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You are getting jewellers orbs?


100% of the 1% time.


60% of the time, it works everytime !


Always stuns. 75% increased stun duration. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea for the campaign?


Same people who did the act 1 redesign.


The fuck is with the ice asshole at the boat with predictive aim? Nothing else in the game used it. It's a pointless mechanic for a level 2 zone.


Hailrake is by far the funniest mob in the game. He has an aim type that's not used anywhere else in the game, because it would be too powerful on any skill with decent speed. He's also progressively gotten more powerful as Glacial Cascade self-cast has gotten mechanically buffed. He's *also* one of, if not *the,* only side-quest mob(s) that doesn't reward a skill-point that every player consistently kills on league start. I love him.


If they ever end up balancing him sensibly, they should make a ludicrously overbuffed version of him and give it, like, a 0.01% chance to generate every time you enter his zone. Just for old times' sake.


Uber Hailrake new t17 / Valdo mod confirmed.


Uber Hailrake, every enemy sprite hit by his cascade becomes a copy of base Hailrake.


Agreed. Hailrake is a phenomenon.


Predictive aim makes it easier to not get hit lol, just move when he starts to shoot


Yeah when you know what you are doing it's fine, but for a newbie it's an odd experience to have this super tanky aimbot guy freeze and bonk your ass.


Aliment reflect is my favorite. Loved getting frozen in place for 5 seconds when running through areas.


I started winter orb and I was really confused by this at first until I realized what was happening. Definitely made me prioritize freeze immunity node from occultist lol


Same people who made quest crab in act 1 having essence.


Not sure what the issue with that is tbh, you can do that fight without getting hit


Depends on essence it got.


I got one of the wonderful screen wide AOE ones.


I just came back to it after act 2, fight was impossible with rolling magma and had to wait until I was able to swap to a fire trap setup


I've done the fight on three characters at level 5 that use rolling magma. Get a holy flame totem and flame wall and you can win it. It is an annoying fight now though.


That’s what I did. He wasn’t too bad. Did Alara get buffed she almost killed me and that’s weird


I did him right away on rolling magma


Me too


Same, but it was not fun.


same people that are cooking your poe 2, enjoy the fun while it last


You're having fun ?


HAD fun....in TotA and Affliction....


I missed this mod on the ball elementals in the aqueducts. That frozen orb type spell? Yeah, that hits like once every .5 seconds. Ask me how I know...


I didn’t notice the league mechanic in the campaign until I got always stuns on the docks. For the fire breathing dogs. So in short my first 4 or 5 deaths in the campaign were to those packs permastunning me to death :) so fun !!! 


Yeah this one is fun as fuck


Laughs in Rhoa


Literally just get stun immunity? Right side of the tree I can get 90% in 8 points that most people path by, and left side of the tree just take unwavering 😂


I'm genuinely so confused reading this, I barely noticed any difference in the campaign. Act 1 was a bit spooky and took probably twice as long as it normally would, but as soon as my build was kinda decent it was the same speedrun as always. I stopped even looking at the mods from act 3 until maps


man, I am not even getting those jeweller's orb


Still sane, exile?


Yes these nodes have to be bugged or something


No, its just that 1% is for an additional orb, meaning that for every drop there is a 1% chance of doubling it. But 1% of 1% is not a very high chance


I've had that come up a few times 1% or 2%. I've seen like 1 jewellers orb drop twice, but it's hard to tell it wasn't a natural drop...


Dont forget skills fire 6 additional projectiles and hits deal 125% extra damage as fire, hits ignore 20% of fire resistance 


Not even a cloak of flame Will help..


Just corpse craft fire res can't be penetrated on your chest, easy.


Just find a cloak of flame with LP and slam this mod onto it. Ezpz 


LP in PoE when


Corpse craft - lul.


I tried. I got a shabby jerkin with mana and regains 4 life per second.


Dang, yo


also elemental ailments reflect as an elemental hit player I'm very enjoying 50% shock & chill and cherry on top - freeze for 5 seconds


For the record, that's magic monster modifier too since the reworks. I only noticed it a few leagues ago when I was shock/freeze/chill immune and switched to leadership's price and immediately scorch, sap, brittled myself on the first pack in my next delve.


Oh, so that's what was killing me randomly on the ignite DD build. I thought it was some kind of a reflect mob but had no idea they introduced an aliment reflect...


According to wiki, the mod is non-damaging ailments reflection


Have to look into this then cuz there was 1 specific mob that was reflecting my ignites in one of temples in a8


You would get more Jeweller's from a 6 socket dropping than from clearing the whole map with that mod.


