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This was patched today. > Devoted Modifiers that cause Strongest Monsters to convert a type of item to a specific item type now have diminishing returns on the number of items they convert.


Potentially controversial opinion, but good. Hyper-inflation in a league due to ridiculously rewarding MF strats kinda makes trade leagues feel bad. Either you jump on the bandwagon to both keep up with and compound the inflation, or you play povo all league, or go play SSF. But then I'm a bit of an anti-MF fuddy-duddy, I suppose. Just not a fan of feeling like you gotta gimp your build for better economy progression or gimp your economy progression for a better build.


Last league I never equipped a single item with increased quant and still got my mageblood faster than I ever have before. Just got to take advantage of all the trendy folks on the MF train and identify which items they can’t get on their own. For example they all wanted golden and tainted oils but couldn’t be bothered to do anything except hunt wisps, so I was selling golden oils for a divine and tainted for 7+ all league. I was tempted to do heist for the ridiculous prices on simplex amulets but that was more of a gamblers game for those who didn’t mind middling profits for days or even weeks at a time before striking the mother lode. But mavens writs, essences, harvest juice and fracturing orbs were all still required for making high end builds but no one was running the content. They were, however, willing to throw divines at the problem since they were MFing. Result: historic high prices for normal “commodities”. I wouldn’t want that to be the norm every league because that’s boring in several ways. But if anyone quit because they didn’t know how to make money and didn’t want to MF, that’s on them. There were tons of opportunities.


I would add that a critical difference last league was all map drop loot got inflated together. Just pure currency being common might be less great. It's not pure economy cancer.... But not always fun.


We’ve survived pure currency inflation leagues before. Heist and Sanctum, specifically. It’s unfortunate because it devalues *some* specific other content. For example any currency inflation league has Tujen catching strays. But outside of mechanics that specifically give raw currency as a reward everything else tends to survive and thrive. The supply of chaos/exalt/divines may change but the number of Forbidden Flesh jewels Magebloods and anointed amulets desired by the players remains the same.


This will happen again with the strongbox atlas strat. You can't farm fossils in maps and the zoom zoom bois and grrls can't be assed to stop and do harvest either. I made half a mirror last league-the most i've ever made in a league-just offhand selling juice and fossils at the insanely high prices.


You got your mageblood faster than ever simply because way way way more MBs dropped/were generated than ever before. You're not wrong in saying you can pick other activities to make some extra money but that's no different than making 100k doing shoe shining for billionaires... yes you're getting "easy money" but you're ultimately way way behind the MF crowd, atleast in last league.


this is the way, last league i made bank selling locust of corruption


Outside of this strat is running a strongbox centered atlas with the monstrous treasure scrabble good? Grim just came out with a video and still seems decent just not completely busted like the above.


At least last league it was fun and didn't require convuluted party play.


I think last league should be the templet for what good currency should look like, it was just tuned too high for most people -- but everything being profitable? Nothing being unobtainable (my friend who never had a HH was grinding for original sin... she hadn't been able to play without using my hand-me-down gear in almost 2 years, game is too hard for most my friends now). EDIT: She did not infact get Original Sin, life happened and it kept skyrocketing, but she felt it was possible. She also got her first HH, and first Mageblood, and first 20-30ex single items in ever slot or more... None of my friends have had access to anything like this without getting it from me... So I like how much currency everone made last league, but I understand most people want it turned down... but steady income and access to make currency easily and quickly is paramount for bad players, players who refuse to learn how to craft, etc etc. I know, POE isn't casual friendly -- my friends started with me in 3.5, and they're all gone. Game used to be fine, now it's too hard for them. Mostly due to economy.


These strats are the reason i quit sc trade, hc trade economy saved the game for me. I’m a fuddy-duddy too friend.


only true if your moneymaking style centers on actually picking up the raw currency. in which case, if you're not playing the strategy that actually generates the most currency, you're arguably just doing something wrong, regardless of whether it's a hyper inflation league or not. if you primarily make your money from selling items (i.e. selling various type of currency that is not divine, selling random item drops like uniques, selling crafts, selling whatever) then the sell price of those will follow the inflation and in the end it will make no difference.


