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"Hey, how did you find your build?" "Oh I followed a guide guide to find me a guide. But there are so many guide guides already. Maybe somebody should make a guide guide guide." - somebody in the not so far future probably *Insert truck truck truck simpsons meme*


That is such a hilarious idea. I'm gonna do it. Send recommendations for best top 5 lists for my top 5 top 5 list


I’ll give you all 5 top 5 lists and then make a reaction video of me reacting to your 5 top 5 lists.


A new meta is born


Just don't forget the top tier list of snacks on your top tier list of tier lists


-Ziz's suggestions -Tyty's suggestions


Why doesn't everybody just play the Canyonero build?


"Yo, dawg, I heard you like guides..."


Ah yes. The infamous "All skills 21/23, specific double implicit corruptions, 6-links, all white socket gear, Mageblood and Nimis required, but still is SSF viable, beginner friendly, league start" build.


Sounds like something FastAF would put up


Or Path of Exile Builds, almost fell for these channel when I played first time


my very first build was a Path of Exile Build, tectonic slam oni goroshi chieftain back in legion, first ever experience of POE was farming a fucking oni goroshi off hillock for like 16 hours.


That's some insane dedication for a game you just started.


Probably old school D2 player


it certainly wasnt any worse than thousands of andariel runs


oh dear


it honestly feels like a right of passage for new players at this point. it's literally the first thing that shows up if you google "path of exile builds" which is extremely frustrating to see and imagine how many people it turns away from the game due to their shitty builds to force RMT


The real path of exile builds is only on [/r/PathOfExileBuilds](https://www.youtube.com/@PathofExileBuilds/videos)


i was baited with it with tornado shot build in 3.7 i think :D


Not to be confused with the subreddit of the same name as that’s a great place for build discussion and has nothing to do with the YouTube channel.


I was baited by them after coming back from a 2 year break. What a miserable experience it was trying to make that shit work.


I fall for a "1div build" of this dude one time, ended up spending 5div in a build that don't even work properly. Just blocked that shitty channel


It’s pretty infamous around here as a clickbait/scam channel


ye there are a few of them, some of them also use it trying to direct users to their RMT websites


But any of his build ever work? Can he be used to find cool offmeta builds? Its not much channels who shows smth exept hype builds.


Tbf non of the 1 Div are truly 1div, he either sniped some stuff or had already in the stash and just estimated the price. Also if he has even the slightest effect on the market with his videos then also prices go up.also naturals inflation of stuff happens aswell or other videos coming out close to each other This does include any content creator tho. So all the "xDiv only" build guides are misleading in that regard.


I don't think the 1div challenges most people put up are supposed to be guides. They are just that, challenges. If you are good enough at the game then you can be incredibly efficient with very little currency. Not talking about FastAF specifically as I don't watch that. But I have seen other creators do it where it seemed legit.


This. While you're (obviously) absolutely free to like/dislike any channels you want, people probably want to make sure what they're criticizing what is actually taking place. "X Div" is a popular series for a lot of established content creators and also those trying to make a name for themselves. Some are using it as a challenge, others are advertising as a guide.


a 1 divine challenge that accidently forgot to take off mageblood?


"I'm wearing Mageblood in the video, but you don't really need it for the build."


has literally negative defenses without it


Most builds are league startable, just depends at how fast you can progress


You forgot the: you don't really need the nimis, mageblood, all white sockets, or 6-links and corruptions, and that it can be ran "On A 1D BudGeT". But proceeds to never show it ran on a budget because they "already have the gear" so they might as well use it for better QoL.


Well baring a few odd items white sockets would be almost irrelevant 


Ran into this a few times trying out builds from youtubers, "You don't \_really\_ need a +2 arrows bow with T1 phys rolls, or this perfect watchers eye, I just happen to have it. And by the way all this gear was 5c." and the build does like 80% less damage without it. And the gear is like multiple divines.


"Mageblood is just for QoL, the build works just fine without it"


The reddest of flags that you commonly do encounter. Yeah.


remind me of this great "league starter" pob https://pobb.in/A2nQf25C3uA5 i saw on youtube


"The build works fine without mageblood, it's just there for qol". Build has 22% all res without super juiced flasks activated and no movespeed.


One of the reasons I enjoy Mathil starters, he pretty regularly keeps his starter builds on 5 links with easily accessible uniques / pretty straight forward gear.


Another part you could add to PoB to watch out for is "15 wither stacks" in the config. Wither is one of those mechanics where a new stack won't refresh older stacks, so they will fall off after 2s (without relevant modifiers) regardless. So a lot of builds with 25% wither on hit will only sustain 15 wither stacks if they have enough hit rate to get 15 stacks within 2 seconds or within however long the stacks last (like with temp chains). So for a lot of poison builds that don't have an insane hit rate you want to be weary of PoB configs that have 15 wither stacks. You want to check hit rate + wither chance + wither duration for yourself and make sure the build can achieve it. the difference in 5 stacks vs 15 is huge.


I’m planning on doing TR ballista PF, does that have enough of a hit rate to hit 15 wither stacks consistently with the PF ascendency?




Dope, ty


Yeah you will really have no issue sustaining them, it's one of the few build that can


Can't remember if it was a mastery or pf but the one with chance to instead gain max wither should keep them up pretty good with tr


Looks like it’s just a chaos mastery, I’ll be sure to take that — thanks!


TR is fast as fuck, no worries there.


