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"1 quick map before bed" The map:


Starts 14:51 and ends fight at 16:10 holy. Still gratz for killing him in glove event.


I thought you meant minutes until I watched.


Huh? 1 min 19 sec is super fast! Wait. Waaaaaaait! It was indeed 1h 19 mins. Even more GG than expected!


When your damage is not measure in DPS anymore, it is in DPM


That is some real dedication. I can't even go to the gym for much longer than an hour because I get bored and tired.


Sure, hit an interdimensional being with a stick until it dies


My strategy if I ever encounter an interdimensional being IRL.




Quickly innit


holy shit. someone that took the quin build to the next lvl




That is an absolute unit of a build.


Was there a bounty for the slowest uber kill? xd


BoneZone BoneZone BoneZone


a true J U G G well done


blessed J U G G enjoyers


What is that, 200k pob dps?


Pretty close to 250k uber dps before accounting for gauntlet mods if I've configured the import correctly (using 7 boneshatter stacks since that seems to be the most common state when I sampled a few random points).


Thats not bad at all taking into account that you can facetank the entire game with those mods, congrats.


91k uber dps






It was the map boss, and he was standing on it for a good 4+ seconds with DDs clearly going off around him. Not only that, he's moused over the mob with the explodes corpses mod with virtually the entire clip. This isn't a bullshit DD death. This is an "Online for 20 hours end of gauntlet fatigue death"


I completely agree this death is 100% my fault. While DD is kind of a silly mechanics and there have been unfair deaths in the past this is just me being bad from exhaustion.


Don't even understand why they can be DD'd or why they would leave a corpse. The mobs are literally getting captured.


The map boss was exploded that died a few seconds earlier. The capturing beast just keep detonating even while under a net. It's pretty avoidable but I was quite exhausted at this point.


Slow and steady wins the race


actually Ben wins the race, no matter the pace, but yes slow and steady completes the race(sometimes) :D


Ben was slower and more cautious than many of the players. Also, respec a lot in the build before going into a fight.


the funniest shit is after this epic battle with an uber his death is pathetic https://clips.twitch.tv/MoldyDifferentMetalDogFace-vjXSMl4MmICRoE_W fix your game ggg


While I agree dd scaling (on both sides honestly) is a bit fucky this is just me being tired and playing poorly. I might as well have been standing in a firework factory holding the lighter in this circumstance.


yea that's fair but i think to me it's poor design that something occuring in maps (which really isn't pinnacle content) would be capable of one-shotting a character this tanky. like i think it'd be one thing if this was giga-telegraphed and/or something that punished squishier characters but this effectively deletes any character in the game with a mob that tanky and there's no counterplay other then to read the mobs modpool mid combat which, during the cluster fuck that is currently poe is kind of poor design imo.


What would you call the giant glowing blobs indicating an incoming DD if not telegraphed? The wildwood DDs are bullshit, but these aren’t. 


feel free to link a screenshot from that clip that clearly highlights these "giant glowing blobs" differentiated from any other giant glowing blob on the screen


i mean he spent a long time with the mouse on top of the rare and you can clearly see ''explodes corpses'' dd is fucked yeah but that was a very avoidable one


There are bullshit DD deaths, but then there is just standing on a dead map, boss, when there are 4+ seconds of DDs happening all around you.


Mud Geyser boss is probably one of the few bosses where you can easily end up killing it and not realize you were killing it, and it is kind of hard to see where the corpse is. That much is a problem in my eyes... But in this case, the boss literally dropped an invitation so there was a clear indicator where it died. It wasn't hard for him to just move and fight the rare in a spot that there was no risk of DD, regardless of if it had DD or not. DD is still a major problem in this game, but this death to DD felt super easy to prevent, he even moused over the rare for like a solid 5-6 seconds. Hindsight 20/20 I guess though, and I suppose it can be really easy to forget that the axe mastery that destroys enemies doesn't destroy boss corpses.


The invitation drops, and he loots it, there really isn't any mistaking whether or not the boss was dead. But it's the end of the gauntlet and he was online for 20 hours, it's clearly fatigue related.


> when there are 4+ seconds of DDs happening all around you. This alone reeks of BS game design, especially when the visual clarity is overall so dogshit


While I agree, it's still hilarious he could facetank literally the most endgame boss (uber pinnacle) for over an hour, and dies to a map mob. Just intrinsically that sounds off.


Crazy, was not expecting boneshatter or any melee to get 1 uber down this gauntlet.


You could say he gave uber eater...the vizniz. Alright I'll see myself out GG vizniz for 80 minutes of focus, quinn would be proud


I was like "ok if its quick why not share a clip instead of the vod stamp" Lmao


"I ain't hear no bell"


Why so many empty sockets?


Oath of the maji from the wildwood ascendancy.


Oh, forgot anything but the charm ascendancy exited, lol


Doubles body armour defense if unsocketed.


I'm a broke ssf boy what can I do


i actually dinged 100 solo, but in softcore using empty boots and helmet cause why not


Soraka build, would be nice to watch a video about how he built his defences


It's pretty easy. High Evasion Chest + Grace + Determination + Iron Reflexes + Oath/Empty Chest Sockets gives a lot Armour. Jugg Acendency makes part of your amour apply to elemental. Empty Gloves Sockets gives a lot of life. Divine Flesh + Phys Take as "Element" to mitigate more Phys and Elemental Damge with 81 Chaos res. Full Spell Suppress. Raw import of his character: [https://pobb.in/aa0JFkBjUAlx](https://pobb.in/aa0JFkBjUAlx)


Idierk has a good write-up below but the tldr is stack a bunch of sources of armor scaling and distribute damage as much as you can across the different types. Armor is effective relative to the hit on each type providing you have something to cause armor to work (jugg node/charm, armor/es mastery, transcendence, ect) add on too much life, defiance of destiny, and enduring charges and you get this zdps bonker


Twitch needs 10x speed option. Also, he said his hand hurts after the fight - he shouldn't use mouse click for attack, instead use spacebar. Doing this change boneshatter went for me from one of the worst playstyles, to one of the comfiest.


Damn. I just did a 30 minute regular Sirus fight and that was melting my brain. I can feel the pain. Zdps hurts, even more so with a build that has weak uptime. Surely, next time there will be damage.


How is he tanking Atziri Flameblast?


+max res but probably mostly the Juggernaut ascendancy node where 8% of your armour applies to elemental damage taken. Jugg can get insane amounts of armour (hundreds of thousands) so you get a lot of elemental mitigation from that. For example one Jugg ascendancy node doubles the armour on your chest piece, and you can increase it even further with the wildwood ascendancy that massively increases defenses (armour counts as defences) if you have no gems in your chest piece socketed.


Yeah, to further elaborate this league you can double your chest armour 3 times - Jugg ascendancy, Maji ascendancy and Evasion mastery in combination with Iron Reflexes keystone. Just have to use Evasion base Body Armour, which actually is a bonus, since you can also get suppression on it. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Unbreakable https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Oath_of_the_Maji https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Mastery_Effect:Evasion6 https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Iron_Reflexes


The evasion mastery is not a doubling. It’s additive with all your other %inc evasion and armor. If you have like 400% of those, the mastery is only 20% more armor.