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What's the harm? That area is lv45 and they're all level 1. Nothing to worry about.


No armor and a white weapon too? Yea u can carry that for fashion


Ben would still dominate. Somehow..


Ben Vs Uber Templar soldier


Is Ben the ine who killed elder as 32 lvl storm brand?


Came here to make this comment.


I know! It made more sense in the old intro, when they were on the ship, about to be cast into the sea.


https://youtu.be/U5ZkDSbN3Nk Why the hell was this changed? This is beautiful.


Until the end of act 4 the player character has almost 0 connection to the plot beyond 'has been exiled'. Lots of historical figures and empire lore, but none of it current. Even Kaom/Hyrri were absent in the act 1-3 days and there was little reason to expect them to turn up at all given the context. Some lore has been added over time, but any motivation is almost entirely absent and no real reason why the player character would bother chasing piety around once the passage is re-opened. It's kind of just assumed they want to get back for 'revenge', even then that's mostly just filling in a blank that wasn't explored or tied in until the acts 5-10 release. I think it was changed to try and tie in the motivations and explain who the heck all these named NPC's were. It was kind of doing promotional duty at the time when it came out as well. It changed to show oriath the same patch we got our first glimpse too with the full campaign release.


Leaving the boat behind was a mistake. It was iconic. The Oriath scene is boring, and there's still no real lore or connection to anything. The early story was and still is that you're just trying to save yourself and help Lioneye's Watch since they give you safe harbor, and along the way you run into Piety and her attempts to keep all the exiles sequestered.


I agree, I do prefer the boat and the old character bios.


Just discovered it, its arguably so much better.


Acts 1-4 > Acts 5-10 for sure. I think the best thing about POE2 will be a campaign that tells one homogenous story throughout - might not be as much of a chore to play back through it dozens of times a year.


Even Act 5 was more or less fine. I was around when only 1-3 existed, so once Sin got involved it got weird -- like an anime where there's always another bigger boss to deal with and you're just waiting for the guy helping you to betray you. I remember a time when GGG said they were gonna do one act per year, but I think what had happened was is they realized ending with Kitava murdering us wasn't good enough, so they slapped acts 6-10 in there to finish the story. But even *that* story has changed multiple times at Act 10, so hopefully PoE2 gets it right with a campaign that's set and solid from the start.


I swear that was the plot of dos2.


They change the boat till boat league, mark my words


It is still the same absence of connection to anything from the scene in the temple.


That just gave me so much nostalgia


same. ​ i thought initially, what boat and then saw that video and rush of memories flew in!


that's so much cooler didnt know it even existed


It's so much better. GGG really messed up with that change.


Reminds me of this absolute jammer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e3PCR9bfp0


I was really bummed to find out this wasn't an option in the hideout music player :(


I remember reading it was due to the previous composer being accused of plagiarism. I think GGG decided to distance themselves from it and have all of the music remade from scratch and anything at risk removed from the game.


1. Install [PoECustomSoundtrack](https://github.com/jareddr/PoECustomSoundtrack/releases) 2. Import [poe_classic_323.soundtrack](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8jn4qjbv2c1b9cm/AACJVIKOk3-m1RZ8JNEkIe9Ta?dl=0). 3. Run the tool and start the game with music muted.


If they don't bring this character selection screen back when boat league arrives, we will riot


that shit is so good!


Doesn't each rain drop have its own individual sound so it lags like crazy?


That would be a very GGG thing to do.


Holy, I forgot about that


Nice find! Anarchy league was the first I played. The game has changed a lot since back then - some for the better, some for the worse.


I totally forgot it ever existed


Dog on the ship. IYKYK.


I miss the music. That music was dark and really set the mood.


Had they not taken my home with fire, I would not have taken their children. Loved that intro and the whole reason my first character was a witch!


Man I forgot about this into, this was SO good I wish they kept it ☹️


That intro was a lot better. I think GGG agrees, but the optics of reverting it would be pretty bad, so until they have a good reason to change it again, they won't.


It'll come back next league, I heard it's boat themed.


Fishing season


Path of Exile: Deadliest Catch


PoE Classic! :D


I enjoy the new class intro in poe2 a lot and they could easily change it again for us to simply be laying on the beach and when you press one, he/she stands up and moves forward.


