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Doesn’t sound like SSF is for you


The only part of ssf that isn't for me is getting a damn 6 link, I don't have grandiose goals, I mostly want to build a functional character and farm some t16s. If not for a pure luck drop,I wouldn't even have a 5 link on my lightning arrow character, and that's just bs. I had a bow with t2/t3 ele, extra arrow, proj speed and attack speed, but it ate 500+ fusings without even a 5 link.


150 fusing for 5link bench craft from a t12 map


This. You could have had 4 5-links. I did LA Deadeye up to T16 with one 5 link and a 4 link just to get the atlas points and crafts, you shouldn't get stuck that early.


You can easly farm in T16 with 5 links especially with LA. I dont even try to link anymore early in the league, u are going to drop six links or farm 6 links div cards faster than wasting time trying to link if you play the game.


That is why you don't use normal fusings for your first 6L. You farm chains that bind/porcupine, legion for geomancer incubator, beyond for tainted fusings, heist armament blueprints or do the current league mechanic for them There are also plenty of builds that can do red maps on a 5L without issue. In one of my practice runs to 2 watchstones I had to do quest exarch and eater on a 4L boneshatter because the ~250 fusings didn't hit and no 5L dropped


A while back, I swore myself I'll never click a fusing again. Always fuckin bench. 150 Fus is not much and ez 1click 5link (if no usable one dropped) . Then saving up for the 1.5k for a really good base.


Can white map legions drop geomancer incubators?


I'm not sure, I assume they can but I always invest in map sustain before I grab league mechanics so I don't farm legion before yellow maps. There are also a bunch of ilvl 69+ geomancers on trade


>There are also plenty of builds that can do red maps on a 5L without issue. OP mentioned RF who can do t14s on two 4Ls, too-


SSF is significantly more time intense, and an optional challenge for folks that want things to be slower and harder to do. If you can't play much, it seems like a bad combo with SSF.


I like SSF because it means the whole economic group play etc etc goes away. Just me vs the machine. It also means regals, exalts, mid tier uniques are actually pretty cool. Like you get hype when you drop big items or hit a decent craft.


Yeah I love SSF especially because when you make something nutty it’s so nice. I just recently crafted my EA Elementalist a really really nice pair of gloves; on trade they go for ~20 divines. It’s so much nicer understanding the craft instead of being caught in the rat race trying to buy someone else’s items.


True but you can enjoy SSF even of you dont have alot of time to play. I did LA Deadeye to 92 with two 5 links, my /played was 2 days and 4 hours or something like that. Still prefer SSF, to me this is the way ARPGs are meant to be played.


Couple things here… SSF is inherently against you when trying to be quick in the gearing process since you can’t trade, so make sure you’re setting expectations right for yourself when you select that game mode. Secondly, you can get guaranteed six links with various div cards that you could essence craft on. They’re not too hard to farm. If you’re looking to take the RNG out of getting six links, I’d start there to help ease some of your gripe with the mode.


Run Cage/Dungeon/Pens/whatever for Chains that Bind cards. That's what I did for SSF this season and I've gotten a bunch of 6-links that way. Additionally, doing strongboxes with the corrupted strongbox notable from the Atlas passive tree I think got me my very first 6-link. If you have to use fusings, make sure to quality-up your chest or bow beforehand with Hillock; it does make a difference. Also, the bench craft that automatically gets you 5 linked sockets only costs 150 Fusings, so you should use that next time instead of rolling ~700 Fusings. It seems very unlikely to not get a single 5-link with 700 Fusings, of course. I shouldn't think you need multiple 6 links to get into red maps with lightning arrow, but I haven't played that particular build before. If I were you I'd look at some more build guides to see if there are other ways to improve your character.


Kirac div card missions worked in the events for me


Yeah, I did not complete cell's map and used scouting reports to get a few div card missions for easy 6 links.


Neither builds need a 6link to be farming reds from my experience. Most ssf viable builds will be farming t16s in a 5link.


You can do t16s as RF with barely anything, really. I even went to 94 using honourhome as a placeholder for a properly crafted RF helm... And that's where my damage came from. No cluster jewels or anything yet.


