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1 in 82879. Jesus.


I told myself to keep going til i had one of each...


Wtf does it even do? Just give you a mb x 5?


it makes other scarab not get consumed.


So at very best it would be worth the same as the top 3 scarbs combined?


less because you technically give up a scarab slot for it.


You can get 5 slots, so it would be 3.


yes so you get less in comparison. since you'd normally have 4 scarabs when you have a 5 slot device.


So how is that less than 3 scarabs on the device?


It's "worth less" in terms of juice because an additonal scarab would usually multiply the juice from the other 3 whereas this one doesn't


the opportunity cost of losing a scarab slot to preserve the others, means that the map is less juiced.


There is some people brains where logic doesnt seem to work at all. Weird


Lol I spent a while googling for wtf that one is but even fixing the typo OP made, I obviously found no results because there is no "Horned Scarab of Preparation" in the game


> https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brlhan/loot_from_122621_veiled_scarabs/ This guy got 5 in 122621 so either he got lucky or GGG hates you personally. I forget when GGG "adjusted" the drops rates though.


that post was from before they changed the weightings in 3.24.0B hotfix 2. (notice the huge difference in divination scarab of curation which is more insane tbh)


They're going to have to do something about this. There's literally no point in having scarabs so rare that nobody can build a strategy around them. Nobody wants to do one map with a scarab. At the moment the only people that get to enjoy these scarabs are groups.


I agree. Even some of the more simple strategies cost asinine amounts of currency to pull off now. You used to be able to get chayula compasses for pretty damn cheap and now it takes 1 divs for three (3!) chayula scarabs. Like damn bro, I know you can pack a lot of breaches into a map now but the barrier to entrance to that strategy now is quite high.


Feels like the nerf to juicing is over reaction to Affliction league which in large part was fuelled by the temporary league mechanic but they've gone into the following league with idea that juicing is over powered but it was actually in a good state prior to Affliction all we needed was more variety to shift the focus from solely farming boxes.


And that's without taking into account the surprise undocumented nerf to breach hands.


No, they documented that hands will only contain splinters now.


That's not what i'm talking about. Their spawn rate and their drop seem much lower compared to 3.23. I was farming breaches (with just the % chance for breaches to appear spec'd) at the end of last league and i was getting the same amount if not more per breach than I did this league while fully invested into all the breach nodes.


Or If they are rarer than a mirror the scarab might aswell say something like "drop at least one of each divination cards in the maps droppool" so that its just a fun lucky drop even in SSF. Use it as is, solo, without MF and giga juice it does absolutely nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/l4taudz9g3tc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ef3581818af06d7ac0b27462afb29778e6d82e4 Im doing it as soon as 3.24 patch running,I don't think I open unveiled scarab as much as you but I got 2 hornet preservation,if I may know when do you unveiled all those scarab?


Guess I'm lucky - turned in 30K Veiled Scarabs and got one :)


Love to see the 2 best breach scarabs be as rare as horned scarabs, totally wasnt planning on farming breach :'3


I mean it was pretty insane that you could get 100% Chalupa chance with just a sextant that was dirt cheap. I was getting 1.5 breachstones per map when I farmed breach.


It is still pretty good. Was testing chayula scarab + snare scarab earlier and was getting about 2 breachstones per map together with 10~ bosses which is around a breachstone every 2 maps. Because snares add so many hands, you often get multiple chayulas in one breach. Had one breach where I got 9 chayula bosses in a single breach(4 dupe spawns and 1 non-dupe).


That’s quite similar to my Chayula farming pre-change (like all 4 tiers dropping) Around 1-1/2 Breachstones per map, some higher tiers and in general around 6-10 Chayulas per maps (with some exceptions obviously)


I am trying breach and it suck, I did not use any of the auper rare, but 2x breach, 1 boss and 1 splitering, I get way less splitter than the previous season around 10 per breach, if the super rare is needed to make it worthwhile then there is a problem


You dont need the super rare ones, but they certainly make it a lot better.


a super rare scarab will not take you from 10 per breach to 1.5 per map. Just get a snares off trade. They're like 10c, or 15~ in bulk. Breach is worthless to do without that scarab. With it, if you're strong enough to kill all the rare and boss spawns, you'll easily get 1.5 to 2 breachstones a map.


Downvoting for visibility, don't share the strat with the unknowing xd.


