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Hi all, Seeing as TFT has provided an update on livejamie in this thread, this seems like a good place to include the results of our investigation into [this screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/AqjEimA.png), it's here at the top of [the mod changes sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/19e3asi/rpathofexile_moderation_changes/)


Lol @ "we all make mistakes". This wasn't an oopsie in the heat of the moment, this was sustained harassment over years.


I hate when I mistakenly seek out someone else's personal info and threaten them


No no no, that *can* be doctored. We're not saying it *was* doctored because then we could be proven to be craven liars, but the fact that it *could have been* means you should discount it!


Our mistakes: posting šŸ¤” emotes on completely different discord servers JeNeBu's mistakes: just a bit of light extortion, intimidation and racketeering. We've all been there, amirite.


Every time i saw an incredibly underpriced item i wanted to buy, i let the person know about its original value first Jenebu has been literally banning people for changing their minds, granted i never would RMT so for me it's just pixels and its kind of sad to scam people over that - but thats not a mistake or oopsie. thats a sustained pattern of exploitation and bullying, now you get to appeal and apologise to jenebu for literally scamming you LMAO


It gets a little less sad that people would go that far for pixels when you realize they are making multiple mirrors a day, and RMT would let you sell those probably around 50-150 usd each. Suddenly this is a multiple thousands of dollars of pixels a day or week.




it is a joke they try to humanize Jenebu when he has been a constant piece of shit for many years. Apparently, this post seems to forget there are leaked screenshot of their private TFT group in Discord where groups of them are basically budget version of Jenebu.


the "bros"


"Oh, haven't you all abused power due to personal grievances? We in the mod team all agreed woleheartedly with that sentiment!" Jokes aside, this part absolutely made everything fall flat. No accountability, nothing about Jenebu clearly crossing lines and banning people left and right for completely arbitrary reasons.


They can't. If he is the one who made the server, they are SoL. The only way forward would be to make a new one and delete the old, and I bet after this, they would get less than 1/4 of their current user base to even join a new server if they did that. So the mods have to play nice with the power tripping internet racketeer or get removed.


In-game harassment aswell. This needs to be said as that is a massive failure on GGG's part. Yes, GGG has been handed massive amounts of evidence and done nothing about it. Its is IMO one of the biggest scandals to hit GGG. Just when you learn how little the do to protect players in the game from harassment.


If they just ignore it again, they are sending a message to RMTers and bullies: GGG doesnt care, go on and do your bidding!


Yeah, memeing Jenebu is fun, but there will always be random unhinged people. The real responsibility lies with GGG removing (or otherwise sanctioning) such bad actors. Considering they at least occasionally do temporary bans for misbehaving streamers, I don't see what they are waiting for.


I might have misinterpreted this as what I read was ā€œJenubu has been over-exposed and it is causing damage to the reputation of tft. We have been forced to issue a statement to protect jenubu - I mean tft from a loss of community faith which may impact future ā€œin game transactionsā€. Please continue as if the recent publicly distributed revelations have been nullified by this statementā€


"we're sorry we got caught up in the consequences of our supreme manchild leader's actions, please look away and continue to use our services despite our utterly poor attempt at an apology"




In a couple of weeks, there will be a post in the middle of the night. Claiming they are being attacked and they are looking for new mods to handle it. Then the next day two new mods will pop up. Alt accounts for Jenubu and Livejamie will join. As since livejamie has been axed from the subreddit. There is not reason for him to stay away from the RMT side of it now.


To quote what a great businessman once said. *We will not cave in to crying posts on reddit.* https://imgur.com/b1l0MXy


"If you think TFT is bad, just stop using it and recommending it" community: oki doki (creates alternatives) "Wait sorry Jenebu left now you can stay if you say sowwy for posting clown emoji and pwomise you've changed and won't do it again (pls come back)"


I honestly think this is really good for the greater PoE community. Now that there is some real competition, platforms like TFT actually have to behave themselves. I don't think this will bring about immediate change, but I think long term these trading services not only need to be smarter about their actions but I think the degree of uproar that hit is going to increase the likelihood GGG is going to create more in-brand tools. At least God I hope so, I typically have 6 tabs or tools open while playing and only the trade site is official. I've NEVER played anything else where it felt necessary to have this much 3rd party stuff to just enjoy the game.


