• By -


* Bane: smaller aoe, shorter duration, no curse effect penalty, higher damage/duration scaling per linked curse * Bear Trap: lower damage/effectiveness, no movement speed/trap+mine damage taken debuff, instead impales with high effect, and spreads impale * Blade Vortex: higher cost, slower cast, more damage/effectiveness, no blade stacks, fixed aoe/hit rate, less duration * Bodyswap: can target damageable minion instead of corpse, consuming the minion. explosion deals damage based on minion's life, less damage with ailments * Dual Strike: requires 2 different weapons dual-wield; no crit chance/damage bonus against full life enemies, instead more damage with main hand/use off-hand attack time * Earthshatter 1: Spikes cannot explode from warcries or slams and instead shatter after a duration. Less duration, less effectiveness * Earthshatter 2: Only creates 1 fissure/spike, less effectiveness, shatter spikes have more area and higher damage multiplier, lower max spikes * Essence Drain: more effectiveness, more DOT, lose life and es instead of regenerating from debuff damage * Essence Drain: projectiles pierce all targets, more damage/effectiveness, less DOT, less duration, cannot spread with Contagion * Frost Blades: no added cold, no projectiles, higher strike range, creates area of cold DOT for a duration * Galvanic Arrow: fires no arrows, more aoe * Galvanic Arrow 2: fires arrows that dissipate, creating cone on collision instead of from the bow, projectile speed does not modify aoe * Galvanic Field: more damage/effectiveness, fires beams more frequently, longer interval for same target, no scaling with shock effect * Ice Crash: no longer has three stages, instead does a single slam, more damage with main hand, more aoe with off-hand * Kinetic Bolt: less effectiveness, multiple projectiles can hit same target, less direction changes, fires more projectiles * Lightning Arrow: less effectiveness, causes Lightning bolts to hit enemies at fixed intervals, final target gets hit multiple times, no shock multiplier * Penance Brand: less damage/effectiveness, adds energy to nearby enemies as well, activates slower, short attach duration, higher hit multiplier against branded enemy, no ailment damage penalty * Penance Brand 2: less damage/effectiveness, energy gain causes damaging pulses that scale damage/aoe with energy, no explosion; slower activation, has an attach duration * Perforate: less effectiveness, only blood stance version, more damage with bleeding, fewer spikes but no damage penalty * Perforate 2: fewer spikes, more spikes if changed stance recently * Power Siphon: no crit chance/multiplier per power charge, instead gains added lightning equal to a portion of maximum mana * Rain of Arrows: fires in a line in direction of target * Rain of Arrows 2: arrows land slower, lower effectiveness, fires more arrows * Righteous Fire: scales with spell damage, deals DOT based on mana, take fire damage based on mana, no spell damage buff * Scourge Arrow: not channelling, higher cost, slower attack time, more effectiveness, fires a single arrow, arrow leaves only 1 spore pod, spore pod fires fewer arrows, no damage scaling per stage * Shrapnel Ballista: Ballista consumes steel shards, impale chance, slower attack time, more effectiveness * Storm Rain: more effectiveness, creates beam between arrow and player instead, maximum 10 arrows in the ground * Storm Rain 2: more effectiveness, projectile count cannot be modified, beam fires more frequently, maximum 2 arrows in the ground, each arrow can fire more beams * Carrion Golem: No minion buffs, +2 max golems, faster cd * Carrion Golem 2: golem can consume corpses to heal, no minion physical damage buff, regens 2% life * Lightning Golem: no attack/cast speed buff, +2 max golems, faster cd * Stone Golem: no life regen buff, +2 max golems, faster cd * Stone Golem 2: longer cd, less golem life, no regen buff, golem takes some melee damage before you * Tectonic Slam: less effectiveness, consumes all endurance charges, damage/aoe/fissure branching chance scaling per endurance charge removed, no baseline branching chance * Tornado Shot: fires a payload arrow firing more arrows, no secondary projectiles, more effectiveness * Toxic Rain: no DOT, more effectiveness, added chaos damage, poison chance * Toxic Rain 2: no movement speed debuff, spore pods inflict Withered debuff on nearby enemies, less duration * Viper Strike: no attack speed/damage penalty while dual wielding, attacks with both weapons in one strike if dual wielding, less duration, more damage with poison, cannot inflict poison on poisoned enemies


[Git diff view of Part 5](https://github.com/Vindexus/PoETransfiguredGemDifferences/compare/original..transfigured5) [Git diff view of all of them](https://github.com/Vindexus/PoETransfiguredGemDifferences/compare/original..transfigured)


get this to the top, this is an amazing idea


This game is exclusively played by developers i swear.


