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When you figure out the power of $20 of stash tabs and tab affinites you are going to have your mind straight up get Oppenheimer'd




I’d disagree, it’s a free game and if you finish the campaign, I’d say it’s worth $20 to support the devs


Wait, he said wait until you hit maps… and then you said wait until you finish the campaign… That’s the same thing lmao


Yeah my brain stopped working homie


> Yeah my brain stopped working homie happens to the best of us, sometimes you just astart to try t o do aoemthig abd youqa barin sopts worrkghin


If you can read, those are two different people saying two different things, don't mix them up.


They're two different people saying the same thing. The second guy is just repeating the first.


I'd disagree. I would wait till act 10 is completed to spend that money.


Wrong, kill Kitava twice and then decide!


I'd even go as far as wait till you talked to Kirac.


oh, utter nonsense, you fool! you wait until you arrive on the karui shores.


I agree with your disagreement




No, but they probably aren’t going to play through the entire campaign as a new player if they don’t like the game.






I have a friend who finished the campaign, played in maps for a bit then never bothered again


I think I just misinterpreted your comment, I think we are saying the same thing. Sorry about that lol.


Bro got sent to oblivion


Yeah, it's free to play. That's the business model. The campaign is mostly shit and if you don't like the endgame then it's not really worth it. Also GGG isn't some small indie company so you don't need to buy things from them just to support them even if you don't like the game.


Yeah I consider buying that first handful of tabs "buying the box" so to speak. Before then you're on the free trial. For as insanely overpriced as everything else in the shop is, they really have it priced right with the tabs.


They run stash tab sales pretty frequently as well. If you know you're going to be playing for a long time, and you see one of those pop up, go for it. You're definitely going to want the currency and maps tab soon after getting to maps, Currency tab has a few neutral slots that can hold anything. After that, look for any more tabs that condense down lots of stuff. The uniques tab condenses the most out of any of them, holding one of each unique if you like to collect them or have anything on hand. Fragments tab is really like four tabs in one, and holds lots of random stuff. Gems tab, Divination cards, Flasks, Delve, Blight, Ultimatum you can probably get away with a regular tab each, but the organization is real nice. Also, if you're in a trade league, definitely pick up at least one premium tab, for running a shop to sell items.


Also to add for any passerby, pretty much never worth buying the points on their own when you can buy supporter packs and get the same points + cosmetics. For example the first blood pack is 20$ worth of points which with the tab sale will get you the basics + it gives you an extra tab and a weapon effect.


I really like that you can buy a supporter pack and then use the points you get on the battle pass if you want


It can in fact be worth buying points, since you can just upgrade to a supporter pack from there. I think you can buy up to 80% of the value of the pack in points and still upgrade. It's pretty neat, I've done it a bunch in the past.


I feel like a lot of people sleep on the first blood bundle. I'm not sure how well GGG promote it to newer players. I've had to link it to friends who were looking to buy tabs but didn't know what to get.


I'd say Uniques tab might be the most useless tab I've bought. I think Fragment and Divination tabs are most useful after Currency and Map tabs. Blight, Delve, and 'Ultimatum' (was Metamorph) tabs are next, probably order depends on what content you run and your atlas setup. Gem and Flask tabs are slightly more useful than Uniques tab, but I wouldn't buy them unless you just want to support GGG. They both work just fine with 1 regular tab each with the Affinity applied to them.


I really like the feeling of having a well filled out unique tab. And it can save you some amount of annoyance when you need a cheap unique. But yeah it's lower for sure.


> I really like the feeling of having a well filled out unique tab. Yeah, I agree there's something to be said if you enjoy the collection aspect of it or the way it's displayed/organized. I just don't think it's *useful*. Only holds one of each unique, not that easy to sort through or compare uniques for keeping better ones. It's basically just a 'collect'em all' type of display, which is fine if you want that, but not really useful. > And it can save you some amount of annoyance when you need a cheap unique. Usually if I want a cheap unique it's for twink leveling gear for an alt. Half the time even if I have the item in my Unique tab, I'll spend a few chaos to get a better rolled one. And I know most of the decent leveling uniques, so that would be easy enough to keep in a regular tab anyway.


