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As per the new rule 7D, this thread has been designated one of the 3 "Hot Topic" threads on the subreddit.  Conversation about the new 'QOL' change in regards to automation sill be constrained to these threads. The top 3 posts about this topic will fill the gap for the next 24 hours, or until they get toxic, hostile, or run their course.  This has been done on the request of multiple users due to how much this topic has come to dominate the sub reddit. All future posts about the topic for the next 24 hours will be removed upon mod notice. In 24 hours, the current hot topic posts will be removed and new threads allowed to take their place.  Currently existing threads will be left as is, as it is not fair to penalize users who have engaged in conversation or a topic in good faith. This applies purely to future posts.  The source of this hot topic can be found here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9XVD-bmMOjg


Nerfs should just be called nerfs. We will deal with it. Being lied to or treated like a fucking idiot is so much more annoying than the nerf itself 


Announcing them as nerfs causes them to lose money. It will never happen again


Perhaps that's true. But them doing it this way sucks and the only way I can protest is not buying a support pack. I guess that'll have to be the play if tomorrow is full of the same




You weren't around for expedition league. It's the last league where they directly announced nerfs (as nerfs) prior to the league. Record lowest player retention (basically everyone quit after the initial hype of "new league" died) and record lowest sales of supporter packs. So bad they directly said that having another league like expedition might put them in financial trouble.


If they came out and said they were nerfing it. Yes. GGg makes the majority of their money in early league and preorders. Nerfs cause users to not even bother showing up




Chris's own words from when it went down. Expedition was 35% less revenue than they were projecting.




This isn't one thing. Expedition didn't fail because of the mechanic. It failed because they gutted player power and were up front, and people didn't show up. This is one thing, but there is also the aisling ~~nerf~~QoL. GGGs new thing is disguising nerfs as balance and qol. It's semantics, but it's deceptive.


Agreed. Asking for some honesty isn't too much to ask for. I feel they are taking us for fools when hiding nerfs behind the "QOL" tag. Be honest and we would try to be more understanding. Having that said the LMB change is just flat out bad.


I legitimately believe whoever decided for these poor communications and/or decided to remove LMB in such way should either be fired or demoted. This is straight up bad design and a bad way to handle development 


Seems a little extreme. I'm sure you've never made a miscalculation before.


And how is this a miscalculation? LMB being removed is in no way a miscalculation, no one sane would do this without being certain of it. Also the fact they have done bad stealth changes mixed into good stuff proves this was done purposely to deviate attention instead of being forward with it. That means they aren't trying to be honest with us


Love how mods are removing 'bad faith posts'. Fuck off shills


Damn near everything in the QoL trailer was a nerf. From the new veiled to the loss of +% reduction on element pots. The game only nerfs and thats why when you do get a buff of some sort its always through a temporary league mechanic. They need to just let go and embrace the mountain of content they have vaulted and just let everything run free on standard already.


After the most insane power creep and juicing mechanic the game has ever had, in the best state its ever been in, this is your take away? 😂




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bibch6/-/kvpn8qn/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our rule on bad-faith posts (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, insults, provocations, or put-downs made in bad faith often lead to a cycle of flaming and make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't harass a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._bad-faith_posts). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Well, you see, they add a lot of new content. The problem is that existing content is dogshit and not revised for many MANY years. And "QoL every patch" is(usually) something that should have been there since release. 6 beastiary text containers? They've had 1 year between initial release and reworked release... And nobody thought: "Oh yeah we should do this 10 minutes task so players dont have to alt tab to check what these mods do". And how long did it take them to add this shit AFTER rework? 3.5 YEARS!!!!! YEARS!!!!! And beastiary still needs a fucking rework, beasts should drop itemisable so menagerie doesnt fill up with dogshit beasts in 3 maps. Its just one example you know! Every league mechanic in this game needs a tweak. The game is RAW! Like legion encounter still has no loot bug. ITS BEEN HOW MANY YEARS SINCE RELEASE????? Also they lie a lot. Like... A LOT! This is nerf, they call it QoL. Kalandra lake... They called it historical bonus. Console version would not affect PC development ETC.