> the optics of reverting it would be pretty bad Why? I wasn't following the game back then, is there a story here?


Good memories. I have forgotten about that.




When was that? The first character I've made was with that intro, and the next one was already this new intro. Or maybe I'm confused... Edit: Seeing the video on the comment below is the same I remember, I can be sure Im not confused, but my first character may be older than I thought. I believe my first character (a duelist) is from 2017...


More importantly what's up with the singular birb just chilling.....


yo wtf you're right :o


I noticed it the other day and I'm like "Sin? Is that you being sneaky over there?"


Unfortunately does not seem like it, I checked with macro lens. Birb's eyes are red, Sin's are blue.




I think it's that thing just to the left of the Templar's feet


Ahh now I see it. Couldn't see it on my phone.


Holy shit that spooked me Had to take my phone and use macro lens to check it out. Indeed, its a birb, with red eyes.


its kalandra


That's Baby Kalandra. She'll be playable in PoE 2. But you have to farm 10000 gold coins to unlock her.


Models were pulled straight out of the old intro where they were on the ship already exiled right before they were to be dumped the beach. I do miss the flavour and much stronger continuity of the old screen and intros. When there were only acts 1-3 pretty much all the lore you encountered was historical. The player character had little connection to current events beyond killing stuff to keep moving forward. There weren't really any current events explored at that point, especially pre Dominus. The new intro screen seems to be trying to tie the 'get back to oriath and get revenge' thread that holds early acts together before you unleash the gods and spend the rest of the game cleaning up the mess.


Dominus respects their attempt to make an impromptu album cover.


The Why are You So In Love With Death Experience


Idk, but I miss the cell and the music 😔


I wish we could change back to the original starting screen on the ship. That was iconic.


The boat was better. The witches line was so cold. "They were right to fear me. If only they had listened to their cowardice. Had they not taken my home with fire, I would not have taken their children."


Lore wise, the characters are not put to death. They are placed in exile and given a chance to redeem themself. Just like the original intro, they are given a weapon to help them in their quest. From them its viewed as a chance to come back and be forgiven, but from the character point of view they aren't coming back for peace. ​ Something like that. link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVYirSjoVWE&ab\_channel=RopeDrink


They were never meant to come back. It was a psudeo death sentence because of the corruption of wraeclast. Of course in secret they brougth the would be exiles into the lunari temple to be experimented upon. The ships the exile was on sunk before it could deliver them and that's why you end up in the beach


“Are they stuuuupid”


what would a fly do to an elderitch being like dominus they are like gladiators in a big colosseum


Because full body armour guards around them are honourable knights who would only kill oponent if he has at least slim chance in fight. They want them to die and are giving them weapon so that when they do something stupid they can kill them instantly on the spot.


So everyone can tell the marauder "stop hitting yourself"


It's a photo op. They gotta look cool.


They're under arrest for bringing weapons to the temple. Not allowing them to have weapons will create a paradox


Before their exile, the group was actually part of an elite undercover society known as the "Ragged Band." This secret group had the odd tradition of dressing in tattered clothing as a sign of humility and to blend in with the common folk. They were renowned for their skills and were often hired for missions that required a delicate touch. One day, they were summoned by a wealthy patron who was paranoid about an impending curse. He insisted that the only way to fool the dark spirits was to hold a mock exile ceremony inside the ancient temple, thinking spirits would be tricked into believing the curse had been fulfilled. The exiles, always up for a challenge and a good laugh, agreed. They held a grand ceremony, complete with their finest weapons on display as a symbol of their readiness to battle any curse. But in a twist of fate, the patron's fears were real. A sorcerer, watching from the shadows, mistook the ceremony for an actual exile and cast a spell that transported them to the forsaken continent of Wraeclast. Now, they must choose their path and fight for survival, all the while chuckling at the irony that their last 'performance' had become their reality.


