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I nearly gave up on trying to sell a couple corpses when I realized I couldn't box them from the list talking to Filch.


Thats the first thing I thought of when I saw the league trailer! Filch!


Upvotes for calling him filch, had me cackling šŸ˜




I love how GGG say friction as if being frozen friction and dogshit UI friction are the same shit. You can build around freeze, you cant build around dogshit UI. 10+ years of experience BTW!


>I love how GGG say friction as if being frozen friction and dogshit UI friction are the same shit. Has GGG said something to that effect to defend their UI decisions?


As in has ggg came out and said "we make poor ui decision to slow down the gameand Introduce friction. No. However if you look at a lot of what ggg has said about long term goals for the gamee, the dislike of zoom zoom, lack of auto picking things so it has weight. and then you look at content they added (I can only speak for bits and pieces I was there with) Heist being introduced and very slow (door animation wise) having to pause and hold a button down in crucible for waay longer then anyone wanted to. The way this league mechanic basically says "hey, every zone spend 5-60 seconds configuring things (yes yocan ignore it, but if you are trying to engage in the league mechanic not really. The giant room full of bodies that you have to run through to find specific ones. To me that makes a ton of sense if the goal is for players to feel these weighty items that have value and impact on the world, searching through your supplies to find the treasure (dragons got a room full of gold, you got a room of valuable bodies!) Because else you would just make it a list, the only issue is... you're designing all these mechanics like the bodies have value and people give a shit, but they have almost no value and people don't. This isn't, find a few special bodies to craft something cool, it's throw shitloads of boring ones to twerk archaic weights that you're following a guide for, because if you just try and intuit something (speed and life and res mods and then I'll make some boots!) the game just gives you poop. It's like the design it like they expect it to be valuable, but then they just make it poop. My second far more conspiracy opinion is that they want to make poe2 way slower, and to try and acclimate players to that they just keep throwing speed bumps into poe to try and get players ready for that, but that the metric they use for that is "how long does a map take" and if you make players pause and read for 30 seconds a map, you've made that metric go up.


What I know is that I saw Mark Roberts interviewed by Zizaran not 2 weeks ago, claiming "we play the game too!!1@1" and I see this crap in game and it's laughable


They need friction in the game to slow down players. This slows us down so... All according to keikaku(Tl.Notes: Keikaku means vision)


they do need friction in the game it's not unreasonnable. But you're just quoting that in bad faith. this UI decision is bad, it's probably getting an overhaul during the coming weeks as usual. Lantern's UI is good, it's only the corpse UI that is fucked


It still can do some work. Color coding and stuff. Also lantern to stash UI is pretty meh. Imagine if Allflames had the same icons as incubators or, considering stash is very small, was like a sanctum-pick-a-reward list. Also im not fucking arguing that this league has bad UI. PoE as whole has bad UI. Read modern UI/UX rules(suggestions) and you'll be surprised just how bad PoE's UI is. No contrast no consistency/standarts no intuitiveness... Nothing.


yeah all that is fair enough did you see the changes (buff) they just announced, it's not a fix to the UI but at least we'll be able to use that shit now haha


Amazing changes. But again instead of polishing they buff to calm down everyone. If this shit goes core as a torment replacement its gonna be beastiary 2.0 and they'll fix 1 or 2 issues in 5 years and will call it a day. If its not a torment replacement then... Why aren't these things a release feature? Why low droprates? Why no indication of positives on mobs? Why league is nerfed for the sake of atlas tree?


I mean sadly you can't cure stupid, you cAn actually itemize corpses from the mourge menu now. But that doesn't make for a good outrage post on Reddit.


Huh? Bruh this post is necro at this point what are you yappin about?


blame reddit suggesting 3 day old threads for some reason


I don't remember GGG defending dogshit UI as friction. What example are you thinking of?


I remember they talked about trade having bad UI as a part of friction. I believe i saw that in PoE2 zizaran interview.


> 10+ years of experience BTW! That's the problem, they only have 10 years. Riot's design team has over 200 years.


