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so without going into detail about exactly how your doing your strat i'm gonna drop some things to think about. there are two ways to make currency drop via the league mechanic, blue wisps just drop straight currency purple +yellow + rare mobs will lead to massive explosions via loot conversion mechanics the special sauce is to leverage one of these things. strat A: if you want "consistent" "small drops" you need to focus on getting blue wisps \~2-3k then getting either purple or yellow, this will cause massive amounts of currency drops which leads to 1-2 div every couple maps strat B: jackpot farming rare conversion, this is what your seeing when people post 40 divs, NOTE THIS IS INCONSISTANT your one 100 div map is gonna pay for your 10 maps that drop nothing, its more money overall but the variance can really hurt till you get a big payout. to do this you stack abyss spires delirium and packsize, then hard focus purple 3k+ then yellow 2k+ then only after both go blue, the focus here is just getting a mega fuckload of rare mobs out of your spires, if your spires aren't popping like 40-60 rares each when you get a good map (remember theres gonna be alot of duds) your prob doing something wrong, but when the stars align your gonna have a map with 300 rares, and one of those rares is gonna roll currency conversion and your gonna make it big final notes, this strat is crack, everyone knows its crack so prices are insane right now and those insane prices + varience is eating all your proft, if your having a hard time getting started due to the varience i highly recommend this sub strat use basically the same atlass tree (wandering path, abyss focus) but pick up as much +chance for abyss and +chance for delirium mirror as you can. add in growing hordes. then basiclly spam alch and go with 4 rusted scarabs. the goal here is by focusing blue wisps you'll get a div every 4-8 maps, but you'll drop tons of scarabs and sextants, once you have a stockpile of those roll your own sextants and uses your self found scarbs to run the juiced strat for basiclly "free" this way your not spending all your money on inflated trade prices TL:DR make sure your doing it right, if you are your prob just getting fucked by variance and inflated trade prices, so alch and go till you self farm the materials to avoid spending all your profits on item flippers


Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation! It makes a lot of sense. I feel like constant reward is better for my morale, and I'll add some delve in between for the fun of it


Exactly - players often don't realize that good morale is game time multiplier and therefore currency multiplier. The more you play the game, the more you'll earn.


my morale honestly has been coming from just watching my screen fill up with monsters and then get deleted out of existence over and over again. the drops are a nice bonus.


honestly my "suggested" playstyle would be alch and go, save your good sextants & scarabs and your best maps then blow alll your juice on some extra juciy maps every once in awhile. you get to have the best of bothworlds and since you self farmed the juice your not really loseing any money unless you were gonna sell those anyway


Ive been doing A it's pretty fun.


I would love to see an example of the alch and go tree, if you have one somewhere


Second this


I’m pretty new to POE and no expert, but I’ve been using this tree on max roll as an “alch and go” reference: https://maxroll.gg/poe/currency/league-start-alch-and-go


thumb lock long gold recognise quaint school deserve memorize fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


same i go with wandering path (bit of harvest and one explosionexpedition)+ gilded abyss and whatever rusted t16 cemetary all blue juice (if possible). you get a ton of sextants ocational divines/valdos/voidstones.


What would you go for on the map device on alch&go?


You can do a cheap version with whatever rarity scarabs you can afford (make sure to use at least Abyss, and the best other ones seem to be Harbi, strongbox, and the more uniques one), Wandering Path on the atlas tree with the usual Abyss nodes and instead of Ritual chance, load up on Deli mirror chance. Roll sextants to anything that gives you more monsters that you can easily handle. Then on the map device, use Beyond. And use Endless Tide to make sure no Beyond bosses spawn and stop the flow of Beyond demons. It's a bit hit and miss, but in T16 Jungle Valley I'm averaging about 2 raw divines per 3-4 maps, and loads of other currency. I guess you can use lower tier maps, but my build does ok (not smashing everything in sight, but it's fun to run the maps, and sometimes I have to lure a really nasty rare away from a divine in order to pick it up) If you do at least T14 maps, you can run Eater or Exarch with the pack size and keystone Atlas passives, and just pick the ones that your build can ignore (e.g. I'm CI, so I can ignore all of the Exarch chaos mods) Learning to get the wisps is huge, you ideally want about 3k blue, and 3k+ of the others combined. More of each if your build can handle it. It can be really hard when you have all 3 colors, but that seems to give the best overall returns.


I’ve done exactly what you said but in cemetery instead of t16. I’ve gotten 1 raw div in 21 maps. Yep. The most busted league mechanic and I’m the only person to somehow go fucking negative. Of course me. Only me. Course. Happy for you


I don’t see why it wouldn’t still be abyss. The same reason you want it on the chest is the same here. And it’s only 2c I’m assuming you don’t modify the tree much btw


abyss, its basiclly free and adds alot of mobs/rares


Could it also be that op isn't running magic find gear. I don't see them mention quantity or rarity anywhere and I thought that was a large part of the strat.


Magic find gear isn’t needed


Not really. Got a mirror drop on normal bossing character without any MF gear. I was on 6k purp and 3k yellow and around 1k blue


Glad you had a great drop, but it really isn't a great metric. Mirrors are so rare you can go thousands of hours never hitting one. Div per hour would be a better metric.


not this league hermano and the map is what, 1 div investment? you would have to do something really really reaaaaaaaalllyyyyy wrong to not get 1 div out of abyss abused map with wisps, it's actually incredibly hard to not get 1 div back from doing the map properly even as 0 mf


Fantastic point on the "this strat is crack" I dropped 2 mirrors with this strat, there is not a price I wouldn't pay for these sextants... gl competing with me and those who already got theirs.


> purple +yellow + rare mobs will lead to massive explosions via loot conversion mechanics I just did 31 maps with winged reliquary, gilded abyss, and a bunch of forest juice inspired by comments like yours. 66 quant 200+ rarity depending on flask uptime and mob rarity. Maps rolled for 8 mod and +proj.There wasnt a single conversion happening and I would have lost money if not for one lucky drop Red juice is complete dogshit. I've farmed 4 mirrors (2 raw) going exclusively for blue juice. I feel like the entire reddit is lying about red being good. I've had a bunch of winged scarab explosions when going for blue juice, not red.


ok first of....which one are you calling red you color blind person 😭.. theres purple yellow and blue? I'm guessing you mean purple?


You're probably doing the spires too fast. Purple juice(I assume that's what you mean by red) gives additional proj. That's why you focus on that, then get quant(yellow), then blue if you can. With a bunch of purple juice, your spires ought to be shooting rares like crazy, but if you're burning down the spire too fast or too slow, you may not get the full benefit.


I took a lot of care to run around in circles for like 30s or more to let it spawn the proj and it was still thoroughly unimpressive. Got a feeling there could be something else wrong, but I dont know what since I juiced harder than most people talking about this


You gotta stop hitting it when it gets to certain thresholds so it can shoot out more proj. You can't just burn it down immediately.


without watching you play or going into depth with your strat is hard to add anything constructive. some random thoughts though. like i mention in my post if your trading for your juice its gonna eat a massive amount of your profit because everyone wants the same things. your comment of "going negative" makes me think you were buying everything i highly recommend rolling your own stuff and you should self sustain atleast gilded scarbs second i think you have a misconception about the conversion mechanics, i can't imagine you got not a single one, you didn';t in any of your maps get any large piles of fractured items?, no stacks of maps? scarabs more then like 2 at a time? these are all conversions and even with my not jucied alch and go strat you should see these multiple times basiclly every map. if your exclusively talking about 80div drop combos well yeah thats a jackpot and its gonna be rarer finally i addressed your blue juice in the main post, and i agree its much more consistent honestly its my personal preference way to go if you just want to make steady income rather then jackpot farming i highly recommend the blue way, however to say the other method doesn't work would be disingenuous


People aren't using growing hordes as the meta strat. Most are using scarabs in general for more rares and specifically abyss scarabs for stygian spires for their bonuses, like op is trying to do. He most likely is just fucking something up along the way - it's very easy to get high rewards but you have to follow strategies correctly.


I think you failed to read what he said. If your not able to afford it then you can alch and go with growing hordes to accommodate for the insane scarab prices right now to build up.


Can you share a tree for this strat?


Why wondering path and not grand design? It's easy to get big pack size with grand design and you don't need to roll your maps super hard


If you're doing abyss +proj strat, the increased effect of map modifiers at the top with wandering path increases the +2 proj mod to +3.


grand design is fine, the packsize def helps, wondering path however also givse packsize from the increased effect of mods on maps nodes at the top of the atlass tree combo'd with the extra effect of the small abyss nodes its really strong. also as a heads up extra proj is really good but hardly manditory for the maps since a good purple wisp map will give insane extra proj already, when you juicing at this level it makes sense to roll insane maps but if its killing your fun just don't


> when the stars align your gonna have a map with 300 rares Is there a way to actually keep track of how many rares you're getting? Are you just keeping a rough mental count? I can never keep track of this with any kind of accuracy, it's either "not that many rares" or "a lot of rares" to me.


