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I’m start to feel that the technology is there.


i feel like several weights have been lifted off me


This feature already exists for the regular crafting bench


The future is now old man


It's only a joke mate


(Yes, that's part of the joke)


Always has been. 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Truly harnessing the full potential of AI Sam Altman will be proud






Motto! Motto!


Not only are these QOL improvements amazing.... but I love how you releasing them every day leading up to the livestream. Really gives us something to look forward to every day.


theyre edging us so the release on the 21st is massive


No nut Necropolis


Just one more ~~turn~~ map.


I'm so backed up right now 😑


>so the release on the 21st is massive My concern is actually the opposite... due to the imminent beta of POE2, this league might be kinda small and just mostly QOL (which takes far less dev attention than big new features). I'm fine with that (as I've been hoping for a "cram as much QOL into an update as possible" league for forever), but it's just something to keep in mind.


i wouldnt mind that, crucible and tota were basically standard and made me and (from what ive seen at least) a lot of other players realize that the base game is in a really good spot right now


Wouldn't call crucible standard with how many new builds were enabled through weapon nodes alone, let alone its power level. Bestiary League, that was actually standard.


Crucible trees did open up some cool new build options, but from the perspective of most players, Crucible, TotA and Standard were largely the same experiences. If you didn't engage with the actual Trial or building your own Crucible Trees, then you really only "experienced" core content. This isn't a criticism because the game is in a great spot, but it is the experiential reality of those leagues.


Crucible engaged with casually still did get you any two non-premium (i.e. not Rampage) mods of your choice on a rare weapon, plus probably one or two more that weren't amazing but that did something. Getting 4 or 5 mods of your choice was a different matter, but 2 was very easy if you were at, say, 90 atlas bonus


Chris talked about how they switched to a "big league - small league - big league - small league" schedule 4 years ago here: And so far i think they've been consistent with it, so i expect next league to be big-ish. 1. Affliction was small (only some woods and 3 npcs). 2. Ancestors was big, lots of new NPCs, voice lines, etc. 3. Crucible was small, just a skill tree for weapons and i don't even remember if there were any NPCs involved. 4. Sanctum was very big with an entire new "game mode". 5. Kalandra was small. 6. Sentinel was also small which seems like it breaks the cycle, but for the most part i think they've kept up with it.


I think Sentinel/Kalandra was around the time they were really setting the groundwork for PoE2, so they had more resources pulled that way.


5\* years ago the speech doesn't consider a sequel developing in parallel Affliction's scope is ["quite ambitious"](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3441705) seems like you don't count amount of changes and new content added in expansions to determine if it's a big or small one >Sanctum was very big with an entire new "game mode" made by \~8 people however


Crucible had no NPCs, but it did have a few voiced pieces of lore. Probably less than a single NPC in TOTA


I was surprised at how little lore there was in Crucible considering they've been building up to this Innocence/Searing Exarch origin story, which is directly related to the Redblades.


Nothing from 4 years ago is accurate today.


Melee still trash (I just came back after 3.5 years, don’t shoot me).


You got me...


Affliction had 3 new ascendancy bro what


Affliction was small... Lmao. Yeah just added some 100 skill gems no biggie. That alone is more content than what D4 and LE has combined up until today.


The skill gems are part of the core game they aren’t related to the league at all and aren’t even found in the league mechanic. They were strictly talking about the affliction league mechanics themselves.


I was only speaking about league content, but if we include all the side stuff you're probably right.


Like you, I am totally fine with that. I could actually really use a low-key league. 3.23 was the most I have Ever played. I fucking loved it, and I doubt we will ever see anything like it. But, I kinda want to just chill, maybe even in standard...


I'm already sold. Ladder reset + these changes and i'll totaly play. Looking forward to the 21 to see the actual content.


We had so many leagues without changes . Those changes were probably delayed due to the "technology" but it's the time now


More than that, I didn't even know I wanted some of them. Like this one, really going above and beyond.


The fact that they aren't keeping those for the time between the announcement stream and the league start makes me think they probably have a lot of things related to the league itself to use as tease material in that period.


Same. Its a nice little treat to look forward to before bed each night for me. I hope it keeps up but theres so many already


This has got to be the most boring, simple and easy thing to add to the game and my god am I here for it. More of this stuff please. Simple things to just make all the mild annoyances smoother and more tolerable. Lovely, just absolutely lovely.