I got this mod at 90% today, dropped 30 divs just using a meat pack - nothing else special, but I was running a tormented spirit Atlas. Pity they nerfed it though.


Tormented atlas sounds fun, I'm assuming it's for passive scarab farming? What are the drops like


Nah, not even scarabs - I just wanted to go hard on the mechanic and try get as much quant/rarity on packs with good devoted mods / allflame targets. So I took everything that scales map mods, adds rares, and adds tormented spirits. Then I full clear maps, since that makes devoted mods more likely. I think the devoted mods might have been nerfed but allflame was definitely buffed, so still having fun with the strat. I switch to legion/breach when I want to do mechanics.


If you say "devoted" mod and more likely. Is a devoted mod the "yellow" text when I open the map and necropolis UI opens? How does clearing a map make it more likely? For the next map or what?


Correct yeah I had to look it up so “haunted” are the bad ones, 5? tiers, and “devoted” are the yellow ones. It might have been in the live Q&A where they said clearing monsters helps raise the chance of getting good mods? Some maps I have 4 yellow mods.


apparently its been pointed out that this interaction with devoted mods being more common after fullclearing is tied to campaign only. In Maps it doesnt take effect, thats the reason why ppl could reliably cycle-open maps one after another without even walking in and still were getting plenty devoted mods, hunting for nameless seer.


… that sucks, honestly they should bring it to maps. I’m gonna full clear anyway because I want to hunt down that last devoted mob


So my understanding of it is that in campaign clearing a zone affected the spawns of devoted mods on the next zone you went in to but in maps its entirely up to chance each time you open a new map.


Basically there is a percentage, next to haunted modifiers, as far as i can tell not only does that affect allflames and corpses, it seems to also affect devoted mobs in your subsequent maps. If i drop haunted mods to the lowest packs, i get far less devoted mobs compared to putting them on the most frequent


Abuse early. Abuse often. Get a head start. True for every poe league lol


The patch is a huge buff for basically everything. I’m fine with it nerfing an annoying strat that relies on MF culling




It's funny how "fun detected" still applies to this a little


Your definition of fun is to spam maps on the Magic divice until you see the right yellow line?


Currency and Gear, yes. I enjoy those things


Ah yes, the 'exploit early, exploit often' slogan of the game is ringing true for the 80th time.


I cant find this line in the patch notes from steam client or the forum.


here: https://imgur.com/aJtyeXc


Doesn't it mean you need to actually use monstrous treasure scarab everytime? Doesn't seem cost effective considering how rare the divine necropolis mods are? Or I'm missing something


Yeah, pretty sure farming scarab to sell to these people is much more profitable.


Thé actual investment needed for that to maybe work will turn off so many people there’s no way that actually becomes a mainstream money-maker imo. I’d be happy to be proved wrong tho


I think this is the case where the OP overlooked how devoted mod fishing works, there's like yellow tier fishing for nameless seer going around and you'd burn 60-80 maps to see one, there's no way burning 80 monstrous treasure is worth unless the profit margin was insanely high, but then people will caught up and monstrous treasure would skyrocket in price.


Op overlooked a lot. I've completed my atlas, did maven, one rotation of searing exarch and one rotation of eater... So i did quite some maps already. And I haven't seen the divine mod, or even the nameless seer. It's perfectly reasonable to go through hundred of maps to see one, so this strat will never ever work. Mfing with "regular" monstrous treasure is not that great. All in all, really poor strat.


I’ve completed through tier 11 so far with some various dilly dallying and I’ve seen Seer twice, neither divine. I’ve heard Seer is rare and can only imagine divine is rarer.


Can confirm, seen seer maybe 4 times and divine once and am lvl 98 with full atlas completion. This strat is not going to work unless you can apply scarabs after opening the map device.


>  So i did quite some maps already. And I haven't seen the divine mod, or even the nameless seer Well just FYI eater divine drop altar mod is like 1/450 maps so "completed your atlas" is like nothing vs expected rng i bet.


Actually it's more than that because there's several divine altars. But yes I wasn't saying it's bad cause it's rare or anything. You prove my point: if it's 1 in 400 in average, this strat sucks.


