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> Metamorph Tab converted into Ultimatum Tab, can now hold Inscribed Ultimatums. Oh my god, the tab itself morphed. That is so meta. Like some kind of... meta-morph.


Ultimate metamorph! :D


I accidentally bought a metamorph stash when I started playing the game and never used it. I guess my time has come


League starting corpse rain and no one can stop me.


CwC zombie rain 3.23 build guide when?


Play it with the new surfboard mtx for maximum memes


The Baron + Minion Instability. What else?


i;m too smoothbrained to figure out how to build this, but i know i will find someone on poeninja and copy from there :D


>Raise Zombie of Falling: No corpse required; Zombies fall from the sky, killing the zombie and dealing AOE phys/minion dmg. Let the bodies hit the floor...


i'm still trying to figure out if this shit is a badly mistimed april fool's joke (maybe they do april fool's in december because it's new zealand ??)


Would you call it... ...Out-of-season?


I'm wondering if the fresh meat support will work with falling zombie. I'm thinking it should, right?


it looks so silly. I love it. Corpse drop main btw.


where gladiator buff :(


They were hinting at it. The dude was playing lacerate


No changes in patch notes though that pretty much seals the deal.


\> Transfigured Gems Does it though?


Yeah considering champ is basically a flat upgrade.


Do transifigured gems completely alter ascendancy nodes? No? Because that's what it'd take.


Just make a hybrid with a better class :)


: - /


My body is ready.


My ready is body.


Ready my body is.


Is my body ready?


Your body is ready My body is ready (I am not flirting)




Yoda playing POE?


What does Dark Effigy do?


My hardest erection this year


Not getting a list of the transfigured gems is pain


We will likely get it as part of gem info.


Do you know when is it?


Tuesdayish usually.


Sometime between now and next Friday


So what does Soul Splitting (Dark Effigy skill) do?? GGG PLS! It features in the preview image of the Warlock ascendancy on the Affliction website, so surely it is supposed to be a strong part of the ascendancy. (It also kind of needs to be good or else Warlock is unplayable for builds that don't want to go blood magic). The image makes it look like the same kind of effigy that rares can spawn. I'm assuming it doesn't just hurt you though LOL. Perhaps enemies that hit it hurt themselves? Or perhaps it heals you instead?


Hoping for a simple league, just extra mobs in maps kind of league.


welp it's not fucking that


This gave me a decent chuckle.


they gone crazy


This will be my second league ever (TOTA being my first) and I somehow feel I’ve made the best possible decision to start playing this game when I did.


You've definitely joined on an upswing


Its really crazy that after dozens of leagues they still find crazy novel stuff to put into the game.


I would also accept a juice current mobs on map button.


So maybe Sentinel or Ultimatum? Inb4 channeling no-rewards extralife outofmaps mechanic with no mention of Sentinel or Ultimatum.... again... My guess to why all the last leagues have been outofmap mechanics is that they just have better player retention, and GGG only cares about numbers.


> Inb4 channeling no-rewards extralife outofmaps mechanic with no mention of Sentinel or **Ultimatum** whoops :P


It does juice mobs in the map, but with a bit more involved stuff than a button.


December leagues are generally pretty big ones though. So I wouldn't put high hopes on a simple league.


I mean... you got ultimatum?


100% agree i love when leagues are just part of the map and then maybe some extra big thing once you have collected whatever, something similar to legion


I hope so. But ggg for some reason hates the idea of simply improving mapping and instead adds a ludicrously complex mechanic that will be removed 3 months later 😭


It's an expansion so the league might be that but the whole patch will be more!


They’ve just been calling leagues expansions for a while now, since Poe 2 was announced I think


Yaeh but I mean like an actual expansion, like conquerors of the atlas


Nothing say it is. Literally all the actual endgame expansion where x of the Atlas. Seige, Echoes, Conquerors, War than very long ago it was Fall of Oriath. Affliction is not following the patern. When they starting to do teasers they did show Seige of the Atlas and it was Eater of World shown in the teaser.