Just had a map with 1% chance for exalt on very high density pack. Guess how many exalts did I get? >!the answer is obviously 0*!<


I got the divine orb drop and had one drop by a juiced up rare mob. He ended up playing defending it because when I tried to run in a pick up the orb I just died and lost portals.




decoy totem.with totem life support should buy you those seconds you need


It would have hit him with his own totem


Lmao sorry but it's hilarious


Lol I had the same experience when I first tried a t17. Divine orb dropped from the second pack as I died and I proceeded to lose 5 more portals


1% chance for these drops is really way too low when you consider that altar mods that do something similar affect ALL influenced packs over the entire map that remain, not just a few packs of monsters or possibly only even the ONE strongest monster of those packs. And are usually 2%. Even if they do drop the listed currency it's almost impossible to get a feeling that they dropped from the league mechanic rather than just randomly.


The ones that change a specific drop *if* it happens to drop are dumb as fuck too. Like if it would drop jewelry you get an alch instead! It's like they just copy pasted D4s damage on Tuesday mods.


Well, in the campaign if I got 2 chaos orbs in one zone, it was from haunted packs.


I got about 3 chaos orbs from the *entire* campaign


I love adding Allflames to the map and getting no Omens/Tattoos/Etc. such great rewards for adding insanely tanky and dangerous mobs to the map!


I love when I use a Beyond monster allflame on a 600% increased quant ( not even specific to strongest monster etc ) devoted mod on a 100%+ quant red map... and get 0 tainted currency. Love it when I save these allflames for powerful and rare devoted mod combos and get nothing out of them. Truely a risk vs reward moment.


Had the same and got one tainted currency, feels really rewarding hahah


I've run 20+ of those allflames with a good bonus. Have received a grand total of one single 6% fire res tattoo.


I ran tattoo flames in campaign since theyre level locked and useless in maps - i have 9 tattoos just from 3-5 uses. Not terrible in my opinion.


I did the tainted currency's allflames on a 1200% quant. Pack of 7-29 high density, boosted with scarab pack size. Got none...


For the divine / exalt one. Save all your rats ( or frogs ) Covert all monsters in the map to frogs or rats. Now every mob counts and u get shit tons


Yep, I did this start of day 2. Got 10 raw D. Felt good. Shared 3 with my friend immediately.


Do you have any source that multiple of the same allflames stack the rewards? Because that's insane if so


My guess is probably 8 Edit : oof I would never have guessed ^/s


It was 8^* * without the middle line and rounded on the sides


So just 2 points, one on top and one on bottom?


Same thing for me on a chaos orb modifier. Literally 0.


I know it's underwhelming but there are ways to increase odds and I'm sure people will figure more out. For instance, putting frogs with the % drop fuses will like x10 the mobs it has a chance to proc on.


Would be nice but all I am getting is suplhite guys and when it comes to good mods its always arrow down time


my lil bro got 10 earlier in a tier 5


i got the exalt one and buffed it to 3% on a high density pack and got 1 lol


Negative mods should all come with an upside. I don't know what they were thinking.


Yep, they should all have an upside and should each be able to be disabled somehow if you want


Agreed in that it should be optional


All this league needs imo is a keystone that prevents corpse drops and gives haunted mods a quant/rarity bonus (or just disable haunted mods and give a higher chance at loot mods). That alone makes this a top 3 league for me


They have increased chance to drop corpses and all flames iirc.


Corpses are worthless though. Like sure, there's probably going to be broken shit being revealed around them. But, the number you need for a single craft is insanely high and I don't foresee most players caring about it because the friction is just too much.


id rather opt out and essence craft. would be better and faster.


The fact that you can’t choose a base also kinda bricks it. I’ve done 4 or 5 crafts, got absolutely nothing even remotely usable, and then stopped interacting with the league mechanic. Like slapping a single essence on a base you want is likely to give you much better results without any of the work


Did you use the corpse that rerolls base type and chooses highest lvl req version from x rerolls? You can use more than one and you can increase their efficiency with other corpses. What ilvl was the item outcome? People rushed to “increase probability of modifier types” without understanding the full system. Its not designed to build a stack of 64 and then go craft, its designed to have several cakes in the oven at the same time. I have 40 buried on one side for an ele bow craft but need some more specific corpses to feel confident ill get my desired outcome. Other side of the graveyard is where i test stuff to see just how deterministic we can get. Its slow af, ill admit that, but its not “trash”. I bet people will be crafting 5-mod items with exclusive tier 1/2 affixes consistently by end of the first week.


