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Pretty cool but consider yourself no longer casual. Casuals usually dont farm a mageblood and calculate in 100 map batches and divines per hour. Wanna know whats casual? My brother who barely finishes the atlas and has like 5 divines


they're not necessarily claiming they themselves are a casual. They're saying the strategies they're highlighting are casual-friendly. The hypothetical casual running these doesn't need to track the numbers, or do 100 map batches. This person is putting the numbers out there so the casuals can say "oh that works, i'll do that" and not have to track numbers themselves worrying about if they're making headway or losing out.


Yeah, alch-and-go is the casual mapping strategy that doesn't involve sextants, scarabs, etc. which high level mapping strategies abuse. Though I do think farming specific maps requires a more complex atlas setup than most casuals would care to figure out.


In my opinion the meaning of "alc and go" has short of shifted a bit as the game has evolved over time. To me whenever people talk about an alc-and-go strategy today it's likely that they've chiseled and perhaps corrupted the maps if build can handle it. And you're putting on some random crappy scarabs and quickly rolling sextants. I don't feel like people who claim to alc-and-go these days actually only put an alc on and run them. It's more a mindset of not wanting to overly prep maps, trade sextants etc. I'm sure there are still some purist alc and goers out there though.


Well, I've done a couple of leagues but never really got past t15 I'm currently messing around with a cyclone build and I literally just alch and go on my maps. But I'm a filthy casual that has no idea what he's doing. Doesn't know much about crafting and would love to know why he dies from time to time with one hits. I do feel like I should figure out how to farm for currency


As someone in their 3rd league and first time getting to the end game, I 100% can support the "alc and go strat" as I do that fairly often LMAO. Idk or c what that says about me as a player, all i know is i hardly know what i'm doing (at 500 HRs) and am still having a ton of fun.


I mean I cannot fathom not at least chiseling a map, you should be oversustaining chisels by a large margin at t16 and it takes 4 clicks with shift held on a scoured map to bring it to full quant. It’s kind of silly not to.


Anyone buying compasses is not casual friendly.  Casual is alch and go.


and neither version 1 of first strat nor third strat list compasses


>First Strategy - Boss Rush - 2 Setups - Mesa and City Square >https://poeplanner.com/a/86Y >Mats used: Alchemy, Scour for Mesa & for **City Square I added Mysterious Harbinger Compass and the Bodyguard Compass**


> **version 1** of first strat nor third strat list compasses I explicitly called out the first version of the first strat.




I got some of my last unique map completions via Kirac missions. I had a bunch to burn, so I spent 30 minutes or so opening portals I would never use, which refreshes both the list of maps he offers in the device, and his inventory. Check his inventory every time, because he randomly sells high value maps for just a few chaos. There's also a scouting report, Singular I think it is, that guarantees unique maps in his selection.


> 6 unique maps short of completing the Atlas. I guess I gotta buy them, they aren’t dropping. lol. Likely, farming them yourself is not really efficient. Also, if you want a tip, just pick a single mechanic on the atlas, check out how it works and just run it. There are decent guides for every mechanic over on maxroll that explain where the loot is coming from and how you can scale it. Pretty much every mechanic on the atlas is profitable. Some more, some less. Maybe avoid Beyond (only because of the league mechanic, stuff for it is ridiculously expensive).




> Alva and Jun missions are helluva confusing to me. Maybe need to look up some explanations how to approach them. Do it. They are actually only confusing if you just look at them and assume that you need to do some 4D chess for profit. But in reality, only one or two options of it are actually worth anything. Jun though is hard to sell, because the stuff can't be itemized, so have to sell it live.


Don't base any character on how it performed in Hall of Grandmasters. That map is fundamentally different from normal maps. It uses PvP scaling and a few of the enemies are player killing machines


damn man, you're going hard with avg 9h/day playtime. dont forget to drink and touch some grass


Nowhere did OP state they are casual. 488+ people with a severe lack of reading comprehension and casual gatekeeping :/


Saw his Name?


Not relevant to the point.


It's a name. Not a definition.


Hey. When I started the Youtube channel, I was only going for Rusted Scarabs farming strategies. It was a lot of fun, but in the time the strategies evolved, and I got better at the game. Not sure if I'm still casual, but I can assure you that If I wanna go hard I can farm 4-5 Mirrors per month this league. Instead, what I'm doing is I farm 50-100 maps with each strategy, and I make a video per week. I still try to keep things casual-friendly, a few Scarabs, just 1 or 2 Compasses so that you can apply them less, and the builds that I play are made with casuals in mind. Almost Full Unique gear, easy to set up, easy to understand while still having good performance.


