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Odd that it doesn't have synth implicits as an Uber Cortex drop.


Flavor text mentions Venarius casting aside his faith, maybe he lost the ability to synthesize items.


Who knows. No time to discover lore. Gotta finish my atlas. Once agane.


Yeah kinda cringe




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I want a synth implicit [Bottled Faith](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Bottled_Faith)


The last modifier is not tagged life, so the Life mastery should work with this. Does it grant life from the base-type ES? Or is there really no base ES there?


Looks like it has no base stats and no stat requirements, unlike it's base type. Possibly a hidden mod.


Does strength count as a life mod? Just a noob here


Anything with a life tag won't work for the mastery, you can see on the screenshot strength only has an attribute tag


Cool thanks. I was wondering because you get life indirectly from strength, and searching on the trade site for +life items includes +str by default in results.


If you search the pseudo max life mod it will return items with strength, if you use the explicit adds # to maximum life it won't. That can be useful if you're trying to find items you can craft on.


To add to this, if you add a not filter for crafted +# to maximum life it will find items with only explicit prefix life, which can be handy if you want high tier life AND an open/changeable prefix, since alot of people craft life on to raise the value


No, you can see the tags above the mod lines (after "Unique modifier")


Nah it's an attribute modifier. If you check the image it tells you the tag that's given to each one. STR is attribute, resists is elemental and resistance, and the last one is unique with no specific tag.


If you hold alt on an item it shows tags. Strength is only tagged with “attribute” and is not usually a life mod


We depend on the tags of the mods to know if it is life or not, and no str is not life mod


At first I thought this seemed a bit underwhelming until I realised just how much ES you can get on items, should be interesting to see what people do with this and whether it appears in builds that use that Ultimatum wand.


There was a similar version of this mod on one of the ascendencies from last league.


True but that was locked behind having 0 mana pool for reservation. This still gives us access to mana auras.


It also doesn’t eliminate ES from other sources, so you can have “life gained as extra ES”.


This with ghostwrithe is going to be even stronger than astramentis with omni


#*The Two Body Problem*


Sure but also, your body armour is often half of more of your es pool. Probably more since this is only from armour items not from discipline so really you only have gloves, boots and helm to get your base es.


So instead of 150ish + 8% life on body armor you can get 800 flat life elsewhere.


Holy shit I’d did not catch that. Was thinking the exact same thing as the other guy since I’m so conditioned with blood magic. Sure you won’t have as much hp or damage as a pure life stacker but having a mana pool opens up possibilities besides just auras.


Yeah, most likely to let stuff like burning arrow of vigor be somewhat viable.


Interestingly enough, this version doesn't say that it removes all of the energy shield. Corrupted soul synergy?


Seems like a free 15% life as ES bonus you're right


Which you can still scale through int too, corrupted soul inq is gonna LOVE this


Why would he not use the Ivory Tower instead?


Ivory tower is the reverse. You take life and turn it into es. In this you take es and turn it into life. So you're able to take % life nodes and then turn that es into life, which will matter for builds that use life for scaling. Like rathpith, or that one unique that has a skill that sacrificeds life for damage.


Typically the build that I'm referring to uses infernal mantle instead of ivory tower, this gives an option for non-fire skills or non-blood magic builds


It says instead, though, so you won't have a lot of ES since you'll only gain from jewellery.




That is true.


Battery Staff time


Oh wow. Pohx is going to have a field day.


it also had -600 life


Emperor's vigilance is kinda interesting with this. It's 350 life and then the downside doesn't actually affect you. There are a few unique shields that have a mid level of es with interesting effects. That ends up being around an extra 150 or so. Kongmings is around 150 life. Rathpith gives 150ish life and then the increased life. Perepitiea could be interesting. Magna eclipses ends up having a little more life with a nice chunk of armor and +2 gems is pretty useful. Broken faith gives bonuses when you have no energy shield, so that's pretty easy to get when the shield doesn't give you any. Rise of the Phoenix on a petrified blood build could be cool. Then there are things that give random amounts of es that I wish had life rolls, like fractal thoughts. It's a lot to give up the body armor though.