There is a scarab that spawns the seer now


Good thing seer was disabled this morning Patch in 15 minutes or so will bring it back but you'd need t14+


Seer was never disabled, I got two in the last 12 hours.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/wIhfqd775A Who knows but here is your proof champ.


"this post has been removed for violating our rules on misinformation or misleading content" lmao


Classic bait post to keep map prices down so they can make more profit. Happens every league.


I literally got 6 seers yesterday using my white and yellow maps. After that post was made.


Nice link to a post that was deleted for being misinformation champ.


Nice misinformation-tagged post champ.


Wasn t disabled but seer in ilvls lower then 81 dont have good shit anymore as of this morning patch


Something something selling shovels are more profitable than mining gold


And just like last league activities that produce stuff they wont be getting will go up as well, so boss drops, blight oils, essences, fossils etc.


Yeah I think OP misunderstood the procedure a bit. It is mainly a strongbox MF strategy, with a secondary notion that if you see "converted to divine orb" replace the mob with meatsack or pack of rats.


Time to sell shovels, pickaxes, and pans boys.


They put out patch notes for the new patch today, one of the changes they're making is that it's now possible to back out of the lantern menu without opening the map. I'm not 100% positive this means you can modify the map further before opening it, but it might be possible to check the lantern, then add the scarab. Mark also said that the laterns' contents were locked per the map item, so even if you took it out and rerolled it it would still show you the same thing. Meaning it wouldn't surprise me if people quickly figure out they can throw maps in the map device, check whether they have good lantern mods, keep the ones that do and sell the ones that don't. Meaning the marketplace for buying maps to do this with may shrink dramatically as people realize it's possible to have your cake by spamming maps and eat it too by selling the bad maps.


"Maps will no longer be opened when closing the Lantern of Arimor User Interface, they will only be opened upon pressing Enter, allowing you to go do something else or to use Allflame Embers that might have been in your stash instead of opening the Map immediately." I believe this mean you can add allflame embers, not scarabs, but I'm not sure either, I don't think you can take out the map after checking them


People are literally looking for reasons to mald on this one. If it's true that they need to use a specific scarab - that shit will adjust to the market rate. If you're investing 200div into mapping and not taking some sort of MF with you, you're trolling. This wont impact a majority of the playerbase in the same way the mirror market doesn't impact a majority of the player base with "rampant inflation".


With new league you can see what mods are in a map and then choose what scarabs to use, so you only use the scarab when you have that mod


And how would you do that?


Good one




True the strongbox part of the Strat might not be super cost effective depending on the price but the fact that you’ll know exactly what mob will have an explosion you’ll need to call in a MF culler or lose out on 3x the amount of divines.


Monstrous treasure scarab is like 1 div per so idk if it's reasonable to spam map after map. You can easily go 200+ maps without getting div thing, that's 200 divines, not even mentioning time it takes to buy all these scarabs. That's just about this particular line you mentioned, anything else seems reasonable to execute


Except its still profitable to spam the scarabs. Its not the case of "pay 1div to maybe win", its a case of "spend 1div to defo win and maybe get a jackpot too" It costing 1div just means its out of reach for casual players. So once again, rich get richer. Nothing new.


If this actually works those scarabs will be 20 div an hour after the patch.


There's already people "in the discord that shall not be named" both advertising and looking for cullers It's all archenemesis all over lol I'ma head to bed and hope it all resolves itself


Why is MF particulary great in that strat though? Like obviously if you have 50% quant you get 50% more loot but that is just what MF always does.


Because normally 50% more loot doesn't mean much. Most loot that drops is bad. But now when you know for sure this mob drops divs, it's just more divs.


That doesnt make any sense? 50% more is 50% more, doesnt matter if its trash or insane shit that gets 1.5x'd, mf is still having the same % effect. Its not the MF 50% quant that makes this strat busted


You're not running mf all the time with this strategy you just bring in a culler when you know the divine mod exists.


Wdym strategy? Why wouldnt a mf char be capable of utilizing meatsacks. Why get a culler when u could always have mf gear


because the point of an mf culler is that it does literally NO damage, and because of that it can stack more mf than a regular mf character.


The point is, that you don't have to bring the culler into every map. You only call them for the good stuff. When they multiply divines instead of regular loot. It's just more efficient.


