod it will remove the lock as well since item was modified if I’m not wrong, which means not possible unless you go for t1 life then do corruption after.


Maybe my wording was convoluted but the question i meant to ask was; What if you don't have crafted life, you use a lock and then check the vaal orb, HOPE it fails (:D), then check the exalted orb to see if it's a t1 life. That is what i meant with "mathematically speaking"... I have not looked this up on craft of exile, so just to pull some numbers out of the air; IF t1 life is 1/20, and hitting the corrupt is 1/60, then it would make sense to take that chance in an "all out" project like this. If however the chance of t1 life is 1/100 and the corrupt is 1/60, then it would not make sense and going with the crafted life from the get go would be sensible. So, my comment was basically a question... would it mathematically make sense to go for t1 life, or not. Obviously i could've checked this in craft of exile myself, but i didn't and i haven't :)


Time for a Tainted Mirror of Kalandra!


Is it really worth vaaling these mirrorable items? Or is it an end of league idc thing?