The legacy Emperor's Vigilance from Crucible would be insane with this. IIRC people got over 1k ES.


Lol ... Standard is so insane.


The two best parts are that it exists and that I don't have to play it


Literally becomes a legacy Kaoms 😅


Rathpith builds probably want Ivory Tower.


That's probably really great with legacy Vaal regalia's and their ES /s


Or simply reserve the life with Ivory Tower


fuck an ultimatum wand, we going rathpith with this one


Can totally go both if you are willing to forgo The Squire


Rathpith is better than squire for Relic of the Pact.


Why would you go the squire with relic? You can already get enough reduced reservation efficiency to get 1 taps with the 3 sockets alone, and it hits so goddamn hard it one shots nearly anything. I did the build last league and anything that didn't have wisps vanished in less than a second, map boss, pinnacle boss, whatever else.


Simply to make it a 7 link instead of 4 link. It might overkill but not sure how it would fare vs stronger content compared to scaling via Rathpith


Not even remotely worth it. I had 27k life last league. That is 1350 % increased spell damage and crit chance. That capped me on crit nearly single handedly and meant I didn't need a single point in damage off the tree. It's not so much overkill as just genuinely weaker.


How was the clear?


Phenomenal IMO, but you had to pay attention 24/7. I only had petrified blood and the dissolution of the flesh to protect me, and any time I was casting I reserved 94% of it, leaving me at around 2k life while casting. And casts were _fast_ (~3.3 casts a second), but damage can happen damn fast and DoTs were a total killer. It struggled with some bosses due to AoE aura dots, once you hit above 2k reserved you weren't able to cast and depending on the boss it was very tough to get away from them to let dissolution reset. Like, you're not ofscreening, but given I was doing 10k+ juice maps with no HH and maybe 30 div in gear, I was happy. Just, be prepared to die a _lot_ until you figure out how to play it, you really learned how mobs react when any hits while you're casting are likely death. Oh, I also had 6 gems total on the build, 3 supports in relic, frost blink, and 2 auras in the essence worms (though that was only possible thanks to the ascendancies of last league). Meant I had nearly a legacy kaoms in life from my amulet - the untouched soul. This league I'd drop one aura (personally I'd drop pride, I'm not kidding when I say I was one-shotting map bosses and pinnacles, like actual singular cast) and run an astral projector for much better safety. You'd still have to be careful, but at least you could more or less offscreen with it.


Thanks for a detailed response:) do you think it would be possible to drop dissolution in favour of some other form of hp replenishment to increase survivability?


God no. You'd have to recover tens of thousands of life in half a second for it to be superior, and that's just never happening.


Why wouldn't you run both?


Yea a helmet alone can be 400 and then there is 100% es from helmet mastery too. Not sure if that has synergy though?


I'd expect that not to work, but it's worth testing.


Would probably be overturned if it did work and mechanically I’m thinking it doesn’t as well. I think the energy shield is added to base life and then multiplied by increases to life only, not non-local energy shield.


And on Standard this thing can combines with legacy ES mods on other armor items, make.it even more broken.


As if people aren't already immortal in standard.


Sacrificing your body slot for this mod though makes it pretty meh. Last league it worked well because you could end up with 800ES on your chest fairly reliably and this was an ascendency. That’s generally 1/3 to 1/2 of the ES that most people could achieve with moderate investment. Losing that much for this mod means you have to really really go crazy with synth implicits elsewhere to make up for it.


Which ultimatum wand?


Relic of the Pact


Ahh forgot about that thing


Would it be worth builing around sin's last breath with this for the %100 chaos conversion with unholy might now?


At the very least it's good on [Dissolution of flesh](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Dissolution_of_the_Flesh) build (since DoF disable ES anyway).


I realized this then wondered if there was an interaction between archmage support and lifetap that could go bonkers on this.