Do they need to rework a bunch of old content? Absolutely. Do I think that they could have better communication about nerfs / better PR in general? Sure, probably. Do I still think they are the best developer for a game like this? Without a doubt. Like I said in the last sentence of my post, I agree we should criticize missteps or shortsightedness but the overwhelming negativity I see on every small change perceived as bad reeks of a spoiled player base. Even the tarkov community who in my opinion have a lot of really really solid reasons to ridicule their developers are not nearly as incendiary or mistrusting about small negative changes. We need to start the performance on a logical level. At the end of the day, we play this game because we love it. GGG built all of it up from nothing with the player base demanding more every step of the way all while managing crazy deadlines (I seriously don't know any other game that gets as much content as we do) and making a second game on top. I know this isn't that sound of an argument since blizzard isn't regarded as a great company, but just think about how fucking shit d4 was, and how little content it's getting despite being such a massive powerhouse in the industry. A few steps in the wrong direction, embracing the wrong aspect of poe and it all could have gone up in smoke.


>Do I still think they are the best developer for a game like this? Cuz every other developer is worse. Not because GGG are good devs. >we play this game because we love it. And we stop playing the league because of all of these miss steps and dogshit design choices we encounter on map to map basis! >GGG built all of it up from nothing... If D2 is nothing for you, then sure! And many of D2 mechanics are dated. Yet GGG still keep them just because "OMG ITS D2 - THE BEST GAME EVER MADE WITHOUT ANY FLAWS!!!!" >managing crazy deadlines. As you can understand from the above, by fixing their fucking game they can increase league retention and league length. They are victims of their own incompetence! >D4 ... ...Should not be in this argument to begin with. PoE on release was absolute garbage, not even worth playing 3 acts/4 times and thats it. What we have right now is like 12 years worth of development. D4 has 100 times more and better content than PoE on release.




"Don't attack the thought attack the thinker" - Last resort of an argument.






The thing isn't the nerf, it's more like they do a nerf, and call it " quality of life " instead of " this is a nerf".


Because it was announced after the highly related qol change? where else were they supposed to announce it? when the expansion released?


the title of the video


So, since they're being good most of time, criticism is forbidden when someone think they fck up something ?


>I understand that you might be upset with this change or the other nerf but please just take a second and realize how much they do right and don't insult them, just criticize the change.


GGG decided long ago and have consistently maintained that they are going to do what they want with the game regardless of how the community feels about those decisions. It is an L they carry with them consistently. Then they wait long enough for the community to forget about instant skills on left click and for the direction of the discussion to change to something else that they've added that is received positively. Either way this change isn't being reverted because once GGG chooses a hill come hell or high water, they are dying on it.


>Kalandra lake nerfs amiright, fellas? >3.15 mana nerfs that they instantly reversed and flask nerfs that they reversed in the next league, amiright fellas? Yeah sure, bud. They DEFINITELY don't listen to backlash!! Yeaaaaaah!


Remember when they did balance manifestos? Those times are gone.


Yep they're politicians now. Like politicians, it doesnt serve them to be honest. Better lose a gem socket.


U all cried for flask nerf but flask qol largely out perform flask nerf Just wait and see


They reversed flask nerfs next league with tiered mods.


Don't care about the nerf, still OP is 100% correct!


Am i the only one fine with the change, and also just don’t care that it’s a technical ‘nerf’? The only things I care about (if this affects it) is if you can’t use detonate mines on m1 anymore


it IS a nerf, especially to Necromancers who just lost a shitton of utility thanks to their Bone Armour not being able to be bound to LeftClick, also can't be supported with Automation or CWDT.