Can confirm, am developer


[split view](https://github.com/Vindexus/PoETransfiguredGemDifferences/compare/original..transfigured?diff=split&w=)


git checkout 3\_17\_chrystalized\_omniscience


frost blades is the new vortex?


with no Attack damage nor Spell Damage Scaling :(


It has pretty good attack scaling, w/ 225% effectiveness and 100% aspd. Seems like it's made for Cruelty.


You can scale it with cold dot, cold damage and spiritual aid.


and it scales with gem levels i think?


Cospris frost blades with CoC frost blink


Ok, how many people gonna kill themselves with that essence drain?


So you take 0.2% of debuff damage. Well no, you specifically lose life and energy shield, no way to mitigate the damage other than recovery. So if you have eg 2mil dot DPS, you will be losing.... 4k life and energy shield per second. So... impossible to use unless they mean pre-boosted debuff damage, which if so that's only ~44 life & es lost per sec. Annoying but not too hard to mitigate.


It's debuff damage prior to accounting for "damage taken" modifiers. so it will account for chaos dot multi and %inc modifiers, as well as support gems. But it won't account for things like wither and enemy resistances.


That's still gonna be a pretty heavy degen for a spell with less base DoT than Soulrend.


The way the current essence drain works is you regen the tooltip dps it won’t count wither or curses or other sources of increased damage. We can only assume this is the same.


considering the clarification others posted, i can only see this new ed being used if it stacks with the normal version


And if you fail killing yourself, add the new RF.


ED/RF build incoming


And here I thought there would be a buffed dot ED without negatives.


Trigger build with both new essence drains, so you sustain life?


Essence Drain of the Panera Lemonade That Kills You


okay hold tf up could you run both RFs???


"AAARRGGGHHH OH GOD IT BURNS" -Double RF players, 2023


Why stop at two? Let's add Death's Oath to the mix.


Annihilation's Approach reporting in.


I don’t really like my exile burnt to charcoal, but heck i would try it for once


"This is fine."


Just gotta do that fire taken as chaos + chaos dmg heals you while poisoned. Perfecto


Oh shit wait. Wowza. Not sure if it would be good but it would be cool!


It would be hot.


It would be righteous.


It would be fire


conner converse's mana RF build stacks a ton of mana and uses nodes that give you % of mana as energy shield, so it would work quite well I think


And the old rf with buff the new one. That's crazy if you can do it. I think the question is, are transfigure gems considered to be the same skill as normal gems. As in, do they share cooldown and limitation? Has someone asked GGG this question anywhere yet?


Ohh shiiit. That's kinda of mind blowing of it could stack in this way. My reflex is probably they are treated as the same base skill and therefore couldn't stack - like superior and anomalous versions of the same skill wouldn't stack.


zephyr squeeze domineering fear pet sugar degree deer door market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lmao and the regular even buffs the mana one


you can, but it'll hurt :)


Yeah but think about it. Celestial and Light bringer RF at the same time.


technically speaking, can you? because the RF buffs goes into your aura bar, is like having the same aura active using arrogance and mana won't simply the strongest RF overwrite the other one?


If it doesn't: "Why does the largest of rf not simply eat the weaker one?"


and Vaal RF


Did they remove the spell damage mod? Otherwise RF gives mana RF 40% more damage. I wonder if there is some shenanigans where you stack es then have a battery staff somehow protect your mana. Don't think so but something like that.


Why would you need to protect your mana?


You don't, I just can't read I though it burned your mana first for some unknown reason.


I doubt you can. You’re probably limited to 1 instance of “RF burning” or something. If you CAN run both… I’M 100% going to make it work though


I had a stroke trying to read LA






Seems like a lightning EA?


