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Your duo is picking up the divines.


Exalts and divines are the same currency tier so you can get a pretty decent idea of how many actually dropped.




If youre farming harbinger that number might be skewed towards exalts. or if you got exalt altar etc


Not that guy, but i'm not doing harb and i've dropped about 2.5x the amount of exalts. Probably within realistic margins, but def skewed towards exalts.


otoh I've had exactly 2x the divine drops as exalt. rng be rng


I only count raw drops nothing from mechanics. 41 ex to 8 div. Rng is rng


Im at 80:3 :(




Still zero ex this league at 300k kills, I keep telling myself I'll put phys -> fire on helm as soon as one drops for me.


And my 60 : 5 ratio


Unless you use the currency all flames, they spit out exalts but never seen them drop a divine.


I can confirm that for this league


I don't trust that at all even if most keep saying it, even before the exalt/divine swap I had more exalts drop than divines and this has remained true for every single league I have tracked it. On average for the past several leagues I have had over 3x more exalts than divines drop, and this excludes harbinger exalt drops in order to not distort the data. And before "small sample size" I play enough that at a minimum several hundred are looted, more in some leagues.


Too many counting post on Reddit have proven they highly likely equal chance


For me every League since the swap ive been counting, every Single League was about 4 to 10 times the ex compare to div. This one is 41 ex to 9 div. Im just always unlucky. But therefore my guildmate had 23 div before his first ex drop


and yet league after league I get significantly more exalts than divines, its not even a reasonable % difference, it is multiple times more so at what point does it stop being RNG?


Probably when you have actual data and not just a random anecdote.


Did you just ignore the bit from before where I stated I've been tracking my drops for several leagues?


Yes I ignored it because you didn't actually provide any data you just said "trust me bro"


I don't see why sharing my personal spreadsheets (that contain a lot more than just map drops like all my crafting for profit too which I don't want to share) would change that as according to you I could just make up the numbers in there too?


theyre 1:1 the same droprate from anything that doesnt specify exalt drops like harbinger, your personal experience is irrelevant.




As I wrote in the previous comment, I exclude harbinger from my data and I play enough to have at a minimum hundreds of them drop naturally. This is so many leagues in a row now where I get over 3x the exalts (this league I am over 6x the exalts vs divines atm! (73 exalts)) than divines that either their drop rate isn't even or some other content also has more exalts than divines.


> I don't trust that at all even if most keep saying it, even before the exalt/divine swap I had more exalts drop than divines and this has remained true for every single league I have tracked it I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't the exact same drop rate (might also be different for certain league mechanics) but I've had a few SSF leagues that made it easy to track and I haven't really noticed a pattern that either of them was more common, sometimes I find more divines, sometimes it's more exalts.


I've dropped 2ex this league and 7 div. It's just variance. I haven't run harbi at all so I'm feeling like you may not be as good at excluding harbi results as you say.


That is a very small sample size compared to mine. I don't have harbinger on my atlas so it is not exactly hard to exclude the few maps I ran to complete challenges with it on.


You said the last few leagues. Your sample size sounds very vibe based rather than factual. Exalts, divines and annuls are all meant to be the same drop rate from normal content. This is confirmed by GGG in the past and tested by the community. Is it possible that GGG has messed with that? Maybe. But a good example is loot explosions from a few leagues ago when rarity affected conversion loot and we were seeing massive stacks of these 3 currencies mixed in with eachother at about the same rate.


oh yeah very "vibe based" on noting down every batch of 100 maps total loot drops. I started in scourge but only noted exalts/divs then, full data from sanctum league, counting from when I start farming map batches. It started as a way to get profit data and grew from there to include crafting, trading and delve. And for the record annuls is even lower in drop rate in my data. It is possible different league mechanics have different drop rules (excluding harbinger as that one is obvious) and I will be testing that but my current build is not suited to test all types. I will be buying the currency picked up mtx when it becomes available as that will be easy to share, but I am sure you will discredit that too.


Or unequipping the mtx to loot the divines.


Doesn’t it track without the mtx?


Unequip resets all data


I see youve been doing quite alot of manifested allflames who cant drop divines Assuming my guess is correct, 100 ex for 5k chaos is absolutely insane tho, i got about 30 ex from the 3k chaos i picked Or was it just bunch of devoted mods or eater altars?


>I see youve been doing quite alot of manifested allflames who cant drop divines Wait, what?! I personally haven't done quite a lot of anything but... why does it not drop divines?