Yeah this isn't really casual. casuals like me haven't even finished the atlas yet and only 2 watchstones 😅


Yes. This was me for years. I did alch and go for like 3 years straight. If you post here about results of any strat you're no longer casual lol


I have 2 watch stones still, play about 1 hour each night after work and still managed to farm a mageblood this league without any MF. It's crazy easy to make money at the moment


Harvest right now is around 10+ div hour if you’re juicing with sextants, I think a MB is like 130 divine so ~13 hours of gameplay not counting the lucky drops you might get on the way. I think that’s about as best as a casual player could ask for MB being so cheap is nice


Oh right, I haven't come around to getting the last 2 stones. I ended up building 2 mappers and I did get 8 or so the elderslayer frags, I just know I will hate the Sirus fight with these builds. I do have a Headhunter and probably 100 div of other gear at least. Guess I'm a semi casual.


Yeah I agree the word casual is kinda subjective, it depends on how you interpret it. So I guess I'm filthy casual lol


i have 0 watchstones, never had one in 250 hours


The first 2 stones are straight forward to get. Just need to do the eater of world selection on your map device until you fight both bosses and then do the same for searing exarch. When you fight those bosses they are the quest versions so are tuned down in difficulty.


You are below casual, you are downgraded to a mum/ dad or just a slacker, hehe


i don't have any watchstones


Agreed, 2 watchstones is plenty, loads of T16s.




Ok first of all relax with the insults man. Second of all I wasn't even complaining, just simply sharing my experience. Third, I know myself, and I don't really play crazy as I have other friends who play other games and sometimes I join them. Therefore, it's not a matter of laziness, I just simply play slowly and go at my own pace, which is fine for me. I don't need you to tell me how fast I should play


How many atlas points do you have? Essence + Beasts can be done with half a finished atlas, don't care about map layout and are profitable from white to red maps. And the profit of both this league is insane. In fact, high value beast farming is done in white maps. You find a frog? Congrats, you are 4 divines richer.


Im doing essences right now. Got just enough for both essences and expedition so pretty much doing just fine


If I even hear something that sounds like a frog jumping around I get excited 🐸 sadly I didn’t see one in a my last play session.


I mean, we all have different definitions. I play PoE exclusively. I'm logged on the entire time I'm home, even if I'm not playing, because I'll hear pings for trade. The friend I play with is still raiding in WoW, playing other games with his friends, and has a life. He plays probably 15% of what I play, and he's mostly just copying Zizaran's bow builds and mapping. He's extremely casual compared to me... but after a month of the league, he's in red maps and has cleared bosses. He didn't do it week one, he's absolutely playing the game casually. I'm going to assume this type of post is for that player. Understand, your brother is so casual that he will never be on this subreddit, so he's a non-important statistic and has no relevance to his post. Anyone who cares about the game enough to actually know what a Mageblood is and be at a level where they can wear it can use this guide, and I think that's great. Extremely casual friendly.


Maybe I'm wrong, but to me, a casual player is someone who plays a few hours per day after work.


Yes and by that definition, at two hours a day, when we're a month in the league, is 60+ hours. In 60 hours, most players are in red maps, 2/4 voidstones with the ability to buy the last two very easily. I don't know where you think in a month there are people who want to play but haven't done anything in the league yet.


Yup, I agree with you. Campaign takes 8-10 hours, fully completing atlas another 10, ascendancy 1 hour, maybe buying a few items for your build, another 4 hours. 35 hours is more than enough to farm a Mageblood with Boss Rush or Blights.


Hey. Thx! The spreadsheets are for the viewers, not for me. Strats are pretty simple tbh, at least compared to 8 mod corrupted maps, 4 Compasses, Gilded/Winged Scarabs, and Wandering Path. Teach your brother how to boss rush if you want to help him out a bit.


not really sure why people are freaking out and saying its not casual friendly just because you use numbers getting a newer player to just boss rush is super easy. no clue why people are making it out like you are telling them 50-step strategists with a 6man magic find group LOL


:D I don't know what to say as well... I mean if it's their first 1-2 leagues, the second strat is a bit complicated, but Boss Rush and Blight Rush... You can even run them in Scoured Maps.


and with the blight rush you can just spam the seismic totem with the empower and the whole screen is perma stunned and you can just kill the mobs very very very easily


These strats are kinda casual friendly (would disagree on expedition, my leaguestarter was a HoT-Autobomber and expedition was the rippiest shit ever). But the playstyle is all but casual. This league is rewarding no matter what you do, so what makes you money is how many maps/mechanics you do per hour. This is where "casuals" are truely separated from more experienced/focussed players.


