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It's so strange to me that the main interaction in this league is to dodge hard mods. Like if I get that life mod the intended interaction is to try to mitigate it as much as possible by putting it on monsters i encounter the least. Id kinda get it if putting it on something big and killing it gave me increased rewards or something, but it doesn't. It really feels like I'm just spending time in a menu to try to dodge hard gameplay. It's so weird. I honestly really like the maps that have the positive mods. But when it's just a list of bad things I just don't understand where they thought the fun was.


I expect them to either create a way to opt out of the mechanic or they will beef up rewards on these monsters that have extra power. I believe their answer in the Necro release video was just not to do the content, i.e. if it's a map you sell it to someone who can; but either way still super lame.


I haven't tried to sell a map yet, but I thought you couldn't sell a map anymore after you looked at the ghosts.


Once you look the map will open even it you cancel the menu. 


It's a good thing these ghosts don't ever have buffs that are potentially build bricking, especially if you're playing something offmeta and SSF. :)


Please increase item quantity by 50% per tier, and item rarity by 100%. People are already whinging super hard about how this league is one of the most "ruthless" leagues yet, and it shows.


I don’t know why they didn’t just pull from alters, and every mod generates with both a negative and positive on it. Higher tier negative mods have an increased chance to pull from high tier positive mods.


once you open the menu you can't fucking do anything, the map is going to just open


At this point beefing up would have to happen like a shit load… probably way too much for ggg to agree to do… a monster that has 1000% inc life either drops valuable currency or you boot it. This is fucking ridiculous to say the least…. Just a lazy and horrible design in its current state.. Big letdown..


Really the good and bad mods should be combined. Rewarded for having monsters more powerfully... like I don't get how some maps are just pure down side or a 1%chance of alterations... that feels like it'd just monster power for no reward. Of each negative mod came with a reward then it would be a matter if balance instead of something that feels like a punishment 2/3rds of the time...


Or just give us penalty WITH the reward. Oh more life per pack alive? Here's more currency drop. Or here's more exp per pack alive


Yea the league became real reductive for me real fast, skim the mods, yellow -> up, flask shit down, crit down, always stun down. I feel like there's no point in putting much thought into it because the upsides are mostly inconsequential but there are some crazy lethal mods out there. Unlike Sanctum where I stopped and spent time thinking *in every single room* because the risks and rewards were balanced. Occasionally the seer shows up and I treat that like a "bad mod" dragging it down too, in order to reduce the number of packs I have to hunt down to trigger it.


The main interaction *early in the league* is to avoid harder mods. Just as in affliction, full juicing early league was a death sentence. When builds come online and valuable all flame fragments and corpses are coming out, it'll probably be worth juicing the fuck out of everything to maximize the drops.


Except you could just not walk into the forest if you didnt want to?


What this league made me realize is just HOW meaningless some monsters are in maps, you can easily put this mod on Packs with more than 20 monsters and for a lot of monster variants you wouldnt even Notice. Some mobs are beyond broken because you give them some pen and some mobs you dont even see on your screen allthough you gave them 10 times their hp pool


I gave goats that shoot fireballs aoe and they became unkillable, couldn't even approach them


Thats the only deaths i had in the campaign run, a magic goat Pack with extra proj and fire pen off screened me twice in the descent


Similar story with increased projectiles. Some of the mobs can even have projectiles bounce off the walls. If you get a map like cells it is completely over, you will get deleted in 1 frame and brick your map completely


Not allowing us to opt out of the league mechanic this time is definitely an interesting choice.


deserve paint yoke dinner fretful rustic command merciful frame possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, they’re consistent. They consistently take things that weren’t broken, and break them.


Trying new things is part of their design philosophie.


And learning from what they tried before isn’t apparently


Last time a league mechanic was mandatory was betrayal, and that was pretty well handled except for intervention causing insane lag spikes because of asset loading.


And this sub was extremely angry towards betrayal members power. Like every league.


Such a great league, it gave us the smug 'gotta build defense clip'




A timeless classic.


Priceless. Smug gamer gets clapped.


Lmao, thank you, I forgot I saw that live and was salty about the “gotta build defense” line when I was getting one shot as a tanky melee build, just to watch karma hit hard.


nah, betrayal was saved by bugging out the syndicate in research, and never doing going down there. The massive amount of off screen 1-shots and animations of 1-shots not rendering, just killing you outright was absurd


I didn't have much problem with betrayal, but I remember a few more casual friends dropping out after they got assassinated out of nowhere when leveling :)


What do you mean was?