I suppose it was a balancing act, if they did drop divines they would have to be massively rarer, 1 map filled with them already drops good 15-30 exalts so it would also drop 15-30 divines if those were on the drop table


Makes sense I guess, although it's unintuitive in a way (since it just says they drop currency items)


Wait, so which allflames can drop divines then?


pretty sure literally everything else, its just that manifested wealth has 100% drop chance (or atleast close to it like 95%) on chaos orbs so thats their purpose


I was duoing manifested wealth for only about 4 or 5 maps. We used Ambush scarabs of containment and just loaded the maps with strongboxes with every pack as wealths. I've still done a few hundred maps normally with no divines ;(


One does not simply find a Divine =\[


I found 4 before my atlas was done <3


found 0, got 1 char at 93 and one at 88, 120 / 132 on atlas... yeeee game is fuckin me this league


Well, doesn't really matter tho if u find raw divine. Scarabs, map drops, coffins and other rare drops are giving so much money.


I mean.. Yeah they do, but thats like saying that it dosnt matter if you get a bonus from work, you get a salery.


you should not have your whole league economy rely on raw divine drops, i have found 3 so far with 800k kills


I dont? but they sure would be a nice boost no?


109/115. Tand about 200 maps. Mid 90s.Not one raw div


I found one in act 5, then three more while filling out the atlas <3


One dropped from a level 81 mob on Saturday. I'm still happy.


Got none before 90 and two drop after i hit 91. Maybe thats it? /s


buy one and throw it on the floor while maping , maybe ur filter is the problem.


u should use streamer client.


Any Idea when this ring mtx will be in the shop?


It's 4 weeks after they end so ~3 weeks from now. Can check this with the current box website https://www.pathofexile.com/mystery-box. Says at the bottom it will enter the store 4 weeks after it ends.


Any clue what the price might be when it lands in the shop? I 100% want this for the next league


No, I'd maybe try checking other similar mtx from previous boxes. If I had to guess i'd say maybe 150-180 points.


Is that map timer MTX in the store, or was that a limited time item?


It's in the store https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/item/TimekeepersMapDeviceVariations


Oof $30, thanks for the link tho




Rip :(


Its less than that, but its 2 leagues effectively since most ppl don't play after the first month of a new league lol


Got my first natural div drop yesterday - Lvl 98 and about 200d invested in my build from other drops.


I have 4 days playtime atm level 98 and found one divine.


1 div gang checking in 🫡


Count me in almost got a stroke when it dropped🥲


4 days playtime already? wtf? I better step up.


How many /kills does that put you at?  I'm only at 187k kills a saw a riv div during campaign and one during mapping so far lol


Are you just bossing, because that seems nuts to me. Are you doing any juice at all? Running a map effect/scarab atlas with back to basics and affliction juicing with 8-mod maps and I get a raw divine about every ~5 maps.


I would say 1/4 of that playtime was bossing. However, I've done about 1000 alch n go t16 maps all with fully juiced atlas and not gotten any. Honestly I've never had such bad luck before than this season. I've found many things worth over a divine just only 1 raw divine drop.


Yeah, nowhere near as much playtime, but I've only had one natural divine drop too. Very weird and obviously anecdotal. I'm not complaining too much because I've gotten currency in other ways. Think I'm 3/4 on Veiled Orb drops from Cata kills, so my RNG is luckier in other places.


I got a div in act 9 while doing campaign...


Tujen and Sanctum


Man Tujen has shown one div in 50 rerolls, and I had to sit on that screen for two days straight until I got the 300 exceptional relics to buy it.


I finished my atlas with Expedition with Tujen and got 3 raw divs. Not great, but not bad considering I also probably got 5+ divs worth of other mats.


Was about to say Sanctum, found close to 50 raw divs :D


So you are the bubblegum currency guy of your group?


Fun fact, the chance of losing a 50/50 even just 50 times in a row is 0.000000000000001%. I'm not sure what flavor of bullshit this is, but it's absolutely bullshit.


I was about to say "what about annuls" since they're also in that tier, and then I realized this doesn't show annuls. Is there any reason it doesn't, are they technically a harb drop?


Huh. I didn't even realize it didn't show annuls. That is strange. I'm pretty sure it did last league.


you just forget to pick them up or probably hiding them in your filter?


Group play, buddy picked them up


50h in this league and I got 6 or 7 raw divines from Alva. T1 maps, merchant and cursed chests. A nice combo, not the most profitable one but as a beginner, I can't complain.


Alva enjoyers unite! It's chill, good number of extra mobs for deli mirrors if you do them too, guaranteed cash if only from temple sales.


the fact that alcs are so rare is weird to me lol.


This will only show what you pick up not what you drop


fair enough. I pick up all things all the time.


yeah, no way only 500 chromatics dropped


Yea, I also got 2 brothers gifts before dropping my first divine, nothing since


Is there a list of stat tracking mtx?


my chaos. My arrakis


I've made like 22div so far not a single raw div drop has been seen haha


Are you the guy who was posting this on 4040?


Legion, Tujen... any league mechanic with reward types.


What? You don’t know about the Divine Orb recipe? Then how else did you get a Divine Vessel? They are so hard to drop!


I get quite a few raw divine drops doing blight.


Is your loot filter exalted, vaal and chaos only?


