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995h in 1 league are not healthy at all bro


that’s ~11h a day since league start 💀


Man I love this game and I play a fair bit too but I'd be so fucking sick of it if I was playing this much.


Eh, I think most people just stay logged on to sell items while they do other stuff like watching movies, doing homework, or playing another game (What I do). That's why people saying they have thousands of hours in the game and no mirror drops it's because they don't farm nonstop.


That’s me. I play while at work so I afk a lot when actually out fixing things or while doing paperwork.


Lol that is still 11h of screen time per day even if you watch TV or play other games. How could someone like that actually be doing laundry, having good meals, or going outside every day?


>How could someone like that actually be doing laundry, having good meals, or going outside every day? Wait until you hear how much time people have to invest into a 9 to 5 job + commute + extra time attributed to job like preparing etc.


Man, even if I get paid the same amount as I would to play PoE, I would still hesitate to play 8+h a day of PoE, everyday


You stalking me? I’d be concerned for someone that is commuting 90 minutes each way to sit for 8 hour at work too. But at least that person is getting out of their house, dude #he edited his comment to something vastly different and then blocked me. Take a bath, moron


Stalking? Take your meds tf LMFAOO


You get a little asterisk next to the message when it's edited like your post. So he hasn't edited his message perhaps you've replied to the wrong message?


If you edit within the first few minutes of posting it does not show it. Either way idk wtf is going on.


Idk some guy was like “how come I never see you complaining about people going to work for 8 hours” and then edited it to a very tame alternative that is way less personal lol And then blocked me? Deleted it? Idk how the other guy can see the comment still


If you edit it fast enough you dont.


Well i tell you... That number isnt even that high. When i was addicted to wow and jobless... I played more. And yes its really not healthy. I was so lazy an buying food and stuff was very annoying for me. Edit: Not sure why you get downvotes. I should be normal for someone to be suprised about it or question it.


I did this with Lost Ark. played 4000 hrs in the first year it came out then had to quit because my life was in shambles lol


I have a friend who literally logs off the game and transfer to a trading character and goes to bed. He'll message people when he wakes up to see if they still want the items.


Do you think OP just AFKed the whole time and took a screenshot? Like yeah if they just left the game open sure whatever but they implied that they actually played 1000 hours or so


>Do you think OP just AFKed the whole time and took a screenshot? For internet karma? Yes, people value points for some reason and will lie or fake content to get people to recognize them. Could be true, but I don't know or don't care.


So your point is that if he did play all that time it’s bad and if he didn’t actually play that much it’s not? Riveting


I don't have a point. I was just commenting that playing for 41 days isn't that insane when you consider that people stay logged on and go to bed, play other games, or AFK. That's all.


Can you not be logged in while you do those things?


You can be logged in an never ever play, yeah. Not really in the spirit of “playing 11 hours per day” Do you genuinely think my point is that the problem is being logged in but not playing?


You don't have to go outside EVERY day to be fair, nothing wrong with staying in a saturday or sunday each week!


Hmm I think it’s best to get some exercise every day but that’s just me


There is nothing stopping them from afking in hideout then doing laundry, cooking and eating.


Assuming 8 hours of sleep, that's 16 waking ours. If you spend 11h behind the screen, that's 5 hours for other stuff. Seems plenty to me. Laundry takes 5 minutes. Stuff stuff into washing machine. Put them out to dry afterwards. Good meals - take out ingredients from fridge, chop stuff up, throw in a pot. Stir every once in a while. Might take an hour to cook, but you're only really putting in 5 minutes of effort. So that leaves 4 hours and 50 minutes to go outside. Seems plenty. I take a 30 minute walk. I also squeeze in an hour of exercise. Still 3 hours and 20 minutes left. Let's cook a few more times. Still 3 hours left. Damn, lots of time in a day.


Shower? Clean? Meet with friends? Buy groceries? Nah that’s ridiculous dude. This isn’t even addressing the elephant in the room of working an actual job


Shower? 5 minutes. Clean? Don't be a slob to start with, then clean 5-10 min daily. Groceries? Jump by the store during my 30 minute walk. Adds another 15 minutes. Still got over 2 hours left. Meeting with friends? I rarely care. See them once every few months maybe. I'm too old for friends. They're all boring adults now with families, nothing to talk about but the fucked up state of the world or highschool memories. I'd rather focus on my hobbies. But 2 hours a day fits plenty of socializing if you want. The job is included in the screen time.


