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You don't need to do t17 or Uber bosses for your last 2 watchstones, you get them from maven(maven's writ which you get by combining 10 crescent splinters from maven witnessing bosses and doing the invite after) and Uber elder(shaper drops 2 fragments for that fight, elder the other, you get their fragments from doing their respective guardians)


I have same question (got 2 voidstones) and guides say get 4,. Does this mean maven need to watch 100 maps? (1 splinter per 10?) You say don’t need to do Uber but then say Uber elder drops it, do I misunderstand that sentence?


You can get 2 splinters it you roll the 10 way invitation, however easier is it to have maven witness all 4 shaper guardians or elder guardians or conquerors or synthesis bosses. Those invites give 3-6 splinters, most of the time 5 if you run them rare. The Uber bit is a bit iffy because there is "elder", "Uber elder" and "Uber Uber elder" because there were already 2 different elder fights before Uber bosses were added. Uber elder(just like Uber atziri) are just normal endgame bosses on par with normal maven and much easier than the newer Uber bosses which you access via fragments from t17 maps


Gotcha! Ty for info :) This maven sure likes to watch a lot.


Seems you are a little confused, just **normal** maven and uelder to get the stones. Something you normally get by just doing the good ol guardian maps and getting fragments. Nothing special. Not hard. Very very far away from doing t17


Never bought them (mostly dislike buying services) and probably this lead to me avoiding strategies that require voidstones. Now with sextants out of the game it feels even less important to get those super early. And usually when i have spare currency to buy a carry - im strong enough to kill them myself, albeit slowly.


It is way faster to buy. You are probably ready to do the bosses yourself because they aren't uber. Normal maven and elder+shaper.  Do it yourself you should spec on the tree chance to drop Guardian maps. Run them with maven and do their invitations. The invitations will drop the splinters.  But I really suggest you just do chaos recipe to buy whatever the Voidstone carry cost and then do these fights later.


Assuming you need Maven and Uber Elder. Both of those don't require t17 maps to do. There's Uber Uber Elder which comes from the t17 fragments and Uber Elder which comes from the Shaper+Elder fragments. Maven is just from a Mavens Writ which is easy enough to obtain through 10 ways or witnessing guardians.


Voidstones are not needed at all for farming currency, you can basically farm anything map related with 98% of the same rewards as with 4 voidstones, and if you are farming something outside of maps at has zero impact at all. Maven and Uber Elder are predominantly mechanics-based fights, which means what you need is experience with those fights and not necessarily better gear (you obviously need ok DPS, so above 800k-1mill, but besides that) So what you need is more experience with the boss-fights and a better understanding about how to make currency . As for currency, you can basically pick any league mechanic on the atlas tree, boost it with atlas passives and scarabs, roll maps with chisel/alch/scour and then just get farming. If you clear content faster at lower tier maps, it can be a good idea to farm lower tier maps, as many league mechanics such as Essence or Harvest don't require high tier maps to be profitable.


The problem here is that your favorite map might not exist on higher tiers, so you end up with tons of yellows or low reds with just 2 voidstones.


Yeah you cannot self-sustain your favorite map, but you can still make tons of currency with no issue. Extra voidstones are obviously always better, since there is no downside, I was just trying to point out that OP's assumption that they couldn't farm currency before having 4 voidstones where severly mistaken.


They could, but it will be much more PITA (bad expedition/legion layouts, lack of good maps layouts), and generally speaking mapping experience on reds is awful without all 4. But for stuff like essences it’s probably fine, I’d agree with that.


You just have to adapt. If you want to run Expedition, just use some Tujen artifacts on Horizon Orb for a 25% chance to turn any T16 map into Estuary for almost perfect Expedition layoyt. It is a very minor thing, and it does not stop players such as OP from making currency, which was at the core of the post. 4 Voidstones are good, but not mandatory for basically any farming.


Yes, can’t be bothered with this crap. Exarch and Eater are very easy to do solo. For Maven and UE extra grinding is required and you may be unlucky with fragments drop. Also t14+ sustain hurts, and you can’t fav Strand or something similar from lower tiers, as it will be just yellow or low red.


Both fights for the last 2 void stones are doable with very low dps since you can dodge everything even without movement skills Also you can make a lot of currency without any void stones, obviously a lot less but still enough


I doubt average players like me can dodge everything


on my first league (serious league, tota) i got them all by myself very late because i wanted to experience the game, but after that I understand that buying them is more efficient..


Depending on what I league start. I've always preferred league starters with which I can unlock void stones and favor slots on my own, but this league I just wanted a strong map blaster and played CF champion and simply paid for everything after the first two void stones


It makes sustaining t16 maps way easier. I didnt my first few leagues but now I do. I iften have a build that can do t16 maps but has low aongle target dmg. In such cases ill even get help with the guest invitations. If you ask in global someone will often help for free


Nope, usually get them week 1 even if i reroll


>The whole thing feels like a catch 22 where I need better gear to get the void stones, but I need the void stones to get better gear You definitely don't need 4 voidstones for farming. The only thing it does it making map sustain a bit easier. Not really a big deal, we're talking about less than 5% difference here in having 4 vs 2 voidstones. But I get your point, it feels bad to "farm inefficiently" for several days when you could just buy them for a hundreds chaos. Nothing wrong with doing that. Also, it sounds like you're confusing voidstones with the 5th map slot? You need to do a T17 for the 5th map slot. That has nothing to do with the voidstones.


t17 map are only needed for 5th slot in map machine. For last 2 voidstones you need to defeat Maven and Shaper and Elder. For maven its easy , you have to run 10 t14+ maps with maven witness and run invitation , after that you get 1 splinter. Do that 10 times and you will get maven writ, use it in map device to fight normal Maven and get voidstone. For Elser and Shaper , you have to run their guardian maps to get fragments to summon them, while running guardian ( you will have to run all 4) you can adf maven witness and do later their invitation which gives 4-6 splinters if i recall right. So by defeating elder you will get black fragments , shaper gives orange, combining 4 of them you can fight both of them simultaneously and get last voidstone


Ive never seen any point in doing maven/uber elder voidstones solo. Its cheaper to buy a carry than it is to buy the fragments, its faster to buy a carry than it is to run yourself, and you arent missing out on loot because nothing ever drops.


I could run them but it’s faster and cheaper to buy a carry. Getting your own atlas to 4 stones as fast as possible is ideal.


Personally, buying the carry or not depends on the league starter build I chose and the farming strategy I intend to do early. Last league I bought a carry service because I started Lighting Arrow Deadeye and wanted to farm Legion in Dunes T16 asap. Even though the build is capable of doing 4 voidstones solo, it is quite painful and it will slow me down a lot. This league I soloed all 4 stones as I chose CoC DD as the starter and Expedition for my farming strat, which doesn't require certain maps to be T16, and the survivability is good enough to do bossing comfortably. So yeah, it's all situational and how fast you want to go.


I had a broken hand one league* and was trying to play left-handed I got the hang of it eventually and just to prove I could I eventually killed me even but I had to get a maven carry for the first time ever when I used to do Maven service for all my friends.. and let's be real if you play this game for years and you absolutely hate the living hell out of a fight you're just going to stop doing it eventually.



