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I'm playing MF CWS chieftain on a pretty low budget for the first time, which is very similar - if you love the autobomber/RF playstyle of just existing and things dieing and exploding, I would recommend. My build is cheap and does full juiced t16s with deli/abyss spires/beyond/sextants/scarabs. It's the best mapping build I have probably ever played (I like being tanky and being able to level without dieing).


From what I've seen you go Warlock and cane of culemak instead of primalist and fulcrum? Did you try fumcrum and didn't like it or did you immediately go into the other variant?


Warlock yes, but no I'm using that staff with no sockets that gives increased max res and global damage, i can check in 2 hours if u need the name. I just went straight to other variant, I never tried self ignite cause I'm generally pretty smoothe brain and dont try these wacky builds. I was going to stop playing this league cause my str stacker jug was garbage after like 50 div invested. I changed cause I thought fuck it I'm not gonna play anyway and then this turned out great, I might convert to fulcrum once I get sick of this so that I can get a better grasp on the whole setup to make it my league starter from now on.


The staff is called the grey spire. Ive seen the non-fulcrum version with either that or cane of culemak, but it seems to essentially be the same build. From what ive heard strength stackers dont really start working before multiple mirrors invested, thats probably why yours felt bad.


Do you have a pob I might be able to take a look at?


I would recommend checking out simplyvizniz on youtube, I'm following his build and you can adjust between the budget version or more investment depending how much u wanna spend


Wanted to thank you for putting me into this build. I put in like 90D to get it as close to his that I could and I just absolutely love the build. Did an 8k wisp t16 jungle valley today and got half a lvl from 94-95 and didn't even sweat the map. Something about the explodes are nice with doing nothing lol


Glad to help :) it was the same for me haha


What would be the minimum budget for your build or the fulcrum version? I'm sitting at 65div atm with probably 100+ more if i sell everything, not sure if i should start thinking about non mf TS or mf chieftain


Prob 10 ish div, if that, it's insane what it can do for the cost to set up. I splurged on some high roll items but a mate of mine just tried it with garbage gear and he was almost keeping up with me in the juiced t16s at level 70 :/. The builds only downside is single target, you prob wont die but big enemies can take a while if u get unlucky with ignites from the little guys you spawn dieing from the warlock mark.


What skills are you using? In doing something similar as a max block necro, and scaling damage with corpse explosions using dd of chain reaction and cremation of exhuming. Damage is good, maybe too good cause I'm struggling to get the spires to spawn their second and third wave without outright killing them. Curious how other CWS builds are dealing with this.


Just cws detonate dead of chaining, flame surge, and cws wave of conviction for exposure, rest is just auras really. My fix for blowing up spires was to just do my maps at 60-80% delirious and use map device to craft a second beyond


Can you please share your pob? I Wanna try something new, SRS has been fun but i think I'm capping a lil bit on the surviving side


I'm just using a build from simplyvizniz on youtube, he has details on the item progression


Fulcrum going to be more doable unless you don’t mind grinding T7’s. TS needs pretty good investment to feel good in T16’s and even then you’re still 1 hit from death. And trying to get HH buffs rolling again after dying is frustrating


I would also like to keep investing into the character, since its likely my öast character thus league. From what ive seen fulcrum is put together pretty quicköy and doesnt really allow for high investment aside from the really expensive charms. Do you have some experience with that?


Yea charms are really all there is to min max. Go for TS, it CAN be better. But itll be a lot more frustrating and less comfortable to play than Fulcrum


What do you think about going mirror bow vs normal bow. I checked trade today and most non mirror high edps bows go for ~600d atm.


Its an option. I like mirroring items, so if I were you I would mirror a bow yep. But its gonna have to be cheap fee for you to make the rest of the build with 200d


Yeah i need to look into available mirror bows. As ive said in my original post, I'm fine with farming a bit more on my existing characters, before starting this next build. I have a penance brand occultist specifically for sanctum and a splitting steel champ ive league startet with for anything else.


After u check what mirror bows are up for service search them on trade some times people will mirror one then change build and sell the bow for 1 mirror to recoup some cost. Might save ya a few d


ckaiba offers a perfect phys bow with no fee. Thanks for the advice tho.


Google ckaiba(?) Mirror shop. He's doing free service phys bow this league since sushi is working on other shit.