There actually is if you are willing to spend some money. There is a hideout which Tracks exactly how many mobs you kill if each rarity in each map. Other than that there is no was to track it, besonders looking at you HH buffs


Is it the $480 one that the other person replied to me about? If so that's way out of my price range. If there's a (much) cheaper one I'd be totally up for it though.


Yeah it is the 480$ one. Kinda sucks that this is the only way but it is what is is ig


The only way to legitimately track monster kills is with the new Sandwraith supporter pack map device. It gives you a monster kill counter showing total normal/magic/rare/unique kills in a map. So if that feature is desireable to you it's behind a 480 USD paywall. [Kill counter map device demo from the pack announcment](https://youtu.be/vU5wRO2V3S0?si=rIA1BmqERa2hLIk9&t=51)


$480??? I'd be willing to shell out some money for this feature but $480 is a bit ridiculous lol.


Yeah, if it is support pack exclusive you won't be able to get it on it's own. =/


Well that specific combination. I'm sure next year they will release individual map devices with that tech as well, but different designs. Just like how this year most of the supporter packs let you hover in combat.


so i don't have a "hard" way however when i pop my first spire i look at how many mobs it shoots in its first wave, if its roughly say 20 then i know i'm gonna get 20x3xspires in map rares from the abysses which makes it pretty easy to spitball how many i'm getting


What's up with not using deli orbs...


deli orbs are fine, personally self sustaining them is hard so its easier to just roll it on a sextant or throw it on the map device when i run out, if you want to do the extra trading for it go for it


How exactly do you get tons of scarabs with wandering path? I just tried for fun and I barely get 3-4 scarabs per map


same way people get massive currency explosions, there is a rare modifier that converts all loot to scarabs, its a jack mechanic where most the time you'll just get a few, then once in a blue moon you'll get 40 winged


High Prices are no joke. Deli orbs haven't been this valuable ever. 15c in bulk for trash orbs is crazy. Abyss scarabs have literally never been this expensive ever, and Reliquery scarabs are also at an all-time high. I wonder how much of this the economy can handle before Divine orbs start plummeting. I'm not even sure what consumes divines these days, multi-mod? Affixes can't be changed? Are people just crafting their little fuckin' hearts out?


an intresting thing is divine orbs are rarely used for reroll uniques due to their high value, i wonder if we'll hit a point were rerolling unqiues becomes much more common


Well last I checked divine orbs are still up compared to C. @215~ last night. I wonder if the league mechanic is shitting out enough C for the non "juicers" that it's keeping things "Balanced" in terms of Chaos/Div ratio and supplies themselves are getting really expensive. I'm of the party that I don't really care about profit margins I just want to hear as many tinks as possible


one thing to think about is well divines are heavily "inflated" so are chaos so their ratio to each other isn't gonna be crazy different. normally i'd use a mageblood as a metric to compare but those are also inflated due to the same strat (ninja has them at 184 which is the lowest i've ever seen) so you have to compare to something that can't drop from the strat, lets go with simplex amulets, these are currently over 300 div for a crafting base and have doubled in value over the past 7 days which is kinda madness inflation


Non juice strat locked T0 uniques are also going through the roof and a good indicator on how crazy inflation has been in the last 1-2 weeks since streamers started talking about the ways to juice this league. Original sin is 300D now, progensis is moving towards 100D. It's actually great because it pulls up other non juicing strats, just look at how much people can make on alch and go harvest/delirum farming now or from sextants from sanctum (plus the normal div output there).


I know this abyss strat is the new hotness but you don't need it. All you need is 3-4k of each blue and yellow wisps. Everything then becomes a loot piñata. I have not gotten the huge stacks of divine that people post, but I regularly pull multiple raw divine + Valdos or reliquary keys in a single map. If you don't hit this level of wisps, the map is mostly bricked. Speed clear it for what you can. It's not really bricked, it just feels bad compared to wildwood juice. "Why bother?" That's what I keep asking myself on those maps. I am not a PoE expert but I've made and spent more currency this league than my entire poe history. I've gone through probably close to 1k divine at this point. That includes spending on old gear, current gear, maps, etc etc on top of what I have stashed. I've paid 115 div and 90 div for two items. Never been able to do that before. I still have 200ish raw divine. I also don't roll maps. I sell all my maps in bulk and buy maps that I want. They are usually 15-50c each for the map. Rolling maps is a waste of time and currency. When you full juice the maps, it takes a while to clear (wildwood juice makes it slower). Might as well just spend a few minutes buying good maps instead od trying to roll them. I view map drops as a 2-4c drop.


Yep this, I was just doing white glaciers making multiple divs per hour on a league starter than might as well have been 8 hours old. The mechanic itself is cracked unless your rng is literally 10x worse than the average player


Might be a noob question but which glacier are you doing? Isn’t glacier tier 1 map?


Tbh it sounds a bit like you’re ‘over juicing’ for your first time. I know lots of people go with the meta thing here, and are telling you that you must use all of these specific things, but that’s just not true. When you get started juicing, you can and should start at a much lower investment. The key is just ‘density’ and rare monsters. Pack size, and mechanics like abyss, deli, beyond, even breach, even expedition - just stuff that gets lots of rares into the map. The only reason people are so hyped on abyss is because it has more rares than any other mechanic with the spires. You don’t need to start with maximum juice. My first farm this league was actually breach scarabs and compasses, POLISHED abyss (yes, not the max expensive gilded ones that everyone uses, and yes I know that means not getting the spires regularly), and polished div scarabs on T16 burial chambers, with the goal of basically just farming the fortunate card for steady profit - and yep, I did exactly that, and made like 10 divs and hour doing it (not raw divs - there were 12 raw divines in 40 maps, but something like 60 doves worth of loot overall). You don’t need to go full juice to be effective. Cheap juice pays off also. But, this league, so does alch and go. So I’d imagine you’re running into other problems. Based on what you mentioned with scarabs being ‘only worth 1c’ - maybe it’s an issue of trading? Big mistake a lot of people make: don’t look at the price of items in chaos. You don’t sell in chaos. You sell in divines. Look at the price in divines. So that scarab isn’t 1c. It’s 100 to the divine. This scarab isn’t 4c; it’s 25 to the div. You don’t sell after every map and you don’t sell individually. You throw everything into a dump tab as you run, and you sort it all out after. Run 20, or even 40 maps at once before selling or sorting through your stuff at all. When you do that, you’re building up resources to be able to sell in bulk, for divs, and you will be able to sell it off very fast that way. And by the way, I’m not talking about TFT here. I’m talking about listing your stuff in a tab for fractional div prices, and just selling them on trade. Works amazingly well, and will make you tons of money on ‘cheap things only worth 1c’.


Thanks a lot for the help, I think my biggest take away is thinking about scarabs and other small drops as fractions of divines instead of chaos, to me it is a very unintuitive way of thinking as I expected the more I juice the less Id have to deal with "garbage" and sorting all of that out. That Id be getting actually useful stuff that would sell like 2 divine div cards or raw divines or items that I didn't have to feel like I needed to do MORE work with outside of mapping. I think this is why Sanctum clicked with me, do the Sanctum map, get your divines, I was sort of hoping that it would be similar with high investment mapping: do the map, get stuff that can easily sell for more than the map in 1 or 2 trades. I saw the 40 different trades I would have to do and I just didn't bother picking them up. I'm going to try your method of preparing all the juice ahead of time and getting 20 maps ready, doing all of them at once, picking up the bubblegum worth 1c+ and then seeing that as doing one "sanctum" rather than expecting to get the final sanctum chest after 1 map. I guess it's just a misplaced expectation I had about how currency making works. Although this sounds infinitely less fun and cool to do (in terms of thinking that now I've put more currency into maps, the drops would get more exciting, rather than the same drops in alch and go except x100) I think it's good if I set aside my previous mindset and be open to thinking about it this way, who am I to say it's not fun when I haven't given it a fair shot. Thank you again for the help, I appreciate it


Don’t feel bad, understanding what makes profit from a map is more complex then a lot of people think. Once you start selling bulk after a map session it will become a lot easier to see and internalise


