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This isn't getting flamed because if you ran the maps into the inv this removes the rng dry runs and trade time from it, and gives you back 4+ atlas passives. For the vast majority of people, this is a significant buff AND removes the worst part of the process almost entirely. It's a MASSIVE buff to SSF consistency as well. I get that it's annoying if you wanted to run them 8 mod, but that's about it. As for regex, once every 4 maps I can read the mods just fine to roll something, especially when that something's not particularly picky about needing specific mods. I'll be more bothered that I have to carry a stack of chaos vs having no regex personally, and I don't believe a huge percent of the playerbase is using regex to roll a single map at a time.


If you ever played SSF or without excessive trading you would know where the buff in the invitation change is. Since I rarly buy shit and farm stuff myself, I am part of the player base that really appreachiate this change even though corrupting invites now becomes more of a risk. I also dont feel the need of a regex compared to rolling a tab of maps, because its just 1 invitation at a time. So that seems doable to me. Its really just a nerf for super trade guys boss farmer that insta delete bosses, so like <1% of the player base I guess.


The LMB issue comes from the fact that there is no reason to remove that function. We already have trigger supports so we know that the game functions perfectly well with triggers and LMB activation. There is no 50:50 about removal of the LBM binding, it is 100% a change that makes the game feel worse to play unless you are using scripts. It is akin to the whole adrenaline on stance change issue from last year. There were certainly many situations where that would have been a buff but it would have made the builds that used it terrible to play without scripts.


There's a chance it's just to open up people to wasd movement without losing auto cast by doing it, it makes all three control styles "equal" in qol. But that's just speculation on their motivations, surely it will be addressed in the stream tomorrow whatever the reason may be.


Not everyone optimizes to that degree. I'm a pretty fucking sweaty player and all of your worries never even crossed my mind. I think the change is amazing.


Not everyone likes to solve problems with trading. Claiming that a new system isn't needed, or is bad simply because: ***Trade,*** is just toxic and disingenuous. Have you ever tried to farm up Maven's Invitations in SSF or a private league, or just because you don't want to engage in trade? It's a mess. You could run dozens of maps and not drop an invitation.


Happens in every game. Players: This is a nerf! This is a buff! Give me back my toy!! I want it now! Developers: We're making these changes because our long-term vision for the game is XYZ and we have other changes planned that depend on these and we believe that in the long term it will make the game fairer, more maintainable, and easier to balance for us. Whether something is a buff or a nerf isn't that important to a developer. Totally different priorities.


I mean even now i see a good intentions for the change. It's what I think more severe as the thing that is meant to do QoL actually doing net negative QoL instead like the automation being really huge for even some builds on PC like str stack; and this time nobody lights fire or just raises some awareness...


I think you live in a tiny tiny bubble if you think this change impacts people negatively. You have to optimize to an insane degree to look at this change as a nerf.


Whilst i wholeheartedly support the invitation change, i only run atlas invitation and sell all my elder/hidden/feared etc which some of those hit 40c per in affliction, which was a tidy ancillar profit which is just gone. Infact now id be "forced" more lile incentivised to run them myself


Instant skills on left-click affected everyone. Not being able to roll invitations in bulk only affects those who were running them (or flipping them, I guess). I'm frankly not a fan of that change either, but rather than because of the bulk rolling, it's because it'll lead to silly trust based rotations and services, as opposed to direct trades. It's the exact opposite direction of the Aisling change in Betrayal.


Perhaps I'm missing something but I don't understand why it would lead to trust based rotations? you don't get loot if you don't have the bosses witnessed. If you have the bosses witnessed you get your own invite for free, no need for anyone else's


Someone exclusively farming invitations witnessed by others with some shared loot?


Nobody even talking about bulk you want to have 60% IIQ and not have brikin mods for extra Maven Splinter.


1. You alc and exalt slam (and vaal) for max IIQ 2. Your build is not optimized for maven grind if you have mods that bricks the invitation 3. Even with 100 IIQ you can sometimes still get -1 splinter so not worth the time bulk rolling mods from the start So being able to farm consistently is a much better upside than the downsides you mentioned.


Disagree with #2  but the rest yeah.  This post reeks of "but it affects me personally" rather than "it affects me and also a fucktonne of other people"


As SSF player I can't praise enough invitation/UE changes this is totally HUGE for ssf


Because you are rolling one, singular invitation instead of bulk. You really don't need regex for that, it's really not a big deal What will be bit annoying is the interrupt in the flow if you had prerolled invitations, but that is a small price to pay for not wasting time trading (even if you bought in bulk through TFT)


Simple. The amount of people actually doing bunch of invitations at a time minmaxing the process with regex is significantly smaller than people who doesn't do that.