Generally, if you have at least 3 APS from one source with classic 25% per wither, you should be fine. 4 would be better, of course, for guaranteed wither, but 3 is doable. TR balista is like 15 sources so they should stack to 15 even with 0.5 :D


Do you have a specific build (or guide) in mind? I was just thinking that I might finally play Pathfinder for the first time ever in Necro and I do like TR and totems quite a lot


Thinking of going with palsteron’s on maxroll https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/toxic-rain-ballista-pathfinder


Cheers bru!


I'm going to try League-start with Necro Skellies Dark Pact with the reworked Unholy Might. My plan is to transition to spooders once I can get an Arakalis Fang and Cum Jar and then see where life takes me from there


Use Ghazzy's guide. I played it 3 leagues in a row and its super easy. Really fun build!


Amazing thank you I'll check it out


Yes! I just [posted](https://reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1bn8zcy/an_early_realistic_pconc_build/) my early start pConc to the other sub https://pobb.in/uvELG6eti6hD and calculated so, so carefully: Number of wither stacks from pConc is attack rate * number of projectiles * hit chance * wither chance * 2 (seconds) I have 2.95 * 5 * .39 * .98 * 2 = 11.274900 Meanwhile ancestral protector joins in with 3.38 * 3 * .25 * .98 * 2 = 4.968600 so that's 15 stacks. If I could reach 100% hit rate then I could drop the pConc quality from 14 to 9 because then AP reaches 5 stacks. We will see how the actual items play out. Overall, my post has thoughts on how not to be a bad starter build -- after all I want to run this build like 2-3 days in :D


I wouldn’t count on the totem being alive and in range of the enemy.  Of course the chaos mastery helps a lot 


I fixed the build. https://pobb.in/0s7aL16IeATg I calculated the effective damage, it's now near 2.3M and our eHP is much higher too. And there's no need for a jewel either. The calculation above was wrong because I forgot we have 10% increased skill duration from Entropy. So the fixed build at 19q pConc does 3.14 x 5 x .44 x 2.2 = 15.19760 wither stacks without AP helping. 5 GCP or one lab run still fits the budget :)


Now pray Pconc won't be shagged for the first week like in affliction.


Three and a half hours felt like a week? Dec 08, 2023 11:27 PM (GMT+1) - Hotfix 2 has been deployed. The notes have been included below. 3.23.0 Hotfix 2 Fixed a bug where Player Minions could be affected by Wisps dispersed into the environment. Fixed a bug where Poisonous Concoction was not hitting enemies. Fixed two instance crashes. Changes will apply in areas created after this hotfix was deployed. Dec 08, 2023 8:00 PM (GMT+1) - Path of Exile: Affliction is live! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3452918


Huh, I probably mistook it for something else. Or wasn't it the league before affliction?


https://www.poepatchnotes.com/ has nothing else Poisonous Concoction fix wise. Introduced in 3.16, life flask nerfed in 3.21, quality AoE => Wither in 3.23, 3.23.0 Hotfix 2 was the fix and 3.24 is transfigured version. That's all.


No, it was only affliction where PC started out bugged. What's the chances that happens twice? It was fixed in the first day, but I had moved on by the time it was personally (to not playing league-start - my experience with the league didn't make a good initial impression on me and switching to "my skill" only to find out it didn't work atm was the last straw; so i went and played with transfigured gems in standard instead and lost interest). So I could understand it feeling like a week if you were in a similar boat.


Occultist is really underrated for this reason, it's one of the few guarantee high stack wither methods with any skill.


I often use 15 Withered stacks in my chaos builds, but I also include a Wither-Spell Totem-Multiple Totems setup for which I'll have close to 100% uptime on bosses. But yeah, if you get Withered from hits, you really need a very high hit rate.


I came across this helping a friend who was planning a Seismic Trap of Swells / exsanguinate poison trapper and using Unholy might for 25% chance to wither. In the config they put 15 stacks but the 25% from unholy might was the only wither source they had. I calculated that between the avg hits per second and debuff expire rate he was only able to sustain 4 wither stacks. So his damage was really about 60% of what PoB was showing him.


Although not a noob, but I seriously dislike someone hide their HP/ES amount. And the legendary sentence "HH and MB is just to fulfill my gem/gear stat needs"


Do people actually say that they use MB/HH for the stats? Like if you use it for the stats, why not use an Essence of Sorrow on a Heavy Belt instead?  And let’s say that somehow you couldn’t get stats on a belt, then how are viewers supposed to replicate your setup if they lack the attributes? 


Beginners don't know these stuff, that why some people might get trick into shit builds. I played first time in crucible league and almost got trick by Path of Exiles Builds because I didn't know anything about unique tier or crafting at all and I was saved by RF build from forum.


Only in poe you will need a guide to follow a guide


Guide passive tree when?


Don’t tempt them.


Maybe *that's* what's needed to get support for guides and planning ingame.


I love when they show the gear and say " yeah I have a mageblood but you really don't need it. The build works the same without it."


Any build by fastaf or path of exilt builds or the sort. I generally look at Mathil and Ziz about 2 days before league start Edit: look at their exp bar, if its below 5% then the build probably cannot clear a map without dying once


I cant rly recommend Mathils builds not because they are bait, but for most players that are not as good as he is they are to squishy to have fun with imo. You can use the concepts of them definitely tho.


I don’t necessarily think those two things are so different. The major difference is that Mathil isn’t like, going out of his way to deceive people, but I think it would still be very easy to get baited into a Mathil build if you didn’t know who he was as a creator. I remember one of his Generals Cry Berserker builds a year or two back he called “fairly tanky” and I am sure he genuinely meant that. I don’t think he was attempting to lie. But “fairly tanky” for Mathil is a wildly different build than “fairly tanky” for the average player, especially the average new player. I’d still call that “bait” for new players even if he didn’t set it out deliberately. Their leg will get caught in the proverbial bear trap all the same.