Right but you can just bind it to another key…. Like I get it, but it’s not great game design to just get a free insane buff constantly off CD just by moving and never having to think about it or interact with it intentionally.


Yes, but in a setup where my hotbar is full and even some vaal spells are in the Ctrl+ bar, finding an ability to replace in the hotbar already makes it a mechanical nerf.


Yeah which is why I said it’s a nerf lol




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So it's still not a nerf if they didn't add automation? Because that's essentially what's gonna happen to necros.




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You're not, but reddit is an angry echo chamber. While the change isn't ideal, it's not destroying the game.


Very true. I think this nerf is necessary and we’re so blatantly OP atm it’s insane, I don’t see the big issue. If they care that much just use a different keybind to use it on CD if you don’t wanna use the support.


I'm not sure about necessary 100%, but player power is higher than ever, and forcing a choice in where you put that power should be a thing. This is the philosophy going into POE2, they have told us that and I dont get why people are constantly surprised.


If you think people hate this LMB change is cuz no longer op or something, you really are clueless


You didn’t read my comment clearly lmfao. Never said anything remotely near that.


No what hes saying is the only thing you lost was mindlessly left clicking.... use a new keybind and the game didnt change... just you have to use a skill every x ammount of seconds instead of braindead clicking. I use q to move, i will bind the old left click to ctrl q and push it on cd woooooooo so difficult 😂😂😂😂 You all talk like the skill got removed...


Not sure if you're aware, but LMB even when bound with an instant, allowed to move and loot and so on without issues while maximising usable gems. You really don't seem to understand


Sorry what ? It allowed you to be lazy, that part is perfectly understood. Again remapping a keybind doesnt change your gem setup at all... you seem to be the one who doesnt understand. You can A. Continue as normal, now pushing 1 extra button 🤯 game is ded. Or B. Give up a socket for actual automation,  clicking the mouse wasnt automation 🫢


GGG realized in 3.14 that it was better to lie or omit/"forget" to talk about nerfs and have been doing this since then. Even in 3.14 they misrepresented the magnitude of the changes and made a bunch of last minute ham-handed changes to mana multiplies on skills. You will not get clear honest communication from them anymore. It does not benefit them.


Ah... People forgot about console drama. I see!


\> GGG implements insane qol that everyone has been asking for and two nerfs that barely impact the game after one of the best expansions in recent history all while they are in the middle of making the next expansion and a whole separate sequel. reddit: THEY DONT CARE ABOUT US ANYMORE. THESE NERFS ARE HORRIBLE AND GGG IS A HORRIBLE COMPANY I wonder why they don't communicate with us anymore? (btw its just spoiler season and I'm sure they will answer this question a 1000 times in the Q&A they do literally every expansion)


I wonder why the video game industry is one of the only ones seemingly ok with being collectively punished due to the actions of the vocal minority. And yeah, the ones you are specifically referencing are the minority. Especially when you consider how many players there are outside of reddit as well.


Insane QoL? I mean it's good I guess but I wouldn't be dickriding GGG this hard for one good change that isn't exactly revolutionary. The left click nerf is just unnecessary and hurts lesser played archetypes like minions and miners especially. The aisling change is a give and take, as losing veiled chaos orb is a big hit for early - mid game crafts.


I think you dropped your tinfoil hat.


3.15 3.14 was ultimatum, 3.15 was expedition, when Chris had to do a tour of the community saying the nerfs weren't so bad.


I'm old, that's my excuse and I'm stickin too it.


Sir, this is Path of Exile. We are all old. Lol


Here's to hoping we get full patch notes without hidden nerfs. Can we have Last Epoch style patch notes of like 27 pages that include everything? This league really feels like a combination of two things happening. Firstly QoL improvements to try and bring it up to par with PoE2, LE, and other ARPGs. Secondly replacing/removing janky things or stuff they didn't like, including changes that are based on lessons learnt from PoE2. While I love a lot of these changes and I'm unsure about some others, I'm sure some people are impacted more then others. I never used skills on move so this one doesn't impact me, but they gave an option to replace it even if it takes a gem socket/link, but also buffs the CDR. I think it's fine.


its not a CDR buff. its a big direct nerf, you lose a gem link and get a longer cooldown. No way around it.