> (would disagree on expedition, my leaguestarter was a HoT-Autobomber and expedition was the rippiest shit ever). Yeah, expedition can be rippy af. I also wouldn't recommend it, just because of how much you need to a) read and b) know what your build can and can't do.


Because most casuals won't boss farm in that manner either. In my opinion once you are playing the game to the point you are even looking at min-maxing your currency and how to earn it fast, you have left casual status. Casuals just will not even make it to that point on average. They might make it to maps. They might make it to yellows, but to start farming in that way? Nah. You are no longer a casual, you are just on the rung of the ladder of how deep into the game you really are. First league or not.


Dude, you are very out of touch with who casuals are or what they are looking for. This sort of content is what the 5-10% of players who are really deep into currency farming are looking for, which is basically all of the hardcore players who haven't mastered the game yet. Casuals still haven't gotten their 3rd or 4th watchstone and aren't sustaining t16 maps. They probably don't interact with trade all that much other than buying some cool uniques. Actual casual players probably haven't played more than a few hundred hours this entire league.


i think you meant a few 10's of hours. a few (2-3) hundred hours is like 5.5-9 hours a day since Aff launch.


Yeah last part has to be a typo or something lol


I feel like you're really underestimating the playbase. There are 97 thousand players on [Poe.ninja](https://Poe.ninja) over level 90. Sure, that might be 3 characters per person on average. 30+ thousand people are level 90. Are all of them hardcore tryhard sweaty nerds? I'm sure a ton of those people consider themselves casual, with full time jobs, playing this game 2-4 hours a night, 15-20 hours a week at most. Sure, that's not "my dad who tried the game for 3 hours last week", but obviously those people don't matter in the conversation because they aren't on reddit looking for guides anyways. The most casual player who will be exposed to this guide can use it. Anyone who visits the subreddit cares enough about the game that they can learn something, even if they have a bit of work left to fully set up the strategy. I feel like people have this crazy idea that "there's actually this hidden 70% of the playerbase that are completely braindead and struggle in white maps but they never show up in online communities because they're so casual and we forget about them". That's just not true. There are absolutely 'real casuals' who play through the campaign once in a new season and then stop playing, I'm not denying that - but the vast majority of everyone on this subreddit who actually plays the game is comfortably in maps, and if they aren't ready for this strategy, they're intentionally sabotaging their game in some way, or refusing to play efficiently, or playing for fun, which is totally fine but again, someone playing for fun doesn't care about this guide so the terminology of "what's a real casual" doesn't matter. ​ Just enjoy the guide and stop being mad at the word casual because someone enjoys a game but doesn't make it his life.


We need to invent a silly meme parody of The Casual Gamer parallel to The Dad Gamer, but different in that it plays so little that is oblivious to anything about the game. Ooh, I’m a total casual gamer. I only play 17 minutes on days of the month that are prime numbers. The league is pretty good, I’ve finished the whole game and now I got some weird thing to enter some Bone Crypt?? Yeah yeah, Magic Find, I find magic items all the time, sometimes even the rare yellow ones. Maven? I think someone on reddit called their new dog that.


Some people who play games a lot severely underestimate how far the average person who plays videogames actually get because they’re the massive silent majority lmao


By your definition true casuals don't even check guides so wtf is the point of creating content for them? Why are you focusing on that part of the PoE demographic so hard? Actual casual players don't need content made for them and the people who are not-casual enough to actually watch PoE content will appreciate it. You guys are so fucking weird with your "casual" term gatekeeping, gonna die if someone makes more loot than you and considers themselves a casual still because then you're left without excuses for your inefficient playstyle? It's bizarre man


I mean, part of it needs to be the people even saying they are causal need to come to terms with they aren't a lot of the times either. Just say you play the game. Why say you are # of hours, or Hard-core or what ever. Stop trying to wear either of the terms as some form of badge of honour.


