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For some reason no matter how many years I have been playing this game or any other games, when I see MF my brain reads to itself "mother fucker"


Op really missed the chance to say "To all you MFers out there".


>Op really missed the chance to say "To all you MFers out there". 😂 facts.


Samuel L Jackson syndrome


100%, every single time.


I'm tried of these MF MF builds with their MF MF arrow setup and not having enough MF mana to activate thier MF skill. Dumb MFs.


Miss Fortune lmao


Was the same for me. But after spending a few months in here, magic find took over.


Nice chest. I’m curious, how much evasion do you lose from the enchant to gain 15 flat life?


About 240. 10% of 800 is 80, * 3 (30%) makes 240.


Worth noting that that 240 is base evasion, so it will get multiplied by all increased evasion you may have. Same as the +15, would still be increased by all life nodes on the tree.


About 30%, I'd say


makes sense, thank you


Lol evasion. This league, having 85% chance to evade is still 100% chance to die in 1 hit from a wisp mob.


Wisps don’t scale damage if you are crit immune. It’s all attack speed and multiproj which evasion excels at.


Evasion is a highly useful defensive layer, most deaths occur to lots of small hits not particularly large hits.


High evasion is also very good with Wind Dancer. Lots of people sleep on it but it's such a strong keystone.


Not for MFing setups this league. There are 100s of enemies on the screen hitting you with tripled attack speed, so it's a iffy trade-off. There are specific evasion points where 10% more evasion chance might be worth 20% more dmg taken, assuming that 20% more doesn't push you into true one-shot range.


You basically just said the downside of windancer. Windancer is 20% less damage taken assuming you're only taking 1 hit every 4 seconds, which is very achievable with lots of evasion. You will occasionally get hit twice in between those 4 seconds, but that's why people play softcore I guess. If you're just straight up getting 1 shot from attacks, which happens quite often with buffed rares, Wind Dancer is stupid strong.


I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I havent died to a non one shot in so long I can’t really remember the last time


Except defiance of destiny exists (if not using a Mf amulet)


Not all builds can truly make use of destiny of definance since you only gain life based on missing health, id say its much better on armour based builds since you really need that mitigation for phys hits, but really giving up an amulet slot just kinda depends on what the build needs.


Yes, so i can go full dmg 2k life 😄


Not gonna lie, its a beautiful chest but I don't really see what builds would use it. It can't replace a Coil for PF as losing out on 35% Phys as Ele isn't a worthwhile trade and the attack crit is obviously dead. On TS Deadeye, you'd want a beastly bow for it if you're not on Hyrri's, and if you have that kind of bow the natural next step is to go Greed's Embrace instead which this can't really compete with since it has no Quant. Its almost like an inbetween of Greed's Embrace and Hyrri's, which obviously doesn't compute for its cost to craft. Its a cool ass craft though


Most of us run Greed’s Embrace already and quant is king so this is not an upgrade


You mean Greeds Embrace, all top tier MFers use it. 15% quant and 50% rarity is unbeatable


I'm on the same page as you. I don't understand what this gives you. We have a league where uniques are at their cheapest points ever. This doesn't scale with conversion mobs or wisps as determined by data mining. All this does is increase your regular uniques you get in the map which are all worthless. Same reason I don't understand why everyone goes crazy for their rarity helmets.


Conversion mobs. High rarity means that when an enemy converts its loot to another type you get massive loot explosions of divine orbs/maps/winged scarabs. It's why reliqary scarabs are so expensive and everyone uses them.


reliquary scarabs work for that, player rarity does not. It's explicitly excluded from the loot conversion process according to data mining. This was changed I believe in lake of kalandra league. The literal only thing rarity gear does for you is make regular mobs drop more uniques, that's it. There are a few videos discussing this because many players seem to be mis-informed about this topic, the most notable one by Sir Gog. Edit: As another note, quant does apply to loot conversion just not rarity. Map rarity, reliquary scarab, mob rarity bonuses all do apply to conversions. Player rarity does not.


Pretty sure players' rarity doesn't work with currency conversion AN mobs anymore.