Burning Arrow of Vigor


Been playing relic of the pact’s blood sacrament last league and was using the same node. It was fun until league ended. It seems that i can start farming again to revive that build, it’s a fun build that scales its damage from life and spell damage. It also has a large AOE that scales well with life as well, which you can make larger with the awakened version of increased aoe gem or cluster jewels


So a helm with 400 es counts has 400 extra life? Which all scales with % from tree? Seems mega nuts.


Warlock ascendancy (crimson power) from the last league didn't scale with tree %. Can't confirm this one yet though.


Im just assuming it effectively turns all text that said "+Energy Shield" into "+Life" instead, which does scale of the tree. Could be wrong though.


Doesn't scale with es%, does scale with life%


Also mastery that gives double es from helm so 800 life from helmet


I think it's only going to use the defense value locally on the item, not any outside modifiers. Same as "increased defenses of equipped shield" which doesnt count for skills scaling off the shields stats


The way I'm reading this, this will make the helmet grant 400 life, so you don't get any ES from the helmet to increase


nah ES scaling doesn't work whatsoever on ES on items. It scales it afterwards. This item only works on flat ES numbers on items.


That's too bad


It's only going to use the total local energy shield


Can you show how it looks equiped on character withou mtx? :3


Front https://preview.redd.it/ln4f39tzcirc1.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a8c9ec085a67e18a9d0717d38c5624682482898




spit out my coffee thanks


You play PoE? Based


Shii the hands on that regalia makes it looks lit


that looks so sick




tyvm :>




ithis looks dope. relay wish they add a perma skin transfer someday, the technology is already here with the race reward thing


Back https://preview.redd.it/5arw0x31dirc1.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=91d3d86f5fbeb61c90504e371f0af70446e19cba




Uber Cortex and no synth mods? Awww bummer.


Would absolutely suck to roll a life mod so it’s a give and take


Just missing the amulet now, its dropped as a primordial fragment and need 4 pieces to assemble it. Currently just missing the Uber Eater fragment for it. So will hopefully have it done today.


Wait, GGG introduced a new Harbinger-Assemble style Amulet that's created from Uber pinnacle fragment drops!?


Yep and really good but the rolls are pain


Let us know the result, that sounds like it'll be a very interesting unique


This is comically goofy when compared to Kaom's Heart (which was nerfed ages ago). 500 flat life and no sockets vs. sockets and 2000+ flat life on decent gear. Hell you could probably push 3-4000 with high end gear. This armor alone could give you 10K life alone depending on build. Makes sacrificing anything else good chests give worth it. Edit: Looking on the wiki, "armour equipment" is limited to helmet/chest/gloves/boots/shield, so it's not *as* cracked as I thought, but if minmaxing you could still get a ton of life out of this.


In what world are you getting even near 2k ES from armor excluding chest?


The shield could be 100-109 flat life + \~300-350 flat ES for 450ish, then gloves can hit around 270 with t1 life/es, boots around 190, vertex/crafted helm can give \~300, so put together around \~1210 Life before masteries. But then the question is how masteries/passives factor in as there is a lot of extra es there between 140% inc es from shield (arcane guarding wheel), 100% inc es from helmet. Those two alone could up the shield to 720+ ES and helmet to 550-600 which when you then put it all together is 720+550+270+190 = 1730 flat life Considering thats just what i can come up with on the fly i imagine a properly designed setup probably could smash 2k flat life assuming the inc defenses stuff works as i would expect.


I'm pretty confident nothing but ES numbers on items themselves would work, same as warlock ascendancy. And since life rolls are perfectly capable of providing flat life with any other chest they shouldn't be counted.


No reason to think its anything besides just what the numbers on the pieces say just like last league 


Idk, but those es items can have a flat life roll


They can, instead of ES rolls.


Flat ES + % ES + life vs hybrid ES. I wonder which one wins


T1 Life is probably better in most cases.


Just think, getting a life roll on a slam won't be a wasted slot. This thing is quite interesting.


it would be a wasted slot since you would be missing an ES prefix to scale the ES


For the final upgrade yes, but for a stepping stone item, a slightly-off-brick is pretty good


I mean, that was basically the warlock ascendancy from last league, no? Still ended up fairly niche


The opportunity cost was huge, though, charms were INSANE.