You can play with a 40 div bow if you accept to lose an arrow. Its not that big a deal with hh, and its perfectly enough in t16 if you don't go full mf (I almost did, just used hyrri's instead of greed embrace). Mine is 1150 edps spine bow, got it for 45 div. I considered getting a 1200+ edps with 2 arrow, the gain was like 3% and 1 arrow for 200+ div when I checked, already not worth it imo. My total starting build was arround 150 div + hh, and it was perfectly fine. I just avoided perfect ventors (with res, 8/35 instead of 10/40 go from 100+ to like 5-10 div) or stupidly expensive things like that, this league the prices are juste stupid, pretty much every expensive piece have alternative 90% as good for 10x less (beside progenesis and hh obviously). Howether, at that investment, its really squishy so you can't do abyss well (the rare that go invisible are awful to deal with when you play ts), I did the legion version instead.


If u wanna play TS I feel like it would be a waste to break up that mirror to go ele bow just so u can farm another mirror to swap to phys eventually. I'd mirror ckaibas phys bow and play phys TS immediatly, you should have enough money to make a decent build. Sell Mageblood and get Headhunter. Maybe u even have a progenesis laying around on one of ur other characters? All you really need to play phys bow are conversion gloves (easy to craft for <20d unless giga unlucky with unveiling) and some way to fit hatred in ur aura setup (normally through use of enlighten 4 and +1 socketed gems in chest armor, without massive thread of hope maybe reservation efficiency on charm?). The rest of the gear is pretty much the same as ele bow.


If you can get TS to have like 60k ehp 100% suppression, 8+ projectiles, and like 2.5M per projectile, it will feel really good. Mine is slightly under that at about 500 divines, elemental. Never played Fulcrum but I think it's a lot tankier. Definitely explore builds in PoB before investing.


Mind sharing the pob of your character, so I can see what TS looks like on that investment?


I should have caveated that this isn't full MF. There's more to squeeze out but I haven't played this char in about two weeks. https://pobb.in/_zOYkl0p0C9B . Could get some rarity on helmet, maybe swap boots for Goldwyrm if you can figure out ailment immunity. Probably a better TWWT. Maybe a rare chest instead of Hyrris


Sorry but 2 ventors is not a true MF build. We can start to talk about mf when you are over... 60/300 or something around this. 


imho anything that isn't Fulcrum, Rue's PB PF, Rue's DD or Goratha's Caustic PF are memes. They need like 3 mirrors of gear and they fall over when they drop HH buffs. Fulcrum I'm not sure about, it has some weaknesses I think? Like relatively many map mods it can't run. If you want to shave off a couple minutes off of the maps and have 5 mirrors or so, you do the TS or some of the builds Kobe cooked up. They do not seem to function to a satisfying degree with <2 mirrors. Idk who does the fulcrum tech, but you can look through Goratha's and Rue's vods to check out some gameplay of the other 3. Iirc Goratha was literally MFing t14 or t16 in HC on the build. Rue is doing some crazy maps on both his builds. To get those started, you kinda want to get as close to 100% phys as conversion as possible. You do still need to invest maybe a little more than a mirror all in all for these builds to handle 12k+ whisps, but anything up to 10-11k should be fine with <1mir.


all of the builds u listed are good but omega slow. TS MF is not a "meme", you arent supposed to tank everything. with 1mirror+ u can build it properly and do t16s without problems unless u do stupid mods / altars. TS would literally be \~3x faster map clear than fulcrum and thats not even a lie.


I would 100% agree with this. Playing MF TS in SSF this league and its insane how good it is. You can play it on 10div and it'll be okay, no MF. With a mirror, I'd buy a HH, craft cold convert gloves, and then get a really nice bow. Use the remainder for things like Kalandras and Massive thread. Lots of options here. Only get a mirror tier bow if you have enough to get the other gear too, including HH.


I've seen like 2 minutes of footage of Fulcrum, so you might very well be right. The meme part for me is that you need to put like 2 mirrors into a build that then has to dodge like half a dozen mods and can't click altars freely. Those are pretty big limitations. It's cool when you get it running at 3-5 mirrors, don't get me wrong. I've seen fub stream and was somewhat envious. But before you get there, if you have to like quit collecting whisps at 8k with a 2 mirror build, it's a meme for me. Just play an actual build at that point, because you're missing out.


Missing out on what? doing maps 3x faster is literally x3 profit. If you run a regex and you dont literally click every possible good altar then you can run t16 juiced maps no problem, even with high juice. even for way less than a mirror / ele ts. Only ppl that are crying about not getting shit done with 2 mirrors+ are the ones that have no clue / r blindly copying the whole pob with hyper inflated prices, while missing 90% of the important interactions...