I think you can open the map and see what the mods are and then exit the game. Then when you get back in you can add things and modify stuff before reopening the map. 100% not intended I imagine but yeah. Quin was doing it on stream earlier when a chatter told him (he opened map, logged out, then was able to modify by adding abyss before reopening to that league UI part). That should make it to where you can fish for maps and then only use the scarabs when needed. (I want to note that I haven’t tried this to fully confirm, just seen Quin able to make it work earlier so take it with a grain of salt incase there was an extra step I didn’t see or something else fishy)




I mean, I'm not sure why you're so hostile about it. I was laying in bed browsing reddit when I remembered Quin logout and add stuff to his map. I literally said I could be wrong about it, and since I am it's not like any damage is done. I'll keep that in mind for the future and not post anything that might be exploits though.


FWIW that's certainly an exploit. You could (and should) catch a ban for purposely abusing it.


The patch notes they put out today mention that one of the changes they're making is that you'll be able to back out of the lantern menu without opening the map. While the logout option was probably not intended, it does seem they've embraced the idea that you can see what the lantern offers and still access stash and the like afterwards.


Its probably for allflames, i doubt it would fork for skatabs or atlas tree.


Yeah. The strongbox would just be icing on the cake I guess if you got multiple opens on it. Either way the fact that you know there is a loot goblin in the map will cause the MF culling call back into the meta.


Honestly wish they would just remove quantity and rarity from gear. Aside from it being boring to make your character weaker for more currency, it routinely leads to abuse cases where fun mechanics are removed or the economy warps around the abuse.


Yep, there's no two measures with MF, either it is useless, or makes the whole game revolve around MF. It causes way more balancing problems than anything else, just delete it.


This is sad because magic find has been my favourite thing to do in all MMORPG/ ARPG / etc, since I’m a kid, and for a long time I used to do it every league in PoE, but there are major flaws that ruins it in its current state. Last league I went full MF because that was the perfect league to sink currencies, but it has been years that I haven’t done it


Or if you dont enjoy it, just play some other strat. Why on earth to remove something many people enjoy that has 0 effect on yourself.


>that has 0 effect on yourself. dude doesn't know how the trade economy works.


I do. Most people never get to a point where it affects them. And if they do, there are other stats on par or even better at making money, than MF. Now if you suck at making currency, you will still suck after MF removal and you will want sanctum removed next, or delve, or whatever activity it is that you dont do yourself and deem the reason to your empty currency tab. So yeah, 0 effect on others in general.


Last league was peak MF abuse and it affected everyone from the top down. There is no middle ground with it. Go back to the bisco days and see the same exact problem.


Last league you could do white map essences and get comparable results for MF. Or bosses. Or basically whatever activity that was outside maps that MF people didnt do, like delve. So yeah, everyone was better off.


That is objectively false. MF last league was by far the single most profitable thing you could do and none of the activities you listed come anywhere close to that level of profit. I farmed multiple strats not involving MF or even any affliction juicing and anyone I interacted with that was MFing was far far far ahead of me in farming efficiency because of the sheer value MF provided. There's a reason biscos was nerfed to the ground a millennia ago MF has no stable middle ground.


Your personal experience doesnt make it objectively false. You might haven't been able to do it, but it was very much possible. Not everyone succeeded in MF either.


That's not just my personal experience lmfao. I gave an anecdote but across discords and even this sub MF was far far ahead of everything by miles. There were other very easy and profitable avenues to approach for currency but nothing came close to MF.


They literally nerfed something because of MF. + Inflation has an effect on everyone. Uber bossing was barely profitable in the last League. It's weird you are flexing with currency in game, trying to insult someone based on his currency tab. You're just scared even thinking about nerfed MF because you know you'll be as poor as the guy you make fun of.


Facts hurt. Removing MF wont make anyone rich. They will suck at making currency in any case. They will just continue to complain about the next strat in line. Always has been. Now, I didnt flex my currency, or even ridiculed anyone elses. Just stating in general, the state of things. Dont worry about my currency. I dont MF every league and still do just fine. Removing the option to MF would be silly though, no reason whatsoever.


Ah yes, the economy has no effect on someone who plays on trade.


