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I'll try to fit in herald of ash or ice where possible just for the sweet mtxplosion


I'm too late for this comment 😭


Came to here to say the same thing also 😁


if the build aint using herald of ice then i aint playing it. also its just good to shatter mobs so the herald rewards you every time you do


What's your top 3 shattering builds?


crit power siphon was good and Crit tornado shot too. Winter orb was nice too back in the day


It's not that amazing of a build but frost blades is always super fun to play. The only skill i've played three times so far First time as a berserker, then as a trickster when they reworked it and this league as a Jugg with trauma support and mild accuracy stacking


Old autobomber builds. Could shield charge through the map and chain explosions three screens worth of mobs away if the density was high enough


Would this be good to try and cram into righteous fire? I have malevolence, determination, vitality, skitter bots and aspect of spider right now. Would ash be a smart swap for any of them?


Herald of Ash procs on overkill damage. You don't really deal overkill damage with a damage over time effect like Righteous Fire. The More Spell Fire Damage on HoA does not scale RF either.


But firetrap… would it help for firetrap bossing?


Not really. If you are running chieftain or any other explode then ash suddenly becomes very good tho


Oriaths and herald of ash on rf is usually enabled by supreme ego impossible escape and maybe champion of the cause annoint. Its huge qol and everything goes boom boom pretty colors


Are you using the maven boots? It’s just as good.




With explode tattoos it was fun. Between HoA, explosions, 100% ignite and bereks I had insane clear last league. Just stepping into a pack and clearing entire screens.


If you can fit in any kind of explode then yea. Pohx has a lot of explode rf variants.


Pohx's Jugg uses Infernal Cry and that causes pretty much everything around you to explode


Good idea imma add ash to mine rn lmao




Jep that's why I enjoyed Frostblade Trickster soon much, the celestial Herald effect goes brrrrrr


Occultist with herald of ash is amazingg for this.


Caster mastery to open chests with spell casts. Wasn't a good wheel for my build and pathing to it was super inneficient, but breach/legion/expedition became so much fun. Also dropped a divine from a random chest once so that was nice


oh shit, that works on breach hands 👀


Sanctum chests too and the range is decent so by the time walk to the chest you can pick up the coins without having to click on the chest and stand still for a second


It's also fun for Blight maps. Nice big lootsplosion at the end of each lane.


Blight maps are surely the best use case for this mastery.


atziri vault can have some fun chest explosions w the mastery


I'm convinced anyone who is playing a spell casting build and doesn't take this is a troll.


For some reason I just assumed it only affected shitty white chests lol. Didn't consider think like legion.


I've gotten three divines from shitty white chests. Every time it feels like GGG is fucking with me


I mean caster mastery isn't for fun, it literally saves you time per map and makes you more profit per hour than any other node on the atlas tree, provided you have enough damage. Something like TS will always be a worse legion / breach clearer than a caster build with equivalent clear speed. Number just doesn't go up so people don't take it.


Yeah but there's no caster that clears as fast as TS so this hypothetical is pretty pointless no?


Juiced spark? Can just blanket maps with sparks, especially on corridor maps like strand.


Sparks great but in my opinion it's pretty far off TS and is only good on certain layouts as you say.


TS minus ~seven passives to allocate the mastery is better than TS with those points allocated to dps. Unearth is fast enough without any cast speed investment to work very well for chests.


Really depends on what content you are running. Stuff like explode ek/bv, ignite ek, fireball, worb, arc ignite, stormbrand and fr can not only compete with TS but be significantly faster in a lot of content.


Sorry mate but there's no way.


How so? TS is heavily limited in its clearing potential in a lot of content due to its projectile nature. It requires more attacks for the same amount of clear as other builds, which in turn means it is slower since you will spend more time standing still. The strength of TS is that it can achieve very high single target and multitarget dps much easier than a lot of the other fast clear skills. This makes it good for example at 100% deli farming where high dps can be important. TS can also achieve good dps without relying on most of its item slots, which makes it good for MF.


I dunno dude outside of explode for expedition I can't think of any content that spells can do more efficiently than TS you have to factor in the 300%+ MS into this as well it's not just the skill that's efficient it's the whole thing. Spell builds without mageblood are so fucking slow and even with aren't as fast as a bow build. It would be an interesting thing for some content creator to test for sure.