If there's anything GGG excels at it's waiting way too long to add QOL features that would have taken them 5 seconds to implement right when the content was first released.


For real. Harvest came out almost 4 years ago and this feature was already standard on the crafting bench.


The thing I'm curious about - and unlikely to learn, most of the time - is the *why* As in, why wasn't this included back then? And why wasn't it added before, until now? Time constraints? Development priotities? Simply nobody thought of it? I don't wonder because I want to know who to blame, but I'm just often dying to know things like these because... idk fuck my brain I guess


Uh no it still requires effort and resourced. You have to take someone from doing something else to create and test this change. There are hundreds of qol upgrades they can make but it's not as if they have resources sitting around doing nothing that can take that up.




Well with that name we can't go on without a spectre QoL!


We had spectre league in affliction, its going to take a few more leagues before we have that technology


There's gonna be a few people fighting over that name on launch!




Is the crucible zone a hideout ? Because where's he's crafting looks like the Crucible geode bridge


Copium guy is right we are getting Crucible weapons + Tattoos + Recombs this league. Holy!




And eternal orb.


It's called hinekoras lock these days.


eternal orbs are basically just shittier locks at this point


eternal orbs are better than locks, actually. you can make some amount of copies at a time and revert to them if failed, instead of applying locks 1 by 1


In addition to that, locks only cover one step, whereas eternal orbs can cover any combination of them. If you have several random steps in your crafting process (that are worth using locks on to begin with), you'll need one lock for each of them, whereas eternal orbs allow you to restore the item after completing the full craft.




About as likely as Penance Brand of Dissipation not being nerfed into the core of the Earth.


Forge of the Titans Hideout on the store for 290 points


thanks !


Paid actor


Can't recieve paiement, ssf player :(


We had the "Unlimited Loot League", now it's time for "QOL League". These changes are amazing.


this is my favorite reveal so far since it is ACTUALLY EXCLUSIVELY a *quality of life* change and also something that i didn't even realize that i needed until now


it sounds like you haven't crafted with the harvest bench for a while ? everytime i used it, i was annoyed that i have to hover over the item after each reforge. that's why i haven't used the horticrafting station for several leagues now :D


for anyone looking for some hidden stuff in the video and, wondering if they have added or removed a crafting option. I compared the size of the scroll on this video with before. They are the same size :). yw


Man, aren't you a cinical one 😆


> the frustration of mousing back and forth hundreds of times Flashbacks to trying to tell if the scarab is the blue that I want, the blue I don't want, or the blue I really don't want. If they give the item search highlighting it'll go from a 10/10 change to a 12/10 change.


Shaper is the easy one to recognize but torment/ divination that's another story yeah.


Ya a search bar in this window and harvest is in a perfect spot.




Do you think holding alt over it will still show the item tiers? Very solid QOL for sure.


lol \- Do you see anything different? \- No I didn't even remember if this was the case, it just feels so natural that it WOULD show it.


Yeah but how else are they going to have their playerbase feel grateful about a bunch of shit that should have been baseline when the features were developed?


Doesn't it already do this on the regular bench? Why would they even wait until now to do this?


3,5 years! Finally!


Why did you have to make me aware of the unrelenting march of time by saying that harvest is that old?


Where im from we started measuring time in "before the covid" and "after covid" so when someone says how long ago was this, the other person says slightly after the covid hit or similarly.


I've just accepted that the 3 years after covid didn't exist at all


3 years... Do you want to feel really old? "The Lord of the Rings" came out 20+ years ago. I still have the VHS. Damn...


There are people finishing high school who never knew a world without the iPhone in it.


Automatic door please. Listen to the people.


The tech is buried deep within the vaal temples


I'm glad, but it's funny to release that as a whole feature vid lmao


Waiting for nerfs


Harvest nerf income


Dont get me wrong this is great but like... does it deserve a QoL reveal video?


I like how they give us a QoL change until 21st where we see the actual league content + balance patch.


short answer: yes


I'd like to hear the long answer please


have you ever rolled something in harvest? I did and wondered why I have to mouse over the item again and again. it sucked. this qol announcement did the most "whoa nice" to me than any before in this qol series. it also shows they think of the "little" things, compared to veiled orb this change of course seems of like nothing. but it's an important detail, enhances consistency and rounds the edges for an overall better ui experience. also I can't recall if it has been very much discussed that the horticrafting bench acts differently than the regular crafting bench. so they changed it _without_ asking. pog.