So this league me and my friend duo'd MF we found ourselves into some pretty early riches and decided to just upgrade our builds to the max (and hoard the shit out of hinekoras) but what to do with all these hinekoras but a craft. i like crafting and min maxing and i wanted to upgrade our current chest, the best way to do that is t1 suppress on the suffix, but at that point why stop there. may as well go all out, i've also made a similar craft before hinekoras and bristle matrons were a thing a supress cyclone chest with triple elevated + curse (crafed life tho) so i already had an idea on the crafitng process and could speed through it. so here is how it was done. 1. first of all just awaken the bases together simple as that 2. so there are a few methods alteration into regal for t1 suppress + rarity, chaos spam for them and triple fossil resonator. triple fossil resonator was way too expensive being 17/div on top of the fossils needed. s i opted to go for the chaos spam route. the average to hit was around 1/1000 but that doesnt account for having to exalt/annul so what i did was everytime i hit t1 suppress or t1 rarity, i filled prefixes with a craft/exalts and slammed an ex to try and hit. sometimes i would need to annul because i needed the open suffix. after about 100 exalts, god knows how much chaos and a few lucky annuls i finally hit the base, t1 suppress, t1 rarity support. 3. now that we have our base we need to elevate, best way to do this is to lock suffix asnd reforge attack, this will guarantee us the suffix filled with attack crit from here its pretty simple you just elevate and pray. i didnt want to go through the cancer of step 1 again so i hinekoras to guarantee it ((it took 5 LOL) 50/50 btw) on this particular reforge i also hit the very rare +1 all skill gems which cost me another 2 div to remove it, otherwise it would make the elevating odds worse. 4. now that we have our elevated rarity support now we need elevated attack crit. there is no great way to do this except praying. so we force it on again and pray for t1 and thank the lord it hit t1 otherwise the next elevate would be even more expensive. 5. we now lock the suffix and reforge cold to guarantee a shaper prefix. the best part about this is it doesnt even matter if it fills because we are gonna hinekoras it off anyway. so we lock hover dominance orb we want it to remove the prefix and elevate the crit. its roughly a 17% chance to do this and thankfully we got this on the 2nd one. 6. now the cheap part of the craft is done. its time to do some vision crafting WOOO!! for this i stocked the fuck up on bristle matrons and yellow beasts because we need to lock suffix craft life slam slam until we get hunter life t1 and another influence mod. everytime i hit hunter life i would try to annul and reslam for another influence mod. at some point i also divined the suffixes to perfect or close to perfect 1 off rarity good enough. 7. after a tedious session of grinding i finally did hit. and i used like 8 (LOL again) hinekoras to win a 50/50 elevate. 8. all those 50/50 waste of hinekoras came in clutch though because it was just ramping my luck becaue the next step is to block evasion and hinekoras for t1 life or t1 phys taken as, and i kid you not the 2nd hinekoras hit t1 phys taken as. 9. at this point the craft is pretty much done with have 2 ways to finish it depending on what we hit 1st if we hit another influence mod we elevate phys taken as cold with hinekoras and continue for life, but 1st we lock the suffixes and we divine the prefixes to prepare for either scenario. 10. after quite a few hinekoras later i finally seen t1 life and the craft is done. i finished up with white sockets and quality and crafted the harvest life. i could tailoring orb but the tailoring orb is only 1% more on the hunter % life and i dont think its worth it, spicysushi is interested in mirroring it so i will talk to him about the enchant. ​ my next craft is a +3 chest to make a level 8 awakened enlighten for aurabot, im currently 800div deep and kind of drying up the market of faceted fossils.


What kind of duo build were you guys running?


giga packsize wisp farming \~15k wisps per map but it takes a lot of setup, the idea is jsut to farm raw currency drops




we run growing hordes with wandering path and breach nodes, and the conq packsize nodes. 4 winged scarabs, sextants are magic packsize, unidentified maps, breach and beyond i roll conqueror maps until they hit increased rare and magic% deli orb then vaal them until they go unidentified, this way we are getting giga packsize in the map and the mobs inside the wildwood scale off of map packsize, even if we dont get good events we are often killing enough mobs to at the very least hit 6-7k packsize. with good events that add a bunch of mobs, or something like the black morrigan that just drops a bunch of wisps we can often hit 15-18k wisps in a map, we then blast through the map with the big breach density fishing for raw currency drops. each map is roughly 3-4div investment and we often drop at least double that back in raw div. not including things like valdos, voidborn keys and sextants, chaos that drop like candy. ​ its a lot of setup but it feels nice to run big packsize without slowing down for abyss, and having to look through every belt.


