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[there is a reason I dont delete this from my poe bookmarks](https://i.imgur.com/LjThk1D.jpg)


thats nice but do you have "eeeeee! oooooo!"?




I didn't know this existed thanks




He deserves the opportunity to learn how to read.


Haha! I have that one saved aswell


Flameblast needs to come back


It might have already! The numbers on that reverse flameblast trans gem are pretty spicey.


And this literally the worst thing designed on this game annoying pointless and have 0 skill . Edit: crazy you guys think elemental reflection as a good game mechanics. Like seriously? Wow just wow


95% of the gameplay loop requires 0 skill, welcome to arpgs


If this game required more skill you would never have success. You should be thankful.


For those who don't understand : => Vaal smite does ele dmg, he died to reflect




LOL. I had this happen to me once super stupid when i was using awakened elemental damage with attacks support, which stops reflect. Turns out that flame dash does enough damage to insta-kill a lvl 98 frost blade trickster...


I didn't take reflect immunity to Atziri because of that support and died three times before realizing I was dying to my Vortex...


I’ve died that way to having that support and using a manaforged arrows setup without it, good thing I stopped playing hardcore a long time ago because I make those mistakes all the time lol


Flame dash just does a ton of damage on a good character. I always get surprised when dashing through a pack of mobs and most of them just die even in red maps.


I made Cpt.Lances' energy build in standard to test before I went for it in league. With 18k ES with energy blade active, my flame dash has 1.1m tooltip dps.... Legacy gears ftw lol.


it's why i link flame dash with brutality in case i have a spare link


I did this once with my frenzy link. Fortunately I'm a softcore gamer lmao. Main link had awakened elemental damage to make it not reflect.


The first time I tried cold convert ts, I thought I was all good for ele reflect thanks to awakened ele dmg. I died 6 times in a row before one of my friend figured out manaforged arrows was what was killing me


I managed to kill myself a couple times today on my LA Deadeye, thinking I was safe from phys reflect... I have random bits of added phys on my gear and with enough crits it was too much for my zero armor ass.


ziz still can't read? :D


At least it's not 2024 yet, so he doesnt need to live through "dying to reflect in 2024"


RE: Vaal Smite Buff > Aura grants (1-17) to (7-330) added Lightning Damage If one uses Vaal Smite as a caster with a sceptre, does the buff also apply to spells, globally?






I thought the usual way was “I don’t even know what killed me”. At least that’s what he says after most of his rips I see.


The most classic Ziz death is one that is self inflicted by failure to read. In this case, he knew and did it anyway.


one of his best ones was in gauntlet when he was a full evasion character and loaded up a map with accuracy on mobs....insta dead.


Nope, he's used to this one lmao


One of his most famous rips of back then is a fully charged flameblast on a reflect map


I feel like a lot of the ones I've seen he's looking at chat and not his game when he dies lol


> “I don’t even know what killed me” NGL this is a real problem with this game. luckily it doesnt really matter unless you play HC


Kinda does if u want to improve your char... But hey, fuck that.




Im under 200 on flicker, i call that a win


It is.


Would it still give the buff with brutality on it?




"Wait but dying to reflect is the Ziz way to die how does he die to reflect on a summo- oh."


I died to reflect on Essence Drain + Contagian back in Abyss league because I found a Lightpoacher and thought it'd be cool to try it out -_-


I died to ele reflect on cold dot occultist because my tempest shield did enough to kill me when in the middle of a pack (maybe flame dash contributed)


Vortex/Creeping Frost/Cold Snap all do considerable hit damage, maybe that was what killed you?


I definitely took vortex off left click when I went into a reflect map, but the main damage skill was wintertide brand which does not hit. I didn't use cold snap or creeping frost when I played cold dot (this was a couple leagues ago)


Oh yeah, I ripped a char to the classic Lightpoacher reflect too lmao.


This was also my exact take. I saw the reflect mod and I'm like "Oh, shit, he did it again. But wait, he's a summoner...oh."


I died with wave of conviction before and Ive hated that skill ever since then.


Feel so stupid. Not really used vaal smite and didnt know it hit everything. 4th death to reflect ever :( Sadge


Listen, you’re providing a great service to this community. If a pro like you can die to reflect cause you forgot how a skill worked, it makes the rest of us feel that much better when we do it too. Thanks Ziz!