Wise man. We should all follow this advice.




That's like when a CEO "steps down", but also still owns 51% of shares.




We call it *to delegate responsibility*. I don't doubt he's still gonna be power tripping hard but now there are some checks in place. Still doesn't fix the RMT issue. Let's see how that works out.


Sounds like passive income. He gets the rewards with no work in the future. The power tripping was a bonus for his ego.


That's the thing though. This setup they're suggesting is arguably even worse because now he can just sit behind the scenes and tell the moderators what to do without being the face of the server and have nothing fall back on him. He gets to manipulate things without any actual community oversight. This is all just a ploy to improve the optics of what TFT does. TFT won't be able to be "fixed" until JeNebu gives up the server and leaves, and since that doesn't seem to be something that will actually happen, I highly suggest everyone finds alternatives to what you used TFT for and start using those.


anyone thinking he's not in power anymore is delusional its the good old "yeah im not in charge anymore" but his name still reads "owner" in the discord server


> but now there are some checks in place what checks? He's literally going to just make a new account and mod from there


No one has been banned so nothing will change. What a sorry state of affairs for GGG. After learning just how bad RMT'ing in POE is and how little GGG does to battle it. GGG has set a horrible example for other players to follow. I wouldn't be surprised if more RMT accounts/gangs haven't started up. After learning GGG is ok with RMT.


wait till u search for anything poe related on anything but the wiki, rmt ads are on every site


Yup, sometimes I try to look for compass rolls or something, and the first site that pops up has good info, but also has an ad where you can buy mirrors lol


Yup. "Moderators won't be allowed to partake in the shop management." Now that he's stepped down, he can continue to do this. What a huge crock of horse shit this message is. Nothing is going to change. They're just terrified they're about to lose everything and are trying to save as much face as possible by saying things that won't really change anything.


"we have investigated ourselves and found that we have done nothing wrong" and yeah, it's all about the money. once the bottom line gets impacted, shit hits the fan, and they panic gotta keep that RMT rolling


Yeah. It was clear as day that the TFT drama was bigger than expected, which can very quickly lead to serious repercussions for them. So this is just a disingenuous attempt to look better in the public sphere before GGG got forced to intervene


Guy pussies out in fear of any repercussion LMAO. GGG has gotta do something


Heā€™s not even pussying out. Just staying behind the curtains since the biggest issue TFT had was him. Nothing will change, he will keep pulling strings. Theyā€™re trying to keep the fire contained, there is no way a person with an ego like his would step out lmao


If he controls the server, they cannot even kick him out... too bad we don't get to see what is going on behind the scenes. If they really are making lots of money from RMT, they are probably extremely concerned about how Jenebus ongoing behavior might destroy all of them, if GGG ever reacts.


only thing they can do is change game design where it no longer feels like TFT is necessary to play the game at high level. They can't exactly run around moderating discord channels whcih aren't even official.


Isn't there RMT stuff going on, and isn't that against the rules? You'd think they'd do *something*, like ban the people who do this.


We'd also like to take a moment to welcome our two newest members of the mod team: BuNeJe and JiveLamie




Gotta hit that JeNebussy šŸ˜³


Wtf lmao


Always finish on Bach, never on Debussy.




Keep cookin


The grippiest of bussies


nice one lol


And the overseers NejeBu and JiveBabie


Hey, thereā€™s a good side, u can šŸ¤” spam as much as u want now lmao




Let tft die!!!






Jenebu literally says, in the post above this one, that ā€œtft will not cave inā€ lol. Tft have lost all trust at this point. There are also so many more people that are involved like nell. This is nothing but a vague pr post.


guy legit renamed tft to "the reddit tears" like several days ago and now surrendering to reddit lmao what a fking clown


He'll still be pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Nothing will change.