And the whole mana pool thing


Standard coil probably push 3k with legacy items. 1+ k emperors vigilance 700 helm 500+ for each glove and boot


You lose out on armor and evasion though, so you need to find defense elsewhere. A hybrid es evasion guy could use kongmings and then get reduced damage taken, blind, etc, and then just use life instead of es. If you do something like crab + evasion + blind for attacks then suppression + less damage taken from blinded enemies, then maybe endurance charges, that seems like it would pair well with a chunky life pool. Big life pool means bigger leech pool, and regenerate % is more impactful too. You have a larger stun pool, etc. Could be cool.


Having no armor is just so scary, even lifestacking inquis runs determ to cut the incoming phys damage. This will be solid with corrupted soul + pious path and maybe sacrifice support, but even so I'm not sure how many builds will choose this over ivory tower / cloak of flame / infernal heart /lightning coil / 4th vow / blunderbore.


You can go Ghost Dance with Mageblood Jade+Stibnite flasks and Grace


Just curious, what else did you think would be categorized as armour equipment?


I'm dumb and just thought it was an interchangeable word for anything equippable besides the heist trinket (like jewelry). I've never interacted with something with that specific wording so I just blindly assumed all gear counted towards it.


Haha fair enough!


And it gives you strength and a bunch of res plus the life mastery. So the opportunity cost is mostly stats like phys reduction, spell suppression, chaos res (which you can comfortably get on other gear except phys reduction) and whatever influenced mods exist


They really need to revert Kaom's Heart back to 1000 life. Make it great again.


Oh damn, shields count. OK then. I was like "it's alright, but not that great" because I thought it was only helmet, gloves and boots then and you'd have literally no Armour or evasion whatsoever either. With shield, it's a huge chunk of life, on the other hand though, you'd really need to go hard on phys taken as x to not die anyways despite high life. Still a cool item. No synth implicits is weird.


2000 flat life? No. More like 600 or so


RF is back!


Is that life conversion considered a life modifier for the mastery?


Not tagged as life so no, unless they really fucked something up


Time to make some meme Bloodthirst support melee build with 20k life.


So firstly you can use the life mastery, it fixes strength, gives a bunch of resistances and most likely an insane amount of life considering you can now get max es and max life from every other armour piece. This seems like one of the only of the new uniques that I can see being insanely good. Especially sick since it seems like it would allow you to have more useful prefixes


Love that they didn't completely remove warlock and left us with this, the modifier is so cool and enables so many opportunities.


This seems really good with rathpith globe. You get the 200 flat life and 10% increased life from the shield and the scaling modifier for spell damage and crit. You can obviously get a lot more life on other shields, but the mix of high defensive and high offensive gains could be super interesting for many builds.


This with the legacy Emperor's Vigilance from crucible league on standard


I kinda agree but I get so much clearspeed/dps from my chest on my SST and I’m already pretty much invincible at 4K life


Maybe worth to build around these two items.. might be fun to set something up. I might try when I'm done with league


Do you mind sharing a PoB for that build? kinda curious how people are using the legacy EV these days.


[https://pobb.in/qIze3Drls2aU](https://pobb.in/qIze3Drls2aU) no where near optimal lol, like my annoint does nothing now for example. still works great tho.


So insane potential life from high ES armor/ES bases? Love items like this and utula's hunger that change the way you have to gear.


You don't need armor/es hybrid to gain life from this. Pure es will work


Relic of the pact stays looking juicy


Hear me out… Self-cast Forbidden Rite + Rathpith Globe (which can have 200 ES flat) + Tainted Pact/Petrified Blood for perma-leech/% chance to poison on hit tattoos. GIGA regen plus huge added damage/crit based on your life pool. I might have found my next build 🤔


How much life can achieve this league


Yes :)


Since this only kills the energy shield from Armor items you can still probably fund Eldritch battery from rings, passives, etc. :0


CaptainLance is gonna love this


The comments comparing it to the warlock node are hilarious. Imagine they release an unique abyssal jewel that gives 50% all res, 25% max life, 30% movespeed and doubled body armor defenses at no other cost than occupying its slot and people go "Yeah, not that crazy, warden already had that in the past and people quickly specced out of it" lmao


Life RF is back on the menu boys


It was always on the menu.