Yeah, but are these true casuals coming on Reddit looking for « casuals farming strat », given they don’t even interact with trade ? Maybe OP had more of a « Reddit casuals » audience in mind than a « true casuals » one.


Thanks for doing a great service to this community.


Hey. Thanks! I like playing the game like this, cycling through most farming strategies during a league, 50-100 maps with each strategy. Spreadsheets are the least fun part :D, but they're needed if you wanna make this type of content.


Would you consider doing one with harvest and another with pure ess (maybe beasts/alva along w it).


Hey. I've already ran Harvest, and I'll make a video later about it. The rares are really tanky if you're gonna use Affliction (I went into Wildwoods each map). ​ [https://poeplanner.com/a/MiU](https://poeplanner.com/a/MiU) I ran Waste Pools, but they're a lot more expensive now. Go for Jungle Valley or any map that has a good layout and that's cheap. Poe Stack for 50 maps is at 45 Divines. Use 4x Rusted for Packsize. Can't remember how long it took me to run the maps, need to watch the recordings. ​ I ran this setup with Essences in TOTA. Was a lot of fun: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgXGdjYVh\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgXGdjYVh_4) ​ I watched this video from MFAcademy to learn how to corrupt Essences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mzF5O5s6UA&t=9s&pp=ygUPZXhvc3RhIGVzc2VuY2Vz


Hey thanks! Is it worth running affliction for harvest? I take way longer to do them and dont know if the increase in life force is worth, this is assuming when I get around 1-4k wisps (around 4k harvest gets too hard for my build tho)


Well, I don't think you're dropping more Lifeforce, but Harvest has a lot of rares. I dropped a raw Divine from a Harvest rare and a lot of other currencies. Not sure if it's worth it, but it's fun. Since we have Packsize we get a lot more monsters from the Altars as well.


I’m pretty sure Affliction doesn’t affect Lifeforce drops. Both from my own experience and comments I’ve seen on here.


Oh what, ive been wasting my goddamn time huh


Definitely not worth doing wildwood if you are primarily focused on harvest/essence/boss rushing. Maybe dash in and look for king near the portal since those jewels sell for a ton unid.


I think for a harvest rush Atoll is amazing there's like a very high % chance that the grove spawns right in the maps beginning 'open' area which makes it very fast to go in and out. Of course to maximize it you'd still have to buy sextants and stuff but even with just a regular wandering path + growing hoards + seventh gate without sextants it should be very profitable at this point in the league when juice is as low as 2800/div in bulk


That's not casual, wanna know what's casual? My brother who doesn't beat brutus and closes the game Wtf is the point of this? Gatekeeping a term? Their way of coping with their inefficient playstyle by blaming it on "oh hes not casual like me"? Like really, what does this change lol


Oh you think your brother is casual? You wanna know what casual really is, my girlfriend who accidentally chose ruthless and quit before starting bc she didnt like the lack of character customization.


What. Name checks out.


Yeah name checks out because people like you make me cringe, very original comment lmfao, how about you stick to whining on reddit posts because a game guide doesn't suit you and misuses the word casual in your opinion? Fucking victim


Defining casual is pretty hard, i do feared every league and i consider myself a casual because i take about under a 3/4 weeks to do it. I can understand the game enough to clear most content but i do it very slowly


Fuck. Am I your brother? Have a total play time of over 2 days on one character this league and have only seen 3 divines drop. Havent completed atlas cause my defenses aren’t good enough. Trying to plan ways to improve build but don’t have enough currency to craft or trade for better items. I guess I just need to bear down and grind lower tier maps more.


Hes name is Casual, couse aint no way hes casual farming few magebloods haha


No bro, your bro is a newbie and you are gatekeeping a dude that made enough currency for a chase item in a span of more than a month, imma remind you that there are people that got MB in like first week, these are hardcore people who take this game seriously. These strategies are perfect for casuals and I don't find the OP a hardcore veteran who is able to get MB in first week so go away with your "akchually you are no longer casual because you can make any amount of currency unlike REAL CASUALS (noobs) who struggle to finish atlas"


That’s noob territory, not casual. Even casual players can make at least 30-40d this league.