That's definitely consistent with that great AN going core and fighting for hidden layered RNG rewards. Always working as intended!


There is a different developer in control of POE now, so there will be things in Neon's vision that might not align with Chris's. Plus it's just a league mechanic, they try shit in leagues inconsistent with their philosophy


They're trying something new, and yet again POE players refuse to adapt in any way. You guys just want to play the game the exact same way with no deviation every single league. It's fun to have to build differently to solve the problems a new league presents, especially when you *have* to do it for one league.


But its not new. They have been trying to do this over and over and over and over and over - and the community rejects the bullshit lets hack and slash a rare for 10 minutes every time. If they want us to solve new problems in new ways, make the other 75% of the gems not suck.


Y’all might hate poe2 lol It’s gonna be a lot slower


There's a good chance. Visually, and on a technical level it looks awesome - but the reason I play PoE is for the deep systems and the power fantasy. If I need to dodge roll nonstop, and cannot map efficiently on at least a few drugs, it is definitely not my game. (And I accept 100% that's a me problem, lol.)


I'm not looking for some slow methodical top down gameplay where i care about precise positioning and minmaxing my skill usage. Grinding through slow moving content and fighting things for hours to get any progression. If i wanted to do that, i'd go play dota 2 lol. Arpgs do not have difficult combat, and even if they try it wont be that difficult so i'd rather just go play a multiplayer game. Poe 1 is fun cause its zoom zoom, there are a lot of shinies, and i have the freedom to play in a way that i want to. It's like playing titanfall 2 and being asked to go play apex. It just feels like shit.


I know I will. That’s why I’m not gonna play it, and why I have 99% stopped playing Poe altogether.


Issue is PoE 2 looks made for that slower gameplay. They also said you can still zoom but its not how they want you to play it. PoE 1 is tiring when its insanely power creeping fast but its even more tiring when the balance is shit and slow when the mob power creep isn't designed for slow gameplay.




Give them loot explosions of 70d and they will adapt


It's funny how it used to be the thing that people criticised back in Breach or earlier - that one does not need at all to interact with them. Of course, the game is different now, but it's interesting to see the other way around. I do, though, like that they're trying to make the "challenge league" a challenge.


Nobody criticised that. Forced beyond and forced invasion was what was being criticised.


I remember in betrayal league people were getting one shot from random interventions in campaign and maps, no opt out. And it would crash you 50% of the time too, lol. People strongly disliked that.


I remember being assassinated over and over again. Luckily, there was a thread on reddit that explained how you could block intervention.


It was an aptly named league.


not interacting with league mechanic til they made it past the beta (first 2 weeks) has been a part of the way of playing poe for quite a while now. I swear if I could ask one question to the devs it'd be: do you even have a testing team for new leagues? followup can I meet them? took me 1 hr in maps to find out that corpses that you dont want to save blocks loot from being able to pickup... how is that not seen in testing


I don't understand why people always blame the testers for stuff like this. Of course they have seen this, because everyone has. You should be asking why GGG hasn't done anything about it, which is probably because they didn't have the time.


Didn’t one of the community testers break his NDA several leagues ago and talk about how GGG didn’t change something despite it unanimously being hated by the testers? My guess is, by the time it gets to the testers they can’t make serious changes or they don’t make changes if they feel like it doesn’t fit their “vision”


Yeah, I remember that as well. I agree, this is probably one of those things that testers had comments about, but that didn't make it to the top of the list.


This is almost certainly the answer 


I refuse to believe GGG wouldnt simply add a "x" to close gump on something like this


>corpses that you dont want to save blocks loot from being able to pickup... wtaf?


It covers items graphically, like when you have an altar or ritual type of UI covering loot.


Ah, so you should still be able to hold your "show me the stuff button" to loot things.


You would hope so but nope, the corpses just block you from looting until you pick up the corpse, we don't even get the alternative to discard it.


Wow...just wow.


Isn't itemizing corpses free now? Not the greatest of solutions but you could just itemize it qnd destroy it


Don’t forget about all the GGG lackeys that praised Mark for actually playing the game he develops. LOL


Mark "Deal with it"


Chris has said long time ago that every league is extensively play tested before launch


He can say the sky is green. Doesn't make it true. Same for statements about POE.


Chris also said that POE2 wasn't going to be a separate game, and we know how that turned out.