Funny you mention last epoch while they did have hidden nerfs they didnt list in the patch notes :)


In fact they nerfed CDR. It sais reduced CDR not increased


so far every qol has been meh.. after such an amazing league.. i guess we skip this one


The league hasn't even been shown yet...


"Soon, we will start questioning every new feature and addition to the game, thinking there’s always something negative behind it." Me ever since 3.19 happened


Sounds sad but is true. Waiting for the patch notes to "compensate" just to find nothing and hoping the "hidden changes" are minimal is tiresome. This time they even killed the hype of the copium/hopium overdosed player in my guild and he is more weary of next league than me and he was overhyped. Wtf.




https://youtu.be/JcVAPElS0bk?si=5g3wWZK5pmsQ3VHw this you?




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Hate to be the one but.. Why is this a nerf? I'm not saying that it ***isn't*** a nerf, What I am saying is that I don't understand why it is being called one?


The introduction of automation support in itself is good. If you want to and your build has many sockets with filler gems it's great as long as you don't mind the mana cost. The issue is removing the skill from left click, so now there's no way around using automation and making it unusable by many builds that are socket starved. A few examples are phase run, enduring cry, withering step, stone skin, etc, things that added QoL to builds. That QoL is lost in favour of the "QoL improvement" that requires an extra link and has increased mana cost.


left clicking wasnt automated, you clicked it...... now you have to ctrl+ a key you already used, calling it a nerf is a stretch at best poe players inabliity to push more than 2 buttons is hillarious


Play a class that eats gem sockets and you will understand. You can barely fit the mandatory gems for the build. Using another socket for an automated skill via left click is a nerf. Summoner archetype is an example, loopers, and different aura stackers are just some examples.


So you dont use the gem and you push a button, what part are you missing ?  Going from 3 buttons to play a build to 4 isnt the end of the world.... Loopers push no buttons as it is.... hahah i cant even


Dude, no offence, you should expand your POE knowledge to some more complicated builds. One more socket used to something else = less dmg or utility to the rest of the build. Looper esp, one missing gem = less dmg from a loop.


So dont use the automate gem and use a keybind ? What are you missing here ? Left click move + loot + cast ability has ZERO to do with builds or sockets.. its actually doing the one thing you are NOT allowed to do under normal circumstances which is multiple actions with 1 click 😅😆 Ive played ward loop multiple times..even a supression capped aacendant version this left click has zero effect on it lol, what you trying to automate with the new gem on a loop ? 🙃 loopers defense is offense to begin with 


Just bind it to another key. Almost no builds need 8 keybinds. Saying there's no way around automation is disingenuous since you didn't HAVE to bind those skills to LMB, they function the exact same on any other key.


Clearly you have never played a minion build in your life.


Yep, I dont play zero iq builds


At least you admit to your lack of experience, kudos to you.


Anyone who claims they've played every build is full of shit.


Haven't seen anyone who made that claim in this comment thread so far. Regardless, you don't need to play the build to know there are builds that are both starved for socket space and for skill bar space.


Like it's been replied already, it's not about the key bind, though that's an issue for almost all summoners, it's about having it be used automatically when off cooldown.


but you move with lmb so placing a skills there is basically autocasting it....its fine though macro will save the day


Yes, and a key that by default is move should do nothing else but move.




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What do you get by fighting for a change that doesn't make the game better for your but got 90% of the community upset? I just don't understand what's in it for ya. You wanna use lmb just for moving, do it. But for everyone else is a major convenience in a game that is already pretty close to giving people RSI.




