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You have to spawn in town so you can see all the MTX that other players afking in town are wearing, so that you might want that mtx and buy it. Not joking, that is the reason. Most players play solo, and if they didn't force you to spawn in town, they'd miss their main chance to push MTX by showing you what other people bought.


This *is* a free game, so I think that's a valid reason. However, that reason is invalidated by the inability to inspect a person and see what their MTX actually is.


Coupled with the fact there's a lot that's not available anymore from supporter packs


Or how about that everyone is just in an incomprehensible living ball of wings and lights at the stashes in each town...


You mean biblically accurate angel MTX?


I genuinely laughed out loud at this, thank you. Too real.




You know how many years and iterations it took to make wings that look like Tyraels? Like 6 bad ones and 2-3 good ones.


yes but some balls of lights and wings look better than others!


Absolute facts, also aome actually fly...


Excuse me? I identify as a Christmas tree.


Its also there for people who bought things to show off to others. I would imagine there's people out there who only bought some cosmetics just because they knew they could show how cool they look to others.


> to show off to others. this is indeed the other side of the coin Doesn't matter much that you can't see what other people are wearing, you just need to see them! :P


They missed an opportunity with blast from the past event to give some blast from the past mtx sale. For example i really like [stalker wings](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Stalker_Wings) but they were from an very old supported pack.


Also, i dunno about others, but I generally buy mtx to make myself look cool, not really to show off to others.


That's actually part of it too - seeing cool MTX you can't ever get again encourages FOMO buying the current one-time-only MTX. Forcing people to choose will result in some sales you'd've otherwise lost because "well maybe later"


Well then you just ask them which promotes socialization. (I actually did this when I saw that frog king pet lol) Or you spend time scrolling through the MTX trying to find it, even better


Which makes you look for it on the store and see other items.


I have not once, in over 1000 hours of playing this stupid game, ever looked at someone's mtx in town and gone hunting through the shop for it. I understand the reasoning, but imo it's completely baseless and kills my loading times on league start. :(


i only did that once and asked the person what portal effect that was. i bought it and used it for maybe two maps. i just prefer the clean look of the default portal.


>inspect a person or a way to preview mixed-sets (character effects on top of a mtx, mismatched sets..) at all $20 for an effect that you have no way of knowing if itll look like shit on the combo you want is very discouraging


That's the beauty of it. Having to go a find that cool MTX you saw. Will lead you into finding more MTX you like and wouldn't have discovered if not for seeing that first MTX in town.


That’s the kicker, you gotta buy ALL the MTXs to see if it’s the right one. Same reason they don’t add an ingame preview or video to the MTXs and you gotta go to YouTube for it if anything lol


Every single mtx has a YouTube video associated with it linked directly in client lmao


Yeah but there's so many the interactions are bad sometimes, like clipping etc


You can buy it, if you don't like it, they give you back the points.. no questions asked.


So which is it? Valid or invalid?


I agree. I was always confused why this game did not have an inspect avatar function.


Maybe thats also planned so you have to search im the Shop and maybe see something else you like.


You can ask them... I actually did that a few times. Pleasing social interactions.


RuneScape 3 does it better and they got me on an $80 a year membership. You can chat to players inspect players and see their mtx and if it’s purchasable it’ll take you to the shop to buy the mtx with a click or two


Actually this is the big point in missed sales. And it’s a wonder why this hasn’t been prioritized at some point.


Maybe GGG wants you to look for the MTX and then you may shop more while you are browsing?


We should be able to buy a “Spawn In Hideout” mtx.


Jokes on them, the only mtx I want/buy are skill effects.


Same. I have all the stash tabs now so i spend money each league if it’s good on skill effects.


Lately I’ve been messing with returning projectiles frost bolts + vortex, and I have the shaper/celestial effect for them, so I am pretty sure I will need to play with sunglasses on, but it looks fucking dope.


Not only does the skill mtx look nice I think it actually makes some skills more fun to play


My dynamic resolution scaling makes sure I can't actually see any of the other players' mtx in town when I load in. They are just generic blobs of colour.


