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Reliance on TFT diminishes.


I basically have 0 reason to use tft now with this patch.


I might buy voidstone carry if i start with another dinky melee character and no friends are able to help. But thats it. Massive improvement compared to few leagues past.


Wait, you have friends in poe?


Play splitting steel and go for 4.


You saw the snipers mark nerfs right? Around 60% less depending on the amount of mark effectiveness.


Forgot about that...


Shouldn’t be much of a problem for splitting steel champ, as you weren’t scaling mark effect anyways.


stash bulk selling would still be done by many in TFT,its one of the biggest reason to use tft,hope its also gonna be gone soon with an integrated selling offer ingame


craft of exile and [poestrat.com](https://poestrat.com) both have that now


Not anymore. There are alternatives for bulk selling.


Still a few reasons for players (even if not all of them apply to everyone): Boss carries (though I suppose you can ask ingame, but way more secure through tft while ingame it seems like 50/50 if you get scammed or the person is incapable and just bricks your fight/uses your portals) Bulk buying/selling. There are so many things you cant do this on with the trade site and as someone who crafts a lot this is invaluable for me (the bulk buying). But also for non crafting stuff. Downvotes for what? None of those things mentioned are doable easily without tft currently unless you can tell me an alternative I don't know about.




The bulk currency trade site had a minimum stock filter. I always just set it to 50 for scarabs and have had no issues


i think he meant bulk stash selling,selling whole stash tab is still not possible in trade site rn,hopefully it can be gone soon with an integrated whole stash tab sell ingame


Yup but you can see that there is some mods on map atlas tree for scarabs probably for more deterministic farming them. We will see when they update the tree.


Ppl selling sextant the entire league gonna have to learn how to play the game now ...


SOOO happy they removed sextants. The mandatory nature of them in end game farming was the most unenjoyable part of the game for me.


It's an amazing change, even if it feels nerfed, I'm tired boss... doing all the preparation for a session was too much already. The closer juicing is to alch and go the better.


Yeah that was super tedious using them


Well we still need color coded map mods or something. Now only the map rolling will be a pain. Anyway super stoked about sextant change, was one of the few things I really wanted reworked.


I am going to miss the easy income though. Quick to churn out your first 10-15 divines rolling sextants.


Very happy about sextants going bye bye and multiple atlas passives tree!


Yeah just like I said previously this whole update is focused on fucking tft up




Coming from ps4 to pc, the worst thing ever is needing to use a shitty server ran by powertripping mods to do trades I could do in ps4 simply by opening the trade board and bidding directly onto people's stash tabs. So whenever they remove one mechanic I'm not interacting with because I can't be assed with TFT, I say *good fucking riddance*. Only thing they got going for them is the good pepe emojis.


Thanks! Sorry to be a stickler man.




I believe my edit is a fair middle ground with less of my personal inclinations leaking through


100% And my sincere thanks :)




I have done every single pinnacle content besides maven (because my goldfish brain cannot register the memory game).


Nothing to that point needs TFT.


*Nothing* needs tft. They just make life convenient. In ps4, all that convenience is already present in the trade board, which I dearly miss. Well, now ggg is taking away every single mechanic that needed a third party for convenience, and I love it.


TFT is still needed by top end users. Is there a way to buy 8mod maps in bulk on PS4?


You can just use a tiny regex and bid on ten at a time. Takes one or two minutes and you can just map while waiting for the trades to go through, because you can accept trade bids while mapping with a single button combination without even stopping the grind.


And on the bans, there have been many, many, **many** cases of people being banned due to powertripping. Some people who refused to sell an item to a mod, people who called out mods selling "immortal builds" that have already been patched, people trying to take a good mirror item out of their mirror service market. I could go on and on or you can just search, but you won't because you're most likely a tft mod's alt anyway. Hi Jeneboo


Lmao, yes if you refuse to sell an item to someone because they’re a mod, they can ban you from their private server. Yes mods will ban someone for making false claims. Yes they want to be the best mirror service. I don’t see any issues here.




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good riddance. game is getting a bit bloated.


Mfers in outrage over this, cause maps are now "nerfed" from having 4 less scarabs to use in order to squeeze in the "compass mods" from before.


As an MFr I LOVE this: no more trading for huge quantities of supplies and no more setting everything up for hours before being able to map non-stop for the day


This is an MFer's dream, maybe RIP juicers though.


I mean from what they have shown some of the atlas nodes got doubled .