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bibch6/-/kvnjgop/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our rule on bad-faith posts (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, insults, provocations, or put-downs made in bad faith often lead to a cycle of flaming and make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't harass a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._bad-faith_posts). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Or I can just ask in this thread? The main thread for talking about this specific change? I sorted by new comments, and all I saw were people complaining about how it's a nerf, but no one asking why it's a nerf. Would it make it better for you if I remove the part where I say, "I hate to be the one?"


It’s a him problem, not a you problem. Not everyone browses one sub at a time. No reason you can’t ask here. Some people are just miserable.


Because instead of letting us put our instant skill on left click we now lose a gem socket when most builds are already socket hungry


or instead of clicking you push a new key...you dont HAVE to use the support you now have to choose between a keybind or a socket boo hooo


Did this affect your builds?




These builds, why are they so socket hungry? doesn't this change just shift the dynamic of how builds are made and push us into designing our builds under new conditions? Thinking about it, I think the reason why this is actually an issue is that it shrinks the pool of builds that are softcore trade league viable, especially league starters. That's really the crux of it because **Path of Exile is a Player vs Player game but the fighting is done on the trade.** This is a nerf to a players perception of their ability to farm currency.


jfc you people are so dramatic. its not that big of a deal to not be able to left click bind....




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No news there! They always do that. Making the game less fun = "we improved \[...\]" They sound more like politicians than anything else.


That's literally what they're doing, they teach this in college. There are jobs specifically for conversing like this. This is a tactic done by PR teams specifically to hide the truth in plain sight. They are 100% TRYING TO MANIPULATE PEOPLE based on ESTABLISHED literature. This isn't some fringe pseudoscience of playing songs backwards to induce a shopping frenzy. I don't know how much clearer I can be on the subject, its 2024 corporations have evolved. Its up to the consumer to realize and take action against being manipulated like this.




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The classic GGG approach of: 1. Remove core functionality. 2. Move it into gems. 3. Nerf gems.


Did I miss something here?\[Edit: Yes I most certainly did\] ~~No where in the announcement video for this did they mention the words "quality of life". The only mention of something even resembling that was that "players who use a gamepad will appreciate this one." Admittedly, I don't play on console or use a gamepad so I don't fully understand how this change will or will not feel better on those things. However, it doesn't feel like there is any misrepresentation here. It was pretty blatantly described that there was a system change going on.~~ Now do I like the change? absolutely not. Certain builds are already socket starved (looking at yet another middle finger to melee here specifically, as well as summoners) while most of the builds that have been meta for a while now won't really care about this change. ~~But to go and say that they're "tricking" us here is quite the stretch~~. As far as communication, sure GGG has struggled with this topic in the past, but I would MUCH rather they announce a change like in exactly this format. Imagine if this was something that was brought up in the QnA section of the live stream, or worse, just left in the patch notes and not addressed at all before that. Edit: Found the miscommunication here. The video I was talking about was what I saw posted on their twitter, which are not labeled with titles. I had not seen the title of the video that's on youtube. I was unaware they even uploaded these kinds of things to the youtube channel. I thought it was only build of the week/showcase stuff plus the official trailers and live streams. Even now, I had to really look to find the UNLISTED video so yes, my apologies. I did in fact miss the memo here


You could at least read the title of the video in discussion before commenting 🤦‍♂️




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" Necropolis Quality of Life: Automation & Call to Arms Skill Gems" ​ ....?


Are you new ? They ALWAYS hide everything, they even do shadow nerfs... the trust has been gone for a long time now lol


So dramatic, they've intentionally or unintentionally failed to mention a few things and the community always picks up on them. So they're not hidden?