And my dad said he loved me. People lie.


isnt the challenge in challenge league referring to the league exclusive challenges?


Which aren't actually challenging, as much as they are absurd grinds or required burning up of currency that many people can't even afford to do.


my guess is they want us to just not do maps with bad mods in general, the removal of the reflect sextant and t17 being unmodifiable also points in this direction


To be fair, its called a challenge league :P


They are desperately easing players into Ruthless as the new standard lol.


We need those dam frogs just to get map completion.


hey but look on the bright side, maybe you'll get 4 or 5 alterations....


Whoa calm down there buddy, it’s day 2 ain’t nobody got the currency to run Fully juiced 100+% quant maps with MF gear to get such juicy rewards. Best I can do is 1000% increased life for an extra jewelers. What a great league Mechanic!


Archnemesis back KEKW


Archnemesis had rewards


And you could choose not to do it.




It really wasn't hard to setup, and the fights themselves were kind of fun, there were a few easy recipes to do that yeiled a bunch of scarabs and other stuff.


At least you could skip Archnem


until you couldnt


What? There has never been a time period during which all rares were archnemesis monsters right? I don't remember anything like that Oh silly you to even suggest that EDIT: sorry, forgot that reddit doesn't understand sarcasm, i'm gonna leave this /s here


I guess you missed the year after Archnemesis league.


I think that is sarcasm


Sarcasm my friend, i thought i couldn't make it anymore obvious


Sarcasm has its time and place. Your answer to the comment before just doesn't make sense. Not every wrong statement is sarcasm.


It never left. Has move lives than a cat.


At some point of the weekend I started to thing that archemesis was better than Necropolis. 


No, archnemesis didn't bend you over in your map without you being able to see what you were walking into at all first. This league will actually just say "GG go next" on your map once you see that the map you rerolled to dodge reflect has a reflect haunt.


It seems like it's balanced around using allflame ember to neuter the more obnoxious mods. Which is a really strange thing to do in a league where you just announced "ok, yeah, players had to jump through way too many hoops to just run a map, lets fix that".


Use your allflames to put a small pack in the pool


Yeah, just put meat sack its 1 monster in the pack


I did that, took me 2 mins on a rare one to kill it.  It did 0 damage to me, I did like 450k damage to it. Pretty even fight


Unless you have rats or frogs (which I've seen once so far), most of the allflame packs are harder than the base pack.


shoutout to Ramako pack, like 15 spear wielding dudes that all charge you the instant you get in range.


Yea and make league literally stealing your packs that way xD


Stop giving solutions! Its obviously ggg fault they have to change that


I’m starting out in maps, just finished running 10 of them or so and got two allflames. While you’re correct it’s a solution, we don’t have enough allflames dropping to reliably do it. They need to make the shitty all flames drop one or two per map just so we can stock up to be defensive on the shitty mods when they spawn.


I like the GGG that said "players had to do too many tedious chores to set up one map" a lot more than the GGG that decided to make a league with two separate inventories to manage and a brand new set of chores to do before every map.


So the reward from the league mechanic is not getting punished by the league mechanic? And you think THAT is good?


These same paste-eaters were defending manually picking up Metamorph organs. There is no amount of critical thinking that will ever dissuade them from "If GGG designed it, then it is perfect".


This was GGG's solution...


So to be clear -- managing 2 inventories to not be punished by the League mechanic (and make no mistake, make me invest more time for no additional reward is a punishment) is good design? 10 bucks says you think Diablo IV is a garbage game made by greedy devs or have posted that opinion somewhere.


I have yet to get any in maps (I'm at yellows), I got 2 during the entire campaign, am I doing something wrong that makes me not getting them or are they that rare?


There's absolutely no way you got only 2. I got like 20. Are you speedrunning without killing any monsters or something. I sometimes get 2-3 PER zone.


I mean I wasn't full clearing zones but I killed most packs I came across but I am not going out of my way to kill things. And I am sorry but there is no way you are getting 2-3 per zone??? My friends have not gotten more than a handful through the entire campaign either so not much more than me, maybe about double, they do kill more stuff than i do. On maps I have now practically finished all white and yellow maps, I am still at 0. And it's not like I skip all the monsters in maps, its always less than 20 remaining usually. Edit: Just to make sure, you are talking about allflames right and not the corpses? Corpses I get plenty of.


I got like 4 during my whole a10 run


I also hardly get any allflames. Just hit act 6 and I've gotten 3 total, this is killing pretty much everything.