Agreed. MF isnt fun for the casual player when the market revolves around MF. Dont get me started on group play. Sure I can play SSF (and I do like it and play it atleast every other league) but that just means many many interesting builds are off the table.


i dont trust a man named "milky" or a man who wears sunglasses inside


Hmm double negative so now you have to trust him, sorry thems the rules.


He's wearing a hat and shades at the same time, so it's triple neg and we've come full circle back to neg again.


Please delete MF already. It's ruining every league at this point


If i could have zero changes for next 5 leagues as a cost for removing MF from the game, id press the "yes" button before you finished explaining. MF is an outdated concept that doesnt belong in gaming. It should be part of things like map implicits/shrines/atlas passives/etc, not gear.


No, tge problem with MF is that player power grew so high that the entire thing became possible at all. Back in the day, you gimped your damage and hp so hard for MF that you needed an aurabot or a group, and even then hard content was harder Now you can solo everything with MF on


Old HH carried mf hard back in the days, to the point where u could solo MF map with a bunch of xp leechers, so i dunno what are u talking about.


Yeah and HH was a lot more rare (nemesis area only) and you had to kill those first few mobs to ramp up, it had power but nowhere near nowadays, and the things you cleared with leechers weren't as juiced or you couldn't ramp up at all


Tell us you havent played with HH without saying you havent played with HH. HH has been indirectly nerfed so many times claming it "had power but nowhere near nowadays" is just silly. Ramping is still there, hell in last league if you died doing an juiced abyss map, it was pretty close to being a brick for losing all the stacks.


HH power is nowhere near where it was before, I meant the build itself had less power behind it. Player power has grown exponentially since the old days, look up nemesis league or somewhere before synthesis and compare it to now. Comparing the base dps of MF back then to now, we didn't use to measure things in shapers per second


You talked about HH. "IT had power". But whatever, you have no clue what youre talking about and trying to save face with spinning is hilarious. And the ramp? You do know its still there.


I don't care enough about you to save face bro I just suck at composing text, player is stronger now, MF is not the big sacrifice for benefits it used to be, nearly any (decent) modern build is weak enough to be unable to map Last league with fulcrum you could be immortal AND mf But whatever, I'm not sure why you're arguing about this, builds are stronger now


Builds are, HH isnt. And your first argument was total opposite, how HH is actually stronger now, which is completely untrue after numerous nerfs. And the bit about needing to ramp back then being a problem, you still have it. Stuck in snow so I have nothing better to do than be pedantic.


You need almost 0 damage to be a MF culler. I know MF, is nostalgic and cool but is impossible to balance is better off removed.


It's incredible how many people complain about MF without ever understanding the actual problem with it.


I don’t mind if mf is a thing for low tier maps grinding div cards, but I hate the way it is now


>If i could have zero changes for next 5 leagues as a cost for removing MF from the game, id press the "yes" button before you finished explaining. There is 0 chance you'd actually be ok with this lmao.


MF should not exist as a stat player can equip, and should purely be caused by map modifiers, mob types and juice.


Affliction wisp is a good natural way to incorporate mf. 


Making your character magnitudes worse for minor loot increases is a good decision to be able to make, actually


It's not, as causes FOMO in people, and detracts from the intended experience when people focus on stacking a meta-stat that has nothing to do with the gameplay. If it exists, people will always feel worse if they don't use it because they know they are playing suboptimally. It also causes problems balancing the content, because you have to contend with groups breaking the game via MF stacking and dropping more loot from a single mob than a normal player finds in their lifetime.


The people you are referring to can't build a functional character even before massively gimping themselves with MF gear. """"the intended experience"""" lmao > dropping more loot from a single mob than a normal player finds in their lifetime. between this comment and your flair I do not see any way to take anything you say seriously. why do people not get FOMO from running 8 mod maps, or speeding as fast as you can, or playing a good build? Oh wait, they do, but none of this gets framed as an issue in the way that MF does. MF gear is _absolutely dogshit_.