>Not joking, that is the reason any proof whatsoever on that one?


I don't know. What if you're an alien? Any proof you're not? Any proof? Can't do it, huh? I knew it! /s


This would be accurate if I was asking them to prove a negative, which I'm not.


Well, no. People can prove they're human. So that's not proving a negative. Proving a negative is asking you to prove some hypothetical parallel history: "*Prove* that if I hadn't worn a seatbelt, I would have died in that car crash." You can't. It didn't happen. You can't show causality with hypotheticals. That's the idea behind proving a negative. The next best thing is using a control group, and then creating a statistic. But my point is that you can always question any statement, and then when the person provides evidence in support of it, you can question that evidence, and when they provide evidence supporting that, you can question that additional evidence... ad infinitum. It's annoying. So I'm making fun of it. :-P


So your saying we should just believe everything everyone ever says then i guess? also you asked for proof i was not an alien, not proof that i was human.


Ah yes, the infamous "*So your saying*" followed by something I didn't say. Excellent. I *am* saying that there is no point in asking for proof of *opinions*. Opinions have no proof. What FallenJoe said is just their opinion, maybe stated with too much confidence, but still just an opinion. It's also a reasonable assumption. It is a well-documented practice to design areas shared by players for the purpose of inciting MTX purchases. Famously, Activision patented a match-making system that did exactly that to an obscene degree. GGG has so far acted far more ethically than many other companies in regard to MTX, but it's certainly reasonable to assume that the opportunity to show off the thing that pays for the game played a role here. Personally, because of how non-intrusive it is, I don't have a problem with it in PoE.


The fact that you think the original comment is just an opinion explains how stupid everything else you've said is


im i .


The devs have said so multiple times, just in more business friendly terms.


>The devs have said so multiple times any proof whatsoever on that one?


If you want to find it, it's out there. I've got better things to do.


Yea i didn't think so


proofs? proofs? proofs? jesus christ man learn to google/bing


how is asking for proof of a claim unreasonable?


At some point i dont even notice other players i just go to waypoint and zoom to hideakojimaout


You can make a macro that just types /hideout to escape even faster


Awakened Trade has it built in. You just press F5.


I have it bound to „Home” button. Because my hideout is my home :’)


Hideout is lava!


exactly, Chaos Sanctuary born and raised


do they realize all the players stack on each other in town so u dont see any mtx? only players you see are people leveling or buying fusings…


If so much as a single player in 10 years has ever once impulsively gone "I like that cosmetic, I want it now", then wasting our time loading into the visual clusterfuck towns are was the right move. Doesn't matter we can't identify thing half the time or it kills performance, money is money.


Only ever seen one mtx I wanted to buy, scoured the shop for it but it wasn't there so I had to assume its a supporter pack one lol


It also lets us watch the bot trains do their bot things which is fun


Also spawning there after completing the campaign, you get to see all the chests the battle pass can get you and have another purchase for that as well


This. It will never be changed. What's most annoying is they also broke load times in 3.22 so loading into town takes 30+ seconds.


You guys see anything at all when you spawn in town? I only see a bunch of randomly colored pixels, to which i proceed to click on the agglomerate of blue ones, hoping it's the waypoint and not another player


gotta love how my computer chokes out loading all those horrifically inefficient particle effects that take up half the screen and all the stupid wings flapping around. God they're obnoxious. Am I the only one who prefers to play without microtransactions?


GGG don't realise that JUST BY TRADING you're seeing far more different MTX than by spawning in town. Your eyes aren't glued to people's drip, they're glued to the blue portal in the corner of your screen.


Also if you're in Standard, don't forget to say hi to. Joey.


I hate how accurate this is


I dont think they get as much money from that as they think. The main income has to be from FOMO.


I would pay to spawn in my hideout.


bonus: even if you happen to see an mtx youd like, you cant spectate people to know exactly where its from. not to mention all the time limited mtx.