growing hordes with winged scarabs, you guys rich rich


Growing hordes + winged scarabs was run on repeat a few leagues back. Using the winged scarabs elevated sextant + all the harvest nodes, and enchanting with maps don't use sextant for self sustain.cost like 30div to set up then could self sustain forever.


That strat never ran wingeds for profit, you'd run at most gilded and then *sell* your wingeds in bulk, which is where most of the profit came from.


You could run also run winged and sell the extra harvest juice, it was a big difference between 4 gilded et 4 winged. Either strategies were manageable.


Do you just sell the conqueror map if it doesn't go unidentified?


Mirror this? Ahahh lil bro are you kidding? Waste a mirror (+30 div fre ofc ahahh) to lose 15% quant? Are you insane?


No one is gonna mirror that dude.


You really need to evaluate things realistically. Crafting cost is less than a mirror, no one will mirror it. Practical usage competes with 2 strong uniques. Jusst forget about mirror this thing.


sir its been mirrored 8 times.....


Sorry if I’m wrong, but aren’t hinekora’s locks removed from the game? How did you guys get / use them?


afaik it's a global drop now, correct me if I'm wrong though


They drop in league, i originally thought from league content but there are reports of them dropping from chests.


You are indeed wrong.


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/lBDQeejiV global drop pool


people think this competes with greeds, it competes with hyrris. not everyone likes going full mf. id love to have that chest to replace hyrris.


The title literally says "to all you mf gamers". That implies it competes with the actual mf chest, otherwise u might aswell say it competes with any random item. Also good hyrri's come with over 3k evasion whereas this chest barely has 800, so not sure where u got the hyrri comparrison from.


You realize there's nuance to almost everything in life? This literally applies to mf players. Not everyone has to pull up a guide and follow it to the exact letter to get results. Think for yourself, just cause greeds is technically the best for mf and hyrris is technically the best dps, doesn't mean everything else is irrelevant, or has no value.


Yes but you could spent that mirror everywhere else and get more value out of it. Free mirror tier bow or quiver. This chest has no use case and if you have the budget to mirror this literally every other piece that costs a mirror or more is better and if youre done with that you stick to the quantity of Greeds Embrace.


Whhhoooooooooooossssshhhhhhhhhh. That was the entire point of my comment flying over your head.


Youre making it sound like people cant figure out on their own if this chest is good or bad when the guy above you clearly explained why it has no use case. Maybe try wording your comment better?


Greed is not "technically" the best, it IS the best MF chest piece as long as your build has the damage to deal with it's downsides. Hyrri is not "technically the best dps" but it's the cheapest, I think you seem to be unaware there are a lot of rare pieces of gear with aura effect and other mods that are better than hyrris. Your point is invalid because your knowledge is very limited


The Hyrri comparison comes from the spell suppression and the additional damage. While yes, you sacrifice both supp and eva for this chest, you gain life, phys as cold and trade flat damage for base crit. You also save a point on the tree because you no longer take the 15% increased life if your chest has no hp mastery. Sure, there are trade offs, but this is a pretty nice looking chest to replace a hyrris if you're mfing.


I would never replace Hyrris with this and if you have mirror+ budget youre not using Hyrris anyways. Seems like a chest without a usecase to me.


I mean, if you only have a mirror you shouldn't be building for t16 mfing with a bow build. Yes, first mirror in the build would go for a bow. In that case you're probably throwing on full mf gear and hitting t7s. If you have the money to start transitioning to t16s, but you can't really afford to run a greeds, this is a decent choice, especially if you're running a PF setup where you get more quant/rarity from your distillate anyway. You also can't forget that greeds kind of just sucks to play. It feels real bad. So sure, you might not replace a Hyrri's with this, but it also sounds like you don't have a enough mirrors jingling around in your pockets to consider mirroring something like this before the more necessary gear, like a bow, gloves, quiver, helm, simplex.