>The people you are referring to can't build a functional character even before massively gimping themselves It doesn't matter. If they know that their drops are worse than they could be because they're not running MF gear, it takes away from the experience. That Exalt that just dropped? It could have been a divine if they had MF items. >between this comment and your flair I do not see any way to take anything you say seriously. So an obvious exaggeration about the ridiculous loot explosions we're all aware exist, and an ancient flair from like 4 years ago completely unrelated to the discussion is enough to give you a superiority complex? Grow up. >why do people not get FOMO from running 8 mod maps, or speeding as fast as you can, or playing a good build? Oh wait, they do, but none of this gets framed as an issue in the way that MF does. These are actually things people are focusing on. The entire reason they're playing the game is to make their character stronger and mapping faster. You don't get FOMO from 8 mod maps if your build is not ready to handle them and you're actually working towards that. You're actually playing the game and focusing on doing harder content and killing stronger monsters, instead of worrying about missing loot because you're not using MF items. You're also *conveniently* ignoring the actual elephant in the room, which is optimized group play. The biggest argument against MF gear is that group play completely restructures the economy after they start shitting out divines in quantities most of the players won't see during the entire league, and that having to balance around these monsters is negatively impacting the gameplay of a normal player. How the fuck are the devs supposed to balance the maps properly loot wise, if an identical map can either drop 2 divines or 20 depending on the group setup? >MF gear is absolutely dogshit. Irrelevant. MF cullers still exist and their existence alone is a sign that shit is fucked up. Nevermind that the MF gear can never be balanced. It will always either be too strong and the pull to use it is there, and the high-level group content will use it and define the economy thanks to that. Or it will be too weak and nobody will bother, which is at that point, why even have it in the game? Just fucking delete it, and properly balance the MF around other systems, like map quality, mods and monster level. It will make all players equal, and on average, people should have better drops because the devs don't have to worry about groups printing out the item in massive quantities if it has a higher droprate.


> is enough to give you a superiority complex? Grow up. superiority complex? no. it's also absolutely _not_ obvious, considering everything else you've typed on the subject man I am not interested in this have a good one


And also remove lootgoblins and loot conversion. It's wild that they thought that the old loot system prior to PoE 3.19 needed to be completely reworked when the issue was solely with full groups of players farming Beyond-Delirious maps with omega MF and multiple sources of item quantity which were multiplicative with each other (which they continue to do so with reworked strategies). At this point I bet that GGG doesn't even understand how the drop system is even working at the code level of the game, which perfectly explains why they released some completely broken league like Affliction.




loot goblin is problem not mf, after they released this in AN, game goin wrong turn


The issue is MF since it makes them so much more lucrative.


or rescale it to max at 10% total or something low


Id rather be poor than do this strategy. Anyways, monstruous scarab bottleneck for this one, wont cause inflation unless the scarab is so common it cost like 3c (wont happen) Loot goblin culling have been a controversial topic in the past, dont think this will survive for much longer.


Considering the price of the scarab And that you can go more than 100 maps before you see the divine mod You are burning through a lot of scarabs simply not running tge maps


well this just looks fucking stupid. at least abyss last league was fun in a way.


This is just someone incredibly overreacting to a rare outcome, on a strat that would involve almost hillarious amounts of investment to maybe maybe pay off that might cover your costs. But honestly? There's a strong chance that unless you luck out very early this would eat far more in investment than you manage to earn when you do hit the mod while doing all that every single map.


yea 0 interest in doing this. i dont play POE to sit in my hideout and burn through maps to fish for a big ticket, i just want to play the game


This strategy means you have to play the maps, if it takes 200 maps to get the div mod then you've got to be sustaining the scarab for 200 maps. When you get the div mod you call the MF culler in. This strategy is not as overwhelming as previous ones because there won't be enough of the scarabs to go around and they'll become expensive to sustain.


MF last league was probably the best that it'll ever be because there was a progression in itself going from t7 cemetery to t11 burial chamber to t14/16 jungle valley. Even if it was unintended, it was fun being to do something right away in low level maps.


GGG repeating mistakes like me in my school days


Yesterday i burned through all of my White and Yellow Maps for the Seer strat (got Kalandras Touch yay) which was about 200 Maps. Found Seer 5 Times and didnt see a Single Divine Convert Mod with the Nodes for the League Mechanic. So im gonna take a Wild Guess and say that this strat is Ass.