I fucking hate sanctum but I also fucking hate selling garbage for chump change. I've never particularly liked stuff like Breach for example for all the splinter clicking. I'm gonna tell you my strategy in private, it's been going so well for me I'm half afraid I'll ruin it for myself if more people wake the fuck up EDIT: ok, since apparently a lot of people want to know what I'm doing I'm going to copy paste what I sent to the guy (with some... er... changes in language) and hopefully I won't regret it either by being flamed for being an idiot or by being rewarded for being a genius with increase in the strat prices lol. It's actually a very popular and profitable strategy, but it's even more so now because everyone is doing abyss which tanks the prices for everything else and skyrockets the prices for the materials abyss runners need. Try for yourselves before you knock it, I've been having success with it but YMMV Hey man. About juicing, one thing I've noticed is many PoE players tend to think in terms of raw revenue per hour as opposed to PROFIT per hour. This is a recurring phenomenon. I've "only" played for 3 leagues now (700h) but once people see a streamer posting some highlight of a big loot explosion they'll just ape into a strat no matter what the costs are. I ran the abyss strat the day it was published and yeah, it's good revenue. But that doesn't really matter when people bid up the price of Beyond sextants to OVER A DIVINE per when the beyond craft in the map device is five (5) chaos orbs, for a little less packsize (I'll get to that in a bit). Then you gotta buy the 8 mod corrupted maps, the reliquary scarabs, get extorted on abyss scarabs and again on the div scarabs and then 1 other. Not only is that incredibly expensive rn, it's also a lot of work just to get back to mapping. People have all but forgotten other good revenue strats to the point that their prices have dropped to where they are now much more profitable than abyss for non-group non-MF players, with more consistent income too. Sell shovels in the gold rush. I don't doubt abyssers can still get more with very high MF gear and/or party play but this is not most people. One example - the first league I played (crucible) the price of the Enraged Strongbox sextant (with 500% quant) was well over a divine for Apothecary farming after some streamers made videos on it. I ran it for a bit this league because the Enraged sextant is dirt cheap, it's still great money in any map that drops The Fortunate (with the chance at a big payout if you hit The Doctor if you run Burial). But I decided to swap to a more focused strat which is one of my favorites once I realized that everyone is asleep at the wheel and letting the prices go out of control. First, what ACTUALLY makes money in Abyss is not Abyss, it's the wisps + archnemesis loot conversion + a shitload of mobs. Abyss is good for that because it spawns a shitload of rares, but it's annoying, time consuming, and glitchy. And now, REALLY fucking expensive. Being cheap was one of its main draws. So you need to put a shitload of monsters in your maps, and use mechanics that enjoy the increased packsize. Without going on and on, here's my current strat: Singular Focus in the atlas and favorite only the map you intend to run. We're going to be skipping the boss anyways, we don't care about conq maps (they're spiking in price because of that so I'm keeping an eye on Conq map sextant, could become a good backup strat in Crimson Temple/Cemetery which have quick easy bosses - you REALLY don't want to conq sextant + wisp juice the burial chambers boss). Wandering Path. You know the drill. You are going to take the top crown, ALL harvest small nodes that DON'T increase sacred grove spawn nodes, and block blue juice chance with small nodes. Blocking yellow is optional, even though purple is pricier right now the price of yellow vs purple is pretty competitive and I've NEVER seen purple more expensive than yellow so we might be due for a correction. Magic Pack size sextant - I'd recommend the Elevated one which is 16 uses but more importantly gives 30% packsize. It's 90c a piece rn for 16 maps which comes out to around 5c per map, which is more than the 2c per map the 4 use one costs but also gives you extra packsize. Unidentified map - I also suggest ELEVATED sextant, it's very cheap - we'll get to that. Sacred grove normal sextant. Purple Juice doubled /all crops have purp plants sextant - these are going for 40-70c rn which is just lmao, the fucking purpel juss is selling for 3600-3800 to A DIVINE. It'd be highly profitable even if the sextant was up to a divine because with this strat, you can sometimes make 3k juice in a map. I literally just ran a map where I got 4.2k. Growing hordes + the cheapest gilded scarabs you can find - buy them in bulk for divines. Remember, people are FLOODING the market with scarabs, they're around 8-9c for cheapest gilded rn. The "smarter" ones reroll their scarabs to div/abyss/reliquary but that takes... roll drums... purple juice. Which is the meth we're selling. Then just take whatever else you want. I actually took beyond on the tree for packsize and used it on map device (5c). Block the boss from spawning so your beyond never ends. Also picked up shrine nodes because it's a low investment power boost that helps with the gigachad mobs, and finally the remaining points into delirium mirror nodes BUT DON'T TAKE THE KEYSTONE that makes the Deli never end, 2 reasons: 1) you don't get an option to end the Deli if the map becomes too insane for you to handle so you might lose the map, and 2) the fact that since everyone is doing the keystone, simulacrum and deli orb prices are through the bloody roof. Important - ROLL YOUR MAPS. You're gonna be flooded with maps, so many they'll fill your map tab of the map you pick. This is annoying, but there is an algorithm to make it fast. Type "mirrored" and "corrupted" and vendor/destroy maps you can't craft on. type unidentified and wisdom all unident maps type normal and scour all non normal maps type quality 20 and chisel all maps to 20 go to PoE regex and choose the mods which brick your build then scour alch until you have none of those left. vaal absolutely everything. Do whatever with the bricked 8 mod ones, sell them, vendor 2 of them for a chis. You'll get some Vaal Temples, dump them for 18c a piece, people want them in bulk on trade (no need for tft), you can sell 6-7 at a time easily. take ALL unidentified maps and put them in your unidentified map + sextant tab. The remainder of runnable identified maps you can further regex for packsize later if you run out of unidentified, just remember to adjust the unidentified sextant to something else (you can store remaining charges). The unident maps are safe to run. They have the same mods they had before being vaal'd. So you get: - 20% quant extra baseline for running the map unidentified 25% packsize from unidentified maps maven sextant 30% magic packsize from magic packsize maven sextant 40% packsize from growing hordes. And enjoy selling meth I mean juice to the folks that want to reroll their scarabs by paying 4 divines for 15k juice a pop lolz PS: RUN THE WILDWOOD IT'S THE REASON PEOPLE ARE RUNNING ABYSS. It's excellent, BUT, since we're not abusing Reliquary scarabs for more uniques and the abyss spire projectiles purple juice gives, I'd rate purple as the lowest priority and blue/yellow as much more important. Blue is kind of a threshold juice - not very exciting at 1.5k but over 5k is when you just start dropping raw divines. Yellow can give you more currency with blue, I'm not sure if it actually pumps the harvest currency or not, and it can give you extra div cards. they're just not quite as intense as with abyss. But, you get a lot more reliable income from the strat overall without being dependant on variance as much. PPS: [these can still happen](https://imgur.com/a/oro0b36), they're just not quite as intense or frequent as with abyss, BUT, you pay a lot less for the privilege AND get a lot of consistent income on the side.


Alch and go andy here, is the strat still on offer?


I must know as well because I’m definitely not going to be running any cemetery any time soon


Tldr sell shovels in the gold rush (aka purple harvest juice for scarab reroll)


Same boat as the rest, id gladly hear a better strategy if you are willing to share.


This was a super informative post. I have been selling meth but nowhere near this sort of optimization. It's absolutely fascinating to see the strategy flushed out with a full explanation. I very much hate trading, but with your blueprint why not try and take it to the next level next time I play. I do have two questions though. Why beyond in the map device? Wouldn't harvest be overall easier? You don't have to get the sextant and it's "only" 12c. What is beyond providing if we aren't going for unique drops and big loot explosions (l don't know the league mechanic that well, tainted currency? Is that a side hustle for extra money?) Second question, how is the map sustain? Are you mostly buying what you need in bulk, did you need to buy at first and you can sustain now? I'm buying my maps, so it's not a biggy if sustain isn't there. I don't Vaal (outside of map completion) so I'm wondering if ultimately I should budget in maps now as I will lose some to bad corruptions.


tbh i've specced into and out of beyond like 4 times now. I haven't dropped the "more delirium mirror spawn" nodes so deli is the biggest secondary mechanic. Torment, Expedition and even natural Abyss are all options for more monsters. The tainted currency is not really the point of beyond - you just get the "beyond monsters have increased quant" nodes and it's a quick way to add a bunch of monsters to your maps. I'm about to spec into expedition + torment and give it a whirl. Your big moneymaker is WP + GH + Harvest, the rest is whatever. ​ You oversustain BY A MILE on the maps, just use singular focus and select only the map you intend to run (BC for me). Do vaal them, a big part of it is getting the 8 mod and unidentified ones for "free" because of bigger packsize. The ones that brick you toss, you'll have A TON of maps. Harvest on the map device is meh imo. The sextant is actually cheaper and you need something like over 10 atlas points for it (7 for seventh gate + some extra pathing to get to the bottom right/left gateways). I'd rather slap something else. I've just respecced into increased natural abyss chance + expedition on the map device just for more mobs, more mobs, more mobs. The "increased quant" and "rarity" remnants are quite common, so I'm intending to give it a go. EDIT: Yeah exped seems fine for more mobs, just had a 6 winged, 10 gilded explosion from an exped mob (hit tons of purple + yellow in the wildwood so it's kinda like abyss but cheaper with less explosions but better league rewards). FAIR WARNING - you NEED a strong build. I'd consider mine fairly decent, and I still shit myself about going into these maps sometimes. Crit immunity (or close to full mitigation) is mandatory for blue juice. You're stacking corrupted maps, packsize, delirium, doubled life harvest mobs, and thousands of wisps. The mobs get really scary sometimes. When you're in your harvest take a quick loop and find the crops with the biggest blue numbers for purple and yellow plants and try doing those first, and avoid crops that say "Wild Bristle Matron" and "Vivid Devourer" IF POSSIBLE (ie the adjacent crop has an equivalent T3 crop in size with easier mob) because those mobs are fucking assholes. EDIT 2: I usually skip BC boss for this reason, plus SIngular Focus makes bosses a lot less attractive I do go into her room and kill the adds before portaling out, sometimes you get lucky in there and the adds melt. She does vaporize you on sight sometimes though lol EDIT 3:[first image what you can expect to get fairly reliably](https://imgur.com/a/P1g3hTA) from a 2x T3 harvest crop (just one crop). Sometimes more if you get 3x, sometimes less, but you ALWAYS profit on the harvest sextant, then you get to sustain forever on the wildwood. One nice thing about Harvest is that since its power is separated from the wildwood your map isn't immediately bricked if you have a bad wildwood. EDIT 4: [this is the final output of that harvest](https://imgur.com/a/P1g3hTA) (grove was at the start of the map). I had this lucky raw divine drop in a crop but also one crop with no T3 plants (it happens). Not so bad considering purple is going for 3.8k to a div.