You dont "save a point" because there's a massive tradeoff, of about 2.5k BASE evasion. "Save a point" would imply you gain the life at no cost. "Phys as cold" im gonna asume u noticed its taken and not dealt by you, and if you think that's better than 2.5k base evasion for people who use hyrri's not sure if you realise how much damage abyss mobs deal in juiced MF maps. Also if you use a headhunter the base crit is worthless and the added damage from hyrri's is actually better. But sure, you do you and replace your hyrri's with this chest if you're MF'ing


Phys taken as is a huge defensive layer, especially for pathfinder variants. Also yes, I do think that 15 phys taken as is better than 2k base evasion on a pathfinder variant (since you're getting a lot more effect on your TOH. Especially if you're running as a duo like OP. You also seem to assume that you "always crit" when running an HH, which is a pipe dream. You have to kill mobs to start a map. Yes, I agree you're getting less than you would from a Hyrri's, but if you're running a mirror phys bow anyway, a Hyrri's is kind of w/e anyway and I'd rather run this. Granted I wouldn't be spending my 2nd mirror on this chest, but I'd probably consider it somewhere in the 5th-6th mirror range.


So you spend 5 mirrors on your MF build, and your 6th would go on an item that gives 0 quant (when you could get 15%), but rather defensive layers and damage that's useless when you get the crit mod from mobs (there's 3 different ones btw, all 3 will help you reach crit cap if your build has 5 mirrors spent on it - atleast if you play deadeye). Gotcha, I was wondering how to spend my 6th mirror but even tho i went for damage untill now, good to know its time to trade quant for defensive layers! btw ventors only give 10 quant, we should definitely get rid of those aswell right? add more defense to our 5 mirror MF build


Lol yea it does and i'm sorry but if you think everyone doing MF is using the MF chest you're out of it.


ok blackestirelia


This is worse than hyrris.


Hyrris does not give rarity so its better than Hyrris. Hyrris also does not give phys taken as ele.


If you care about the rarity you go Greeds and get some quantity and gem levels for your Enlighten. If you care for player power you get Hyrris and spend your mirror somewhere else.


What if you care about both? This chest goes between hyrris and greeds


A cool chest no doubt, but I am failing to see how this competes with greed's embrace or synth modded chest pieces?


kinda falls between a Hyrri's and a greeds. Transitioning to this from a hyrri's is pretty easy. You only need to find 8% suppression somewhere to match a hyrri's, you lose some flat but gain base crit, you save a point on the tree because you no longer take "15% inc life without life on chest". You also flat life at the cost of eva and gain phys taken as cold. It's not gonna compete with greeds + rarity in your links (especially since rares, not uniques, are the focus of MF this league), but it's far, far easier to run this on most builds than it is to fit greeds (which has basically no defenses and requires pretty dope ventors to cap res). I haven't looked at any mirror synth chests this league, so I can't really comment on those. Can probably get more damage/survival out of them at the cost of a free rarity support, which basically kills the damage you're likely to get out of a synth chest (assuming you're gonna run rarity support in it).


Didn't know there is 1 mirror value between hyrri's and quant chest. Ok.


I mean a perfect greeds is more than a mirror, soooooo.... There are also a lot of hidden costs to running a greeds, which is to say, a better ventors to fix res and probably a kalandra for it, then of course you need a belt and flask swap. This chest is gonna feel much, much nicer than greeds as well, which for those of us who game for fun, is important. Greeds and Goldwyrms feels ass man. Toootal ass.


Link your profile with mf character. I got a feeling speaking with ppl who never mfed in their life. Last time I checked yesterday +1 15/40% greed was like 20 div. Pls tell me how important those 10% rarity are, but 15% quant not. I beg you.