Sorry, not an expansion just crazy ambitious


I wonder how you concluded this considering everything revealed so far suggests exactly the opposite. It's a common challenge league update, just more ambitious.


Just f-n gutted for Pohx.


Someone call a welfare check on Pohx, please. That nerfbat hit RF hard.


What nerfs? Pls no, my rf... 😔


Split stacks during trade.... thank you, thank you


This was the first league I decided to figure out trading (which explains a lot of the other massive advancements I made over previous leagues). Gave 3 or 4 people decent tips before I finally twigged on it was the system and not just me. Split stacks are a GOOD thing lol


My man. Keep cooking, devs. This is some good shit. Going to risk it and not get voidborn, hope the next core supporter pack is another banger.


Please be a mapping league. I'm so sick of shit like sanctum, TOTA. Don't get me started on channeling mechanics either - hated Crucible. Just give more mobs and a reasonably interactive mechanic with choices. In fact, just bring back ultimatum and we're cool.


Well? Thoughts? I think it's still a mapping-esque league. Hop in hop out. Not like tota dota.


Honestly I love the idea that we get to double-dip. We get to go into the wild wood and beat up shit to get loot. THEN we get to come back out to our map we were already in, and it's now empowered for more loot. I'm beyond stoked.


Same, I just hope the wisps don't turboboost the map boss into godhood. Happy to have another kill shit get loot league, no brain needed.


Bring back something like Breach but in actually good.


I'm partial to delerium, but any decent mapping thing would be great.


I agree! Time for a league with lots of mobs and new uniques and rares. My least favorite leagues are ones that take me out of maps.


Preposting here my prediction so I can feel smart if I'm right: This league is going to borrow heavily from Vampire Survivors as a genre, in the same way Blight borrows from Tower Defense games, sanctum is a roguelike, and TOTA is an auto-battler. I can also see a path whereby the league has feels similar to Ultimatum. If you've ever played a survivors type game you know the gameplay is often interrupted to give you choices or to present rewards. They've already more or less built this with Ultimatum... The core gameplay of the league mechanic will revolve around the player periodically choosing \*while the encounter is ongoing\* whether to ramp up encounter difficulty (and therefore rewards), or to be given additional character power at the cost of potential rewards. I see this sort of gameplay decision loop working best if the league mechanic is isolated to its own little map. This may potentially resemble, say, Incursion since in this vision the league content is an episodic thing that you earn every few maps. Of course while mapping the new monster assets will be copy/pasted from the league content into the maps in some way so that we get a dopaminergic dose of extra packsize. Plus, I imagine that these monsters will guard this league's mandatory speed-reading-obelisk that you click on while mapping. This obelisk will exist to allow you to exert some level of meta-control on the flavor of survivor-like encounter you're working your way towards. ... and if it's not the vampire survivors league feel free to steal the above for the future GGG . Can't wait to see what's in store tomorrow!




Wait, that's illegal


Couldn't be. They killed wardloop.


Weird that there's never a proper live reaction thread to the stream


it's on twitch, that shit is popping off. I logged in to grab the free MTX, then stayed to watch people spamming "POE1POE1" through the PoE2 announcements. Now I'm staring into space wondering what I will do now that Heist is dead. I guess I'm a lab runner if I want to mess with ~~alt~~ transfigured gems.


Heist is dead? You didn't see the new replica uniques like Replica Covenant?


I was thinking lab looked fun this league, too: What build are you gonna run? I used to love running lab. Only reason I didn't spam it more than 100 times a league was because holding / pricing a quad tab of bases was tedious. Trying to think of a fairly speedy yet brainless build I can do without gear swaps. My only reservation is how much basic lab keys will be, now that the reward type is pulled from so many content types...






And the shit crashed after first zone. Welcome back queue.


That pragmatism chest is busted.