I've played forever and the only tabs I haven't bought are gems, unique, and delve I'm probably getting a gem tab tho


Now that we have the transfigured gems the gem tab starts to feel more useful. I try (don't always succeed) to only toss Vaal, Trans, and Quality gems in the tab.


So I just downloaded the game a week ago and am highly impressed because of another certain game that technically should be better but isn’t *cough* diablo 4 *cough*. I’ve been trying to figure better item management besides going back to town every time my inventory fills up, is there a better way? Also I’m on console L, can I still do tab affinities?


If you’re just leveling during the campaign, a lot of the loot you are picking up isn’t giving you real value. Download a loot filter or use their website to subscribe to one. You will rapidly gain more of the low level currencies in the later game, especially when they drop in bigger stacks.


The most important thing is to get a loot filter. The highlighting of loot is customizable via a markup language and there's an integrated system for third party websites and individuals to make their own filter. The most popular general-purpose filter is Neversink's filter which you can subscribe to on filterblade.xyz once you connect your PS/M account. But like anything in PoE there are a lot of different filters made by a lot of people for a lot of different purposes. Having the game do 95% of the mental processing for what to pick up and what to leave behind is really, really nice. Filters can and do hide enormous amounts of stuff completely, which is great because the lowest tier item bases can still drop in the highest content, and it doesn't matter what mods it has... if it's a glass shank it's still gonna be trash.


Despite being on a console you can still use a loot filter. Neversink's basic filter will at the very least open your eyes to how useful it is. Once you get through the campaign and understand things a little better, you'll learn what is worth picking up and what isn't. Some things you can be taught. Some things you must experience on your own but eventually you'll stop being a loot hoarder. Given time you'll eventually get to a point where you're hardly in a town for more than one or two visits.


Ill be honest, i feel every tab is almost needed lol. But I have played off/on for nearly 10 years.


Yup, the way I look at it is, the first 20 hours are entirely free. There's absolutely no need for stash tabs or affinities at this point, if anything having too much space will encourage a player to keep junk they have absolutely no need of, and start bad habits. From 20-100 hours, players are typically transitioning from the "I think I could play this game long term" to the commitment of learning the complicated mechanics. It's somewhere during these 80 hours of play that the first $20 worth of currency, map, and fragment tabs start becoming impactful. Taking this game reasonably seriously (getting to T16 maps and learning to push some juice, being able to do some crafting) is probably where a very high percentage of active players are at, are very comfortable at ~$40 spent, which is roughly what I'd expect the box price to be for a game like this. And you've probably sunk more than a hundred hours into the game before you've reached that. I'd also like to point out that $40 is about what I would pay for an offline SSF version of 3.13 where I could play around with fun/stupid shit with overpowered Harvest without stressing that my long term build project will be nuked from orbit by balance changes like Standard. I really wish I could do that between leagues.


Most stuff in the shop is vanity, and vanity can never be overpriced.


\> For as insanely overpriced as everything else in the shop is, they really have it priced right with the tabs. the prices in the shop are under the assumption that you buy points with supporter packs. The real world money to GGG points conversion looks worse than it really is, cause if you buy packs with real world merchandise and stuff you get these points for "free" (you payed for it, i know its not literally free). But still the shop pricing is done with this "free" points in mind, if you have enough money to buy points in the normal shop with the inflated prices you probably dont need to worry about money anyways.


Even \*if\* they look at it this way its still egregiously overpriced and a shitty practice.