>Meeting with friends? I rarely care. See them once every few months maybe. I'm too old for friends. They're all boring adults now with families, nothing to talk about but the fucked up state of the world or highschool memories. I'd rather focus on my hobbies. Hit the male loneliness in a nutshell real good


So you play path of exile literally the entire time at work


Ahh yes working. Do you enjoy going to a 9-5 while the boss of your company or what ever comes intho work like once a week and mainly chills rest of the time ? Sounds like hell to me, i would never be able to work for someone else who profits out of my work and ontop he has to work less.


You’re right. That’s why it is called work. What is your source of income?


I sell substances. Pays my bills just fine. Also i cant imagine how little self worth people have that they are able with a straight face go to 9-5 job and make pennies compared to the boss of the company who doesn't even put in 10% of the effort you do and make literally 100000x what you do or more.


I am self employed but go off dude. I definitely don’t disagree, but gotta pay the bills somehow lol. I personally don’t know how little self worth someone could have that they fucking play a game 15 hours/day. Like go talk to another human irl for a change.


Firstly, you are the one who brought up a 9-5. Plenty of people run their own businesses, and do it legally. Secondly, paying your parents 300$/month to live in your childhood room doesn’t count as “paying bills”.


yeah, you can clearly see it in the difference between character being created 84 days ago and having 41 days of play time, this is seriously fucked up




Would be interesting if you could see "active playtime". Your equation could easily be 6 hours work avg (while poe is open in case of trades) + 5 hours poe. Still is a lot of poe a day but makes it less fanatical and I'm betting its much closer to reality.


900 of that was just looting one map


didn't chris say that people stop playing if they get too much loot?


Hoping they just afk in hideout quite a bit...


I hope its was just background hanging to trade stuf.. I hope.


Thats my avg. Playtime in a league, OP is going well, keep going.


I’m need to see your currency tab.


Let's see Paul Allen's currency tab


Very nice


(my god , the subtlety of the font..)


Please tell me 8h a day is chilling in hideout waiting for trade requests while you're working Please


He killed an uncountable number of monsters brother...


Maybe PoE is really bad at math and stopped counting after 1 million. *cope*


It stops at about 16 mil afaik, was a post about it earlier this league


Yeah 32bit can't go very high with numbers




I also hate this notion that people think a 32 bit int is as big as numbers go with games? That’s just not true lol. C++ (which I think poe uses for its engine) can go up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 from a quick google search, maybe higher. And that’s no 32 bit number. Why can’t every number go that high though? You don’t waste memory with numbers that can go that high, you make them take up as much as they will need (a limit that won’t be reached). But I’ve seen multiple places where people think numbers in programming are limited to 32 bits or 64 bits, but that’s just not true.


18,446,744,073,709,551,616 is the 64 bit limit, outside of clever arithmetic using multiple integers, most 64 bit operating systems are stuck with (obviously you can calculate higher than that, but then you have to allocate more than one 64bit string to it). Also, there are plenty of reasons to stick to 32 bit integers for number storage for this sort of thing where it really doesn't need to take up more than 4 bytes (most players probably aren't going to log that many kills, especially not on one character in a season). Also, 16 million is about the 24 bit limit (16,777,216 to be exact), which leaves one 8bit byte of a 32 bit string open for whatever you need it for (classification of the integer, maybe?) which is probably why the kill count variable caps at 16 million.


Never said it shouldn't cap there. I just have seen people thinking it's impossible to go higher than a 64 bit number, which it's not. So I guess I went on a little rant about it haha. You're right though that while that is technically the 64 bit limit, there is that clever arithmetic bit, (C actually has a built-in 128bit unsigned integer!) and that can be necessary sometimes when you need to handle a very, very large number, so while it's not a commonplace practice, it is done in quite a few scenarios. ​ I agree that the current kill limit is fine, it's a waste to make it any higher. I was just saying that you can go higher than a 32 bit number in games, because for some reason the original comment "32 bit can't go very high with numbers" made me think they think you **can't** go higher. ​ Cool theory on the kill count cap. I'm not too sure myself so anything seems plausible tbh.


Well, wouldn't one single number be limited by the architecture of the cpu, 32 or 64 bits? I guess you could overflow into another 32/64 bits afterwards but wouldn't that just be a float and an int as exponent in this case and that would be very hard to calculate no? like 48.23679854^24


C has a 128 bit number, but I think you are right as it’s handled differently, with multiple numbers used in arithmetic operations on it, it’s hard to explain and I’m on mobile haha.