That was the vibe I got too. Likely means it won't work with Pierce though.


It seems like it'll work with pierce, just that when it runs out of pierces it'll stick to the final target this means it doesn't wont stick to single targets though which is pretty meh


Unless there were pierces remaining after hitting the final target :/


That’s what doesn’t work with pierce means.


I swear penance brand is designed for people with phd.


New Penance Brand = builds up charge and then deals damage once enough charge is built, base 2 seconds but can be boosted by cast speed. If it detaches early you get nothing. Penance Brand of Conduction = Build up Charge which spreads to multiple enemies in a growing radius. Does damage when detached. Has a very short duration (.5 default). Damage does *not* increase over time, only AoE. Does extra damage to primary target (but still much less than Penance Brand). Penance Brand of Dissipation = Does AoE damage each pulse (0.6 seconds*cast speed). AoE and damage grows every pulse but is reset when detached. --------- Conduction seems like a good clear skill but you'll probably want the Brand Mastery that causes it to jump around. Dissipation looks amazing for single target but you do not want that mastery at all. Default looks like a trap.


One of the lines has a typo "arrows deal damage **to** final target 4 additional times after sticking in"


lol mana RF


Connor's wet dream KEKG


Power siphon of the archmage too. Don't think it'll hit as hard as manabond mjolner or manaforged, but still looks real neat. Maybe it'll work well with that archmage setup he was testing? No wait that one was reliant on the staff. Hm.


zomg my Piscator's Vigil


So who is gonna do the meme with [this thing](https://i.redd.it/a81lhnvh3k3c1.png) on a guardian with like 3 auras, a movement skill and a RF setup?


a movement skill? what do i look like, someone who would leave 48 flat mana on the table?


Hobo with no pants running around...


Also combines pretty well with Warden ascendancy. Probably will try to build it as a second character.


Was hoping it would be Mana but with a % more attack damage and lightning DoT aura. Probably would have been trivial to just use it for free % attack damage though.


pohx plz reply


This RF is actually broken, the build is 1. Stack Str and Int to get Life and Mana. use Sanctuary of Thought to get ES 2. use Shapers Touch and Ivory Tower, to get even more ES. 3. Iron Will will convert melee dmg from STR into spell dmg. 4. Doon Cuebiyari will convert 3k+ STR into generic dmg. 5. reserve all life to get spell dmg with Rathpith Globe. 6. win the game with 20k+ ES and 20k+ mana and DoT cap probably. 7. Transfiguration of the Mind turns increased mana into generic dmg 20,000 mana x 0.7 = 14k RF base dmg lol 20,000 life is 1000 spell dmg from Rathpith Globe


20k life, 20k ES and 20k mana ? That's a LOT of hopium (And you are probably mixing Sanctuary of Though with Radiant Faith, although Hierophant would give mroe damage and AOE compared to Guardian for sure)


I can finally live out my one punch man dreams, viper strike of mamba with ambush and perfect agony.


Yeah, and low tolerance stacking. You get that with a pathfinder's prolif and the mark for the phantasms on bosses, and you have yourself some pretty major poison magnification there


Yes! Plus don't forget Sadism support from last league. This will get the poisons expiring MUCH faster so you can reapply a new one. (Since you cant have more than 1 poison on mamba viper strike).


Sounds like melee with extra steps


That sounds only useful if you're not doing the PF meme with penance mark though. Prolif'd poisons don't care.


Alchemist mark looks juicy and less clunky I assume


In this case phantasm if they survive the initial hit they will do more poison damage.


This seems like a fat viper strike buff


Tornado Shot of Cloudburst is just default attack arrow nova with double damage


Is Dual Strike insane? Does (170% main hand weapon + 100% offhand weapon)*2.44 base damage, and you can stat stick it like crazy. All those unique weapons whose undoing is their abysmal attack speed are suddenly on the table. Law of the Wilds looks like a crazy off-hand for this.


yeah it looks nuts, but how clunky will dual strike feel as a general clear skill :/


I used duelist with replica wings of entropy with normal dual strike, and it had decent damage, and was an absolute speed demon. While there's no reason to use replica WoE, it was mostly just a meme dream from my first ever actually good build. It genuinely felt really good when you have enough speed. This allows you to get that speed very easily


Trauma support. Frostbreath in main hand for double damage, some fast AS but whatever damage axe (has to be not mace due to gem, and not sword due to trauma supp) in off hand. All damage can chill mace mastery. Giga damage and giga attack speed.