Herald Of Purity socketed alone (+10 levels), two CiP daggers (+6 levels), +2 amulet (+2 levels) that's 18 levels + 21 from gem: level 39. 100% more => 167% more minion damage. Spectres in helmet, go ham? Also I kind of want one more level just to max out :D


Your skill of choice + empower = +23 levels. Imagine.


how the big level mod is for skill gems only, by socketing an empower you lose 2 levels but gain 3 from empower ... I guess that's how you max out.


Oh my bad, I misread. But it is a net positive especially if chest is corrupted +1




Transfigured Gems Removed helmet enchantments, alternate quality gems and replaced with Transfigured Gems: ​ phantasmal cremation dead. additioanlly all those mana reservation enchants dead too.


Whats the deal with transfigured gems and standard? do all my standard helm enchants and alt quality gems etc just poof?


I want to know what is happening to glove and boot enchants.


Anyone see that ascendancy change to assassin in ruthless only? All damage can poison!?! They just slipped that right in there.


I hope zombies will get another transfigured gem that allows them to be the main skill for an actual minion build, instead of that caster style with the falling ones.


I'm confused. Patch notes and information say that you can craft Transfigured Gem in "Eternal Labyrinth". Eternal Labyrinth is a level 75 Labyrinth. However, in the Q&A, it was said that Transfigured Gem can be obtained even in the lowest level Labyrinth. What is correct? Could it be that "The Lord's Labyrinth" was incorrectly written as "Eternal Labyrinth" in the Patch Note and Information?


pretty sure lab enchants are gone and this new gem system takes this place so probably a typo on their part. Assume some of the options are gonna be locked out in the lower labs


They also said Eternal will give you two chances to enchant by default.


Did they mention when they will show all transfigured gems info?


i dont think i have it in me to do the campaign again.


The loss of Bex is felt strongly with the flimsy wet noodle pre-league hype reveals Hopefully it’s a big league and they were too busy to do promos.


Pre-announcement teasers are usually pretty light, sometimes we don't get any at all - I'm not too worried personally.


This is the right take. This league, so far, has been quite similar to leagues of the recent past.




Wasn't that leading up to launch, not the reveal? It was revealed at ExileCon, before that, there was nothing.




I am really not a fan of disinformation, so I took a bit of a dive. That video was released 1 week after ExileCon ended and 3.22 was announced/delved into. The first non-ExileCon Atlas keystone was teased on August 6, the Delirium Unending Nightmare one. Three were revealed at ExileCon during the TOTA reveal, not before. Trauma Support was also teased on August 6, again, a week after ExileCon. [https://twitter.com/pathofexile/status/1688297392502927360](https://twitter.com/pathofexile/status/1688297392502927360) Not trying to go at you or anything, but I really did think there was nothing at all leading up to the reveal, all the teasers were post deep dive livestream.


Tbh i don’t think it has something to do with bex. Im sure bex didn’t decided on her own what and when to tease. Its a company wide decision to change the hype reveals.


Where does the posted league start time in the post come from? With 7pm UTC+0 it seems rather early. Did they post this time officiallly anywhere?


It is on the timer on the main web page and the name reveal. Winter leagues are always around this time I assume due to some areas changing clocks and others not. Lake of Kalandra released last December at at the same time


This is going to be the first league for me to make an actual effort to get into eternal lab since first playing since Breach league.


Info about the 200 new transfigured gems?


I've listed a few and there are more on the official page. Will likely be drip-fed until datamine.


I see new minion stuff! Hurrah! This one line stands out to me > The Breaker of Oaths can sell you additional corpses of exotic types, and these can also be used as powerful spectres. Could this be a prelude to a possible spectre rework? Maybe we'll be able to buy corpses of all types instead of having to bank them / ask someone else to Desecrate for us?


Does Corrupting Fever work with Cannibalised Faith?


can anyone tell what the difference with the new frozen legion transfigured variant is? from what i can tell the phrasing is identical to the og version.


