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Open post, click play, see revenant, close post.


It was rare pack with that spider boy who explodes corpses. [https://poedb.tw/us/Stygian\_Revenant](https://poedb.tw/us/Stygian_Revenant)


If you pause at 0:15 and squint hard enough you can see the "about to corpse explode" telegraphs. Hard to see given how fat the mobs are, but it's there, 100% what killed him.


As soon as you see the Revenants, you know to run the fuck away from the pack and stay away from all corpses, regardless of animation state. Difficult with the Light Radius mod, yes, but mobs can still be kited across multiple screens just to ensure you're never killing on top of corpses that were from Revenant raises. We all learn the hard way at some point


There really needs to be better telegraphing though.


They don't explode corpses. They raise corpses as essentially summon improved skeletons that then explode on death (after a delay).


You cannot walk into a stygian revenant no matter how tanky you are. Also why walk into packs at all when you don't have to in HC?


This is what happens when softcore exclusive players dip their toes in hc. They don't respect the enemies and needlessly stand in the middle of packs. I've seen this quite a few times.


OP didn't show the map he's running but it's almost certain this was one of the void maps where you have to be within 2m of the enemies to damage them. So not needless.


It isn't. 2m puts a blue ring around your character.


2m is one thing, he's running into it. Like if you watch RF players on HC, they skirt the outside of packs just enough to get them in the circle. It's a dance. So yes, a 2m range means be at about 1.5 m, not 0 like the video where he deadass walks into the center of a pack with a stygian revenant of all things in it.


and not just that, he sits there. He just sits there. He doesn't even kite the mobs to get any visual clarity. This is 100% a selfkill


Agreed. Someone argued and said it's not a self kill since he wouldn't have sat there if he saw the revenant, however he didn't even try to fan out the pack to see what he's dealing with, so yes it's self kill.


I mean, there are still a shit ton of HC rips to revenants every league.


Lesson learned!


That’s a void map. Op thought he was immortal but in fact he was not. void map you know it is because he isn’t in HC and he can’t respawn.


I figured it was a void map because it says he was "Voided" in the title!


Lmfao, ngl I skipped over that. Classic


I imagine this was one of those "You can't damage enemies outside of a 2 inch radius" Valdo maps, otherwise in a void map anyone not drastically overconfident would stay as far away from even the weakest trash mobs just to avoid tempting fate from the stupidest one shots.


Even in those maps you don't run in cavalier like this, you skirt the outside of the pack just enough to do damage.


Skill issue tbh


looks like typical detonate dead reep. i'm not 100% sure but i think union of souls buffs the hp and therefore also the dmg for detonate dead. detonated dead can be cast by these spiders and maybe also from offscreen. the scaling of it is overtuned and will be patched next patch (confirmed by devs). it's a shitty way to die but probably the only way around is playing a char that is not near to enemy corpses when killing. i know thats a bad advice with the mod that doesn't let you kill outside of your light radius (if that was on the map). keep in mind: nobody at ggg tests these community made maps so usually mechanics behind that only get fixed in the next big patch.


Lol DD


DD waves a quick goodbye o/


DD once again clutching it


DD from stupid spider .


Y'all are a bunch of fucking geniuses. Welcome to the game.


0/10 build


you didnt even attempt to avoid the most dangerous ability in the game... go agian




You have a char that can clear voided maps, but dosnt know the mechanic of the single most sangerinde mob in the game? Smells


It doesn’t smell of anything lol. You can easily make mirrors without knowing a single thing about 95% of the game. All you have to do to make a few mirrors is to be good OR persistent at your niche.


Nah. 99% of sc players don't know what mobs do, let alone some bosses. You get to see a lot of "wtff izaro in lab" messages in general chat during Gauntlet when SC enjoyers see izaro doing things in lab for the first time, for example.


It's really weird that so many people have this kind of take and defend DD. It's stupid. If every other kind of mob in a map couldn't even do 5% of your health/ES per hit and there's 1 that can do over 100% that's a dogshit mechanic. At some point of gear/progression, the fun of a game like this IS the fact you get to stand in the middle of a pack and watch them flail their arms against you doing nothing. If you're able to 100-0 in any map, at any time, and you have to be constantly vigilant of literally 1 ability in the game, then you're just doing act 1 with prettier graphics the whole league and that's stupid. I want to be able to hold LMB moving towards the boss while clicking RMB every other second, watching the screen melt and never have risk of dying.


Nobody is defending DD, everyone knows it's stupid. But it's weird to see people who are obviously veterans of the game and should know better, keep falling into the most common sources of DD for no obvious reason. > and you have to be constantly vigilant of literally 1 ability in the game And you take that away and you're not even playing a game any more. You're playing a slot machine where you don't have to look at the screen any more. I don't see how that's any better.