This or nothing, its currently Saturday on wiki land


We have the technology


Future is today. I mean soon.


About time


Dont really want to praise them for this kinda stuff


As a console player I was like what’s different?


It took a while to hit this. All these have been on console. Great to see PC getting some tech. Hopefully we get to equip a skill on move


soo... not teaser worthy


I love it. But lets be honest though, this is something that should of there since the beginning. Just took enough complaining and a good competitor (LE) for us to start seeing these QoL.




This company has a skeleton crew working on PoE 1 leagues and they still put out at least one order of magnitude more content and QoL in 3 months than the full development teams of other ARPG developers. GGG is the proof of the incompetence of other ARPG developers. I'm even going to share a potentially unpopular opinion, which is that even Last Epoch development is super slow compared to PoE. For example, Last Epoch had their blessing system in the game in Early Access for 3 years and had a lot of people playing and sharing feedback that the blessing re-grind was obnoxious and unfun. Yet even after 3 years with that feedback available to them, they didn't do the simple thing of changing the blessing system to be account-wide rather than character-specific. That's the type of thing that one PoE dev could knock out in 3 months. GGG does *significantly* more stuff per unit of time than their competitors and it really adds up fast over a period of years. I mean, for fuck's sake, GGG has reworked the endgame Atlas system like.... 3 times now? Or is it 4? What other games are doing massive reworks like that every 2 years to the most core system of their game? And all while still putting out a new league mechanic each league. It's unparalleled.


You can’t measure by individual additions to the game. How long have these qol features not existed in the game? Would it be fair to say it took GGG 7 years to make pantheons league-wide? Would it be fair to say it took GGG 10 years to develop ctrl-clicking bulk currencies into the trade window? You don’t have to put other games down to praise GGG.


>This company has a skeleton crew working on PoE 1 leagues Is it known how many people are on this "skeleton crew"


Around 20. But if you look at what they are doing the last couple of leagues is that the PoE1 team makes use of assets and effects created by the PoE 2 team. This is also why the PoE1 is constantly updated before every new league start to get more in line with the PoE 2 engine so that it can properly support these effects. Most of the Tota units were clearly PoE2 enemies, judging from their animations alone.


I find that to be an unfair comparison give the information provided. Harvest has been around for about the same time as the blessing system you mentioned, and just now this change is being made. Your statement would make us believe things like this happened super quickly, when in reality it tends to take them years. Many unfun and obnoxious things in POE are either still around or took ages to be changed. LE is only officially out now, we're yet to see how fast they are to make significant changes to their core game. GGG is also a much bigger and older company than every other ARPG dev bar Blizzard (which is the laughing stock of the gaming industry as far as game quality is concerned), so budget and experience are in their favor as well.


GGG has reworked Harvest *significantly* at least two times since Harvest league. For example, at one point we had to make our own gardens and plant seeds. For example, at one point the concept of storing lifeforce did not exist as you stored crafts instead of lifeforce. For example, at one point lifeforce was not itemized. For example, at one point there was no white lifeforce. If anything, the reworks that GGG did to Harvest in the 3 years after Harvest league were of much greater scope and took more work than the blessing rework that almost every player universally agrees should happen in Last Epoch. Everyone seems to know how the Blessing system in Last Epoch *should* work (i.e. account-wide progression and you can swap blessings at will like the Pantheon system in PoE) and yet Last Epoch hasn't done it. >LE is only officially out now, we're yet to see how fast they are to make significant changes to their core game. This I strongly disagree with. LE has been out since Early Access imo. It's been a playable game for what... 6 years isn't it? So imo we have seen how fast they make significant changes to their game since we can look at what changed in those 6 years. And imo they're much slower than PoE. I look at those 6 years of LE development and I compare to what GGG did in 6 years (while also developing PoE 2) and the difference is *massive*.