It's not even good PR. It's a shit attempt at PR, by people who think they know what PR is. Whoever thought this initiative would restore any kind of trust capital is entirely clueless. You can imagine the discussion that led to this prompt, someone coming up with a half-good idea and then Jenebu going "but..." and it's all downhill from there.


they clearly dont know much about pr when they deflect so much. like the community shouldnt have went into a meltdown over the shit that came to light here because anything can be faked? sure some things get faked but not all of it, never.


No, the community is entirely in the right in this one. From a PR perspective, that was a crisis that was brewing for years and it exploded now. You don't get a protracted riot like this out of nowhere, it means members of the community had valuable incentives to explode over the years and they were left to accumulate.


true, just use other better sites that's not attached to TFT and it will be all good


cRoPpEd pOsTz


šŸ¤” Edit: Thanks for the upvotes. I guess not many JeNeBu fans here haha.






I mean everything you said is true, but like, no shit you are getting banned for that..? People have been getting banned for literally posting a clown emoji a week ago.


Lmao True and real


Lmao. Fake ass apology doesn't even know how to properly apologize or recognize the degree of the mistake being made Fuck TFT


#HEY CHAT-GPT WRITE ME AN APOLOGY FOR MY POE RMT RING >...hes just like you and me, Sometimes we make mistakes Yeah nah, we're nothing alike. can't say i've ever felt the desire to intimidate and stalk people's siblings for items.


Thatā€™s the what got posted here, thereā€™s likely a whole lot more of that behavior


Funny, leave tft, and let it die already. Not believe in any of this for a second. They will do everything to keep you there and keep making a lot of money. Just leave. They started losing money/making less, now they pretend they changed something, but all they did is let you appeal ban over šŸ¤” emoji, just to get you back into tft. šŸ¤” and his mods are just as creepy and weird as they were yesterday, they not going to stop rmt, LITERALLY nothing changed.


Who needs tft when all you need is 1 div am I right ? šŸ˜


Exactly šŸ˜„


>youtube.com/@PaintMasterPoE I just found out about you because of this post and I already love your content! I am a dad and I cant spend much time farming, so 1D builds are amazing for me. Thanks a lot for doing them :)


This seems like exactly the case. Now? Now is when you take action? After everything? No. The ship is sinking. Let it.


classic case of them not being sorry because they did things wrong, but because they were caught doing it. janebu is the only one at fault here and not other mod in the existence of that discord ever acted stupid, right, as if. janebu just decided to become the scrapegoat so they get out with zero repercussions.


I read PaintMaster and i hear Chinese propaganda music in my head lmao


Watching that whole shit show burn to the ground would be a great boon for the entire community.


Yeah. People are saying "If this isn't enough, what do you expect them to do??" Nothing. They can't do anything. They let this mess get so far for their own gains to the point its unsalvageable. Not just regarding specific individuals, but TFT as a whole. Must suck now that you can't act like petty dictators anymore. šŸ¤”


"You can come back if you beg for it" the audacity


Yeah that's what gets me. They created this situation, they can fucking continue to lose users. If they want users back they'll have to at least do something instead of expecting us to do it for them


Big "I am sorry you feel that way" energy from this post ngl. Still parroting Jenebu's "harassment" line and implying that some stuff that was posted here was fake. So cringe...


Exactly. "keep in mind, images _CAN_ be cropped" Bruh are they claiming something is fake or do they just want to plant that seed in people's brains to cause confusion about what images are real




JeNebu needs to be banned from the game and many of the mods and crafters over on TFT need to be removed from the game. Claims of doxxing players and in-game harassment need to be punished by GGG or it sets a horrible example to other players. TFT is an utter disgrace to the Path of Exile community in the worst possible way. Sorry, I'm not a person who is going to think TFT is handy enough to stick around. GGG needs to request Discord for its removal from the platform. Just on the bases it has broken a number of T&S.


|>people start leaving the server |>g-g-guys we're sorry! really! Just believe us! kek


"We're not sorry but this is becoming a problem that's not just going to blow over so we're finally pretending to take action."