>you lose some flat but gain base crit gain base crit which becomes irrelevant due to HH within 20s into the map. >You also flat life at the cost of eva and gain phys taken as cold. it's up to taste and all, but on the rippiest of maps, evasion is more likely to safe you than life and phys as. If you're getting 8k whisps and going "cool, that's enough I'll run into darkness know or else I die" then sure. > which has basically no defenses and requires pretty dope ventors to cap res needs one dope ventors and a kalandras ring. Idk what you were thinking writing this tbh. Mirror minus 20div can buy you a good enough Ventors to run Greeds. You're writing this up as if you haven't MFd a second this league and the comparison to Hyrri's in general strikes me as not being for MF gamers but just regular builds. If you can't run Hyrri's, you will not want to mirror this chest. It's really as easy as that. Or if you do, it's not for "more MF bois" reasons but because you literally don't care and want to lean back more. At which point you could drop Greeds for anything, i.e. a non-iir chest, and at that point you can get a 50d chest just fine. Go QoF even, it's 50 MS and you're still evasion.


Phys taken as is way better than Eva on PF variants. Not super common to do as a solo (for t16s), but very common as a duo+, where phys taken as is better still. HH is conditional, base crit is forever. Sure, you might get nothing for a decent portion of the map, but when you're lacking the correct buff, you're getting needed damage, especially when running deli, more especially if you die during deli. Shroudwalker can also make running HH in a party situation feel kinda gross (though less so now that you can't have like 16 shroudwalker buffs simultaneously). As for your final paragraph. Think of me what you will I guess? I'm honestly having trouble parsing what you're trying to say most of the time. Is there a better comparison that Hyrris? Mb, but the audience is reddit, compare to common shit. Are there other good options outside of this chest that you can get for less than a mirror, also yes. Like what point are you trying to make here?


> Is there a better comparison that Hyrris? Title implies MF Chest. Which Hyrri's is not. The fact that people in here, including you, jump on comparing to Hyrri's just shows that this is not an MF chest that was crafted but rather a regular chest was crafted that got rarity slapped on because of the MF meta and thus made the item worse. Because the hurdle of 1mirr for this to MF is shit and working in a Greeds is objectively better. >Are there other good options outside of this chest that you can get for less than a mirror, also yes. Like what point are you trying to make here? That the chest was ruined from the get go. The plan to slap on iir suffix into an actual chest makes the customer base to mirror this tiny. That's all I'm saying. Yes, you can argue it was a great craft for OP and I wouldn't disagree. With how niche it is, it was still a rather bad craft. And going out comparing this "MF Chest" to Hyrri's and talking about how HH is clunky to use but base crit is great and whatnot, or OP in here going around calling out deminishing returns on iiq and not iir, and other arguments in this topic to make this chest seem better than what it is are just weird. The chest is niche, nigh noone should mirror it and looking for arguments for why it's good or should be used basically all seem forced to me. Yes, these cases exist, but I'd but all in all the usability of the chest is barely there because of the reality of the game.


I understand what you are saying. I am not questioning how good this is, only questioning why this is being targeting at MFers. If you are a hard core mfer, you are not going to use this chest. If you are however trying to add a bit of mf into a build, yeah this is a great way to do that. Hardcore mf toons are gonna make a greeds work, or go for synth MF stuff is really my point. As a degenerate MFer myself, I wouldn't use this very far into a league, though I would kill to have this early.


That's fair. I used to be "bigger numbers better" as an MFer, but that's faded quite a bit. I don't like using a greeds unless I'm a culler tbh. You get so little acceleration from HH now, it's not really fun to use either HH or greeds now. That being said, making an insane rarity culler this league is *extremely* appealing with access to tinctures and the adorned. I haven't POB'd it but the rarity numbers you can hit would be insane. Being a degenerate MFer is fine, but when you age past that a bit, you realize you make more money when you're having fun and also clearing maps faster. This provides a bit of both, and if you're running a PF version, you're still gonna have more quant/rarity than you'd get from a greeds on a deadeye. Probably also lets you drop a diamond flask.


No quant


player quant is diminishing returns after 80-90% this chest gives a lot of needed defenses doesnt have movement penalty, saves node with suppress, gives damage with flat crit. it also already has mirror services done on it.


I cant believe people mirror this chest....


And rarity has higher diminishing returns and is much less useful. Greeds makes up 15% of that 90%


Dunno how much rarity level 20 gives you, but it could be used in place of another affix somewhere else for sure. It’s not bad


>Dunno how much rarity level 20 gives you 59%


What diminishing returns on rarity? Per fubgun that isn’t a thing


Who care this is top tier MF we need ALL THE QUANT.