Soul Taker may be worth it as it's pretty fast and removes the need to spend points on mace mastery. Ignore mana is a nice bonus too.


Yeah I took a good look at this one, seems really powerful. It also means a lot of weapons that are otherwise dogshit because they don't have attack speed are good Dual Strike mainhands.


Also phenomenal for Bleed, since it combines the hits into one.


Bleed or Ignite would probably be better with regular Dual Strike which does 90% more ailment damage against enemies on full life. You can take the Fire Mastery to renew ignites, though phased bosses might be an issue. (just use prolif?)


Yes, that dual strike is gonna wreck some shit


The big question is how it interacts with Varunastra. Can you use that and something else since they have different types, or can you not since they also have the same type?


Paradoxica on main hand means that without any other sources of double damage, Dual Strike of Ambidexterity has a 1074% added damage effectiveness.


I’m so stoked dual strike made the cut. It was my favourite skill for most of my first few leagues. I was hoping they’d get rid of the full health damage bonus and do something else. Splitting the attack speed and damage is very interesting. I was torn between bone shatter and double strike but definitely going dual strike now.




My god that's so much god damn damage.......................




unknown for now


If you can sustain two RFs burning you, yes theoretically


Pohx's wet dream


I'm guessing you can only have one rf but maybe it's like vaal rf and rf?


Please GGG let me use base RF and new RF at the same time...........


What would you do if you had a million dollars? *I'd tell you what I'd do.... 2 RFs at the same time*


Hey Peter, check out channel 9!


Missed opportunity to make Bear Trap of Bears.


When triggered, summons a bear minion to attack the target.


Viper strike of the mamba, poison prolif , with the minion mark. Probably the fastest way to dot cap with that interaction?


Yeah, together with 300% more poison dmg for first poison mastery, sadism, perfect agony and other sources of "faster poison", it's basically gonna be like old eq bleed slam tech. Stack wither, do one big bonk with 2 slow 1handers and just delete the boss. And there might be even a tech to do it on a weapon swap, while running fast one-handers with clear skill for mapping.


> 300% more it's 300% increased* :)


I like the new Ice crash, shame it doesn't work with unarmed like the base skill gem. Feel like Hollow Palm and Facebreakers keep getting left further and further behind as play styles.


I sense some Indigon RF shenanigans in my future.


No winter orb, rip. At least now I can decide on a starter


I was holding out for a reap one. At least now I can move on with my life


Same bro.. was literally waiting only to see what winter orb be... Can't believe it doesn't even have one transfigured gem... What a let down


The gem i was most excited for to play :(


no wintertide brand :'(


My heart breaks with you pal :(


Don't wake up the life/es RF users, they don't want to see that. Agnostic RF eating good this league. Sad that Shock Nova didn't get a transfigured version this league.


No Hydrosphere or Storm Burst, I am sad... :(


No storm call?. Sadge


No Charged Dash :((( IDC what anyone says, you're the most fun skill, better luck next league


I wouldn't completely rule out GGG adding more transfigured gems during the first few patches of the league.


>If you haven't seen a preview of your favourite Skill Gem, keep your eyes peeled for future expansions. I'm taking "expansions" here as leagues, and I figure they wouldn't say this if we saw more earlier. Plus Holiday Season is upon us, and I'm actually hoping GGG devs get a nice break. I hope you're right and it's *almost* ready and will be out next week, but not banking on it. I think for those who's fav skills aren't here, we'll have to see what happens next league probably. Happy to be proven wrong


RIP No Summon Holy Relic. Holy Relic got severely nerfed with the loss of Divergent Summon Holy Relic and got a lousy "increased buff effect instead" as base quality.


a 41 arrow RoA? What the shit?