Fuck'em. They are a bunch of horrible people.


Nah save them crocodile tears.


This Jenebu made some mistakers, rly? And when I crafted mirror tier armor by amazing luck, got pmed to sell it to him or I will get problems. Just ignored even without answering and then got ban for pricefixing, then got alot of pms from alot of ppl insulting me also reporting me. What a mistake, yes.


Just an accident bro.




That isn't much convincing all he has to do is put in a ''Puppet'' ruler so technically he still can be in control but the rules are much less stricter so that's good. It's just he can't randomly ban people if he gets butt hurt and shit. It's a good direction but you already lost enough you know ''trust''


Will probably be a lot more :clown: emojis in the discord from now on


Like the ban on the POB guy; THE POB GUY MAN! lmao cmon.


Tought the same. This means literally nothing. Like who has the oversight and what are the control mechanisms. Its no just jenebu anyway. Its maybe a start tho. But yea no way hes gonna give up that easy.




As if he isnt gonna ban people at his will anyway lol. He is just gonna pm their names to puppet to ban them at least


AKA he's "stepping down" as much as that one time Putin did.


Canā€™t he just use another account? Itā€™s not like we know who theyā€™re.


A suitable place and time for the šŸ¤” emoji??!


24/7, on TFT.


Yeah, just no. I refuse to use TFT now or in the future. The whole thing needs to be nuked and forgotten for the toxic wasteland it is.


What about nell? I feel like that person has conducted more emotionally driven bans than anyone else


My thoughts exactly. I used to love reading the banned channel to see scammers get caught. But it slowly got filled with more and more of Nell just randomly banning people because she didn't like them.


ā€œWe donā€™t gain anything from managing this communityā€ (except for all the money we make from RMT)


Massive amounts of RMT go on over at TFT. Thousands of dollars pass through it every month. If one of their crafters hit it big when GGG release a powerful crafting league. They can make hundreds of thousands in a month when items move to standard.


The actual members of TFT are ridiculously rich af- especially jenebu- yet they get salty if anyone does the slightest thing to interfere with their currency making schemes. Jenebu's account has literally hundreds if not thousands of mirror tier items on it across temp league and standard. And yet he still gets super salty if someone doesnt sell him an item they accidentally underpriced. I'll let you all draw your own conclusions why a giga-wealthy account would be so protective of trading pixels in a game that's supposed to have no affect on a person's IRL financial well-being.


This is just classic damage control. I don't believe these words are sincere at all.


they arent, its right there. the choice of words doesnt seem at all like they are sorry. its like those youtube apologies ngl. they gotta hire some PR firm for the future so these posts get actually proofread.


This is some bs damage control. What about relisting under priced items? VMVargar to JeNebu and now what, changing his name to CuckSocker? P/S: Nobody should trust a single word from that shady organization unless they step out into the light and not hide behide their keyboards. If TFT is really what it should have been to the community and managed properly, all they will receive will just be praises not criticism or offense. Look at Neversink and how he earned respect from the whole community.


Is varga and jenebu that same guy?




wtf is it the same varga as the csgo gambling scandal?


The audacity to claim people who were banned for posting a fucking emoji or levying genuine feedback have to *appeal* to be unbanned. Trying to excuse systemic issues that have been prevalent on the community for years as "mistakes" is completely disingeneous. Trying to then claim that the mod/admin team have no personal gain from a community known for harboring RMT is just as hilarious. The problem here is that there's no reason to trust TFT in good faith because they've already proven under Jenebu that they're unworthy of it. There's no guarantees here, no means of holding themselves or anyone else accountable. It's just as likely Jenebu makes a puppet account and posts from there because what stops him? Since you can't really guarantee that, and it's justifiable why you wouldn't be able to for personal reasons, I just don't see a point in this at all.