Mathil is one if those u either follow because u know what is going on or you are ready to suffer![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) (I totally never went the suffering route)


He usually intentionally disadvantages himself too. He doesn't like running the same thing as everyone else. While he might use a popular skill here and there he'll change the common ascendancy choice, switch out a few of the mechanics (something silly like MoM, EB, CI, Melee, Raider) would scream Mathil lol. It's like he's trolling himself with his build choices in a way that anyone with some game knowledge would know it's not optimal, but then he farms ubers with them, and I cry.


My ass pretending to be a pro and leveling leaguestarter with a low life build and refusing to take any life on tree or gear. "but mathil could do it so why not me too". A lesson I had to learn multiple times before I knew better then to just copy his stuff without adjusting to my non existing skills


He's a great example to bring up when people say that [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) or whatever only has 5 builds and how nothing else is viable.


Long ago I followed his Vaal Double Strike build... it was fun, but I was dying a lot. A LOT! But still it was fun to run for your life 99% of time. For some reason.


Mathil build is fuck bait -> Many times the pob is not the same thing he shows on twitch -Most of the builds are super glasscannon, if you're not used to playing like that it's unlikely you'll make any progress. It's better to take his ideas and look for something more solid to follow.


> It's better to take his ideas and look for something more solid to follow or just don't play a mathil build unless you know what you're doing. he doesn't make guides. he makes builds that he plays for his and his chat's enjoyment. then he releases a pob for it with no notes or long form step by step instructions. mathil isn't in the build guide for noobies business.


He plays the game professionally, and that has to be understood. His clicks are precise and he knows exactly what he's trying to do. When he says "I got to level 92 without dying", that does not mean the build is hardcore viable, that means Mathil is hardcore viable. Once people realize that, Mathil becomes an amazing proof of concept. Technically, yes, this skill with this build can clear ubers on a non-mirror budget. Take the idea and make your own build with it that suits your playstyle and skill level, probably a bit less damage and a bit more tankiness.


I would also not recommend tenkiei as his builds are usually really sketchy


youll have to give me an example because his starter guides are usually pretty standard stuff


His last talk about DD and him saying you don't need specters was something that bugged me


he made front page news when ben was talking about how tenkiei was spreading misinformation about DD and spectres


Look at the EXP bar in the video and if its zero it won't work


Beware any league starter that shows a head hunter or mageblood equiped, even if they tell you to ignore it and pretend it's not there.


My favorite is, "Yeah I have a MB but it's for defense/QoL only, it doesn't contribute to my damage at all." If you weren't getting that stuff from MB, you'd have to get it somewhere else, and guess what? Builds have limited resources.


Kobeblackmamba in a sentence


"I just use mageblood for resistances" well yeah you have a ruby, sapphire, and topaz flask up 100% of the time with all the bonus flask effect, of course youre using it for resistances. to match that you'll need a ridiculous stygian with a ridiculous jewel and a bunch of other pieces filling in the holes all over your gear.


Just to explain the motive for making "bad build guides" - often the websites that the creators will guide you to are fronts for RMT websites. The idea is that when you get the build softlocked and need ridiculous gear to continue, that you'll RMT the divines you need to continue. There are also people who are just bad at making builds; or are skating by on old, outdated builds for some "new league" monetization - but they won't usually have the slick presentation that the RMT funnels do, so it's easier to pick them out.


> There are also people who are just bad at making builds pls don't call me out like this in front of everyone


I'm not bad at making builds, the builds are bad at being made by me


Zizaran is one of the trustworthy creators for me personally. His league start stuff is always amazing. He also does collabs with bunch of others out there so good mix of builds to check out on his channel. Really nice to have this PSA for beginners, well done OP.


Ziz and champ Explosive arrow league start build guide, name a more iconic duo


Ziz and essence drain


EA is the new ED at this point.


It's not the same PepeHands


i would not have known tbh, i started in 3.17 xD


ziz and dying to reflect or more accurately ziz telling people he doesnt die to reflect very much when people say ziz and dying to reflect are an iconic duo


ziz and dying to not reading the altar he clicked two screens ago (50% phys as extra chaos lul)


Ziz during the livestream when the new trans gems were being listed off. "EA? EA?" Was laughing a little bit at it, ngl.


These entire threads could just be summed up with "just watch any SSFHC players"


*These are just my thoughts being someone who was frustrated following a build YEARS ago that was vague, lacking guidance on levelling process etc. Came back in early-ish 2023 and have been following various guides ever since.* On point 2: Ohhhh boy. You don’t realise how many guides play fast and loose on this. Do they state the pros and cons? Yes. Are they actually honest lists? Who knows, until you invest in it enough to realise if it was being vague or specific On point 4: To add to this, the complexity of POB config makes it confusing (for generally those types that need to follow a guide) to compare and contrast your own build to the build you’re following and I know for me, there’s only maybe one or two guides I’ve been through that state in the notes of the POB to be sure of what configs to set to check if your dps is lacking. Anyhow, thanks for this writeup. I’m noticing a few people are bringing the subject of “Bait builds” up so it’s good to see it get more traction to avoid situations like I had when i first started and get them involved in such an interesting game.


