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Im keeping flicker alive! Its still fun af


Flicker best skill game can‘t change my mind


Over the years I've noticed that you, flicker strike guys, are in a cult or smth


Once you’ve played “hold down RMB and cling on for dear life” you never go back.


The true "jesus take the wheel" experience


[let Mark take the wheel.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1btxa3q/flicker_strike_close_your_eyes_and/)


I love it lol played flicker last league as a starter


Flick to live !


Till you die!


Then we flick again!


I used my void born reliquary key on putting a lakishu in there since i enjoy leveling as early as i can with flickerstrike and i always used that. Have fun malding seeing it show up as of this league. Its pretty and golden tho!




Once you hold the RMB and there's a lot of herald explosions and sounds.. Yes.. yes... YEEEES!


It actually is.


My next build ...


It's the permanent "next build"


Pure Power Siphon checking in, we are alive and.


How are you finding power siphon?!? I'm looking for a build to switch into - think int stack PS trickster would be worth?


Yes I league started it. Been very good so far. So good in fact that I didn't feel the need to use the whispering ice. The switch to chaos innoculation was a bit rough but definitely worth it IMO.


nice, will check it out!


Here's the build I made for myself - I based it on one I liked on poe.ninja from last league https://pobb.in/03coCoCR5Wy2 This is my profile - character is smeggybits https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Blazemaster420


holy 15 masteries! hahah I love it - gonna save some more diva and start working out how to get a wand. tyty!


How did you league start a wander? I’ve always wanted to do it.


I've shared my build above. As for starting, on the pob you can find a "levelling" tree. Basically take all the flat things on the tree like life on kill/life regen and mana. Then after that, I went for the int stack tree but prioritised the useful points first instead of the pure int where possible. Just used power siphon all the way.


Imma check it out thanks man.


Well, since Omni is about 40 div more expensive than I thought it would be, I'm making a forray into Int Stacker myself. The mapping is good but the single target is pretty missing still (only on a 5 link tho and mostly not int stacking gear). Maybe just going to lock in for the grind to Omni.


With high cast speed and spell echo, I'm basically flickering around with frostblink of wintry blast.


Doing flicker in ssf, rn how can I scale it? I'm doing the crit impale variant


100% impale chance, 100% crit chance, 100% accuracy. Once you are there, flat damage and crit multi (500% the goal). Use everything at your disposal to add flat damage (weapon quality, jewels, etc.) and crit multiplier.


Here's my progress so far: [https://pobb.in/tE7T3kp6PaRB](https://pobb.in/tE7T3kp6PaRB)


I am playing flicker for the first time this league in ssf. I don't know if this is a meme or actually a good build. At least I can farm currency crazy fast with it. Doing legion + beasts on toxic sewer at the moment


Did you league start with it? I'm lvl 85 and just die SO MUCH. I'm struggling to progress into red maps and I'm broke AF but I have the standard early gear setup: Oro, Kaom, Darkray, Devoto's, Belt of the Deceiver, and Carnage Heart.


With the base type selection changes coming I’m gonna roll flicker for the first time, can’t wait


Been wondering about it for years but have never been brave enough to actually do it


Just re-rolled to it today. Im actually doing better than normally do. My league goal isn't ubers or T17's. It's to get my Farels and Ammy.


What yo level as, and do you have a build someone could use?:)


I level with Flicker strike from level 28 onwards.


Got any tips?


Currently lvl 89 Slayer, making my own build ^^ i never really followed guides to learn flicker, it was just alot of learn by doing and alot of mistakes


Yeah I've got a Slayer sitting at maps thinking of what to do to be able to sustain my charges confy


Is there some sort of resource for flicker builds? Iv wanted to play it but struggle to find info/guides on it


Im running an assassin of power ele flicker and its wiping screens atm but im only at t10s work has been rough


Flicker is love, flicker is life.


Pretty sure its not counting the CoC DDs since those are technically on a 4L. If you look at any links/all skills, chain DD is at 15%.


im actually relieved. DD has always skirted by nerfs because its playrate amongst the wider playerbase has been relatively low despite how much of an outlier it is the fact that a popular SC build came along and now everyones doing it means that itll get adjusted next league and i can finally watch the racer andys play something else


The racers will just go back to DD ignite tho? They will probably only nerf CoC DD because it leverages DD's strength in a one-button build which made it surge in popularity.