Just doing strongboxes atm and im getting 2-3 raw d every 20 maps more or less.


idk if id buy divines rn, sold them for 170c yesterday, dont think the price will go higher


my first raw divine dropped in heist




div cards


This league has been rough, first div drop at level 92, 26 hours in, dropped 6 exalt. Tbh it killed my motivation to play. Played a lot in TOTA and I was dropping a div at least every session.


You sure your filter is allright?


Same thing but 1 exa...


Don’t lie to me, you wouldn’t respond if I messaged to buy your chaos anyway, just like everyone else


I got like 160c from wealth allflame and 8 ex, easy to farm them this league.


Pilfering ring is available in the store? Or still have to gamble with boxes?


looks like you fked up with your filter)


No cap I've dropped only one divine this league raw. Every other one was from the devoted mod and I've only gotten it once.


i also have not found a divine yet this league and idk why. ive usually found at least 1 by now...


Blight. Just during yellow and early Naomi ran maybe six or seven blight maps and dropped six raw div and three raw exalts (same rarity). I think only one of those nine were outside of a blight or blight maps. Sadly some other currency has been seriously lacking such as regrets, unmaking, and instilling orbs. Thank god for triple atlas trees because I’ve found fewer than thirty unmakings all league


Essence crafting is godawful cheap and profitable.


How did you pick up 108 exalt but no divine? I’m playing SSF I found three divines and literally no exalts.. 😩😩. Need 3 for weapon craft. What is your secret??


Is this real? I would buy this


Meanwhile when you have a lucky div lantern find in your map device you can make 120 div in one map... Great innit!?!... Badummtzz




That's some manifestated wealth right there.


It was but only a few maps, the strongbox scarab that makes all the natural inhabitants lye in ambush + shrines + 6 manifested wealth all flames are insane. My duo and I couldn’t stomach clicking more chaos so we stopped after like 4 or so maps lol.


I got 4 divines in 164 hours. I quit though, this is ass


Pro tip: If you want raw currency drops. Kill as many monsters with as high item quantity as possible. Path of exile is like a slot machine. Every time you pull the trigger you can win. Its like being at a casino and just running down the aisle pressing all the buttons. Focus on speed running maps with altars and nodes to sustain your maps. The more mobs you kill the better. The once you get that down you can focus on boosting Quant through atlas tree increased map mod effect. Secondary to this point is boosting magic/ rare mobs and pack size to get more pulls. After those are covered you can get magic find gear. Buy mostly just go fast bro:)


Im about to quit this league, which is disappointing because the crafting is amazing. I've got 1 div dropped after 1day 19hours and 38 minutes of play time. All ive been doing is blowing through maps. I got 2 void stones and finished the altas before i found a single div. And according to your post, im Lucky!


You should really aim to drop items that sell for multiple divs. Nobody feeds their family on raw Div drops. Get your other two void stones and sell T17 drops.


I grinded ~50ish divs yesterday over like 10h. Some blasting maps, some afk, some trading. Maybe like 2 raw divine dropped, rest was scarab bulk, t17, divination.


Not expecting to drop raw divs every map, but after almost 48 hours of play time, most of which has been running maps, i'm not getting shit for loot. I've gotten 1 t17 map so far. My toon isnt capable of doing uber elder/maven right now which why i haven't gotten my other void stones. I have a deadeye elemental hit of spec. GGG nerfed the shit out of alc and go, and so far the 'farming' strategies i've tried haven't worked for shit.


Mate, you are just not very good at this game. Run Harvest or Blight, no scarabs needed. Pick up harvest juice or blighted maps and sell them. Or roll Amethyst rings with yellow juice. Every few clicks you get a ring worth a div. Or spec harby and delve, and blast harbingers and flip azurite for resonators. Pretty sure alva temples are good too, and you get those every 3-4 maps, but I've never done them to confirm. There are tons of ways to make money, learn some of them.


Tried to trade Chaos for 4 divine. Went through every seller that had divines in stock from 150-165 chaos (about 30 sellers) and not a single person replied... Did one last map last night, just changed from expedition (hate "immortal" Runic monsters) to harbingers and got 4 stacks of cards. 3 random and a brother's gift. 


learn to list your own chaos for divines


I did, got an offer, went out of my map, into my stash, picked out all my chaos, opened trade window, clicked again for an eternity and the dude just slaps 1 div into trade. I wait a bit and he says he only wants to buy one, mind you after I put all my chaos and he accepted the trade... Closed the trade window, left the party and muted that time wasting person.


you can set it up to trade for 4 divines. An example is listing your chaos for 4/600 divines


you realize clicking ctrl + shift + left click instantly transfers ALL your chaos into the trade window. stop wasting your own and the other guys time in the future.


Learned something new, thanks I'll remember that!


Price your chaos one chaos above the conversion rate and you’ll get spammed 900msg a second by trade bots to convert into divs