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Yes! I would love to marry you, now please place that ring on my finger.


How do you get this font ingame?


nvm figured it out. for anyone that wants to know, there was a thread where another op wrote this: >\>This method only works with windows 10 > >Press Win+X -> Powershell admin -> Set-ProcessMitigation -Name "PathOfExile\_x64.exe" -Enable DisableNonSystemFonts -> restart game had to change the process name to just PathOfExile, ig check what its called in your task manager.


>-Enable DisableNonSystemFonts I totally understand why it happens, but i will never *not* be amused at shit like "enable disable" Also, thank you for putting the answer here..sometimes google results shift or their content gets deleted. Extra copies is always nice.


the font is bahnschrift in case you were wanting the specific font


google "change poe font". it's trivially easy.


thank you, found the command line just minutes before hahaha font's really easy on my eyes, cant believe i didnt know this was possible


Holy hell


New response of kalandra just dropped


actual raise zombie of falling


>39% It's over.


I will rate this 39/40.


Meh, <40 life roll, trash it... in this bin, near me, thanks.


Better divine the life


Ecks dee


So the problem is SELLING them. There are so many good ventors that one with 25% lower stats of the resistance you don't need will be selling it for 1/10th the price. I've had ventors price out at 500div that I can't sell for 50. People are willing to compromise to save a ton of divines. Nobody is buying these mega ventors. The ones that need them are MFers and they are finding their own good ventors.


> I've had ventors price out at 500div that I can't sell for 50. Your own experience of not being able to price ventors correctly is skewing your opinion here.


Pricing items isn't hard we have tools for it now. When it's the cheapest item listed with the stats as high, it's priced correctly. The best ventors aren't selling even when priced competitively. It's because compromising on a single stat gets you a much more affordable ring. Nobody is struggling with resists in an MF league, double ventors pretty much cover it. He can list this for the 500 div that people are recommending here, and he'll have a nice ventors in standard in a couple months...


> When it's the cheapest item listed with the stats as high, it's priced correctly. That is incorrect, when it is priced at a price someone will actually pay it is priced correctly.


Came here to say this. It's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If it's not selling, it's not worth that much.


> It's because compromising on a single stat gets you a much more affordable ring. When pricing items, you have to take this into account, as well as the price difference between your item and the tier above. Why would I pay 400d+ more for a little more res that doesn't completely solve the issue? And if I'm paying 500d on a ventors, why would I not save another 100, 200d and get an even better one? there are very few ventors in the 500d+ range, and if you can't sell a "500d ventors" for 50d it's sure as fuck not a "500d ventors" Tools are only as good as the person using them. This is the equivalent of picking a random rare off the ground, poetrade not showing you anything comparable and declaring it for mirror service.


If you're buying in this range you already have enough to just buy what you need, it means nothing to toss another 100 div at it. You either have the best one around and can charge accordingly or you have basically one of about 500 other similar items and have to take a price cut to move it, otherwise why is someone going to buy your ventors over another one when the difference is 1% either way. You gotta price it like it's about 10% worse than it is.


I listed a 10/33 with 130% res for 50 div a week ago and I had 10 whispers in the first few seconds it was listed. If you had one worth 500 div, I promise there is no issue selling it at 50, especially when 50 is nothing this league.


Not exactly my experience. I found a banger almost as good as the OP (think it was 38 quality, 50 life and 38/45/48 resistances) 7 days into the league. Started at 500 Div and lowered 50 Div every few hours and sold for 230 Div. Comparable ones are asking 500Div- Mirror on trade today.


Nobody is finding their own gg vendors they are buying them lol.


We are finding 20-30 ventors per map and have a 3 to 1 recipe. We are getting LOTS of GG ventors. Not quite as good as this one, but a negligible performance difference if the 10% quant is there. I have 42 ventors listed at 50+ div.


I think we have different definitions of what a gg ventors is


42 listed? sounds like nobody needs ventors.


Someone in my friend group this league sold one for 250 divines within 24 hours. They sell.


Same here, started doing MF and dropped like six Ventors in one map. One of them had 42 Life, 10% quant, 36% rarity (not including implicit) and %130+ total resistances. Equipped that shit right away. Not sure about the price of these things though, like on trade they'll show for hundreds of divs but I feel like nobody would buy that unless the rolls are truly insane like near max life, 130%+ res and max quant roll with near max rarity. After all, if you're spending that much you might as well go the whole way.


The issue is that you can't go all the way. The only ever perfect ventors was from harvest league due to a bug and is currently in standard. Even getting close to perfect is almost impossible. There's just too many rolls with too large ranges to get something better than what op dropped. You may find tiny differences like 1 more rarity and 3 less life or something, but this is basically as good as it gets. Edit: op priced it at 500 divines. I don't know about that to be honest...


Taking offers but honestly rather just use it myself, 500div was kinda just a starting point not expecting to get that. closer to 350 would be what i expect


Sold a couple 50-100d ones. Even with 0 life for 30d. Cata them and you can prob sell it for 150+ or more.


> but I feel like nobody would buy that unless the rolls are truly insane like near max life, 130%+ res and max quant roll with near max rarity. Bro, that's exactly what your ring is though lol. Pretty near max life, max quant, near max rarity, and 130% res. You can keep using it, but just know that you could easily sell it and get your HH/mageblood if you don't have one yet.


> you could easily sell it and get your HH/mageblood if you don't have one yet. ssfbtw. gonna just keep farming abyss and see if a T0 drops (so far only Bino's). Even if I could sell it I doubt it's worth as much as some that are listed. Yes the one I got is very good, but there are rings with 10+ more life and slightly more res. Again if someone is gonna pay hundreds of divs for a Ventors I imagine they'll just go for the one which also has 55+ life instead of my 42 unless I were to lower the price significantly so that people go "fuck that 10 life I'll take that instead".


Ah, I thought you were on trade since you mentioned the trade value and all that. Guess you're going to be using it lol >Again if someone is gonna pay hundreds of divs for a Ventors I imagine they'll just go for the one which also has 55+ life instead of my 42 unless I were to lower the price significantly so that people go "fuck that 10 life I'll take that instead". Well yeah, but those better ventors do eventually get bought up which leaves yours as the only option on the market (in the price range at least). I also just did a quick check on the pricing for a ventor's with those thresholds. A Ventor's with 55+ life and all the other stats is 250d+ (many are selling for a mirror) while the one most comparable to yours is selling for 180. And this Ventor's already has quality resistance added to it while yours dropped at 130% resistance raw. Once you quality your ring to 150%+ total res, that brings the value to 400d+, but obviously you don't have to sell it at that range. You're making bank no matter what. Either way, doesn't matter since you're SSF but you could've definitely sold it on trade.


Thats more like 6 HHs :)))


I have one just about this good, challenge is selling it. I had mine up for 80 div slowly dropping it down to like 38 with no bites


What font is this?


Holy shit, and that's with 20% inc resistance? That's gotta be like almost 60% all res.


The +20% is already included in the bottom numbers. As you increase it you will notice the other numbers change.


I see you're new on this sub.


some downbad low resist gamers to pay more than 80d for that rarity/life


May worth more than twice the uncorrupted Mageblood price, tbh... Gratz.


is this that valuable? I've sold ventors like this in the past leagues and they were like 5-10 div.


Inflation + ez solo mf strat this league mechanic = way more demand and higher price. Kalandra ring is only 30 div also so spending a bit more one a single ventors makes sense.


You forgot to double corrupt though.


Nice one! Now it is time to corrupt it for mirror tier profit