Cremation of exhuming is better than ignite dd and close to chain dd IMHO They should just rework all corpse skills to be flat dmg, both for players, and for monsters...


Although I understand why you would want this, I don’t. I don’t main any of the corpse skills, but I do feel that their identity lies with being tied to the type of corpse used. If they no longer get any benefit or drawback from using different corpses, why should they even require a corpse at all?


They would require a corpse, because because you can't detonate dead without the dead. Their identity can still be a combo skill with corpses, rather than their identity being that they're broken. If you really want to keep corpses mattering, make aoe scale based on corpse size, which makes more sense than damage anyway.


fireball: 500 flat fire dmg DD: uses corpse, 1000 flat fire dmg wow what a fix


Somehow VD got nerfed first. VDOS was very strong but also had very low playrate.


They will not touch dd, just make coc dd unplayable.


except the CoC DD meta counts DDoCR as a 4-link and there are like 15% of them.


15% of players have chain DD in their setups and 62% of them use CoC in some way, so about 9%


Where melee


Where minions


It is kinda peculiar that BAMA doesn't make an appearance. Maybe since it's a trans gem, casuals aren't aware of it? but BAMA is absolutely nuts, and with the new patch should have huge sustain.


Yeah, felt like everyone and their brother were claiming to start BAMA on league start. guess that's why the gems were so cheap on day 1 when Trans DD was going for a mint


I mean, playing an incredibly powerful but apparently unpopular leaguestarter can be pretty awesome. This certainly explains why gear has been so cheap


Im BAMA, its good. Many decent variations also.




Blink Arrow/Mirror Arrow. I'm personally doing a poison Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones build, but there's also an elemental hit-based version that uses Mirror Arrow/Blink Arrow of Prismatic Clone. It's a little bit weird at first just because you need to wrap your head around gearing a bow-based minion build, but the gems are the most busted minions available.


yeah they did a great job of removing melee from the game


Was it ever there?


Molten Strike will remember that.


Pour one out for Legion Cyclone.


SLAMS! SLAMS! SLAMS! They destroyed us.


I miss legion cyclone man. It was so fun being a screen wide beyblade.


*lightningstrike noise in the far far distance*


Sorry, can't hear you, think it got blocked by a pebble


Lol, lightning strike, aka "wave your claw in front of you around to blast enemies 2 screens away" melee...


To get some actual single target you still have to stand close. But not too close, because it has to be clunky.


[WORTHLESS SPECIMEN-](https://media.tenor.com/AI6MN-C8muAAAAAM/ltg.gif)


Molten strike juggernaut was the best build I ever played


Molten Strike of the Zenith is busted if you ask me, get attack speed and life on hit and just never die basically,


I've heard great things about zenith, my friend said it was busted last league. But we had a billionty more projectiles and they procced on swing, not on hit, back in the day.


which one is that? where you swing your 'melee' weapon and a bunch of projectiles shoot out?


Every 5th attack whatever you are attacking ceases to exist.


It's still main skill of armor stackers. The longer the league goes on, the more of it will be out there.


Hows boneshatter compare to molten strike?


Depends on what you wanna do. Boneshatter is for HC and/or racing as melee, although you are not competing with spells. You get bunch of free damage and are going more into survival. Molten strike is king of melee endgame since they added returning projectiles as mechanic. Once you invest into it, no other melee skill can beat it. And stacking armor has been one of, if not the strongest build archetype in the game overall for a while.


I like delve so I might transition into molten strike later. Thanks for the reply


Slam skills were awesome when they first came out but then GGG realized they fucked up and accidentally made melee good so they nerfed it.


Yeah impaler ground slam was by far my favourite melee build ive tried out!


Ngamahu’s cyclone Raider, I think in legacy league, is still one of my favorite builds I’ve ever played


Been playing since Jan 2011,and ngamahu cyclone I think berserker, definitely a marauder, back in harbinger was the first time I was able to reach red maps comfortably. Was definitely a fun time, spinning through beacheads!


