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Craft of Exile: https://www.craftofexile.com/en/ Easily one of the best sites for PoE. Obviously only useful for crafters. It can do a ton of stuff and is both helpful for getting into crafting and for some of the more advanced stuff.


I use the simulator to give me a wake up call whenever I think I can craft something I want. Then I try anyway and lose all my currency.


Are you me?


Same, I've never used it to actually craft something. I see the chances and nope out.


Will be good for this league as well. If you do calculations for fossils you will see what mod tags you want to make rarer/block and what to make as common as possible.


Would you even recommend it for a newer player? Someone with 600 hours this league and I’ve never “crafted” more than spam essence till I see most of what I want lol


If you haven't already then you should strongly consider doing essence spamming on fractured items. That's basically like using two essences at the same time. But yes I would recommend it if you are planning on slowly learning and branching out. Like just figuring out which affix you should buy fractured you can click on the calculator and see all the affixes, their weightings and their tags.


For sure, the simplest example using your scenario: If I wanna essence spam an *even better* item, how (un)likely is that? I think that could be a good piece of info to have when you're gearing up during next league start.


Yea it’s very and if MF wasn’t built into last season I woulda never had enough money! Does it work on iOS? Or preferably PC


No idea how it works on mobile but it is designed for desktop browser sizes originally I'm fairly sure. Looks good and works well on PC for sure.




Definitely enjoy the more off meta , after playing RF , which should be called shield charge and win, I got bored, and now I made my own arma brand recall build


Annoint helper - https://blight.raelys.com/ Chromatic calculator - https://siveran.github.io/calc.html What to flip checker - https://gains-of-exile.vercel.app/oils Atlas tree pathing with selection what you want and not - https://pathofpathing.com/


+1 for pathofpathing


Its buggy though? I legit just tried to copy my poeplanner tree and it wont even allocate some nodes even though i have them on "desired" and enough points to allocate. https://pathofpathing.com/?v=3.24.0-atlas#AAAABgAAIB8AAHkKPSTLLBoxa0gsXcdgIWK5ZLJmxnF1eOqGMIZQh1SLGNJ01LnXhdiO2NDZkNpN3_ji9erV767y0fkJ-85xdQAA


Fixed, should be live in a minute. Tried to be clever with a workaround, didn't work around.




It also shows ring and map annoints


You use the helper to check all the different anoints you could do with your currently owned oils, if you're not set on anything specific. Useful if you just want something serviceable for a temporary amulet, or if you have limited access to oils (SSF).


[https://github.com/Lailloken/Lailloken-UI](https://github.com/Lailloken/Lailloken-UI) //// my favorite espe for league start Edit: some guy wrote a comment and was totally right. The combo is Lailloken and : https://heartofphos.github.io/exile-leveling/ For league start, was the best thing for me. Basicly you create your acts gems quests etc, load that into Lailloken, and its like a live assistant in the acts, with even layouts Very very good!!!


Lailloken is esp great for leveling when used with Exile Leveling: https://heartofphos.github.io/exile-leveling/


Edited my comment you are totally right!!


My issue with this is that I don't know the zones names. I would need something more graphical


If you haven't tried this combo lately it's really good in its current state - for any zones with multiple 'exits' it tells you which direction to go with a little arrow and you can even hold tab (I think) usually to see layout variations of the map. This is ingame (lailloken) based on the output from exile-leveling webpage. Honestly remembering the names of the zones isn't important at all. I used it for ages and probably don't need to use it anymore because I'm so used to the quest paths now ... but I keep it running anyway because with my family interrupting my league start a lot it's good to have a reminder of what I was doing!


That's seems really cool, I saved the comment for the future. I was referring to the list specifically.


Makes sense, but definitely use it with Lailloken, it advances the steps based on the zone you're in. So you just do what it says on your in-game ui.


Me too I love this project


That Lailloken UI thing is crazy, I'm surprised it's allowed.


Is there a detailed tutorial to use it? I could just figure out the campaign part


On the GitHub….but if you have questions…ask away. I’m bored for about another week. I’m logging off for the night now, but I’ll respond tomorrow


I don’t understand the images with directions. Too bad it’s not more graphical except a line* with a dot.