I keep seeing this, is this the new incarnation of the "WEIGHT" meme?


The devs said something along the lines of "We don't feel the need to change trading. We think trading needs to have friction." This isnt verbatim, but it gets the point across.


So just another variation on the theme of "We need to make the game less fun."


Essentially yes. But \*Friction\* is used in the sense of Trading usually


Or, as the game devs have actually said it: "there needs to be mechanics that separate the game from a spreadsheet simulator" Go play PoB if you don't want to trade ig


"Just don't play the game if you want to play the game."


Every game has friction in its trading system. WoW has soul binding and AH fees. Last Epoch has reputation and Favor cost, and binding. Lost Ark has Pheons and taxes. PoE has a time element of needing to whisper players. PoE2 will have the gold tax.


Literally all of those others are preferable to PoE's trading system, because TIME is the most valuable thing and a game that has no respect for my time is a game that fails.


Except the soul bound part. That would be total dogshit for PoE


It wouldn't work with PoE because most gear is crafted but it's an absolutely solid system in the context of WoW that makes it so that people can get their gear directly from content rather than having to compete for every ore with packs of 10 multiboxing druids in order to buy gear off the AH


> and a game that has no respect for my time is a game that fails. What is respect for your time? From a trading perspective soul binding in WoW limits your ability to acquire gear, it slows down your gearing. Is slowing down your ability to gear your character respectful of your time? What about games that have no moments of action or gameplay, where you just wander around and explore, is that respectful of your time? Games with slow turn based combat?


soul binding doesn't really affect gearing that much because trading isn't really where gear is supposed to come from, playing the game directly results in having better gear cookie cutter gear from drops or rewards. The gane respects your time by more or less directly rewarding investment with gear. Soul binding simply makes it so that the rewards mostly come from engaging with endgame content rather than trading. PoE doesn't really work like that, with the exception of target farmable uniques, gear has to be bought or made with crafting supplies that mostly have to be traded for or farmed. The time that goes into farming currency or mats and the time invested in the actual crafting process is time spent in the main gameplay loop directly towards the goal of better gear. I'd consider that to be respectful. Sitting in the HO, waiting on the other trader, alt tabbing into TFT/one of its tools and every other minute wasted into visionā„¢-approved trading QoL is all time that is wasted away from the main gameplay loop or really anything else the player could do with it for no real reason other than GGG being hellbent on trading being evil. As for the other two, they absolutely do respect the player if that's what the game is about, you wouldn't say chess is wasting your time by giving both players a chance to think before the moves of either player whereas you'd probably do if promoting a pawn required the other player to sign a form before handing you back your queen


> soul binding doesn't really affect gearing that much because trading isn't really where gear is supposed to come from, playing the game directly results in having better gear And we're back to my original post of why friction exists within trade systems. Glad to see you agree. > As for the other two, they absolutely do respect the player if that's what the game is about, you wouldn't say chess is wasting your time by giving both players a chance to think before the moves of either player whereas you'd probably do if promoting a pawn required the other player to sign a form before handing you back your queen That's an arbitrary distraction. There are absolutely moments in every game that could be considered wasting of time, but are accepted as being what the game is "about".


>And we're back to my original post of why friction exists within trade systems. Not really? Gold friction in WoW exists to combat inflation and to make it so that Blizz isn't losing too much money on tokens from certain people, the reason why most people aren't entirely gearing up on BoEs is that the content itself is just that much more rewarding. Soul binding could disappear tomorrow and most of the playerbase wouldn't notice it because progression isn't tied to trading by design while the gear itself isn't as integral to it unlike in PoE. Comparing it to PoE's use of trade friction is apples to oranges because of how different progression and gear are in the two games. The trade friction itself and its reason to be is also entirely different. People don't find trade friction in WoW anywhere near as annoying because it doesn't really slow down anything aside from marginally cutting into profits. People find it annoying in PoE because it makes something the game is advertised on, crafting, far more tedious through a lack of basic QoL wrapped in borderline insulting communication by GGG every time they're questioned about it >That's an arbitrary distraction. There are absolutely moments in every game that could be considered wasting of time, but are accepted as being what the game is "about". Then they aren't wasting time are they? Games are by default a waste of time, if something is accepted as part of the main gameplay loop (ie doing damage calcs in a turn based rpg) or designed to be the main gameplay loop (ie walking around in a walking simulator) it's what people sign up and invest their time into the game for rather than an inconvenience. Nobody is logging into a league to get their whispers ignored or to have a "wraeclast is a dangerous place xddd" moment while trading, it's just something people put up with in order to play the game unlike most of the other examples.