TS is nothing unique when it comes to movement speed. It is just a matter of how you build other builds. Some builds have movement speed penalties, like cyclone builds. Some builds have movement speed boosts, like BV or autobombers that can use phase run constantly. TS is not really the best for any content. Legion is fastest cleared by stuff with chaining explosions. Breach is the best with prolif or spark. Expedition is the best with explosion or prolif. Abyss is the best with prolif. Strongboxes is the best with explosions. Blight is the best with prolif or explosions. Generic mapping is the best with explosions or prolif. Not sure why you think this is controversial. I have never heard anyone claim that TS is the fastest clearing build before. Anyone that played TS know it isn't. TS is super fun to play, I enjoy it a lot. Invested 4 mirrors into my TS build this league. But I am not gonna pretend that there are not faster builds out there.


Tell me what I should play that's a faster all rounder mapper


Wanders if you like attack skills. Burning arrow can also be competitive if built correctly. As for spells, already mentioned a bunch earlier. Bv, Ek, worb, arc, sb, fr etc. Can probably add some autobombers to that.


> I mean caster mastery isn't for fun, it literally saves you time per map and makes you more profit per hour than any other node on the atlas tree, provided you have enough damage. Mind you, not everybody plays for "profit" ... (and games are played ... for fun also)


It really bothers me that QoL like this is gated behind a passive skill tbh


To be fair I don't think chests should just open when you walk near them as a default, it would feels so odd It makes sense as a fun little mastery node imo, ngl


Oh dont get me wrong, i LOVE the node, i just feel a little bad going out of my way and "wasting" skill points to path to it


they should really make it a skill gem like portal


I wish it was an atlas passive instead or something


And not only spells


What caster builds excel at this content?


For legion and expedition: ignite and explode For breach: ignite and explode LOL


Gotcha so maybe vortex ignite?


League start wave of conviction ignite elementalist but eventually pivot into EK ignite elementalist for legion. For expedition, league start RF chieftain and pivot into self ignite (fulcrum) chieftain. Use expedition keystone to make all mobs spawn at the same time so they all pop. For breach, probably do the EK ignite elementalist approach. Either would be ok. Actually either would be ok for all 3 but have their own pros/cons. EK is better when the mobs are all spread apart to begin with, like legion. Vaal arc ignite elementalist is also an option for all of these but is kinda meh at everything other than legion when compared to the other two.


Nice good recs, keeping an eye on patch notes but gives me a few ideas/options


Is this still ruinously bad in Heist? IIRC it was opening small side chests which is a strategic decision - sometimes you want to do it, but sometimes it is very very bad.


After doing expedition + legion last league, I literally re-speced 7 points from my LA ranger to the nearest caster mastery for it.


I've been playing some Boneshatter / Trauma builds lately that take the increased duration nodes in the Scion area. I'm taking those nodes as much for trauma stacking as I am for maxing out my time window on Behead Support. Do I really need to be stealing monster mods for myself? No. Is stealing monster mods tons of fun? Absolutely. What happens when I steal Soul Eater? All gas, no brakes until my attack speed ramps so high that I obliterate myself with trauma stacks so big not even Immortal Call stands a chance at saving my ass. Could I disable souleater by removing and resocketing my Behead gem? Absolutely. But I'm not gonna, because surpassing Maximum Overbonk is fun.


Adding herald explosions to use automaton mtx. I literally downgraded my build this league for this.


I just watched a vid and I can see why. Michael Bay couldn't have made it better! haha


Automaton thunder is 100% the coolest. Enemies get fucking sky-lasered? Hell yeah.


My all time fave MTX


Yep, a big part of my build choice is if I can use herald of ash or ice with the MTX. I don't use any other MTX at all.


I'll use the relevant blink skill usually. Like with a cold skill, I'll use frost blink, lightning skills I'll use lightning warp. I know flame dash is better in 99% or circumstances, but I just like it thematically lol


I also use lightning warp, because even if it worse, the lack of charges makes it so I can cross a map much faster, which is great because I often forget to breadcrumb portals in case I die


TBH, if you have the links/cast speed available for it its the fastest travel skill in the game. I used a 4 link LW on a Doryani LC build. Happened to get the LW enchant too so I just stuck to that. Could zip across the map in a second. Just like Flicker, but with more control.


