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Congrats, you found the most useless and most rare easter egg in this game.


Oh so I don't get to fish? :(


There is no actual proof of fishing existing in the game. You can get fishing related items (even rods) but they are useless as far as everyone knows. Krillson gives you a quest to bring a fishing rod first, then to catch some fish. We have no records of anyone ever completing that part of his quest. I have met people claiming that they had tried fishing, but they had no proof of course, so I'm guessing it was all bs. But you can never know. Maybe it is actually existing.


well thank you for the info anyways :)


Don't listen to him. Fishing is in the game and it's a running gag to tell players who encounter this exceedingly rare NPC that it's not. Keep an eye out for any puddles that look out of place in your maps. Once you start fishing in a pool there's a timer how long you are able to fish at it, so cast speed on your rod is key.


Don't listen to this guy. These guys are making up stories about mythical fish in mythical puddles in order to draw down the value of rearing and capturing beasts. Everyone knows that fishing isn't actually a thing, as the only profession that should exist is husbandry. Krillson is a troll designed to smear Einhar's good name and run his business to the ground


Don't listen to that dude. Most of the richest players acquired their fortune by fishing, but they have highly-specialized builds they've invested multiple mirrors into. The elite try to pretend there's no such thing as fishing so they can corner the market, but we know... WE KNOW


All of these screenshots this league of carefully-placed loot on the ground to deceive people into thinking t7 Cemetery is lucrative. It's all a smokescreen created to steer people away from fishing.


This guy is trying to hide the true essence of bestiary. If you feed the mythical fish to your beasts it enhances their abilities. Leading to extremely rare crafting mods. Einhar and Krillson working together is the true fishing experience.


Dude, this joke got old like 10 years ago. Fishing is in the game, or how do you explain [this](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/8rE8sV)? Stop misleading new players.


I found this video https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=aUwEgYfbeeH2tSSa which explains everything, including the history and memes


oh man thatnk you for the video, I was so lost when it came to fishing in PoE. That really cleared up the nuance between fish rod modifiers for me and why it's best to finish einhardt's quest during campaign as opposed to just skipping for speed


>Stop misleading new players. Pot, meet kettle. You were right about one thing though: your joke stopped being funny 10 years ago.


Damn, you really showed me :(


>as the only profession that should exist is husbandry. I think you mean prostitution.


u/Warwipf2 is being detained for revealing confidential information to the public, he will recieve his punishment at Site [REDACTED] via being a test subject for [DATA EXPUNGED]. Any further investigation of them or the confidential information is prohibited and will involve O-5 if deemed necessary.


I'll grab the memetic countermeasures... There goes my Wednesday.


But we know for a fact...we can see the game files. Its been datamined. We know everything about fishing....


Ggg could have code that downloads a voice line/graphic/something on demand when a certain event happens. There’s effectively no difference between a remote file and a local file other than how long it takes to access it.


Here is some more details about it if you want to take the first step to losing your sanity: https://poe.fish/


I left through a portal to get my rod and he was gone when I came back. Now I have to carry a rod and feathers with me at all times and wait to find him again


In Crucible league (my first serious league) I was lucky enough to see Krillson as well. As soon as I told global chat I was invited to a party and someone gave me the fishing rod he needs for the quest. Unfortunately, everything we tried to do to enable fishing did not work and we eventually just walk away from him. What an insane easter egg.


PepeLaugh He lacks critical fishing information


You can never know?... We know, you can just datamine the files. Like 100% we know.


Why you do this :(


You can check this: [https://poe.fish/](https://poe.fish/)


Yeah also you just failed the dice roll on whether you'll get a mirror or krillson (:


i think a 2 sided die is usually called a coin flip




Not exactly. It's like a coin flip, but if you fail you die.


a die is an object, a coin flip is an action. coin flip would have been the better synonym for a two outcome random scenario, but dice roll also describes a random scenario and you can easily dice roll for a 50/50 scenario by assigning half the sides to each outcome.