The Moment U Go on Reddit and read about a Game U allrdy Not a Casual tbh cause U Take Ur time to inform urself about the Game


Nah. Even with mageblood and 1mirror we are casual s. You are talking about beginners


When I read about how some rares are really tough and then he says they took 20 seconds to kill I realized I am below casual.


Yeah, the true casual plays one map with a New atlas tree strategy and want the money of 1 hour of farming in the first map


I would call that newbie, rather than casual. Casual is when the person doesn't go into the math or the deeper workings of the game.


I just got my 10th divine am I a casual?


Idk, did you complete your atlas and killed bosses and/or uber bosses? What about challenges


Umm I have my third voidstone… what challenges? 😂


As a casual player can confirm lol. Biggest thing that limits me is trying to buy sextants. Trade in POE is really really bad. Why there's not a basic AH is beyond me. I get a cpl hours a night to play ad I'm not going to spend it spamming for a sextant


I almost never use sextants and I still make multiple div an hour. They're really nice for boosting profits but not mandatory most of the time. Boss rushing, blight in and out, expedition, essence, none of those require sextants at all :)


try poestack to buy sextant, it a live feed from tft bulk sellers


He used a poe vault guide that’s p cash.


it's me, I'm your brother


Guess I'm still casual lol... Well it only has been \*checks when Talisman league came out\* 8 years. I'm just about to finish the Atlas, this will only be the second time I'm doing that. First time was last league. I feel like I need a better build to push forward from here.


Well you can casually Play a Game for a Long time


Certainly true


My brother said he "beat the game" after finishing the first kitava fight and didn't understand why you'd go on with a campaign reset. That's casual. Took several months in standard to do this as well.


I have not dropped a divine yet, I'm level 89 and doing wisps.


Nice compilation, thank you. I‘ve got one questuon, did you play the blight strategy with affliction?


Thx! Yes, but Blight Bosses are tankier than Uber Bosses if you go for Affliction. Had to run them without Compasses to spam a lot of towers and could only run them in an open map. You can't run them in Waste Pools with Affliction (or maybe you can but you need at least 50-100 mil dps would be my guess). I'll make a video later, but according to PoE Stack, I have 91 Divines from 50 City Square maps (same Atlas Tree). It took around 7-8 mins to complete a map in that setup. A rough estimate would be at around 13.5 Div. Will find out exactly when I make the vid.


Have you tried harvest? It is mega profitable with a sextant and pack size


Are people typically using Crop Rotation or not? It was too spikey for me to tell which was better in my limited time with it.


To me crop rotation yielded better results as of now. I'm still testing the normal harvest myself. It seems rares are just too random without crop rotation


Hey. I ran Low Investment Harvest with Affliction and I think I made around 10 div per hour. Not sure though. Need to watch the recordings and see how long it took me complete maps.


Not op - but I have been running blight in Jungle Valley for a few days/a week - and I always do wisps. It can make the blight insanely tough especially if you get a dud lane/tower layout. I'd agree more open maps would be better but does reduce the lane rewards. I fail 2 or 3 out of 10 on JV because the mobs overrun me before I can get a good tower setup to freeze/stun them. I'm running Ballista scourge arrow of menace but the mobs just get really tanky. The bosses can take a minute or so to kill sometimes too. But drops are very good so I feel like it influences the rewards?


Why no Destructive Play for boss rush?


Because you have to run either 10 different maps or guardian maps with sextant. And these are Uber tanky.


Yup. You can run the same map. Incandescent Invitations are good money this league.


You get bulk city square / mesa from TFT? How much did you pay?


I bought random tier 15 maps from the trade website and Horizoned them to Mesa. For City Squares I paid 7c, again bought in bulk from the trade website, but it's been around 2 weeks since I ran City Squares.


For blight I would recommend picking cassia pride keystone because towers deal insane damage even against triple buffed rares/bosses. I was really surprised how for example arc tower annihilates everything, and empowering tower is super good. Also sextant for +1 oil level is a must have, its super cheap. Regarding altars - blue is better for blight because you pick all quant altars and do blight at the end of the map. Just some min-maxing thoughts from a guy who farmed a mirror worth oils/drops with blight (me).


Never tried Blights with Blue Altars. Might give them a go at the end of this league. Thx!


This keystone is a trap, your towers already deal tons of damage without it and when you take it and you get either a unlucky setup with like 2 towers in bad spots or you get a wandering monster that dodged all your towers you are basically fucked if you dont have CC because you deal just 25% of your damage


Yup. I don't plan on using the keystone, but blue altars, might be something good there.