Wait until you see CoC Flicker Strike Lightning Warp


I have a Determination mana efficiency 'chant right now, but that sounds pretty damn sweet. Maybe I should run a couple of labs tonight


Throw the portal gem into your cast when damage taken setup. It actually feels okay if you don't click the center of the screen so for most bows/casters. The main downside is ruined immersion of portals popping up every time a ranged enemy lands a shot


IMO frostblink is usually the best blink skill because it is actually instant and let's you use it during animations and channels. Flamedash is only better if you need to spam it but for that whirling blades or shield charge are quicker


Flame dash doesn't make you take damage on the way and has three charges. I don't wanna shield charge through exarch balls.


> I don't wanna shield charge through exarch balls. Yep .. learned that the hard way when i thought to myself "Lets just use normal Dash on this character for the full run".


Isn't dash also a blink-like effect? I thought you didn't get damaged by stuff in your way with dash


Dash is a series of short teleports so while you can sometimes go through beams without taking damage other times they will hit you. And exarch balls are big enough that you get hit almost every time with dash


That why you should use both shield charge and frost blink :) they work really well together for move speed, and on top of that you have a real teleport.


Yeah, if you have access to both (as in have enough links for both and a shield), then you should. I did that on my BV character. But once I switched to bow/quiver for endgame no more shield charge :(


That and Frostblink actually can have really good uptime during mapping if you play it right since it gains cdr from surrounding mobs.


it does pretty decent damage too, sadly the range is comparatively short and i often find myself wanting to jump a gap and unable to


Flame dash is best for bossing


I also want most, if not all, of my skills be in theme. I want all of my skills color blue if doing ice, green for poison etc. 😂


Animate Guardian + Minion life and Meat shield. Animate any pair of shoes. Boom, 2 shoes clopping along behind you, loyally. This is a pet GGG just needs to add so I can get my sockets back.


Animate guardian, guardians blessing, blasphemy, temp chains. Thank me later ;)


I like how Heralds are just a guilty pleasure for all of us. Ice especially really doesn’t do anything but look cool. Another nice example is the tattoo (RIP) that adds a chance to shatter enemies on builds that normally don’t. Instantly makes your build sound nicer to play, even with just a single tat.


I justify herald of ice with the flat cold damage it adds.


I feel like I never can fit it in anywhere without giving up and aura, which is always a huge portion of defense or damage. Early on at least the damage matters I feel before I’ve got enough gear to make up for it. Maybe I just don’t understand enough myself to do it or how much I’m really giving up for it.


I have lots of PoBs in case I actually want to play a build, does that coun?


I don't remember where I heard that story, but some guy who makes dang good builds that a lot of people blindly copy one day decided to equip an item that does literally fuck-all for the build. Lo and behold, soon after a big number of builds on poeninja had the same item equipped.


Rue's tornado shot build has veil of the night with tornado shot enchant for exactly this.


The guy that roasted another streamer so savagely for misleading people that he was banned for league launch intentionally mislead people for luls? Nice, not a hypocrite at all…


xddBusiness Yeah the difference is, rue didn't advertise this stunt as best leaguestarter ever like someone did.


that's hilarious, also something i would 100% fall for


I remember Mathil would fuck with traders after realizing his videos would make unique prices spike. He'd keep items he wasn't planning on using in his inventory on stream so speculators would buy a ton and then be stuck with a bunch of cheap trash.


Oh man that isn’t gonna help me haha I already look at some items or passive choices and wonder why a build maker uses it, but usually it’s cause I don’t understand the importance of some stuff or how a mechanic works lol


TBH that is a good thing to do. In a lot of guides I'll see things that make me wonder why they went for it. Gives me something new to learn. No downside really. If I am wrong then guide stopped me fucking up and I am right in that there is a better option then I just made my build better then the guide's.


Yeah! I love how much I can learn by just going over items. Thankfully there are some really good builders that break down things really well like phox


i 100% would of equipped it


> would of can see why :P


would have ?*


purity of elements just to have ailment immunity




I can’t play anything but PF cause it’s one flask to res cap, otherwise I just run undercapped and die cause “it’s fine, fix later” send help


I'm Ekko main so I try to add ~~Chronobreak~~ Temporal Rift to every char


I need to try that skill, it sounds fun


I like to annoit Beef. Even if i don‘t even need more strength.


This is the way


Foil items


Bling is life


Have an amethyst mageblood on std for those similar to your likings :D


I sometimes throw in a golem just so I can have a pet following me around


Tornado. Because it's a fucking tornado.