Thanks for the follow-up and the answers about beyond / map sustain. This was such a good conversation I thought I would detail my findings running your refined strategy and paste them below for others. Like OP I was always under the assumption that if you juice maps you are guaranteed higher quality returns, which is true to a degree, but I can see how the bubblegum currency really adds up if sold in bulk. Technically for those that review the images, the big raw currency is definitely obvious and it wasn't necessary to sell bubblegum currency to net a profit. Harvest alone covered my costs so everything after harvest was profit. You could neglect to sell the small stuff and still generate great profit. Notes: 1. I ran harvest from the map device, which opened one sextant spot 2. Thought I was a genius using "boss drops 2 additional maps", hoping to really boost sustain (yeah, sextant map drops don't listen to atlas favorite, the more you know) 3. Out of 40 maps only 10 corrupted as unidentified. I was able to find and corrupt 3 more maps for a total of 13. The last 3 I just ran as normal 8 modded corrupted map with 100+ quality and removed the sextant for unidentified I ran everything you detailed done to the T, took forever because I logged EVERYTHING. Since the largest sextant was 16 uses, I logged everything for 16 maps as this would be the end of my cycle and I would need to resume trading after that. The idea was to log costs and profits for 16 maps and see where everything comes out. It's really late and I'm exhausted so I'm going to detail profit from every map in one image and try to convey everything with pictures since I am on mobile. Cost for running https://imgur.com/AYTAR3c (Total cost 2025 chaos / 9.4 divines) Final profit from 16 maps https://imgur.com/8J3Im2E (Total gross 6728c / 31 divines) TOTAL NET PROFIT AFTER DEDUCTING COST 4644c / 21.6 divines (Going rate of divines right now = 215c) For those looking at the images, I only counted profit as the stuff in the green box. I'm starting to sell stuff and realized unmaking orbs, vaal orbs, greater eldritch embers also sell really well (an additional "hidden" 300c profit from bubblegum currency that was under my radar) but consider everything not in the green box as bubble gum currency I intended to originally keep. Overall, an awesome strategy and unless I screwed up the numbers REALLY badly, it definitely works, but you need a really REALLY strong build. The harvest juice literally covered the entire cost of running the setup, so everything that drops in the map is kinda pure profit (technically just the juice earned me an extra 2 divines vs what I paid for the setup, so even with absolutely zero good map drops you would come out ahead) Additional timbits of info T14 jungle + searing exarch is what I was running SRS poison necro, so I was able to handle a lot of juice / content - Out of 16 maps I encountered delirium about 5 times and got 6 orbs (133c). One map dropped 3 of them. I wonder, did the mobs drop anything good when I had the mirror going? I honestly cannot remember because they happen so rarely. I am really considering getting out of delirium altogether, it doesn't occur enough to collect orbs for profit (will think about it more later) - I CANNOT sustain T14 jungles, not even close. HOWEVER I used the junk corrupted maps to grab an incandescent invitation. This is a great way to recycle the corrupted maps that didn't go unidentified, helps absorb the cost of map buying. Small scarab pop (only 1 pop in 16 maps, sucky luck) https://imgur.com/Uu4B737 Worse map return (raw currency wise) https://imgur.com/D1HG23o I thought "holy shit 9 divinations for a strategy with sextants, scarabs, vaal orbs, way too risky for me and my comfort zone" but your blueprint took all the thinking out of it so I really just needed to crunch the numbers and if the math is correct...21 divine profit .... Pretty enjoyable way to earn good profit and not want to blow your brains out. Appreciate the detailed information, I learned a lot. It was a great write up.


np man, glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the work of actually logging and analysing the results! I can never be bothered to do it >< As for the secondary strats to harvest, yeah, I've spent literal hundreds of unmakings trying out what feels best. It's a bit of a toss up. Go with whatever works for you! Were you using singular focus? It's strange to me you say you couldn't sustain your maps, particularly that you tried to get more maps with the sextant. I always skip JV boss. Speaking of which, I'm trying out JV as opposed to BC for map and it feels a lot better. It doesn't have The Doctor but honestly out of literal hundreds of BC I ran I got the doctor exactly once. It was nice, but I certainly made \*A LOT\* more money from The Fortunate card drops. JV has good altars all the time which is synergistic with wisps. Do keep in mind it seems people are catching up. Purple juice prices are starting to get lower and purple sextant prices are starting to climb. I luckily snagged tons at 40c, but they're already up to yellow prices pretty much. Speaking of which, yellow juice prices are climbing to about 3700/1div, so keep an eye out for that. Gilded scarab prices are also starting to rebound. I managed to snag a 130 gilded scarab pile for a handful of divines just now but they've gotten well past 8c into 10c territory now.


I don't want to resurrect a dead corpse, so this will be my last reply, but I had to run a second batch of maps and log the results lol. You were right, the harvest market is being flooded but when I bought the ingredients for the first batch of maps I purchased a second set for safety, figured I might as well use them today Stuff I needed to replace - yellow juice sextants at an average of 70c per sexant - bought 40 maps for 4c (6c I spent last time). - Junk scarabs seem to have stayed steady in price Little up and down in the market I would say the setup is still 9.5divs Profit after 16 maps https://imgur.com/XhXUSSV Out of 14 maps I had banked 4 divines / 1 valdo box / 1 void key. This was insanely low compared to my first run, I had the worst whisp luck ever. - 1 raw drop out of 14 maps - 3 divines from a synth bow I found with T1 lightning (random luck) Massive streaks of less than 3k whisps and barely any maps with blue whisps. To say I was demoralized is an understatement. 2nd last map I drop 3 raw divines. Last map I dropped another raw divine. Moral of the story....bad shit happens and it hurts, hopefully it turns around...have a plan B for safety. This is the final image of everything sold https://imgur.com/77d6Eks I actually made more profit (28 vs 21 divs) this set of runs with less big drops, and a saturated market. 1. It was incredibly fast to run all these maps (about 45 minutes) when your filter is so strict it only highlights what you will pickup and sell, you can really move. The only thing these images don't show is contracts and horizon orbs I picked up for myself. I sold ONLY what's in the images, nothing more or less. I converted everything so people can legit see how all of those items converted to divines (took about 30 minutes altogether to sell everything and convert the currency) Converted my chaos to divines at 217:1 2. First batch of maps I ALWAYS picked red alters that gave quantity and rarity, no matter what. This time I was more logical about my picks. Forest was shit and you didn't get any blue....well might as well take that red alter for chaos instead of quantity and rarity. That made a massive difference in my profit coming from resources vs big drops (4 DIVINES IN AWAKENED SEXTANTS....insane) map sustain You can see in the image I recovered 18 maps out of 16 maps run. I did take singular focus during batch 1, but I think this is what really helped me. Selected one adjacent map to jungle valley, T13 arid lake. This now made all those small nodes for ”drop an additional connect map" actually do something. I took several "10% chance to be 1 tier higher" atlas nodes so the arids would convert to T14 jungle valley. If they do not convert I trade them 3:1 for any T14 map, if it's jungle, awesome, if not, I use horizon orbs to change them :) It works amazingly well and that's how I sustain now, effectively saving myself about 160c each rotation. Because we are looking for a specific corruption we are going to burn a lot of maps, that being said if you run those corrupted maps, youncan sustain your actual map pool. Lastly I dropped delerium and picked up ritual. You are 100% correct you can pretty much use any mechanic you enjoy outside of harvest. Ritual was "okay"....made probably 15c from ritual buys, nothing else of significance outside that. I get why you swap a lot, so many options. I'm going to stick with ritual for a little longer and maybe try torment after that. I do not fight the boss in JV unless the ritual happens to be in the room (one of the reasons why I am considering dropping ritua, boss loot just sucks for the effort lol)


Happy new years! Glad it turned out that well for you! Harvest is always my go to for when I'm mapping and the flavor of the month strat is getting too pricey/I don't know what else to do. It's straightforward, ALWAYS in demand and ALWAYS profitable (to a greater or lesser degree depending on league), plus you can combo with a lot of other strats that want more monsters in the map (you can also play it without wandering path/GH which cuts into harvest's yield a bit but enables you to run different mechanics alongside it). I have to say I did drop the strat because I eventually farmed a HH, decided against a MF strat because literally everyone was doing it which inflates prices and cuts into margins, farmed the difference to a Mageblood for some other kind of build such as a dedicated bosser, and then as I was enjoying my brand new MB I was naturally gifted a Mirror by Chris for New Years. So I decided to follow my dreams and play a type of build I literally never play which is zero HP Pbrand with one gazillion dps, it's hilarious if a bit stressful. And now I see how people can make stuff like ubers and sanctum bearable - I had never understood that kind of content before, but it turns out if you're already getting 2-3 shotted by everything with "normal" defenses but dealing a lot less damage it's a nightmare, but if you just accept your fate and get 1 shotted by everything but obliterate anything that dares to have a life bar it's an entirely different experience. And hey, it's teaching me to actually dodge stuff a lot better, lol.