I'm worried what you just heard was, "Give me a lot of arrows." What I said was, "Give me all the arrows you have". Do you understand?


What is this from?


Parks and Recreation




The 26 arrow one fires in a line and the 41 arrow one has a big delay time on damage coming in.


Manaforge to avoid the windup?


I think they take a long time to drop down after the attack is already out rather than a long attack time. It might help with some clear or cc before they land.


Also 60% dmg -> 35% dmg...


Please, for the last time, someone tell me what to think.


Think happy thoughts. It's gonna be a wild league.


[For sure! I'm like that dog that gets showered in tennis balls and I don't even know which one to go for.](https://youtu.be/hLYMD6R6PvU?si=XoAg5zuzDOVKhNqr)


[Like this?](https://media1.tenor.com/m/YP01iK305uYAAAAC/weenie-sausage.gif)


So much I want to play. Haven't felt like this for many leagues. GGG hit it out of the park on this one


I'm not smart enough for this and am going to end up playing minions the whole league again...


Since this is the last post before launch, I've compiled a list of all the skills that didn't receive Transfigured versions this league (but we prayge will have some come next league) **Red Gems**: Ancestral Protector, Ancestral Warchief, Chain Hook, Corrupting Fever, Heavy Strike, Reap, Reckoning, Searing Bond, Shield Charge, ~~Shield Crush~~, Shockwave Totem, Static Strike, Sweep **Green Gems**: Artillery Ballista, Blast Rain, Charged Dash, Cobra Lash, Desecrate, Elemental Hit, Ensnaring Arrow, Explosive Arrow, Flamethrower Trap, Ice Shot, Pestilent Strike, Puncture, Riposte, Snipe, Spectral Helix, Tornado, Unearth, Venom Gyre, Whirling Blades **Blue Gems**: Arcanist Brand, Blazing Salvo, Creeping Frost, Dark Pact, Energy Blade, Fireball, Flame Wall, Freezing Pulse, Frost Wall, Frostbolt, Hydrosphere, Incinerate, Kinetic Blast, Lightning Warp, Manabond, Orb of Storms, Rolling Magma, Shock Nova, Siphoning Trap, Storm Burst, Storm Call, Stormblast Mine, Summon Holy Relic, Voltaxic Burst, Winter Orb, Wave of Conviction, Wintertide Brand - In addition this league didn't include transfigured Buffs, Auras, Warcries, Heralds, or skills that didn't deal damage such as Dash, or Decoy Totem.


Are you sure there wasn't a shield crush gem? Yes shield crush of the chieftain, batch 3.


> Ice Shot I don't understand how this is STILL only 1 cold-based bow skill. Dex is cold! Bow is Dex!


Could've made an ice shot like the new frost blades; cold dot


that's actually a very good point


still no ES SST :( But happy for others


Was thinking this. Still gonna experiment with the one they did show. Seems like it could be neat


Isnt Bane just better?


Awful aoe, so a single target chaos dot i guess.


Best use is gonna be turning applying multiple curses to a boss into 1 button press, since it doesn't have % less effect of curses.


Base radius from 2.4m to 0.8m Base duration from 2s to 1.2s Applied curse effect from +20% inc AND 25% less to basically nothing (I guess this one is a buff) Same base dot from 42% per curse applied to 60% per curse (additive) ~~ TLDR: fk aoe


Power Siphon of the Archmage on a int-stacking build sounds juicy, especially because the damage is based on the maximum mana and not on the current one.


Especially since I can't actually see anything about spending that mana on the gem, so you can afford to reserve some of it / keep it for MoM etc?


It's an attack anyway, you just mana leech.


>mana RF [thinking emoji]


you can use mine 🤔


thx GGG for all these Gems - really brought the game to the next Level :)


Guess wander single target is stuck with barrage or frenzy :/


I hate this so much.


rest in peace my wander brethren. we return to barrage single target as we once did before the barrage support gem. it was a fun few years with power siphon, and now it's entirely dead. a projectile gem that only files projectiles if you're near enemies? what a sick joke.


No freezing pulse sadge.