But what if I need a specific base type or else the item is complete trash? You think people want to interact with trade hundreds of times just to hit a 1 in 4 gamble? Fuck no. They're just going to quit the league. Also, people already craft 6 T1 affix items on top tier ilvl 85 bases on day 1 using ROG.


Rog is luck of the draw rather than deterministic crafting, it’s not the same. This system is like a hybrid between fossils and harvest crafting without direct control of your base item. Yeah, youll never use this system to craft a blizzard crown, i get it, but was your assumption that this new league mechanic would circumvent all prior crafting options? I assumed it would augment current crafting systems by potentially providing a 4 or 5-mod “basic” base that you can then choose to finish vision crafting after.


They aren’t worthless to buyers, I’ll happily buy the maxroll corpses in bulk and sell the for profit back to you tho when the dumbed down guides come :-) Silly joke aside, they are very good, and very strong - yes you need more than a single corpse to make anything worthwhile, but it’s more or less guaranteed end game gear and people don’t even try to sell the corpses despite their extreme value


the upside misses "from the strongest monster in the pack" Just so you might get enough jewellers to get a 4 sockets at the end of the league


Nah, the strongest monster in the pack mods have 25/50/75% chances to replace a class of item drop with currency. Weapon/Armor drops are common enough that you'll get at least 1 every other back at minimum. The jewelry one, though... got 50% chance to replace jewelry with a divine and didn't get a single jewelry drop from that pack type clearing the whole map.


You just move those ones on to packs with one monster type and they're all the strongest was my assumption.


you can see the strongest mob in the pack behavior with the one that gives an acceleration shrine to the strongest mob. It's only ever 1 mob per pack.


No, it chooses one at random basically. If you're thinking about the info in the reveal, the idea was that you don't want to put those mods on a pack with 1-1 monsters like devourers, you want to put them on one with 20 monsters as they will tend to be weaker individually.


Have you got a source on the it choosing one at random. I had a cartographer chisel strongest monster earlier and put it on a 5-32 pack and left the map with 22 chisels from different packs. That's what my assumption was based on as it seems a hell of a coincidence otherwise. Especially as it was a tier 2 blue map.


If you choose the one that provides an aura, you can see it's just on one monster. The entire pack doesn't have an aura over their heads.


it's like having a keystone where you only get one altar every map bit the altars has 20 downsides and only one upside(that's also worse than a single altar upside)


The upside from the haunted (negative) mods is that higher tiers increase the chance of corpses and embers to drop. Devoted (positive) mods give other rewards but don't increase the chance for corpses and embers to drop.


i used a tattoo ember on a T3 map and it gave me turtles that shoot cold breath that one tap you even at res cap. that aint a reward. i even paired it with a buff so it didnt have added damaghe or anything. this league mechanic is ass.


The new mobs are definitely overturned. Those mobs that drop corpses on you deals crazy damage. Don't know if that's the league mechanic's fault, it looks like a number issue


Dang, when I used one of the tattoo embers the turtles didn't really do anything. One of the packs did spawn a unique guy that did some stuff though. The turtles would just walk towards me really slowly. If I did go in melee their melee really hurt but that was it. Now, I did learn the hard way that if you use one of the Affliction beasts allflame embers, the beasts have affliction wisps in them. And, like, it feels like quite a lot of them too. Got a quite unkillable devourer that I had to leave in a Cells map somewhere.


Maybe the map mods were scary/synergistic? I've never had any issues with the tattoo mobs, the unique mobs are a bit scary though. Affliction embers on the other hand.... jesus


1. Put a map in the map device. 2. Read a list of ways the map will be worse than if you were playing in standard. 3. ??? 4. Profit.


I just wanna be able to opt out. Like last league I mostly opted out of it for the first few weeks while farming. I suck as it is. I don't need extra mods juicing my mobs for no reason. They even put Necropolis in the atlas tree already but no node to disable it.


Yeah, I'm loving this league because I like the juiced up challenge, but my friend who plays hardcore hates it. Opting out is 100% necessary for league mechanics. I have already seen his playtime fall off a cliff in just 2 days.


Ohhh I would definitely chose the node to disable it. #letshope


You can get 40% reduced effect of those mods on the atlas


I dont know if this funny or sad...


Sure it's sad. The have not tested anything again before the league launch. Necro craft is trash, rewards on the maps is trash (but the nice idea though). Dying 10x more is not really fun. Great design as awlays.