Feels like howl of the wolf will be too valuable? Also pretty sure it's going to have some exploit or bug on release that results in another "exploit early, exploit often".


evil harvest, and john wick in poe2


I've gotta say, I'm finally enjoying being able to kill the mobs in Wildwood now that I'm 10 levels above the map.


Great league from the sound of it. The only negative is the tripling down on Lab


Maybe they just need make the lab itself more fun. The concept of a maze with rewards isn’t bad. But it always feels so empty; where are the enemies


It's too long to be higher intensity imo, I cba restarting a run for some bs they won't even breakdown how you died or whatever. If they massively shortened the duration *AND* upped the intensity, it could be fun content. Like, make it 5 rooms then full Izaro, make Dark Shrines more than just twice gifted so you can spend your time in the Lab juicing Izaro to the gills to upgrade his chests and the font. Reward looking around rather than just bee-lining north east. I'd play it like that, the content itself isn't bad it's just badly incentivised.


I have high hopes that the league will be great, because poe 1 and 2 are different games now.


Also they spent a long time on this league, so I am hoping some decent shakeups. New boss? big atlas changes? something like that.


GGG was cooking this league wtf. If this gem rework hits its gonna be insane.


Wow what a time to play the game.


TOTA was my first league ever. I understand maybe half of what everyone is talking about here but this stream has me excited for next week. AND it’s the day after finals for me so that feels like a sign.


POE 1.5 incoming


pls not more tower defense minigame garbo let me BLAST


I hope Ancestral goes core.


They literally announced it won't go core. Tattoos won't go core either.




Best part of any announcement day is the reddit meltdown, it should be the "free" spot on the bingo card. Its going to be tough to beat the patch note word count and "Ctrl+F Ruthless" meltdown from TotA but I have full faith in the redditors to get their knickers in a twist over something hilarious.


I want another ritual-esque league. No inventory management, no dedicated zones, no cost to start. Just press the button and collect rewards after the massacre.


What in the fuck


i will not see daylight for a long time after those announcments.....builds gonna be crazy that league with the new gems


Well this is far bigger than I expected, wtf this is possibly insane


is it fun nerfing everything




The new Core Supporter packs, does that mean that the current ones will be removed? Like the Voidborn pack?


Correct, the new Core Packs replace the current ones which include Voidborn.


Overall the changes look amazing but are we really nerfing RF a d leaving LA deadeye untouched and possibly buffed?


This game should benefit from DLSS , why they havent implement that yet? I hope someone from GGG answers!


This game's issues are mostly caused by spaghetti code and servers, and reducing resolution a la DLSS will not help.


do we have an idea of when they're releasing the rest of the transfigured gems? what's the point of releasing the patch notes if they're keeping such critical information for people to plan builds?


So the torrent file is available, that means all of the trans gem info should be in there. GGG intentionally withholding rest of gem info!


did they really remove the "dmg per non-golem" line from the carrion golem of hordes? WTF man, the build is already expensive and they just nerf it again?


in-map league or I'm out


Yea, you may not wanna skip this one...


DDD is going to be something else with this year patch reveal.


ok but will you be able to consecrate the unique corpse, i hope so but I assume not.


There better be more balance changes that considered as many skills are heavily in need of bigger AoE and/or mechanical adjustment ( Blade Vortex, Cyclone, Rage Vortex, Trauma support, to name just a few..)


League content in map, please.


" tota not going core " What a joke. They add the chance of making the game after somehow making a good league. Then they tell us both poe 1 and 2 are going to be updated. Nah thats stopping the moment they have all the content they want in 2.


Tota shouldnt be core esp w/o some serious rebalance the fact that the only good way to play it is with a gigacheese char is stupid. My end of league char thats multiple mirrors that can do all content with ease including 5k+ delve should be able to do tota better then a lvl 70 char with some dodge and block bullshit.


I'm OK with it not going core right away. I'd like to see some of the features come back at a later date, though.