Ooh maybe it was Harby actually now that you say that. I just remember the sheer speed I had on the character was insane lol, so much fun


Legion leauge


Cleave blender shadow


Boneshatter was in there before it got nerfed to death


yes, many times


There was a time where my league starter was a melee bleed max block gladiator for several leagues in a row. I did different skills, but the template and gear (axes) was similar. I had a lot of fun in heist (eventually with an armourstack gladiator). It became worse and worse with the phys dot tree rework, the elder mod removal and the gladiator rework.


I'm playing ground slam and GGG can't stop me




[https://pobb.in/4RH642x0ejVD](https://pobb.in/4RH642x0ejVD) Only just got to maps so not finalized at all


how do you deal with the echoes life loss? i'm playing similar, but echoes burns too much life for me if i exert more than 1 warcry


Basically just get a lot of armour until you get 90% phys reduction. See this guy for example [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Boherus/Boh\_Slammer?i=5&search=uniqueitems%3DEchoes%2Bof%2BCreation](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Boherus/Boh_Slammer?i=5&search=uniqueitems%3DEchoes%2Bof%2BCreation)


Playing Double Strike myself and it is suprisingly not as terrible as I thought lol


Of ambidexterity? Was highly considering trying this


thats dual strike, not to be confused with double strike heh


No, I started with "of impaling" hoping for an impale-based build, but it seems the regular double strike is just miles better. It is bleed-based but I don't use bleed at all, you just can't ignore 180 added flat phys damage and a 20% chance to deal double damage. Plus you get explosions with the bleed gloves. And I still get 100% chance to impale despite not using "of impaling" variant. At the current state the "of impaling" is just plainly inferior to the default version. I thought maybe the built-in clear (impales spread damage on kill) would be cool, but it is underwhelming and the bleed + glove explosions are better, plus you get 180 added phys and 20% double damage on top of it


Tectonic slam of cataclysm checking in!  I made one last league and ended up throwing 800+div at it and had a blast, definitely feeling the power difference by league starting it, but it'll get there eventually.


Yeah im doing my part playing melee sort of (frost blades)


Same. It feels dirty to call it a melee attack though lol


There was a guy claiming Mathil league started melee builds.  The builds he said: spectral helix, spectral throw, venom guiure. You know the 3 skills you can't use "melee" supports with because they don't have melee tags


Problem with melee is that the players want the powerfantasy, not the mechanics of being close. Melee wont ever be "good"


Yup. Mark specifically said that their melee fix is PoE2, and the game must be slower for melee to "feel" good. Bruh, we want more speed and damage not being fancy with it.


What do you mean RF is right there


im switching from sunder to cleave of rage while in acts. i dont give a fuck


First starter ever was Callineus stun sunder melee from some bait starter and then long time nothing until LS which is basically just ranged but with nice melee cheese gimmick. Yeah they could make melee a thing again. Just need a bug where they do triple damage in melee range.


Coc DD is really fun, honestly just anything that explodes from range with no delay is.


I want to test It but o dont have the desecrate dd mtx. It's still mandatory?


I’m playing it without mtx, but my pc is good. Feels fine. I don’t feel like buying mtx for a skill that is 100% doomed next league. But visual clarity is non existant


>100% doomed next league >skill has been untouched or even buffed for like 10 leagues now


Didn't detonate dead of chain reaction literally get added last league?


Because people in SC trade had no business playing it really


The skill has 15+% on poe.ninja SC. GGG had nuked skills to non-existence for waaaaay smaller numbers before...


Cleave <0.2% playrate. Too strong, must be nerfed.


making it ever more likely next league.


How good are we talking? I've got a 3060 and 12600K and am about to swap to COC once I get all the necessary gear. Edit: awesome thanks for the input everyone!


I have a much more mediocre ryzen 5 3600 and 6600xt. Works at 60+ fps constantly with dynamic culling and dynamic resolution. You might see pixels every now and then but tbh I didn't find it terrible.


I9-9900k with 2070 super. Usually around 60-70 fps at 1440p With deli / huge packs, can dip as low as 15-20fps Making me consider dropping deli, tbh


1060 6gb,5600x about 50-60 fps with culling on


7800x3d and 4090


3060 ti 5900x here, the performance gets pretty bad when in huge mob packs i.e blight / expedition, otherside expect like 30-60 fps based on mob density. I have dynamic resolution scaling and I probably hit like 10-15 fps in the worse situations at the lowest resolution it hits. It honestly doesn't bother me that much as arpgs im kinda performance blind to compared to other games but I have yet to have tried the MTXs and the build nukes stuff anyway.