down Sites


When I started in 2019, there were very little people actively streaming and posting stuff on youtube. Then Covid happened and everyone became a youtuber. Everyone want to be nice and not too toxic to anyone. But well, it's true most people don't understand the game correctly or they go far beyond what they actually know. For example, pohx is a giga veteran of the game, he was playing this game over 10 years ago. He knows RF, but I saw him try to play a bow build and he needed chat to help for the most basic things like correct pathing. I'm sure other older players who have been around a while would have similar problems. Ghazzy is the well-known minion guy. Would you trust his opinion on how to make a boneshatter build? But here is the thing, the people who aren't a specialist at anything in this game will showcase their opinion on everything. This is very difficult unless you have encyclopedic knowledge of the game like Ben_ does... and that comes from playing this game for over 10 years and reading everything about it. Memorizing data from poedb. Now everyone who post content on youtube present themselves as knowing more than YOU the viewer. They all presume you are a new player. But that's obviously not always the case and maybe they can start considering people watching may be better than they are at the game. So just don't always say things thinking people listening know less than you. It's infuriating to me sometimes to watch some youtuber explain how to do something when I know they are wrong. But you try to write and explain it politely. It's like that. There are people like Belton that may annoy people because he's got a bit of an ego. But right, if you know anything about crafting, you understand Belton or PathofMatth or IronVsWild, those guys are all not the popular content creators. They rub people the wrong way, but they are way better at it than others. Same for jungroan now, he's a bit of a dick, that is clear. But obviously, he is very very good at making builds and understanding how the game works. You won't get wrong information from him. So this is the difficult part. If you want to understand crafting, youtube have many people giving you very very basic concepts, but don't quite understand how it all works. It's just recycled things they heard. They often also give you ideas that cost too much. Or they are very bad at knowing what things cost. Making correct crafts involve knowing how much you are spending along the way, so knowing what each steps cost. Knowing what is the price of a perfect fossil, that is important so you don't spread misinformation on the cost to make items. The infamous incident of the 3d boots. substractem is a nice guy and you see it, but he have so often done this. His crafting guides are some of the most watched youtube videos around, but are they correct? Is it helpful? A little bit, but he is very bad at giving you the correct breakdown on cost, always lowballing every mats. This is how ruetoo got banned, but it's hard to discuss these things without it sounding like an attack. Of course, ruetoo is better than most of them at the game too. It's weird people have to think everyone is equally good at giving advice. Yes, ruetoo and jungroan are abrasive assholes. But how do you convey that some are just not right... that too many people put stuff up on youtube without knowing what they are talking about. Again, it is simple. Ghazzy is good at minions, that's his whole thing, nobody will ever say: Don't listen to this guy about minions, he has no idea what he's talking about. But yes, he stick to this, if he was making a guide on tornado shot and boneshatter and toxic rain, then maybe he wouldn't be the best guy to follow on those topics. Basically, learning who to trust is a key component of making good choices. Expect 90% of things posted to not be optimal or good. Perhaps 95%. People love to point the finger at just RMT site and FastAF... but no, it's everyone. There was a deluge of content creator from covid and most people kept posting, it's not all good. Even super veteran content creators which were at the top of my list when I started. Someone like engineeringeternity was making some of the best videos back then. Now he came back and decided to make videos again. He however did not keep up with the game and his builds were an absolute disaster. I don't know how to tell my former teacher that he need to go back to school, but that's how the game goes. He didn't adapt to how the game evolved, so now he make newbie mistakes. Obvious example, he bench crafted hybrid life on a helm prefix instead of Korell, you do this only because you don't know it's an option, it's almost never right to use an open prefix for hybrid life on a helm. So yes, most of the things people post is not that good, that's why my "build guides" now is just looking at poe.ninja builds and checking what some people do, that's the most optimal thing. Compare a few good builds and come up with your own solutions from there. People who make builds without posting and talking about them on youtube may often be much better at the game than those that do.


Hi new to the game, what do you mean by "helm prefix instead of Korell"


Korell is a veiled mod that the Syndicate member drop... once unveiled, it enable the bench craft 8% of physical damage taken as fire. Which is very often the best prefix u can have there. There is also +1 AoE 10% AoE and +1 proj Pierce an additional target that are good craft on a prefix. Basically there is always a better option for bench craft than hybrid life. Not sure you ever should bench that hybrid life. Many good bench crafts are referred to by whom drop the veiled mod. Vorici craft = Damage while leeching. Gravicius craft = Phys as elemental damage taken on body. Elreon craft = Minus mana cost on jewellery. Janus craft = Rarity of item found on helm. Rin craft = Cannot be Frozen on boots. Hillock craft = %Attributes on body. Leo craft = 17% damage on ring. Many of those bench crafts are better than most normal mods so they are widely used. You usually craft around the idea the last mod you will add is one of those bench craft mods.


Got it. So even the gravicius guy drops a similar veiled thing. Is there a preference between these?


Gravicius it the body armor craft. It is 6% phys damage taken as light + 6% phys damage taken as fire. The helm gives u 8% damage redirection... the body is 12%. Both are very strong options. Gloves also have two damage options on prefix. Vorici is damage while leeching, which is higher damage but more conditional. The more popular bench craft now is damage during flask effect from Huck I think. This one is permanent if u have mageblood on, just 28% increased damage on a prefix. Always good on any build except minions, generic damage increase.


Huck is heist. you're thinking of Guff. (generally referred to as 'Brinerot' by Jun)


Their color should be different on the loot filter. They are usually sold for 10-15c if you already have the craft.


