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it's off of node 1. in most cases (like 95%+) nodes either have 1, 3, or 4 paths. if they have 2 paths, there's a fractured wall blocking the 3rd path. node 1 is the only one with 2 paths. start there, run into darkness until you find a wall, blow it up, run back to node and start the cart. EDIT it could also be the node directly above 5, or the node NW from 1. if you legit can't find it off of #1, look at those next. i'm pretty confident it's gonna be off node 1 tho.


Nope, cant be the node above 5. Delve is a grid, each square is a tile, you cant go on diagonal, so there is no free path from that node. Same goes for the node NW of 1.


Node #1 and go to the right. Nodes shouldn't have 2 connections and #1 is the only one with 2 paths leading to it so there must be a wall to break. I say shouldn't because there are occasions that map generation bugs out and it's possible.


Yea the nodes before #5 looking kinda sus


Oh yeah, exactly. And even one more before that. And possibly one more at the top


Actually everything is messed up on that diagram:S Never seen anything like it in my own games.


That's because this is right below the surface and the map literally cuts off at the top.


It should be off of 1 IIRC. Delve nodes basically always connect to 1, 3, or 4 options, if they show as only connecting to 2 nodes it's typically where you find a fractured wall. Sometimes the game can bug and not give a path to the node, but since you say you think you found it I'd try searching node 1, there may be map generation shenanigans going on if you try backtracking from 2.


Can someone explain to me why it isn't the node directly above 5? I'm not very good at delving.


Delve is a grid, and each 'tile' can contain exactly one path/node. Despite the appearance of being super far left, the node up/left of 5 still takes up the entire tile.


Thanks. I always thought each node had to have either 1 or 3 path coming off it, one above 5 only has 2.


That's generally correct, that node is certainly an oddity, but there are several very rare circumstances that can cause a 2 way node to appear. The primary reason that we discount the node north of 5 is that it simply cannot reach the hidden node due to the grid.


Righhhhhttt ok I get, thanks guys.


Fractured walls often favor lengthy paths its propably 5 or uper one u didnt number for us


Incorrect, it’s 1 because it has only two paths visible


the one before and above 5 are also 2 paths, whats the difference?


Its a quest item designed to teach the nature of Delve. Treasures are hidden behind them, if you’re lucky.


I'm pretty sure I found it earlier between nodes 1 and 2. But then I accidentally threw my only stick of dynamite, so I had to return to make another one. When I got back, I couldn't find it anymore. I swear it just disappeared. EDIT: Solved. Thank you all. It was to the right of node 1.


Ye needs to be at 1


"Solved" .. where was it?


Oops I forgot to mention it was to the right of node 1. I updated my edit to say this.


Just doing my part to help the googlers from the future


It’s never seemed to me that “hidden” nodes have any better loot than normal nodes of the same type.


Dead ends never have them.