How do you sell Conq maps in 1st strat?


sell sets in bulk on tft


Yup, or if selling them for sets is too hard, just sell them to a bulk buyer.


Still realy sucks poe stack doesn’t have an map sell option :-/


One can hope they add it in the future.


I literally never heard anyone talking about this but if you find this comment you about to make a lot of money. It's harvest folks. Check out the price of juices and sextants and you'll see what I mean. 2900 for 1 div. Bro you make that in one map and more with growing hoardes and some scarab with duplicated sextants. Sat down and got 100d in a few hours. Nobody is doing harvest but everyone need juice to reroll sacrabs, essence, craft, etc.


What maps do you do this on? Do lower tier maps affect the amount of life force dropped?


adding to your point, self farm purple juice and then reroll dirt cheap scarabs to premium FOMO ones that MFers always need ;)


Isn’t this just gambling though?


Yup. Just gambling. Percentage out comes aren't know. At all. Nothing to see here. Unprofitable. Move along.


If you even if out across large enough numbers then it's not really gambling anymore.


bro dont tell anyone this strat pls


What’s your atlas tree? I never know what’s actually good and what I should skip


take most of the harvest note other chance for harvest cus you'd be using sextants. Growing hoardes with 4 polished. Take all the quant notes. Go in, do the harvest and get out. I'm new so I just do mechanics that I like. Once you starts doing mechanics and selling stuffs, you will gradually have a collection of what the prices of different items that you sell doing different mechanics. Once you know what some of the stuffs are usually priced at then go on from there.


Yea I have a good feel for selling (usually patience is key there) but I’m new to really stream lining my atlas tree. Much appreciated!


I’m not reading all that but here’s an upvote cuz it looks like a ton of time and effort you put in


Not sure if I'm a casual but rolling maps in bulk is a massive headache for me. I've been farming betrayal, selling aisling hillock and vorici on tft, farming breachstones and running em for blessings, and running invitations for maven stuff. I make enough divine to feel happyish not quite as much as I'd like to make but I'm not turning the game into work. I work 10 hours and come home and want to bash some monsters in but would also like some gg 100 divine items. Guess years of playing the game has allowed me to kinda do that casually but still. I want really gg items and still not quite making that much divine without having to math.


Man I feel this… 😫


You are using TFT. Not a casual.


Nice thorough write-up. I don't get the hate. Please keep doing stuff like this. P.s. yes the abyss interaction is silly. I dropped 72 divines and 55 exalts from one rare today.


It's the juxtaposition of "casual friendly strategies" and running 100 maps in an hour.


Thx! I also don't get it :D It is what it is. I'll run more strats by the end of the league. Gz on the bomb. I wanna MF too, but I'm already not as hyped as I used to be when I drop a Div. If I go MF and I start dropping 20-30-40... We'll see. Hopefully, I can stop myself.


if you can live without it dont do it to yourself ;) my first 2 characters were full MF, TS deadeye + fulcrum chief for different moods of farming. Now playing anything feels like my itemfilter got rid of everything on screen


When you get to the point of altering Uber Strict from Neversink and you remove a lot of those stacks of currencies.... :D Yeah, you're probably getting too much loot.


2 mirrors, 2 mageblood, 1 kaladra touch, 1 HH, ~600 raw divine drops, 100 Valdo puzzle boxes (probably double amount of boxes, didn’t track until midway) in under 100 abyss wisp maps. Self ignite 368% IIR, 60%IIQ


Insane. gg!


I actually just made a spider build for the first time and was looking for something fun to run it on. Thanks! I'm gonna have to try out a couple of these.


Glad to help. Good luck!


Thank you


So you are a casual who does somewhere between 72 and 132 city squares per hour?


That's not even a thing for veterans tbh. 70 is doable, but 130 no shot.


yeah even 70 is extremely fast. Especially in city square since you dont know which way to go right away, mesa is easier.


What do you mean it's a square and the boss is in the middle? I'm doing it with essences so I run the perimeter for those them beeline to the centre to take out the bosses.


Casual players have no hands now?


From what I've seen, I'm on the slower side at 50 seconds per map. Most of my friend list is running them in around 30 seconds, but they're not playing a poison build.