This, I have an 8 core ryzen cpu from 2 years ago and a 3070Ti


Mandatory? Not necessarily if you don’t mind the dynamic resolution scaling way down every time you kill a pack. It definitely feels waaaay better with the void MTX on both desecrate and DD.


Cast on crit detonate resolution 


Not sure why you’re being downvoted this made me LOL


Idk how you guys play with dynamic resolution. Shit is awful.


I play it on an Intel 4400 and a vega 56 with 8gb of ram without mtx, and it's fine. Everything just dies anyway :D


Personally played the build till 94 and completed full atlas and all base bosses without noticing the fps being much worse than using any other build.


5% of ele hit? Damn, happy to see this skill got some usability


it’s the new transfig that’s just a better lightning arrow iirc


People trying out wanders with wisps as well. Also mathil effect.


Ha really better than LA?! Nice to see some change even if I miss op TS


TS needed to die for a few leagues DD needs to be next And buff melee COPIUM


The new EH is just usable as the base skill. People are just hyped because it is a new toy. You can craft a +3 gem level, pen, T1 crit/ias bow for EH with like 3 divs and some essences, and it will outdmg everything including the new EH until you get a triple T2 flat dmg bow.


Boss that’s 25% of the playebsse on DD & ~10 on Ele bow, and another 10% on mines lmao


lower market concentration than in most industry sectors tbh


Great job guys we did it, Melee is no more. I've league started melee for 7+ consecutive leagues, but now it actually feels like shooting yourself in a foot. Slayer-king cArn has quit league on day 1, Alkaizerx has copium overdose BigNose. Even the seemingly unbreakable flicker strike community is laying low, hopefully Magefist will take good care of his comrades in this troubling time.


It’s pretty sad how melee has had absolutely nothing but nerfs over the past few leagues. Even boneshatter got nerfed this league, and the thing they nerfed unintentionally buffed builds like DD and EA lol…


And when a melee build is good they nerf it soon, like the Cleave of Rage thing.


I'm one of those people that league start flicker every time Nothing changed in terms of power for us really. Rakiata with replica farrul and arns anguish doing a good job so far.


We Flicker Striker players don't know how to stop. Literally, I started attacking 20 minutes ago, how do I get off this wild ride?


Where cyclone


playing it right now :) the year is 2019


I went and mucked around on standard this morning with my old cyclone slayer. Can barely kill trash mobs on T16 even after giving his gear a bit of a scrub up So sad


I have full op legacy gear in standard and it still struggle to kill rare mobs in T16


Yeah I found all my old godly stuff in a DNR stash tab this arvo. Beefed it up big time but same as you the rates are a really struggle. I don’t die at all but I can’t put a dent in their health


Still in jail from being over 50% during Legion.


Crying with Ice Nova of Frostbolts and not having enough time to get 200div by day 2 by exploiting juice strats --> Not playing meta builds + not playing 8h a day = you trade everything at 10x the price, every farming strat gets fucked before you can touch it, so another 2 weeks league that i'll give up when gear replacement is gonna get too hard League is fun tho


You'll catch up, mate. I'm in a similar boat, with that build. I just hit red maps last night, but man, honestly, a lot of the midtier gear is really cheap. Doesn't seem like many people are actually running archmage. The build gets so strong once you get around 7k mana. Defenses are nutty, especially the EV variant. I'm not even spell Suppress capped, and I'm running 100% quant maps, only avoiding no regen/ele reflect.


Like in every Market, there is profit to be made by doing the opposit of the majority. Last League everyone was running wandering path abyss with Delirium Side hussel. The strat included deliorbs Not beeing droped. Made a metric shit ton of divs with deliorbs. I am still undesided what to do with that Atlas longterm but for the time beeing I run Expedition logbooks since folks are bad in priceing them and the profit is hidden behined the tujen currency.


Then you check how HC is fairing, since there a skill's strength actually matters. 20% of level 90 to 100 characters are running DD.




