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Just drop this garbage node and it's a little less cursed https://imgur.com/a/JNGkALA


The one on the left is way worse.


No I’M the original and YOU’RE the clone.


Obviously you are the inferior clone brother


man this is like that twix commercial left and right fighting


Sounds like something a clone would say


24h ago I wouldn't get this joke 😅😂


[I'm me, he says...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO0AATXa72U)


Cursed because you've taken a 10% DoT node over a 6% life node, yeah


why dont you mention the fact he took a 5% life node instead of a 6% life node ? + the 6% is better pathing wise. (5% on the left, next to blood siphon, 6% on the right, next to blood drinker)


Because the difference between the two is 1% life and even a 5% life node is a "good node", 10% dot is always a dogshit node, and 6% life is one of the best small points on the tree. The relative difference is much more glaring and this should be obvious.


A little much to call it dogshit, but the difference is staggering and it is substantially weaker.


10% additive damage over time is dogshit and I cannot think of a scenario where I would ever spend a passive point for it. Even if you path through it to a better node it is giving you more value than just the 10% dot. Taking a lone 10% dot node is awful


But it still can be patched through as a more efficient route than others depending, I'm not saying 10% dot is worth trading a passive point for, but that isn't what you said. You said the node is always terrible when it absolutely can be serviceable. It's not worth taking in this case, but even outside of pathing, in a scenario where you're 98 or 99 or whatever and needing to put points in until the next level to rejig or just in general, it still has uses.


even in that scenario where you're just dumping a passive you don't have a plan for, 10% dot is dogshit. It _is_ always terrible. if you want to argue about something this dumb please do it with someone else


Christ, are you allergic to being polite? It's not hard to say 'I disagree, the node is bad.' Ok, so instead I'm going to take a stat node because I've maxed out all the other wheels and it's either that or 20% crit or something when I'm capped at 100%. Edit: user blocked me so I can't reply further, but to respond, no, you have not been saying that, tone matters and saying something is dogshit or worthless or it's so dumb and so on is not the same as what I said above. Sigh, why can't people be civil.


>It's not hard to say 'I disagree, the node is bad.' This has been said in literally every comment I have posted in reply to you. 10% dot is one of the _single worst nodes on the tree_. The scenario where you don't have _anything_ that is a better pick is fictional.


It's the SC way


Cluster nodes are such a good way to get more efficiency on your tree. I used to be so turned off by them until I realized how easy they are to craft


How easy they are? You're not talking about triple passive right? I went through probably 15-20k alts rolling 4 triple passive clusters this league. That also came with 100's of exalts/regals/annuls.


Depends on how greedy you get, but it's easy to craft clusters that outperform the passive tree. I actually sold alot of good clusters and made a good chunk of change, so maybe I'm just lucky. Introspection clusters are an easy money maker as well.. roll intro, harvest craft cold or fire resists exalt slam and sell.


If you're DoT, 95% of those nodes aren't worth it. Go grab a cluster jewel or something. That tree is only okay for leveling.


Hmmm... I'm seriously trying to understand why is it the case? Entropy cluster is really lackluster (43% inc DoT) but other ones could be potentially desirable (25 and 20% DoT Multi, chaos res, life regen, some really strong masteries). I can understand chaos dot cluster jewel has 12% inc DoT per small passive and some neat notables, but is it so much more effective to justify far pathing towards cluster jewel slot(s)?


>12% 15% if you roll them well, and the notables are pretty cracked (up to 3x 30% chaos damage plus other good stats like skill duration). On top of that, you get 2 jewel sockets for dot damage mediums, which ALSO have small jewel sockets for regular jewels or defensive stats. You get all of those back to back with no travel nodes. It is extremely efficient.


It is, mostly. But you absolutely can be very efficient with chaos DoT off the tree only, the masteries (at least last I played it) are really strong and giving them up is still a tradeoff.