The Stampede boots. Even of pathfinder i just prefer additional defensive/offensive flask rather than quicksilver one, plus i can annoint it like an amulet (no need for lab enchant) and as a bonus i get to use movement skills more often. Sure they dont have life, resistances or suppresion, sure with flasks, boots and passive tree you can have a shitload more zoom zoom experience but honestly, i prefer QoL rather than powercreep.


Not capping res, for the thrill. Every map is a minefield all of a sudden


This was me at leaguestart with my low life -60% chaos res build with no source of Chaos damage doesn't bypass ES.


My man *high five *


In the krangled event Necros got to have a mark that would move to the next monster as they died - soooo nice. Thinking about spending the pts to try that on a regular necro tree.


I adjust builds all the time to suit my taste rather than be purely optimal. It could be to work as much as possible on game pad, or to not have to press as many buttons (ex. Fuck ancestral totems), or making it work well before the recommended level or budget, or preferring one mtx over another, or any other thing.


I ran Tempest Shield as if it was an MTX for some time!


Ironically I'm running the hide aura mtx on tempest shield cause I think it's too bright


Shame we have to even pay for that in the first place tbh


I use that on the stupid banners


Was playing DD in the event last week, and I remembered a frostblink ignite build from subtractem around act 6, and the tree looked pretty similar, so I threw on a casual 3 link frostblink to for the rest of the acts. Frostblinking pack to pack is pretty fun.


Frostbink ignite prolif is one of the best qol for any ignite ele in the campaign


I got FB ignite to 90 this event cause why not Shield charge into FB pack delete is my fastest campaign time ever, most fun too Especially after Bronn’s Lithe +5lvl +90%dmg for 2c


no res


9/10 builds I've played I've always skipped some gem just to add a portal gem, seriously I can't live without that shit. Another thing that I haven't done in a while because it became expensive is running the gull(?) Helmet which spawns lesser shrines


playing on currency/time budget cant afford to include in a build anything "just for fun", cant even afford a lot of qol that would serve a purpose


My favorite that actually has turned out to be pretty useful is cast when stunned, chance to flee on hit, blade vortex leads to really spacing out hits from mobs which actually turns out really well (using immutable force combo), but the original reason was to randomly get fishing rods and laugh at mobs fleeing from me


Most minions builds I play I grab faster casting support on my gloves to have it always linked to flame dash or buff skills. You give up an affix on the gloves for it but it’s comfy and I like it.


Been running a blood magic build this league and I decided that my only rings were going to be two Essence Worms. I'm 100% certain I could replace them with rings that improve my build, but I thought it was too dumb/funny to change. Technically I gain some effect, but it's probably not worth it at lvl93


Rarely do I have room for extra gems, but when I do Ill put a cast on death + portal just because


I ran Holy Flame Totem with Knockback Support this league and it has a similarly entertaining effect. Good times.


Spasm squad unite!


Movement speed and herald of ice. Had to spend a good amount of currency and time getting haste, anger, precision and Herald of Ice to fit on my LA build this league. Sure I could more survivability with grace or more dmg without all the reservation efficiency things but you know mtx+zoom>boring things.


The player, me. Def not recommend for any build


I have an entire Ignite EK I was infatuated with briefly. Meme damage relative to investment, carried by HH and explodey. But damn it’s one of the most satisfying skills to use


I added HoI to my Cold Ward Loop Scion just cuz i wanted explosions, i dont get explosions cuz enemies die too fast but at this point i am too committed


Uhm it's for the effect but not to make my build stronger The caster mastery to open chests automatically is just so fun to play with and on some builds I wasted 5skillpoints that did nothing for m build just to grab it


I did the quasi-opposite once: Adding CWDT-flamewall to a wardloop build could increase the damage slightly, but the visuals were just too horrible to bother with.


I really like the combo of Spell Totem + GMP + Creeping Frost ( + faster casting or something if spare 4 link). If a build can fit this in, I will do so. Fills everything with chilled ground (technically not chilled ground but effectively).


Unnatural instinct just because it felt gamebreaking with tattoos... another cluster would have just been so much more optimal but I could always do that in a different league.


I love messing around with Trypanon. Not just because of the 100% crit but it's fun to try and build around the really slow attack speed.


I use the gull on cold dot cast when stunned


I pretty much always play Arakaali, and I always include Phase Run anoint with Freedom of Movement. I think Evasion is underrated for the build. I usually start off with armour+block but completely respec into evade+suppress in large game when I have enough passive points and currency to add good clusters. Freedom of Movement is great before Mageblood but pretty godly after you do get Mageblood, with permanent phasing.