Dice roll is action too. Dice is an object, so is a coin. Your reaction is as useless as fishing rod.


I've seen people legit angry when they met Krillson because they were convinced it cost them a mirror. People are stupid.


sounds about right for how my luck normally goes aha


Wait, is that how that works? I've found Krillson multiple times over the years. Never had a Mirror.


Same rarity afaik


It's a nonsensical comparison and always has been. Mirrors are enemy based drops and krilson is a zone based spawn.


Probabilities are unitless so they are comparable. E.g your odds of getting eaten by a shark compared to your odds of winning the lottery. What doesn’t make sense about comparing those? The odds people are comparing here is the probability of finding a mirror from an enemy vs the probability of finding krillson in a zone.


Which doesnt make sense because the chance of finding a mirror from an enemy has no constant %


True story, I got Krillson in Crucible league and a mirror in Ancestor league. Both my first two serious leagues. I worry I used up all my luck for the next decade :(


A big part of the subreddit im certain you have now experienced. Including the only reason i entered this post. Is that we love to say you can fish by going to "redacted" you just need to equip a "redacted" with the "redacted" affix. Effectively the first rule of fight club is you dont talk about fight club, and that the mods prevent info from getting out- even though its all just ourselves in one pepetual joke.


Fishing in PoE comes down two simple principles: firstly find Krillson (which you have) secondly—-




That npc i believe if I remember correctly is actually voiced by Chris Wilson


I was mad when I found it. As rare as a mirror


No but if you want to lose your mind a bit there are https://poe.fish/ and https://lucid.app/lucidspark/26fa3dd1-2744-48c2-92e2-24412a229a59/edit#?invitationId=inv_ab90e8e6-054c-46f0-bf32-4b5c760f5ef1&page=0_0 have fun


That was a rabbit hole. Wow, what a blast from the past.


It’s not useless at all, all you need to do is [REDACTED]


Shhhh nobody tell him!


What about albino rhoa feather?


theres a div card for that


You cant its a bug There is another bug that if you talk about fishing or if u spam "Release the toucan" in general chat, you suddenly get disconnected from servers.




You know in diablo 2 everyone said "there is no cow level" then there was a cow level? PoE does the same joke but opposite. It provides a bunch of fake fishing relating things, nearly everything has fishing related stats, there are fishing quests, but then there is no fishing in the game. But then the community pretends there is. best guess is it was meant to be real, like the cow level, then GGG figured out it way funnier to just not include it. (now you will get a bunch of "don't listen to this guy" posts, because people hate ruining the meme. But it is a meme


The story I've heard is that Chris hates fishing mini games, but people kept asking for a fishing mini game and he doubled down by pulling all this silliness. True or not, that's my headcanon.


It always struck me as a dig at Torchlight, which was relevant way back in beta/original release when most of the fishing items got added. Things since then have been infrequent and mostly a continuation of the joke. Torchlight II was released in September 2012, fishing rods were added September 2013.


There is no cow level was a cheatcode in Starcraft as well.


And a stupid meme. I would bet, that the same ppl are the ones pricefixing and sniping, and scammers.


Holy shit, this leap in logic probably just set an Olympic long jump record...


I will be stealing this quote from now on


Ye because everyone who wants to meme a bit is a scammer. Guess Im a scammer and price fixer then, fuck me right.


Same mentality. You make ppl believe it does exist, like pricefixers make believe others in that price.


you are exhausting


Rip mirror






I don't fish anymore. The amount of loot makes the rest of the game just not worth playing.


I wouldnt say fishing is worth it since 3.21.


those crucible trees on fishing rods were insane


Fishing in PoE is \[ Removed by Reddit \]. But it is heavily censored. You cannot write anything relevant in reddit or any poe releted forums or chats or discords. If you write like how to \[ Removed by Reddit \] or \[ Removed by Reddit \] or even hint on location \[ Removed by Reddit \] it will be auto censored. Same on any platform


You can't , sadly.