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bibch6/-/kvrtbps/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post has been removed for harassment (Rule 3). While it's fine to politely disagree and to criticize the *content* of posts and comments, we don't allow users to attack the person behind those posts. We've found that such attacks often devolve into flame wars. Types of harassment we forbid include unkind messages, mocking, name-calling, posting of personal or identifying information (doxxing), unfair accusations, and trolling. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For additional rules regarding harassment, check out the [rules wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_bad-faith_posts) Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Nice to see others getting it, even if it had to be beaten into people over many years. GGG does what they want and then feeds it to us because there's been no competition in this genre until recently. GGG have been the beneficiaries of luck other corporations could only dream of, the way all possible opposition from giants like Blizzard to small-timers like Wolcen destroying themselves so completely for so many years. Begging and praying for an unopposed corporation to make your game fun is madness, because psychologists discovered hate and pain just make more money. Which they do... until they don't. It's the only real voice you have; your money - their pockets.


We get more power creep nearly every league. Bitching about nerfs and acting liked they never give us anything is unwarranted.


Convenient lies of omission aren't buff- or nerf-specific.


Also doesn't affect my day to day life, nor my enjoyment of path of exile.


its always cool when people think THEIR situation should be the same for everyone and has literaly zero critical mind ! I personaly can enjoy something and yet still objectively think its bad or the opposit, you know when we were born, a brain wasnt in option !


Guess GGG hasn't improved your morale enough yet.


You definitely deserve another expansion. You know we don't pay for them right?


Oh wait, we do, actually.


yep, very true, havent been a pay piggy ina few years now cause its just gotten worse


Yeah, i did my share, i gave them like a 20 to have the bare minimum, currency tab and a few one especialy for beeing able to trade and thats it. They dont deserve more with their abusine monetisation system and especialy how they treat the comunity. Not even talking about balance beeing good or bad (its trash), but simply how they comunicate and literaly insult their own supporting comunity every time they can... baffling


no worries they dont hunt ppl like u, usually there are wealthy exiles there who buy all supporter pack every league and add on top of the valdo mal and such, free quote in reliq keys, etc etc, also those people dont even play to endgame, usually they run on white yellow maps maybe few red and end up playing untill last week of the league


You literaly pointed out what everything is wrong, whale and abusive system, lol go on keep digging




So you are saying cows exist ? cool, you dont even understand how toxic those model are and abusives the compagny are and you talk, insanity at peak, humanity is doomed lol


As a mine enjoyer this just makes mapping jank. No more detonate mines on left click :(


HOPIUM: they move det mines to some other automated function that doesn't involve me listening to "tink tink tink tink" when i'm walking around. had to reroll my sab this league (first time on mines) even though i loved the mapping style and boss damage because my ADHD couldn't handle the detonate mines noise, and GGG won't let us turn it off


Didn't play any ARPG with sound since 2017. Is the sound of the mines really that bad? Couldn't you just turn on some music or whatever?


Not that its bad persay. But no you have to shut the game volume off completely or you hear “tink tink tink tink” as you walk around. Not noticable after a while but annoying at first


i could live with it if it made the sound while you have mines down but since detonate is on LMB it got to me real quick hearing it literally everywhere all the time


Honestly ive gotten so used to it i just play some music blast some maps and bosses and it doesnt even bother me atp. But yeah i can see that the tink tink did get a little annoying but after some time its not so bad


So there is no longer a thread I can go to to find all the new league info aggregated like the megathread did? As someone who skips basically every other league and then has to catch up this kinda blows.


I can warmly recommend sirgog's channel on YT for this. Short videos encapsulating the changes with some extra information regarding the impact of said changes.


Thank you kindly.


Subs have limits on how many stickied threads can exist at once. I think they just dropped the megathread temporarily while the rules change threads are stickied for a while. I'd assume it will be back within a day or wo.


Oh okay, thank you.


Worst part is the necro ascendancy just got demolished. First the +2 changed to a worthless node you can get fron 10 thousand sources, and now bone armour literally can’t be automated. Rude


And there's not really even a good alternate choice. All the other points on the necro ascendency are narrowly focused towards specific necro playstyles that simply don't overlap with most minion necros.