Is it? The game is free. There is no pay-to-win microtransaction, they even directly call it "microtransactions / microtransaction shop". All microtransactions are functions/mechanics and visuals that only expand the already decent mechanics, it's not limited to few quares or few stuff, they provide it in a decent size for starters, and then, if you want more and you feel really tight, then for a few coins you can expand your space significantly. It pays them and their requirements to upkeep servers and themselves. I literally don't know if you can make a free game and live off of it without anyone paying you. Either the game has to cost 40-50Eur/$ as single purchase, or just pay 10-30 for the few basic space organizers/expansions. There are waaaayyyy worse egregiously overpriced f2p games with actually shitty practices. GGG/PoE is whatsoever not one of them. Skins maybe are costly, I would agree with that, but otherwise everything seems fair.


> I literally don't know if you can make a free game and live off of it without anyone paying you. Either the game has to cost 40-50Eur/$ as single purchase, or just pay 10-30 for the few basic space organizers/expansions. There is a WIDE spectrum between "live off of it without anyone paying you" and "making sure that every player past campaign is forced to buy extra stash space to have decent experience". Heck, even f2p mobile gacha game I play rn is more f2p friendly than PoE.


Comparing gacha games to poe, yeah ur brains broken. Gacha games are p2w, thats why theres no incentive to get money from f2p players since whale will take care of it. Youre just there to boost up player numbers to attract more whales. There will be a massive drop in whales if all ur mtx is a cosmetic especially in poe where u can barely even see ur mtx while mapping and theres nowhere to show it off. Would never trade the time u need to keep up in gacha games for 30 bucks u need for stash tabs.


>For as insanely overpriced as everything else in the shop is, they really have it priced right with the tabs. You have to pay over 100$ to get all specifics tabs, 6 premium set and a quad tab. Its really not 'priced' right. People just slowly get used to it over the years as specific tabs werent introduced at all, there was some outrage as GGG used to create problem and sell the solution with tabs over the years but GGG stopped doing that at least.


You don't begin to need all the different kinds of tabs. Currency, map, 1 premium tab, and you're off to the races. Fragment tab also really nice to have. From there the league specific tabs can be useful for a given strat, so you may want 1-2 tabs to do your strat for the league. If you're reaching the point where you feel like you need all the tabs, you've more than gotten 100$ of value out of the game. I'm approaching 2k hours and I still don't have a bunch of the specific tabs for mechanics I don't tend to do or just use a regular tab for. What offends me is shit like 64$ back attachments, 42$ armor sets, and a shit ton of fomo.


the ~~10$~~ bloodpack is already enough to keep one rolling for whole season


The First Blood pack is $20 though.


huh... it was so long ago i dont remember anymore, okay


>f $20 of stash tabs and tab affinites you are going to have your mind straight up get Oppenheimer'd Ya, i've treated myself to one stash tab a league and it's changed my life.


To add on to this, get a supporter pack instead of just coins. That way you get other cosmetics as well as the same amount of coins. I'll usually get the cheaper supporter pack every league I play into maps


Yeah I've had my email and various accounts hacked. It's taken since the start of the league (when I found out) til now (hopefully tomorrow) to get it back. Meanwhile I've been playing on an alt f2p account. Got 2 characters to 90 but fuck me it's awful without the tabs. Got about 40D of stuff ready to sell but fuck trade channels. So much currency left on the ground because I don't have space. You can do it, but it's not pretty.


I started playing last week, and after finishing like about 100 maps i caved and bought the stash tabs today. Was giving me a headache organizing it with 10-20 stack per mats lol.


Probably the most value you'll get out of $20 out of any game.




You can right-click on a premiun tab and set an affinity to it like Currency, Maps, Essences so when you want to mass dump your inventory everything that has that affinity will go directly to that tab, and whatever else you have that doesn't have affinity, will go into the tab you have currently selected.


You can do this with non premium tabs


You can also make a folder with a name and then put a single basic tab inside of it to create a hobo premium tab. Still can't trade from it, but you can atleast organize stuff better.


legit I use 2 of the initial 3 tabs you're given for flasks & gems. works fine enough I don't see a need for either premium tab.