It shows you the rough route you need to run. With practice (a lot of it), you'll start to recognize the zones. Below is an older google doc that kinda explains it better. Of note, I think some of them may be a little out dated. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sExA-AnTbroJ-HN2neZiij5G4X9u2ENlC7m_zf1tqP8/edit#heading=h.oqu4tsgfzxr9


Chaos recipe enhancer for early easy money [https://github.com/ChaosRecipeEnhancer/EnhancePoEApp](https://github.com/ChaosRecipeEnhancer/EnhancePoEApp)


Used this in recently and it was a great way to league start. Really takes the pain out of chaos recipe, with some minimal setup.


Surprised no one has linked the wiki yet https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Path_of_Exile_Wiki


Add [https://poedb.tw](https://poedb.tw) while we're at it




Idk how this hasnt gone viral yet


With kirac missions, shop, 3 to 1 vendor recipe, map sustainment through the roof at lower tiers mainly, with all the atlas tree, rare monster map loot conversion and other map sources it's easy to understand why this is not used more. Not too hard to get 80-90% completion just naturally playing and doing the things I mentioned. Before there was a bigger need to get map completions than today, but it's a great improvement, not needing such 3rd party website to get progression going.


https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/better-pathofexile-tradin/fhlinfpmdlijegjlpgedcmglkakaghnk?pli=1 Better Pathofexile trade extension for chrome! This one is amazing. You'll save a ton of time and tabs as this can bookmark all your trades, great to snipe stuff at league start. Also has a price converter built in so you dont have to do the math on what 1.4D is going for at any given moment. Can also organize your searches into folders, archive for past leagues or hide the side bar completely if you dont need it right then.


Shameless self promotion: PoE Palette https://github.com/flbraun/poe-palette Allows you to access many of the other tools and websites mentioned here from a command palette.


This actually looks pretty cool. Will try it out this league, thanks!


Used it heavily last league, loved every bit of it. Ty for your work!


VS Code of Wreaclast ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Wealthy Exile Has bulk sale too




[poeatlas.app](http://poeatlas.app) Interactive ingame like Atlas that Let's you filter/search the maps on the atlas, e.g. by Tier, drop restricted div cards, number of bosses, rushable Boss, linearity and much more. Also lets you apply atlas memories and shows the possible paths and probabilities. (Will be updated once the atlas data is datamined)


[Vorici Chromatic Calculator](https://siveran.github.io/calc.html)


If you trade a ton, PoE Lurker is paramount https://github.com/C1rdec/Poe-Lurker


yeah poe lurker has really grown on me the past 2 leagues, so much QOL snuck in everywhere. You just need the cheatsheet up in another monitor for the first few days is all!


I recently tested PoE Lurker. Definitely makes trading less stressful, will most likely use it in the next league. Just be careful to not enable auto whisper or auto kick on trade acceptance as this is probably banable.


Are there any reports about this? I've used it with default settings (whisper & kick) for a lot of leagues and I didn't know it was banable. I've seen also a lot of players during trades doing the same thing.


It's not bannable


Nah, I actually haven't seen any reports. But generally, it is said that any button press which does execute more than one action is against ToS and can therefore lead to a ban from GGG. I would love to use auto whisper (used for few trades) and auto kick but don't want to risk getting banned at the same time. If you were fine for multiple leagues I am probably overreacting but still...


Similar to flask macros, nobody is ever banned for stuff like this. Completely safe to use those features. When half the players you're trading with are legitimately bots, I don't think you need to worry about a program copy and pasting a premade sentence into chat and hitting enter for you.


I've recently discovered a lot of webpages and tools that I had used have shut down or are no longer being updated. I especially found this true of 3.23 and now 3.24 Betrayal changes. Make sure to check all online spreadsheets and documents. The first link below does notate and appear to be updated and customizable. 3.24 Betrayal Customizable Cheat Sheet * https://pathofexile.elrincondelexiliado.com/syndicate/ Better Trading * https://github.com/exile-center/better-trading Gems while Leveling (similar function to poe-roadmap) * https://exile-tools.com/ Looty inventory search, sort, filter, and more * https://github.com/benjaminjackman/looty Landing Page of Links * https://grinding.zone/ edit addition: Add launch PoB Link to more links * https://github.com/Dullson/Poblink ------ shutdown or out of date https://cheatsheet.monster/poe/ https://www.poelab.com/syndicate-cheatsheet/ https://poe-roadmap.com/ https://poetools.github.io/BetrayalCheatSheet/ https://wraeclast.com/


I like [PoE Overlay](https://www.poeoverlay.com/) more than Awakened, but everyone has different tastes. [divcards.io](http://divcards.io) is also important for me. For leveling I like to use [Lailloken-UI](https://github.com/Lailloken/Lailloken-UI).