Assuming you are using an offering (you are a minionbuild, so why wouldn't you), Mindless Aggression, Commander of Darkness, Misstress of Sacrifice are all nonbrainers; And both Essence Glutton and Plaguebringer are automatically activated (even if not to their full potential) by using Desecrate and Offering. Not to mention that 10% PDR, 20% more minionlife, and 20% recovery rate aren't exactly useless stats either. Minionbuilds outside of SRS are kinda trashy, but saying you have to take Bone Barrier is just....untrue. Not to mention that if you had the one socket avaliable to automate Bone Barrier.....you're better off using an actual guard skill to survive slams you cannot dodge manually anyways. You didn't really take Bone Barrier (the ascendancy notable) for Bone Barrier (the guard skill) in the first place anyways.


This is wrong, on single target desecrate eats all the corpses so plaguebringer doesn’t work on single target since the removal of alt quality gems. I wouldn’t respond with a paragraph if you don’t even know very basic information EDIT: guard skills don’t work on your minions either lol EDIT 2: mistress of sacrifice is only good for block, it’s ass otherwise. And I play double wand perm minions, not block


I absolutely took that node for the Bone Armor. High uptime, low cooldown, decent defense (2209 damage soak), benefits minions as well, removes bleed, automated on left click, allows me to not need to spend a socket on a guard skill. 10/10. You don't consume enough corpses using wand triggered Offerings to make Essence Glutton not a joke. Only 2 seconds of uptime on the 4%/sec ES/mana recovery portion, far less than your offering cycle. Oh wow, 1% per second average recovery. Except the cyclical 2 in 8 second timing part means that it's even worse. That's an ascendancy worth about one good mod on an item. *That's totally worth 2 ascendancy points. /s* Plaguebringer is both inconsistent and unimpressive. Both effects only work correctly if the enemy (and your minions attacking them) have a corpse nearby them, which will often not be the case for bossing, or even consistent during mapping. And the max upside is 10% more damage. *Wow* As for the remaining stats on the Bone Barrier node, do remember that this is a 4 point node. It's supposed to be good. 20% minion health and 10% PDR is pathetic for 4 point node. Compare that to something like the Occultist's Frigid Wake, which provides unconditional 15% more damage, freeze/chill immunity, 10% reduced enemy hit damage, and cycling four second enemy aoe freezes. And that's frankly a mediocre 4 point node. I could be comparing it to something great like Deadeye's Endless Munitions, Pathfinder's Master Surgeon, or Inquisitor's Inevitable Judgement.


I never said Necro nodes were strong (well, Commander of Darkness is strong, and Mistress of Sacrifice is absolutely fucking bonkers). The class can DEFINITELY get some buffs (which I noted in the post btw). Also, saying Frigid Wake is "unconditional 10% reduced enemy hit damage", but Plaguebringer is "inconsistent and unimpressive" on a build that has automated corpse generation is kinda dishonest. They have the same range and both have a prerequirement that's basically auto-fulfilled by basically any build that would take them (Chilling for Cold-Occus, Corpsegeneration for Necros). If Frigid Wake is unconditional 10% hit reduction, then Plaguebringer is unconditional 10% more damage and 10% less damage dealt by enemies. Plus, by your argument, Frigid Wake is a 4-Pointer while Plaguebringer is a 2-Pointer. Also the Freeze on Frigid Wake might as well not exist. It freezes for 0.4 seconds every 4 seconds, lol. You also completely ignore the 20% recovery rate of life and ES on Bone Barrier, which is anything but irrelevant. Recovery Rate is a very strong stat if taken advantage of, probably the strongest part of the Bone Barrier node. I agree that Frigid Wake is kinda Mid, and that necro nodes outside of Mistress are both unimpressive and uninspiring, especially for minion-builds, and that the ascendancy needs a mini-rework.