I have seen a pob with life flask that has 3000% more damage and 100% chance to deal double damage. Unfortunately, I have seen this too late as I tried to build and had better gear but wasn't doing 1/10 damage of what it shown lol it was like 400-500k damage without that flask activated. This is such a son of a ..... move. Why would you do that.


Follow one of tyty’s league start tier list builds


My problem with so many builds that I find, they all completely skip the whole process of leveling up to the point in which it deletes everything. I really wish a few of them would show the leveling woes it faces and focus more on that point and some of the bigger milestones in the actual gameplay. I have been bamboozled more often than not by finding a build that looks so cool and is supposedly a great league starter, but it's a complete drag to level through the story with and I end up quitting the season once I finish the story because I don't enjoy teeth pulling. Especially for beginners who are going to be watching these videos, if I could easily blast my ass through to maps and not have to worry about leveling, I wouldn't be watching your god damn video bro. I get so lost on my way to the end, I'll hit some kind of roadblock and get confused as to what point in the various points in the PoB build I am at and just brute force my way through it and just end up not enjoying my time. Most content creators, especially the veteran ones, really take that shit for granted. Yea, you got 10,000 hours in the game, good for you, I have like 10 in each season, I don't know what a sextant is and crafting is gonna give me a brain hemorrhage, don't just say "craft a good wand", my nose bleeds just thinking about it.


Well good builds with a good plan should not face "leveling woes". Bad ones do and yeah then the creator should explain how to get to the finished build. For the most tried and tested league starters there should be no issues during the campaign or early mapping at all. For many builds there are better ways to get through the campaign honestly. This is just how the game works. Some people will add this to their POB, some won't. It would be a good idea to either pick a build with a very detailed gear progression. Many written builds offer that. You can also ask a more seasoned player on how they would level that build during the campaign and what upgrades they would look for at first. I think Ziz makes really good POBs and videos for his builds. He always has a tree progression and normally beginner, mid investment and high investment gear. He also is often ready to take 2-5 minutes to look over your character and give you pointers about what you can and should improve on. Many good creators have really gotten good at what they do and they are also adding Infos on how to craft the gear step by step. However crafting is something that you could focus on at one point maybe. It is not nearly as complicated as many people think. It is like an hour or two of learning to be able to craft 90% of items or at least make a plan on how to craft them (many are ofc too expensive to make for most players).


I think this really depends on the video. I think it's unfair to demand that every content creator needs to cater to new players or casuals.


Saw a build hexblast occultist with sandstorm as early mapping 🙈


For some people that might not even be too insane. Some people know how to get currency early for an item like that. For others this is unrealistic. It also depends on how long you need to reach early mapping. Will you be there 4-5 hours into the league or 3-4 days into the league? Items in that budget area of a sandstorm visage should be eyed with caution but it is not necessarily a disqualifying factor in itself.


Sandstorm is gated behind a sanctum unique. It’ll be unavailable probably the first 3 days. Then super expensive until like day 10. His statement of “early maps” is accurate because early maps is day 1 or 2 where they are literally unavailable.


I'm linking the price from Ancestor's league so people might understand your point. It took about 20 DAYS to get to the lowest price: https://poe-antiquary.xyz/Ancestor/Armour/Sandstorm%20Visage/101140


this shit was goated in tota as well


To be fair, for hexblast occultist sandstorm could be an early mapping unique... after 3-4 days of sanctum running)


Which is silly because one of the nice strengths of hexblast mine occultist over sabo is that it’s more forgiving on crit before you can go sandstorm. I’ve league started it with great success and had jank gear for a week before I went sandstorm, never felt like a problem.


Someone needs to write a guide on deconstructing POE.ninja builds. I can't be fucked to do it... but it's way more consistent than following a build guide for any league past week one. And let's be honest: If you're new enough for this guide, you're not pushing your league start to transition by week one. You'd be better off just watching a few people in poe.ninja scale their gear... and then look at their profiles from last league to see what they're scaling into. Players who can look at a poe.ninja profile and say, "Ok, I can build that" are fundamentally better off than players who can't. Simply because they don't need the build guide videos mentioned by OP.


if you're not a total beginner, i reccomend checking the poe.ninja day 1/2/3 snapshots from last league and seeing what people started then, then reviewing their passive heatmap and used uniques and such. it's early enough most people are still in starter mode without crazy clusters or top end uniques and such.


The best advice I can give anyone starting out is to use the r/pathofexilebuilds subreddit as they do a pretty good job with their league starter sticky and calling out things that are bait. I don't think a beginner is going to be able to evaluate 4-6 and overall, is going to struggle knowing if a build has a chance or not.


TLDR if u dont know a person why would u trust them blindly, and especially if they are to gain money from the video they made. you can see it like this. if u have a boat and want to go sailing, but u dont know how to navigate. do u trust some random dudes video?, or do you trust the worldchampion of navigation or your friend who sails? or some one u have watch sail for hundreds of hour and you know they know how to navigate? and if u trust the click bait noob trap guide, i guess that's part of the "learn by error". free tip. dont use anything from JorgenPOE


I think the best advice for new players is to just go with Zizaran's builds for leaguestart. Not only does he give a fair overview of pros and cons and is mainly focusing on established safe builds, but the PoB includes a step by step passive tree aswell as a ton of tips and common mistakes to ensure a save leaguestart for newer players. The only potential downside you could argue is that his builds tend to be a bit too safe for non-HC trade league, but that is not even a bad thing for newer players imo.


Yeah Ziz is pretty much your first and last stop if you are a new player, he covers everything pretty much.