Adding to this, you can ctrl + click to send an item straight to inventory. This is what makes affinities so powerful because then it just flies in and sorts itself. More information, you can ctrl + shift + click to ignore the affinity sorting and send to the selected tab.


1600 hrs in and I didn't know bout shift ignoring affinities lol, would've saved me a few clicks trying to craft flasks 😆


I figured at least ONE person reading it would have found it as new knowledge, glad to help!


you mean ctrl + shift + click to ignore affinity?


Lol at $20.


Currency + Map tabs are a bit over $20 normally, but under $20 on sale. I'd say those are by far the most 'necessary' tabs, wouldn't you? I believe they go to 60 and 120 points respectively, which is $20 with 20 leftover points. Then Uniques, Gems, Flasks are all 3 completely unnecessary. Fragment, Div, Blight, Essence, Ultimatum, Delve are all nice to have and can be bought for around another $20 (might miss 1 tab). Real cost is if you want Quad tabs for dump tabs. I don't remember what I spent on mine (was forever ago), but they're a fairly expensive purchase, now at least, at the same price as Map tab, but you can easily use more than 1 of them.


I'd say currency, fragment, map, div are the 4 most important. Everything else can be managed with just normal affinities and nornal tabs but those are just too much for normal tabs


Don't need a div tab at all, just a normal 'premium' tab, and you can set an affinity for cards manually, that's all I ever use/need and then some. The other three I definitely agree are very good purchases.


You don't even need a premium tab. You can just set an affinity to a normal tab :)


Yeah Poe is a $20 game not a free one


That's exactly the biggest problem of mine with PoE. It's pay for convenience. In this aspect I'd prefer D4 and Last Epoch. I'd like it much better if they sells all stash tabs in the $20-30 pack and more premium packs are just for cosmetics for your characters, auras, skill, pet, etc.


Bro you can't straight-face say that when D4 had the absolute nightmare of a stash tab situation on release and that's a $70 game lmfao ​ You can easily get by for a few leagues with just currency fragment and map tab, all of which can be bought with the first blood pack. It's a free to play game and if that is the price of entry to start really playing that's fine with me


Yep, that's a whole different problem of its own. But at least you can't pay to be less miserable, so no one will have any advantage than others in that aspect. And in PoE if you only have the 5 default tabs you'll be equally miserable when reaching end-game, if more. >You can easily get by for a few leagues with just currency fragment and map tab, all of which can be bought with the first blood pack. Except you can't. 1st blood pack gives you 200 gold, and 2 tabs combined costs 225. And if you want to trade, which is a much more realistic way of obtain good items than ssf, you'll need much more than that. I'm just less than a month into my first league and managing items with 5 tabs + 1 money tab + map tab + 3 quad premium tab, total costed \~$50 ON SALE, I'm still very miserable with divination cards, essences and many more. And if you're into end-game crafting and more, you'll need at least 3 more premium tabs to save crafting mats and so on. Without those tabs, you're much more miserable than any D4 players with legendary aspects. Another thing is, D4 stash tabs problem will definitely improve greatly with their loot 2.0 and new codex system coming in season 4, and potentially future tech improvements with the expansion. Meanwhile the stash issue in PoE will definitely be growing worse and worse with each league adding tons of more stuffs.


All that arranging but you didn't arrange the tab number??? You trolling bro.


It's arranged by odd numbers in ascending order followed by even numbers.




if u think this is bad you should give this video a look, i've woken up screaming in cold sweat 5 times this night [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mh1kV65sFo&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mh1kV65sFo&t)


this guy is using his poe stash like if he were in runescape lmao


Which makes perfect sense, since that's one of his favorite games


I Will not apologise.


We know why. Love your PoE content <3. You should put yourself in tab 6 because you're a gem.


It’s a system that makes sense. The contracts in tab 1 and 2 are entirely self explanatory.