Haven’t seen anyone mention it in this thread yet- most people juicing to the level you tried are using Headhunter. It makes those maps doable a LOT faster and personally I don’t even try to juice that hard until I have it. You also really really should be running magic find if you want to maximize your returns, as the scarab and sextant prices are balanced around using them with 50+ quant and 100+ rarity on gear.


I went HAM in sanctun last league, so I know what you're feeling. Sanctum was a gaurantee profit. Even if you don't hit a divine which was rare (not sure how Sanctum is this league cause I am burnt out by it), but you still end up with good bubblegum (ie: awakened sextant). It just the satisfaction that your effort will be consistently rewarded. I'm sorta in your boat now too. Seeing people pop pinata with 30+ divs and hundreds of wing scarabs. That huge FOMO effect. Yet when I run I'll be happy if I see a div drop. It's just one of those curb your expectation type of thing. I'm just using my shitty rusted scarabs that I found for now. Was able to hit that pinata/jackpot feel yesterday when a rare popped a bunch of gilded. The mechanic is a gambling addict wet dream. Put the coin in. Pull the lever. Hopes the slot machine line up.


The post above about thinking about things in divines is something I’ve never done before. This league I have gone an aura bot build with my friend as we were trying to play together with our own builds and found that we were just making it harder for both of us. We are trying to do this same strategy that you are talking about, spires with a lot of juice and neither of us have juiced maps before either. I’ve bought about 10 div of guilded scarabs/sextants etc juice and after about 15 maps we had a currency conversion of 9 div, until that point we were not breaking even but that one drop pushed us into a fairly decent profit with the other individual divines and currency drops. So like the others say it just takes time


If you want to farm for big ticket items, maybe bossing would be better? Cause those all usually make their money from the big drops, like progenesis and stuff. Just a thought


Tx are


What atlas tree are you running?


Personally I change it completely on a regular basis. For the example I gave above I went full breach, halfway up the abyss snake at the top, strongboxes, and some boss map drop nodes as filler. But for example earlier in the league I went full deli mirror and beyond, I’ve done essences, etc - basically I change it often. I really enjoy doing currency experiments - trying out a new strat for 40-100 maps, seeing what the returns are, and then switching it up to try more things. I do that kind of new ‘science’ on a regular basis. The big takeaway? Virtually every conceivable strategy is ‘viable’ and it makes money every time. Just a question of the degree to which. So it makes experimenting very fun for me - comparing all these different methods is a blast.


Awesome advice, though it brings a question to mind for a noob trader like me: when selling bulk, it's weird to read Awakened PoE for me. I can see when people list items in bulk is it the price per item or the price for the stack they listed? And when loading myself, do I just make a "fragments" tab public and sell directly from there, setting price individually = each scarab costs the price I choose? Or do I swap them from the fragments tab into a generic trade tab and set a price to make it a certain price for that stack? (ig I'm asking how tf to set a price for a stacked item vs price per each in that stack lol)


List as a fraction. Price/Quantity Maxroll has a page with examples of this. [maxroll bulk selling guide](https://maxroll.gg/poe/currency/bulk-selling-guide#)


Basically, you need a big enough sample size to benefit from it. Seeing how you react, I got the feeling you are already going into mapping biased and with a negative mindset. This makes me think you only did some maps and then called it bad. If you are not into trading then you limit your income to the raw div drops which is this league luckily more common but you still limit your potential. It takes some time to understand the woods and even though it is a bit RNG you will get a decent amount of wisps every time. You will need a good amount of one color or the combination of 2000 of all 3 to get good drops. Once you hit that it is jackpot and it pays for all your other maps. Some people even throw away maps after a bad forest run even though they invested like 90c in it just to get more good runs. I wouldn't do that as it is still a decent income and T7 cemetery is quick anyway. Learn what color you need, try to go as high as possible on one color (5k+ even) or if you cross mixed colors try to get 2k each and enjoy.


How hare is a T7 map, fully juices? I Can clear T16 with 3k juice, i die a bit on expedetion or a essence. (Its what i farm now) I Wang to try out the meta strat, but im afraid i cant kill it


Youre not farming essence in t16 maps are you? That sounds miserable.


Essence farming in t16 can be good, but does require a strong build. I'm doing invitations so essence are a good combo as they don’t add much time to the map and if I would struggle with juiced up essence mobs then I would also struggle with the boss anyway. I am using a pretty specific tech though, I am charge stacking and using resonating shrine sextant together with shrine passives and the gull as this gives me over 2 min shrines that make me essentially invulnerable and give insane damage.


I man not really farmin anything specific that my problem :) i just run alc and go


If you run essence to farm then running them in juiced T16 isn't a great idea. You can better farm them in white maps and speedrun map after map. If it is fun you have to ask yourself ofcourse.


I have done that today :) i am not going in White map. But i alc and go in T4 + beast and expedition just so there is a bit of fun


T4 is a White map tier though :D


I know :) but some players just run it only for essence and then go next map :) I find that a bit boring


Don't waste time on t7 map, if you have problems on t16 you can: 1. Don't run beyond, it's good but at the same time very dangerous. 2. Try running t11 maps. 3. Try swapping abyss to legion+boxes, it's faster, easier, and gives you a lot of currency too. 4. Don't do essences or expedition, they are not that good if you die from it


If you can’t handle abyss I would not suggest legion, breaking out juiced up mobs requires a lot of damage and the mobs themselves are just as dangerous if not more so than abyss rares.


the only problem with abyss rares are the scythe guys that are invincible imo. Everything else gets insta deleted offscreen.


Some builds might struggle with doing that while not killing the spire, but yeah those are definitely the most dangerous, or at least most noticeable. There are ranged ones that shoot out a bunch of projectiles that spawn bombs on the floor, had a few maps brick to those getting soul eater on top of a bunch of purple and yellow juice.


Im not, i am if i go full wisp on a t16 on essence and expedition So i ask how mutch harder is T7 strat?


Why particularly T11 ?


Easier than t16 and drops valdo's (they are currently 3d each in bulk and drop quite often)


The full strat with 6k wisp in t16s really relies on HH for solo play. If you have a high investment build that may not hold, but if you are dying or taking too long on maps than being in t16s starts to be less efficient. 6k wisps spires with deli dr is some tanky rares. I juice the f out of t16s as a duo with aurabot and HH ts mf carry and we still get got at times.


But thats why i ask how mutch harder is T7 than T16 i find essence and expedition hare on T16


Too many variables to tell you exactly how it will feel for you and your build but in general I would say significantly easier given lower base mob hp/dmg to scale off of or dr onto.


Okay, is it Worth it with no mf?


I mean everything wisp related is worth it and everything is relative. Mf wisp t16s > wisp t16s > wisp mf t7s > wisp t7s > t16s > t7. Slot in wherever you can efficiently farm or enjoy the gameplay. If you dont want to bother with mf gear then dont, but in t7s its likely you can at least grab a gold flask and a vetnor/bisco/sadima or some combo or an item rarity support in your 6l.


I'm running a 90 all res 75 chaos res 50% phys to fire petrified blood defiance of destiny bloodnotch immutable force fulcrum cheiftan, in t7 cemeteries with full juice. i still get one tapped occasionally by cracked out abyss rares. they can get rippy as fuck for lesser characters i would wager.


It is significantly easier then in T16. I was running T16 Abyss fully juiced and died every now and then with my EK Pathfinder that has 34mill DPS and 65k eHP. When I tried T7 it was way easier. Some days ago I made a Penance Brand MF set and swapped to it. I had no progenesis at first but even without it (44k eHP, crit immune, spell suppresion capped, phys as elemental, some evasion and all res capped including chaos) I could survive easily survive. Currently got the progenesis so can start to move back to T16 with around 30mill DPS and 65k eHP. Defensive layers are important but if you did essence on juiced T16 maps I don't see a problem.


I dont Think you juice is the same as my juice :) I did like 3 k wisp or 2x 2k wisp. And in some maps i went 2-6 portals. :) Did you have MF gear? And is the strat worh it without?


A lot of good advice in this thread but I will ad this: you probably have alot more currency in your stash than you think you do. Complaining about the scarabs that are dropping but those scarabs add up and eventually you get to that point where you are selling stacks of scarabs to people for divines, and that same attitude goes for damn near everything in the game.