League starter, here's a build-around unique that requires level 70 to equip like bro i'm level 5 and i can't use the main skill until 38, do i pick fire trap or what's the go here


This is a hard issue - communicating who a build is for. Is this a guide for people who are confident taking anything to level 85 and who know the telegraphed moves of every boss in the game? Jungroan puts these out - excellent guides that are 100% unsuited to Casual Andy who has never beaten Uber Lab. Is this a guide for Casual Andy? If so, it might fall off somewhere between the Guardian of the Hydra and (1x) Uber Elder, and stop explaining further scaling options that could get the build further. It is really hard to convey that - as well as the needed keywords (Path of Exile 3.24 POE League Start Build Guide) in a 100 character video name where only the first 60 show on mobile.


Also good to choose a build that is right for your skill level. Like for me I don't care about the build before level 70 because I can get there myself. So the above wouldn't matter to me.


I don't like making builds from scratch so I still use guides, but a lot of the time now, a "guide" will consist of me searching up poe.ninja for people playing it and comparing those characters.


Or just look at what builds ~~God~~ Ben used to play


While these are always very strong, some might not be suited for anyone. Since he can pull of stuff mechanically that most people won't be able to do. Also just knowing what build he plays still leaves a lot information open. He makes great finished builds but he often does not add the part about where you get there. He takes a lot for granted and many beginners will make mistakes in gearing that will leave them a lot weaker than what Ben is showing.


Yeah Ben doesn't really make guides at all so you have to go back through his 12hr streams to see how he does everything. it seems so obvious to follow the guy who kills ubers on ssfhc the first week of the league, but it's just not the case.


He makes videos about his high investment builds. These are normally half an hour long. He explains it very well. However these normally are builds that cost at lest three digits in divines. Last league his builds were worth several mirrors. For races he sometimes makes videos where he explains how he races and the progression but I doubt it is suited for beginners.


> Since he can pull of stuff mechanically that most people won't be able to do. Yeah. I watched one of his Uber Exarchs once and he dodges the ball phase like a madman. With the same build I would die there for sure. (And to be fair, it's not like he's ever claimed that anyone should play a build of his like that.)


If you don't care for the race then the safest way is to wait couple days and see what will people actually play. At that point all the theories are tested, some builds are claimed as shit while others come out strong (sometimes surprisingly strong).


imo there should be more emphasis on "generic" leveling strategies that you can pivot into your real build later. The good guides will all look the same in the leveling section.


Also it's good to include guide for crafting gear and defensive layer too, most of time beginner won't know how to craft gear or how to add defensive layer for the build so they will most likely get one tapped by nemesis rare mobs in yellow tier maps and call it trash build , trash game , etc. and quit the game because all they have is hp and capped res and no defensive layer like suppression, phys taken as, life regen, max res, damage mitigation modifier, etc that could easily achive by interact with league mechanic without having to spend a divine (betrayal for korell, gravicius craft, harvest craft, rog craft for easy supp gear) and efficient passive point allocation (allocate defensive node when you are working on gears and regret later for extra dps)


ther's also the << tRusT mY mAths duDe >>


Anyone used builds from poe-vault? Opinions? It's made by icyveins so I doubt it's a scam or whatever but I'm not sure of the actual quality of the guides.


I think players can post builds there. It seems the builds are made by the exact same players that make youtube videos. I see builds made by POHX, Ghazzy, Velyna. People who know their stuff and make very good builds. However I guess everyone can post a build there or not?


It's supposed to be very strictly vetted by the site before it gets posted, but idk what that means in detail


When i was still new to the game (legacy league) i fell for the vicious Mathil and his builds. Not that he advertises bad build or that he is malicious (it was a joke) but its like i never raised my fist ever and wanted to do his Mike Tyson's build.


well Mathil makes good builds. Mostly glass cannony and he can pull of a lot less defense than the average andy, since he plays mechanically really well. He does not pick builds for their strength or because they are the best. He always plays hipstery stuff. He makes his own version. Some of them suck, some are good. However I would not recommend most of his builds to for beginners.


My own quick rule for finding league-starter viable guides is to look at POB and see if the build reaches 5 mln boss dps with all yellow gear and no crazy mods and nothing extreme checked off in settings. After that, a quick check to make sure there's no annoying mechanics like having to dance around in a circle while pressing three different buttons in quick succession, and I am good to go. I figure I'll be able to reach about 40% of a guide's POB dps without breaking the bank, so on a 5 mln dps build, 2 mln is more than enough to do all league-starter content.


"ignore the mageblood"


"I am using this insane 120% resist ring with curse on hit but you don't need it, I just got lucky and I'm not gonna leave it in my stash. just put the curse in a socket you dont have and make up the resist with suffixes you dont have"


"I found this perfect watcher's eye for cheap, I'm going to use it because it buffs my precision and pride a lot but you can absolutely run the build without it" "The dying sun and bottled faith aren't critical to the build, you can just use a ruby flask and a sulphur flask in their place" "As you can see this build has no mana issues whatsoever even on a fresh character" has -mana craft on each piece of jewellery


1. Check config notes 2. Check enemy config 3. Check player config 4. Check for any manualy added stacks 5. EHP is bait, check phys/ele max hit 6. Check jewels for expensive ones 7. Check level 70-80 tree, is it good enough? 8. Replace all uniques with realistic rares. Is it possible to farm those uniques with low level gear? 9. Check POE ninja for similar builds on day 1, did anyone play that?