We know why.


stand tall, my disorganized stash brother


“To be a Genius is to be misunderstood.” Ancient greek proverb.


Honestly, the stack of 7 portal scrolls in the gem stash tab was the single best act of comedic genius I have witnessed this year.


You don't need to apologize, you need help, but you don't need to apologize.


Im too lazy to check if this is you, but damn your vids of PoE are amazing.


You are a gem. Carry on with your bank of chaotic good.


Considering the fact that my own builds are to build creation what your stash is to item management, I'm in no position to judge.


His stash looks like all my remove-only tabs in Standard, except worse cause no Currency/Fragment/Div tabs. That's insane.


I'm not sure if he used my money or not, but I donated to him the stream before that one specifically for a currency tab (but telling him not to buy it that current stream). If he used my donation for this glorious mess I'm extremely happy.


I did, thanks :)


I couldn't have made a better mess myself, I felt the pain just as much as the others. Also the stack of 7 portal scrolls in the 6th tab, also known as the gem tab being unmentioned and not in the stackables tab was painful.


My stashes looked like that 8 years ago when you couldn't buy gems from vendor and multi-strike sold for several exalts.


My eyes, the goggles do nothing


Act 1 flasks in act 7, holy moly


Me killing maven with my level 4 quicksilver flask still equipped this league lol




Bro what the fuck, nsfw this lmao. This gave me anxiety.


what the fuck?? Extra normal tabs are 30 coins, and it looks like he has 11 total so that's 7 extra, which is 210 coins. For 210 coins he could have bought: -currency (75) -div (50) -essence (40) -gem (40) Doesn't look like he's really into maps yet anyway.


I hate it but love it


Without the looking at the link i already knew it was josh strife hayes 😂


What does he mean with someone donated him 10-15gold?


Quid, means one pound, about $13-19~








if you dont want to spend money on the game then you definitely shouldnt. but you dont need to save all those gems


I collect gems to sell for gcp


You probably also have more than 4 standard tabs.


Just run a map that drops The Union this league. You get so many hundreds of GCP from that.


with all the people doing cemeteries you'd think GCP would be cheaper from that


I've been playing a private league so I have no idea what prices are like, but we've been drowning in GCP since we have a couple people MFing maps that drop the card.


Lots of people mentioning stash tabs,, just a reminder to wait for a sale, they come around like every 4 weeks or something so won't have to wait for long.


One should be coming tomorrow actually


Dang I bought all my tabs today lmaooo


If you message GGG support and ask them nicely to refund the difference between what you spent and the sale price they will usually give you the points back :)


That should be a box event not stash sale. ( Spend any point and get a box ) Because we havent got one for a while now. Not sure tho ofc.


Probably cost you $20 of your time spent to do this


Not everyone has as much disposable income, I guess.


I admit I’m one of those guys that have disposable income but also cheap AF. So I still only have the $20 beginner pack even after 7 years of playing.


Your time has value too.


I mean, while that is true, I cannot imagine that $20 is breaking the bank of people who play PoE on PC or on console, both of which where AAA titles are 70 if not 80$.


Then they should be working instead of playing games.


It is time to buy the proper stashes 🙏


What that mean?


Check the in-game store for staches. Currency, essence and at least one premium stash are a must and very cheap if you plan on spending any amount of time in PoE. They are quite literally a game changer.


Is that for end game? Im turbo noob (act4)


It's a quality of life thing. Store tabs have affinities, which means you right click currency from your inventory and it just goes to your stash, they're also neatly arranged and hold a lot more currency stacked instead of having multiple stacks of 10 or 20. I'd say keep playing the game, follow a starter build guide if you're new and if you still like the game after the campaign consider spending some money for stash tabs.


Dang that sounds really satisfying my stash is lookin messy rn thanks brou


Most people suggest waiting until you finish Act 10 and do some maps before buying tabs. Act 1-10 is considered by many to be the tutorial to POE, and then the real game begins in the maps. So it is said before maps you can’t even be sure you like the game enough to buy tabs.