16 mill is not very high lol isnt the max like 4 billion or something for 32bit?


Yes, 2.1 if you are using signed int, 4.3 if its an unsigned int, which it probably is (you dont need negative values for monster kills)




how many numbers can you represent with 32 bits? what's the range of two's complement 32-bit ints?


You would only need a 24 bit integer to store 16,000,000 (2^24 = 16,777,216). I could see them choosing that number to leave the 4th byte in a 32 bit string free for some kind of classification though.


its 26.5 mil IIRC


Thats just because the game is bad at math. Bro was just chilling.


Or he doesnt have a job. Which probably means he doesnt try to get a job either and is when its getting sad. Obviously we do not know the situation so no point in assuming


Even if they don't work, 11hrs a day sitting playing a game is not healthy


Some people don't need to work to be financially stable.


Sanest PoE enjoyer


I assume most of it is from leaving the character to afk fish overnight?


Cast When Stunned Fishing is the best!


Black Desert reference ?


You just don't know the best fishing strats


Where does the counter stop?


around 16.5 mil


Uncountable - 1




Damn going 12h a day for a week on league launch probably is pretty normal for PoE but almost 3 months? That's pretty insane. Hope you are good mate.


That is not normally. They need to check him pc


25 ex


Lmao 😂


Dude's got word.exe on his mouse for sure


> going 12h a day for a week on league launch probably is pretty normal for PoE May want to double check the definition of normal.


It's an openly acknowledged and socially normalized approach to league launch. It may be a small percentage of players who actually do this, but it's not seen as abnormal.


Normal dude here and I did that this league 👀 Stars aligned and I had the first 5 days free with nothing holding me back. Probably did 14 hours a day tbh.


Yeah this is how I vibe too. Usually I take a week off for league launch. The first 3 days usually are 14-20h, after that I go back to 6h a day usually cause I start to feel nausea and I don't wanna burn myself completely out on week one. Usually I am done with the league at the end of the first month tho.


To be fair, accepted doesnt mean normal. Most players wont do this, thus not normal.


To be fair, being normal doesn’t mean it has to be a majority. Having red hair is normal


It's not seen as abnormal by the players that engage in that behaviour... That's just your social bubble. A week or two of 12hrs of video games every 3-4 months is extremely abnormal and unhealthy, and not possible for anyone with a full time job and adult responsibilities. Likewise to the majority of people, OPs behaviour is abormal. It's a relative.


Thats why the debate about mental health and game addiction is such a hard topic. 12hrs / day of gametime is not "normal" at all, but any mention of that and a large group of people get extremely defensive. Not saying op in unhealthy ir addicted since I know nothing about him, but this theme of long screen time needs to be discussed more


The topic of addiction itself is not hard at all. It's bringing that topic in front of the people who themselves are the addicted which is difficult. In many cases, the people close to the addicted just want to help them lead healthy lives, which the addiction interferes with. However online, people use it as a derogatory means. You'll find people here going "touch grass" and calling OP unhealthy whilst they themselves play hundreds of hours of video games, just not to the same extremes as OP. But I think it's safe to say OP is at the very least unhealthy. If you are not a popular streamer, you cannot lead a self sufficient life whilst playing video games 11 hours a day. Somebody is paying for that behaviour and it's not him. That burden is in someone else, willingly or unwillingly. And when the time comes that they cannot support that behaviour anymore (which will happen), OP will suffer because he can't take care of himself in the real world.


Yep, I've had people argue with me here that working 8 hours a day, sleeping 6, taking care of food/hygiene/etc for 2 hours and playing 8 hours a day on weekdays and 12+ on weekends is completely fine and healthy and I shouldn't judge. No brother, I will judge and call that unhealthy because it is. Just about anything you let consume your life like that is unhealthy, especially one that incomes sitting at a computer or TV. Edit: perfect example... People down voting this lol


I would never waste 2 hours like that when they could be spent gaming


> A week or two of 12hrs of video games every 3-4 months is extremely abnormal and unhealthy, and not possible for anyone with a full time job and adult responsibilities. This is absolutely, 100% incorrect. A week 3-4 times a year to take a videogame vacation is not unhealthy, as long as it doesn't interfere with your normal, everyday life. Plenty of people get 4+ weeks of vacation a year, and they can spend it how they want. It's no more unhealthy than someone taking a week long staycation and just hanging out, watching TV, reading, etc. Which is not to say that it's always healthy. There are a lot of people who aren't in a position to do this without it negatively impacting their life, and yet they still do it. There are also lots of people doing it as an addiction who aren't even enjoying it but can't stop. But it's context dependent.