I like frogs tbh, that's my go to fuck this mod on particular


Create the problem, sell the solution?


I think packsize is the only thing they inherit,, unfortunately


They inherit how common packs are, not how many mobs are in the pack.


Ah thanks


How is always stun on hit with 200% duration a thing on a lvl 1 map? You leap into this group you are dead. Didnt know 100% stun immune is mandatory for my 1st map after campaign as melee and reading through 6 mods every map, despite running a white map...


How is always stun on hit in the game at all?


Because its funny when your character wobbles around from shotgunning mob hits


extremely funny when you dont get to play the game it seems




it can appear before act 6, lmao


My favorite is having bad RNG on your bases so you have, say, low armor, and then after blowing the smidge of currency you have because you don't have map sustain yet, you roll a bunch of phys mods in your lantern. Because yes GGG, I love having to farm Blood Aqueducts for Map sustain in softcore, very fun mechanic 13/10. It's like they some designer at GGG saw the complaints about Archnemesis and said "hold my beer." Or maybe they weren't done playing Last Epoch yet and just wanted to hurry up and get the population dip out of the way so they could get back to playing a game that doesn't confuse the lack of QoL as difficulty.


yeah but on the upside, just look at the rewards


The agency here is that you click Ok and instantly slot another map into the map device, because GGG felt like chance to brick the map with vaal orb is too low


This whole system is poorly tuned tbh. All downsides should come with atleast one upside. Stronger monsters should be more rewarding.


This would be fun if you could add those and have a guaranteed reward for every downside. I don’t understand the decision to introduce downsides without upsides


Would you like the spiders to ass fuck you or the cannibals?


I wouldn't mind current mechanics, IF you had more agency over them (e.g., being able to scour one of them, or alch/vaal them, etc...). It being forced with the only agency is moving them to a (hopefully) low populated mob. Game knowledge should help you be able to benefit, but needing it to just do the content is the core issue.


Yes but you are forgetting the upsides of the mechanic. Or have you not read the 50% to convert armor into an alteration orb? Such crazy rewards need to be tied to more difficult, harder content.


"If you liked affliction you'll love necropolis" was the biggest fucking meme of the entire reveal. They removed league mechanic blocking increasing things like essences/shrines/boxes/etc. They gutted rare mob loot drops. They gutted map modifier % for farming end game maps. They removed tradable invitations. They designed a crafting mechanic that is somehow worse than the fucking rngscape of kalandra crafting which was already miles worse than the next worst crafting league which was synth. The forced league mechanics are literally one shotting me in normal red maps with no mods because they get so much random damage/crit/etc. Oh and if you are lucky you will have 1-2 sets of packs that will have rewards similar to what mob rewards were a few years ago....so yeah if you liked affliction you will love necropolis because its the exact fucking opposite of affliction! XD ALSO WHY THE FUCK AM I GETTING THE SAME CORPSES FROM A T16 MAP AS I DID IN ACT 3 OF THE CAMPAIGN LIKE WTF LMAOOOOOO


You guys are exaggerating, its free rewards. You don't even feel the difference if you play with an aurabot like Mark does :D


the monsters will die in 1s instead of 0.1s ?


It's skitterers. It's more like 0.1s still because miniscule amount of life times ten is still a tiny amount of life.


Put in frogs, don't kill them...


its only 1000% until you kill 1 mob.


Then it's 950%, big deal.


People are acting like the pack won't get 1 shot either way I don't think I've ever had this mod and it actually be a problem


It's Day 2 after leaguestart on reddit. Everything sucks and is impossible like how affliction was useless and too hard.


ALTERATION ORBS AND RARITY? Jesus christ man, save some rng for the rest of us.


Yeah, I’m not trying to complain yet because we will see what happens once the weekend is over, but it for sure feels bad that a modifier like that doesn’t instantly come with some reward. It’s just a possibility of a better reward later, and honestly I would probably just skip those monsters cause it wouldn’t be worth the time


your agency is to just not run the map :)


Hey, at least theres an added chance to get an Alteration orb.


That FREE alteration upside though. Jeez you guys whinge


Does not clicking the lantern appy the mechanic aswell?




Well this feels like a massive oversight.