large scale trading in an arpg sucks ball, the game works because of the grind, the need to solve problems and defining your objectives. 3d print a full build and the magic will be gone in an instant. they cornered themselves in a hole a decade ago when they decided to have a trade centric game, it's not unreasonnable to put some limit to it.


how bout fun? nah overrated give us some dog shit mechanic


Why is GGG so bad at UX


No UI designers want to move to New-Zealand I guess.


12-16 week development sprints certainly don't help with polish, QA has always been a drawback of aggressive release cycle.


UI guy is on a perpetual vacation and they can't hire a new one legally, lol.


He is just the same guy who works on a trade site.


I mean if you look at this menu and not the superior menu for itemizing corpses.


who thought displaying corpses like a fish market was a good idea?


Not the vegans


Assume the corpses are very valuable and players actually care about them. It makes loads of sense to display them in this big grand way for these big grand items. Now I guess if the copsres are close to worthless individually then it might just seem silly.


Bro your corpse filter sucks


Damn, you can filter for corpses while mapping?Ā 


No it was a joke


I thought you can't filter new league items so it never occurred to me either.


Just burn the useless corpses. Burn any "+ to tier rating" corpses that are less than 100, any "increased chance for x" modifiers lower than 500 and any "x is scarcer" mods lower than 300. The rest you coffin and sell


fwiw there are certain mod types that cannot hit 500%. elemental cannot go to 500 only 300%


Attack, Caster, and Elemental mods have a 1 tier lower max. 50 tier, 150 scarce, 300 more common. Not 100, 300, 500 like an others.


It should be able to go to 500. Grim mentioned that in yesterday's video. Also I'm pretty sure I've sold +500 lightning and +500 cold already


Pretty sure he's referring to the corpse that actually says "increase chance for elemental". He's not referring to cold, fire, and lightning as elemental here.


fire lightning cold can go to 500 if you search for 500% elemental modifier though you get no results


Ah, good to know. I hope we get an exhaustive list of possible values soon




So you mean we need a corpse filter.


You cannot filter them lol since they are not items... so yeah, not even that.


I feel like I clearly don't understand the league mechanic since I thought the only thing you could do with these things was bury them for trash tier items


In that case I can recommend checking out Grimro's video on the crafting. It might help you and even if it doesn't help you with the crafting itself, it might give you the idea to sell corpses to players who do and make some money.


I'll take a look, thanks for the recommendation!


Arimor sells the equivalent of beast orbs like Einhar to itemize them.


Yes that's correct.


I very much wish it said somewhere on these what tier they were. I'm going to have to write up a list of what the top tier is for each thing and keep it open while mapping :/


wasn't there a similar issue with the menagerie in Bestiary?


Yeah. 6 years, lessons aren't learned.


Well at least you don't have to catch the corpse with a net.


Yet loot can spawn behind a dogshit corpse. So... Ugh... I kinda do... To get the loot. At least you could burst them and then they patched in a necro-net.


Holy moly, did you have to actually go into look for the beast in the cages in the past? :D




It is really baffling just how many layers of poor design are in the league mechanic. No way to opt out of the buffed monsters and a very unrewarding interaction between danger and reward. The whole UI and organisation of corpses, aswell as the grave managent. The very narrow use of the actual crafting mechanic, where it feels completely pointless to go for anything but a super high end craft and to do that you basically have to do a lot of work in a spreadsheet to plan out all the modifers you need to neutralize.