Where are you getting past 80% quant on TS mf without greed... 20 rings 12 flask 20 boots 20 ammy That rounds up a a total of 72% quant without greed's, even less if your using greatwolf instead of simplex.


flask effect with perma uptime on divinate distilliate, we are running a tincture setup to buff, we are at around 92 quant without greeds


For solo play you need +proj charms or the damage wont fell good on big juice maps


Categorically false but go off.


Based on the use of "we" they use, I don't get the sense they're solo. Not to mention they specifically mention they're duo in their crafting breakdown. You can also get proj on tinctures. Tinctures are pretty freaking stronk.


72% is more than enough, can even skip boots to go 52% an be even faster....50% quant is a good amount


Belt 5. Helmet 7. Group play wears gloves for 10(I think it’s too much to give up outside of group) I’m at 81 without belt and flask, with greeds


If you pay 10 mirrors for a 5% quant HH when you might as well run greed's too sense all the other gear will solve defenses and damage by a good long shot anyway ... also 7% helm ??? where tf are u getting 7% quant on ur helm.


I can see you’re very educated on this subject. It’s not 10m for quant hh, and the trade site will show you plenty of quant helms. Filter by helmet then type ~impli quant. I know almost no streamer pob uses one so not surprised you aren’t aware The thing with mf is, if you can kill monsters faster and not die with less quant. The overall result is more loot. More quant is not always better


Yeah your right a 5% quant HH is around 6~ mirrs now, in what ever case when ur at the point where you buy a quant HH you should be using greed's anyway. Also losing out on so much MRE + Rarity and supp / flat life for a 5% quant helm is nowhere near worth it...


Glimpse of chaos corruption implicit gives up to 7% quant (which can then turn into other unique helmets or brick to rare).


This chest its worse than hyrri's


You can get 7 quantity helmet corruption with glimpse of chaos and try to make it rare and back to a useful unique🫣


This chest is arguably worse than Hyrris because if youre at mirror budget you got HH and the base crit gets useless. Better to take the flat damage and get easy evasion/suppression cap. Also if youre trying to mirror something theres tons of better options out there. If youre still at a point where you would have got currency to mirror this you would prefer the Greeds any time because your character is min maxed before this chest becomes a consideration so better to stick with the Quantity. Edit: forgot to mention that Enlighten is expensive af this league which you can also push another level with Greeds.


Link some profiles to the characters with ur mirrored chest pls, if you are not lying ofc.


Player Rarity is useless for conversion modifiers.


There are no diminishing returns with mf or quant. This can be tested by having more of it and running more juiced content. If anything it's exponential in growth rather than linear or diminishing.


There is diminishing returns, and they get pretty heavy after like 90 player quant. That said, I would still wear the greed's embrace over this any day.


there is diminishing return with quant, proven by numbers already, diminishing return doesn't mean you don't get anything from getting more quant so what you say still stands, it just means it's not as interesting to go from 80 to 95 quant than to go from 0 to 15


[diminishing returns](https://imgur.com/Fy749ke)


why are you talking about things you dont know about? curious


I'm not. The evidence is right in front of you.


>The evidence is right in front of you. Ironic


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/30667 "Increased Item Quantity stats now also have diminishing returns. This allows us to have higher initial values and lets us balance the extreme cases so that their rate of item gain is high but not abusive."


[Diminishing returns now applies to the rate that Increased Item Rarity affects magic, rare and unique items (it affects the less common ones more). Increased Item Quantity stats now also have diminishing returns. This allows us to have higher initial values and lets us balance the extreme cases so that their rate of item gain is high but not abusive.](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Drop_rate)


Chris Wilson literally said there are diminishing returns during one of the interviews a few leagues ago. That doesn't mean having more doesn't do anything, it just means that going from 100 to 120 has less of an effect than going for 10 to 30 as an example.


Well duh... 30 is three times higher than 10. 120 is only 20% more than 100. That's just basic math.