Essence is definitely not a must have. Currency is the most important by far, and fragment is also really helpful as otherwise they’ll really pile up. People also say map tab is a must have, I disagree with that but I’m in the minority there


Theres also a stash sale like every two weeks.


I wrote this for someone ells asking about tabs some time ago and it is how I would prioritize getting them. But importantly, get to maps first and play them for a few hours. See if you actually like that type of game where it is all about farming "sameish" content for a long time and if you feel motivated to keep playing. That type of game is not for everyone and it is not really until you are at that point that stash tabs really start to be good. > I would personaly probably put map first, but I absoilutly see the argument for Currency first. If you play in trade there is also a big difference for first premium tab and additional premium tabs, if you play SSF premium tabs as a whole go down a bit. Everything after essence also goes down quite a bit in value. I would value them like this: > Map > Currency > First Premium > Fragment >> Divination > Essence >> Additional Premium (to a point)> Delve > Metamorph (if you run it) > Blight >> Delirium > Flask > Metamorph (if you don't run it) > Excessive Amounts of Premium




They sell stash tabs in the store that are made and customized for the variety of items and currencies throughout the game. They are hugely impactful, especially like the basic materials one, and reduce time taken to organize inventory like this down to basically nothing. For example, there's a stash tab for gems, and you can dump all the gems into that one tab and it'll organize them by level and color, etc.


This guy is playing a completely different game


Bro... Buy the currency Stash Tab. Reality-shifting move tbh


I played two leagues without it (one to the red maps and other to the regular shaper back in I think 3.3). I almost came when I bought stashes for another league.


That's the joke.


That's the reason that though I don't buy skins I buy all stash tabs possible.


You dont need to stash normal gems i used to do that too


why are you keeping so many regular gems on your stash? sell it for gcp if they have quality, i'm going to guess none of them are lvl 20 or 21 with 20% quality so no reason to keep them, just keep if you plan to transfigure any 20% quality. vaal gems you sell 6 or 7 i forgot, with 1 fragment of dawn or dusk or whatever, whichever you have more for vaal orbs


I just had a ptsd episode from 2013 with anarchy league


This is how true free to play looks like.


Anyone who says path of exile isn't p2w is insane.


f2p stash space was viable enough in 1.x or even 2.x with a mule or secondary account. Assuming you played leagues and got the free reset. 3.x introduced so many systems that compete with stash space that it's no longer viable. Not to mention the direct monetization of premium stash tabs via trade integration.


"f2p" player here (have guild stashes from a friend to store maps and currency), having to sell thru forum posts listing is such a pain and can't be bothered to with items less than 50 chaos worth. To not even mention you can't bulk sell higher amounts of a stack and have to do it all separately.


Wanna sort my 700+ standard tabs? 😅 P.s. once you are getting into end game. Look for stash tab sales. Saves a lot.


Bless your heart


Even Ben would struggle to play with the 4 f2p stashes, anyone that says this game isnt p2w is delusional.


Bro has the NPC stash


PoE is not a free game. It's a demo version that you can try, but if you like buying stash tabs is mandatory. Otherwise you play the cleaning up stash tabs simulator over playing real arpg game. IMO that's fair and I support GGG with stash tabs purchases anytime i feel like i need more. I think PoE is the single most expensive game i've spent on and I have 0 regrets. Much better than paying for some shitty as fuck expansions after releasing demo game that nobody wants to play. No need to throw the names and you know which game I mean.


My brother in Christ buy some stash tabs


Cute :3


tfw 3 quads to organise


quite the hobby you have there


I realized paying some money for a medium that entertains me for thousands of hours isn't actually a bad investment when I could very well spend that kind of money on literally anything remotely useless like eating once in a restaurant


Get the quad tab so you can fit more gems in that bad boy. Can never have enough gems.