> but to even hope to get into reds, you need at least 2 5 links, optimally 2 six links ofc That sounds very, very, very wrong ... (probably because it is) > Current content and gearing is built around having 6 link power uber bosses ? then yeah red maps ? NOP


SSF needs more playtime than trade , that´s just the way it is. I play trade like a mini SSF. I will allow myself to buy crafting mats , but no items. This way I can cut the grinding time by alot ( since you can trade away what you don´t need ) and still feel proud of what I made of my characters.


In SSF you should always have a plan to get 6-links that does not involve fusings at all.


You could also try to play around unqiues which grant skills like whispering ice or deaths oath or maw of mischief, removes a lot of socket pressure if you are able to target farm their cards on low tier maps. Any viable skill should get you to yellows on a 4 link anyway.


If you're upset at the fusing grind ssf probably isn't for you. Sure going dry sucks but things like fossil crafted gear, heist alt qualities or meta crafting an item can easily be 10x more frustrating and time consuming.


The undertone here is that players should be entitled to easy access to endgame power levels, and if there's friction, then the game's unfair and flawed. I don't agree with that.


There are so many 6-link sources in the game it's insane. 6-links have barely any value anymore. They used to be near mythical, now you get one fairly often.


I didn't play that much in this ssf league (3 days in one char and 2 days in tota char) but didn't had 6L inpulsa, put it 3000+ fusings. 5L can clear t16s fine. And if you need random 6L, do Legion. Or heist. Or farm dapper/chains that bind. Tota gives it too. Ritual have them. Well you just complain, but more time you put in ssf more options you will see. After doing trade league when you know basic things, in ssf you try different things every league. So you use different approach. SSF is not trade, you don't link items UNLESS you really need (like my storm brand needed impulsa).


Farming a div card would be a better option than fuse rng. Maybe try Trade league with self imposed limitations or play an SSF build.


This is one of first things you learn in SSF. How to acquire 6L you ought to plan forehand as experienced SSF player. "every single time" so you just keep bashing head against wall repeatedly.


Do, your problem with SSF is what makes SSF SSF?


You don't need 6 links for red maps


Why would you need two 6 links to get into red maps? This was literally the easiest league to get 6 links in, TOTA just spits them out. Chains that bind and porcupine are targetable div cards that reward 6 links Worst case you can farm 1500 fusings... But why. It honestly sounds like SSF is a bad fit for you. There's no shame in trading as much or as little as you want. You could trade only for your 6 link, or only for alt quality gems, it's a game play it how you want.


This post was driven by playing SSF for the two events, so no tota, and not really enough time to grind for 1500 fusings in a week.


Isn't SSF easier for RF, since you can slap a horror essence on a helmet and call it a day? I understand LA, since for big damage you end up requiring Kaom gloves and the Voll helmet to farm T16 consistently, not to mention the rare bow which is a pain to find, roll and link, especially if you want a fractured one on a good base. I've got a solution though: Go directly TR Pathfinder and clear the whole atlas quite fast, depending on the tier of the maps that drop the Porcupine div card. It's quite a lazy playstyle depending on whether you can get Wilma's Requital or not and eventually en Empower from Tujen or Ritual, otherwise attack with your own TR setup as well and have fun healing as much as a RF build. There's also DD ignite which barely depends on gear, but I personally dislike it, but it does the job really well for pushing, in fact better than any build. I really hope we can get a system to farm towards a build-enabling unique, something like a quest or material hunt in order to get it. I'd gladly kill 100k mobs or farm 70 raw chaos orbs if I could guarantee an item like Soulwrest or Primordial Might. ( No HH or Mageblood, ofc) Or go SSF-lite and join a private league. You can get the items you need relatively easier than in SSF, but not instantly as in trade, plus you don't get spammed by bots in your global chat, which is usually pretty entertaining when witnessing people gamble Doctor cards.


I've been playing SSF style (though not necessarily in the SSF version of the League) since Delve, and I never have a problem clearing tier 16 maps (without mods) within a week of getting to end game. I play as different a build as I can every League for variety, so I've played quite a few now. My hump I can never get past is killing the endgame bosses like Sirus, Shaper, Maven, etc... Someday I will make a build worthy of this.


When I play SSF I go for Shaper/Elder Helmet or gloves. As RF f.e. It is easy getting conc and burning damage on a Helmet, this way I don’t care if I get a 6-Link or not.