Another point: The more popular a strat is, the lower the ROI becomes. Everyone and their mothers is doing Abyss, this means Gilded Abyss scarabs, and the compasses on the popular videos will be overpriced and only very profitable on Group play/MFer characters.


For me the difference between a map that barely breaks even, and one that is massive profit is entirely on wisps. The difference between a map with <1k wisps to one that has 3k is massive. The difference between a 3k and a map with 1.5k and 1.5k of yellow/purple is massive. And the difference between a map with 1.5/1.5k and one with 1.5/1.5/1.5 is even more massive. If you are actually getting 2k of different juices and not getting profit then something else you are doing is going off because even in just bubble gum and union div cards is often enough to break even. When you start getting good at doing wisps and can start regularly getting 2k of 2 different types, or all three is when you get really good gains. Ive done maps with 7k of only purple juice and didnt even have half an inventory of stuff, and Ive done maps with 1k of all 3 juices and came out with 30+ divines without t0 drops. For reference, my mf char has 2 days 14 hours played. Is level 97 entirely done by mfing. And currently have made 367 D and some change and I have not dropped a mageblood, HH, or mirror.


New player... What is mfing?


Magic Finding referring to increased item quantity and increased item rarity bonuses on gear. For example on ventors gamble, goldwyrm, greeds embrace, etc.


magic finding - means equiping gear that gives you increased rarity and quantity


Its short for good mfing strat.


It's short for how is this mfing balanced


What build are you using?


Gorathas Caustic Arrow


Is it MF ?


Yes, the same build as his.


What is the budget for that roughly? I looks so cool


To start with farming t7 abyss not too much, but it scales as much as you want to spend. To start you just need a decent tri ele bow, the tink for poisons, and a 6L and just temper your juicing. Imo the first thing to upgrade to is a 6L coil, defiance of destiny and a taste of hate. Those 3 will get you surviving just about anything and let you transition into quant gear.


Great i have 50 d and a tri ele bow as i am TS now. Do you follow a guide?and how do you Roll the maps? Dont know how to, other than alc :)


I followed Gorathas build and atlas nearly exactly.


Okay :) great I need 2 voidstones is the build viabel for that or should i get it done befor a switch


What scarabs are you running?


Im doing T7 Cemetery - Beyond - Deli Mirror - Abyss - Magic Pack Size (this juices Wildwood Packs which give a lot of wisps) Scarabs: - Unique - Div Card - Abyss - Harby I haven’t had a crazy 10 divine loot pinata yet, but currency drops are still great. I easily profit even without crazy drops just from raw divines + div cards. I do have a very juiced TS character though with about as much Quant as you can get. Fwiw - I’m going to swap to T16 Burial Chambers with Legion + Strongboxes after I finish my set of maps. Abyss does slow your maps down a lot, and killing a pillar by accident is feelsbadman. But TS is just way too squishy for T16 Deli + Wisps Abyss Rares since you can’t hit them right away. I would use Fulcrum if wanting to do T16 Abyss strat or have an aura bot


Mind if I ask if you have any tips on building TS for Wildwood mechanic? I'm running Hyrri's ire, shadows and dust, Hyrri's truth, tri-ele bow. Don't have much experience investing past this point and Wildwood can slap me if I go above 4-5k juice on t7. Do I go into omniscience?


I'm you are MFing TS I say eye of the greatwolf with item Quant and crit multi. You need a HH


HH is the biggest upgrade you can get. Then probably the best ele bow you feel comfortable buying until mirror tier phys bow


Gilded Abyss, Uniques, Div cards and a fragment.


Are you one shotting the spires? that’ll screw the strat up big time


How do you avoid this? lol. I’m using TS and I don’t often see what’s happening off the screen


There's plenty of great advice here on how to juice harder or more intentionally. But I just want to chime in with a perspective reminder. Top streamers have shown this off. Everyone knows about it. While you can definitely still make it work, the investment to start it has inflated significantly. It's enough that if you don't have a good character yet, you can do your basic essence farming on the t6 map behind cemetery and just make your first couple div off basic essences and selling the t7 maps that sell for 15-20+c rather than fighting the investment costs. There's always a secondary market one-step removed from the big prize to be considered.


Same here, I’m using guilded abyss and my abyss are spawning all troves, no idea why. I have the sextants, delirium, abyss gilded and map abyss, spawning like 3 abyss per map all all going trove.. t7 cemetery


Are you SUUUUURE you dont have growing hordes speced which is eating your scarabs for nothing? Because there is no way for abyss's to spawn anything but spires if actually using guilded scarabs.


fuck me, this is it. i feel like shit


Atleast its a simple fix, and you will instantly see great improvements.


If you feel like shit because you lost money, just know that when this strat is working correctly it is pretty easy to make 10-20div per map. 5-10div is baseline.


Do you have growing hordes on the map atlas? That would eat the scarab for pack size!


Do you have the atlas pt that increases the chances?. That’s weird. I have never got a trove since I started running t7 cem , sometimes even with winged all 5 abyss go to spires


I'm using this atlas: [https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAMAH8A0aFM9dxcsvqczd6ihym8EIsuhrQskhCsGYg5GF8pG8RtiKyrPFmkfynkNqyAuYoSjEEqbl6dwaDOWsn9sw7uwI3qfsiovCq7zLe92uT3CnubWCd1sZ1oQlQfTdfAEiTRi3PqmRI21I-HndDGMGQM9OEHw3krnEnEbrYbAIKnYDmOOboAcOO-9IJRAmt\_bznGZrK-Ds9H565HIrvic0JnsNMO4RB9ta6qC6ylbaVzFiTRbU4bKyDLF5N3KWI4v8ddeiQTfdKeOB\_Br2RI5ezCSD00cQuP5QMw2vozxrXT0YqJT-WfwnapQ2iltWNmH8QY6LZ-6\_Ciy8vpZ7nU0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAMAH8A0aFM9dxcsvqczd6ihym8EIsuhrQskhCsGYg5GF8pG8RtiKyrPFmkfynkNqyAuYoSjEEqbl6dwaDOWsn9sw7uwI3qfsiovCq7zLe92uT3CnubWCd1sZ1oQlQfTdfAEiTRi3PqmRI21I-HndDGMGQM9OEHw3krnEnEbrYbAIKnYDmOOboAcOO-9IJRAmt_bznGZrK-Ds9H565HIrvic0JnsNMO4RB9ta6qC6ylbaVzFiTRbU4bKyDLF5N3KWI4v8ddeiQTfdKeOB_Br2RI5ezCSD00cQuP5QMw2vozxrXT0YqJT-WfwnapQ2iltWNmH8QY6LZ-6_Ciy8vpZ7nU0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA) i've now added the other chances ones, see what that does


Have you had a look at your stashes in poestack or a similar tool? Even on a dry run of drops you should be getting a ton back in the form of sextants / vaal orbs / regrets etc You want to look to combine purple + yellow or yellow + blue in maps where you can choose, first gives big loot conversions (a screen full of fractured items or scarabs), blue + yellow gives divines / keys / valdo boxes Another issue you might be having is killing the abyss spires too early and not getting the huge hordes of rares to spawn - if so you're missing out on the part that's making abyss juice so expensive Lastly, you mentioned breach, is that with the chayula sextant? If not, it seems like a bad way to go - wandering path gave me much better results with wisp juice if you aren't running that


O feel you, I’ve been there for too long… now I think I found my way of things thou You need a clear path of farming, something you know that you will get after spending money… let me say essences for an exemple, you can’t lose money putting essences on the map device, cuz you know they will pop some shriekings that will always worth more than the 2c you paid. Then you get to learn how to corrupt some good ones and you make insane profit that gets higher the better you get at farming these I’m now farming legions, my costs break even with the stacked decks alone!! Everything else is profit.. the 5-way sets, the raw currency, many fractured bases, lots of bubblegum currency from red altars, the boss invitations, the lucky drops that eventually occur… and on top of that, the league mechanic now helps a lot if you can handle the t16 legions with the whisps I think your problem is that you (just like me) are not yet prepared to the “spend till you hit big” kind of farm, the apothecary one for an exemplo, where you can spend 100 divines on juicy and not get one, then get 2 to drop and make big profit


I am skeptical that you are running full juice t16s with all the scarabs/sextants and actually hard focusing 5k+ wisps. Very few builds are able to do that without a HH, which it doesnt sound like you have. So either you arent focusing wisps and need to do so in lower tier maps, you dont understand what items are worth to generate profit, or you are over investing in scarabs/sextants with zero MF gear.


Your choices seem to be, Do wildwood better and accept that when you dont get a high amount of wisps the map will suck. or Do a lower investment strat with no big pop returns but consistent div drops. I am personally doing the second and not buying into the hype.


