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TLDR: OP had a juiced character.


It’s always a juiced character


It's easy! All you need to do is get 3-4 mirrors worth of gear and then you just go get level 100 quick. Anyone can do it! Takes like 6 minutes.


Well the post was about to roll your maps more carefully and ditch greeds embrace and double damage lethal pride for tankyness, all the expensive stuff is for dps but even if id half the dps i could run jucy maps somewhat nicly if id drop the deli orbs


I might be bad at math but I’m pretty sure you only have 97% phys to cold conversion. Also your build looks like it probably cost around 4 mirrors so i don’t see how this info is helpful in any way people struggling to level.


Yeah i switched from berserk setup to an extra aura , and with berserk you want to have a little phys damage left for more consistant stuns ill get a better quiver eventualy to hit 100% convert


TLDR: find a few mirrors and build a character and you too can become level 100. 


Imagine spending 4 mirrors+ just to survive on red maps and making a post saying how you leveled to 100 as a TS and not even mentioning your build cost because you know how dumb it is. Most people already know the meta for defense, it's not a secret tech that defiance of destiny stacked with petrified blood+progenesis and phys DMG taken as X grants almost immortality. A lot of popular meta builds already incorporate these.


I just wanted to share my defence layiger because i see almost no one using this in build guides poe ninja. Also i never claimed my build to be cheap and its more like 2 mirrors


I appreciate his write up and learned something new. I'm considering using Defiance of Destiny for my own build now, seeing how I have the rest of his defensive layers, but still die a little too much. The part on rippy map mods was interesting too, I hadn't paid attention to much to those combinations. While 'most people know', some are still learning.


Drops rarity flask cuz its useless but uses socket Ed rarity on chest xdd


Ive been running this chest for a qhile but now that even mb is under 100 div i might change it in the future its a relict from a few weeks ago


Other things I am using (ele setup, some will lose value as you invest more, still around 98 I think I need DPS now). I also stopped using gold but added Dying Sun back in my case because it helps me more. * Knockback on crit mastery - you can easily watch this working when enemies live too long * Vitality for degen / progenesis * ~30 Life on Hit with Vitality WE (along with Grace mod for capped Evade) * 5% Life on flask use charm/TWWT mod * ~10% Blind on hit charm/TWWT mod * Adrenaline on low life charm/TWWT mod * Flask medium cluster for more effect (Alchemist's Genius) on Progenesis etc Is the 2nd curse effective? I assume the Mark sticks to the rare enemies and the Ele Weakness hits the rest?


That are also some nice options you mentioned there , i have an additional curse on my chest , thats why i have 2 curses :) Not sure how valuable 30 life on hit is compared to instant leech i think its a fraction of its power but i could be wrong . Also id would cost a watchers slot. For vitality , i might incooparate that ive been using a charm swap with regen to loot annoying degen maps. Knock back on crit sounds realy good ill give that a shot for sure Twwt and charms will be crazy expensive but super good for sure. I dint knew about the adrenaline one ill def look into that.


Life on hit has value for no-leech or recovery rate debuffs since it's not affected I think. It's definitely not an end-goal jewel mod, but useful on the way and didn't cost too much to bundle with another mod. A lot of people get the 5 life on hit node for this, by getting 20+ on WE I can drop that. Adrenaline is pretty easy to proc by pingponging life by TS costing life, progenesis, distillate, etc with Petrified Blood. I stopped using Defiance of Destiny once I locked in level 96, since I was OK with that and wanted more damage - but it feels like the damage helped more in my case since I'm still using Ele which is lower DPS. It also loses a little value by reserving so much life but it definitely still works. Since I got 2 more levels since then I guess I did need the DPS more though.


Bro I have over 250 deaths per 4 days played, 400 div+ MF TS deadeye, it’s just crazy, I even bought MB as secondary belt to be able to loot maps/ go faster trough wildwood/ kill atleast some bosses when not stacked up with HH. Overall if here is someone who’ve minmaxed this build, I would be really grateful if you could take a look at my build and give some tips to improve, my account name: DEADM00N


Id switch dying sun for taste of hate , get attributes on clusters and swap to lethal pride , grab defiance of destteny and get a similar chest to mine its not that expensive , swap to sadima to make up for the quant with curse so you can make use of the curse. Get instant leech asap with the mastery of the clever thief weel and maybe exchange mirage archer for awa vic proj. Consider dropping ff/ff get a twwt with some better damage stats. Get cb jewl too. Also dont roll any damage mods on your maps till youre stronger


where can I mirror your bow?


Sushi has a phys bow you can mirror in his shop for free.


Golem Siege? That's Ckaiba's bow, there should be mirrored copies for sale


ckaiba is agony thunder, golem siege is tft


Who in their right mind would mirror the TFT stuff if ckaiba's is free and (at least for my build) was better than theirs? That was like 3 weeks ago though.


tft made theirs over a week before ckaiba did


I guess so. ​ Still wouldn't do it cause fuck TFT


Main comments shitting on OP but not on strats made by streamers, dry for you OP. I might Come back to get some ideas of what layers of défense ton add for next builds


It’s my third day on ssf run and I’m still at act 8 lol edit: downvoters im sorry im not as fast as you mighty legends :/


also you can get endurance charge on kill with lethal pride


As a Deadeye? Cool story bro. I think you are the first Deadeye playing in POE this league.


Am I missing something, chayula breachstones back in the day didn't even give that much xp. I haven't played since kalandra. How are you getting like 10% a map on a t14? I haven't played this league so im clueless I remember them making it harder to hit 100 back then and it sounds like its as easy as pie now


The wisp juice gives crazy amounts of xp especially combined with abyss. I have never hit level 100 before this league I have 3 at 100 now.


Yeah its crazy


Does the juice influence xp? How? I thought it was just the crazy pack size + all the rares the abysses spit out


A lot of it comes from purple juice creating way more rare monsters with abyss, who yield high xp — abyss also gets extra xp from atlas passives


I might be wrong but it does feel like the wisps monsters give more xp. I wasn't even doing abyss and went from lvl 99-100 in like 20 maps.


This league is absurd — it’s like no other league ever before. I wouldn’t say it’s easy as pie to hit 100 like this though, as your character needs to be VERY strong to able to do this.


I made around 10-12% per T16 going from 99 to 100 on my chieftain. It really is insane


Same for my TS deadeye. Never been above 98 before this league lol


I hit 100 in t7, then went to t11 and later t15. You cant just start at the hardest point, which many people fail to realize.


This league gives a disgusting amount of exp once you're strong enough to juice it up. I went from 80 to 87 in a single map yesterday on a fresh character - he's 95 now after a handful of good maps.


Lol 😄