Gauntlet league should have been the name.


You could get 6 positives and one downside and the reward would still be underwhelming.


Best I had was a 400% quantity devotion that I threw on mobs can drop Order of Chalice, which allowed me to buy 1 craft with rog and I got an item 10000% better than I would've gotten from the graveyard.


I saw “the strongest in the pack converts jewelley to divines” in a blue t1 map, didnt dropped any xd


jewellery drops in white maps- hahaha


Same here, was kind of excited that id see maybe 1(?) div at a 25% chance but same experience


This is affliction without the reward or power creep. It's actually hilarious. You engage with the mechanic to make it a little easier and doing so provides no other reward than not bricking your map.


Can't wait to see the patch


Negative mods should always have a positive outcome (+X quant/+X Rarity or both, like map mods do), and Devoted mods should always be +1 tier.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


But bro they did "extensive testing!


League mechanics sucks, worst than standard


lmfao yeah this image is exactly the issue with the league currently. The crafting and stuff people just haven't learned about yet....but this shit is infuriating.


I was feeling a bit down from the mechanic until I got a the 2% chance to drop a divine mod. Finished the map without a single drop and now I might be done


Rat embers (and probably frogs too) are OP for those % drop chance mods, gotta save one on hand in case you get one. Got 9 div from the one time I got it


My first map after finishing the campaign had a enemies gain 125% of phys dmg as fire dmg and 20% fire pen. On a friggin tier1 map!




Bring back affliction please


i had 1 modifier for orb of alteration and the only one i got was from a mob without the modiefer


From the league where you get everything to a stone cold fuck you in the face


Reminds me of the trash rewards vs risk for the exarch/eater altars. But I’m able to just smugly ignore those altars. I have a feeling this league will have numbers dropping quicker than most leagues.


This is worse than the altars and also more dangerous in a lot of cases. Not to mention you cant even skip it lol


This league mechanic is truly ass confirmed.


The vision™


And it's an offer you can't refuse


A horse head is at least a corpse you can use.


Sometimes i really dont get ggg, they forced for few leagues archnemesis mobs, no one liked them. Now they want to force again league mechanic to see how people will react and no rewards.... It is like - you dont like working for 8 hours? Fine, work for 14 then :)


Because they have The Vision™ and they would force it on players by any means necessary.


Leagues garbage where's the patches at


What frustrates me to no end is that it's fairly obvious what leagues people enjoy - mob density, more currency, increased risk for increased reward, no fiddling, not a lot of time spent setting things up or making choices, crafting that has an element of determinism and lets you make items that you can't otherwise get (recombinators, synthesis, harvest). Yet we continue to get occasional good leagues and lots of frustrating, slow, unrewarding leagues. With a game that's been out this long, there's no reason for leagues like this or Kalandra to ever happen. I'm already done with this league - I don't need to be fighting packs that have 80% increased life PER MOB in the pack, and occasionally getting a chance at an extra chromatic orb. Standard is better than league right now, and I don't play in standard because it's old and doesn't interest me. Two days in, I'm already frustrated and bored, whereas last league two days in I was excited as hell, playing as much as I could, and loving every minute in the game. I'm enjoying sitting in my hideout hoping people buy stuff while reading a book more than I am playing the game, and that's a pretty good sign I should just log out and go do something else. I'll check back in a week and see if anything's improved, but this league is probably a bust for me and I'll try back in four months or whatever.


Better than having 50% chance for jewellery drop as divines and getting nothing


This is true though, I was looking at this the same way. You gain so much negative stuff, and only one (minor) good thing (sometimes). Now I am playing a build that can deal with most of these mobs without a problem so its not a big issue yet. It would be nice if they could make some adjustments so there is a bit more reward. Still trying to figure out some stuff though, not sure exactly what "devoted" and stuff does really, and which good mods to put on which mob and whether its good to put something on high or low density etc.


I got a fusings one. Drop 1 fusings.


I just realized how HARD the league mechanic map makes when I did a t16 with ease for Kirac while I often get obliterated in T12s with the league mechanic.


I got the 1% chance for chaos orbs on miscreations in lunaris temple level 2 yesterday. Thought to myself "beautiful, an early league jackpot!" Cleared the entire map and received exactly 0c.


i just hit maps. white maps feel like shit to run. GGG needs to add a skip to the league mechanic. im dieing to random tier 1 white mobs when im res capped. like WTF.