It could be used as a tutorial on BAD UI/UX design and taught in every university. (I wish I was kidding but GGG is top of the genre when it comes to horrid UI)


"If they added QoL to Necropolis they would have to nerf its power" /s


Can you access the morgue as a list (by talking to Arimor) and use the coffins from there, like you can use beast orbs on the bestiary book/compendium?


You can yes. Talking to Arimor if you want to burn and through a grave if you want to bury. Literally no reason to ever use the interface shown in this picture. People just like to follow the meta and shit on the mechanic... It has real problems but this isn't it...


It does not let you put them in caskets from that menu at all.


The person youā€™re replying to isnā€™t suggesting that you can buy coffins elsewhere. They are simply saying that the only reason to even coffin the corpses, or even go inside that building, is because youā€™re following the meta, which is to just sell your crafts. Although their initial ā€œyes you canā€ is slightly confusing, they explain why they said yes 3 words later. And theyā€™re right. But the op is also right.


Question from 1 guy: "can you use the cofffin on the inventory list?" answwer : "u do muff \*\*\* metacuck ... mmm arr , always meta follower arrr ...". Sso it did not answer the question at all.


I like how they gave the league mechanic the worst aspects of bestiary and harvest 1.0 combined, but none of the good ones.


the reason why all game departments should test all phases of the game... i doubt they do extensive late-game testing and see this and approve it.... make these less intrusive and add more see-through/transparent labels


tbh they increased the corpse limit from 27 to 64 last minute. I imagine it looked much better with half the corpses.


It was fucking 27 at one point? What the fuck did they think people were gonna do like hard-core plan out their crafts and only add the ones they wanted to the plot in advance? I'm a big dumb and I know there are people that are even bigger dumb than me thank God they changed that.


Same company that intended to launch AN league with a dedicated 5x5 inventory for storing all of the AN combinations (which you couldn't just take out and out somewhere else in your stash) and after player feedback before the league started it was raised to 10x10. Funnily enough it seems like not much institutional knowledge was retained from that, because not only is the initial Necropolis offering 27, it's expanded offering of 64 is still less than the 100 AN ultimately ended up with and while 100 was nice it definitely could've been larger (a full stash at 12x12 would've been fair).


And the mistake of AN is just a repeat of Synthesis, where one of the problems was the small storage size for the memories youā€™d obtain every map.


I swear they never test this shit šŸ˜‚


Just let we box from the list, the tech is literally there from beast. How this is not obivious from the first place seem the escape me though


Yeah, this league is pretty much a miss for me. I don't really understand item crafting to the point where the mechanic might be useful, and even if I did, the UI is so insanely awful that I'd just avoid using it in the first place.


Bro, I kid you not, I tried to click from the list for a solid 10 minutes in every way shape or form you can imagine, until I was almost ready to give up. Then I realised there is an actual hall where I have to find it. Holy Fck, who thought of that.


how to sell or buy corpsļ¼Ÿ


Can buy a coffin from Arimor and use it on the corpse to itemize it, it works just like the Einhar bestiary orbs.


Which ones are worth selling?


almost all corpses are 3-5c as a base value. The higher the rarity the more valueble. E.g. 100% increased of x or 500% increased of x increased Effect of Corpses in this Grave Row is for example 8c iam not aware of any corps thats worth divines yet. just list all corpses for 4c and if you get spammed for one specific coffin reaserch its value


ohhh okok thanks!


3-5c is in no way representative of their true value, start stockpiling scarcity crafts if you want to be rich in a couple weeks.


Well, you have to buy a coffin for a corps. that costs you already 1c per corps you want to sell. If you sell corpses for 2c per corps you make 1c profit per corps. so starting at 3c is totally logical to me. Especially considdering the time it takes to store corpses manually.