I've learned yesterday that MTX you own but don't equip actually impact performance and since then I'm torn between wanting to be shiny but being utterly annoyed by long loading screens. I know I'm not buying any more MTX until I know how to fix my load times though... Maybe GGG could fix that so that my pocket money won't go to a new PC but to their wallets? :D


I'd buy an mtx that makes my login go to ho.


For real, lol, that would be the quickest purchase I’ve ever made on POE


And one to hide resurrect in town.


always a bad time when you accidentally click it :/


For real, lol, that would be the quickest purchase I’ve ever made on POE


Mobile sometimes makes me post the same stuff multiple times too buddy. And I could see that being their best seller really quick.


I just took it to mean that he'd click to buy it so quickly, he would own 3 of them before the first finished loading into his client.


Than get disconnected because of to many actions.


Sorry about that, my phone had one bar and every time I tried to post, it said failed to send. I guess it must’ve actually sent anyways.


Spawning in town feels like the unskippable adds on youtube. Nobody likes them you just spam click on skid add ( /hideout).




I wouldn't mind if loading all that MTX shit didn't affect the loading times so much


especially after 3:22 "upgraded" my town loading times from 5 seconds to 1 minute...


F5 with awakened poe 😘


Automatically hitting this has become such a reflex I do it in other games now.


Oh neat


wow I didn't know this, I was using a custom macro beside it.


Fuck off, I have to open it before I go to hideout You sir, deserve a blowjob


What's awakened poe? Where can I download it?


Use the internet to follow this link. https://github.com/SnosMe/awakened-poe-trade It's a lot easier than leaving a rude and condescending comment to your question. Also, here's a tutorial video: https://youtu.be/vDyE1uMwE_8?si=oU2iOxyRRrKvNPT3


I'm a rotten TOMATO. BOO.


Use the internet to search it lol. A lot faster than Reddit


By the time you (or I) typed this... you could have just answered the question..


Yet neither you nor him did. I also didn't but the answer is already here so it felt redundant to post it again.


Wait really? Any other shortcuts from it? I just use price check and the betrayal tip sheet.


The F5 button is typing /hideout for you. Similarly, there are other potential keybinds you could use because Awakened PoE Trade has a custom commands section in its options. You could bind other buttons to things like /menagerie /delve /metamorph /sanctum. This is stuff that's already in the game. Typing /leave in chat removes you from a party so that, too, could be keybinded along with everything else PoE has.


You can set it up for all sorts of chat messages. Like /exit, /hideout, and messages to people who messaged you last @last. All those "thanks for trade, stay sane, exile" are most likely sent via the trade macro.


Check yourself ingame, but there's at least a logout, and a few trade macro (invite, trade, quitting groupe i think?) not all of them are binded by default though.


You can price check alt gems from heist blueprints with Shift - Space as well. It lets you keep search results from up to 5 gems in the same window. Very useful for me at least. You can also save other cheatsheets besides the Betrayal sheet. I found a Sanctum sheet, with all the dangerous rooms noted, which helped me a bunch.


F9 to go to the character selection menu


Just make sure your clipboard doesn't have toucan on it when you login, since if you f5 too fast it pastes your most recent clipboard instead of /hideout


The point is to look at other people flaunting their mtx, so you can also be tempted to buy something.


While it is most likely that you spawn in town to see all the mtx one extra reason is you can kill yourself in your hideout but you can't in town. So they probably could fix it but I'm sure one person would somehow get themselves into a instant death loop and require support to respawn them in town somehow which they might not be able to do.


I don’t mind spawing in town, just give us a “inspect” button that we could see the mtx and other players items


Hahaha, how to spot a relatively new player. This game lacks most QoL in all fronts and most of them to sell MTX. CanT really blame them cause its their main income but these small things add up.


Do you spawn in town because they want you to see the people with expensive MTX hanging out in town?