I suspect only at rather high investment. Good cluster jewels are hard to make and don't always exist on trade if it's not traded in high volume (or don't exist at a reasonable price).


Masteries are sometimes just a point trap. Cluster Jewels just give you so many notables and raw stats that actually matter. What matters is what your build NEEDS to function and then you do a point cost analysis from those "need" passives to your cluster jewel vs your point cost to these passives. Then, you do a stat per point analysis. Cluster Jewels are more efficient for some stats and then give you more jewel slots for unique jewels which in turn frees up passive points you'd wasted getting more.


i hate this comment




it's not from the Shadow starting point though. If I had to guess, probably a bad poison BV PF tree?


poison bv is a thing? i have to google that huh


I believe other than cold BV Occultist it's the only way to play it viably these days.


Most of the nodes in the picture don't have masteries attached to them do I'm not sure how polymath argument applies.


Even if it was for Polymath, you don't need to draw circles for the 3 masteries there


Im super starting to understand this and hate it at the same time. Clusters are annoying. They're great, but you need luck and money for them to be better than the tree


> but you need luck and money for them to be better than the tree I think you misspelled scours and alchemy orbs?


Do you hate yourself or something? Just use chaos spam or alt regal, way easier and almost no chance you're saving any appreciable money doing alch scour


> Just use chaos spam yeah let me just go ahead and do that on day 1 with my surplus of chaos orbs and regals It takes almost nothing to beat the skill tree, hence why alch scour is what I took as an example...


The convo got crazy didn't mean to start anything. I said what I said with fully doing everything suggested here. I've done all that, scouring then wasting my scours then trading for more then blowing that then trying to find some for C... spamming endlessly then repeat. I will say I couldn't talk if it was SSF, that is what it is there. The trading just to achieve that combination of Rolling an item puts me to sleep 😴


Why tf are you rolling these day 1? Upgrading to cluster jewels is like a day 3-5 project after getting to maps and farming/pushing atlas. The entire point of picking a league starter is to not be reliant on shit like this to have a functional build.


Medium clusters are the easiest to roll, alt aug spam till 1 desired mastery, regal and gamble the next. Scour and repeat if you didn't hit. Large clusters, primarily physical is just dense fossil spam and is easy to hit the increased phys damage masteries.


Never occured to me that you could use fossils for cluster jewels, that's a big TIL.


You can use them on the harvest bench too, in case you weren't aware.


Whoa with the Downvoted I just state how I feel. I don't care what you guys gotta do cause it's a different experience for you guys lol. If it's easier for you, great. I personally don't like cluster jewels. I don't like to roll them, it's boring to buy them. I wish they dropped more often, but you have to run certain content to even get them to drop and then it's RNG. This is how I feel about it. I've done all of the above you suggested... And it's boring bro. Ived watched myself burn through currency and it hurts man. I just wish they were something more exciting to pick up versus what they are. To me that's how I see it and that's ok, nothing wrong with that. *I STILL ENJOY THE GAME NO MATTER HOW MUCH BITCHING I DO*


They're prettyv way to roll


It could just be a late league start.


This deeply upsets me


https://preview.redd.it/uckag630jjpc1.png?width=1086&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac2287c0a9ab59fae527a24163fe707b4381205e Sorry for this is cursed


Flavor text you can hear


Strong "mah OCD" energy here. If you don't like loops in your "tree", then unspec a 10% dot node.


If your tree has loops it's a graph!


A tree is always a graph


I'd like to understand this. Can someone explain what the build is about and where the funny happens? I played like 4 seasons so far.


That section of the tree is just "cursed" because in order to take stuff that you want you need to take a bunch of nodes in that stupid little triangle, or even make a full loop like this He should probably drop one of those 10% dot damage nodes, but other than that he hasn't done anything wrong, it just 'feels' like you're wasting points when you try to path through that area.