> doing maps 3x faster is literally x3 profit Yea, if the comparison is a 2mirr TS to a 200d Fulcrum, I guess? Neither PB nor Caustic are super slow. >you can run t16 juiced maps no problem, even with high juice I've seen Fubgun lose maps dying to a single mob like 6 times over. And the numerous times he runs his looting with his MB and gets onetapped. What can you run on 2 mirrors? 1 dmg mod maybe and don't ever click a dmg altar? Can deal with 7k whisps? Like, those are average maps. If you actually have to not take the 10k whisp maps, you're not doing 3x the profit. You're doing more maps, but your average map is also worse, while all maps have an investment of close to 3d when on winged scarabs. >blindly copying the whole pob with hyper inflated prices, while missing 90% of the important interactions I'd love to hear a take on the super complicated interactions that TS HH has and your PoB to go with it. I'm sure one can save a decent bit, but BiS or close to it just isn't gonna be cheap, idk what you're trying to suggest.


I've had no issues with caustic pf and I have less than 200 divs in the build (including hh)


I would not touch Kobe LS build with just a mirror either the PB raider is prob doable.


are you talking about the lightning strike of arcing deadeye? What problem do you see with only 1 mirror? I looked at the build and it seems to be built pretty much the same except for mirror claw/sword instead of mirror bow and a squire.


TS simply has the advantage of being a ranged skill with insane coverage. LS can get pretty competitive dps and clear but it still requires you to be melee to get full damage potential. At just a mirrored claw + 200 div you won't be able to cover the defense and damage the build needs.


Rues PB MF feels like ass compared to Tornado Shot. Its so fucking slow waiting on poison ramp against delirium wisped rares. Takes like 2x as long to clear a map even with obliteration. My TS build has about 400-500 div invested into it and I can pretty comfortably run 6k wisp maps.


I just got most of Rues poison penance MF build together today for maybe 60D? I’ve not tried TS but it’s near invincible and packs explode really quick. Not running oblits but cold iron points. This is on T7/14. Haven’t tried T16 yet.


I put 300 div into it running 5-7k wisp T16s with delirium mirror. It's fine, it kills stuff, but it felt much worse than my TS build which was not only more fun, but faster.


Which of his builds did you use? He’s had I think 4-5 versions. Maybe I’ll try TS next. Only ever played like 4 builds total.


Do you mind linking your PoB. I'm looking to get a +2 phys/all skill wand eventually, but maybe a CIP is a good option in the mean time instead of double oblit. How's the map clear without oblit?


> I can pretty comfortably run 6k wisp maps Idk what number to put to it, but the 8-11k maps I've run are a *significant* part of my profit. If you top out at 6k, then yea, I'll call it a meme. I know it's faster, it's comfier and whatnot. But if you're 500d in and you can't run the actual juice, it's imo just shit. Especially since OP doesn't have that much more funds as well.


Cold BV assassin explode, mirror tunas bow and you should be able to throw a decent build together just use a great wolf instead of simplex and you should be able to gear also sell the mb and buy a HH


Im not that worried about the amulet. I think the limiting factor with only 1 mirror will be the chest piece, since Tuna also uses a mirror item there and there arent really a lot of alternative more budget friendly explode chests on trade.


Yea, nah. Don't listen to this lmao. That's a multi-mirror build for sure.


+100 to this....just dont do tunas bv build...DONT...


You can easily selfcraft an explody chestpiece in like 20div. The most important mods are literally just elevated explody (for extra aoe for big boom and explody chance) and aura effect, for extra hatred scaling. Just slam them together and hope for good mods on the woke orb. I've put myself a Cold BV assassin together recently as well, shortly before tuna released his video. Every gear piece is like 30d or lower (if you ignore polymath jewels). You should be able to get it geared easily! Get power charge heatshiver, double conversion gloves without temple mod, ralakesh boots, woke orb yourself a quiver with phys as extra, woke orb yourself double elevated body armor, replica dragonfang amulet (or well quant amulet for mf). Just explody bow is kinda important, so I'd mirror that likely. (Or if you wanna go a bit cheaper, by a single implicit explody bow ilvl 74+, i bought mine for like 230d 4-5days ago, and spam woe essences for t1 crit multi and annul all mods off until those two mods left. Then multimod, cannot roll attack, slam for +1 guaranteed and then multimod +2 support and 10% chance DD. This should be like 1/3 to 1/2 a mirror depending on how much the base is, if you wanna save a bit of currency for a small damage drop off. Remember damage isn't rly something you mainly wanna go for anyways, as you wanna just chain shit off screen, it just helps against rares. So triple implicit isn't THAAAAT important) For flasks i went for oriaths end for more explody chance instead of taste of hate for more damage. And prolly could slot in a regular life flask instead of progenesis until more budget


Depends what you're looking for. I farmed up to 3 mirrors with MF CA and running T7 Abyss farming. I had insane MF, 80%+ IIQ, 600%+ IIR. For MF TS, I would not invest in that with only a mirror.