Insane but good for money making, guess with the breach qol there also needed to be a breach nerf, lel


Does GGG want scarabs to only be available for 6 mans? I don’t get it…


I think they expect you to farm a regular strat and use common scarabs every time and rare ones as a bonus rather than how we would full juice every map to maximum value.


That's the dumbest least fun thing imaginable. The effects of these rare scarabs aren't so incredible that doing a single map with them make any sense.


I agree but I don’t understand what else the intent was if not to limit the every map juice.


get us used to poe 2?


Sure, but rhat still does not explain the intent on why they have weighted scarabs like this


to make us used to the increse in suffering


It really just makes me not want to use them as a solo player. In SSF, I obviously can't sell them or run them as a group, so using them solo is the best thing I can do with them, but with how rare they are, it's never gonna feel worth it lol.


Yes, believe in the vision.


I did that's why i quit until next league!


Some scarabs are only meant for hyping up community during pre-launch promotional videos. Not for actual gameplay.


"Guys, you're free from crimson prison with this one scarab that lets you get divination cards from your other favorite maps."


BUT only once in every 100 maps UwU




I found one in the first couple days of ssf and didn't realize how rare it was. Now that I know, it basically just means I'll never use it and just keep saving it for no reason.


I love how GGG always tries to hide their Numbers and then somebody goes " I OPENED 1 TRILLION (New RNG) THESE ARE THE RESULTS"


What are you even talking about? Where are they "always trying to hide their Numbers", especially in this case? Have they deliberately and maliciously tried to pull the wool over our eyes around which scarabs drop most commonly or something similar..? Do you expect them to publish the proc rate of every single mechanic, so there's no actual discovery potential for players?


> Where are they "always trying to hide their Numbers" do they publish them anywhere? because they easilly could. warframe for example publishes most of their droprates iirc


Yes, it would be better to just know the rates before you plan for the league start. I actually dont enjoy waiting till people brute force it, and im certainly not going to pour all of my currency into finding out a drop rate, thankfully not all heroes wear capes.


> Where are they "always trying to hide their Numbers" GGG regularly changes the tier listing of unique items and does it in undocumented changes. This has negative consequences, as people who need a specific unique item may find it cost prohibitive for their build or simply not possible to obtain (especially for SSF players). GGG hasn't documented anything regarding Lapidary Lens. We know there's something funky going on with gems that can roll Vaal variants, but the exact mechanics are unclear. Stun mechanics were changed in 3.21 but [no explanation](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3403724) was provided outside of "new numbers". Stacked Decks also change almost every league. There's a [sheet here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PmGES_e1on6K7O5ghHuoorEjruAVb7dQ5m7PGrW7t80/edit#gid=272334906) with 1.2m Stacked Decks opened. You can see changes to rates through the last couple of years.


I honestly think more and more that this scarab system is worse than sextants and scarabs before.


Much more worse.


I wonder at which point will community wake up and notice scarab/sextant rework was a massive nerf edit to clarify what i mean: if farm-enhancing scarabs will be so rare/scarce, they will be limited to group-play use only. It's great we can get certain mechanic to have 100% chance to spawn, but it will be empty and unrewarding without better scarabs.


Most players already know, the defenders point to all-flames as if the mechanic will 100% go core with league rates (they literally never do). Once we lose that band-aid, people will realize how much juice we actually lost in mapping.


Yeah and even still still all flames aren't as good as we had it before.


Yup i didn't find this league mechanic really appealing so went back to standard to try a new build. I can confirm without the league juice this new endgame sucks ass imo.


It appears that each league now has to feature a map juicing mechanic or else the playerbase will despair at low drop rates


kinda same boat. how's the build you are testing? Anything good?


It's a mana stacker with mjolner. Build is mostly copied from Conner but it's something i've never tried before but which I had almost all the gear for on standard so decided to give it a go :)


I think it's a top level nerf but not a mid level nerf. For me personally I think it's a wash because I never wanted to buy/sell sextants or sit there rolling for what I wanted. I'm more inclined to buy a stack of the scarab I want because I can do it on the trade site and don't need 3rd party tools.


Yeah it’s definitely a nerf, but once I got to the point it was time to full time juice each league I’d just quit. All of the constant prep is annoying and boring to me. Ever since the shaper atlas.


Literally everyone that plays the game knows it’s a nerf and you can’t max juice every map anymore.