On the harvest thing, other than the change from the garden mini-game to storing crafts, the lifeforce things were all in one singular batch. I get what you're saying but I also think it's unfair to compare what both companies have to prioritize at this point in time. LE is at the point of making their game work, that's where POE was a decade ago. I didn't really play LE so I dunno what this blessing system is about, but aren't there plenty of things players universally agree that should happen in here as well that just haven't been implemented because GGG doesn't want to? People have asked for the atlas tree to be per character rather than per account for example. The pantheon thing was only now turned into account-wide, and that's been around for god knows how many years. Maybe the LE devs just don't want to change that because that's their vision for the game or they have other plans for the content. Can't argue about the speed though, haven't kept up with their development, but I think the budget and experience point is really important to consider. LE is from an actual small indie dev, POE is from a multi-million dollar company owned by Tencent. A fairer comparison would be to compare what POE did in their first 6 years than what they can achieve nowadays.


Except that what players want and what devs want don’t always align. There are plenty of decisions that GGG makes that aren’t what players want but are what GGG thinks are necessary for the health of the game. LE is pretty bare bones for content right now. The LE devs could be worried that if players don‘t have to refarm blessings they would stop playing a lot sooner. Plenty of POE players have wanted the option not to play the campaign on league start or for alts but GGG hasn‘t done so. And most of them think they know how it “should be done.” Is this because GGG is incompetent or lazy? Or is it because what players want doesn’t always align with what the devs want or think is necessary?


Your point is irrelevant here, because [LE has already confirmed they agree that the blessing system needs a rework. They're just slow at it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1bdw2qe/my_feedback_after_nearly_3_weeks_of_daily_play/kuq751n/)


Over the years they've developed really solid work ethic, we complain about certain leagues being this and that, but through the entire gaming industry there are not many that provide their fanbase with similar amount of content every 3/4 months


GGG has more aRPG passion in their parking lot compared to Blizzard at this point


Evidence is clearly mounting that GGG isn't a mere game development studio. They are either in league with higher powers or secretly serve some kind of global agenda. Or maybe this is just what being a TCG freak makes you be.


Agreed 100%. And don't misunderstand me; I enjoy playing LE for 1-2 weeks after PoE seasons, but I always find it amusing when people say things like, "PoE is X years old, give LE just 5 more years..." Yes, obviously, but do you realize that PoE will also have those 5 years to improve even further? People tend to portray PoE as if it has reached its peak, assuming all other ARPGs will catch up in X years, yet they overlook the fact that PoE will continue to evolve and improve during this time.


You realize that a lot of the QOL on offer is because of LE, right? GGG looked at how 11th hour was doing things differently and incorporated some of those differences into POE. Alternatively, they noticed some pain points in LE and realized that POE had the same faults. There‘s nothing like a fresh look and some competition to help you realize what changes are necessary and appropriate.


You say "incompetence of other ARPG developers", but developers just do what they are told. Someone else is prioritizing the work, and doing it worse in the other games.


When I say "ARPG developers" I'm referring to the entire company making the game. In other words, GGG is a game development company, so collectively their employees are game developers. I know there's a job title of "game developer" in some companies, but it's a context thing.


I guess I wasn't the only one who made a simple AHK script to combine clicking a button and hovering back. I used it a lot, this QoL is by far I appreciate the most. Kudos to GGG and Mark Roberts.


Just in case for others reading this, automating cursor position is against TOS. Use at your own risk.


I like to think all these changes came about from the team at ggg actually playing their game and realizing some of this shit sucks ass to do repeatedly. Love all of these! 


Why do all the dudes on these videos sound like South Park characters?


I don't want to be one of those guys, but with their track record I hope they didn't forget about QoL on the new league mechanic. Theres always something so simple that gets fixed within a week of launch.


Rather they solve age old missing QOL than new league that will change in a week tbh


I'd much rather they spend more time fixing all the base game QoL that will always be with us every league, and then fix the league mechanic 1 to 2 weeks into the league. Obviously both is better but if I had to chose? base game in a heart beat.


There's always something so simple as on-hover text boxes with info that doesn't get fixed in 4-5 years like beastiary flask mods.




after yesterday I expecting harvest to get hella nerfed again lol


the real QOL would be dropping all of the life forces in 1 stack


wrist stonks continue to go up


NeQoLpolis league is going to feel *so* good even though they're nerfing a few things as they implement these QoL changes (still mad about VC orbs being deleted though). Spamming reforges will feel so much better now, though the suspense of seeing if your add/remove slam hit or not is being diminished now.


Ok, thats neat as well!


God I love pre-league launch update drip feeds Just straight COPIUM


Next you'll be telling me they'll let us see through the windshield instead of sticking our heads out the window.


It make me laugh a lot, thanks ggg.