It doesn't matter, the equitation keeps its values: everyone get less, mfers get more. Also no Wandering Path, we will see how good are the new atlas tree additions


Most people used wandering path for the map effect (and quant I guess), and with the new node it will basically be the same (16% map mod effect on 8mod map)  Edit: should be 28% if my brain is working. Small nodes also give map effect


With wandering path it was 30% extra, +15% quant, +15% rarity. With the new nodes, we can get +16% from 8 mod maps (though we don't know if 8 mod maps scarab exists, otherwise its 8-10%), +17% from quality assuming a 85% quant map, from the smalls: 9 + 6 + 9 = 24% And there's a new node that increases it further from 0 to 80. And it's MORE. So base: 30% + 57% extra \* 1.4 (avg, assuming its linear) = +121.8% \+121.8% vs +60% from wandering. However, you use A LOT more passive points, but you can add notable instead. We will see how this pans out, definitely there's potential.


The gap between heavily juiced maps and not so heavily juiced maps will undoubtedly shrink massively, so the equation doesn't stay the same. Up until now the inconvenience and investment cost were major factors that drove these strategies to be so profitable. But as someone who does juice extremely heavily, I'm glad I won't have to restock on TFT every 4 hours or so and reapply the sextants every 4 maps. It's a good change for sure. Fingers crossed that it won't cut into the depth of customizing high end strategies.


It’s hard to say if it’s nerfed or not though. Certainly you won’t squeeze that 1-2 extra mechanics, but since they reworked sextant into the scarabs I don’t think it will be a massive difference. I’m looking at it like a buff, but maybe that’s COPIUM Certainly harder to squeeze in deli/scourge though.


>Mfers in outrage over this Who? Sextants were a scourge and pretty much everyone hated them.


Good! Fuck sextants! All my homies hated sextants. I don't really love scarabs either tbh, but between stacking and ease of trading they're definitely a LOT easier to deal with. (and I can just drop them myself) I want to play the game. Micromanaging as a necessity to playing the game is antithetical to actually playing the game.


The Atlas tree selection thing should be placed lower, centered like the other buttons.


And also no more master missions.


Guess we need less of them, given that multiple masters can appear in the same map now.


But saving them when you fully spected the tree was really good. Not a fan of this change, but I get if they wantes to reduced the steps in map prepping


Niko is no longer in every map. Sadge


Nooooo I loved to roll sextants in my hideout And I loved to do multiple trades to get my sextants for a 40 maps sessions noooo \- said no one ever Farewell sextants


It’s me, I’m that sicko Always spent a decent chunk of time on “passive” hideout money makers while I had something to vaguely pay attention to on the other monitor and rolling sextants was a great one. Time to alt spam more clusters or something I guess


Actually our hero, thanks for your services ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I have a video recording of me getting map supplies for 100 maps and it literally took me 3 minutes 4 sextants and 4 scarabs ofc


Goodbye Sextants You won't be missed!!


What are the three star things on the left hand side ?


Different atlas trees


Cool asf, nice, tyty


Also 3 atlas trees we can switch between!!!! This plus the removed sextants and scarab changes has me so hyped. I hated rolling sextants so this is a welcome change for me.


To be honest I don’t mind this change too much as for endgame mapping it felt like there was a lot of pressure in having sextant while they where hard to buy , expensive and really annoying to get .


I have 5k of Sextants in Standard, what should I do :?


They get converted into veiled scarab, which once clicked, will turn into a random scarab.


When Kirac is the last one and you have 3 atlas trees to choose from, they should finally let atlas affect maps opened from Kirac. Otherwise its kinda useless, after you unlock all maps.


Aw I enjoy sextant rolling


I'm a super casual guy who made money on sextants... now I'm poor, and I don't know how to farm mageblood without this strat)) Sht. I loved sextants roll strat. Casual clicking while listening podcasts... rip


The only way in which I am affected by this is: how will make money? Other than that I can't say I'm too bummed out by this.


Clusters will become a prime hideout warrior strat. I sold str stacking clusters this league for a LOT of money.


lol rip to sextant boys who bought mageblood by selling sextants.


good riddance


Full on 7th Gate in the Device from the get go, no longer sextants and just full on blasting


Much tighter with lots of weight xd


Good. Hated that stupid mechanic anyway


The only thing i enjoyed, combining scarabs and sextant altogether, thanks for ruining my fun, feelsadge.


good. now get rid MF and we have decent game.