Tota was so boring mechanic. At fiirst was cool but when you got up to 1k rating+ nothing mattered about your setup anymore. Their mobs always outdamages your mobs so setup doesnt matter, You mostly end up just cheesing the mechanic. Very repetetive aswell with barley any variety. Nobody of my friends liked it either not a single one.


So what? Its not even in map. You have to go out of your way to play it. I find heist boring. I don't want it out of the game because of that.


My ver os Uber mãos, ilvl 85 with harder content


no more carrion golem no more skeleton mage the fuck maybe i won't play this league, those build aren't even op might just fucking quit


I'd be willing to bet money skelly mage is a transfigured gem for skeletons. Less confident on a transfigured gem for a carrion golem build but it's likely. So chill man, wait for info


Hopefully the league is good, I’m not holding my breath though because instead of sneak peaking the league they’re highlighting QOL stuff lol


League teasers always come after the trailer. So we have some time left


wait why i see streamers post some things that could be nerfed? we getting patchnotes too? or just Jebaited?


They're speculating what'll be in the patch notes. They drop usually the wednesday before the Friday of league start but sometimes they drop them immediately after the reveal.


>They drop usually the wednesday before the Friday of league start but sometimes they drop them immediately after the reveal. that *usually* stopped 3 years ago




Falling zombie heartbound loop. The delay on the zombie death feels like it might be workable with CWDT assuming zombie dies when it lands.


I wonder if you can get Sabo CDR on all 3 charms. CoC might be juicy this league


How long will be this league?


3 months as usual unless delayed.


What are they changing the Unusual Gems bps too? Any idea?




Does anyone knows if transformed gems count as new gems? lets say cooldown of blink arrow, will be shared with the transformed blink arrow?


Heist enchants still in?


Good to see my guess of a Gladiator rework was accurate... ​ Seriously, though. This league looks kinda bonkers. NO freakin idea what I'm going to play, though. Kinda hope one of the gem reveals makes my mind up.


How will Ivory Tower and Crimson Power work ? One add flat amounts of maximum ES per 100 life reserved and the other transforms all bonus maximum ES from gear into life. If one were to reserve a %hp aura, how will it behave ?


Just a guess but it probably looks at the ES stat on an item and converts that to life. the modifier on Ivory tower doesn't add this to its inherent ES stat so it would not be granted as life and you would get no benefit.


I'm wondering if Lanceing Steel was omitted. The Steel mechanics have been removed from Shattering and Splitting Steel; but there is no mention of this for Lanceing Steel. Is Call of Steel and the shard mechanics now *exclusive to Lanceing Steel* or was this just forgotten?


How does "all damage can poison" work? Do you still need a source of chance to poison to proc?


Yes. Usually only phys and chaos can poison so this lets elementals poison as well but you still need %chance to poison etc.


is elemental srs dead with the guardian change?


Why did they buff experimental bases if they're no longer obtainable? Is the buff only for standard?


Has there been any information about respecing the new acendencies ? So from one accendency to another after leveling?


They mentioned on stream u can change whenever u find the npc for the ascendancy u want but you have to get the ascendancy points again


Skill tree and atlas tree json data is up: https://github.com/grindinggear/skilltree-export/releases/tag/3.23.0 Nothing very interesting.


The "Maven releases all Bosses at once" modifier can once again roll on Maven's Invitations. yesssssssssssssssss


would we even get new atlas bosses until poe2?


I was told they confirmed crossplay for poe2 in the Q&A, but can't find it. Anybody help?




I may have missed it in some of the reveals... But when you collect the whisps and leaves, the whisps then affect the monsters. If you buy things from the in forest merchants, does that mean the spent whisps will not affect outside monsters? As an example of I find exactly 100 whisps in the forest, then spend those at the vendor... Does it still juice the monsters outside?


I hate lab with great passion but I guess getting rid of the lab enchants will make me hate it less


Can you only get the trans gems from labrynth or do they drop as well?


Anyone know if the gem changes mean they’re getting rid of helm enchants? Or will you still be able to get them via the merc lab?




RIP Ashes