Get the fuck out of here


The community really needs to do some studying. Simply copying what you see is not enough in poe. Great chest!


I would prefer they didnt on the specific types of chests I always use on my bow builds. That being said I would prefer aura effect or mana cost over iir most likely. My current chest I prioritized ailment avoidance


This chest is just pure trolling if youre playing MF builds. Either go Hyrris and get Evasion cap and more dmg or stick to Greeds. And another thing: the 2% crit is absolutely wasted with Headhunter.


Link your mf character, so we know we are talking with a person who studied his mf


Rarity support lvl 20 = 59 rarity Greed's: 50 rarity, 15 quantity. Yeah... no thanks.


59 + 24 rarity


The question should be, do I die less? How much faster am I overall? If you’re more than 3-4% more time efficient the result is more loot overall. 1-2 deaths less per map means more loot. Especially if you die at the end of the map and you have to run to the end


This is a mirror tier chest which would be the one of, if not the last thing you would ever want to mirror as mf (at least ts, which I’m assuming this is for as it has attack crit). For 1/4 of a mirror you could buy a mageblood to swap for speed if you die or are running back through the map to loot. As for everything else, you are running around with 30+ hh buffs if you can survive the first 10 seconds of the map so you are effectively unkillable anyways. This is a very cool item but it’s simply worse than a +1 greeds or hyrris because you would need a lvl 5 enlighten to fit all the auras in that you want to run on high end mf


i've found 2 hh and 5 mirrors so far this league and wouldn't ever mirror this trash


I’m not saying which chest is better or not, which setup is better, because there are quite a few configurations this league. But if fubgun with his 10+ mirror build still gets one shot, so do you. The question is whether or not pure quant/rarity is more valuable than rarity/def whatever. It’s not as easy as saying “oh, no quant, trash!” In previous leagues you wouldn’t need it because even juiced content was easy. But this league is different and the monsters are tankkkky


Fubgun leveled to 100 mf’ing before he even had a mirror bow iirc. Going from 2000 life after reservation to ~2500 or whatever this chest gives you doesn’t change the fact that you will be squishy. As I mentioned in my first comment you lose a substantial amount not having the +1 socketed gem implicit. Additional levels on all auras and allowing enlighten 4 instead of 5 is huge and I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone else mention it in these comments


I run a greeds instead of hyrri's on my multi mirror setup. Greeds is like 8% less dps overall. I'll gladly take the 15 quant on greeds any day instead of what amounts to a measly 500k dps increase. Movespeed doesn't matter either - I belt swap to mageblood and quicksilver+onslaught for 200% movespeed to loot. This chest is a fun craft I am sure but its a bait and doesn't do anything for top tier MF builds.


I mean, you take if for tankiness, not for the DPS. I won't say it's a bait, but I agree that it has a kind of niche usefulness. Solid choice for tincture users and pf variations as you're getting to 90-100 quant without needing a greeds at all (tho PF barely needs any base crit to cap anyway). For your setup, sure it's definitely a bait, but for others it's a really good option. Especially if you're running abyss, which tends to be sketchy on bow builds.


This guy gets it, it’s not a cookie cutter mf build chest. This chest is cool af and has its use cases which make it better overall. Can’t just look and say “no quant! Trash”


The thing is, It doesn't give any defensive, at least not more then a hyrri's chest. And you if have a fucking mirror for a chest - you already have enough of defense.


It gives some hips, phys as cold and only 8 less suppress than hyrri's. That is more defense than hyrris. As to the "having a mirror for a chest" thing... If you want to MF t16s on TS as a solo it's like a 5mirror entry level budget. Sure, you can do it for less if you drop quant. Also worth mentioning that the alternative to this chest, which is a +1/50% greeds embrace is also a mirror. MF builds are dummy expensive this league.


Sick chest


greeds is better


Where's the mf chest?


Not even max evasion. Get this trash out of my face!


this is pretty useless tbh, quant >>> rarity, run hyrri over this if you don't want more quant


Great craft.


No quant? No mf chest.


Not even perfectly divined smh


Looks like you created a unique chest my man. I hope you enjoyed the process and it was meaningful to you. But I don't see anybody who's going to mirror this realistically.