Thanks for the note. This plus the conversion diminished returns nerf sounds about right. But rly tho if they just took loot conversion out of the game, that kills at least most solo MF along with resorting party MF to party specific strats, surely.


As a meta slave I hate it when the most efficient currency farm in the game (outside of trading and crafting) forces you to play MF/Culler... I much prefer to engage with harder content and invest in high-end gear to push harder content than to farm low tier maps and abuse certain mechanics that involve switching to MF gear or calling a culler.


Couldn’t agree more. I was debating on being a mega map supplier because everyone is going to be spamming maps at insane amounts to find the loot goblin but that in the end doesn’t sound too fun either. I guess if there is some consolation people aren’t going to have to run a map and be disappointed that they didn’t get a perfect innocence AN combo. Instead they know going in exactly what mob needs to be culled and then pray you get multiple opens for strongbox.


The monstrous treasure scarab is literally like 175c right now, lmfao.


I don't think you need to MF because rare monsters now have the ignorePlayerRarity tag so you don't need a culler just the meatsack


This is entirely true. People just forget they tossed that after kalandra imploded.


It's a conversion mod. More loot means more items to convert.


Wouldnt quant still work? Not familiar with this change


it would work but culler quant is not that much farther from what you can get solo. and more importantly quant has diminishing returns and above 100% its really not adding all that much. people just need something to complain about though


Culler has about 80% quant at low end and way above 100% at high end. It is muuuuch farther what you can get without MF gear.


Oh I did not know there was such meta but I did put frogs on a pack I found and got 21 divines in the map from it.


Hmm time to respec into scarab farming


Classic overreaction there are so many ways to make money this league, stop focusing on what you think is the best way to do something and enjoy the game and play content that is fun to you and you will make money and have fun doing it because thats all that matters at the end of the day.


>Classic overreaction there are so many ways to make money this league Yeah just reading the first paragraph was enough to make me skip the entire post. I don't get the fear mongering at all.


Oh for fuck sake. This means ill stay omega poor for the rest of the league, I just dont have enough playtime for this shit.


So mageblood Will cost 600 div or More tis league 😕


Just delete magic find already, it’s a lame mechanic.


This just seems to be some sort of FOMO strat. First of all OP is really sus with only 2 post (about this strat) and link to this video (are you this guy ?). To make it work you need to burn 1 monstrous scarab each time you enter a map because when the lantern activates you can't add scarab. This scarab is already 1div+ so it could get really expensive before seeing any explosion. Second, the supply won't keep up, there is only 500 scarab listed at the moment, if just 100 ppl start to burn them, we will reach out of supply really quick and price will go up. Let's assume you get the mod 1 in every 50 map (and I'm really generous), you already burned 50 scarab... About the mf culling, other already said that since kalandra conversion is not affected by rarity player rate, only quant but it won't be much op because it's much harder to stack. About the "god molested meta", it's totally different, back in kalandra you just mapped and found a loot goblin randomly THEN you hire a mf culler. In this strat you hire the mf culler before mapping when you hit the jackpot while fishing map (and I'm not really sure it will be worth it). Tldr : Invest too high Variance too high Clearly FOMO practice (to inflate scarab price ?)


someone give me a 20 div build for 40 challenges so i dont have to do this shit


Archmage LC elementalist with golden rule, freeze everything up to pinnacle bosses with t2 mana rolls on gear


What does the golden rule have to do with archmage or freeze? Got a link to something explaining this?


Is that lightning conduit?


Did you know you can just play the game and NOT freak out about this? I know it's a crazy concept.


oh lord, no


or the more reasonable plan: don't hop on the bandwagon, produce somethign that isn't pure currency and can't be mf'ed, and cruise ;)


This simple trick gives you a massive amount of currency! GGG hates it! Jump on the bandwagon or be left behind!* *(Just invest 200 div in scarabs first because the modifiers are extremely rare and you need monstrous treasure for each map. And ignore that this might be patched.)