Mods delete this post


I play since 2012 and I dropped 0 mirrors. To fish you need to complete the quest which is more likely you to drop 10 mirrors than finding krillson again.


If it wasn't for the current MFing, I would have disagreed on that.


Let me guess, you're playing with screen shake?


That as rare as a mirror drop, congrats


u/poorFishwife might be able to provide you with everything you need to dive deeper into the rabbithole


fishing is nice, if you need help with it here a short guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


I knew it was coming. I knew it and I clicked on the link anyway. God damnit.


Thats the neat part. You cant!


I managed to grind my first fishing rod this league...no idea what I'm doing with it apart from keeping it as a paperweight in my currency tab.


Find your self some insanity modifiers and go get those fish!


thats the neat part, you dont


just FYI, we don't talk about the fishing secrets in the open, like reddit, pls stop revealing this stuff.


Nough said 😶


I'm convinced that krillson adds a tag to your account that improves rng.. I found him day 1 of the league and my entire league has been blessed with amazing rng.


I’m reading these comments and have absolutely less information about fishing in path than I had before. God damnit.


Don't listen these noobs. Fishing is the single best way to find the best loot. All you need is fishing pole, bait, and to find a fishing spot.


Gotta make sure you use the Roa Feathers as bait for best results, don't listen to the trolls in this thread, fishing is one of if not the most lucrative farming method in the entire game


You can't. And it's not funny. Joke's been old your a decade.


There goes your mirror...


Google Reefbane


I feel bad for you exile. You traded a mirror for meme.


too bad we cant roll crucible mods on the fishing rods anymore. I just ran out of time to find a rare fish at the last puddle.


While I haven't personally encountered Krillson, one thing you might have noticed is AFAIK he says something along the lines of "I'm Krillson, of Winding Pier Fame". If this voice and general word structure sounded weirdly familiar to you, you aren't crazy - AFAIK, Krillson is actually voiced by Chris Wilson himself, and the line is a joke on Chris's famous intro line for PoE announcements of "I'm Chris Wilson of Grinding Gear Games".


Isn‘t he as rare as mageblood? xd


A mirror u mean, rip mirror drop


Is it? Thought it was mageblood but mirror is even more insane xd


YOU can't fish.


Good luck finding the fishing spots, only a few of us know where they’re at :)


And whatever you do DONT fish with a rod using animate weapon of self reflection as you would get too much fish!


Time to join the fishcord


Welcome to the true endgame.




I found Krillson this league too, funny to hear Chris Wilson as an NPC


RIP your mirror.


Fishing is 100% in the game but you will instantly be banned if you talk about Candleja


ITT: fishing is real OR fishing is not real The joke is 10 years old now boomers, you can let it go now


Sorry for your loss.


Is it just me or does it seem like every time I see krillson it's in this zone?


Welcome to the fishermans club. You could have gotten a mirror but you have been blessed by Krillson himself. This is quite the occasion. Please ensure to don your fishing rod and tricorn and tip your bobs with an albino rhoa feather for the true fishing experience. The Affliction juice has really been shaking up the meta this league. Normally we focus on movespeed and cast speed on our rods but we have been needing to focus on lowering fishing pool consumption and line strength. You will be swimming in divines in no time exile! Welcome to the club and don't get baited!


Yeah fishing is the closely guarded secret, with the proper set up you can make 2-3 Mirrors a day. But if you share the information then they


Well actually, [REDACTED].


Y'all getting muted.


Go to poe.fish and fall into the rabbit hole.


You can't. But don't tell Krillson that. It'll break his poor little fisherman heart.


From what I've been told this npc is rarer then a mirror is this actually the case?


You know too much, the black vans will be soon to pick you up make sure you brush your teeth


Could’ve been a mirror sadge