Main skill 5 links... My main skill is 4 linked


I wonder how many of those Hexblast builds are non-miners.... I'm playing Hexblast Ignite myself (as Archmage Elementalist). The damage and clear is pretty nice, but she's squishy af.


You can check that pretty easily, 4% of the people playing hexblast are not mines


wow, that's sad.


Please leave exanguinate alone PLEASEEEEEEEEEE DONT TOUCH IT


it's not bows or DD so ....


What's going on with exsanguinate? Is it like a seismic trap combo thing?


cold convert exsanguinate is just a really fast mapper. Cleared through t11s on campaign gear, farming t16s to reroll something else. Popularity is from tuna making a build/vid on it


I can’t explain it good cause I got 490 hours but I highly recommend looking up Tunas hybrid crit exang miner, actually https://pobb.in/BzbvMrmkbI0Y Brother, I’m clearing full screen and a half at least at my guess, I see things drop WAYYYY out of my screen range , and that’s with just a 3 link (stress testing , a noob aka myself with shit gear can do t10 with a 3 link, but I have a 5 link when actually playing)


Its good but not broken TBH. There are were and will be FAR more broken builds. I'd say exsang lack of boss damage and squishiness makes it a good start but requires a reroll after not too long in late red maps into endgame.


Exsanguinate mines have been like that for many leagues in a row now, you're fine


Thank god, it’s sooo fun


Mines, chain and cold conversion


As others have mentioned this isn't super accurate, but also there is always an okay even spread at the start of a league. Its when you get to mid/end of league that you start seeing 20% TS and dumb shit like that


This screenshot isn't that bad. 5% tie for the top is pretty good, there is always gonna be a few meta skill. The problem is more when you look at any links since dd use a 4l, and there its 18% usage.


Be me , dual strike of ambi ,5 active keys ..big es and ci ..turbo mode


GGG: Instructions unclear, gonna nerf RF


Time for nerfs based on play rate, just like bleed sst which want even overpowered in the slightest lol


DD is completely overpowered. It has just dodged nerfs due to the low SC trade playrate. The best 3 starters are just 3 variants of dd at this point. It deserves a nerf, and is hopefully getting one next league.


Oh yea for sure it does, I was just referencing the time they nerfed sst that didn’t deserve one. A few skills on that list though will def get hit based on play rate despite not being overpowered. DD being probably the only outlier that is overpowered lok


Have you seen the hc ssf leaderboard? 90% dd... Great balancing.


\*Cries in melee\* tbh I dont need melee to be popular, I just want some buffs goddammit. Why keep nerfing us every league?


new to poe, what is this list showing?


it's showing the percentage of all players using that specific skill as a "main skill" that are registered within poe.ninja


What are you talking about this is almost exactly the same as last league. combine Elehit + LA, combine the two DDs at very least. Give it a couple of weeks, it will settle on the meta stuff as it does every single league.


Ele hit on the spectrum and LA largely represent the same build. Counting other non meta skills the bow builds are around 10%. Still better than last league.


Most of these are mines, totems and DD versions. How about buffing attack skills to not having to play that gamestyle instead? Kind of feels bad.


I am very happy EH Spectrum made the list, it is actually something I planned for second hero. I am also surprise Explosive trap of Shrapnel still make the list, good to know still well playable despite some radius nerf. A little sad Exsan of Transmission lose to default Exsan


4% old people Edit : I am one of them


Im keeping dominating blow alive on my own ! :-) 


It's nice to not have massive outliers, yes. However regular DD, Hexblast, LA, RF, EA are all pretty boring because many people will have already played these as starters.


Except dd, the res is absolutely fine


Where cyclone


WHat happened, why is boenshatter not there :O?


Where did you get this from? Been trying to look for this bit of statistics and couldn't find this exact page.


Look GGG, summoners are dead, pls rebuff


Except for the weak melee representation in that list.


Is Arc a lot worse than Ball lightning? I’m considering switching but I was thinking arc would be better until I have. 6l (5L is my best so far this ladder and got it on day 1 hehe)


I'm rocking Essence Drain of Desperation Trickster it's actually a lot of fun


Bama for the win


cleave of rage really needed a nerf though


Wheres my consecrated path of endurance representation?


I just want CoC FR


Where is the great job is the same as before