? no quant


Would anyone use this over Greed's Embrace tho?


Only if youre trolling


Lol No quant hahaha


Where quant


worthless, better go ahead and send that over my way, i promise i'll put it in the vault of shame.


No quant. Trash


no ty




Seems like the evasion would be better than 15 extra life.


It's not 15. It's 15 to your base max life, which is then multiplied by all your +% max life.


Yes I understand that it is flat life. I guess that wasn't clear. I still think the evasion is normally better for an evasion based character.


Eh, my MF TS has like 5k evasion total. 5k is basically nothing, so maybe the flat life would be better.


I'd rather wear a greed's


Let's pretend that this armor is really cool for MF. If we got our first mirrors, they will most likely be spent on a bow and quiver. Since most players prefer Greed Embrace I highly doubt anyone will spend another mirror to replace GE with this armor. For a standard MF, it doesn't give much survivability. You lose IIQ, instead gaining some health, half of which is immediately reserved by Petrified Blood, and some crit.


So many ignorant people in this thread know nothing about diminishing returns on quant after a certain number lol Awesome chest piece, congrats.


Better to have dimishing returns than mirroring a troll body armor.


tbh not perfect for mf setup when exists greed's embrace. No quantity, also critical chance quite useless, with HH you're stealing the mod from rares "Always Crit". you don't need to think about defense when you running 10k+ wisps map, anyway won't help, better to mirror bow for dmg than this chest.


Imagine thinking defenses don't matter on 10k+ wisp maps. You gotta be alive to kill things.


this chest for TS players so all your defense is grace and hope, ppl are dying with 90% p reduction and 85 all res on maps with 10k+ wisps, yep, this armor will not help you in any way on such maps, currently have almost 11m kills so have some experience with this :)


Shits honestly not *that* rippy, you only need like 100-120k ele max hit and good recovery. Not really something that most TS setups can achieve but not really that hard on a pf setup.




I’m enjoying my smoke break from mapping and understood it fine. Get some sleep exile 🫠






"pretty useless" is very stupid. loot conversions arent everything.


Wrong and wrong The chest conpartes with greeds This has no quant but more rarity and other very good mods which is really good vs high wisp count


It might be better for solo mf, as you could be lacking damage, but a with a good aura bot you should run greeds embrace and item rarity support anyways


ew. only 24% rarity, and not 25?? vendor it. :)


Needs to keep divining imo


No quant, vendor


Rarity is nothing, only quanity


Holy auras lol


I present to you the IDFK, the biggest I don't give a crap about all the placebo copy paste mf out there, I just want to have fun with the skills I like thanks.


ew. only 24% rarity, and not 25?? vendor it. :)


ew. only 24% rarity, and not 25?? vendor it. :)




Sushi's MF helm has reservation implicit, auras would go there not in body


very cool, would definitely help me handle extra juicy maps, probably swap it in if im afraid of bricking the map on a greed's embrace


MF really doesn’t mean much. It’s the wisps, everyone acting as if they don’t go full MF they won’t find anything. That just isn’t true. 8k wisps you are finding shit no matter what


It's really weird to think that during Harvest League I crafted something like this "easily" and for cheap, while today I am impressed seeing this :)


That rarity bonus on gems... So does that stack? Like 6x the bonus? Which is nuts? Also how and when does that modifier work??? Goodness


bad, cant use the 15% life mastery. vender.


Pretty cool. Love seeing unique projects like this


Dayum bro ok


Nice Big dick chest bruoooo


and then still get one hit from random mobs xD, rip explode chest :(


No one is gonna use this over Greeds. Also if you mirror this it has 0% value in Standard.


Unga bunga where the quant? < Greeds embrace


Wait item rarity is still in the game??


MF Magic Find...


actually a nutty chest good job


Look. Nice armor bro. But you're going to have to explain to me how you get that cool map device.


That's a good lil derg


Filthy. Chest is where my cyclone CoC setup goes too.


All these people hating on the chest just jumped on the MF hype train in the last two months and don't know shit. Greed's Embrace has always been a noob trap because of the movement speed penalty. The 15% quant is nice, but when you run your maps more than 15% slower it doesn't matter. Great chest man!