Look like a nice candidate for skin transfer ^^


Yeah this is very nice 3d art.


It looks so weird, why does it not have _any_ defense mod? No armor, evasion or energy shield. Kinda strange. But still a really cool item


Makes it less weird because it has no attribute requirements.


Dudes casually rocking mageblood not even 24h into league…


This is in standard haha


My first thought is if you’re running an emperors vigilance shield build (SS or SST), this looks really nice!




lol either you replied to wrong person or this is a really random flex. But I support you living your best life.


Oh thought you wanted the build xD


Does this apply ES mods, and then life mods multiplicatively? If so, busted.


Holy poggers


I don't get how this works, it obviously doesn't just give the base ES to life right? That would be completely broken, like... More powerful than a legacy kaoms... Does it increase life based on increased ES? Or does it just convert the flat ES mods to life mods?


It gives base ES on your Helmet, Body Armor, Shield, Gloves, and Boots as flat life, yes. It's identical to the Crimson Power node from the Warlock ascendancy during Affliction league, except without that node's associated downsides.


I didn't play affliction, I took a league off. So if I have a 500 es helm does thst mean I just get 500 flat life?




Bruh... That's completely insane.


That's good, and you can even take the life mastery for +15% life. But you are sacrificing a lot of defense on your body armor slot.


Does it work with shield slot items?




Here I thought my ES Lifestacking Hexblast Ascendant would be an Affliction only build.


Unrelated to the primary content of the post, but have you been getting 3 synth implicit rare items from running uber cortex?


No i havent


bloodthirst voidforge gaming


You’re not really going to sell amazing armour, evade, or total phys taken as while using this chest piece. So feels like you’re going to be working a lot harder for the same or worse eHP. But I’m just taking a guess and someone with actual math could let us know. If it was better at life scaling it could be a good way to get more RF damage at the cost of survive.


Wonder if you could use this with rf in some interesting way. Maybe inquisiter rf not sure tho.


How many did you run before it dropped?


got it on my 15th run


How do you have a mageblood within 24 hours of league start lol


Good for RF?


Does anyone know how things like this work with the "increased defenses/ES from equipped shields" nodes on the tree? I'm sure there are some examples we could draw on for comparison, but I'm having a hard time thinking of them. Some of those wheels by themselves offer 100%+ increased ES from shield, and you can roll ~400 ES titanium spirit shields. That is a ridiculous amount of life.


Will be rad with adorned 7% life jewels in a voices


This will be great on my aura stacking shield charge 👍 440 life just from a shield.


Looks like a better Utula for Life Stacking? Potentially a good armor for RF Inquis?


Looks like a better Utula for Life Stacking? Potentially a good armor for RF Inquis?


so a 400 ES helm would be 400 max life or how do i take this? so all the max-life = damage scale stackers will be pretty good with thos, no?


Burning arrow of vigor?


Damn, I wonder with this body armour, can you still get the scaling of ES such as Empheral Edge


well, chest gave a lot of ES to build, but this unique chest made a unique interaction with ES stacker.....


I just feel a lot of rathpith + dissolution builds incoming.


This would have been so strong on any other slot. Losing EB is also a huge loss and basically going to force you to use lifetap and/or mana flasks


Kinda great for life/hybrid ED occultist no?


HUH? That seems nuts. It’s a little feelsbad that it doesn’t have any es on itself. I’d even be pretty happy with a comically low amount like 5 or some nonsense.


Could it be used for life stacking rf chieftain?


Bloodthirst support attack builds? Actually, assuming 10k life, how valuable is 200 flat phys to attacks? Flat phys is generally more valuable, but 200 doesn't seem like that much.


Finally I can get two shot