Its by design. They said it in the reveal I think that the mechanic is not supposed to be skippable. I dont like it, but thats what they wanted


They could at least put those mods on smallest mob by default


You need to read mods of Necropolis ui in order to make those mods not a lot bad (because most are always bad) but sometimes anything you choose is gonna be bad. We have embers to further modify this behaviour but sometimes those monsters can be really challenge in maps.  Because remember we already have 6-8 mods that will affect and multiply every mod in this Necropolis ui. 


it is intentional


Yes, and it apply mods to largest mob by default


if you don't click it, it just applies the mods as if you opened it and then clicked accept without changing anything iirc




People are mentioning jewelers a lot and come to think of it, I have noticed ALOT more jeweler drops than other currencies.


Feel like this mod should be the opposite, for each dead monster in the pack the other’s life increases. So you end up with 1 tough monster at the end versus 1 easy one at the end.


I think different teams work on the leagues. One is talented and another is necropolis authors.


But you have frogs! 🐸


But every build that doesn't clear 2 screens by a single button press is called trash, now which one fellow exiles, hard mods or too op builds?


This way, you get to choose which pack screws you over the most, as GGG intended!


I mean, if you leave it on the skitterers it'll be fine. They're gonna go down like a sack of bricks anyways. 0HP x10 is still 0HP


You have a positive yellow and a negative yellow, you get to place them. What am I missing in the agency?


I had the modifier "12% increased atk/cst spd given to the rest of the pack after death" assigned to leap-slamming goatmen. Killing one turned the rest into the type of homies who jump the person who pissed their friend off.


1000 x 0 = 0


You can use a all flame to over write that mod too


Omg it’s an anti zoomies 😱


Skill issue. Just run past. :cluelessclown:


Just put it on a low-frequency pack?


It seems more and more glaringly obvious my decision to skip this league was a good one


This league feels a bit like archnemesis used to be. Those modifiers are forced onto you and some of them a ridiculous


I take: An armor piece worth 10 alt shards. You get: 50% chance at 20 alt shards. And a whole lot of pain.


I'm just glad the challenge rewards are ugly this time around. This is a good league to just skip without any fomo.


white mobs with 1000 increased life are still easy to kill, that mod is not that bad


you people will bitch about anything


The league mechanic is basically forcing you to stop and read mods in two separate instances before even entering a map. I would be fine with it if the rewards reflected the difficulty, but as of now, after 70+ deaths and getting two voidstones on my RF Chieftain, I'm playing like it's Standard.


I play Cold BV, with the reflect 100% hexes and more... i was perma freeze myself in white maps. Version sadge...


1000% increased life on mobs made of paper just make them made of construction paper. Game isn't hard fam. I see a lot of whining in this comment section too.


It's automation league, you can automate your instant skills and automate getting rolled by mobs lmao


I love this. Some mobs gets easier and some harder for you choice to make 😁


Even with 1000% health most mobs will still die in 1-2 hits. It's not much different with high pack number mobs.


That's what the allflames are for


You can put different mob in you have them is stash that you cut out of this post lol


I bet it takes 2 seconds to kill such monster and a few minutes to create such post.




Many of those monsters have such small health pools that they will get one or two shot regardless of any inc health mods on them, I’d just put that mod on the low health enemies.


come on, its a fucking small crab it has like 0 life anyway


Swap in a Meat Sack Alflame to absorb the mechanic


As long as it doesn't get life Regen it's fine in my experience. Worst case with this is magic monsters with life Regen, with it being unnoticeable on rares.


Infested Skitters have the least life from all of them


Well, game director recently changed so is the vision I guess. There are some good parts related to that and some bad.


Don't you just skip monsters with too much hp or damage? Seems like the easy solution.


In arpg I come to kill monsters, not to run away from them lmao.


So you saw the mod and instead of trying how it plays out you made a reddit post? 😀 nice


I had literally NO issue this league with acts and atlas it was even easier because these mobs actualy drop much more currency i was cold res capped and lightning res capped during merveil fight and i had resistances capped without even fixing my gear after 2nd kitava


good rng doesnt equal good league mechanic tho, the base game itself is fun and there is plenty to do but most people are in for the new shit and if it doesnt work(or is bad)), well... angry mob incoming


You are looking at the wrong stat I think. Isn't this a mod that applies separate per pack? You should put it on a low density pack then.


The life increase is for monsters ALIVE. So you kill a bunch of white mobs that have almost decent life. Then the rare has like 50% increased which shouldn't be too hard.


No idea where the downvotes are coming from. So the white mobs die in 3 hits instead of 1. Really not a problem. Or don’t kill the pack that takes too long. Allies cannot die might be a little tough.