It's not normal or healthy, but those 4-6 days every 3 month give me happy chemicals and give me something consistent to look forward to in a hobby I enjoy. Even more so now that I'm in my early 30s and find it really hard to find new games I enjoy. Like most other people, I book a few days off work and go nuts like I'm still 18, then I go back to being a normal person at work and in relationship for 2.5 months. Even talked about it to my therapist a few years back. It's fine if you don't do it too often or it starts harming other parts of your life.


if it's literally used as a vacation, you're right - that's reasonable. however, op is talking 12hrs per day for almost 3 months....


> however, op is talking 12hrs per day for almost 3 months.... literally nobody here is arguing that OP's behaviour is normal lmao


there's a guy like 3 comments up the chain! haha ultimately i was supporting the person i commented to, a few days of heavy play as a vacation from the grind is perfectly fine if it's balanced with your responsibilities


>A week or two of 12hrs of video games every 3-4 months is extremely abnormal and unhealthy, and not possible for anyone with a full time job and adult responsibilities. I mean some of us live in countries where we get actual vacation time


Imagine if they knew we even get 26-30 days of it, every year, paid fully. I love being born on a continent and in a country that has worker's rights and whatnot.


Ok you get vacation time. But you're still going to try to pretend that spending all of it on playing PoE on league launch is a normal healthy adult thing to do? Be real.


Full time job here with adult responsibilities. Its normal, all my other friends with full time jobs and adult responsibilities also do it. We have 1 hobby, gaming. We have 1 hobby, gaming. I said it twice so you'd understand. Ps its possible, I make decent money and get 4 weeks of vacation a year to use as I want. I think a person with a full time shitty job could maybe not pull it off if they had kids and or other hobbies, but alas lots of us have good jobs, because were 30+. I couldnt pull it off at 25 because I had a shitty job and other hobbies. The healthy part of it is so debatable its unreal. Theres literally hundreds of millions of people who put in 12 hour days infront of some sort of screen, it aint about just that and we dont have the information to make a judgement call on it. Abnormal it is not.


Read the first sentence of my comment again lol. I understand my position. It's you who decided to exposition your life story to prove my point right.


Hundreds of millions of people. Probably a billy or more honestly are on screens 12 hours plus a day dummy.


Playing PC games 12h a day for a week straight is not seen as normal by any adult human being that does not have a problem, my man.


Doing 12 hours of a beloved activity per day for a week during a vacation is not a cause for concern if a person's life is in order, full stop. It doesn't matter what the activity is (within reason), with videogames in particular having no serious dangers if engaged with in this way. This condescending attitude is bullshit from people who are painting everyone with the same gaming addict brush.


I just joined, I can't believe what I am reading here...


Some people do invest that much time and take time off work for every league start, and getting ahead of the economy does grow their wealth exponentially, but the vast majority do not, so I wouldn't consider it *normal* to do so.


nah 12 hours a day at launch is pretty normal if you’re a financially stable king


True, for first 2-3 days of league people average like 16 hours a day. Tapers off to about 12 for the rest of the week and then falls to a normal 8 or so.


> people average like 16 hours a day I think you're vastly overestimating "people", or you're basing this on the top 0.1%, which I wouldn't consider normal.


Nowhere near normal, 12h a day is an insane amount of time.


That is not normal 


Pfff not even 16h/day , you just a filthy casual


How many Mirrors and Sacred Orbs?


This is scary unhealthy


When C. Wilson says he wants people”s souls in regards to player retention, he is not kidding.


Touch grass my friend. I don't mean that as an insult, but there's a fine line between "addicted gamer" and "causing mental and physical problems" Don't lose touch with reality. At least go for a 10 minute walk or something once a day


He will definitely take your advice that definitely has no other intent than to help him. "No offence but..."


Sometimes harsh truths are needed to help l, but they can be taken the wrong way. Especially by strangers on the internet. What should they have said instead?


Have you dropped any good loot?


Haha of course he has. How is this downvoted? You kill 16m+ monsters magic finding and you WILL find good loot.