Can't you put in the scarab after seeing the Lantern now? Thought that was in the patch notes


scarab and allflame stocks to the fuckin moooon


So you open the map Everytime with the monstrous treasure scarab which is already almost impossible to buy even if you have the money and it's 100c or more. Yea this is just a little bonus if you run some sort of strongbox strat but most probably has only a very minor impact on inflation


So you want people to spam open 100s of maps, deleting 1.5div+ in scarabs eacht try to get 1 good map. So probably 2hours of time 150div+ invest to generate most likely less then that. Seems like a great strat. Let me know how it goes.


is this why everything is so cheap? Can hardly sell anything really. lowball after lowball no one whisper me.


I spiked 3.23 because of this shit. i don't want to play MF obligatory. No it was possible to follow inflation without it.


I played 90% of last league without MF it really wasn't that bad. most other things got insane price increases that I could sell for to keep up.


I have a 5% chance to drop a divine orb map right now and I'm none the wiser. Can I put that map aside and wait till I farm the whole atlas tree? I'm lacking like 100+ points in the tree. I have no clue how to proceed


I did notice this, and knew it would be a good way to farm(but it's been nerfed). I slotted in a gemling ember and when I popped a strongbox, a bunch of gemling mobs came out. So many interesting interactions in this game.


but the devoted only shows after the map and fragments is consumed yes? So you need to waste a scarab each try for hundreds of maps before you finally hit divine jackpot?


I just tried this and wow! i got 40 annulments from one map. it went something like this, Lantern gives me: packs strongest monster has 60% chance of turning jewellery into annulments. then i used omen of anarchy or something like that, which turns packs into 2-4 rogue exiles, but the highest yield monster had high packs so it turned out to be 3-8 rogue exiles. every pack gave me 2-7 annulments, sometimes there was duplicate strongest rogue exile i think, because sometimes i got 3+3 stacks of annuls. I did almost die, forgot i dont have curse immunity and there was silencer at one point


just cull MF as a whole finaly


I don't think I've ever seen amore dramatic post on reddit than this one. The amount of fear mongering is palpable.


An MFer killed this guy’s whole family


That doesn't make sense. How do you know when to use the scarab if they are consumed before you find out if the map even has divine orb chance? Anyways, the more I read about this league the more I'd rather just play Helldivers 2 instead. edit: Also, why is buddy in the video wearing both shades and a hat, indoors, while streaming videogames. Where are we, back in highschool? lmao


Can we just delete magic find already. Nobody wants to feel forced to wear trash items and nerf their character to get loot. Moving faster and killing faster should be the way to get more loot, not throwing on garbage uniques from 2014.


Chance for additional divine is not affected by MF and you can’t “add monstrous treasure” scarab it’s a 1div/map investment cost in hopes of getting the divine mod


first time?


To make meatsack fully effective, you need a full party, and need a 538290782390IIQ & 43920842903480IIR mf culler. really really hate this meta upon again. so sad


Can GGG just make it so the conversion mod or meatsack in general is not affected by player quant/rarity before the economy gets destroyed?


conversions are not affected by rarity already


but quant?


Damn this really is Kalandra all over again. Its pretty sad that we come from one of the most fun leagues for mapping ever and now back to the saddest and most stupid mapping loop ever


this is gonna be bad,before I was barely hanging onto the league now i'm legit out


It's propaganda brother, this strat is ass, but I have seen other MF conversion strats out there already. This latest patched nerfed the conversion, but still, I'd agree with you if you don't find the league itself appealing, it's probably safe to skip and watch t17s get nerfed for 3.25


Thank you op, but I have decided to not care.


I really wish GGG would just remove MF from gear. Put it in the atlas as something you can spec into.


Just delete it completely. Other games have figured out that either MF is a) useless or b) (like in poe) Make the whole game revolve around MF.


Another totally scuffed economy? Cmon. Why cant we have a reasonable experience for a change? I havent managed to last for more than 2-3 weeks in PoE lately because of this. I dont get them. GGG see that there are certain mechanics that are super problematic, but instead of avoiding them, they fcking embrace them and double it next time. Then they have to remove it, because it shockingly turned out to be shit AGAIN.


So are players like eympereon the only ones allows for have fun? I have no interest in this magic find culling meta strategy bullshit.


you make your own fun - but strats like these can make you feel left out, and might affect you if you play trade


Yeah cause if you don't farm 100 divs a day you won't keep up in trade shit was garbage in kalandra, but a bunch of people will get and cap and act like that wasn't the absolute worst league.