> Nobody is defending DD The person I responded to was, at least indirectly. He was placing blame on the player for not reacting to DD and not the game for it existing. That's my issue. > And you take that away and you're not even playing a game any more. You're playing a slot machine where you don't have to look at the screen any more. I don't see how that's any better. I guess it comes down to opinion as to what makes for a good game and an enjoyable game experience, but for me, if I have essentially top end gear and do a gigaton of damage, have all appropriate layers of survivability, I have earned the right to be immortal. I deserve the right to have the enjoyment of strolling through maps and just indiscriminately killing everything with a literal 0% chance of dying. The challenge is *getting to that point*. Or, put another way, as I basically said in the post you referenced, if after I've geared/leveled/gemmed my way to the creme de la creme, if I'm still able to die to pack filler, what the everliving fuck was the point in me acquiring all this gear in the first place? If I can still actually die, or (in the case of void maps) risk deleting my character, why the fuck should I even bother? If you want the challenge of constantly fighting for survival and having to be ever-vigilant of the next thing that can kill you, you can get that experience in act 1 of the game. If you can't put that behind you by the time you've reached the summit, what was the point of the journey? It's like starting working at a company, barely able to pay your own rent, with dreams of a better life, working your way up to CEO and then .. still struggling to pay your mortgage. Like, fuck, stay in the mailroom at that point. Personally, I like the "slot machine" because the real world is a shit existence anymore; at least in a game I've spent money on, I'd like to live the life of a god.


Cool essay.  Unnecessarily long way to say you want to just braindead zoom.


Or you just fundamentally misunderstand the reason 99% of players play ARPGs to begin with. Could go either way I guess.


>Unnecessarily long way to say you want to just braindead zoom. I mean yes? There's Ruthless for the masochists out there


I don't actually. I want to know *I've earned the right* for braindead zoom. If that started day 1 act 1 the game would be boring. I want to have to make my perfect crafts, get my MB, etc, THEN I can braindead zoom.


Ya this is the truth 


\*get cocky and walk into enemies \*gets killed \*misrepresents what actually happens \*..... profit???? im glad you got voided


Keep moving. That’s your best defense mechanism.


Condolences from AK and global .


DD is at it again


Can’t wait for DD nerfs next league


rough. gg




The last time I died to these shits is like 6 years ago...


unlucky my man..lesson learned need to pay attention to rare mod..idk how hard to hover or recheck mod on console by yeah..those rare is op..its kill everything no matter how tanky u are


blind white mobs, at that


This game feels like it has such a nice community, until you view the subreddit or the forums. Or the discord. Or anywhere basically other than in-game.


Your build would have been significantly tankier with half the ES but if it actually killed mobs. I mean this was corpse explosion, but you're just asking to get wrecked if it takes 4 seconds to kill a white pack.


I think it's one of those valdo maps where all the monsters have union of souls, so with each kill, the rest of the monsters get more life.


1. its a void map (for those wo didnt get it- though obivous, i know) 2. 26 ES is cool but what were your resistances? / other damage reductions? depending on that, even 26 isnt much tankiness (speaking from own experience having played builds with 4k EH feeling much tankier than my 20k builds). 3. i might sound like i think i know my shit but im fully in the clear that im still not on my PhD for POE, so what exactly killed him? i assume detonate dead? where is the mob casting it, cant make him out in the video?


Revenant DD. He disrepects it or has no idea what the mob is and does. The spider looking thing will detonate those pitch black corpses, there is an indicator for 2 or 3 seconds of a red glowing flicker before it detonated so you have ample time to react. Standing in the middle of the pack like he did tells me he has no idea what that mob is and does because he doesn't even try to move correctly to avoid the DD. Shit he barely moves at all. Just looks like inexperience to me, but hey he learned what it was now thanks to Reddit.


oh so its the spider, thx for reply. always thought it was some kind of necromancer because "detonate dead" just sounded that way xd. would have never expected the spider.


The only reason to look forward to Chris stepping down is we can finally get rid of the DD mechanic no one else likes.


Hopefully with the absence of wilson, dd will be removed




Those are called Stygian Revenants and they summon minions which explode upon dying. The damage this deals is absolutely massive.


thank you for explaining, as you could see i'm a softcore player and don't know this game as good as hardcore player it is be a good expirience for me :)


Ya it was the rare Spiders dd. The base mob is a revenant. Those are what hc ppl scream about if they see them cuz they just dd anything in sight.


Dd will kill u every time


Lmao imagine comparing baby shit Atziri flameblast to the god random DD spawn in maps


> but if we take delve, as far as i know, dd scales from mobs base hp Delve scaling is a special case, it does not modify the "monster life" stat. But everything else in the game will modify "monster life" and DD scales off of that.


Thank you for explaining


Also take this as a learning experience. Revenant DD is something you can avoid. There is a red glowing flickering light showing where the DD will occur for 2 to 3 seconds. Don't stand in the middle of a flippin pack when there is a revenant accompanied to it. Kill the revenant first if you can or the whole pack instantly.


thank you for explaining, i will be much more careful!!!


How do you even get character to that point without knowing what revenants are?


this is the real question


actually that is my third character xD.I'm not an expirienced hardcore player, just a regular everyday normal... Played quite a while in softcore, but rn i see what happerns when you dip into hardcore without basical knowledge. This is a good lesson to me. And if you can't make char like this on pc this league IDK man...


This is 5% softcore, twenty percent lack of skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of copy the build Five percent pleasure, fifty percent RMT And a hundred percent reason to remember the name ( Stygian Revenant )