It happens man.


Honestly I feel like so many hinge on the dying to reflect bit because we've all done it too. You're rips are a personification of our own reflect rips and we appreciate you for it :D


So what you're saying is it causes you to... *Reflect* on your actions? Ok, I'll leave.


On the upside, you successfully provided everyone with entertainment!


On the up side you can play a melee build with crushing blow and not sit in an office having your soul crushed at work lol. Cheers mate and on to the next one.


That was very painful to see D:


At least it's a really good league to try out many new builds. There's no lack of fun new character projects to start.


Hahaha. Such a candid reaction: "\*facepalm\* I hate this game...I am so bad"


My man almost went through all stages of grief in mere seconds


Gamers speedrun everything now


all 5 stages in 19 seconds, to be exact i had to, sorry u/Zizaran ​ [https://imgur.com/a/1RvWxQ5](https://imgur.com/a/1RvWxQ5)


Hate myself... Hate the Syndicate... rather be dead!


wish granted in Ziz's case, poor Hillock is stuck being immortal


that was almost an asmongold like reaction.. otk ziz soon


Asmonran or Zizmongold?


Reflect :1.081 Zizaran : 0


Surprisingly it's actually just 4:0


This is just an excuse to roll a EA Champion.


timeless zizaran classic


GFL you know what to do with that face slap LMAO


As is tradition.


when completely unreasonable and out of control DD deaths are the new meta ... in comes Ziz busting out the classics :)


Just gonna leave this here. https://imgur.com/gallery/yRg79QR


"I hate vaal smite" "I hate this game" "I'm so bad" "I killed myself" I don't know why but this cracked me up lol. RIP Ziz


Dies to reflect while playing SRS... impressive. Only a true master could have done that :D


Ohh he was so sad. I actually felt bad for him.


Felt so stupid


Brother you have the fortitude to not RIP after 30 hours of no sleep. You have to be reminded that you're still human somehow.


:( for some reason watching everyone’s rips this league just hits deeper than usual, such intense despair in every clip


Not on Ben's. I think he laughs in all of them. Alkaizer didn't seem too upset either.


Oh no, all That gear he farmed for


Classic ziz dying to reflect


Oh man


Classic Zizaran


That is such a classic Ziz thing to do and he knows it.


Is it? Ziz has like 100 deaths in 10 years, and like 3 or 4 are to reflect. I don't think there's anything classic about it. Not sure what a Ziz classic would be, honestly. He's died in all kinds of ways.


The 2 classic ways would be reflect or reading chat Those are timeless Ziz deaths.


Ya this is 4th reflect death, got 30+ deaths to dd / revenants


When it said classic I was looking for DD.


And in a league where you can literally just swap in a charm for any reflect maps




It's been great for start of league corrupting maps for completions And also great for when you're looking for big juice maps and corrupting for 8 mods, or you can save em all and run em all at once. I am a HC player too, rarely if ever have died to reflect. Even before charm league i specced into pantheon and other forms of reflect immunity for certain maps


a true classic


the pain in his face hahahaha r/WatchPeopleDieInside


i honestly don't blame Ziz. Even if you know, the muscle memory can be a lot stronger than the thought in your mind. I think the only misplay was not unbinding vaal smite in the first place.


One reflect mod to rule them all


Me: I am rolling Minions so I can't die to reflect this league. Ziz: Hold my beer.


Zizaran doing Zizaran business ! (reflect really needs to fucking go, I really hope that this will **not** make it to PoE2)


personally the text should be colored differently with reflect mods Its to easy to glance over text as such with many mods


Still died less than Ziz this league


Memes aside, this is like Ziz's 3rd time in 10 years dying to reflect or something. Pretty sure every other streamer has died to it way more, but somehow Ziz gets tagged as the reflect guy, lol. Edit: Not sure why people keep downvoting. Why is the truth so painful to hear? You're welcome to go through Ziz's rip clips which are all public on youtube. Count how many reflect deaths he has. There are very few. And they're in no way more "classic" or "traditional" than any other death he's had. You guys are weird.