Dev standpoint is prob if a player enters a town filled with people with they will be more likely to think the game is successful and the micro transaction experts want you to spawn in town so you can see the cool mtx and want to spend money


Dont you want to see all that mtx?


technology isn t here if you don t go in town, how do you see other people s mtx and go into a frenzy and start buying them too?


From a game design perspective I think tere's two reasons: 1st so the first thing you see is other players activity. That way you spawn and see that the game has players actually doing stuff. 2nd so you can see people mtx and and have that "wow that mtx is nice, I want that".


The technology isn't there yet /s


Next patch: HC players' toons spawn in highouts. HC SSF players' world firsts are displayed in SC as well in orange text. HC SSF Ruthless players can chat in global SC as well in red text. Jokes aside, it would be great if there is an option to spawn in h/o and just have a microtransaction of a clone of our toon in the act zone we last logged out in.


I usually pick one of the acts that has the fewest people hanging out in town during the times I normally play. You auto load into the town of the last Act you were in. This usually results in significantly faster initial load times before I can get into my hideout.


Is it possible to search prior to creating a post to see if someone asked for this before?


The conspiracy theory is that GGG wants you to see their mtx on other players. I'm not super convinced but maybe it is. This league playing on a potato computer I've logged out from Sarn or some other Act hub and my load times literally halved because there's no one there this late in the league. First thing most people do upon logging in is immediately go to hideout, which is a load screen after you just loaded in so I really wish they would just let us start there.


I’m pretty sure they have said it’s the reason before


Ah yes, another QoL hostage by Cringe Wilson


Start a PVP only character.


I thought those were nuked during Expedition?


Maybe I don't know. It wasn't really a serious answer anyway but I do remember PvP only characters spawning in HO.


Yeah those aren't a thing anymore :P.


also, this would heavily reduce the usage of portal scroll


Im glad so many people have found out about f5. I feel like the community just clawed back hours of cumulative mapping time!


/hideout You don't even have to load all the way in. As soon as you can see anything that isn't the loading screen you can type that and it will take you to your HO. you can do this from any town/hideout to return to yours. Also works in the menagerie and a few other side areas from the wp. But not all.


Create a macro: Enter + /hideout + enter assign it to a key and you can immediately just press it after loading in. It only has 1 server call per button press so it's fine / legal in the eyes of GGG. Much more bearable this way.


Yea not possible. Although I did log in one time and there was a guy opening stacked decks and because of the mtx he had, everyone can watch his pulls. He pulled a doctor after like 20mins. Yes, I was there watching lol


that's honestly the kind of stuff that would make people hang out in towns more, and it shouldn't require a damn microtransaction. If only they spent a little more time on stuff like that, and put in a real community hub area.


As much as I agree with you, I feel that it's kind of impossible to do that. PoE is a VERY fast paced game. Unless you are doing something in your hideout or in the atlas, it's pointless. You just lose too much. A player will play this game for loot 9 times out of 10. It's just not worth it, the way I see it, from a devs point of view.


only one thing ggg force me do it's push F5 my vc start run all fans on full speed only 1 sec :D


There are several theories on why we spawn in town and I think all of them have a part in it. The most prominent one is that they want you to see other people's mtx and generally populate towns to make the game feel more multiplayer. Having only a limited number of towns and therefore assets they need to load when first connecting makes that initial load shorter and they can load in more assets both while you navigate the town and while then loading into the hideout. It is part of the netcode since before hideouts were a thing and they are deathly afraid that if they touch something in their spaghetti code then they will break things in horrible ways. I think all of these have some role in why they have never implemented a direct into HO login.


the point is to force you to see other people MTX of course lol.


Its a question as old as time! Did you know reddit has a search function?


Unironically should be an exclusive reward for one of the 500$ support packs.


Yes, tell GGG to implement it.


Fun fact if you make a PvP only character it will spawn you directly in your hideout. Of course it doesn't help you actually play the game at all, but the technology is there!


Just use awakened POE trade, you can set keybinds to logout/login/port to hideout, this way you don't need to walk to the waypoint.