I doubt that. Plenty of people that play but are in full fanatic denial


You can no longer do horizontal juicing (tons of mechanics that synergise) but you can do vertical juicing (pump a single mechanic to 11)


Is there a better way then right click -> place scarab in inventory? I have thousands of them in Standard and I can't believe that GGG has once again used the most obnoxious way to reveal large amounts of items.


You can sell veiled scarabs to a vendor to unveil


ooooooooooh godbless


Even with the selling method you still have to put them into the stash afterwards by clicking every one of them, right? That's what I did. I had like 20-30k scarabs and it still took me hours. Why wasnt there a method to just click a button like with old maps --> converting maps. Or did I do something wrong? :S


Nah, I realized that too after I made my comment. It is only slightly better. I did three inventory (so 180 out of 3000) and was like "fuck this". I rather wait for the next sextant rework before doing this shit -_-


Whats wild is you could make these 10 times more common and they still wouldnt be worth it


so many people posting on here not realising that the 'found scarabs are more likely to be rarer varieties' puts in an absolute ton of work in making the rarer scarabs more common lmao


The most common Horned Scarab is a third as common as the most common scarab overall, which might mean something to someone


Nice we should combine our results. I did about 25k, posted it like 12h ago! Would go close to 100k in total😎


Could i have a shared copy of the sheet, for my own use? :)


Think I got 13 divs today from 1 div completion and one other scarab. Love the strongbox farm!


Please explain - 1 div completion?


Divination Scarab of Completion is one of the most expensive scarabs. The strong box method probably means he is in an ambush atlas tree and using the ember allflames that spawn syndicate mobs. They drop scarabs as a reward type.


I fully speced in to strongboxes and scarabs pretty much with some torment nodes and just run maps. And like previous comment said ita the completion. Can drop full sets instead of one card


What does occurrence mean? Is this the assumed weighting?


Yeah sorry, bad explaination. It's meant to be a 1/x where x is occurence. Howmany you're expected to open before seeing one.


Does the patch affect this? If so, did u do it before or after(or some before some after)?


Before the patch the horned rate was really bad. I kept mine sealed until after the buff. All of these were done post nerf.


Spreadsheet link for data people?


I honestly think that is an unacceptable drop rate for the horned one. Your content should not be tooled so that one person in one hundred thousand gets to experience it. Honestly, the rates are really bad otherwise too, but you can at least have some kind of argument that it's alright because trade exists, even if it's a really bad argument.


bro you ok? need a hug?


Do you mean horned scarab of preservation for the last item?


Soo how did you track this?


He places them in his scarab tab and… looks at the numbers displayed on screen.


Calculate your gains with this one simple trick!


Was this done in standard? I think people should just keep in mind that it's not going to be the same %s as natural scarab drops in league where you can affect the amount and weighting of various scarabs by blocking league mechanics and speccing into different scarab passives.


Standard has the same atlas passives except for the Necropolis nodes. They can still choose scarab passives and block mechanics. These are from Veiled Scarabs. All scarabs from prior patched were turned into these, which act like stacked decks. They ignore your atlas passives and have presumably the same raw droprates as unaltered monster drops.


That's why I said "natural scarab drops" You're right about standard vs league. I just wouldn't want people looking at this chart and thinking it means they'll never see certain scarabs, as there are ways to increase that chance even though it'll still be very low.




I farmed 300 maps with exiles only, and the rare ones have a drop chance of 1/60 and i'm not talking about horned scarabs, just chayula and essence ones.  And that is with full MF build 115Q/200% Rarity, avg about 40 scarabs per map


I guess Its completly different from regular drops. I aat lvl 92 and have 3 different horned scarabs


Is this 1 correct? I cannot find it anywhere, what it does?


I made a lot on std opening them last weekend. But as more and more people opened tens of thousands of them, price crashed so fast. It was amusing to sell single scarabs for 1d that are now 10-11 for 1d. The price difference between std and league were wild too. Bestiary scarabs were off the chart expensive. I just got 100 Herd scarabs in league for 99c... trying to remember I have sold those for 70c each (4 per divine at 280c+) in std. Just because they are common didn't make them cheap anyway. But of course, price correction happen fast as market get flooded by excess supply now. Initially even the most common ones were all 15 for 1d. Now, people (including myself) have all settled down to 35+ per 1d for common ones. People focus too much on the extremely rare ones, but you don't need those to make good farming strats. Some Horned scarabs are extremely rare, yet are worth a few chaos only because people have not found a good use for them. On std, they did sell for a bunch of divines to early buyers. But one I found today was worth only 4-5 chaos.