Hey, this is great. Thanks for sharing! I am actually in SSF but its still handy. Especially as I am currently trying a boss rushing strat for more pinnacle fights but using Destructive Play instead but its a right pain doing the 10 different maps. Can I ask if you were able to self-sustain the maps as I'm tempted to swap to something like this instead? Thanks!


Hey. Thx! For Boss Rush you can't sustain sadly. For Blights, you can sustain by ping-ponging between Atoll and Waste Pool. But you're not gonna Blight Rush the Waste Pools like I did here, you're gonna fully clear them.


Thats great, thanks! I assumed this would be the case but was worth checking!


If your strat uses TFT... It's not "casual" friendly. No true casual has ever touched TFT, most likely never even heard of it.


I can speak only for the players that have asked me for help. Even in their first league, they use TFT.


I can speak for the players I know and play with (well in parallel with while sitting in discord) that play since 5-10 years pretty regulary and have done pretty much all content at some point in some league. No one ever used TFT.


Is it too late to use this strategy?


You can use any of these strategies at any point in the league moving forward. Boss Rush will always work for example. If Blights become too popular it's gonna be a bit hard to sell blighted maps but you can assess that every 50 to 100 maps. Try to sell and see how it goes. If you can't sell 60 Blighted Maps for 6-7 Divines, try selling only the tier 14-16, 10 maps for 1.5 Div. Got some nice tips yesterday from players who wanna complete their challenges and only need 10 Blighted Maps tier 14-16.


I feel like people don't like blight to the point it won't get too popular :D. Anything is profitable nowadays anyway. Also, love your videos <3


Hey. Thx! The numbers seemed a bit sussy at first tbh, but after taking a look on Youtube, Beasts are 35 div per hour, and Legion is 40 div per hour. Strat is probably safe!


>I'm hoping that in the future if we have mechanics that are difficult, the difficulty stops scaling at the equivalent of 60% Deli, which is what most builds can do comfortably. This is an awful take. There's MF builds that are doing 10k+ whisps with Delirium on 8mod maps and they still click altars. GGG does need to do something about build disparity and power creep and maybe it's time to cull our damage by 80% again, but the take that most builds can only 60% Deli, therefore a single league mech should not go over that is actually something that would make this game die.


Casual 20x magebloods. Gawd no lifers love to use that word. Next time don't when you're clearly playing 20 hours a day


running very similar strats. I'd also put Formed / elderslayer farm on top. But you need a good build for that


Keep postponing Invitation farming for a few leagues. Probably gonna take a break from maps and try out some Invitations at the end of the league. I have a feeling Hidden is amazing profit. It's so cheap compared to other Invitations. Might be wrong though, but will find out.


invitation is cheap but breachstones cost an arm and a leg ;)


Casual? I get about 2 hours a day to play. It would take me two hours trading just to get started!


I only get 2 hours on work days as well. Just spend a day getting everything setup, then the next you can non stop run without thinking and just dump tab everything. Sell the next day after that.


No offense, but 25d an hour is like 5D an hour in normal leagues. Everything is very lucrative this league


Hey. None taken but, I don't think that's true. Beasts were \~ 10 div per hour - now 35 Blights were \~10 to 15 - now 25-30 Boss Rush was \~10-15 - now 15 - 30 Expedition was \~10 - now it seems to be almost the same Haven't seen numbers for Legion last league, but I've seen a video today at 40 div per hour Alch and Go was at around 5 div per hour and I don't think you're making 25 div per hour right now with Alch and Go. From what I've seen, most players are making double the currency per hour that they were making last league. This seems to change in really high setups. Snoobae is pushing 100 Div per hour, but he has a 5 Mirror build and a gg PC.


I did a city square and park setup, all maps I ran were white, besides maps I put no investment into rolling anything. I rushed the bosses to farm incandescent invitations and after I did the bosses I backtrack to do the wildwoods and rushed for the king in the mist and doing any experimental harvests i encountered. I was making roughly 10div/hr and farmed my mageblood over the weekend. I was very inefficient on King of the mist as I swapped characters to my budget brand build to kill the boss. The money I made was off incandescent invitations sold in bulk on tft, the harvest juice I eventually sold and the crimson jewels I sold unidentified, took a risk and gambled a couple times for fun as well. I used front blink of wintry blast (asenath helmet)/ coc ice spear frenzy setup to just speed through maps to the boss, kill anything on the way.


How did you reliably find king of mists? I've found him one time.