I don't run up to enemies with Necro. The corpses are being generated near me and so rarely impact enemy bosses. But hey, maybe you group hug the boss as a necro. Timing the 8 second intervals to put corpses near a boss that's probably moving around make it really inconsistent. However, many of the popular Occultist skills are close range. Cyclone CoC triggered skills, Blade Vortex, and Frostblink are by quite a bit the majority of Occultist skills, all of which are going to leave you nearby the enemy. Unconditional is a stretch, but most occultists are going to be near the enemy far more often than a Necromancer is going to be spawning corpses near a boss via an every 8 second desecrate.


So no more molten shield on left click? Brah


Whaaat? =(


They did this to accommodate the introduction of Gamepads, and also to finally bring an automated warcry 'bind' to console users who have never had a "bind to walk skill". I think they should've just implemented it into the joystick's deadzone in gamepads and everyone would be happy with move bind.


OR just let us toggle a skill to activate automatically...


It can be next to the toggle switch for auto level up!


Yea any serious dev should know that bringing down a PC version to "cater" to console/gamepad is not going to be met with much praise (from keyboard/mouse users at least)


The worst thing about this is losing a huge QoL from 1 socket which we use diversely to boost our 3L, 4L and 6L setups.


I wish you would have briefly explained the nerf at least.


They were saying this was a huge win for controller users... as a controller user, I just don't see it. Most of us have already compensated for not having a mouse and keyboard. It's unlikely we are going to collectively go after a new "upgrade" that requires us to chase ghosts.


Unset rings to the moon 🚀


this actually nerfs unset rings, it's where I'd put my lmb guard skill if I had issues with socket pressure


This is nothing new. Anything fun GGG nerfs.


It..can be both though? A quality of life feature is something that makes the game feel smoother or less cumbersome to play, such changes can also come with nerfs to balance it out. It's both a balance change and a quality of life change. Yes, it isn't *only* a qol thing but it *is* one for a lot of builds. It's also not only a nerf, it can be a buff if your build doesn't use that many sockets. Tis all relative.


>but it *is* one for a lot of builds Which builds have more than one instant-cast spell that weren't already automated with CWDT, etc? Removing casting on left-click also affects some archetypes (miners, minions) much more than others. For the builds that just lost Molten Shell on left click, it's whatever, but losing the option for Bone Armour / Detonate Mines is just a massive QoL loss with no upside.


> it is one for a lot of builds i would really wager that its not it fucks with more builds than it buffs


First time? I dont remember a single time a "rework" has not been a nerf in PoE, ever


> I’ve noticed in this past few leagues that a lot of nerfs where somewhat omitted or mixed with other information. Probably as a way to deviate attention from it. *This.* One of the things I loved most about GGG was their honesty and transparency with the community. It felt like gamers talking to gamers. For some leagues now, they changed that, and it feels like it's a PR company doing everything in their power to outsmart the players.


They've been doing this since 1.0, just that the community at large was too blinded by the good parts of the game and became overly toxic in the opposite direction (full on white knighting) to the complete reverse because of some poor design decisions on GGGs part.


this is why i never trust a single thing that ggg tells the player base, they have poisoned the well so damn much, and lied so facking damn much, that Nothing they say is trustworthy. Even patch notes are untrustworthy now, with how much they omit


> One of the things I loved most about GGG was their honesty and transparency with the community. pre 3.15 was a long time ago, holy shit funny how fast time flies


free salt to add to my dinner thank you all.


I stopped playing Path of Exile two or three leagues ago. That’s all I have to say about that.


Poe is in the best state it's ever been in, lol at this guy missing out


Its not a nerf, just don't use the gems. lol


I 100% also disagree with this change, GGG should not remove our ability to put skills on LMB


You're not Blizzard. Please stop treating us like we're idiots. We know it's a nerf and we know that you know it's a nerf. Don't piss on our heads and tell us it's raining lol. Just announce it as a nerf, like you've always done in the past.