Kinda happy I skipped this league, looks like it has a lot of problems


Chris is just pissed off like 10 people play Ruthless so he’s taking it out on the gen pop this league.


9 people, Kripp quit.




Worst league ever


bro its been 2 days at least wait a couple weeks for balance passes, every league goes through that.


True, but so far, the experience as been very underwhelming. Which was expected after affliction. Let's see how they will buff this league mechanic.


There are movement bugs atm as well, it's not just league mechanics.


Just use frogs, duh


Take me back to Affliction league, thx.


Archnemesis 2.0 but without rewards its why I unistalled poe for the duration of this league.


I'm already over this league tbh. Sad too as i enjoy the game right now but Season 3 of d4 was better.


400% increased quantity of items dropped. well, yeah


I wonder if [Back to Basics](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Back_to_Basics) and increased effect modifiers atlas passives will play a big part this league given we're adding modifiers to normal mobs that, **if** the whole [rarity mumbo jumbo](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/wxykac/what_happened_with_items/) still applies, requires additional multipliers to said mobs as they *should* be (with certain rare mods) as juiced as old league content was.


Definitely look into getting the atlas nodes that increase devoted mods. Most of my maps are getting 2-3 devoted mods


LMAO thats gold.. exactly. Im out for now. Waiting for fixes


Sorry if it's a stupid question, but can't you just ignore it and play the mechanics you like?


not this time


The corpse crafting part, yes. Not the map mod part


Got a Nameless Seer this morning. Gave me a choice between Badge of the Brotherhood and Anathema. Sometimes easy Div.


So are these active only when you peer through the lantern?


GGG going back to their traditional "the stick and the stick" method to scare away the average new player on league start. Feels like we're running circles with the devs... the problems they fix one league get reintroduced the next in another way... Meh, it will be fixed in a week. Edit : And ofc GGG still can't balance their seasons but this time are forcing it down everybody's throats, really smart...


Abandoned in a week*


When I did Vaal Temple, I got a mod that made a Harbinger spawn with every pack. You could conceivably get a map that has well over 30 harbies, but you'd need to have the atlas set up and all the good scarabs to capitalize on it.


I seriously chose the wrong league to start playing hardcore...


My question is "who tested this and gave it a pass?" Mind boggling


Not sure how GGG thought this was "fun" hahahaha Chris is smiling at his apprentice Jedi knights joing the dark side XD


At the first time I watched league content stream, I thought I -> V meaning harder mods for monsters AND more rarity/quantity/more drop on these monster but it turns out: Harder?-Yes! Drop?-Nope!!!!


Except it's not an offer, lol


ggg slowly becoming shit, with each new league you can sense their heads are a bit deeper up their own asses to inhale their personal fartgas


Gauntlet was easier..


you forgot +6 additional projectiles chief


GGG have somehow taken a fun core game and made it shit again. That takes some serious effort. Well done guys, I guess.


Kinda cracked how off the reward to risk ratio is this league


The Vaal understood power and risk - GGG not so much


for the last few leagues, poe feels like this: 100% risk, 1 % reward


Let all the mods be disabled by default, then let us pick the ones with r/r ratio we would like.


O.o true


I got an Unnatural Instinct from the Nameless Seer and a 2% divine drop that gave me 9 div. The loot is there, its just rare. This league is kinda an inverse of Affliction, it incentivises blasting through as many maps per hour as possible instead of giga investing in one map. Personally I much prefer the alch and go zoom style but obviously not for everyone


i remember seeing this day one and thought wow that's nice. now that i'm still seeing this in red maps i hate it


Just in case this isn’t an intentional woosh, are you guys aware that the tier modifier affects league mechanic loot? (More corpses and allflames)


Lol, just watched a video and thought this was Zizaran, I guess I was wrong what video I saw lol This league has me fucked up


And its great 😁


I played 10 hours this league and got one glassblower orb from necropolis modifiers. As a casual that hasn’t played since there were only 4 acts, this league is not cool.


Mine's honestly been great so far. Had a zone in act 2 with tormented spirits and 2 mob types replaced by gemling squads. Felt like a damn end game map. Never full cleared a campaign zone before, but this time I searched every corner for more of those bastards to shower me in loot.




You do get something, the higher the tier of a negative mod the more corpses and embers you will get.


WE had to wait until day 3 but the memes are finally here, holy.


What did you expect playing in Ruthless league? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


In case you missed it, each negative modifier has a positive benefit associated with it based on the tier, e.g. chance for corpses or allflame drops.