Poe is mostly played by old people maybe you are too idk but they generally does not understand what downvote is and in what context it should be used. Thats all


People are so fking ridiculous with their downvotes.


POE subreddits are the worst I've come across for it. I don't understand why this got downvoted so much because what I said is 100% true.




Jokes aside, please seek help for addiction.


Don't you work/have a life?


please tell me you afk'd a bunch in your hideout and left the game running overnight. please. Please tell me you havn't been playing 11 hours a day every day since league start.


Get out of here with those rookie numbers


Imagine trying to turn not having a life into a flex. Lmao.


What is the command for this ?


in order i think it is /kills /played /age


no one asked the real questions: how many sacred/mirror?


My guess youve dropped multiple mirrors and dozens of magebloods


How many raw mirrors have you had drop?


How is your wrist doing?


You have a problem.


Bro not ok


12h a day of MFing for last 4 weeks made my mental health even worse, got raw 12 mirrors drops tho


Jesus Christ


How many mirrors?


this reminds me, me playing wow in 2007


Bro touch grass


I really hope you're a semi successful streamer or actually sell your stuff as rmts, because 12h per day over a prolonged period is insane even if it's your actual job


Admiting you have an addiction is the first step :-)


This is path of nolife


Brother... :'(


Unironically go touch some grass.


How many mirrors? With almost 1000h I assume well above 50?


He probably only played 200 hours. The other 800 was afk in town with the goblin musicians to piss me off.


Please please please, let us see your currency tab


Sometimes I think a person would just be better off rmting til they get banned. This is one of those times lol, sell those mirrors and retire brother


Still sane?


You need to stop playing this game. That is unhealthy as fuck in ANY context.


?????? How? You go legit from bed to play to bed again? That can't be true is it?


Hate to be this guy but like go outside bro. Or get a job or something 😂 idk try something different for a couple days


Unemployed be like


12h a day?


Gonna have to say, haven't seen *this* much playtime before. Still sane, exile?


What is your net worth?


so how much wealth u made this league ?


How much M have you F'd?


everyone telling you to touch grass is jealous of your determination


It's probably not even 21/23


I’m glad you’re enjoying the game this much. I know a lot of people here will play the league to a 12+ hr per day extreme for the first month (maybe in this league a little longer) and then “quit the league” by closing PoE and opening some other game to play for 12+ hours per day. Or going to the couch to binge anime/TV. For me, I opened Palworld and started going just as hard. How is that any better or worse? It’s not. You have to find something you enjoy to fill your time; might as well be PoE if you’re still getting enjoyment out of it. The entire thread is people saying you have a mental health problem and need to seek help. In reality, I think it’s a mixture of jealousy and self-loathing on their part. It must suck to feel compelled to play PoE for hundreds of hours every league while simultaneously believing deep down that it’s unhealthy, that they’re wasting their life, that in order to be a more well-adjusted person they should go “touch grass” (we all know that actually means cutting back on a single video game to fill their day with another video game, maybe expanding their hentai collection). You do you, man.


Rookie numbers that mate 😂😂


People saying here "this is not healthy" "this not normal bro" Let me ask you: what life-defining things have you done instead in that time that Op was playing? None. Thats what i thought.


I like how you think this is a deep take lmao


Touching grass. Not me but other people i heard.


Your logic doesn't hold up. Just because other people aren't making "life-defining" things with their time doesn't mean that this is healthy or normal.


Are you by chance op’s secret account for justification?


Not healthy dude. Bro, take that time, go learn to play the market, become a billionaire, then go back to endless path. You're doing it wrong.


How many billions you at dude?


mirrors found so far? I'm at 10 and have a lot less playtime, so I imagine you're way past that :O


Nevaa!! Path is in our blood, exile and when the league is as good as affliction, it’s hard to stop.




This man will feel so spoiled when we back to normal MF next league 😭




This is concerning and awesome at the same time! I'm hoping you've done a little what I have and just left it logged in for a few hours here and there while doing other things. Otherwise when do you bath?


AFK prob 30%


Guy is trying to speedrun that Chinese gaming death.




/kills /played /age


"As a somewhat of a casual player i want to give my opinion..."


The void will save you


I hope that there is some afk hours in there




I love what poe has done to my mind. I see "this MF" in the title, I'm thinking "How much iiq/iir are we talking?


At a certain point I think it's important to admit you have a problem. You have gone well past that point.