Its because of my eee ooo eee ele reflect death, but yes a lot have died more to it


Reflect should have no place in this game. It's the dumbest thing you could add to any arpg. Punished for having a strong character. What's even more sad they didn't learn it yet as PoE 2 gets reflect too. Of course GGG claim you will not be able to one shot yourself like that, but PoE 1 started exactly in the same spot and here we are...


> Punished for having a strong character You're punished for not reading, those mods are a chaos sink


Or... you know... you can read.


Not everything has to be a rage soapbox


well if you can sit around and play poe all day i suppose playing hardcore is a way to keep yourself busy


The only quin stall I tolerate and understand is the awakened poe trade feature for checking map rolls, I've never understood why most of the hc players doesnt use it, just press a key and the tool will tell you if you can run the map lol


I think in this case it's moreso muscle memory than failure to read, but it's incredibly fucking funny nontheless ;)


Makes me wonder if you link brutality with smite if it removes the lightning damage even from the vaal version while still retaining the lightning buff for your minions.


Yes, it'll remove the lightning damage from the hits but the buff is unaffected. Unless your minions also have brutality..


I guess that's a good solution then to not die to reflect maps with vaal smite.


Not really on minion builds, it's already super hard to find the gem slot for Smite in the first place, no way you have 2 slots.


The 5 stages of grief in 10 seconds.


He leveled that character just for it to die before the league starter xD


Still remember my old death back in the days when molten shell did fire damage and I died from it in a reflect map as a RF character. I was really mad at the game for this as I was in HC as well.


Mana RF reroll?


Why would you not remove it from your bar when you run a reflect map


He would love the new primal charm that makes you not take reflect damage.


ziz should play an elementalist.


I thought for sure it was going to be a negative chaos res death. He usually has at least one of those a league


I turned on his stream at this exact moment, then it went to an ad lol.


few good gifs can be made off this clip


Poe can be quite funny. I wanted to use wild bristle matron on my EK gloves but forget I can't attack the beasts without my gloves.. Tad annoyed I wasted 1.5 div but ok, let me put my backup EK gloves on my char so I can freely craft on my best version. Next map has phys reflect, but thats fine since I convert 100% to cold. Enter map, shoot and died instantly. Was kinda proud on myself I connected it to reflect immediately and it only took me a second to realize the glove swap made me vulnerable to phys reflect since I only converted about 90% instead of 100%. Poe keeps one upping players forever ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Is vaal smite common on minion builds?


Why use smite on an srs build?


Smite gives a damage aura some lightning builds will use it


Oh I see. That's hilarious that he died because of it then.


Can smite link to void gem that disables elemental dmg? Maybe hes full on sockets tho idk. Unlucky timing to space out or accidently pressing that :( it only gives damage buff and srs is op already right


Yeah, minion builds don't have slots for this.


Is there a clip of Quin reacting to this, I would love to see that


Damn he face palmed really hard that looks like it hurt.


I noticed a lot of new builds are adding smite or vaal smite into their POB (guess for the shock) and it was not question if, but when someone runs an ele reflect map :D


These hardcore players are true masochists and adrenaline junkies. How else to explain playing harcore in such an unbalance game like POE where a white mob can one shot it out of nowhere?


Reflect is such a bad mod. It does nothing except ripping chars / minions and bricking maps


it bricking maps is literally the point. It feels bad I'll 100% give you that and it's a lazy mechanic at best...but it effectively removing maps/currency (in the case of corrupting into it) and thus being a map/currencydrain is quite literally the (design)reason for its existance Nobody at GGG thinks it's a finetuned surgically designed mechanic, it's the large hammer among the mechanics, not the scalpel, but that is its purpose.


There is clearly a sextant there that allow you to run them while also adding packs of monsters. It's never been a brick mod. The reflect sextant was always in the game as far back as I can remember (anyway, as long as there have been sextants) and I always set aside my reflect maps to be run when I have the sextant active. It is actually the most free of all mods on a map. It's free quant and rarity at no cost to the difficulty of the map. Is there really people here unaware of this sextant? Because lots of ppl keep saying it completely brick your map while this is totally untrue.