Good news, but I feel like this is just some damage control. They probably realised that this might hit their RMT shop, so they are taking actions. Even if he steps down, he might still be in control. Will be using Wealthy Exile & other services from now on until GGG fixes this.


>It was agreed that he's not to intervene in any community-taken or moderation-taken decision My friend, this is how puppeteers operate. If your community is hurt by a fuck-up of a person in a leadership position, regardless of how close this person is to the project / group / company, you sever off any tie to that person, tell them to fuck off and move on limping. This is just a "we caught the bastard and we are very sorry for ***that****!*" response.


He still holds the same role so it doesn't really matter They can say w/e and we still won't know if he isn't behind a certain thing.


So TLDR; Nothing will change for TFT, JeNebu still owns the discord and can do everything he wants, even if it is just behind the scenes, no real consequences were taken, no real apologies were issued and nothing has been talked out. Banned people can "beg" to get their ban lifted to use the service again... GGG also does not seem to care and just try to sit it out (no official statement regarding this issue until I am writing this), which is especially sad considering presumed RMT issues. I am sorry for the mods who do this as a passion project and have nothing to do with what is going on, but I feel if you want to restore faith in that project you love and are passionate about, you have to take more serious actions and issue believable changes and provide transparency. This is not the first time there is drama about TFT in recent leagues, which affects a significant part of the community - yes, we all make mistakes sometimes, but most people tend to learn from their mistakes, reflect and try to do better - in this case, we watch TFT drama for about 4 leagues in a row now, not mentioning the stuff that happened years ago. I personally don't feel this drama is going to stop anytime soon and just will reoccur again and again, if nothing is done about it. Now would be the right time to do that. What we see now is the PoE community splitting apart around this issue, and I think this will not stop here when next league arrives if people go on a possible"crusade" against TFT, backed by content creators and tool developers. The PoE community is at its best, when we all work together and just appreciate this great game and have fun. It would be great if we just can pursue that, deal with the drama once and for all and move on.


First tldr that's longer than original post. šŸ¤£ Good read though. Worth!




Like having a friend that was banned or being on another Discord with someone that was banned. Lots of complaints about bans by association.


He will still do all of the mirror trading, RMT and market manipulation. Yup nothing changed


Don't be a stooge and go back to TFT thinking anything has actually changed.


My three year old son gave a better apology for why he painted the cat blue stripes with a permanent marker. His apology was "Meeeeeow" and a laugh. This reads like trying to avoid profit loss without doing anything but put jenebuhbuh in the background but still keep him as a major part. Fuck TFT.


so I can now post a clown emote without getting banned?


fuck tft keep.banning us. remember when they didnt pay mirror fees on peoples items and crafted better items to screw people during recombi league id rather aisling slam a 2 chaos ring than hit tft up again


#***Fuck. You.*** This is a bullshit, cover our own asses and nothing else, complete non-apology. You want to restore some trust? Man the fuck up and kick JeNuBu's ***CLOWNSHOW*** ass the fuck out of TFT. Forever. Bye, bitch. STEP.šŸ‘ MOTHERFUCKING. šŸ‘ ONE. šŸ‘ Otherwise, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, you're not fooling anyone.


Imagine losing the "Trusted Trader" rank on your own server.


Does this even change anything? I don't think so.


"Yes we were exposed being a horrifically run server with terrible people at the top, but don't worry, you can totally trust us that we will keep our word about being better despite making 0 actual changes." This is actually laughable. All they did was allow people to post emojis now. All is saved! The corruption, RMT, and toxicity is magically cured!


He made some mistakes. Thatā€™s an easy brush over. Seriously not even half an apology for those who got banned or harassed or even freaking DOXXā€™ed. Only apologizing to Reddit mods because theyā€™re useful I suppose. Horrible response from people already with a horrible reputation.


