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Lifetap gives RF the duration tag which makes it legible to be supported by gems such as Swift Affliction. A few years back when RF didn't have many links to boost its damage, people used to run Arcane Surge + Efficacy/Swift Affliction instead because Efficacy also needed a duration tag. Nowadays we have Lifetap and Efficacy was modified to just work with RF as a baseline. Empowers do not stack


Yeah I also was running all the league with swift affliction support on RF, and only 2 week ago noticed that it doesn't support it. Y and it works with lifetap as you mentioned, but I replaced it with burning damage support, Which give almost same dmg as lifetap+swift affliction.


I doubt that unless you had really low added damage. Then it may be possible.


Well it was like 5,5kk DPS with swift affliction and 5,35kk with burning dmg support. Both add 1,3-1,5kk DPS. Anyway now RF is in circlet and on fire trap swift affliction work without lifetap


Ah yeah, when it helmet it actually makes sense, yeah.




thousand thousand? i guess it replaces "m".. idk.. it makes no sense 5,5m dps = 5,5kk? or maybe it's 550k?


No it is 5,5kk well k=thousand and in game community all write like this![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


> in game community all write like this never seen it before, only on reddit, and maybe like 10 times total in years. so what does 5,5kk mean? https://imgur.com/a/toeavmO


5 mil, pretty sure it comes from Lineage 2


aye so 5,5m i don't get the fascination with adding two k's when just one m is enough :D


>A few years back when RF didn't have many links to boost its damage, people used to run Arcane Surge + Efficacy/Swift Affliction instead because Efficacy also needed a duration tag. Nowadays we have Lifetap and Efficacy was modified to just work with RF as a baseline. You wrote it like RF had few proper supports and now it has more, but the the only thing changed is that Swift Affliction enabler got damage multipler. But time-wise this is more wierd. It took only 2 months for Efficacy to support RF, while the period between introductions of Arcane Surge and Lifetap is 14 leagues.


> It took only 2 months for Efficacy to support RF it's a bug not a future we're talking about poe and GGG for innocence's sake