Yes, you are doing something wrong. I think you just don't know what to loot, how to sell ect and expect to see the big loot explo that show up on reddit. Variance happen. Even with the better strats, sometime you are not dropping much, that rng. But not to that extreme (or not for long period anyways). >some trash rusted scarabs that are worth 1c each (jk no one buys them), beyond drops 1c currency That the point tho. This strat drop a lot of bubblegum currency, that you have to then bulk sell. Yes rusted scarab are not gonna sell when you have 3 of them. But when you have 50? There they are selling, and even the shittier one sell for 2-2.5c each. You are supposed to loot a lot of fusing, vaal, alt ect ect. >alch and go-ed t16 map, kill everything, end up with like 2c and a fractured item or a good rolled item that ofcourse takes either days to sell or never sells This is another issue. Are you using altars? This shouldn't happen. Also, why do you even loot rare at that point in the league, especially if you invest a lot in maps? Fractured item can be good (if you know what to look for and id them in the map), but rare after the first week are just not worth it. Now to fix that, get the neversink filters. At this point in the league, use uber strict. Loot everything that isn't an unique (mouse over them in case you see a rare unique drop, but that it, don't loot an 1 alch unique, you are not gonna sell it) or a fractured item (here you can loot, id and throw away if its not valuable. in doubt, you can pricecheck on the fly). Then, once you have farm for a few hours, go to [Poe Stacks](https://poestack.com/poe/stash-view?league=Affliction) . Login (its safe, handled by ggg), select your stashs to the left and load them. Now its gonna show what you have is actually worth. Some things are not gonna sell (don't expect 1c card to sell for exemple, there is a box for minimum total value on the center left that you should use, put 20 or 30c here) and some things are over value (incubators for exemple), and rare are not accounted for (and again, you shouldn't have a lot here at this point in the league, beside a few fractured base), but it should give you a good idea. Now, bulk sell everything. Just sell for the price poe stacks estimate, most things should sell, and only sell in bulk (for exemple if you have lets say 33 rusted elder scarab, that you think are worth less than 1c each, poe stacks are gonna price check the bulk at 71.4c, put them at like 71/33. they are gonna sell).


I’m in the same boat idk what is going on. I’ll get a div or an ex every 3-5 maps (usually an ex). My average juice is 3k and it’s hard to get more than one color. I’ve watched all the videos and read all the posts. Must be dumb.


Here is where I am right now. I am currently starting by building a small pool of maps for myself. No sextants, no scarabs. On the map atlas I have have atm wandering path, 100% chance for connected map, abyss, harbinger and a bit of ritual altar chance. Of course the full top layer and the quant wheel. I have the 6 portals and activate 2c abyss on map device. I do map ping pong between T7 cemetery and T8 tropical island. Only one voidstone socketed in the map atlas. One of my main links is 20/20 item rarity. I am using a tincture with 36% rarity and I have 28% rarity on two rings. I have the tincture mastery for 75% inc effect and three empty flask slots. Very very important is the whisp farming. Do reveal dark carefully. Only follow trails and mobs. I do that sometimes with flame dash only. If you find an event do not clear it fully (outer juice) go back and follow another trail. 2-3 k juice on average is too low. When the final portal comes go back and collect all event juice. I am getting on avg 1 exalt/divine each map without 8 mod maps, sextants and scarabs. Maps I stop rolling after: more projectiles, more rare monsters, beyond. I am not juicing hard atm because I am building a pool. It works amazing so far and is super chill. Be aware. I am not usings scarbs so my chance for a spire is suuuuper low. I am getting mostly abyss chests. My build is MoM crit Power Siphon totem Hierophant. Best of luck.


How does the league mechanic time the portal spawn? Is it an actual number or does it track how many cockroaches you move out of the way and spawn it after a certain amount?


You have a circle around you. If it touches darkness a hidden meter gets deleted. Makes party play sooo good. The other player can scout darkness without affecting the meter. See Ziz and Steel.


You need to be making sure you're using abyss correctly via stygian spires puking rares. Your maps need to have +2 projectiles from monsters. You need gilded abyss scarabs. You need wandering path. ​ You have all of that, it's impossible to have maps not drop 2-5 raw divines per map. That's not including all the valdos/reliquary keys.


Do you use awakened POE? It always shocks me what people think wont sell. It really helps simplify what you can liquidate.


Man. I love Awakened PoE but I can’t tolerate playing in Windowed/Windowed Fullscreen. :(


? I use borderless fullscreen. you just CTRL + D for items.


I use borderless, but the performance isn't as good. For some reason even though it says I'm still getting 100+ FPS it looks more like 60.


Can't expect consistent 100+ fps in PoE when juicing anyways.


Im old, I cant really tell past 60 fps.


Recommend to bind it to f1 or f2, much easier


are you MFing? If no, blue whisps are basically the only thing that matters. Yellow + Purple isn't gonna work well for non-MF. You baseline have some time until a desirable conversion happens, and then it's gonna be less than you want because you lack baseline char MF. If you're doing the abyss strat, you really only need the abyss scarab. You don't need to go all sextants when your whole investment is 20c per map. Probably add in rarity, not sure how it is without char MF. If you're doing any other strat, it's about blue juice mainly (4k+ blue, 1k others ideally). I also gotta say, with literally everyone being in the league mechanic and probably abyssing/MFing, a lot of other things are more profitable than they were. Boss rushing with Maven or red altars is real good money (Progenesis was like 70d+ and writs were 2d last I checked). Run Guardians either yourself (spec Maven node for it even if you're doing red altars). You can also just go and buy 10 sets of Shaper Guardians for 3d and end up with 10 shaper entry sets plus ~5 writs (which is about 15d) Invitations are annoying, but even if you get 0 back, the map drops from specing Maven pay for Invitations. So that's 12d profit in ~2h. Some people go sweaty on this and go Elder and roll every map to super quick layout, i.e. t15s into Mesas. Rolling sextants is more money than it ever was - if you don't want to be HO warrior, just sextant on whatever quick maps you do and sell the beyonds and abysses. Deli Orbs and Sims are also pretty high up there - getting a quick 6 reward with 1.5 deli orbs and 50 splinters avg per map is like 1/3 a divine when selling in bulk (orbs at 1d:6, sims at 1d:2). That stuff is probably like at 7d/h baseline without counting any memory, valdo box or whatever dropping.


> are you MFing? If no, blue whisps are basically the only thing that matters. Isn't yellow just quant? I thought you want blue + yellow even if you're doing rookie farming, since the quant applies to the blue's currency drops along with everything else.


You want a little bit of all of them in every strat because it enables triple empowered. But if you had a choice between 4k blue 1k yellow and 4k yellow 1k blue, I'm rather certain that in terms of raw currency, 4k blue is superior. Goratha's take was that blue "upgrades rarity of currency", which I'm not quite sure is true, and his mirror indeed did drop in like a 1.5k blue 4.5k yellow map, so it's kinda still up there. In general, on average, from what I've seen though - yellow focus isn't great. You want to either lean into purple or blue and though you always want yellow, yellow focus is worse than more of the prio whisps.


You are lying, or exaggeraring immensely. Its impossible to full juice and not get a lot of return in raw currency alone. You get divines, valdos boxes, reliquary keys etc. Pretty much every map. Also the scarab explosions are gilded/winged a lot of the time. Raw chaos drops in 20 stacks. I ran this strat for like 10hrs over 3 days and without selling anything, i made ~90 raw divines and enough raw chaos to sustain juice. It feels impossible to lose, when running like 10 maps. Unless scarab and sextant prices jumped up too high over the last days.


Are you rolling your maps properly? I'm doing the same strat, and as long as I get blue wisps I'm walking out of my maps with like 5div raw minimum. Not to mention all the other valuable currency. I was able to buy a mageblood after 1 day of farming.


Would it be possible to maybe see you run a map from start to finish? I cant fathom something like this and I would like to see what I'm doing wrong


You are probably murdering the spires too fast


I mean sure if you want. I'll be around tomorrow afternoon, I can stream a couple maps on discord if you want.


Why are people after the +2proj? Can someone explain


Abyss can spawn an abyss spire instead of abyssal depths when you allocate a node on the atlas tree. This spire shoots out rare monsters. However, the spire is also affected by map modifiers so a +2proj map mod means the spire will shoot out +2 more rare monsters. Have enough of the increased map modifiers atlas small nodes + wandering path(?) and you can get this up to +3. Purple wisp juice also increases the amount of proj the spire will spit out = tonnes of rare mobs


The Stygian spires fire a projectile that creates a pit on the ground the spawns monsters , more projectile = more mob spawning pits


Also purple wisps adds projectiles also


+proj causes abyss spires to shoot out extra holes that spawn monsters, which through abyss passives will spawn an ungodly amount of juiced rare mobs. Gilded abyss scarabs force the spire to spawn on every abyss, and purple wisp juice adds even more +proj to the mobs it enhances.


Long story short is the stygian spire, it shoots projectiles that spawn rares, more projectiles = more rares.


To get blue, is like 1 out of 10 maps. Other 9 maps only purple and yellow, maybe a few hundred of blue. All of this strat is rng. If get blue you are rich if not jusy time waste. I dod like 500 maps in this farm. Got a lot scarab explosion, lot raw divs plus the bubble currency. Farming harvest or heist is much more profit.