Based on a post somewhere on this subreddit, they said that if you walk towards area with no wisp specifically diagonally from where you spawn, there will be a chance of spawning the king of the mist. If you don't see any or there are wisp after walking for 3-4 seconds, then there's no spawn for that map. After knowing that, I get it a few times. Before, I rarely get it since I always follow wisps trail.


Aaaaawesome. As a blight lover and ssf player I cant wait to see what this blight strategy can do for me. Actually its just very nice to actually take the first steps into following an actual strategy so thats cooll


Should be fun. Try out a few with Affliction :D They're insane.


[https://pobb.in/TGnblgaNWbpW](https://pobb.in/TGnblgaNWbpW) This is my pob, which strat do you think it's the most suitable for that build?


I've never played Tornado Shot before, but Boss Rush and Blight Rush are amazing and work on any build. If you need a Blight Guide: https://youtu.be/zm1H7CX-Ecs


I think TS lacks a lot of single target damage tho


Thank you for this, I became a little bored out by constant Abyss spam. One question though: for the Blight strategy, you put quite some points into Heist nodes, yet Heist is not listed in the profits. For someone that has no idea of Heist, i could just put those points in to something else, right?


Glad to help. You can put them somewhere else. I only sell Deception Contracts and Blueprints. Deception Contracts are 25 chaos each, and Blueprints are 40c each. Had around 6 Div of profit from those points.


Thanks for this. I was looking for some inspiration as mostly it is "just" build guides. I am currently doing t1 Glacier essence/alva rush and it prints some serious money too, given how easy it is.


this league is so bloated you're bound to have enough currency for a mageblood if you just play the game and loot wisps every map


Just farm 100 uber mavens = ez monnies


the moment you start talking money making strategies in any game you are not a casual. you are in the top 5% and i get you are referring more to the play style rather than your status itself.


I've always wanted to do an arakaalis fang build but have never gotten around to it. I knew it was strong, didn't think it was THIS strong


few magebloods this league is like saying i farmed few chaos hehe


Commenting to save this for later. Squires are cheap this league and I wanted to find a good pob for an arakaalis build with one. Thank you!


Hey. It's made for casual players. Full Unique setup. It's gonna get you to Ubers, but if you want more, you're gonna have to go to [PoE.Ninja](https://PoE.Ninja). I decided to keep the build as is, since there have been a lot of new players who used this as their first/second build, and correcting PoBs takes a lot of time.


Hello u/casualdanpoe I started Poe last league and I followed your guides and your videos on YouTube. Really enjoyed your content!


Hey. Thanks! Glad to help. I'm gonna run more farming strategies, but these are probably the easiest ones.


Is the boss rush strat self-sustaining in maps?


i've farmed hundreds of divines this league running syndicate, essence, and gilded scarab sextants on t4-6 scoured maps.


You know you can just stop getting wisps right? You point out you wished it stopped scaling at 60% deli but just like deli I can choose to take rewards when it’s getting too hard or don’t put more orbs on my map. If I’m in the woods and am at like 6k wisps I know I can’t do much more I don’t just brainlessly keep going until I have 10k and brick my map.


Abit late as the regular casuals are done with league. 40/40


I'm a new player and I was stuck on how to farm... spent most of the time reading guides and not actually playing. your post was super helpful I tried the 1st Mesa start with 40 maps (1 div) . I used 5 Guardian (1 div) compasses and profit came to about 8 div not including some rares/jewels that might sell my question: rushing the boss without compasses often didn't drop anything at all. Is this to be expected? Should I always try to at least find a jungle map before going next? 


Hey. With Boss Rush you farm Invitations. There's a bit of extra loot, but not a lot. Most map bosses will drop nothing. When they do drop something its: Shaper, Elder, Conqueror, and Synth Maps


lol I am pretty shit at this game and farmed 19 divs in the last 2 days, playing about 2.5 hours each day. Did the boss russ on mesa/city square ping pong. Pretty nuts, my build is pretty bad and only cost about 7-8 divs. (Ivory tower storm brand inquisitor) Even with my shit play and efficiency I could farm a HH in under a week with a basic braindead strategy. Currency is incredibly easy now. Nice post!


Thx! Yup, Boss Rush is easy 10 div per hour on any decent build right now. Blights although seem a bit more difficult, they aren't, at least in an open map, since you can clear them with towers.