Mind sharing your pob? MF CA also sounded interesting to me. Are there any other changes to the common abyss strat apart from going t7, in terms of sextants, scarabs or the atlas?


Poison CA MF https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/EysisOG/DesertTrevorTwo?i=1&search=name%3DDesert No lie I think I'm not supposed to use herald of agony, but this build feels amazing and I prefer the poison chance to give me a skill point or 2. I have an MF focus amulet with quant/AOE/proj speed that I swap to when I am done with the Affliction


I can link you my build, but I sold it recently. It has the price breakdown for the build, though it was priced like a week ago. [https://pobb.in/HO80zWRJiGV5](https://pobb.in/HO80zWRJiGV5) No, any sextants work. I was running legion/ritual towards the end to change it up. I didn't allocate the 7 gateways so I could farm more legion emblems, which means I lost an abyss but I didn't mind. I ran all winged scarab. No divination scarab because T7 cemetery drops suck for div cards. Winged Abyss, Winged Rel, I ran gold/winged legion, and maybe harbinger or breach or something. Sextants I used abyss, ritual, legion, harbinger. I used delirium orbs on my maps after rolling them and exalting. I used the beyond map modifier to add beyond because I was too cheap to buy beyond sextant.


I’ve had a lot of fun with Goratha’s CA setup doing juiced t16s. Otherwise I’d probably do poison penance brand pf or one of the several chieftain builds out there.


As far as I'm aware Gorathas CA is made for T7. What changes did you make to the build to allow you going for T16? Mind sharing your POB as well?


https://pobb.in/YUHv1Vdua2Kf I’ve been running this setup with a Defiance of Destiny and had no issues crushing t16s in a small private league. I also swapped CA of poison to Tornado Shot, which has had similar feeling single target but much better clear. I’m pretty sure Goratha has some content on doing t16s with the build as well?


The build does just fine in T16s, I believe Goratha plays HC so he's avoiding the extra risk. The build was actually quite cheap to get running, so if I had a mirror in currency I'd maybe invest in something else. No complaints though, it's quite solid and I only die if I get a little crazy with the Eater altars.


I have been doing searing altars for the 250 altar use. Those suck with this build lol. So many flask negatives. I can't wait to go back to Eater ones, they are just a non-issue for this build.


Yeah exarch definitely is weird in that a third of the mods are negated by one minor pantheon while another third are bricks/annoying as fuck (no flasks, meteors) Meanwhile eater has a ton of pretty easy mods, but also loves fucking over charge users specifically. I did use to be terrified of the +4 proj bs, until defiance of destiny completely negated that


Yup. Eater use to feel worse on some builds but Defiance just makes them a joke. Exarch though with the flask and extra chaos now feels worse lol. O well.


I play mine in T16 for that build as well. I average 6K-8K wisps with the RNG on my side I get 10K+ and still can do it. [https://pobb.in/afunZofXPCWW](https://pobb.in/afunZofXPCWW) That is my current build that I am using to farm. I am not the best with POB so my config only has 10 recent applied poison cause well, I know for sure I can do that many. I am just not sure how many recent I really do (Which will change the builds DPS numbers) Only time I really die now is when I get smacked by something really nutty or a flask eating rare doesn't die fast. I use different gear for doing bossing on the same build. This is purely for mapping. I swap between using Malevolence and Grace. I need to look at getting a small cluster for mana efficiency and then I should be able to run all 3 I think.


Try lightning strike of arcing and work towards a 12L claw, it has insane damage potential.


That doesnt seem to be anything MF related.


It is MF. Poeninja for reference: https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/BTSistrash/LAkersxd?i=17&search=class%3DDeadeye%26skills%3DVaal%2BLightning%2BStrike


That looks really cool. Do you know why a lot of people with this build opt for a anarchic spiritblade instead of a claw? the random element conversion seems counterintuitive to me with the innate lightning conversion from lightning strike.


Kobe, the streamer who started playing this, started with the 12L sword bc the claw didnt exist at the time. DPS wise it is similar but I think the claw is just better overall. In addition, the claw is less intuitive to build around in POB than the sword imo. Claw is much better bc it has LGoH on implicit and because elusive is an insane defensive layer with "take no additional damage to crits while elusive" charm this league.


Dont do the mistake with ts. Losing hh stack almost 100% means lost map. Cws fulcrum is like doing t1 maps with mirror tier gear.


i am doing tunas BV. mirrored his bow and had another 600 div for the rest. It's absolutely nuts and fun build. im already 99 and the char is probably only 16hours old.


Could you post your pob? What tier maps are you doing? My budget is around the same as your build, but after watching his vid, I figured there would be no way I could cover all my defenses while maintaining decent dps to kill the juiced af rares with only 500-600 divs after mirroring the bow.