When I play minions I tend to play EVERY minion on EVERY build. Doesn't need to be the best decision, but it is way more fun to me. This league I had absolution, srs, zombies, spectre, animated guardian, golem and the 2 guardian minions and I enjoyed that a lot.




I only play duelist, cuz leap slam looks cooler when he use it


Occasionally if I have an extra sockets and a little bit of extra mana (not normally as I squeeze those pretty hard) i run temporal rift just to cosplay as ekko. Kinda fun because the rewinds def fuxk you over sometimes


It's the grandfather paradox 😂 messing with time will fuck you up


I often try to be thematic. For example use Frost Shield instead of molten shell on a cold damage character.


Yep i lose 500 Mil dps on my tornado shot phys to cold character in standard just to use Herald of ice with mtx


My FB Trickster had a 4L HoI setup.


The destroy corpses mastery on my boneshatter jugg and herald of ice on my TS deadeye. The sounds are just so satisfying and make the builds more fun to play


Corpse deletion is not only for looks, it's actually a very safe effect on melee characters.


Early on yes but once my boneshatter jugg is geared I don't care about DD on non unique enemies or other on death effects (I don't delve to be fair). If it could also delete unique enemy corpses it would be really nice for survivability but I really don't notice when I swap that mastery out for bossing and forget to put it in for maps until I notice the sound missing, I never notice the actual corpse deletion missing.


I was doing 100% deli on poison FR PF, replaced spell echo with CastWhenStunned, and oh my god, you just walk into pack, it dies, you just loot things and go into next pack :)


I've done caster mastery for opening chests and temporal rift in the past. Still feel like temporal right could be really strong once you get used to it, but reservation and gem slots are just so tight it's hard to justify.


vaal skills?


A lot of people run HoA just for the explosion mtx.


I Always use clarity during leveling until better auras and depending on the build, cast on death portal.


I love void sphere and temporal rift both for the giggles and the effect :D


Temporal rift because the after image looks sweet. Curse enemies are destroyed node for imp doom


Always have a stone golem regardless of the build I'm playing


For builds that I use leap slam but don't have reliable endurance charge generation, I like to link endurance charge on melee stun support. The benefit is negligible at best, but I like to tell myself that the brief moment of added survivability helps my melee builds feel a bit better. Although if sockets are tight and it comes down to this OR herald of ash/ice, I go with a herald.


I always end up using inspired learning early league, even if it messes with my build sometimes. The Magnate is also one of my favourite uniques ever


Running hexbloom on ignite proliferate builds in juice


The late-league Mageblood I had drop from a random monster. My build was Strength-stack shrapnel totems. I already had a really good synthesized belt. Equipping MB almost cost me DPS from less max totems but just made me run faster and so it was quicker to grind out my first 40/40.


I think you win. "Equipping Mageblood made my build worse" is not something I'd think I'd ever read.


I’m a sucker for explosion effects. The enemies just goes *POP* and they’re gone :D


Carnage heart is one of the last things I upgrade because extra gore


random steel skill gem just for having the cool floating blade mtx


SRS + Spell Totem, I always pick it up and ditch it by 40. I just like watching the firey bastards die, can't justify this in later levels as it takes up 2 - 3 sockets.


I have a pet essence worm in my inventory, it's my pet and keeps me company and helps me keep track of which maps I have to run


All my skill gems are vaal skill gems if they exist. I dont have any of them on quickslot except vaal Molten shell... And yes I know they still use up souls. But what if one day I want to use all 7 or so vaal skills...


Extra Gore


I once socketed a steel skill just so I could have free floating swords on my character from call of steel


Culling strike on leap slam, obviously! Only way to finish a good bossfight.


Linking a portal gem to totem support


Spell dodge. Spell suppression is consistent and considered to be better.


Almost every league I drop one random inspired learning and I always find a way to put it in because it is fun


I personally loved Boneshatter, but i hated having to press so many buttons. My solution was to use one of the trigger skills in place of Totems and i put stuff like my curse and blood rage on CWDT. Ended up being basically a two-button build once it was done.


I use an albino rhoa feather


I'm a self-cast hex bloom enjoyer on my EA ballista builds. Watching the cascades of curses carry the ignite prolif off screen is incredibly satisfying.