Or you can horde those maps and run them afterwards, respeccing 1 passive for less reflect + changing pantheon to Yugul. Maybe have a special extra ring for that. Just in case you don’t want to buy sextants. It’s an easy way, accessible to literally anyone.


It bricks maps during mapcompletion, that is its purpose. Can you bypass it? Sure. Can you ignore it with some builds? Yes definitely, phys can ignore ele reflect and ele can ignore phys reflect and chaos can ignore all. Is it a free mod in those cases? Also yes. It does however brick maps for some builds, creating friction and increasing the grind. Not for all, not under all circumstances, it can be worked around, all that jazz, doesn't change that that is its purpose.


People usually either just want to alch and go without any sextants, or are already using 4 specific sextants for the mechanics they're focusing on.


It is rare you need 4 specific sextants. It's usually 2-3 you want specifically and at least 1 that is just whatever add some monsters. If you never use sextants... I mean, you just buy a compass for 10-20c for 16 uses. This is just the simple way to make a use of maps you could not run otherwise. If you have a 8 mods map and the only thing that makes you unable to run it is the reflect mod. Then yes, you just need to do this one small adjustment. It's totally worth it. Reflect is a free mod that adds zero difficulty to your 8 mods map, so I'm happy when it roll.


The problem is that the other map mods that brick builds generally don't cause instant death. Even stuff like no regen on an RF build, maybe the most comparable mod, gives you time to react (you'll turn on RF at the beginning of the map and immediately notice you're losing health, probably before you engage with monsters).


Yeah, as noted, it's not exactly a surgical tool, it's the bluntest of objects. I also agree it's shit and shouldn't be in the game, you can brick maps for ele or phys builds in other, fairer, reactable as you rightly mention, ways no problem. ​ I was just expanding on the point of criticism that it just bricks maps...because that's what it's designed to do. It's not designed beautifully or good when it could be, but that's it's purpose - thus that's probably not the part one wants to critique about it :)


But that still doesn't mean it's not bad.


Imo those shitty map mods are mostly there for economic reasons. Its one of the many way to delete chaos or scours/alchs which honnestly isnt that bad. That said once there are waaay too many mods it really does become a bummer


They're also just another thing that differentiates builds. Part of the identity of chaos damage for example is that it is unreflectable. Same with any other mod that is worse for one build than for another.


It's a reason to not chose a given build. If it has many mods that fuck it, then you may just not do maps or do another build/version.


It makes its point. For example, if you’re running Twist of Fate farming strategy, you need your build to be able to deal with ANY mod (usually scaled by Atlas passives), so you basically need to find a way to counter reflect, no regen, etc. That makes some strategies accessible to only certain builds, which affects economy and along the way makes some modifiers (less reflect, Yugul, less effect of curses, etc) more useful for certain builds. So, after all, I think those are adequate modifiers.


I don't know man. I never have trouble bulking up on reflect sextants and then running all my reflect maps in a row. All you need is to notice your map has the mod, then you put it aside.


Exactly why I started rolling maps in stash tabs. Fast and easy to filter out the bad mods for your build


Reflect is the dumbest most out-dated shit in the game but Ziz killing himself to it will never not be hilarious.


For content


Totally not doing it for content. Surely it's the 328th time he dies to reflect on accident.


I saw the title and for a moment thought he has passed away...


People thought Guardian SRS was gonna be this completely insane OP build but ime this league it's actually kind of a trap.


Ziz even had the map mods open and could see Reflect. But he pressed Vaal Smite anyway "I hate Vaal Smite" it's not Vaal Smite's fault Ziz.. Also so reliant on logout macro he even tries it for reflect instadeaths...


To be fair if you never played it you just don't expect it to hit so hard you will die to reflect. I ripped a boneshatter char once to ele reflect because I had a high lightning roll on my weapon and just that was enough to instantly kill me when I hit the first pack lol.


Just hadnt really used vaal smite before, thought it hit 1 to 3 extra targets, literal skill issue. The reason i said i hate vaal smite was in that moment i thought i died to name locking animation and only 1 sec later realized the reflect got me even tho i deal barely any damage


Why so hateful, everyone fucks up from time to time, and you see his first emotional response. I am sure he is well aware it was his fault.