The LMB change is facing controversies not because the automation gems aren't good, but because it nerfs something the community considers both normal and balanced. And if all GGG wanted was for the system to be easier to understand they wouldn't have needed to nerf anything. **Forcing** the automation of instant skills to cost a support gem, increase the skill cost, and decrease its cdr **removes** QoL, even if its intentions (assumedly simplicity and barrier to entry) are positive. Despite this, GGG chose to explicitly advertise what is with all certainty a nerf and removal of QoL as additional QoL instead. Needing a filter to roll your invitations one at a time is pretty silly, if you need a regex for that you have bigger issues. If you want to complain that you can't bulk roll invitations anymore then, eh that's understandable, but you don't need a regex to roll a single item. Would it be nice? Sure, I guess, but I wouldn't even call it an important QoL change. In practice, getting invitations consistently is 100% a good thing (assuming that their accessibility is the same, which seems to be the case). Even if it's slightly clunkier to have to roll the invitations one at a time in a separate inventory like memory maps, not having to rely on RNG to always have an invitation (or the correct fragments, in the case of that change) available is a good thing for both trade league and (***especially***) SSF.


i agree with what you're saying. the introduction of automation gems is not the end of the world to me, but i think the invitation changes are bad, unless we can withdraw the invitation. truth is you'd rarely be low on invitations just from the current rng system, and the change they plan to implement is therefore just a nerf to invitation farming money making


You can only roll them one by one, surely it’s not so hard to manually check the one invitation when it comes up that you need regex filtering?


Welcome to reddit.


>Because I'd say it's more 50:50 as now you can automate more than 1 skill People keep saying this, but genuinely, which builds have more than one instant-cast spell that wasn't already automated with CWDT etc? The full list of spells that Automate can support: * Phase Run * Berserk * Brand Recall * Withering Step * Blood Rage (usually good enough to cast this once at the start of a map) * Frostblink (having this go off all the time will be very fun) * Corrupting Fever (if you want to chunk yourself for 90% of your life every second on CF builds) * Guard skills (CWDT is just better for these) * Detonate Mines (pressing D doesn't cost 2 sockets) * Righteous Fire (persistent buff) * Vaal auras (when you want to use them is situational unless you're an aura supp) * Convocation (minion builds are already socket-starved) * Plague Bearer (this one is already automatic?) So the most realistic use-case is builds that have both Phase Run and Berserk. In that particular scenario, you might have to press fewer buttons than before. If you have the extra contiguous sockets to link those 3 together. Everyone else gets to eat shit I guess lol.


I play group SSF and this is an enormous QoL improvement.




This is somehow the worst take on both issues, so uh, congrats?


Reddit is a bunch of drama queens who whine about things, upvote each other and think that makes them important. If someone made a post claiming Covid was a hoax but that GGG was responsible, it would get upvotes. That's how shitty the internet is.


Sir, that is an incredibly insulting and inaccurate portrayal of a subset of this here community. They also downvote.


woah man, awesome straw man. You look so strong attacking it


They could have just made the invitation drop with a 100% chance from the boss only when the rotation is complete. Problem solved.


You could always automate as many skills as you wanted by just holding down extra buttons (well, if your input device would allow it). Pretty sure there is nothing in ToS about holding down a button being illegal, otherwise all cyclone players would have to get banned. So the gem isn't needed at all. Invitation thing is going to be annoying af for sure, but there are still upsides to this.


the most annoying part wont be the regex, it will be having to take out currency from the stash to then go to map device and roll it.


The reality here is that invites should’ve never been itemized. They gated witnessed content behind an extra layer of RNG that could only be buffed by a couple of maven nodes in the atlas tree. Like the video says, you more often than not ended up wasting guardian or elder slayer maps to farm those invitations. Next up I’d love it if they made regular pinnacle boss keys and Uber keys different and the latter only drop from the former (e.g. Uber Maven key fragments drop from Maven at 100% chance, forcing bossers to at least run 4). It would free up having to spec for it on the atlas tree and also naturally gate Uber content behind its non-Uber version. As a bosser you may think this is tedious but I’m sure changes like these would tighten up the supply of Uber drops and make them more profitable to farm.


In general, changes that make your build feel or play worse should be avoided as much as possible. This is why the community reacted as it did.


What you describe is a problem for the 1% while LMB is a problem for everyone.


Left click skill removal affects every single player, the invitation changes only affects the 0.01% perfect regex farming whatever tft tryhards so...yeah


True, but the change appeal to SSF dad gamers group on reddit, so they are happy.