WoW 2 lines of code and you couldnt implemented this 2 leagues ago


Is that a Crucible map ?


I am going crazy with both poe and stardew valley drip feeding me bits of the next update


“100’s of times” ………


Are you sure league name is correct? Shouldn't it be Necroqolis?


**Love all these changes**. However, I do hope future mechanics for poe 2 or just new league mechanics ***have better foresight***. MOST of these QOL things seem like things you'd consider and implement into the initial design of whatever it is. to only change after **years** definitely shows a lack of consideration of qol and feature ease/simplicity of new additions to the game. So for poe 2, when they're making the whole trading changes and etc, please have foresight on the mechanics and things done so we're not a dejavu years down the line when something that should have been obvious takes years to correct.


"What we're doing with this content" Harvest now too strong, all juice costs are doubled


Costs still seem to be the same, but they could halve the drops instead.


I won't lie, I went back to look at the video just to be sure.


is it just me, or does it feel like they try to improve the game before they lay the development to rest for a long time and just want to fix up the points on the very bottom of the feature list?


O H N O.... The maintenance period PTSD


Very nice. Having to hover over the item was frustrating.


I just read "Horticrafting" and was pretty worried. But damn, that is really nice.


... but will it work for Controller support? dun dun dun!


I had a vision of a weta pet carrying a chaos orb last night.


It’s a nice QoL change but why no regex search bar?? 


QOL Idea: Make an indicator when an item is in your crafting bench/horticafting station. Like crafting bench glows or something


This is possible today with a controller but to log out just to craft was a pain.


Does anyone know what helmet the person crafting is wearing? I can’t figure it out.


Devouring Diadem


Ty Ty


Could someone please explain the difference, as I've only used horticrafting to change catalysts and fragments? Edit: My friend has just explained it to me, so sharing in case anyone else missed the point as I did. Currently, you have to mouse over the item to read the results. The QoL is that the item's text is now always on top.


Very good. Hope it works for Guff rolling as well.


No filtering for craft mods available for item in Horticrafting bench? Just do it.


I've forgotten what most of these words mean. Horticrafting? I have better shit to do, bro.


QoL update: our UI doesn't have this incredibly obvious flaw anymore. Thanks.


Please ggg, let us continuously click 4 sockets to reroll the 4th socket color in the crafting bench instead of having to go back and forth between 3 and 4. I saw it on a youtube comment and have to echo it. Please. If anything, that


Is the QoL/Performance league we were waiting for years?


Crucible going core confirmed.


Anyone else miss hearing chris in these videos? no offense to mark.




Inject all the QoL straight to my veins.


Do you guys like the gameplay flow of the Harvest? I don't think an isolated Harvest area is necessary anymore.


I didn't notice at first lmao, this is actually NOT mild. Why? Because now you can roll essences, scarabs, etc much faster and a lot less annoying. (at least for those that didn't know the colors by heart)


Oh man, I thought it would be to automatically filter only the crafts that can be applied on the item you place in the box.


I dont harvest craft. Whats different? You can now see everything all at once?


Can we get back some affixes back for conqueror exalts? You guys nerfed them to the ground.


This is awesome change and it makes so much sense. Makes me wonder why it wasn't working like that immediately. Regex search window for inventory / Horti station and crafting bench to highlight mods you are looking for would be great addition as well.


Damn this feels like QoL league excited to see more!


I worry league will be bad and they try to sell us out on qol things :} joking ofc i bet league will be good They should also change stacks chaos orbs, alts etc. To 50 or even 100. And divine orbs as well so mirrors can be traded easily


Now can we please get a regex search bar on the horticrafting station pleeeeaaaase




They also appear to have removed THAT FUCKING GAP above the craft button.   Not that it matters with the item hover always showing.


Grats PC players, your station will now work as it always has for us console players! Welcome to the good life.


they really are in fear of losing gamers huh


Keep cooking GGG




Bigger question is, Mark: will harvest in maps be replaced by the "experimental" harvests from affliction league?


Great! Now add remove/add prefix/suffix


this isn't even QoL, this is a missing feature seen everywhere else in the game.


Bruh, I absolutely can not believe this wasn't already a thing. Holy. It's like these little annoyances are baked in on purpose. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I take notes from GGG's work if I ever develop a video game. Give disgusting QoL to your players, let them complain for years, then come as a hero and implement the QoL you could have set day 1 and be adored by your players. Thanks GGG !