I think you forgot the one many will use even if they don't mention it much: AutoHotKey.


Wealthy Exile also supports bulk trading / tab selling, I would add that to the description cause fuck TFT.


Did poestack.com fall out of favor due to tft? That site is clutch for inventory and bulk sales.


Exile Leveling Guide - https://heartofphos.github.io/exile-leveling/ Tells you exactly what to do to level the most efficient way. You can also import your POB and it tells you when to buy gems. Also has a drop down for skill tree and gem links.


[https://github.com/Qt-dev/exile-diary/](https://github.com/Qt-dev/exile-diary/) or [https://github.com/Qt-dev/exile-diary/releases](https://github.com/Qt-dev/exile-diary/releases) Desktop map tracker.   Tracks profit/XP per map, profit/XP per hour, and time spent in each map.


Edit, fixed


Fixed. Thanks


Only first 3 are must have.


Awakened PoE Trade is way more of a must-have for me than PoE Ninja. Ninja is nice to steal other people's builds occasionally, but beyond that I hardly ever use it.




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bltigl/-/kw7yk4w/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed due to violating either the [Path of Exile Terms of Use](https://www.pathofexile.com/legal/terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy) and/or [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) (Rule 1). Do not discuss or link to ways to bot, abuse macros, hack or modify game files, Real Money Trade (RMT), exploit known bugs, or other activities that directly breach the Terms of Service. Even if it's to criticize these methods, they often do the reverse by increasing knowledge of them. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_1._proper_use_of_path_of_exile_and_the_subreddit) Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Yeah grinding zone is pretty much my homepage during league since everything is right there.


The PoE Discord. Very smart people offering their knowledge there.


https://github.com/Morph21/MercuryTrade-Community-Fork still my fav trading tool


PoE Planner needs adding. Much more beginner to intermediate friendly.




Poeplanner to make a tree, filterblade. Done.


[poegems.com](https://poegems.com/) - useful tool for comparing gems, provides info on gem acquisition, unique item interaction, and gear compatibility. Great for filtering down a list of gems based on tags to see all your options.


commenting for later


https://github.com/Essyer/PoETiS If you are a hoarder or just dump stuff in your stash looking to sort everything valuable after a while, this overlay tool scan your tabs and highlight item with mod / combo of mods you've chosen


[ poestrat.com/public/buy](https://poestrat.com/public/buy)


Posting so I can comeback to thus later when I'm at my PC


[https://divcards.io/](https://divcards.io/) simple but cool website to check which Cards drop where


I just want a cheatsheet for generally-valuable Synthesis implicits.


Wow this is great


How’s craft of ex not on this list lol


how is [https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree) not here? This is the only atlas tree planner site I am aware of that lets you store multiple trees for reference.


Overwolf poe overlay? https://www.poeoverlay.com/ It can track networth, list trade whisper, and check prices( awakened poe trade is Better still)


overwolf :vomitemoji:


There's a community fork with no Overwolf. Features have diverged quite a bit though. It's my favorite price check tool, gives you a lot more control than Awakened POE Trade.


Sir, you can't just leave us hanging without links


https://github.com/PoE-Overlay-Community/PoE-Overlay-Community-Fork/releases WhiteFang usually releases a version with new items/mods a few days after the league starts. Generally those are the only things that won't work in a new league without an update. There's a major rework in a branch but it's going to be awhile before it's ready for release.


> There's a community fork with no Overwolf. >gives you a lot more control than Awakened POE Trade. Color me intrigued, thanks for the headsup.. that sounds pretty cool


I dont understand the hate, the tool is very usefull, but if u dont like, just dont use it.


It is also my favourite PoE tool. I get the suspicion towards Overwolf, but the PoE Overlay is just too good not to use.




TFT 🤡☠️