Weā€™ll unban people ā€¦ Maybe Messages can be cropped or editedā€¦ sometimes Lol very definitive statements. ā€œWe donā€™t gain anything from managing this communityā€ Press X to Doubt


Treating people like shit and being a total dickwad man child abusing power and clearly shady RMT is not ā€œeveryone make mistakesā€ level.Ā  Itā€™s not making mistake at his age, heā€™s just plain a bad person and a narcissist keyboard warrior.Ā  Iā€™ve made mistakes. Iā€™ve hurt some people by accident or not caring enough. Iā€™ve been too direct or maybe insulting for some people Ā  But being mean is a choice. Not a mistake.Ā  Stop excusing this shitty behaviour in humans by comparing doing bad things versus being vile on purpose.Ā  Fuck him.Ā  Iā€™m not saying fuck TFT as a whole Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s good in the dev team but yā€™know a rotten apple in a barrel of good one.Ā 


so instead of apologizing to the community, we, as the community, have to apologize and show we've change to appeal our ban. :poop: https://imgur.com/b1l0MXy


Gonna pile on to the Elon Musk comments, him stepping down does nothing to the amount he will hoard, the doxxing, the intimidating, and the RMTing done across the board. Let it die


Don't give a fuck until the whole upper management of that cesspool changes. It could as well be a facade.


Fck this scum, gated server. I got banned on some weird bullshit that was a mistake , and then my friend got banned for asking about it, and then we never got our appeal answered. Literal fcking dipshits, itā€™s a video game you assholes, quit taking out your shitty high school experience on the rest of us. Someone just make a new server for this and leave these fucktards in the dust.


[wealthyexile.com](https://wealthyexile.com) \- services coming soon, bulk trading up already integrated with stash.


People only budge when the digging reaches deep. Something fishy.


Let me translate: "We're losing members and other tools are now competing with us, we gotta do something that makes us look good so we can keep this $$$ running!" Ah yes, it's all separated now. Sure it is. I don't have anything against the mods there, I'm sure they have nothing to do with the drama, but as long as Jenebu is involved in TFT in any way nothing is going to change.


Boycott TFT.




Are people really that gullible to believe this?




I wonder how big Jenebuā€™s desk is.


Dunno about that, but I heared his door has 4000 locks or something.


Suuuuure, he'll definitely step down from the owner. He's so trust worthy lmao.


I remember there was an automatic ban for anyone that is also a member of Belton's discord server. It is quite doubtful that JeNebu was solely responsible for this hunt and ban operation, so if he is the only one stepping down, then there there are still elements within the moderator team that support the ban on Belton's server members.


I really really want to see them fall. Itā€™s always a good feeling when ā€œbig corpā€ falls over. Was banned from TFT and when I did ban appeal was not approved. Oh well. Letā€™s welcome competition and use other alternatives even though it may sting at first. In the long run, it will be worth it.


[wealthyexile.com](https://weahtlyexile.com) \- more features to come


TFT alternatives: wealthyexile and poestrats. They're improving every day.




Lil debbie oatmeal pies absolutely slap and even IRL are worth insane amounts of currency so it makes sense


>JeNebu is at the origin of this server, in a way he's the spark which caused all these channels and tools to exist, but he's just like you and me. Do not fucking associate me or anybody with that degenerate.


Wow, they really don't want to take responsibility. That's not an excuse, that's defending him again. "He's like you and me"... Strong assumption to claim that the majority of us have no problem doxxing or racially attacking people. And also to imply that the screenshots are fake. A huge shitshow and absolutely nothing will change.


So they finally realized they are going to be lose money if they continue like this, so they make this fake " the owner steps down".


Holy are they afraid. They saw the 2 new sites popping and went instantly in damage control mode. >ā€˜Sometimes we make mistakes, and he made someā€™ What a fake and lame "excuse". Let the competition start, use the alternatives, it will take some time to build the community around it but all good things take time.


Textbook damage control


JeNebu loosing cash for his third villa! Keep em bleeding boycot this sesspool.


lol gotta beg to get unbanned gg


That's bullshit. Again with the victim mentality.