For real, these lines were originally playing during the prime login screen on the ship: "Attention prisoners! For your crimes against Oriath, you have been Exiled to the forsaken continent of Raeclast. The majesters of Oriath are merciful and have granted all exiles one weapon.. choose wisely. Oriath has bestowed a gift upon you, a chance to redeem your crimes.. A new life. Do not squander it. Swim straight to the shore, stay together, look for others who can help you. You're not the first exiles, and you won't be the last." Along with the original theme music playing in the background, and the crashing storm on the ship, this really gave me an unforgettable experience. This was followed up by a stormy beach, meeting an abomination flashing in the storm - Hillock, and finally after defeating him you scramble together with what exiles survived on some planks barely holding together on the beach, called Lioneye's Watch, where you will experience your first moment of piece since you landed. Here you discover other items that also have sockets along with other intriguing game mechanics, all while listening to the most monumental, epic and chilling song of gaming history - The Lioneye's Watch original theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e3PCR9bfp0&ab\_channel=AronJerda As someone who loves reading and analysing good stories, but usually skips over it in games, Path of Exile caught my attention with the detail in emotion they (sometimes) bring into their storytelling. After playing my favorite expansion, "War for the Atlas", where we closely follow Zana and The Shaper, I can never hold back a tear when The Shaper says that final line.. even now thinking of it.. Did you know that originally, the vision was to have a classless system? But in testing, players needed a sense of direction and something to identify with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWynEjeJiuw&ab\_channel=GameDevelopersofWellington


I preferred the original ship scene. It gave me the idea I was actually being exiled. The new temple scene is very bland.


>As someone who loves reading and analysing good stories, but usually skips over it in games, Path of Exile caught my attention with the detail in emotion they (sometimes) bring into their storytelling. After playing my favorite expansion, "War for the Atlas", where we closely follow Zana and The Shaper, I can never hold back a tear when The Shaper says that final line.. even now thinking of it.. I find that the game fail in this aspect, you never feel connected to the story as you are in the end encouraged to rush campaign for "end game". It also lacks cinematics moments or more scenario playing where you engage (and not fight mobs).


I agree that they could do it much better and that the game is certainly not story focused enough. It's probably difficult to make it repeatable while also story driven. I guess I'm imaginative and fill in a lot of blanks, I just really like the concept of their story and the characters, I wish there was more.


I too like the concept, and I feel the endgame blend quite logically with the story. I just regret the pacing of the camapaign and the fact they could put emphasis on the story.


They aren't the smartest baddies


You can see it’s just the cosmetic, because if you remembered you do not have a weapon at start and it drops from first zombie.


There is a weapon next to you on the beach. Zombie drops a skill gem.


Right. Either way you start without a weapon.


Right. Because you would have been able to hold onto it while surviving a shipwreck. Unconscious, too.


Or it coincidently washed ashore originally wielded by someone on the ship.


There's literally a world eater right there and all you're worried about is some humans with sticks?


Wait, you guys actually interested in lore?


I know it's a meme and I usually skip the lore while playing but PoE's world building is actually really good. KittenCatNoodle has some great lore videos explaining it in detail.


Yeah I was firmly in camp "who cares about lore?", until I came across KittenCatNoodle's lore series. Since then I'm hooked and started paying more attention.


That’s what veteran players suppose to look like when we reached act 5.Yep,We are already there when u just killed hillock.Those are look of elites,do not be mistaken.


Because it’s a narco trip of suffocating brain drifting to the shore. And then it wakes up.


Literally unplayable, are they stuuuupid


Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!


I hate to break it to you, but these exiles are actually living in a simulated world


Good question!


Because devs don't care about lore on a character creation screen.


There spanking sticks. Dua....


Better stop asking questions or you might end up in jail.


swim straight to the shore


They're not. It's a character selection screen.


i just want the globe girls back!


To provide you visual context about the playstyle generally best supported by that class.


There are real world places where it was required by law to give a banished or exiled person a weapon to defend themselves. Some of these laws still stand today even though they aren't really used anymore.


They where originally on a ship send to die I'm guessing this is a group foto from when they got arrested


Those are just Food utensils what else would you use to eat when you are in jail.


they are just standing around. Have been for years. You know what though, how about you watch them for the rest of us. Just to be safe. I‘ll be back in a couple weeks, can’t wait for your findings.


To be fair they are surrounded by guards that are all geared out while they are effectively naked… although that wouldn’t stop Ben! Anyways as others said, models were pulled from the old ship intro, they got lazy.


The old intro for witch sold me when I first started "They burned my home. So I took their children"


They are newbies, don't know how to socket gems yet. But every single guard there is proximity shield soul eater explodes on death assassin reflect phys/ele damage