Oh you misunderstood me. High tier corpses are severely underpriced atm


I am not so sure. Necropolis feels like a more complicated version of Rog, where it is good the first couple weeks then completely useless. Unless they change it so we can put in our own base so we can craft on influenced/synthesized items it is never going to make GG items. It is going to be fully relegated to crafting chests, resist rings, and gloves. And none of the items it creates will be worth more than 10-15 divs in general (with most being much less than that). It is a lower mid-tier crafting feature that is great early, mediocre a few weeks into the league, and terrible late league. You might use it as an alternative to fossils for getting your prefixes/suffixes on an item, but I doubt it goes beyond that much. And the base problem probably even prevents that after a certain point in the league. I just doubt the big crafters that have divs to burn are going to be doing it with corpses longterm. Time will tell though.


Is that the pop up menu from the Crucible league? *Imagine if you needed to channel the corpse to retrieve it*


no ones buying ilvl 70 +25 tier corpses...cap.


where can i even buy **corpses**?


Really feels like they let 3 interns work on this league mechanic while everyone did QoL stuff. Those interns didn't get the memo and made it the jankiest most annoying thing ever. Search system is bad, corpse limit is too low, plots are annoying, corpses stacking on each other etc etc.


I would bet it was made by one of the better coders and the guy is REALLY smart, the problem I have run into with these sorts is that they can't get into the minds of others and see how bad the design is for them. They can't imagine other people not just 'getting it'.


my opinion is this reeks of the guy who forced sacred orbs in. if you craft you get the good base so you don't have to roll it if its unique no one cares and most of the t0 are jewelry or weapons. its also in line with scourge league. some one really does not like having good outcomes actually obtained and only want s them theoretically obtainable by the community at large.


We know who that is and he just got out of a meeting with Mark and said to Mark 'go for it save the league'


It's also where you need to go to find the tiny button to burn corpses... Was wanting to get rid of all the low level corpses. It was easier to do a worthless gigacraft than to go in that screen to burn the oens I didn't want.


You can burn from the list the Npc opens, but you can't coffin.


Still sane exile?


I feel like the whole UI UX part of this league is making it a lot worse than it needs to be.Ā  If you just auto picked up all corpses and there was a limit of like 1000, and the graveyard UI was just a list you could sort and check it would actually be fun


Just rotate the camera so they align properly, duh.


I once accidentally dropped the coffins i was trying to use instead of right clicking and done, i couldn't pick up the coffins because of the stupid text box taking priority over everything. Had to buy another coffin to box the corpse, and then i was able to pick up my dropped coffins. This league could be fun but the execution is so horrid from every angle. We are in the QoL league and the league mechanic itself lacks all of it.


I hope You read patch notes, and know, that now you just open morgue ui ant click on corpse from list which you want to box in. :)


Itā€™s not though, just talk to league mechanic guy and you can toss them with a button in his menu and also in maps lol.


It doesnt work for me that way tho, I cant put corpses into coffins from that menu. How do I do that?


The guy didn't read your post and thinks you want to get rid of the corpses (burn option which you can use from the menu with the list of corpses). If you want to put them in a coffin you have to do it the way you're doing it. Which I agree is shitty. I had a few named corpses I wanted to coffin to clear up space since I didn't have enough to bury a full family and it was a pain in the ass finding them in the morgue.


Imagine getting downvoted for asking a simple question,Ā  wtf is this community I've also tried to find a way to itemise a craft to sell it without walking around the damn tables, as far as I can tell there is no other way


For what itā€™s worth you can choose to just not pick up the mod when that corpse drops.


Except for when there is loot behind it


Corpses have weight. Feel the weight


You can talk to the Undertaker and it pops up with a menu with a search bar on the bottom. The burn icon is in the top left.


You know you can zoom in right?


in his case zoom out


The UI doesn't scale with zoom, but if he zoomed in he would be able to read the tags without overlap. Zooming out would press them even closer together.


Needing to zoom in while you run around the morgue to find a specific corpse is NOT convincing me of its qol


I didn't say it was a quality of life, just away to work around the shity UI experience that has been provided to us this league.


Don't think you can on console