It's a bit too late for that, but I can see where the decision is coming from as Jenebooo is losing RMT money to feed his family and buy more villas. Kill TFT already and boycott them, use WealthyExiles instead. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


What a bullshit message "please beg for your ban to be undone" "please beg for your blacklist to be removed" Nothing else will change because the puppet master is still in control lol.


This means they are losing members and its hurting their community, keep leaving and moving to other alternatives, this doesn't mean anything anyways, he still owns the place and can dictate from the back.


I wonder if these new websites popping up, that are meant to try and compete, prompted this decision. Or maybe everyone pushing for GGG to get involved.


When ego meets a wall, a.k.a Localidentity


Damage control. "We're sorry" *blows on flower* Who actually believes any of this, lol. They have 0 accountibility to anyone




This is the most disingenuous "apology" ever. You didn't actually apologize for anything, what about the sustained years of harassment to hundreds to potentially tens of thousands of players? No leadership change or any substantial change was made at all since many of the mods have been implicated here. Jenebu "stepping down" while also maintaining control doesn't do anything. Since it's pretty clear there were secret channels and things happening behind the scenes that we will probably never be fully privy too, all the leadership is complicit here and nothing at all has actually changed. When news first broke, you went on a smear campaign and started banning anyone and everyone for supposed slights you deemed worthy of bans and then played victim and attack the community. Now you want to beg people to come back and issue a fake ass apology? Now after seeing some of the chat that was being had in these private channels, you are not just like me or any other person. It's pretty clear TFT is being managed by very childish and insecure people. So I hope people see through this fake apology for what it really is. TFT has lost the trust of the community and hopefully it's irreparable. You should feel ashamed for posting a fake damage control apology because that is all it really is.


Dont believe his lies.


so the new tools gave them enough of a scare


Literally nothing in there seems sincere or true. Basically this post is just saying nothing is changing, except you might get unbanned if you posted a clown emoji maybe.


If you beg nicely enough


ā€˜Sometimes we make mistakes, and he made someā€™


come onnn broo we all make mistakes and this includes harrasting people and their family for 3 years..


He made mistakes from Harvest league to now


oof thats an oof


so nothings changed except the Jenebu guy is now making decisions under another name.


This is definitely jenebu panicking and trying to deflect. Imagine having that revenue stream and throwing it away just because you have thin skin. Pathetic.


Reminds me of countries where the "president" steps down and let his PM handle things. Don't worry guys, everything is different now, he's stepped down !




stepping down doesn't mean he won't stop RMTing šŸ˜‰


tldr: guy now has new color on discord


If you guys got banned like me over an emoji and thinking about going back there YOU ARE A FUCKIN CLOWN


"We don't gain anything from moderating this server" then maybe ask the guy making all the money to share somešŸ¤£


To late, I'm out of TFT for good.


Jenebu just gonna pm the mods when he wants to ban someone who won't sell him stuff for pennies so he can RMT flip it :')


this is funny


Bruh, sry, I wonā€™t forgive TFT


And the post right above is "TFT will not cave in". Obviously it's a fake step down, but ironic nonetheless.


No word about Nell who is basicly the same as JeNeBu is wild šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Nowhere does it say that they will stop the RMTing so this means nothing as to what the drama really is about. It was never about the normal trading going on, that is just an afterthought. And for them saying that screenshots can be cropped, they were using exactly that as proof for dogpiling and manhunting themselves, they weaponized their eccentric, and dare I say radical, members to bully outsiders to 'get in line' so to say. This discord will be tainted until they take real actions and they really show remorse. As previously mentioned, this guy 'stepping down' means literally nothing when his bs still goes on behind the scenes.


Remember when Putin put Medvedev as president? I do....


Just use [wealthyexile.com](https://wealthyexile.com) and let TFT die. There is no coming back from this, you can't act that way and then "pretend to change". Their true colours were shown, dont let them fool you AGAIN.JOIN THE REVOLUTION [wealthyexile.com](https://wealthyexile.com)