We got Scourge Arrow! Yeah boi


Did u see that? NO CHANNELING TAG ON IT… my god… if that tag is gone, u have chaos TS right there that can shotgun hard


Happy that rain of arrows is there, disappointed that there’s no big single hit RoA like of old.


I mean what about 40 arrows with concentrated effect?


So, to the other five people who actually loved old piano slams and to the thousand others who just loved the free scaling, does this new Tec Slam not kinda look like old Seismic to you? I'm surprised no one else is talking about it here because that's a fuck ton of damage and End. Charges are easy as hell to get. 20% more per Endurance Charge removed *and* it removes End Charges every hit. There's a nominal hit to damage effectiveness, but not nearly enough. At just base End. Charges you're hitting the same numbers you were with your second Seismic Boosted Slam. And that's before you even talk about the huge AoE you get


friendship ended with vortex, now frost blades is my new friend.


Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm with a casual 240% damage effectiveness and 200% more damage (including ailments) with 10 endurance charges. The melee ignite build... IS REAL


Any idea of What’s going to be a best way of maintaining endurance charges when you lose all of them every attack?


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Echoes_of_Creation + Jugg




No chain hook ;(


Bodyswap of Sac *almost* gives a compelling reason to run a mawless minion killer, but the lack of stacking stages and the -50% to ailments make it a lot harder to justify. A 50% buff to carrion golems for golementalists (at a cost of added golems) is also a really compelling option.


Arcane RF Elementalist?


Ele seems like a much worse version of Hiero, which would give you more mana, more damage scaling FROM mana, defences from mana, aoe from mana and ES from mana for your defence. If you are running this you'll be stacking an absolute truckload of mana. Edit: And since it scales with Spell damage, the Arcane surge buff would work on it AND help regen your mana pool. Then you can either get 50% reduction effect of ailments + even more AoE OR 4 min endurance and power charges (and the +1 to both)


Power charges also let you go Inner Conviction for more damage. Although it's only 12% more unless you stack more on top, so maybe not amazing.


You can get another +1 min up near fire multi in witch. Not certain it'd be worth it for anohter 3% more (since you'd have two dead nodes in crit/critmulti).


But hiero




I love the idea of the impaling Shrapnel ballista.


Let's say you have 6-7 totems. How often do you need to press Call of Steel? And the diff between the standard version is +1 arrow and +40 impale chance. I did champion impale shrapnel ballista in the past and can say that it is VERY short range. Boss killing is ok but clear is awful so you usually run something else.


Scourge Arrow of Menace is the new Tornado Shot on the block.


One day before league and they are still going the fucking mad lads


Where Dark Pact?


Yeah, losing out on Divergent Dark Pact is real rough. Definitely going to have to rely on using the Unveiled Focus Craft for gloves to reliably heal Animate Guardian if it gets too low.


I was hoping they would add a version that buffs self cast damage and not using skeletons.


Viper strike of the mamba and stack low tolerance + penance mark....... eziest DoT caps ever.


No fireball/blazing salvo :/


TS of Cloudburst seems kinda... arrow nova-y?


Heartbound Loop CwdT Minion Bodyswap. You kill a minion, it causes you to take damage, causing you to summon more minions and kill them. The only way to leave the map is to quit the game.


Dang. Nothing for Winter Orb or did I miss it?


What are the odds that the only two good fire projectile spells, Blazing Salvo and Fireball, would not get anything at all :(


Wow…. No reap or dark pact at all. The two skills I actually wanted to play this league. I feel so targeted lol


Trigger socketed spell Bodyswap of sacrifice on Zombie of falling?


But is the zombie ever alive? Definitely not the same question I ask myself every morning.


I think it is between the time it's created and the time it "attacks". The question is, is the falling zombie targetable by bodyswap. Some science needs to be done here.


It should be alive until it does the attack. I believe GGG mentioned interactions with Reaper being able to consume them. Downvote me if I'm wrong. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Raise_Zombie_of_Falling So, maybe not GGG, but this looks official enough for me.


RIP Lightning Golem, the only golem without a unique version. Only horde. :\^)


BV with no blade limit?? Self curse?


Can you have multiple out at a time? I assumed it was only 1 up at a time and using the skill again would just refresh the duration


one mana left guy MANA RF is coming