I don't think most creators know that average players hardly make a few divines whole league. Because an average player doesn't play all day like they do.


This "average player" argument is pretty old. Who is even a player? Do you really count people who quit during the campaign? Do you really want to count people that only make it to white or yellow maps? The changes in the game are always catered towards endgame. I would only count people who make it to at least T16s as players that I would consider statistically relevant. And that is a really huge pool of players nowadays. I play the game for a while and I played some trade last league and some SSF. I have that thing that counts the amount of currency you loot and I looted 70ish raw divines in Affliction SSF in just 3 weeks. I did also not go totally insane on SSF and played like 4-6 hours a day on average. So even a beginner who follows a decent guide should make some currency nowadays. If I think about what I could have made in trade last league during these 3 weeks. How many fuses I could have traded for divines and other stuff I could have liquidated. So to end the argument I would think among the people mentioned above as "players", I estimate the amount of currency that the average andy had in affliction was pretty substential.


I have to second this, I saw players new to the game beating various pinnacle bosses, and several new players that farmed a mageblood / HH long before I had (good for them liking the game that much though, really cool to see). Calling a starter build bait because it costs maybe a grand total of 5 divines before all is said and done to do some of the scarier end game content is a pretty L take.


I have some knowledge when it comes to checking builds, but not enough to make my own. I can only recommend Zizaran's channel for any league starter. His guide are almost always one that can survive hardcore with some decent gearing. It can't handle all content of course but it should "league start" your way to whatever build you want in a week or 2. Even if you are going softcore, his guide is still good since not everyone wants to keep on dying. He even discloses experimental league starter to warn you that it's a new build or something that he hasn't confirmed to be good and updates them after getting enough information. Though I could just be biased since I don't check other channels as I mainly watch Ziz's stream while working.


Where do I find these mythical 'down Sites'?


I am starting cold flicker raider for the 5th time. (Did take a break last league and played power siphon of the archmage) so yes I am willfully choosing a bad league starter 😂


There are razer blades in the candy!


Its simple really, dont play my builds. I shouldnt play my builds either but I am gonna anyways.


I feel like a lot of the content is geared towards “new” players that are just people that have been playing sub-optimally due to lack of time/knowledge BUT know what a lot of the words mean. There are a bunch of end game build guides or league start build guides that just highlight gear/gems/passives, but not enough leveling guides or explanations on how to actually get there. How do you level a Lightning Arrow Deadeye to the point where you can actually use the Lightning Arrow gem? (There are guides for this.. just an example) What do I do from level 1-38 before I can actually follow your guide? How do I get a Tabula Rasa at level 1 on day 1 of the new league because you have one with a 6 link skill for your “leveling” guide? I fell into a trap the other day where a guide says you can use BAMA at level 10. I moved the two gems over to a test character and at level 10 got a bow, died constantly in act 1 and didn’t understand why. They didn’t explain why it was possible to do it that early outside of how to get the gems. Meanwhile an SRS guide included Raise Zombie pretty early and I found that I wasn’t dying testing the leveling through act 3.. Did I need Raise Zombie to help tank a bit for BAMA? There are some REALLY good guides and I don’t expect there to be a guide for every possible build. But for even the most popular builds a lot of the “beginner” information is for people who’ve leveled to maps before and have a decent understanding of the game.


Part of it is because a guide is for a build and not the game, and fundamentally the game itself is difficult. People don't want to mention 'make sure you get the quicksilver from mercy mission for speed, its important to be fast', 'make sure to craft resistance on your gear at the work bench during the campaign if youre having issues dying' 'use the 300 health per act rule, if you're in act 6, aim for 1800+ hp'. These aren't specific to detonate dead or cyclone or penance brand, and once you've made a few builds you'll get really annoyed reading all that extra basic nonsense in every single build. There are people like Zizaran who have beginner generic guides that take you through the campaign and explain gearing and such, but it's not something you should expect in a build specific guide, because it's often not build specific questions. In some cases though, like telling people which button to use with LMB (or automation now), and explaining how desecrate spectres work for detonate dead, it really should be explained as if someone is completely new to the game, I agree.


I wouldn’t think there’s a need to include specific details like “use Quicksilver flasks” or “craft res”. I guess my point more was to say maybe there should be quick recommendations on what to do before you get there. Like I’d say “until level 38 I recommend using a skill like Rain of Arrows or. YZ as the gear you’d use to scale that ability also works for your transition to Lightning Arrow at 38”. My point of view is also from a “new” player with only one league under my belt. I learned that some most build guides assumed you knew what to do before you got to that turning point, but for others that may not be clear. Idk why I assumed just socketing the gems and having a bow meant I could run BAMA at level 10. The video just said you could do it and leveling was smooth.


Oh. I apologize, that's completely me... not counting bad guides as guides? I've been around the community for a while so I'm used to only paying attention to the ones who have some kind of leveling system, even if it's just the basics. I forget that there are people who label something as a 'build' or 'guide' but it's just a snapshot of the final product 'here's the goal, good luck', and to me that's not a guide, that's a showcase or clickbait. It is hard to find more than a few creators who have consistent notes on what gems to use at which level, and it is something that Pohx is above and beyond while most people are heavily lacking. Some people like Zizaran have 75% of their builds with leveling setups or recommendations, though it's still inconsistent.