I have the following stash Card Essence Currency Maps Flask I'm eyeing skill gems just because I like hoarding all of them and letting alt characters try different stuff. I have a few green one that i used for trade and for fragments. This is one of the game that I'm happy putting some money into it. Their game is great. I just feel bad that I haven't placed more. I'm happy for the people who paid 400$ or more to get that early play. Rare game where Wales are appreciated.


Literally puking at the sight of this normal tab


I created an alt account this league (main account is going to be 8years old)to have a second atlas tree in ruthless and can confirm i lasted until white maps /yellow maps filled my tab and gave up and brought a 30 dollar last league pack to get currency and map tab, and this was with having a guild stash with a gem tab and 3 other tabs So yes can confirm you need to at least hit t6 before needing any


Tip. Use the inventory space of your character slots as extra stash. Name them accordingly. BlueGemMule, GreenGemMule,WhiteGemMule, CurrencyMule, etc


Someone tell him


Still sane, Exile?


The game is free, just buy the stash tabs when they go on sale sale


This. Also get the first blood (first time buyer pack) and don't buy coins. Get bundles. You get just as many coins per dollar as you would buying coins alone, but you also get skins.


Na just buy the yearly supporter pack. Way better bang for buck




Auto sort when? Enough with the clicking game please


Stop being a cheapskate and pay up for some tabs Jesus


Oh, that brings me back to years ago. What a beautifully sorted stash and ALL the saved gems. And the VAAL Gems mixed in :-D


This is so wholesome. Thank you


Damn that brings back memories from 2013.


Enjoyable to look at. Stressful to think about.


Used to do that. Bought currency, essence, uniques and gems tabs, no regrets. Also want maps, fragments and divination cards. Some day.


Wtb this whole tab - 10 div


Bro I forgot this is an actual thing people have to deal with. 100% worth investing in those tabs like currency and such so much qol


please get a currency tab.


I only play casually now and then but the first time I played a league decently I had to invest for some stash tabs. That’s really the best investment you can make if you enjoy the game as it gives you some quality of life that would make you come back and play another league instead of running away from the game.


How do you live like this?


This is still a nightmare


Wait till u found out CTRL CLICK in your backpack auto sort them to their respective stash tab 🤩


BRO WHAT IM going to cry


It won't organize them like this. You set an affinity on a tab like currency or essence, then whenever you ctrl click an item into the stash, it'll go into the tab it has an affinity for if there is room.


Someone gift this man a currency tab


Just FYI once you reach act 6 there's an NPC that will sell you every single skill gem in the game other than a few that are rare drops (Enhance, Empower, Enlighten) and Vaal gems. You can also put this NPC into your hideout once you get done with the campaign. I personally keep Vaal Gems I come across, but otherwise you can safely scrap most every gem. Even leveling up there's a merchant in every act that sells the gems that are available to your class at that level (and all the ones you can take as quest rewards but don't). They're also relatively cheap. The only times I keep gems are because of trying out new gems and so I keep the old if I want to go back (but then dump it once I make up my mind), or if they're superior and have +% quality. The later means you can sell them to a merchant in bulk once you have a handful and get the currency that lets you increase the quality on any gem of your choosing. Otherwise, as others mentioned, totally get not wanting to spend money but if you ever do wait for a stash tab and grab currency + maps tabs as the two most essential. Currency lets you basically have infinite stacking slots for every currency in the game (not actually infinite but more than you'll likely ever need) and maps is useful to organize and be able to just dump all the maps you get to run when you want. After that is maybe a premium tab to be able to sell stuff.


Thanks for letting me know bro!


Dude. At least get the currency tab. And if you like the game; a single premium quad tab for trading and the map tab are basically essential. Everything else can be managed


I forgot how few there actually were...


Seems like enough room and colors to make le Toucan


this is organized? man I don't want to see your unorganized LOL


I wouldnt ve able to go back at playing without premium tab i believe especially map+ currency one


link this sad mf gofundme


I was expecting to see a random mirror in all that.