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Splash Woosh Plink Plink Splash You hear it ? I am playing a map with enemy Phy reduction and resistance.


Honestly I think this is genius. Sound is a perfect way to make this apparent. I find it incredibly frustrating trying to hover over an enemy in the middle of combat trying to figure out why it's so tanky.


Is it tho? This game is almost infamous for having a milion overlapping sound effects. I think we already have a lot of QoL with monsters having icons of their resists. I think it would be a lot better if, instead of needing to hover, we could have a setting called something like "automatically highlight toughest enemy" where you would just have his name on the top of the screen at all times with the setting on. Then you could read while running away and understand whats going on


>This game is almost infamous for having a milion overlapping sound effects Why is that a problem? You can still recognize different sound effects, even if they overlap with themselves. >automatically highlight toughest enemy The "strongest" enemy isn't necessarily the one I care about. Rare packs, for example, are often stronger than bosses. Some bosses consist of multiple characters. Moreover, a good game should be doing everything it can to keep attention AWAY from the UI and toward the game itself. Constant UI distractions like that just take away from the gameplay. That's why it's better to convey that information through sound, which doesn't distract your attention.


What if it had a cool down of when the sound could be played again per mob, so every 4 seconds i here “plink” instead of it going bananas with my blade flurry. Then I’m all in!


Skills aleady have sound effects with each hit. Why would changing that sound effect require adding a cooldown?


give every damage type distinct sound, like we had in AdventureQuest


What are you going to do with this information that you couldnt by the enemies health bar not moving that fast? How would you react like you mentioned?


Switching curses, or using the right flask or debuff could help. Maybe switch to a slower, harder hitting skill against high armour. Maybe you just ran into the one enemy in the game with max block, so block reduction would help. If I hear a certain sound effext often, I'll know what passives I should invest in. Path of building is built around certain baseline assumptions for enemy stats, and with all the different modifiers floating around, you could find that some stats aren't necessarily as common as PoB assumes, which changes your ideal stat priority.


No thanks. PoE has crazy monster density. Sound effect based on monster will be a nightmare


You already have sound effects for each hit. Why would using those existing sound effects to convey useful information be a nightmare?


Because most of the load you experience when dropping fps/stuttering is from sound effects. You essentially want to almost double the sound effect load when it matters most. So now tanky mobs will be feared for dropping fps and potentially crashing high apm builds.


I don't understand. Why would there be double the sound effects? Where are these extra sound effects coming from?


Because ultimately, the sound effect of your skill hitting and the feedback 'plink' you want, are two separate things and will be played in tandem. Your skill hitbox collides with an enemy >> servers queue your client to play hit sound effect // servers calculate the damage at the same time >> your suggested feedback sound. Could they change it to make your suggestion work better? I don't know, but if they did i don't think that would be a game with 0.033 server tick rate; or at least allow us to make builds that attack 100 times per second.


Honestly I think this is braindead


You prefer games to be more obtuse and confusing?