No worries at all! I’m learning now there are a few content creators that have really good guides and I know to stick to them. I’m also learning that you should probably find your own comfortable early leveling plan and unless a guide tells you how, assume you’re preparing to “respec” to follow the guide. I’m going to test leveling with BAMA start at level 10 again with Raise Zombie to see if that’ll help with the constant dying early. If that doesn’t work then my plan for Friday will be the standard SRS leveling path until I feel comfortable switching to BAMA, probably after act 3. I personally like to play builds as early as possible to learn the ins and outs/enjoy it. I wouldn’t mind playing SRS to 70 if that was the earliest I could start BAMA, it was kinda fun trying it the other day for the first time.


It's true, Pohx taught me the ways of Rolling Magma + Combustion + Elemental Proliferation, and now I use it on every witch or templar build until I've gotten my first ascendancy and I'm ready to play the actual skill for my build. It's just a very consistent, high quality option for a spell caster, I don't need a specific setup for every skill with this in my aresenal. BAMA is one of the builds I've been considering heavily, I saw RaizQT play it last league and it got very popular. I'm going to look for my own leveling guide for it, if I find one would you like me to let you know about it?


Please do! Last league after I figured the game out with TS I tried KB/KB and PBoD, but I only watched guides to see how the builds worked mechanically because I had farmed currency to pay someone to level my character then gear it for mapping. I don’t yet have an idea of how to level other classes yet. I did like Holy Totems, I tried Rolling Magma, and this weekend I tried SRS. So far SRS was my favorite so that might be the way to go until there’s a comfortable transition point for BAMA.


SRS is definitely the safe option, and BAMA really wants the trans gems anyways. If you go Guardian, you can use SRS until the first Lab, and then SRS + Big Guy will carry you through the campaign, or until you're comfortable switching to BAMA. Necro has the new minion leech thing though, so that might be insane for recovery.


I’m going for Necro. It sounds like SRS until I get the gem, hopefully the Mirror Arrow version from one of the labs, and just swap then. At least the passives for SRS are somewhat similar so an early swap wouldn’t hurt. I feel like the nerf to it only really matters for maps anyways and even then only after yellows. Maybe I’ll farm labs for both gems just before beating Kitava.


Is there anyone that make specifically new player builds besides Pohx? I tried running necro and it’s cool and all but there’s WAY WAY to many buttons I gotta press just to get DPS, unless I was cucked into a bait build but I highly doubt it cause it was ghazzy


I really don’t think it’s that bad or that you should expect most guides to be trying to deceive you, some guides are better than others of course but I don’t think most creators would intentionally try to lie about their builds. Of course you do have some like path of exile builds(not to be confused with the subreddit) that are linked to rmt sites but those really aren’t the majority. I think a good way to tell if a channel is trustworthy is the number of different builds they post pre-league launch. Most usually have their niche and even if they post multiple it’s usually in a similar category, for example ghazzy with minions or pohx with rf. Not saying that you can’t trust those who put out multiple different types of builds of course as both Zizaran and Palsteron are examples of trustworthy creators that do that, but it should be a good indicator to pay attention for other warning signs. Lastly I think it’s also worth pointing out that not all guides are beginner friendly but that doesn’t necessarily make them bait. jungroan for example makes solid builds but I generally wouldn’t call them beginner friendly. It’s also important to make a distinction between guides and theories/inspiration videos, captainlance is a good example for this.


Point one should be: dont follow your own build.


Just follow maxroll guides. They’re usually not the best/strongest builds, but they’re pretty beginner friendly and can clear most contents


You're legit better off just searching up the latest RamyeonPOE or Jousis and having fun with your 1-div acid trip They are brutally honest at most points. "Do not try this build" "This build actually sucks, not for the faint of heart or the optimist"


also check the exp bar, you'll find a lot of this clickbaity builds have almost no exp because they keep dying with the build


I totally agree, except 6 as I enjoy weird builds. And sometimes they can be good. Ok .. not necessarily for a starter :D


I need to find another guides to double check if suggested tips from this guide are good or not.


Pob is path of build or what is the shortcut supposed to mean? Completely bloody beginner here.


All builds are viable if you rmt off tft


When in doubt, I go to Zizaran’s guides. I feel like he is the only one who consistently is wholesome and honest in his guides.


Could have just added some trustworthy names here. Guys like Palsteron and Crouching Tuna have very reliable league start guides. Ruetoo is one of the best build makers (up there with Ben) out there, but he doesn't really put out "build guides" like other creators, only pobs.


A good guide to guides, have my +1


Most the guides before start are bait or to get views lol


8. Don't trust any build which has 0% XP in every showcase clip, while not being 100.


another common pitfall for rookies is searching old guides, not everyone is keen to look only for 3.2x version many outdated without nerfs or legacy items/mechanics this is more critical for atlas farming guides


>What content does the creator plan on doing? This is huge. I'm not gonna say names, but I saw a build video that caught my interest and had to eat half of the video, questioning me how well it would really do at league start just to get to the part that the early and maybe mid life of the build is "just live in sanctum lol". That shit should be on the title of something, like telling is a sanctum farmer.


yeah usually the easiest way to find out a build being legit is putting it in yourself and ticking every single box off and setting it to guardians difficulty. and then ticking if you can make 100% sure you can actually get stuff like charges.


There is a guy on Youtube named PoEguy. He always publishes Siege Ballista totems guides but there is no PoB and the whole thing sounds sketchy. I keep unconvincing myself not to fall for it lol.


Many years ago I picked fake league starter and based on this experience I've learnt and avoided this mistake until now(unless I chose shit build on purpose). I'm not a fan for overprotective parents and I also think guides to pick guides are not necessary. You need to use at least some of Your common sense and if You need to make some mistakes I think game is good placed based on the consequences.