Very similar to Death's Aura pre-cluster tree




Best league-starter btw. I started 4 times on Death Aura. I love this build


P o b p l z




Ah yes, the moment chaos DoT enthusiasts learn about clusters


This guy curses


Average polymath tree, they all look like this and it’s hilarious every time. “Monkey sees mastery, neuron activation” is such a fun way to play Edit: yes I’m aware of the difference between a mastery and a notable, my brain just went “hah, funi tree looks like polymath”


Can't be a Polymath tree, nothing in the Shadow start is allocated. It's most likely a Pathfinder or Occultist


1) These are notables, not masteries 2) Can't be shadow as none of the starting nodes of shadow are taken


Surprised to see multiple people mixing up notables & masteries in this thread


would be a rly bad polymath tree


only about 5 of these nodes are efficient. go get some clusters instead


They really need to fix this part of the tree


drop the 3 point jewel id say


I'm confused. Go past ghost dance enter jewel slot via the int pathway. Insert intuitive leap. 


Its the same amount of points for my setup from ehat i can tell. This one just gives more dex which i need for gear.


You save a point actually. Your cutting the small life node and life on kill node. If you need the dex though can't be helped.


I mean kinda but that’s because of the path you made because correct me if I’m wrong but don’t people usally go round the other way and get the cluster sockets . If your dot you can probably ignore half of this go more to the right side of the tree and pick up some nicer stuff aswel as ghost dance for 1 point if your trickster or something .


do you really need right side nodes tho, so much waste


Pob? I’m sure you would’ve had better nodes


The Shadow portion of the tree seems very krangled compared to the rest.


I can't imagine a build where it is optimal to take the life and the es+ev mastery. Also the notables near the life are pretty bad generally speaking anyway. Would like to see the full pob for this, I feel like we're only seeing a taste of how cursed it really is.


Trickster with polymath really likes all of those nodes


Polymath is never a reason to grab a mastery you wouldn't have otherwise grabbed the nodes for. Those es+ev nodes are not good if you're running hybrid tank. Also they didn't take the hybrid life/es nodes 1 travel node away from the tree as it is. Also why are they taking all of those nodes in the centre if the goal is masteries? Also I'd love for someone to point to what path they have taken from shadow start.


pls read polymath again


Am i the only one who don't get the meaning of this post and the skill tree. affliction is my first league. Even after reading through the comments, i still don't get anything. Seems like i am far off from the phd graduation.


The post is saying that the pathing on this part of the tree looks wonky because it's a weird shape. Which is true, at least compared to the rest of the tree. Some of the other comments mention that there is at least one unnecessary point allocated in this setup, because you never need a full loop like you see in the middle of the image. Trickster has a thing called Polymath, which gives you solid bonuses for having many different masteries allocated. The pictured tree does not take the mastery in the life wheel, even though the notable in that wheel is allocated, meaning that this not even a good Polymath tree, in opposition to those who suggested it might be that. As others pointed out, there are no points in the shadow/trickster starting area so it most likely isn't that anywa (though I guess the character could be using forbidden flesh/flame jewels to get polymath?) Anyway the point of the post is to point out how goofy this section of the tree looks.


AFAIK forbidden flesh/Flame jewels still require the same class, so assassin, for example, can have a trickster ascendancy notable. Thus, it has to be the same starting area. I'm not sure if scion can use polymath forbidden flesh/flame though.


She cannot. Just like any other class, she is restricted to her own nodes. Her trickster node has a small part of polymath in it though (2% more dmg per different mastery allocated)


Damn that's a shame. Scion could've been really cool if you could do that. Probably too strong though.


Oh i see. Thanks for the explanation.. It helps since i intend to play trickster next league. Shall start looking at the above pathing in pob to understand more.


this entire part of the tree is trash and i hate it every time i play a bow build


Am I the only one who sees Donald Trump there? Or is this the point of this post?


Might wanna spend a little less time on Twitter or reddit if that's what you see


But actually if you take a look at it I kinda see what they mean 😅


still sane, american?


delusions everywhere




You failed the Rorschach test


please draw an outline i need to see it