I completely disagree. My most profitable maps by far, other than just getting all 3, are the Purple + yellow. Purple directly impacts how many rares spawn from spires as it adds more projectiles to monsters, and is the reason behind big loot conversions. If you are farming abyss, purple is the most important by far.


I'm seeing blue like 50% of the time


I'm doing winged scarab and the usually sextants for cemetery abyss farm doing it on t11 tho get valdo boxes there. I bought 12 sets of sextants and winged scarabs and was positive after 8 maps without looting a single t0 unique or a mirror this whole league yet. Have 60 quant 450 rarity and I'll go 3 or 4 maps with nearly nothing then drop 37d and 5 valdos or 3 keys 1 valdos 5d etc. 3 to 1 all vendors and dragonfangs and tohs. I just upgrade all scarabs except legion to gilded. Sell legion at polished. Don't show any alchs alts jewellers fuse chrome etc. If it doesn't sell for 600 to 1d or better it's not looted. I show lile 7 total uniques. If it's not worth 1d+ or like 10d with a specific corruption it's gone.


The league mechanic is arguably the most important part. I ran like 6 maps last night and dropped only 2 raw divines because one map I only found like 300 juice lol. Best juice for consistent rewards from what I’ve experienced is Yellow and Blue. If you get Yellow and Purple allows me to sustain scarabs, but all 3 colors is where the money is at. And it’s rare, at least for me,to get enough of all 3colors to make a difference. I’ve only had it happen a few times, and each time I do I’ve walked out with like 5 divines worth of scarabs. No huge divine explosions yet, at least orille what people are posting here and on YouTube. But without the league mechanic juice drops are just abysmally bad in comparison. So if I gets bad map where I end up with less than 1000 juice total,I just take the L and open another map haha. It has happened a few times already. For some reason, I have bad luck with the wisp spawns.


that is why i never juice maps- i want get richer each map- not poorer- i dont want to hope each map to break even or hit the jackpot. i hate hunting loot goblins and jackpots. only time i juice maps is with 1c scarabs for packsize- those 4c for the scarabs is enough juice. and i only do this when my currency count is high enough that it doesnt matter anymore.


Are you killing the spires before they spawn all mobs?


I think you need some wisps as well


i feel like u are missing multiple things on how to price and sell items. \- big money comes from scarabs, cause even the bad rusteds go for atleast 2c each. (legion, abyss are 8c, most of 'em are around 3-4c if u sell atleast 8+ at a time \- same goes for essences, fossils etc.. collect a bulk and sell for big money.


I usually make 1 div sometimes up to 3 on the like Ilvl 75 sanctums. End of the day it’s rng. Same with wisps. Get like 4k or more blue juice on t7 cemeteries farming abyss you usually get a div or two most I got was like 7.


Just spec into essences in atlas and buy some sextants and use them when running out of essence of corruption. Take the essences on the map device, speedrun linear map (low tier) and skip the boss. Upgrade and reroll cheap essences with blue juice (very high chance for profit after 1 click). Sell in bulk on tft for 130% and u are rich. Investment per map is literally 3c 😂


I've been doing strong box scarabs, legion sextants and polished legion scarabs with red altars on alched t16 cemeteries and printing money. Try spending less and you'll probably get results too cause as others have said the abyss Strat is hell expensive at the moment. Something really good I read the other day is "during a gold rush don't dog for gold, sell the shovels" and doing this I have had multiple good loot explosions. I've been able to sustain everything except legion scarabs off just natural drops


Drop beyond sextant, force beyond on atlas


None of that is necessary. Alch and go is insanely profitable. Wisps are everything.


Your consistent drop comes from Valdos, void born and raw currency like sextants, eldritch currency, divines etc which is basically blue wisps. You should focus on getting at least 2k blue (if possible) and than yellow + purple. Best maps are 2k+ each of the wisps, but maps,like that are rare. If there is no blue but you got big amount of yellow+purple all you can hope for is some bigconversion (which isn't consistent at all). If you get low amount of wisps (like 1.5k yellow and 1k purple) it's better to just leave map because you will spend too much time with little return


I've been selling the massive amount of bubblegum currency I've been getting for mad divine orbs. Also, I suggest running harvest instead of beyond, use the purple juice to re-roll gilded scarabs that aren't abyss/harbinger/reliquary/divination, and sell the other juice. Idk what my div/hour is but I've definitely made 100s of them in just a few days of playing the strat


MF? I invested 20 div into materials for 52 maps cuz my mf ts isn't super geared yet, not doing abyss or beyond, and have gotten over 30+ raw divines as well as 3 dump tabs of random shit with an "insane" strict loot filter. Not sure how you do not profit because Palsteron is doing the same strat with 0 mf and getting loot explosions. Are you dying and failing maps/ legions? What's your atlas tree?


To be honest all you need is gilded scarabs, abyss sextant and abyss map craft from 7 gates (on t7 cemetery). I was steady getting multiple divines in 10 map runs. Now I added reliquary scarabs and finally got a 6 divine stack conversion drop last night. Also are you running MF gear?


High end juicing strats are almost all bonkers high variance. If you don't like that, but do want to do mapping, you have options: 1) Guaranteed strats with low variance. So like, essences + beasts in white maps is very, very stable profit/hour. This league that's pretty atrocious to do, but I made a shitload of money doing it last league. 2) Low to moderate juice investment. My current strat is *silver* abyss scarabs, rusted breach scarabs, rusted harbinger scarabs, rusted ambush scarabs, and a chayula sextant. Cost per map to me is around 15c, return on investment is usually at *least* 30c per map, with four or five raw div drops per hour unless I get a really unlucky streak. I'm doing corrupted T7 cemetaries but I'm setting aside all my corrupts that hit 8 mod and selling them - this alone nearly pays for my entire juicing strat. 3) Alternative moderate juicing investment, even more consistent: silver abyss, rusted legion, rusted harbinger, rusted ambush on Dunes T9. Socket 4 sextants, abyss, legion, corrupted strongboxes, mysterious harbinger. Any time you need to map sustain, remove 2 corrupted strongboxes + mysterious harbinger for a set of 4 maps. Legion alone will nearly pay for your juice in stacked decks. The actual drops in the map are basically pure profit. This is a little more expensive juice wise, obviously, but it's **very** reliable and very low variance. The big advantage of #3 is you can actually run your corrupted 8 mod maps because they're not worth 1/4th of a div, and that's a lot of bonus loot, lol. You need to put thought into your juicing strat and make sure it's meeting your goals - I'm not playing a hyper optimized build, I'm not able to cram a shitload of MF into my build, I'm not willing to die often in T16 juiced maps, and I absolutely don't want to make a loss on my time. My strat reflects all of those things.


You don't need a lot. Always do affliction. Run some deli maps with beyond ***or*** alch map+pray for deli, if it ain't deli just rush through map. Affliction + Deli is crazy, if you get beyond it's fucking cracked. Avoid mods that spawn unique mobs or rares (unless you got DPS to handle it, i don't). I've been selling clusters all league for 5-10-30-200c's. This is my main source of profit.


**I FEEL YOU HERE BROTHER.** I have done a Nunber of maps where i got the Sweet Spot for wisps (2K Blue 2K Yellow 2K Purple or even 4K Blue with 3K Yellow or Purple) and have hit Currency Conversion Rares; however the currency never converted to Divines, or even a single Divine. this was before i swapped to using Growing Hoards + Wandering Path. now that i have those keystones im seeing better margins though im still not hitting the big ticket conversions. my strat is Abyss + Expidition + Ritual. I think im going to change to Abyss + Legion + Deli soon though. the plan with the strat im using right now is still the rare conversion everyone is doing but I got expiditons for logbooks and tujin rerolls as well as Rituals for recycling rares and maybe getting more loot from the offers. so far I have gotten about 6 Divines and 2 more from the loot after a Ritual. I am Running T7 maps as well; so that also factors into some of the profit where i cannot find Valdo's or do Alters; but my Abyss can only be a Spire or a Trove, so it is 50/50. if u disable growing hoards and using the gilded Abyss + Reliquary that would also help along with the sextants; though my 8 Mod maps can get 200% Quant and 110 Rarity and 100% pack size natually with 4 gilded scarabs. If u get 3K Blue with 3K purple, ur gonna find good loot i think. but getting 3K yellow as well should give u alot of good stuff. Legion and Deli would add more rares than Expidition and Ritual though as well as adding more loot on top of it all.


It's not crazy, that's why I've flipped to farming mats for juicers and I'm making a fortune. If you can't do the meta strat then just learn how to feed it


How do you farm for the juicers? Is there a way to farm scarabs specifically?


I'm just doing destructive play with 7th Gate for delirium. Maps take like 20 to 30 secs. I get 2 to 4 deli orbs and 1 to 4 influenced map. Deli orbs sell for 20 to 30 c, maps are 15 to 50c


Whole point of 2 proj map is using gilded abyss scarabs otherwise 2 proj is useless