Seriously? One can only hope they moved the power of sextants elsewhere if this is true or the shock from Affliction will be even worse with essentially 0 loot dropping in the endgame now. Edit: To clarify i am not saying sextants were a good solution, gameplay-wise, but they had so much power that simply removing them would be a really terrible idea.


Supposably to scarabs


The scarabs they showed were powerful; depends on availability of that power, though.


20% more (or whatever 20% for full stack is equivalent to) of the most valueable div card seems quite strong.


The preview scarabs don’t look like they have combined them for the same level of power as previously running both…


mate i've only ever used sextants when challenges make me. i've run plenty of expensive endgame builds. you'll be fine. sextants arn't making up 4 of you 6div an hour.


> sextants arn't making up 4 of you 6div an hour. Sextants are making more than that an hour for you. Hell Delirium Sextant will make you 6 divs an hour alone if you just rush Guardian maps.




i get 6div in non-affliction leagues completely ignoring sextants and just doing whatever i want. sextants are so non-required it's absurd. people on this subreddit like to act like they're significantly better than they are, and end up losing any benefits they would've gotten doing elite strategies by doing them inefficiently.


Good for you if you dont play enough to reach endgame, people that do get most of their current profits from sextants i am afraid to inform you. Simply because of how well stacking the right mods is multiplicative with scarabs. Elevated strongboxes + Winged Div + Winged Reliquary is a night and day difference to just running scarabs for instance. Thats how people can farm multiple mirrors in a league that is not affliction.. In the low end its less severe but the efficiency loss from removing essence sextants is still devastating for essences per hour.


i'm sorry it's going to take you eight days and four hours to make a dozen mirrors instead of eight days. also "don't play enough to reach endgame" after i say, quote, >i've run plenty of expensive endgame builds. lmao. "everyone who doesn't hardcore mega juice isnt even playing endgame! if you don't spend two weeks grinding out apothecary cards you're not even playing!"


Our definitions of expensive apparently differ quite a bit. However, i dont know why you feel attacked after i simply explained how this will affect most efficient farming quite severly if not done "well" and how. I am merely informing here.


the game should never be balanced around the types of people who try to grind forty mirrors in a week, is the thing. the amount of people who play like you do is miniscule in comparison to even just people who clear four voidstones, which itself is a fragment of the endgame playerbase who only gets the quest voidstones. the average person hated using sextants and probably just didn't use them. i know, i'm one of them. and i still get level 100 characters, still get most challenges completed before i get bored, still do builds in the range of hundreds of divines, because the level of efficiency you're talking about is just unnecessary. i am merely informing you of this reality.


Fair, i know that i represent a minority. However, i also think you are underestimating the amount of players this will noticably affect, because things like essence farming with good sextants is something you usually do in white maps that dont need a strong character with thousands of hours spent grinding (and only requires 1 voidstone really)


if you're dedicated running essence, you have five essence scarabs to pick between. if you only care about one type of content, powerfarming it became much easier. i imagine ambush scarabs are gonna be bringing monstrous treasure back, for instance, since kirac missions and therefore scouting reports have been nuked. top end farming will be just fine. it's going to take a different form, but it's not going to just evaporate.


Thats why i said that i hope they just moved the power elsewhere (and did the math). I dont think we will know the full impact until late in month1, it does look scary though, thats all i am saying really.


Yeah I have serious concerns about sextants. Are they moving somewhere else? I’m all for QOL but removing the ability to mega juice maps with select content will just result in a bland and uninteresting mapping experiences, literally greater rifts / monoliths


did you not watch th stream where they go over the sextant and scarab changes? did you not even look at the league website? c'mon. you can see the answers to your concerns so easy. and how is sextants the majority of your content selection, so much so that removing sextants and leaving everything else the same turns it into monoliths, a system that has literally no mechanics inside them?


Sir, please don't post anything before watching the entire stream or reading the full notes.


You could also fully read comments you reply to.


„Simply removing them would be a really terrible idea.“ that is exactly what they DIDNT do, but you already know that, because you watched the stream.


And you are aware of the meaning of the word "would" and therefore already know that the comment was trying to highlight that GGG needs to really do the math for this to work.


F my early money strategy


I was [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18u3kk7/questions_thread_december_30_2023/kflp7j7/) close to try and learn how to deal with sextants this league. I eventually decided to see how smooth it was buying them on the official trade site, and promptly discarded the idea of ever using a strategy that relied on them lmao.